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A Living Hell

A Living Hell


What if you were not human, but a creature? And you had to go to a human high school? (WANTED: one more vampire, one deamon, a air elementist and Human roles still!!)

1,067 readers have visited A Living Hell since azu-chan created it.


What if you were human and you found out your best friend was not human, but part of a different race? A race much different than yours. The race consits of different creature: Vampires, Demons, and Elementist. What will you be? A human? Or a creature? Will you kill or fall in love? Or perhaps make a friend or two.

1.(girl) Emma Throne played by mew:3
2. (girl) Kaari Carmine played by GenericUserName

1.(Boy) Akira played by Jaegerjaquez
2.(Girl) Odessa Marie Vardok played by DarkXLegend

1. Air:
2. Water:(Girl) Sayaka Norishima played by Azu-Chan
3. Earth:
4. Fire:(Boy)Damian La Reda played by: Kittykit

1.(BOY) Robert Summet played by: NsB_Velocity

Character Skelly:
Full Name:
Age: (15-18)
creature or human: (If creature say what you are):
Powers (if your a creature):
Personality: (AT LEAST 5 sentences or make me happy with a paragraph :) )
Picture: (Human or anime)
Theme song: Optional
Crush: Opitional

(If you want me to reserve you a spot ill hold it for 24 hours unless you tell me otherwise but send me a pm)

Toggle Rules

1.Please no Godmodding
2. Do not kill any (main) characters without consulting with that person and me
3. NO one liners. I will KILL YOU
4. Romance is fine but please no cyber. PG 13
5. If you'll be away please tell me before hand
6. Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

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Odessa snapped out of her thoughts when the bell rang once more to tell the humans that they would be late for class if they were not yet seated. She sat quietly in the corner of the class until the end when she was, in fact, the first one out of the room and out to the hall as fast as she could. Odessa could not believe how boring things that she was 'learning' would be. She already knew all of these things, yet now she'd have to re-learn things of common sense to a demoness. Odessa sighed, wandering the halls for the next class on her schedule.

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Robert would be heading to his next class not caring if he was late or not. He was strolling through the hall as he stopped to get a drink form the water fountain . " There we go that took care of my thirst" He said to himself as he started to walk again before truning a corner and bumpin into a girl she seemed to be walking fast and heading toher next class. He was bounced back with the force of the impact .He then walked up to her to apologize. " Hey sorry about running into you I did't mean to ....I should pay better attention to where i am going . He siad to her. He was speaking to Odessa of course.

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Kaari watched the other vampire leave and sighed slightly. Good job making friends... She looked to the man who had been talking to her earlier, the one who had politely help her up. His words burned her slightly. He was talking this other vampire, but his eyes seemed to say other words. She felt like throwing a punch about now. No one huh? She sped up, now glaring at him as she walked. If the vampire wouldn't talk to her, and he was going to be a jerk and ignore the girl who was being kind to him, then there was no way she would pass up this opportunity. She felt like apologizing to the vampire girl, but first things first.

"What the hell do you think you are... Friend." She spoke the words darkly to the boy. "You should try to get some manners. That girl back there, she was being awfully nice to you, don't you think? So, tell someone who probably has as many problems as you, what the hell do you think you are?"

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Odessa didn't budge from the impact, but a low growl escaped her lips before she clapped a hand over her mouth. She turned, taking in this human. He certainly wasn't a bad looking character, and for some reason he annoyed her much less than the other crowds of humans here. She tilted her head, feeling the depths of his soul for some trace of difference. Nope. He wasn't a creature. She'd come across many creatures just in the few moments being at this school and now, finally Odessa had run into a human she didn't completely despise. For once, she felt small next to a human, all though she wouldn't let it happen again. "It is nothing to worry about. I wasn't looking either." Truth be told Odessa really hadn't been watching where she was going, instead she was feeling around the school to see what other creatures moved about here. It was just so strange. She smiled at the human standing before her.

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He paused a moment, to glance back at the voice. He couldn't really say...but he had too. He growled in reply before turning his face away as he headed into the classroom. Though the nagging feeling got the best of him and he turned on Kaari in full fledge anger. "Oh really? Have you been shunned by your own parents, shoved into the basement every day and left their to rot? Tell me, have you been forced to do unthinkable things just to even get a table scrap? Feh, I highly doubt it. You probably don't know my pain. You probably at least had some friends in your life! I have had none! NONE!" He growled at her, eyes flickering with flames before he sat in the chair with a flop glaring at the girl. How dare she...How dare she!

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He would look to her, his appearance was tall he stood at a height of 6'2" his body type athletic but slim. He was now talking to a female creature in which case he had no idea only thinking that she was another human. " Hey no worries . " He said to her telling her that it was ok that she'd bumped into him. " I think i am lucky that i bumped into person such as yourself. By the way my name is Robert . " He introduced himself extending his hand for a shake. He was a nice guy good heart, tall, allaround good person he liked making new friends and hated making enemies.

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#, as written by mew:3
Did you just hear that? Emma’s True form questioned her; Emma ignored her. You can’t ignore me forever, you know. She paused, waiting for a response. Well then I’ll just tell you what I heard. You probably didn’t because your senses are so extremely weak in that form; that guy back there, Damian, he has a lot on his shoulders… she was about to replay what she heard in her head so Emma could listen. I don’t want to nose around in other people’s business Emma finally blurted out to her True form; but she had already started the memory.
Oh really? Have you been shunned by your own parents, shoved into the basement every day and left there to rot? Tell me, have you been forced to do unthinkable things just to even get a table scrap? Feh, I highly doubt it. You probably don't know my pain. You probably at least had some friends in your life! I have had none! NONE!
Emma huffed Why should I care about temperamental human’s problems? Emma’s True form smiled, You still don’t know do you? He’s not human... I can’t tell what, but he’s something else... Something very... hot. Emma had stopped dead in her path; that person... She realized now how obvious it was; his soul was so different, no wonder. She shook it off and kept walking, she went to the main office and they told her where to go. She eventually go to class; glad that the door lead to the back of the class. She told the teacher why she was late and sat down where the teacher told her.

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Kaari let out a sigh and looked around. No one? Good. She looked to the boy, who had so kindly thrown a tantrum. She kept a calm face as she spoke.

"I can't say yes to all of those things. Though the basement and friends part are about the same. But let me ask you, friend, how many times has your father hit you? trust me when I say I've got you beaten there... Ha... Also, my parents don't accept me either. And eating, let's just say, I don't get much. So how about you try to be a little nicer... And maybe you'll find more friends... After all, some of us have more in common than you think..." She looked down sadly and shook a little. The mere memory of her father made her want to cry, but she kept the tears from her eyes. Stay quiet.

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Damian glared at her, his eyes burning into her. "....I rather not have someone be killed because of my stupidity." He remarked, turning to stare out the window. His had rested on his cheek as he rested his arm on the sill in response. He didn't like thinking about that. "My father uses me as a punching bag and a freaking toy, along with a slave. So yes, I know how that feels to be used repeatedly and you can't do anything about it. When your bonded to the freaking ground, and spread eagle." He remarked flatly, his body shaking in response. His eyes closed in response, taking a deep breath.

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Badger yawned quietly as he walked silently. His steps were graceful on the sidewalk pavement. He could sense animals following. Every clopping the hoofs produced irritated Badger. Badger rotated his body around and noticed a herd of deer staring at him. Badger digged deep and began yelling. "STOP STALKING ME!" Badger quickly sprinted away from the now charging deer. "Somebody for the love of Mother Nature...HELP ME!"

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Gale tilts her head to the side in curiousity as she sees a boy running down the sidewalk away from a deer that was charging him, she follows running a slight few inches off the ground and flys up right next to him looking at him with round brown eyes. He looked human, but he knew of mother nature! How strange? She looks back to the deer, normally they wouldn't wander this far out of the wood and to follow a human was even stranger. "You need help?" She whispers shyly to the boy unsure of the situation or what he had done to anger the deer. She had entered civilization just a hour earlier and all ready she was being amazed by the strange things these humans were doing, running from harmless deer was pretty pathetic even in fairy standards.

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Badger looked at the girl beside him. He was more focused on the deer charging at him then questioning the flying ability the girl produced. Badger replied back in a shrieking manner. "Yes! I need help!" Badger's legs were growing weary. His sides were already beggining to ache. He shouted once more. "Help Me! I need help!"

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"Okay!" Gale smiles and turns around blasting the deer with air it stummbles into the grass on the side of the sidewalk. She looks at the boy strangely he was so afraid of the deer. "What did you do to anger a deer?" she floats over to him.

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Badger's eyes began twitching. He fell to his knees and gasped. He stared at the girl. "I-I didn't mean to attack them! They did nothing wrong! All they wanted was some company! I thought you were going to do something more intelligent!" Badger noticed suddenly that the girl was flying. He scurried backward and immediatly cried out. "Ahh, you're flying!" Badger trembled while pulling the grass out in a frantic fashion.

Though Badger had a flash of insight. "Wait, why didn't you just carry me to somewhere safe?" Badger jerked his head over to the now angered deer. "Great! See what you did! Now they are furious with me! Oh, they're furious with you too. You should hear the comments they're talking about you! Scandalous!" The deers then began howling loudly. Badger cuffed his ears and pleaded the deer to stop.

A thundering march was sounded a few miles away. "Well, thanks. A stampede of rhinos are going to charge my ass. You were very helpful and-" Badger changed the volume of his voice and begged the girl. "Please, carry me somewhere. Please! You don't know the feeling of a hundred massive feet rampaging over you! It's not something very satisfying!" Badger shrieked while hugging the girl's legs.

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Odessa looked down at his hand for a moment and braced herself as she reached out and took his hand, moving it up and down in the odd fashion she'd seen other humans do all her life. To this day she still never understood it, but Odessa complied with the humans and took their habits to blend in with society. She was taken aback by his comment though and suspected that if Robert knew her to be a demoness then he most certainly wouldn't find it fortunate to bump into her. For some reason it struck her to lie about her name as a precaution, but it flew from her mouth anyways. "Odessa. My name is Odessa." She bit her lip and turned, looking out the window and realized she was still shaking his hand and suddenly dropped it with an apologetic nod. There was a boy and a girl out on the sidewalk, and if Odessa wasn't mistaken, they had just attacked a deer who was in fact chasing the boy. "That's unusual, is it not?" She spoke to Robert again.

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"Carry you?!" Gales shrieks, "Does it look like I can carry you?" she asks forgetting she was about 10 times her normal size. "Oh wait!" she takes off her backpack and grabs him under his arms. Her wings spring out and she takes off, landing on top of the school. She drops him on the roof and goes to the edge standing on the ledge watching the strange gathhering of animals bellow. She looks hurt and turns to the weird boy, "I didn't mean to make them angry!"

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Badger soars thanks to the strange girl. He played a grin on his face that stayed as he stared at the animals gazing up at him. After his feet had made impact on the ground, he hurriedly checked the animals. They kept their heads pointing up and Badger giggled at them. He walked over to the girl surprised her with a sudden hug. He squeezed tightly while chanting "Thank you!"

"Your my hero!" Badger bellowed. Badger got carried away with the moment and kissed the girl on the cheek.

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"....Its like watching television. So interesting..." Erubus murmured to himself as he lay comfortably in a tree branch facing the school. Erubus was bored easily, and he found it amusing to watch others. It was sort of a passion, some would say. Some, like higher ranking officials, would label it... a talent. Erubus sniffed the air and frowned slightly. "... I should get something to eat..", he grumbled as he reached up and picked a nice, red apple. Erubus smiled as he bit into it, savoring the sweetness of worldly sustenance he wasn't accustomed too. Too bad it wasn't filling. Erubus smirked devilishly as he dropped the apple and vanished in the shadows of the trees.

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Gale's eyes open wide as he hugs and kisses her on the cheek, she hadn't been around humans for that long but she knew something was wrong with that. She stuggles out of his arms and floats backwards blushing. "What was that?" She asks rubbing her cheek. Were all humans this strange? If they were she wanted to go back home.

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"Uh, sorry." Badger receded back a step. "It's just I'm constantly getting trampled by animals. I didn't want to relive the experience." Badger claimed. Badger grinned slightly. "So what's your name!?" Badger quickly changed emotions. His blushing cheeks morphed back to color.

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Odessa Vardok
Character Portrait: Damien Reda
Character Portrait: Emma Thorne
Character Portrait: Robert Summet
Character Portrait: Kaari Carmine
Character Portrait: Badger Sync


Character Portrait: Badger Sync
Badger Sync

"I don't appreciate that attitude."

Character Portrait: Kaari Carmine
Kaari Carmine

Succbus who hates her job.

Character Portrait: Damien Reda
Damien Reda

"...What are you looking at? Walk away you"


Character Portrait: Kaari Carmine
Kaari Carmine

Succbus who hates her job.

Character Portrait: Damien Reda
Damien Reda

"...What are you looking at? Walk away you"

Character Portrait: Badger Sync
Badger Sync

"I don't appreciate that attitude."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kaari Carmine
Kaari Carmine

Succbus who hates her job.

Character Portrait: Badger Sync
Badger Sync

"I don't appreciate that attitude."

Character Portrait: Damien Reda
Damien Reda

"...What are you looking at? Walk away you"

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Re: [OOC] A living Hell

Uh, I don't remember Mew xD We can make it so they're outside. Though some reason I remember them inside but I dunno -shrug-

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

it might be just me but i thought we (Emma Damian and Kaari) were outside...?

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

So do have to wait for my character to be ccepted or do i do somthing i just started and i used to be on another rp site so i just came here because it got ol so i am still now . I no i may not be as good as the ohers but i can rp pretty well . all i am sking is if i wait fr it to be accepted or cna i start posting

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

Sorry if i'm over posting or something >< I don't want to introduce my character in a post as long as an essay or anything...

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

whoo!! :D took a while.. but I posted!

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

Did i do that right? ><

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

theres a typo in my name on the front page of this RP
my last name's Thorne, not Throne
thanks <3

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

:D Yes, why not? I'll post when I finish my essay.

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

I can start it out if you guys would rather not :)

and azu-chan, i'm not going to kill anyone, dont worry, i wasn't planning on it, i really dont like it when ppl kill without permission.

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

I just don't know how to start the RP off sooo. lol. sorry. I didn't want to end up ruining any ideas.

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

Lol, alrighty then.
:) If nobody posts today, then I'll post either this evening or tomorrow after school and hopefully, someone will notice and this RP won't die out.

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

we should start soon and just let the newer people seep into the story. because this may die away before it starts and I like the idea so I really don't want it to die =[

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

o . o So.. When can we start?

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

Hello.. :) I just created a character for "Earth."

Re: [OOC] A living Hell

can i reserve the Air spot???

[OOC] A living Hell

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You may edit this first post as you see fit.