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A God's Blessings



a part of A God's Blessings, by Spottedclaw59.

The "school" Godlings were sent too.

Spottedclaw59 holds sovereignty over Pandora, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

521 readers have been here.


On the outside, it seems like a huge academy, but on the inside it is filled with labs, computers, and open areas to test out a godling's power.

Their is only one building that looks normal is the dormitories.
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The "school" Godlings were sent too.


Pandora is a part of A God's Blessings.

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Jayce Omnath [0] ""My life before was worse why would I want to go back?"

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Character Portrait: Louise Seras Character Portrait: Terpsichore Strange Character Portrait: Jennifer King
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The "School" was just starting up again, as the sun rose. The Godlings here would first actually go to class for maybe about 3 hours before teh testing began onceagain.


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10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Louise Seras Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Terpsichore Strange Character Portrait: Jennifer King Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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(Well crap, I wrote this in the wrong area (/=w=)/ )


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Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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Josephine sat against the back of a tree, not bothering herself to get up. She was thinking, of course, as she normally was, about how to get back into the 'school' and save the others there, as well as how to survive the woods they were in now. Both would be astoundingly difficult, it seemed, but both had to be figured out.

"You have to get up and do something, Josie. You won't succeed if you don't do anything," a voice sounded off in her head, causing her to roll her eyes and swat the air like the figure speaking was there and not inside her brain.

"And I will, but it would be no use to do anything without a plan," she murmured softly as she closed her eyes and relaxed against the trunk of the sturdy tree.

"Go hunt- get some food for the others. I'm sure someone knows how to make fire around here and there are plenty of wild beasts out there you could make kill for you," the voice offered, and Josephine nodded in approval before standing quickly. She didn't bother to tell anyone she would be leaving- no one would miss her and they never really did anything exiting. So, she just walked into the thicker bush and looked around for animal tracks.

As she looked over the ground for tracks that would belong to an animal capable of killing something, she heard the noise of dogs. The sound made her speed up, quickly finding the trail of an animal that appeared to belong to a Margay. It wouldn't be big enough to catch anything close to what another, bigger, cat would, but it would do and allow her to get away from the spot she was standing at. She followed the trail hurriedly, sometimes marking her passage by tying the branch of a tree with a flower below it before heading off again.

It took her a while, but eventually she spotted what she was looking for. A small, spotted wild cat carefully hidden in the trees. She focused her concentration on it, the tale tale glowing of her forehead and the pounding in her head rising to meet the usage of her powers. Slowly, the cat stopped what it was doing and turned to look at her, as if awaiting her command. She quickly whispered a rushed order for it to hunt and bring its catch back to her before it dissipated into the next tree, probably on the trail of a bird, or even a monkey.

The Margay visited her more than once in the thirty minute span she held her control over the animal during, bringing back a bird with it each time. By the time it was done, her head was pounding and the overly bright sun was causing her to bite down on her lip so she wouldn't scream. The Margay had brought her four birds, one of which she knew what species it was due to the fact they had one at the zoo and the rest she couldn't identify. All of them would have meat on them, at least. She tied the stem of a nearby flower around the belt loop of her tattered pants before tying one of the birds to it and repeating the possess with the other birds before slowly rising to her feet, steadying herself on the nearest tree before walking on, her head downcast and her feet slowly dragging over the ground.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna
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(Look at that. I did it again)


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Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Jinx
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#, as written by Ever

Are you going to get up anytime soon? You don’t want to worry the others.. chided that dreadfully familiar voice within Jinx’s head, the voice that had caused her endless headaches and misfortunes.. Well… not entirely. It was the possessor of that ever-so-constant mischievously coloured tone that held the blame. So, with that disgust expressed as transparently as one could, it shouldn’t have been a surprise when that doll-esque girl firmly clenched her eyelids tighter, her breathing purposely returning back to the sluggish pace. Ignore her, Jinx… she’ll go away eventually. reasoned that exasperated inner voice, a twinge of resolute burning it’s edges. After all.. it was the only thing she wanted; peace. And if peace meant she could continue to lay here on slightly sloped hillside, the plush new growth cradling her skull for a pillow and the melodic strung notes of the songbirds a lullaby, then by gods, she wanted, received, it.

Only a few more seconds had slipped away, the feeling of the kisses of warmth gracing her luminous skin, before the silence within her was disrupted. Pretending to be asleep..? Or ignoring me..? How mature.. Don’t be so cold.. Now then, get up! rang out Hecate’s disapproval, only the light-hearted tone proving it to be opposite of what the goddess intended. With a resigned sigh, annoyance tainting her once blissful mood, the teenaged girl fluidly fluttered her eyelids open. If the shock of her delicate stature or the unnatural ombre of snow to rose wasn’t enough to put a normal human in shock, then her eyes would. Those mesmerizing crimson orbs briefly flashed in magenta at the sudden attack of the accursed dim sunlight, a slight pang in the forefront of her head instantly appearing in it’s response. Gritting her crafted jaw, Jinx absentmindedly sent a flattened hand to hover in front of her vision, a shield for the swords, as she hulled that rested upper body forwards. ”Yeah yeah.. I know… ”It’s impolite to be cold to someone who gave you a new life”..or something like that..” was the godling’s mutter as elegantly shifted to her feet. Actually, I said- wait.. I don’t remember ever saying anything like that.. Are you putting words in my mouth again, Jinx? Heh..oh well, get a move on it. Otherwise, they may leave you behind..”

With a muted scoff at Hecate’s airhead dispelled aura, Jinx finally began to thread her way through the undergrowth. Shockingly enough, the teeanger produced hardly any noise.. but then again, if you knew the ability she possessed, perhaps the normal reaction would be the opposite. After all, a shadow doesn’t make a racket. was her hissing thoughts, a tsk sounded from Hecate in response to the bitterness. However, her metacognitive state was disrupted by the abrupt rustling in the bushes to her left, wariness leaking into her expression. Not even bothering to consult Hecate first, the godling hesitantly stalked towards the noise, her curiosity overwhelming the reasoning of her goddess. Unfortunately that alight excitement was cut short as her gaze wandered over the bushes before latching onto the slumped form of Tadashi, nausea painted onto his features. With a soft sigh, the disappointment tangible in it, Jinx expertly maneuvered around the foliage to pause in front of his tired posture, her knees bending to be on his level. ”You used your power too much again, didn’t you?”


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finn J. Dubois Character Portrait: Tadashi Renichi Character Portrait: Maya Marcasius Character Portrait: Genevieve Noel Deluna Character Portrait: Jinx Character Portrait: Damon Lynn Kuzimato Character Portrait: Josephine Cook
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"I could go and distract them for a bit."

"Oh, actually dear, I think that you probably shouldn't..." Maya frowned a bit. The scientists already had more people like them at their own facility, and she didn't want to lose any more of themselves to those monsters. But apparently, he hadn't been listening since he continued.

"I can at least confuse the dogs for a bit by changing the wind. Then handle the people behind them easily while you guys head to the ruins. That's our best option at the moment."

"And so if you get killed or taken how long are we supposed to wait then, young man?" She asked, though it was more of a rhetorical question. Maya let out a great sight before the same voice popped back into her head.

"You know it's the best choice, right? You all can get away if they're not focused on the rest of the group."

"I don't like when we get split up." She said softly, "It'll be impossible to find each other, and not to mention, we don't even know where two more of us have gone. I suppose you can't tell how worried I am, since you're a god after all, Idunn."

"Unfortunately not."

"Then I would appreciate it if you could be silenced for a little while."

"Find the rest of us, and get them to the ruins. We'll figure out what to do later."

Maya only realized that he was gone, when he was literally gone. Tadashi was out of her sight and reach, and while she didn't like someone leaving the group who is uncertain about coming back in one pice, she wasn't one to stray from the pack for the reason, "Children these days..." She seemed to have muttered underneath her breath as she turned in the opposite direction and said to the rest of the group, "Then I suppose that means we'd better not let this contribution go to waste, shall we? Out of random assumption, I'd say we should head in the opposite ways of the dogs and try to find any lovely pair of ruins there, yes?" Without needing an answer, she began to walk, at a medium fast pace, to try and find a place for the group to stay for the night.

She knew that ruins weren't ever going to be the best living space, but it worked in the mean time, "I can't believe you humans would actually dare to sleep in such a low life place such as that!" Idunn would complain on the way as if she were sharing the same body and would feel how uncomfortable the ground could really be.

"Stop complaining." Maya said as she continued and started to hum a small rhythmic tune that she learned as a child. A little while later, after continuously 'talking to herself,' she saw signs of what may have been a potential place to stay for the night as she called back to the group, "I think I may have found something."