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Penelope Marshall

"What do you want?!"

0 · 470 views · located in Riverville High School

a character in “A For Anonymous”, as played by KayEyeEmm


Name: Penelope Marshall
Nicknames: Penny
Age: 14
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (Secretly)
Personality: Shy and sweet, Penny is an ideal friend. She listens and always tries to help. She passes all her classes. She usually tutors people after school.
Likes: Books, Animals, Romance
Dislikes: Bullies, Labels, Her Stepbrother
Secrets: Secretly Bisexual, Sexually Abused By Her Stepbrother, Pregnant, Lingerie Model (Hides Face)
Crush: TBA
Relationship Status: Single
History: Her parents divorced when she was only 4. Her dad moved to a small house in the next town over, while her mother stayed here. She visits her dad on the weekends and out-of-school days. Her mother remarried last year to a man with 3 year old boy and girl twins and a son 2 years older than her.
Other: Has a pet hermit crab named Buddy who she takes everywhere, even to school
Average Post Length: I Don't Gotta Answer :P

So begins...

Penelope Marshall's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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To: Penelope
"Hey Penny! How's the business going? Sure they will keep you around when your baby bump comes in? ;)"

To: Ben
"Hey Ben! How's the ballet going? Maybe you can teach daddy some next time you visit the prison. Or do you not visit anymore after what he did to mommy? Boo hoo ;P"

To: Lauren
"Hey Lauren! I'm no doctor, but you may wanna be careful where you cut...Might end up in a casket, but you may like that ;)"

To: Valerie
"Hey Val! What did they do to that guy who kidnapped and beat you? What about your rapist? You sure do have some bad luck dont ya sweetie ;P"

To: Mackenzie
"Hey Kenz! How's your relationship? Must be the reason you're using... ;)"

To: Dustin
"Hey Dusty! What's the doc saying about the chrones? Bet that alcohol isn't helping any ;P"

To: Bailee
"Hey Bai! Hear from your sis yet? With your talent in stalking, it's shocking you can't find her yourself ;)"

To: Draco
"Hey Draco! How's your daddy? Sis missing him yet? What about the guy you killed? Wonder if his family misses him ;P"

-Penelope Marshall-

Penelope awoke to a knock on her door. She walked over and opened it. "Hey sis." It was her step brother. Penny stepped back. "What do you want Steven?" He smiled. "Mom and dad are leaving around lunch for a business trip and wont be back till real late. They said to just come home and hang out." Chills went down her spine. She nodded and he left, shutting the door behind him. She got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Penny ate her fill of frech toast and milk, then waited for the bus. She checked her phone when it rang, unknown number. She read the text, hit reply, and typed "Who are you? How do you know my name? How did you know this stuff?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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From: Mackenzie
"Who the fuck are you? How the hell do you know this??!!??"

From: Penelope
"Who are you? How do you know my name? How did you know this stuff?"

To: Mackenzie and Penelope
"You can call me A...For anonymous. I am your worst nightmare. I know all your secrets. How is not important. What is important is what you have to do to save your rep. I have a little job for you. Refuse and you will be sorry ;)"

From: Lauren
"Listen,who ever you are ,you dont know anything!"

To: Lauren
"Oh I don't do I? Your name is Lauren Griffen. You are 15 years old. You were raped a year ago. Your daddy is abusive. You cut and want to die. Then again, I don't blame ya. If my daddy touched me I would wanna die too ;)"

-Penelope Marshall-

Penelope felt her phone vibrate. She quickly checked it, as the bus was pulling into the parking lot of the school. A job? So now the creepy chick wanted to hire her?

To: A?
"What do you mean by job? Like at a store?"

Penelope ran into the building, wishing she could just disappear. She went to the bathroom, and got sick. "Stupid morning sickness." She muttered under her breath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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Kenzie smiled to Dustin and stood up her hand still in his. She then heard her phone buzz right after Dustins.
"Oh so I don't know anything! Well Kenzie...I know you do drugs, you dont eat, your precious bf likes to hit on you...litterally and that you like girls. What I dont know is why you would still have a bf when girls are the ones that make you hot? Anyway...what I want you to do...It's actually for your benefit if you can believe that. I'm sending you a girl buddy...Tell her all about Dustin or else ;)"
She literally felt like she was going to cry, she may even look like she is close to crying. She quickly writes back
He just gets upset sometimes, its not his fault! and I don't like girls! your crazy, I don't know where you are getting this shit. Just leave me the eff alone"
Kenzie sent the text and put it back into her pocket then looked to Dustin "just my mom telling me she is going to be later tonight at work" she then walked with Dustin in the school heading the her locker, she saw the girl Penelope, they used to be friends when they where kids but just kinda grew apart. She was still nice to her though, they just sorta went their own ways. As they walked closer she stopped and smiled to the girl "Hey Penelope how was your summer?" Her mind was still going nuts about the text and was scared how this 'A' bitch was finding all this out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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Kenzie heard her phone buzz again and just ignored it, she had a feeling it was from the bitch and really didn't want to deal with it. "Mackenzie! Hi I uh...can we talk?....Privately" She probably had a look of confusion on her face but turned to look at Dustin "I'll meet up with you in a few minutes 'kay?" She gave him a light kiss on the cheek and let go of his hand. She looked to Penny "guess we can go in the girls bathroom?" she then started walking to the bathroom and when they got in there she looked to Penny "So..umm whats up?" When she asked she couldn't help but look at her phone 'Is that what he tells you...Poor baby...OH and say hi to Penny for me. She's your new best friend ;)" she quickly texted back "Bitch just leave me be. I don't need your help and I sure ain't doing any thing for you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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Kenzie looked to Penny, she thought of the text from 'A' as she felt her phone buzz again and she swore under her breath. "I got a text, and uh...Are you ok?" A text?? Has the bitch gotten to her also "a text? umm..." she really didn't want to tell Penny about Dustin, she didn't know what to say...and definately not telling her about the anorexia. "Well I got some things im dealin with but I am okay I have you been doing? I can't be too long, Dustin will be wondering where I am."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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Kenzie looked suprised when Penny blirted out "C-Can I stay at your house tonight?" Penny hasn't been to her house since they where in elementary school "umm yeah sure my parents wont be home till late so we will have the house to ourselves for most of the night, just need to tell Dustin and maybe we could order some pizza?" She knew Dustin probably will get upset about not spending the night with him but she sees him every night. "Let me just text my Mom" she pulled out her phone and saw the text from 'A' "Aw :( My feelings are hurt...NOT! You don't wanna piss me off. Now go talk to Penny and be nice! She has enough problems to deal with ;) like her brother." She quickly texted back "Your pissing me off so I will be more then happy to piss you off. And I have been nice but doesn't mean I am going to open up to her. Bitch." she then sent her mom a text about penny staying the night then put her phone back in her pocket "okay all set" she tried too smile but she really wasn't in the mood to smile, she really needed to take something, anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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Kenz watched Penny run off and wondered what was up with the girl. She then felt a vibrate...again and pulled out her phone
"I would stop. It would not be in your best intrest to continue pushing my buttons."

She was getting very annoyed and quickly wrote back
"Well your not the only one that can be a Bitch 'A', two can play at this game. Once I find out who the hell you are. Shit is going to go down"

She sent the text, she wanted to scream so bad. She opened her purse and grabbed a pill, putting it in her mouth then heading out into the hallway. She looked around and saw Dustin, walking over to him, she puts her hand in his "ready to go to class?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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Kenz went with Dustin to her first class and sat next to him she felt the vibrate of her phone and she opened it up to read it "I told you to tell Penny. You have till tomorrow to give up a secret to her. Goodbye." She rolled her eyes and replied "Well you can count on me NOT telling anyone. Leave me alone." she sent that text then sent one to Dustin "Hey tonight I am having a girls night with Penny just so you know." She sent the text and then started taking notes from the teacher. She then saw Steven come in and pretty much drag Penny out, she wondered what that was about, maybe she will ask her later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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Kenz felt her phone once more, seeing the look from the dude called Drako, she gives him a small smiled then looks at her phone. "So which one of your secrets do you want me to reveal?" Kenz started to actually shake, she hasn't ate for two days and the only thing that has been in her body has been water and drugs. She saw Penny come back in and heard her say "I just...It's really hard to explain...And the texts...I just wanna throw my phone under a bus." "Your not the only one Penny" she piped up, she need to take something harder, she thought and raised her hand "umm may..may I go to the bathroom" the teacher nodded and waved her off. Kenz quickly ran out of the room and went to the bathroom, her hands where shaking and quickly took out the little canister that heald her drugs. As she was trying to open it, the canister fell out of her hands and the pills fell onto the floor "shit", she kneeled down and quickly took two benzos and then picked up the rest. After she got them all and put the canister back in her bag, turning the sink on she splashed water on her face. Looking back at her phone she opened 'A's text and quickly texted back [i]"None. I don't want any of them out. Why are you doing this to me? I have not done anything to you. Just stop this."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores Character Portrait: Dustin Hartwell
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#, as written by Grrbot
Valerie sat in her seat but noticed a chatter that overpowered the teacher's babble about the lesson. Valerie listened closely. Something about a text? What if Valerie wasn't the only one getting the texts? Valerie balled her fists and slipped out of her seat to an empty one closer to the group. "Don't mean to barge in on your conversation but you've been getting texts? Are they... blackmailing you? Because I mean I'm like not getting texts like that its just, uh a question y'now?" Valerie says awkwardly. She doesn't want to tell them about the texts unnecessarily because if they aren't getting them they will suggest calling the police and thats not what Valerie wanted to do. Then Valerie's phone buzzes. She slides her phone out and hides it under the desk, sneaking a glance.

To: Valerie
"I will let you know what you need to do later :) Glad you saw things my way."

Valerie shook her head and tucked her phone back in her pocket. This bitch was going down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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Kenz was feeling more calm, with help from the drug. She felt her phone buzz twice, she really just wanted to chuck the phone but she didn't. She opened the first text "girls night?I kno nvm have a great time with her." She lets out a small sigh, hoping she wasn't going to regret having the girls night, hoping Dustin doesn't get too upset with her. We can spend tomorrow night together, promise quickly responding then opened the second text "Good so you will tell Penny a secret tonight...Or I will tell everyone a secret of MY choice ;)" Kenz was getting really frustrated with this -A- person and decided not to respond. She quickly left the bathroom and went back to the class room, her eyes looking a bit glazed. As she sits down she hears Valerie "Don't mean to barge in on your conversation but you've been getting texts? Are they... blackmailing you? Because I mean I'm like not getting texts like that its just, uh a question y'now?" Kenz turned to her "yeah im getting the text and this person pretty much knows everything about me they go by -A- but I just call them Bitch" she whispered in a low voice so only the group could hear.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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Dustin looked at Kenz."Kenzie,Your getting those texts too." Dustin wasen't paying much attention to the discussion and decided to just butt in.He read the text from Makenzie quickly and rubbed his forehead and texted a reply.Yuhp,sure Makenzie. he leaned in a bit towers the group."Yeah same here just been getting random texts from an unknown source it starting to piss me off"

Lauren listened to the group then penny."I agree stress Is uh bad for us" she tapped her hand against her thigh.Tryingnto forget about everything that's going on."Hey guys we should stop talking about this -A- .Just in case,You know what I'm saying?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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Kenz looked to Dustin "yeah I am getting them..." she sighed and felt her phone buzz once more, seeing the text from Dustin, she knew tomorrow night when she goes to Dustin's they probably will have a fight. Shaking her head she looked to Valerie hearing the girl "I've been getting those... This A girl knows a lot. I wonder how.... This Bitch is going down, I swear. I will find out who this bitch is even if I have to die trying." then she heard Draco "Hell ,i'll help you. Bitch is going to pay." She agreed with both of them "Oh yeah ill be more then willing to help out take the bitch out. I can not deal with this right now. I can't have my secrets out there ya know?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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Lauren looked at the girl Makenzie.[b]"Oh yeah ill be more then willing to help out take the bitch out. I can not deal with this right now. I can't have my secrets out there ya know?"/[b] and nodded her head "Totally agreed I'll help out,this chick needs to go now!Most importantly we need to find out who this bitch is,after we find out who she is...."she trailed off not knowing what to say after that.

Dustin looked at all of them."I will help,no one needs to know my secrets.Or anybody elses." he looked over at Kenzie knoing they shared at least one secret,but he still wondered what other secrets she had.He looked over at everybody else bitting his lip,he knew this chick had to be brought down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Lauren Griffen
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#, as written by Grrbot
"So what is this? Club Kick-A's-Ass?" Penny asks. "Pretty much..." Val laughs. The teacher then begins to hand out sheets. "Wanna work together? It wont take long with me." Penny asks and Val smiles. "Yea we can work together I guess. I'll be done in like 10 minutes" Lauren says. "Yeah that'd be cool... It takes me about a good 15 minutes to get this done..." Val whispers as she examines the sheet and begins to jot down the answers to the questions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall
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#, as written by Grrbot
Val had just finished when the loud bang happened. Val, despite being in the middle of class, Stood up abruptly and rushed to the window. She couldn't see anything and then her phone buzzed. She took it out and read a text.

To: Valerie
"Game on ;) Sorry bout the glass"

"Game on Bitch..." She texted in reply and slid her phone into her pocket. She took her seat and looked at Penelope. She'd been the closest to the window so she was cut with glass. "Hey you okay? We should take you to the nurses office.." Val suggests

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valerie Truscott Character Portrait: -A- Character Portrait: Penelope Marshall Character Portrait: Draco James Artic Character Portrait: Makenzie Moores
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#, as written by Grrbot
"Yeah..." Val said as she rushed to join her friends.. "I don't feel safe here... Hell I don't feel safe at all now... Val followed close behind the pack. "If that bitch is willing to hurt one of my friends, shes willing to die.." Val grits through her teeth.