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Himawari Takato

A hidden ninja from the flashy side of life

0 · 950 views · located in Feudal Japan

a character in “A Ninja Tale”, as played by Hal_Wannabe


Himawari Takato
Stealthy Ninja from the Clan of Flash
When dealing with a Koga ninja, the last thing you expect is to have your throat slit from behind

Himawari Takato
height: 6 foot
weight: 180
Sexual Orientation: straight
Kusarigama, fire bombs, standard gear (shuriken, kunai, wire etc)

Personality: Takato prefers acting like a fool when faced with direct combat, but is actually quite serious, he's a harsh taskmaster when not acting this part, mainly because he worked hard to develop and perfect his stealth techniques since his clan is not known for them, his right cheek is heavily burn scarred
Likes: Honesty, he tells you the truth and he expects the same courtesy, even if you're enemies, though he recognizes that honesty doesn't usually have a place on the battlefield
Dislikes: lying, tomatoes, men in general
Talents: stealth manipulating his chain weapon in strange ways, shamishen music
Flaws: no ability with his clans signature techniques of shadow clones and fire manipulation, nor ninja magic of any kind, more often than not, things just explode in his face, tendency to be clumsy when not focused,
Hobbies: (music, painting, philosophy)

Bio:During his early days in the koga clan his brothers quickly learned he was a disaster at manipulating his energy and that it was dangerous to be around him when he tried, after burning most of his face, the worst being his cheek, his clan left him to his own devices, writing him off as a ninja He quickly dropped trying to use his other abilities and started focusing on the rudimentary stealth techniques, soon he could move through his clan compound without being seen or heard, the day he snuck up on the master of the clan and put a stick to his throat he earned the recognition of his clan and was welcomed to the fold

So begins...

Himawari Takato's Story


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I felt the twigs and branches tearing at my mask as I ran, two of the masters were following me, not surprising since they'd been standing next to each other when I threw the bomb at them. I'd known my own master plotted treachery coming in, but when the other had drawn a blade I'd acted. And now I was being hunted. I tossed a handful of shuriken backwards, they would serve as a distraction, hopefully long enough for me to hide. Being that one was my own master I knew I could hide from him, I knew his patterns, how he thought. If I was careful I might even be able to take him out.

I felt pants shred as a shuriken buried itself in my calf and I started to roll. I dropped my last bomb. Damn, this was gonna hurt. I flew from the explosion and felt my shirt start to burn as I slammed into a tree and started to roll against my will, my hand grabbed for purchase as I slid. I grabbed a root as I felt the ground beneath me give way to space.



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Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Kai Hio

The clash of swords. The smell of blood. This was the smell of treachery. Smoke clouded the area. Smoke bombs were being thrown from one of the other shinobi. Kai pulled the trigger on the familiar arquebus, hidden in a nearby tree. "Koga....always so flashy." She saw the Master of Koga hobble around, she had shattered his kneecap. A round of bullets whizzed past the kunoichi and she dropped from her tree. Kotara Fuma's caught on now. This will be interesting, but where are those royals?

Kai's silver eyes scanned the shrine, doing her best to avoid the bullets. The white haired twins should be noticeable. "If I where them I'd have either stayed in shock or run into the forest." A dying groan pieced the air. The victor was surely the other two masters. This can't be how we'll end. Then the girl turned around at the feeling on someone or someones watching her. What awaited her were two masters, bloodstained and torn up. A small click in the trees told her that her clan master was watching as well, his weapon ready. "Why do you do this?" She asked with a hollow voice. A bang was heard and she moved a few seconds late. The bullet lodged into her leg. "Dang it..."

She unsheathed her Wakizashi and charged at the two bloody shinobi in front of her. The repeated bangs following behind her. She slid underneath them, cutting one of their legs and continuing to run. She glimpsed the bloody corpse of their Royal leader before plunging into the forest towards where the smoke bomb explosions came from. The idea being that whoever was throwing the bombs might have the same intentions as her and if she helped them, they could maybe escape this mess.

As Kai plunged deeper and deeper into the forest, she began to feel that the help she hoped to find had been killed. A mess of broken branches, twigs, and claw marks in the ground and trees told her that the help maybe be alive. She ran towards the end of the messy trail and nearly ran right over the cliff. A dead tree with many roots going over the side was all that was in this clearing, but holding onto the roots was another ninja. She rushed over and held out a hand. "Need a hand?" Her tone of voice rather to optimistic for this situation.


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Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Takato blinked. "Well, It wouldn't be very gracious of me to decline such a generous offer." Takato tensed the muscles in his back prepared and lunged grabbing a second root. He could feel the pain radiating from the puncture in his leg, he'd have to take it out if he wanted to continue, but it seemed okay for now. Not like he could reach it anyways. "I'm Takato, did you see the two that were following me, I think I got one with that bomb I dropped." Takato felt his hand start to slip. I really wish I'd had my climbing claws on


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Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Kai Hio

"Hio Kai, Fuma clan." Kai noticed Takato had a shuriken buried in his leg. Obviously it was causing trouble and the method to pull him over the cliff wouldn't work because he was to far to reach. "I got the other master most likely for now. " The bullet in her own leg was now causing a burning sensation and she hissed a bit. Even if he did managed to reach her hand, her leg might give out and they would both go over the cliff. "Takato-san...I might be able to give you a boost. But are you up for a bit of flying?" The idea of using wind techniques to blast him upwards and to where she was, was all she could think of. Kai also knew it would be quicker as she was sure her master was still alive and well, probably pursuing them at the very moment.

She stood up reluctantly as pain shot through her leg again and made the necessary hand signs. At that moment a gust of wind started to blow upwards. Gradually it got stronger the longer she held the sign, but it was draining and it would surely attract attention. "Letting go of the branch would be good about now..."


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Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Takato looked at her, if this was a trap, he was dead, but then he would be dead regardless if he didn't try anything. Takato dropped the hold and felt himself lift up, far higher than he would have liked into the orange night, a result of his bomb, putting his good foot forward as he dropped he managed to take most of the brunt, but still his injured leg screamed in pain when he landed on it.

"Well, at least I know you're not with them, if you had been, I'd be dead already." Takato grabbed the star and ripped it out staring at the injury, before looking around, plenty of wood on fire, he grabbed a piece and seared his leg shut, at least it wouldn't get infected.

"Need any first aid?"


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Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Takato took a package out of his pouch and looked through it's contents, before handing Hio a sewing needle and pulling out a bandage to wrap his leg. "Not sure that's thick enough, but it's better than nothing. And no, you couldn't. Your a sniper like the rest of your clan, less adept at hand to hand, your injury's making it hard to focus your abilities, I saw you struggle, It would have been easier and more efficient to just drop me, besides that, I'm pretty sure I killed your master when I threw that first bomb. By the way, I am Himawari Takato, now formerly of the Koga clan."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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#, as written by Penfold
Piitaa dodged trees doing a speedy lope like a wolf, such a run that felt like he was flying, great bounds not only meant he wasn't exerting much energy but also meant he was in the air more of the time so his feet weren't getting caught on the undergrowth "not much father now to the center of the forest" he thought to himself, when he got to the center he could go to the highest tree and scan for any people in the forest, which would hopefully give him a few leads on people so he could scout them out for his newest targets, protecting the royal twins.

as he ran he heard a loud gush of wind, not expecting the loud noise of trees rustling heavily caught him off guard and he tripped and stumbled into the ground
"oomph!....bleh!" he groans spitting leaves and small fallen bits of bark onto the ground and looked in the direction of the wind, the way it was blowing, it was blowing upwards.....wind doesn't do that unless it was a member of the Fuma clan "logic dictates i should avoid that area, but the Fuma clan has also defected like my own, I've assassinated a few of the Fuma clan before, near impossible to get to, but when done it was an easy kill....i also have the forest as cover and i highly doubt they know I'm here...and as they have defected...why else use their powers unless it was to kill the royals? everyone would be an ally and what clans loyal are dead now" he analyzed the situation quickly loving eery second of the pressure "well they may have my target and now the hunt begins" he thought with a small amount of glee and nervousness battling a wind maker in a forest could result in alot of bruises, broken bones and tumbles down cliffs....but the effort must be made and so he got up, dusted himself off so he was more red than brown again and stalked in the direction of the wind blast.

"sickle and my nodachi are useless here, not enough room" he whispered to himself as he slowly drew his Katana, taking his time to limit his noise as he stalked on again. using his Mastery of Uzura-gakure when ever he heard the slightest of sound to turn into a rock or a tree, which ever was nearest before moving on when sure it was safe


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Kai Hio

Kai quickly reached into the other ninja's pouch when he handed her the needle, drawing out a slim stylus like shuriken. She then accepted the needle with a murmur of thanks. "Not everyone in my clan is like that." She patted the two wakizashi in their sheathes on her back. "I'd say you're quite the black sheep too're Koga yet nothing flashy such as flames or the famed shadow clones your clan is famous for."
Kai then dragged herself to a burning piece of wood and passed both "tools" through the flames to sterilize it. After they coolled off, she steeled herself and dug the shuriken into the bullet wound. The kunoichi clamped her mouth shut, tears of pain falling as she dug out a piece of a musketball. She rested a bit and proceded to remove the other pieces. A few short minutes later she was finished. She then untied the strip of cloth tied above the wound and wrapped it like a bandage.
Kai started to pass the shuriken and needle back when she felt a presence in the forest behind them. "More company again. I guess the wind was a bad idea." She shakily got to her feet and put a hand on the handle of one wakizashi, the other on the arquebus's butt. The aura of this unknown presence had a killing aura about them, it made her uneasy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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"Yes, well I'm sure you can appreciate the advantage of being known for one thing and being something completely different Hio-san, and, well" Takato looked around the smouldering forest. "It's not like I completely ignored my teachers." Takato watched her finish wrapping the bandage and listened as she felt the presence. Something he hadn't. "We know you are there, you will not catch us by surprise. Are you friend or foe to the Kunosaki"


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Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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#, as written by Penfold
Piitaa eyed the two from his hiding spot carefully "if she can sense me she could be demonic.....or it could be her silver eyes, the male ninja didn't notice me so he isnt so....gifted" he thought to himself. he stalked around the, briefly taking a moment to calm his nerves, he was enjoying this unknown a bit too much than he thought he would.

"well well, a silver eyed pretty fuma, and a reserved Koka ninja thank you for telling me fuma i wouldn't have worked out fuma, you were easy. only a fuma could have trained eyes to see me, a few haven't but i guess every clan has their prodigy"

he spoke from behind his disguise, moving at every pause in the sentance making it seem like he is every where in the dark echoing forest "are you like your clans and serving Nobunaga? or are you traitors who serve the royal couple....think about your answer but tell truthfully....if you give the wrong answer you die, you know im here -somewhere-"

logic dictated he should just kill them, they were both wounded but....he wanted to believe others resisted the demons, he also didnt want to protect the royal couple assassin is a very bad protector and he would want people who could stay and defend the couple while he did what he did best


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Takato listened to the voice carefully, always moving, never staying still, a good plan. But not perfect. "Back's to the cliff he can't come at us from there" He said while moving. "And I believe I asked you first. Unless you are as un-mannered as a child." Takato pulled the Twin Sickles and their chain from his back. He had to be here somewhere, no matter how good he was, there was always a mistake. A shadow eclipsed a small burning bush and Takato locked on, never once moving his head, only his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki
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Kai cocked her head at the hidden ninja's response. "I suppose Fuma is known for our eyes...thank you for the praise." She still had her lapses of extreme courtesy at the wrong times. Though she focused on what to do. The ninja was of the Iga clan as the best bet. The disguise and unrivaled hiding techniques the Iga learned, made it the ultimate challenge for any Fuma. But unlike most of her clan, Kai didn't care. In her mind she could see even if both wounded, the had an advantage in number. Plus the ninja was taking care to stay hidden. If he kept out, there would be no cover.

"And I believe I asked you first. Unless you are as un-mannered as a child." An idea struck. Kai put down the arquebus and stood at a halfway distance between Takato and the forest. He rather is like a child. Enjoying games, trying to outsmart an adult. "Kage-san (Mr.Shadow)." The silver-eyes started to comb the scenery in front of her, hand on one Wakizashi. "If you want us to answer truthfully, we need some trust on your part. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a ninja for a ninja."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki
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#, as written by Penfold
"And I believe I asked you first. Unless you are as un-mannered as a child." Piitaa smiled at that. "taking care is being thought as rude? its smart more like, but then this is far from a usual circumstance. i cant blame him for reacting oddly" he thought to himself. as he shifted to hide in front of Kai just as she walked forward

"If you want us to answer truthfully, we need some trust on your part. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a ninja for a ninja." "a challenge? or an invitation" he thought with some surprise. he scanned the scene once more, the Koka ninja would be useless with the Arquebus...but he is an odd Koka.

"hmm a fight with silver eyes and they seem truthful....i don't think Koka will fight but this is a clearing, i should be able to take them both with the nodachi" he reasoned to himself, he sheathed his Katana and then leaped into the clearing drawing his Nodachi field sword standing in front of her, his deep red armor on display to them, the Nodachi resting calmly on the ground, his feet side on and his torso twisted slightly away from fuma and Himawari

"well, here i am and I'm not sure if i will be please or upset if you know me, but to answer your question i am on the side of the Kunosaki twins, and i'm in the middle of my hunt, i heard your gale and thought you may have my target....i don't see them so its your turn to answer me"

he gripped his sword, making the tip of the huge blade sink into the undergrowth slightly, there was no cover here but if he lashed out he would provide a distraction so he could dive into the trees and once more becoming invisible and inaudible


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Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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Takato took a slightly less defensive posture, though one he could still move quickly from. "As am I. Though they should have been more prepared. Peace imposed by others is not peace. I am Himawari Takato formerly of the KoGa. My new friend here is Hio Kai, who identifies herself as Fuma, though our recent traitorous actions would put us at odds with our former allies. What is your name?


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Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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"Thank you." Kai bowed slightly. "To answer you, if the twins are still alive my allegiance is to them." She released her grip on the Wakizashi and studied the shinobi in front of them. Crimson armor. She eyed the katana he carried, willing to bet it was just as red. "Yamahashi Piita, the Bloodsoaked. Known for his brutal assassinations." Her silver-eyes locked onto the Yamahashi's own, before walking toward the cliff and sat among the dead tree's roots cleaning her arquebus.

"I suppose we can relax now. That is if you both aren't going to kill each other first."


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Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato
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"Make no mistake, I don't know him and have no reason to trust his word, but at this point in time, we need allies. So for now, I shall ignore my suspicions. And since we all claim loyalty to the Kunosaki, we should get moving."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki Character Portrait: Yuuki Kunosaki
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#, as written by Metsumi
Yuuki shrugged, following after her brother. As they progressed back into the forest, a battle torn area greeted them. Shuriken, kunai, fire, blood, disturbed undergrowth, and the occasional blood. A twig snapping made her dive into a nearby bush, she watched and listened for any movement before climbing back onto the "path". As the duo continued onward, voices became audible.

"But to answer your question I'm on the side of the Kunosaki twins, and I'm in the middle of my hunt...." The voice was male, another male said his allegiance was to them as well. "The Fuma ninja must have been killed then..." She whispered a bit down, but they had allies at least. As she thought about how she was wrong and what could have happened if they didn't show up as late as they were. Yuuki almost missed what she wanted to hear.

"To answer you, if the twins are still alive my allegiance is to them." She smirked and nudged Takashi a little harder then she should. But she was right for once.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki Character Portrait: Yuuki Kunosaki
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#, as written by Penfold
"Yamahashi Piita, the Bloodsoaked." Piitaa frowned at that "if you know me so well then it means im not as good as i thought, ill have to train and remedy that when things get back to normal. move back a bit please"

there wasn't as much room as Piitaa thought which made him all the more thankful he didn't have to fight both Kai and Himawari, when they were at a far enough distance he yanked his nodachi out of the floor sending some of the undergrowth to fly a little.
the three and a half foot blade then swoops in an arc going upwards and then down onto a sheath strapped to his back

"well now that unpleasantness is over with, we all know each other, perhaps its best we get back to the hunt, do you have any idea where the twins would be?" he looked around scanning the forests "i don't see any Iga here, but i'm not sure if they might be stalking the twins"

While Piitaa is nowhere near as good at detection as any Fuma clan like Kai, but a Fuma clan could sense an Iga watching them but chances are would have no idea, Piitaa however, being an Iga himself knows what to look for and it becomes a battle of skill, all dependent on how good his target is


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Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Takashi Kunosaki Character Portrait: Yuuki Kunosaki
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It was somewhat surprising to Takashi that, despite all the battle scars the forest had, there were no bodies. From the tracks he saw, he guessed both ninja had injured each other, and both had retreated to lick their wounds before fighting again, or perhaps moved to stalk easier prey. That his sister and he might be said prey did not make him feel any better. It had been some time since sounds of fighting had been anywhere nearby, though. The sound of a twig snapping had Takashi throwing his back to a tree and putting its bulk opposite of the sound's origin. Holding his breath, he waiting for any additional sounds, but there was nothing save for the blood pounding in his ears. He forced his heart to slow, his muscles to relax. At last he stepped out from his hiding place, as sure as he could be that the cause of the sound was innocent. They couldn't sit still forever.

It was while he listened for threats that he picked up the first hints of voices, though he couldn't quite make out the words until they drew closer."And I'm in the middle of my hunt." Takashi's jaw and grip both tightened at the words. Traitors, then. And, apparently, more than one. So much for outnumbering them...but surprise could still be on their side. Hunters would not expect to be hunted. He was about to sheath his Katana and draw his bow when someone else spoke. "To answer you, if the twins are still alive my allegiance is to them." So, they had arrived just in time to crash a dual between a traitor and a loyalist, it seemed. Since Takashi was looking through the underbrush, trying to get a look at those they had come across, he did not see his twin readying a rather deserved elbow. The strike made him grunt, and brought his attention, though he just rolled his eyes at the smirk she wore.

Well now that unpleasantness is over with, we all know each other, perhaps it's best we get back to the hunt, do you have any idea where the twins would be"? Takashi relaxed further. He had been wrong again, more times than his sister knew. There was no dual to take place, all those assembled had apparently professed loyalty. Not that it might be true, since one might claim loyalty to the other in order to more easily take down their guard. It was likely that the majority were true to their word, though, else the traitors would have no need for the subterfuge, and would even put themselves as greater risk by lying.


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Character Portrait: Piitaa Yamahashi Character Portrait: Kai Hio Character Portrait: Himawari Takato Character Portrait: Otoha Zokiro
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Kai stared at the what lay beyond the cliff. However thick white fog shrouded anything past the tree roots. As she thought to herself, the bits of conversation she picked up from Himawari and Yamahashi caused an inkling of annoyance. "Why do ninja always distrust others unlike them." She set down her weapon and approached the two.

"Both of you may not trust each other at all. But...I trust both of you wholeheartedly." She really did and she had reasons for this. If she were Yamahashi and wanted to kill two unknown ninja, she would have done so without uttering a word. Why go thought the bother of questioning your prey if they were on your side or not, unless you wanted allies or some help. For Himawari, she wouldn't be fighting two masters unless she had really done something to betray them. He also hadn't killed her when she helped him over the cliff, when she was vulnerable to attack. "Now both of you..." She pulled them together by the wrists. "Shake." She waited a few seconds, and then went to grab her forgotten weapon by the tree. "If you don't form some kind of mutual agreement I'll shoot."

As she bent over to pick up the weapon, the fog that obscured what lay below the cliff had dispersed. A river flowed at the bottom with a number of cherry trees in full bloom dotted the banks. The petals in the water added even more to the beauty. "Quite breathtaking...but sad.." Kai mused again and approached the edge together a better view. However something, rather someone, was drifting in the current. As she continued to watch the body washed up on the bank. "Most likely an execution." Before she turned away, the body seemed to twitch and its chest falling up in down with breaths. As good as her eyes were she wasn't sure if the person was alive or not, but a feeling in her gut told her to go down there.

"If you've made your agreement we're going to get moving, going down. C'mon!" She hopped off the cliff, flapping a bit wildly to keep herself balanced. She grabbed a tree branch just before hitting the river below and swung to the next branch and next till she reached the bank the body lay. Now she could see the person was alive, but wounded. She saw three lacerations on the mysterious man's chest and placed pressure to stop bleeding. "Oi, you, you gotta keep it together!" It may seem odd to help a fallen ninja who could be an enemy, but Kai could see he fit the description for a wanted rogue shinobi. One who supposedly turned against Iga. Whatever was driving Kai right now to save this person though, she wasn't sure.