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Hypnos Rockwell

"I'm sorry... Who are you again?"

0 · 597 views · located in New York City

a character in “A God No More”, as played by Ashes-6695


нуρησѕ яσ’кωєℓℓ


☩ Basics ☩

Name: Hypnos Samson Rockwell

Age: Appears approximately 20 "Maybe I'm a little short for my age."

Gender: Male

Sexual orientations: Pansexual


☩ For Gods ☩

God of: Sleep

Origin: Greek Gods

A brief summary: The Greek god of Sleep, Hypnos was said to reside in a closed off cave, in which the river Lethe, the river of forgetfulness, ran through. His brothers or sons would be acquitted the task of guarding him, and preventing noises from awakening him. Since his fall, he has lost the wings that were once on his head. Falling had many effects on him, and with such a sudden fall, residing in a place such as the one he was in, the river Lethe has had some minor effects on his short-term memory. Now-a-days, he can do little more than put people into a hypnotic state or a sleep state.


☩ Delving Deeper ☩

Personality: A dreamy, elegant young thing, Hypnos seems to drift in and out of conversations. His attention wavers easily, and it is often when he will become distant and it is clear that the world has become hazy around him. He's a sweet boy, if somewhat blunt, and somewhat unfocused. He seems the type who could hardly bring himself to harm anyone, or even say a cruel thing. His personality has gotten on other people's nerves, actually, though the poor boy can't help his nature. His wistfulness almost seems to be all that he is - a simple, forgetful, sleepy boy - but it seems that his blunt nature can be rather pungent as well. In an instant, he may throw down judgement or cruel words of lucidity, though they can be very short lived, and before long, he's retreated back into himself, and possibly having forgotten what he had said already. People in close standing with him can be rather protective of him, seeing as he is a rather small, helpless god in this state of his, and many can be very indulgent with his desires, especially when he goes on public outings with his friends. When lucid, though at times he can be rather meek, he's rarely afraid to put his opinion down on the table, or express his distaste with something or someone. He gets easily flustered and agitated over others fussing about him and calling him cute, but it's mostly a cover-up to hide that he enjoys all the fuss.

History: Hypnos' history is spotty to him. Here and there a memory, but much since his fall was so difficult for him to muster from the ashes of his brain. His place of dwelling became a greater fall for him, as he lost so much godly power, and the river of forgetfulness, Lethe, seemed to seethe into his mind. The next thing he knew, his location was unknown - a town of some sort, though he had nary a clue which one - and his memory of how he got there was gone from him. He panicked, for a while. How would he get back to his cave and where even was it from there? He spent a hundred years even, trying to reach the place he had so long called home, but as his lucidity seemed to waver in and out, and sleepwalking took him far from where he would lay to rest some nights, he soon became sure that he was only getting further and further from his home. Time passed in chunks, until his wanders brought him to the city of New York. Other fallen gods had done the same thing, so why not?

While he remained solitary for a while, it became quite clear that he couldn't maintain what little power he had left without some small amount of worship. He took up a career of being a male model, though his height and wavering mind made it difficult. Still, his elegance made him desirable for photography, and "Sammy Rockwell" became decently popular with photographers and young girls who liked to look at cute male models. He managed to make it through adjustment to this new life relatively well, his personality was hardly acceptable for human's culture. People were often concerned at his sudden lapses in lucidity, though nothing had been done about it for a while, and people simply gave the assumption that his flighty and unfocused behavior was fine, as long as it wasn't harming anyone. It wasn't till very recently, that his wandering brought a much more undesirable result.

He came-to suddenly, and, much to his confusion and dismay, found himself in a part of the city that he didn't recognize. He was hopelessly lost, in the midst of the middle of the night. His body was shaking by the time some passing officers noticed him and stopped. One of them called out his name, having known it because of his daughter, though Hypnos simply stared blankly at him. Who was Samson? He couldn't remember right away, not until a few moments later. They interrogated him, asked him if there was anyone he could call, any family in the city. When realization finally struck Hypnos' face, and the officers were almost sure they wouldn't have anything more to worry about, the only words to pass his lips were, "Oh. I'm Samson." He was quickly escorted to the hospital, where he spent the night, before they declared that seeing as nothing was physically wrong with him, he had to go. However, with new evidence of how "dangerous" his episodes really were, he was assigned an aid to help him with regular tasks by court order. He managed to convince everyone involved to keep the situation a secret from the public, and he still continues his modeling, but he has to put up with an aid during the night and the morning, and being locked inside his apartment during the night.

+ Sleep
+ Cuddles
+ Being fussed over
+ Television
+ Being read to
+ Blasting loud music
+ Trying on different clothes
+ Dreaming
+ Getting people to do what he wants them to
+ The violin (he can play half of the time. it depends on his state of mind at the time)
+ Animals
+ Birds
+ Wandering around

- Getting woken up
- Getting lost
- People who tell him what to do
- Forgetting
- Being fussed over (it's love-hate)
- Yelling
- Getting upset
- People who are upset
- Horror movies
- Horses (they freak him out)
- Not being able to sleep

...He kind of enjoys being fussed over...
...An aid visits him in his apartment at night and in the morning to be sure that he remembers to do certain tasks, and to make sure that he'll be able to make it through the day okay...
...That horses freak him out...

...Other gods...
...Horses (kind of)...
...Waking up and losing track of himself yet again...


☩ Relationships ☩

Crush: "That... seems unnecessary..."

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A

Other Affiliates: TBA


☩ The Outside ☩

Height: five feet, five inches

Build: Lean and quite minuscule. He's got a delicate appearance, though he appears quite elegant.

Looks: Hypnos is an elegant young man, with a boyish charm and high, jutting features to his face. His golden-blonde locks seem only more drastic by the angelic comparison of those bright blue eyes of his, which seem so focused and alert in his moments of lucidity, but blur into a haze the moment his mind tunes out. He has an innocent appearance, with sweet, pouting lips and a vacant expression half of the time. With a small body and a sliver of a stature, it's a wonder how he got himself into modeling, though it surely is true that he photographs lovely, and looks good in almost everything.His appearance always gives off that of one that couldn't hurt a fly, and needs to be protected. Surely he lives up to his looks, though he absolutely hates to admit it. He's got a precious look to him, hand that slight curl to his hair, or those long dark lashes, or even the awkward features of his face only add to the over-all look.

Distinguishing Features: Aside from scattered freckles and beauty marks, his looks seem to be distinguishing on their own.


☩ Other ☩

Other: Nothing as of this moment.


So begins...

Hypnos Rockwell's Story


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нуρησѕ яσ’кωєℓℓ

What was that? Hypnos tilted his head to one side. What was he looking at? The blurred scene, having been stared at blankly, slowly came into view. Small amounts of realization came to those lovely, bright eyes of his, as they began darting around quickly and trying to focus in on what was in front of him. The sliding glass door which opened up to his balcony, his view of the cityscape. He blinked against the light that was finally being processed by his eyes. What was he doing? His fingers dug deep into the large, faux fur rug that lay on the light, hardwood, bamboo floor of his living room. He was sitting down, plopped in a relaxed position, slouched and staring into space. Someone was touching him - brushing his hair. Who was that?

Hypnos turned his head around to face the girl, forcing her to stop her action. She looked normal enough, comfortable clothes, a little nurse's jacket, and a great big, wide smile. She was plain, honestly, brown hair in a messy bun, a dull eye color which one couldn't quite determine from a first glance, and would have probably called hazel, or something along those lines. She smiled kindly, putting a light hand under Hypnos' chin to keep him looking at her.

"Hey, Sammy. Are you feeling a little more lucid now?" She asked, setting the brush she'd had in her hand next to where she sat on the couch, putting it aside for now. Hypnos had to think for a moment more about who Sammy was, but it struck him rather quickly after that, while he pulled his chin away from the girl's grip.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He muttered, turning away from her and straightening back up. Now he was remembering. That was the aide - his aide - the one assigned to make sure he completed simple tasks and got through the morning and night alright. Often times she aggravated him. She smothered him and treated him like a mindless infant, even when he was lucid. Her actions now even bothered him; brushing his hair like he was her damn pet cat or something. Moaning slightly, as if this were the first time he'd moved all day, he stretched a moment before standing up and wandering slightly away from the girl. Much to his displeasure, she stood as well, following him as if she worried he was still just going about aimlessly. When his words came out, he pushed a bit of harshness to them. "I'm focused, and I have things to do, so you can be on your way."

"Really, now?" She mused, tilting her head to one side. Doubt was clear in her voice. "And what exactly did you have to do, I'm wondering if you can remember that much."

Hypnos blinked a few times. He hadn't really thought about that, actually. What did he have to do? He was sure there was something. What was it that he still hadn't remembered? Maybe it was nothing. Perhaps the statement was just an instant response to try and get this god awful woman to leave him alone. But no, there really was something. A party.

"A party," He said, repeating his thoughts out loud. "And that means I need to take the time to pick a different outfit, since you didn't pick out a very good one at all. Hell, I need to change just to go shopping for another outfit." He crossed his arms defiantly, beginning to walk back to his master bedroom, the darkened, cozy room with a huge bed and thick curtains to keep the light out.

"I'm impressed, Sam," She replied, following him, still. "So I'll go. But only if you can answer one question, okay?"

Hypnos sighed, stopping in his tracks and turning around to face her, looking a little defeated. But at this point, he just wanted this girl out of his hair. "Fine," He muttered in response, slouching his shoulders and letting his arms drop from where they had previously been crossed. "Fine, okay? What's your question?"

"Whats my name?"

Hypnos just stared at her, eyes widening slightly. Her name, oh god, did she even have one? How was it even important for god's sake! Was it a trick question? Had she even told him? God, he hated information that he didn't think was important. It was always discarded immediately so that he didn't have to bother with it. Her name. He really didn't even care what her name was.

"Come on, Sammy. I'm here every day," She reiterated, raising her brows at him and smiling coyly. "Just tell me what my name is."

Hypnos gritted his teeth, hesitating another moment before he decided to take a wild guess. "Amanda?"


"I was close."

"Not at all." She crossed her arms, her expectant smile only growing.

"Emily?" Hypnos repeated, raising his brows.


"Please get the fuck out of my apartment already," He begged, almost whining, his body slouching forward even more. He couldn't take this anymore. Testing his lucidity wasn't going to prove anything, and before long, he'd be getting her out of his hair anyway. He didn't need some stupid aide to help him get ready, to make sure he wasn't getting lost in the middle of the night. He could take care of himself, even with his wistfulness. There were enough moments of lucidity to make it through the day, wasn't there? "This party will run late, I'm sure. So don't bother to come by for a night check, okay? Unfortunately, I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he waltzed through to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. If she bothered to stay in his apartment, she'd have plenty of hell to pay for it.

The light was on in his room, and while it was something that he never turned on himself, she often did so whenever she was being bothersome and trying to wake him up in the morning. Of course he wasn't lucid in the morning! He was the complete opposite of a morning person, after all. He quickly made his way to the windows, drawing back the curtains for some more natural light instead, before trailing back around and turning off those damn man made lights that he dreaded so much. His walk in closet was to the right of his king-size bed, a bed in which his small figure was almost completely lost within blankets and pillows, but made falling out of the bed or getting up and sleepwalking much less likely. The closet, full of clothes from photo-shoots, runways, and all the boutiques he often regulared, almost seemed as if it were ready to burst from fullness, though it was quite often when he came home with more clothes. Today would be one of those days, of course. While parties moved around him so often, and he simply became a little object to be viewed in the scenery, rather than apart of the party, he didn't mind going so much, and he certainly didn't mind the attention.

Hypnos stripped quickly, turning on the light for the closet - he had to, as no windows were there to shine into the closet -and stepping inside to pick something else out, something a little better than a tee-shirt and sweatpants. How tasteless that girl was, but then again, she was nurse, not a fashion star. He couldn't blame her, and at least she tried, though he kind of wished she didn't try at all, and would just. stop. coming. to. his. apartment. Honestly.

In the end, he picked something a little on the cuter side; a thickly knit sweater with cream and red and navy patterns, a pair of light wash skinny jeans, and mid-calf-high black, lace-up leather boots. He shut off the light, made his way swiftly back over to he door, hesitating before opening it up again. He pressed his ear to the door, trying to listen for whats-her-name. She hadn't bothered him thus far, now had she? But he really couldn't be sure. One moment, silence... Another moment, silence... A last moment more, silence still... Good, it was safe. He twisted the handle slowly, slipping out of his bedroom and slinking around the halls as quietly as possible to be sure that he wasn't mistaken. As soon as the coast was clear, he straightened up, let out a small sigh of relief, and made his way to the front door of his apartment.

His place was in no way the penthouse, but it was big enough, it was high enough. The building was modern and chic and lovely. He didn't mind it. It was good enough for what he needed it for; sleep. Still, it was far from what he was used to. It was far from the closed off cave that he'd lived in as a god. He wanted to go back for so long, but perhaps he'd dropped that wish after some time. He'd given up on it. Just thinking about returning was enough to sadden him. And the man, Endymion, cast in eternal sleep. That beautiful man that Hypnos had often watched, despite knowing that someone else had loved him... What had become of him? By now, with Hypnos' abilities so diluted, perhaps it had effected him as well, and he would be dead. But it was so long ago. There was nothing more to dwell on.

Grabbing his cell phone on his way out, he made his way quickly down the elevator, passing through the front hall of the grand building he resided in before exiting out the front door onto the busy sidewalk. People passed quickly too and fro, but the lovely little god was noticeable enough that not a soul bumped into him to waver the path he was on. At least humans were smart enough most of the time not to disrespect their own kind who were in higher standing. They'd disrespected their gods for so long, but that was the thing, wasn't it? Those with fame were the new gods, and anyone with fame could become one. How aggravating.

It wasn't more than ten minutes before he was in one of his favorite high end shopping districts. After all, it was always nice to have something new to wear to parties and things, and he had to admit, trying on new clothes was a bit of a weakness for him. A bit odd, but at least he could manage to admit it to himself. Pausing at the corner of the street before entering any of the stores, however, he pulled his phone out and checked the time quickly. It was a bit past four. He had plenty of time to grab a new outfit, go back and change, and probably a few other things, too, before this party would be starting. Passing the time wouldn't be too bad, he decided, moving from his place and shoving his phone back down into his back pocket. For now, all he had to focus on was which store to go in first.
