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Jenna Rosek

"A little mayhem for the right price..."

0 · 278 views · located in The Rud'bul System

a character in “A Few Credits More”, originally authored by Gamer_Templar, as played by RolePlayGateway


Jenna Rosek


Full Name
Jenna "Hex" Rosek




Mercenary Tech Specialist

Jenna stands at five feet and nine inches tall, with the slightly athletic frame that comes from sneaking into places that are generally off limits, then often followed by running like hell the moment one's cover is blown. She has blonde hair that goes past shoulder length, and hazel eyes. Being a spacer, she often wears an olive green envirosuit, her head covered by a hood when she isn't wearing a helmet.

Jenna is a spirited and confident woman who delights in making mischief thanks to her skills in electronic warfare. Due to the dubious nature of the business she practices, she has learned to keep a low profile and rarely puts her full trust in others. She also exhibits some level of discomfort when in open spaces, preferring the smaller passageways of ships and stations.

Not one for engaging in direct combat, Jenna only carries around a laser pistol and combat knife for the inevitable self-defence. Her enviro-suit has some protective nanomesh padding as well as a personal energy shield to help keep from getting shot.

Jenna's prowess as a hacker has earned her some degree of renown among the less savoury elements of the known galaxy. She's not bad as a gunslinger either, when she has little choice but to participate in a shootout.

Jenna wasn't born on a planet like most humans, but on a space station in orbit around Jovas IV, with landmass being at a premium on the oceanic world. From an early age she had a certain affinity for computers, which eventually led to her studying programming and robotics.

Hacking was something that started out as a hobby for her, but as time went on she realised that she could make some serious money from it. Under the alias of "Hex", Jenna offered her services to those who needed a little bit of legally ambiguous computer wizardry done for them. Of course, it began to make her a few enemies as well, and so she decided to leave her home station for the sake of her parents' safety. It also had the added bonus of being able to look for work in other star systems, and further add to her reputation. Over the years she made enough money from jobs to afford a small ship of her own.

About a year ago, Jenna signed up for a job with a small team of mercenaries hired by yet another anonymous contact armed with enough cash to convince them to button it. The plan was to raid a supply vessel transporting several prototype security mechs, and bring back at least one intact for later study. Boarding the ship was easy enough, but things went south real fast when the ship's crew started activating the robots. They were much smarter than any similar machine, and had sophisticated anti-virus software to boot. Jenna kept away from the worst of the fighting, and within the cargo hold she managed to find one that was still inactive. While the rest of the mercs were killed or captured, she managed to sneak onto an escape pod with her prize, alone but alive.

Out of curiosity, she later had a look inside the machine to find out why her employer wanted it so badly. The AI core was more advanced than she had thought, practically capable of sentience. The idea of selling someone into slavery didn't sit well with her, machine or no, and so she activated it and offered it a place on her ship. She even decided to name it Orion, after the mythical hunter among the stars.

So begins...

Jenna Rosek's Story

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Orion left the engineering bay of Jenna's ship, the Blackbird, making his way back to the bridge to see that the woman herself was still napping in her seat. The droid would have frowned at the sight were it physically possible, but he simply opted for making sounds as if he was clearing his throat until his partner awoke.

"Wha...? Oh, hey Ry," the hacker said blearily, letting out a yawn. "What's up? Did anyone answer our ad yet?"

"No, they did not," Orion responded tersely. "We cannot sit here in drydock forever; we need to find some work."

"Suuuuure, lemme just punch in coordinates to the next system. Oh wait, we can't do that because until the bridge is back up we have no choice but to sit around on our arses and wait for someone to bite. And they will. In a system with a political climate like this, there's bound to be some juicy contracts flying around. Just give it time."

As if on cue, the computer let out a happy-sounding chirp. An email. Jenna didn't hesitate to read through it, with Orion looking over her shoulder to get a glimpse of the details. Something about looking for a team of operatives for a demolition job of some kind. "Hmm... not usually our thing, but what the hell. We need the cash, and ten thousand is good money. I can also put in a call to our mutual friend; this looks right up her alley."

After writing a brief reply accepting the job offer, along with the possible addition of an extra hand, Jenna set about making a call to said friend to offer them a chance to make some money...