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Jaydon Anderson

I won't leave my family again

0 · 3,743 views · located in New York

a character in “A Love Through Years”, as played by StrawberryGashes99



"People make stupid choices. I know that better than anyone."


Jaydon Anderson

Jay| Jay-jay




|Stage of Adulthood|

Bartender/Sports editor

|Face Claim|
Mark Sallings



Dark brown, shaved on the sides.


|Height and Weight|
6'2/ 180lb

|In Depth|
He resembles his father in the face, with strong cheekbones and jawline, and also with the dark brown hair. He has the same eyes as his father and sister. He has one of his ear's pierced and a Tattoo on his shoulder. He's a muscular man with strong bones. He's also tanned skin, with the occasional mole here and there.


In the past he would act very similar to his twin sister, who was extremely silly and immature. However he matured as he got older and developed a love for music, girls and beer. He's commonly seen watching football or reading. He makes a lot of stupid choices, and when he does he thinks people will use that against him. He hates when people hold things against him. When he gets angry he will lash out and sometimes get violent. When he want's something bad enough he will fight for it. He's very physical with his emotions, and needs contact rather than verbal.


❤ Football
❤ Girls
❤ Beer
❤ Reading
❤ Snow
❤ Food

✘ Thunder
✘ Cleaning
✘ Messing up
✘ People who piss him off.



Jaydon grew up the older of two twins in a family of four. His twin sister, Jane, and him were extremely close growing up. He often protected her from bullies and people he didn't like. They were always getting into trouble together in elementary school.

In middle school him and Jane drifted to different social circles, him joining the circle of jocks. He played football. Later near the beginning of highshool he developed a crush on a girl he always saw walking in the halls, named Hayley Montgomery. They met and fell in love. This should be the ending of a perfect love story, but unfornunantly it wasn't.

Jaydon began feeling the need for her, to want her more that anything else in the world. It was like a drug. She gave into him, and they made love, fulfilling his sexual needs.

Never in his wildest dreams did he think she would get pregnant. The news bore down on him like the weight of the world. He knew he had to be there for her, but as fate would have it yet another tragedy struck. On the day she was confirmed pregnant, his sister got into a life threatening car wreck due to her drunk boyfriend. Jaydon had to choose, his sister or the love of his life. He made the mistake of choosing his sister, and left Hayley to run to the hospital.

Things were rusty between Jaydon and Jane, but Jaydon was always there for her so he couldn't stay mad at her. Later he moved into the same apartment as Jane, where he found Hayley and his daughter lived. They got together once again, and once again she became pregnant. Now he knows he needs to stay with his family, but he needs to win the heart of Hayley once again.


So begins...

Jaydon Anderson's Story


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Hayley was enjoying her life so much with Jaydon. Everything was good. And perfect and she was just happy with it all. Her being a bit untrusting of things she wondered what would happen to make it end.

She always worried and she knew that he would be there but she didn't at the same time. She woke up to see Jaydon wasn't in her bed and she thought it was happening she got out of her bed and walked to Beth's room to see if he was there. And lo and behold there he was. "I thought you would be here." She stated then walked over to him and kissed him then looked at Beth.

"Hi Beth." She cooed in her baby voice.


Blake had just moved into the building that Hayley had suggested to him. He woke up that morning. He quickly got up and changed into a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and with that he grabbed his cell phone.

He then quickly dialed in Hayley' number.

--------TEXT MESSAGE----------
Off to school with that tonight we see each other yes?
-------End of TEXT--------------

He quickly hailed a cab and went to the school. he was new and this was his first day but he could not wait. He loved his job but even more he loved lunch and tumblr posts he can look through.


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She looked at him and smiled. "You are so certain it is a guy aren't you?" She questioned him. Watching him go to the kitchen she took Beth and brought her to the kitchen table.

Setting her in the highchair and listening to Jaydon she smiled. "Anything as long as we have a bottle of syrup." She knew she threw up but at least it was worth it.

She read her cell phone text and texted back.
------Text Message-------
Sure can't wait.
-----End of Text-------


His cell phone rung and he read the text from Hayley and scanned the tumblr and noticed his favorite follower. Janiepop. he quickly smiled and realized he was paying attention to where he was walking and walked into a young blond female woman.

"I am so sorry Tumblr never pay attention with this thing." He said looking at her.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Once they had breakfast and she threw it all up she changed in a yellow dress and a white sweater over and Beth was wearing her little outfit her aunt bought her they went to the gynecoligist. A female doctor in her mid thirties. It was the same person who delivered Beth and she would be surprised to see her again after the comment she made last time to the docotor.

She laughed at it actually sometimes. She had told the doctor that she didn't plan on having more kids for a long time. And that was three and almost four years ago. How wrong was she? She walked into the hospital maternity ward. Holding Hands with Beth and Jaydon she sat down and put on leg over the other opening a coloring book and crayons for Beth. "You excited Jaydon?" She asked him.


He smiled at her. She was the most beautiful person he ever ran into before. When she spoke about tumblr her lit up. "Nice to meet you Jane Anderson. I am Blake Evens. New to town. This may be weird but Janiepop sound familiar to you?" He asked her curious if maybe it was the same person.

He was one to have a an account under Blake2345 so there could be a one in luck coincidence right? "Okay sure show me the way Miss. Blonde and Beautiful." He said with a happy smile.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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As she sat with him and he spoke about him being happy about it she smiled. "I am too." She said with a smile towards him.

When the nurse called their name she picked up Beth and she grabbed Jaydon's hand and smiled. "Of course your coming with me." She said with a smile.

Walking into the office she sat down on the examining bed after putting Beth in the play blocks. There was a chair over there. "You can sit Jaydon, don't be nervous i have been over 20 of these appointments." She said with a smile.

She was nervous herself because she was worried about being a mother again. Beth didn't turn out bad. She was beautiful and she loved her a lot. But could she handle it? And would Jaydon leave again when she needed him the most? Even more so Jane's idea of it being twins was still in her head and that made her even more nervous.

The doctor came in and laughed. "Ah you are so funny. You came back to see me eh? And you got the daddy this time to come fun fun." She smiled at Jaydon and Hayley sat up. "Hello Dr. Fray. Yes I am back and this is Beth's father too actually. Jaydon, this is Dr. Fray. Dr. Fray this is Jaydon." She introduced them and they shook hands.

She was only like nine ten weeks pregnant but she had gained more weight then with Beth. Thank God she wasn't in school any more. "Well nice to meet you and lovely nice to see you again Hayley. So pregnant sooner then we thought now eh? Well how is everything? Morning Sickness? Breasts swollen or tender?" She asked Hayley. Hayley smiled at Jaydon and was more nervous then the first time now.

"Yes morning sickness, craving for syrup, breasts are tender. I had spotting a few days ago also." She exclaimed.

"Good, good. Anyway Well we should have an ultrasound. Lift your dress up and I will get to work. Jaydon you can stay if you like." Sometimes men left of being uncomfortable. She moved the machine closer and grabbed the longer stick one.

"Its too soon to go on top like in the movies you need to go through the vagina." She said looking at him. "Yeah the movies are never accurate." She said pulling down her underwear she noticed that Beth was still playing with her blocks. And with that the doctor put a plastic wrap around the stick and then stuck it into her vagina.

"I think it might be twins. Jaydon has a twin sister and i never thought about it before until she did." She stated to the doctor. "It is likely." She looked to the screen and the doctor smiled at them. "Its way to early for noticing the sex but you guys... Congratulations its twins." She was in complete shock.

She looked to the screen. "Thank you, Dr. Fray. Jaydon, honey whats going on?"


He laughed when he heard his username aloud it sounded stupid actually. "Yup thats me. I can't believe your the person thats always liking my posts. Thank you." He said with a cheeky smile.

As they walked to the classroom and he looked around he smiled. "This is adorable. And I know what you mean. Olaf is popular. In my time we wanted to be Robin Hood or Batman or hey even Peter Pan." He said with a smile towards her.

"I have to go to a dinner tonight but otherwise would you like to get coffee another time?" He asked with a smile.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Looking at him made her sweat more. "Are you okay with this?" She didn't want to tell him that she thought he might leave. It might seem rude also and she couldn't handle that for him.

"Twins, twins, twins." She continued to repeat. It was nerve racking. "I will print a picture for your family. And make sure to pick up some pregnancy pills at the counter. And remember to come in eight weeks to know the sex of them." She said with a smile before leaving the room.

Once she left she began to hyperventilate. "I can't be a mother of twins Jaydon. Beth is a handful. The nights of terrrifying sleep I have another three years of that with them now. And there's two I can't handle it." She may have been a bit mean but she was freaking out. Really badly.


When he heard her say that he smiled. "I am glad i just do it for fun." He stated to her. When she began to scream he thought it was something different. And she must have ignored his question entirely.

"Hayley Montgomery?" He questioned. He knew her from school. They were best friends while that douche Jaydon left her pregnant there. He was there to help however he could before she moved further away.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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She looked at him and listened. She didn't even realizing she was hyperventilating or even crying for that matter. Her heart was racing and she was so happy and sad and worried ugh she hated being pregnant.

Well her grandmother had a point sometimes there are pros and cons to everything. She chuckled at the thought and looked at him trying to calm down. "You are correct very much." She stated to him. Trying to slow down she looked out at the window.

"Okay here are your pictures and have a great day you too. And bye Beth." She said walking in handing the pictures then patting Beth on the head. "Hayley if any questions let me know." "Will do doc." She said looking at the baby picture.


"Oh come on it is her. Thats wonderful.And i already moved into the building yeasterday." He said looking at her. "Are you coming to dinner tonight that she was having?" He asked trying to make a move before the kids came in and ruined the moment.

He looked at her with a smile. "Kids are wonderful don't worry about it. You want any?" He questioned.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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"Why do you think its a boy and girl it could be two girls or two boys." She said with a smile looking at him wanting to make sure he understood she was hoping for at least a boy. Maybe girls were easier who knew anymore.

She got up off the bed and stood to her feet picking up Beth. "You are going to be a big sister you know that?" She said with a playful smile to her daughter.

"So what do you want to do?" She asked her soon to be one day husband.


He smiled at her. "Wait pregnant again? By who?" He asked quite curious now. "Why could. You can if you want to its life." He said realizing that something may have happened.

"Then be my date." He said looking at her with a small smile.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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She watched as the door opened and in came Jane. Blake and Jane. "You guys are dating!!! This is amazing. Blake is great you guys could get married and have babies and be right where Jaydon and I are. Finding that your having twins on top of a three year old. Okay I am sitting I had way to much syrup and crackers." She said sitting on a chair at the table.

She looked at Beth in Jaydon's arms and Jane. Tears streaming down her face of joy. "All the people I love the most in the world in one room." She said filled with joy and happiness. She loved it so much. So very much and she was so grateful that Jaydon was back in her life. She couldn't believe she spent hating him the first year of Beth's life.

"Well come sit I made dinner." She said looking at them all.

"I don't think we are that far in a relationship yet Hayls." He said his nickname for her. He walked over to the table after the amazing hug from Jane he already knew there was something there that was amazing.

He didn't know how to describe it just yet but someday he would be able to explain. "So this is Jaydon. Well i am glad you were able to get back in Hayls life. She needed a guy." He said pulling Hayley into another hug.

"So I heard you are going to have twins. Do you have magic sperm dude?" He said as a joke.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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As they ate dinner and everyone was talking she felt really like having some syrup. She got up from the table and went to the kitchen and grabbed some syrup and poured it all over her mashed potatoes.

"I have a strong craving for syrup." She stated to no one in particular. "You will always be the original for that generation. See its genetic. So your mother or father could be a twin or your aunts or uncles or maybe grandparents. You had to get it somewhere." She spoke once more on going about the twins.

She grabbed another spoon and fed Beth. "Do you like the potatoes Beth?" She asked with a cheerful smile to her daughter. Even thought being a mother to more is scary being a mother was the most fulfilling thing in her life.


Listening to everything go down he smiled. "Okay so how did you guys meet the first time and then this second time. Jaydon how about you tell me?" He said quite curious to know his side of the story and maybe soon learn the story from Hayley.

Jane was lovely and he was enjoying dinner with them all very much. They seemed like a fun bunch of people. Espically Jane. Was it love at first site?


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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As she sat with them and listened to what Jane said and Jaydon her mouth almost dropped. "Well it was different for me. I saw him and had a huge crush my girlfriends kept telling me to talk to you. But I was so nervous. He just was perfect and I fell in love before we even started dating."

She said looking to Blake with her napkin she wiped her lip then wiped Beth's face who had gotten her hands on the syrup bottle. Getting up for a cloth to wipe her hands which were sticky also.

"Don't leave syrup lying around." She stated again to know one in particular.


When looking to turn to Jane for a minute with a small smile and a wink about everything going through him. HE wanted to marry her and that was something that he had never thought about.

They just met and it was love. Maybe even too soon to ask the question. He was nervous about it all now. Listening continuing he nodded along with everything that was being said. "Fascinating story."


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Dinner continued and was concluded with amazement. It was nice to have it done. But the heavy wasn't over yet. She knew that Jaydon was lecturing Blake probably. Well knowing Blake he had something he was going to say.

Blake was like Hayley's brother she never had. He was always there for her. Even more when she needed him. And thats why she knew he was perfect for Jane. When she asked her question she burst out laughing.

"You are amazing Jane and i know i was harsh in the begginning and i may still come off like that but you are a great girl. And Blake he will always be there for you. Care for you. He is perfect and he would be lucky to have you. And if he like-like you. Think more along love. It may be early but Blake knows from the beginning his feelings for a person. Never like this before. But he is smitten." She said looking out to the living room for a minute.


Once dinner finished he brought his plate to the kitchen and sat down in the living room with his glass of juice. When Jaydon came and sat beside him he smiled and listened to everything he said.

"Well Hayley is like a sister to me and she is such a person who hates admitting things but she cried for weeks after what happened the first time. Like she was so determined that she would have the baby give it away just out of spite to you. Then when she saw Beth. She burst into more tears because God forbid give away an Anderson kid."

He took a breath before continuing. "And then you were gone still for that and she was still heartbroken and I told her to try to forget about it but she said she had to keep your memory alive for your daughter. Then when I thought she was finally happy again. You came back. So just please don't hurt her this time again. Because this time, I won't just drive by your house every night to see if your still alive for me to kill myself."

Then with a sip of his drink he looked at him with a smile. "But I totally understand you are being protective and so am I and I would never hurt Jane. She is an angel." He said thinking about her.


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Looking at her soon-to-be-sister-in-law she gave a hug back and looked at her with a smile. "I guess in a way I can't wait either. Its just nice to know the commitment. I guess." She said getting goose bumps on her arms thinking about it.

"I think Jaydon and Blake are finished their "chat". Go talk to him I need to talk to Jaydon." She smiled at Jane and looked at her beauty. No wonder Blake was taken aback by her.

She walked to where she saw Jaydon. She went over to him. He looked angry and she sensed it also. "Calm down." She said in a gentle tone. Placing her hands on his chest. Her eyes looking up of him being taller she gave him a kiss on the cheek when leaning on her tippy toes.

Going back to looking into his eyes she smiled. "I knew Blake was going to say something after I told him not too. And I understand why you are upset but Jaydon. I don't care anymore. i let it go. i love you and thats all that matters. If I love you. And if you love me. And if our daughter is with us. And how ever more kids we have we will always be together we see its inevitable." She stated with a sheepish smile.


Listening to what he said he understood a bit but still he wanted Hayley safe. He took care fo her during the months that she needed someone. Even more so with what happened. He knew that he maybe did wrong by saying something but it took everything not to punch him.

He always did ever since it all began. He wanted Hayley happy though and if she was happy with him then thats all that mattered.

He noticed Jane and he smiled. "You look amazing Jane. I was taken aback by your hug which made me quite happy. If you want we could take a walk?" He said looking at her with a smile.


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Looking at Jaydon listening to him. Her heart sank. She loved him so much and the words she thought, said and felt and then it all changed again and then it changed more with him coming back into her life.

"I love you so much Jaydon. And I know its hard to ignore what people say. Its really hard. But I won't leave you. I never will. You are the best thing i ever have and had. I understand why you went to your sister more now then when I was young."

She never was one to admit her feelings or say them let alone what she thought or did. "Your not selfish beyond anything else you are too giving. You had to give me up because of your sister and somehow the earth, god who knows what brought us back together." When he began to cry on her shoulder she couldn't help but begin to cry herself.

As she backed up onto the bed they shared still holding him close to her rubbing his back she began to break down herself. "And I am so, so sorry for everything I felt or acted or did of my thoughts corrupting them because now me I like to think I am smarter but i know why you chose your sister over me. You wanted to make sure she was alright because she might have died. And I understand that now. And I ruined everything by telling you not to bother anymore. And I am sorry for the hurt i gave you and me." She said holding him close still.


He listened to what was going on the room. "Yeah we better run it looks not like a party." He grabbed a note and wrote it saying that Jane and him were going for a walk and they would see each other another time.

He took her hand and walked out the door smiling at her. As they began to walk the streets of New York the cars passing the people also walking he looked to her. "I know this is not the best first date but I promise I will make it up to you."

He said and with that in the middle of the streets of New York. He pulled her closer and kissed her. Right under the stars and moons. And with that he leaned her back like in the movies then pulling her to her feet standing straight he broke the kiss free.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Being with him was always the best feeling. Her heart racing and her love for him growing. "I can't help it I am so sorry for everything and I love that you are back in my life. She said smiling at him.

Her tears subsiding. "I am so happy you are back in my life." She said giving him a kiss.


With that he smiled at her. She was beautiful. "You are amazing Jane and that was a beautiful kiss." He was a different kind of guy. He looked at her and someday he could just imagine her barefoot and his pregnant wife.

He would want nothing more then to be her husband. And that was the best thing life could give him. Was her.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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She woke up that morning getting annoyed. She decided not to get dressed until after breakfast. She sat down on the table and put syrup on everything. Using half a bottle almost.

When he spoke she smiled. "No ideas but I could think about it some this pregnancy has been a little tiring." She said thinking about it all.

She finished eating and talking with him and went into the bedroom. looking in the mirror with her clothes nothing that was fitting. She shrieked. "Ugh@!!! I can't fit anything." She said trying to snug into a white blouse with her pink skirt.


That night the "dinner" was amazing. He knew that he had met his soul mate and it may be soon but soon and very he planned on asking her to be his wife. He was in love and so fallen. He woke up to see her already still there.

"I need to tell you something Jane." He said looking at her. "I am deeply madly and inconceivably in love with you." He said looking at her with a smile.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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She knew he was like that amazing and supportive in everything. "I know its just so annoying. I Want to look good but god NOTHING FITS!!" She yelled in a fit of anger and through a top or two at the mirror and just grabbed this old loose things.

"I am not clothing ready to be pregnant with twins. i gave my maternity clothes away to people who needed them. I didn't plan on more kids." She said falling to her knees in a pit of crying.


Looking at her he smiled big. "Really I am glad. Because I am very much in love with you. And i don't think I am giving you up anymore." He said giving her a kiss back.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked her.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Looking at him she smiled. "Really?" Her eyes lighting up. Taking off the tight blouse she pulled it over her belly that was coming and looked in the mirror.

"Much Better." She said wlaking out of the room and grabbed her daughter Beth and smiled. "Today we know if its a boys or girls." She said walking out of the apartment with Jaydon to the doctor.


He smiled at her. "Really? Sounds fun but you got to share with me." He said grabbing a nutella jar and then two spoons. "So what do you want in the future?" He asked with a smile.


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Hayley watched as Jaydon continued speaking to Beth. She was so nervous. Last time she was here it was just a normal check up but now she was finding out if she was going to be a mother to girls, boys, or a boy and a girl.

Their name was called and she smiled to Jaydon and Beth. "Its time." She went in and smiled at her doctor. "Hello Dr. whats up?" She said smiling to her doctor. "I am great what about you Hayley?" She smiled at the doctor. "Yeah I am great have a bit more energy than the first trimester. She smiled at Jaydon.

"Okay well today we have blood test, urine test, ultrasound and we also get to know of the sex of the baby. First off Hayley have you talked to Jaydon and you too discuss the birth plan?" Hayley her face blushing. She had to take care of that last time by herself. Now not so much.

"I-We have to do that yet. The doctor looked at Jaydon and patted him on the back. "You can only be a great dad at this time if you support her. Make her feel happy. Its a hard task but it gets easier I promise." She said looking at him.

While she was there she got her blood tested. And she had a urine test where she had to pee in a cup. She had forgotten how hard that was. She then laid down on the table and lifted the shirt up a bit. "Wearing your boyfriends clothes eh?" She smiled to the doctor. "Fiancè. Acuatally." She said smiling.

"Congratulations Hayley and Jaydon. Well I can tell you one thing one of them looks like a girl. But the other is in a postion that i can't find out. If you say something to move Baby B then maybe we can take a peak." She said looking at them.


He looked at her with a smile. He noticed that she had nutella on her nose. He grabbed his tongue and licked it off. "Yeah I meant the future. Did you want to get married? Have kids some day? Grow old on a porch with iced tea?" He said with a smile looking at her.

He was already so in love ther was no getting him back from that. He just was gone too far.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Hayley looked at Jaydon. She couldn’t help but have a laugh escape her lips. “Is daddy being silly?” She said looking at Beth with a smile. Jaydon was the world. Part of her small but large world. She looked at the monitor and saw the baby moving a bit. ”Okay it looks like the baby moved. And its another girl! Congratulations twins girl.” She said with a smile towards the couple.

Hayley felt bad for Jaydon. He was going to be in a house full of girls. TO be totally honest she was hoping boy and girl like Jane and Jaydon but not everything happened the way she wanted. She looked at Jaydon. “I am sorry Jaydon.” She said to him hoping he wasn’t mad about all this.

She knew she was okay she wiped it off the jel and looked at the doctor. “We will see you in two weeks again we are getting to the point of every two week checkups also… get your birth plan done.” She said with a smile. Giving Hayley a hug she smiled and left the room.

“Did you still want to go baby shopping Jaydon and we were planning on going out for dinner with Blake and Jane tonight right?”

His heart sank listening to her. He listened to the entire thing without trying to cry. He was always very emotional and even a hopeless romantic. He looked at her and moved over sitting beside her wrapping his arms around her he looked at her.

“Don’t be like that. Everything turned out fine. They are together in the end and you are fine. And your brother loves you. He wanted to be with you and Hayley can over react sometimes… but shhh.. don’t tell her I told you that.” He said kissing her on the cheek.


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Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Hayley glanced at Jaydon.

"I promise you I think you don't need to kill people." She said getting up and walking over to him.
She was so happy three girls well four in the house she felt bad for Jaydon though. "And we need to get one boy so maybe in the far off future we will try for a boy."

She said giving him a kiss and smiled. "Well i thought i looked pretty good in your clothes. But you are correct we do need to go shopping." She said with a smile.


He looked at her and smiled at her. "Oh Jane. I am so sorry to hear that. Everything will be fine. There are other ways for having a family, not only that. We can always maybe beat the odds." He said giving her a kiss. Wrapping his hands around her waist her picked her off the chair and helped her legs around his waist.

He continued to kiss her walking her towards the bedroom and smiled. "I am so deeply in love with you." He said breaking the kiss then getting right back to it.