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Nicholas Yamada

"To be a father, is not to parent your child, but show them what they could be with hard work."

0 · 1,716 views · located in San Francisco, California

a character in “A Part of Growing Up”, as played by SaxyLady15



{"I'm gonna live till I die." - Frank Sinatra }

|Full Name|
Nicholas Markinson Michael Yamada
"A mouthful, I know."

"Please, just Nick."

December 20th || Twentieth of December

"Surprise you?"

Korean - American

Most of the time || Owner of HUB
Full-Time || Single Father


|Apartment Number|
Apartment 2C

Past || Seoul, South Korea
Currently Residing || San Francisco

{"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." - Michael J. Fox }


|Height & Weight|
5'9 & 125

|Hair & Eyes|
A deep, dark luscious brown.
"Ladies love it when I gaze into theirs."

|Fashion Sense|
Work Outfit || Nicholas likes the HUB to have at least a halfway decent reputation around town, and to do that he needs to dress the part. He more often than not wears a button-down shirt, with a matching tie, and neutral colored button-up vest on his torso. If he's feeling comfortable he'll wear jeans, since customers don't see the bottom half of him most of the time anyways, but if word is Naomi's coming 'round, he'll slip into a pair of dress pants.

Everyday Tendencies || He usually shoots in the ballpark of rustic, and modern clothing. Not really liking the idea of keeping something in his closet for more than 5 years or so. Nick tends to lean towards the darker shades in the colors, but alas, during the summer and heated seasons, he resorts to whites and light greys.

|Quirks & Habits|
β˜›Scratching behind ear when nervous☚
β˜›Twitching fingers against leg when impatient☚
β˜›Smiling when under pressure☚
β˜›Squeezing Timothy a little too tight in hugs☚
β˜›Being overprotective☚
β˜›Trying to not change old habits☚

|Talents(T) | Strengths(ST) | Skills(SK) |
"I think I'm doing a pretty darn good job."
"I mean.. I own my own place."
"I practically raised myself, love. Give me some credit."

⚘Puppy Dog Eyes⚘
"Being a father of an only child has it's downs.."
"They seem to be the one part of my life I completely fail in."
"It's definitely not a strong suite."
"I'm not allowing my son to be like me."

β˜›Playing Guitar☚
"How do you think I got those women?"
β˜›Singing Lullabies☚
β˜›Practicing sports with son☚
β˜›Reading (Occasionally)☚

ΓΈLosing SonΓΈ
ΓΈOwn DeathΓΈ

✀Still feels for Naomi✀
✀Timothy doesn't know his mother✀

β˜› Give his son a livable life☚
β˜› Reunite with Naomi ☚
β˜› HUB becomes internationally known ☚
β˜› Has a family ☚


β˜› Independent ☚
As if being left twice, when marriage was brought up in the relationship wasn't enough proof, Nicholas has worked most of his life on his own. No family now, or none that he's aware of. Besides Timothy of course.

β˜› Trustworthy ☚
He stayed true to both the women he had major relationships, not once straying, or even thinking about it. He was even very honorable to his parents when they were living still, and his brother, for that matter. He was the one who talked him into joining the Army.

β˜› Gentleman ☚
Just ask the women that dated him. He always came to the door on dates, opened the car door, and showered them with flowers. He paid in full for the dinners, with the exception of a few with Nomi, but only because he lost his wallet during the date. He's never dressed sloppily in front of the female gender, and hardly does generally, and practices his table and social manners often in the HUB.

β˜› Parent ☚
Nicholas loves little Timothy with all of his heart. Nearly every night, he makes the time to read his son until his little eyelids can no longer fight the lulling soothe of sleep. Ever since the boy was born, and he held him, he's felt a part of his life fill that void that was left so open from Nomi and Hilary.

β˜› Handsome ☚
Nonetheless, how do you think Nicholas came to be heartbroken by multiple women, and acquire a son? It wasn't sure luck, he guarantees it. He takes pride in his lotion, and skin care ointments.



β˜› Taking Pictures ☚
β˜› Memories ☚
β˜› His Son ☚
β˜› Timothy's Mother ☚
β˜› Alcohol (A little too much)☚
β˜› Women (Sorry guys)☚
β˜› Sweet Perfumes ☚
β˜› Dinosaurs ☚
β˜› His Son's Imagination ☚
β˜› Red Hair ☚
β˜› Blue ☚
β˜› Pirates (Yes, Captain Hook)☚

β˜› Feeling Tired ☚
β˜› Being useless ☚
β˜› Make-Up ☚
β˜› Overalls ☚
β˜› Sneaky Businesses ☚
β˜› Odd Names ☚
β˜› Leather ☚
β˜› Straight Rum ☚
β˜› Yellow ☚
β˜› Lady Bugs ☚
β˜› Summer Weather ☚
β˜› Sand ☚



|Place of Origin|
Past || Seoul, South Korea
Currently Residing || San Francisco, California

|Family Tree|
Mother || Merian Shingon || Deceased
Father || Treman Yamada || Deceased
Brother || Nickolai Yamada || Alive
Ex - Wife || Hilary Thompson || Alive
Son || Timothy Alexander Yamada || Alive
Ex-Fiancee || Naomi Ekwensi-Hart || Alive

|Happiest Memory|
"I wish I could transport back in time."

Nicholas finding out he was going to be a father is probably the happiest memory a man can have in his lifetime. He remembers holding his son, Timothy, for the first time. It was full of love, as the boy looked to his father for the first time, and Nick can remember Hilary's expression as she was leaving the room about his facial expression towards the baby. It was love at first sight.

|Saddest Memory|
"Of all the things I remember..."

When he left his true love, Naomi, it was devastating. He'd grown up without parents, unless you count his brother, so that wasn't up there. But Naomi's eyes were always so bright, and joyful every time she saw him. He loved the way her hair flowed, and the way her lips creased as she smiled. But then he moved on, and.. here we are.



It all starts as everyone else's story does. He was born to a mother and father, and they were a happy couple living in Seoul, South Korea. Then, his father took his mother to a much safer country, the United States, as they wanted to settle down and raise a family, much more easily than they could have there. It wasn't hard to leave South Korea behind, and start their new lives as a married couple in the United States. It was only a few years after arriving, did they have Nickolai, named after his mother's grandfather, Nikolai. They were a pleasant family of three, until Nicholas came along.

Nickolai was a well-behaved, shy, quiet boy, while his younger brother was a bouncy, energetic, talkative, aspiring world traveler for a little boy. Only 5 years separating the two, they couldn't be more alike or different. The boys eventually grew into men, and Nickolai vowed to stay home and care for his then sickly parents, their father and mother telling Nicholas to go on. Go on, son, we'll be right here when you return... Son, I can't wait to hear of your traveling tales. We'll be waiting. We love you. Nicholas took their advice excitedly, and set off right away, only making it through the U.S. and Australia, before his brother called for his early return. Nicholas.. Mom and Dad are gone. He remembers still boarding the plane alone, and then getting off in San Francisco, where they lived closer to the city lines than he does now.

It was that fall they buried them, and the brothers sold their childhood home, Nickolai going into the Marines, whilst Nicholas picked up on his travels, but stayed in San Francisco in the end. He ended up staying in the hometown, and opening up a nice little bar known as the HUB, and moved into the apartment close to it, known as 2C in the Red Building. It's quite convenient just walking across the street to work. (Also now known for the best margaritas, you're welcome.) He loves it as his job, as all the foreigners vacationing, or just lots of different people walk through his doors generally, and he counts it as a type of traveling. Until one day, when she walked through his doors with her gangster boyfriend. She was beautiful, and he hated seeing it.

That man... or boy, for lack of self-control, kept harassing the girl all night, and when he got drunk, Nicholas felt his inner good samaritan kick in, and he stepped in-between the two, eventually getting a blow to the jaw. He smiled at the girl, and from there started a year of sensual romance, he'll never forget as long as he lives. She was so talented, but she was much cuter in sweats and a tank than those Madonna-inspired outfits she wore on stage, revealing everything but her bellybutton. Maybe he took it too fast? He doesn't know to this day. But, he proposed, and it's been at least three or so years, and he's single. She rejected him hard, even throwing in the I don't love you, I never did card.

Like any man, he picked himself up and moved on. Not too quickly, as it took him a good 6 months just to get over the fact he was probably never going to see Nomi Hart again. But then, he met Hilary Thompson. She was polite, and courteous, everything he'd thought he had with Nomi, and in a nutshell of brown curls and blue eyes. They were married after a year of serious dating, and she seemed happy. Maybe he just doesn't sense the sadness in women? But, she gave him a son, Timothy Alexander. She was fine for about a month after the boy was born, but then, she packed her bags and left the single father with a crying baby, while she ran away to Hawaii with a Brazilian pilot.

Now, a divorced, heart-broken, single father, Nicholas has lately been hearing tales of Nomi living nearby, but hasn't had a reason to investigate. Besides, what would he say to her? He has a son now. That's a huge game changer and slap in the face. So, he usually just rides out the waves with the almost 1 year old Timothy, the boy 'helping' him around the HUB most days, which consists of gurgling and cooing to attract the customers.

{"The course of true love never did run smooth." - William Shakespeare }

Ships In The Night

Like ships in the night
You keep passing me by
Just wasting time
Trying to prove whos right
And if it all goes crashing into the sea
If its just you and me
Trying to find the light
Like ships in the night letting cannonballs fly
Say what you mean and it turns to a fight
Fists fly from my mouth as it turns south
Youre down the driveway
Im on the couch
Chasing your dreams since the violent fifth grade
Trying to believe in your silent own way
'Cause well be okay, Im not going away
Like you watched at fourteen as it went down the drain
Your pops stayed the same and your moms moved away
How many of our parents seem to make it anyway
Were just fumbling through the gray
Trying to find a heart thats not walking away
Turn the lights down low
Walk these halls alone
We can feel so far
From so close
Like ships in the night
You keep passing me by
Just wasting time
Trying to prove whos right
And if it all goes crashing into the sea
If its just you and me
Trying to find the light
Like ships in the night
You're passing me by
You're passing me by
Like ships in the night
Im at the airport waitin on the second plane
Had to pack, you had cramps,
And I was late heading to a red carpet
They wont know my name
Riding in silence
All that we wanna say
'Bout to board when you call on the phone
You say Im sorry Ill be waitin at home
Feels like were burning this out on our own
Trying to find our way down a road we dont know
Turn the lights down low
Walk these halls alone
We can feel so far
From so close
[Repeat: x2]
Im gonna find my way
Back to your side


❣Face Claim : Godfrey Goa❣
❣Has an eye on Chantal❣
❣Loves reading Timothy fairytales before bed.❣


Dialogue Color || #690825
Thought Color || #9bb314

So begins...

Nicholas Yamada's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Yamada Character Portrait: Amanda Weaver Character Portrait: Katherine 'Kit' Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Naomi Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Anastasia O'hare Character Portrait: Dinny Valverde
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0.00 INK

β•” β•—
Friday, May 23, 2014|| Time: 5: 35 pm|| Location: San Francisco, CA, USA


β€œYou've got this life and while you've got it, you'd better kiss like you only have one moment, try to hold someone's hand like you will never get another chance to, look into people's eyes like they're the last you'll ever see, watch someone sleeping like there's no time left, jump if you feel like jumping, run if you feel like running, play music in your head when there is none, and eat cake like it's the only one left in the world!”

β•š ╝

A meteor shower!

That was what everyone had been talking about all week. Since astronomers had claimed that there would be a meteor shower on Friday night, everyone had been excited. Kids spent the last few days performing extra tasks and chores so that they could convince their parents to extend their lights outs, cafes and restaurants trying out new recipes that would correlate with the event to scrounge up more profit out of way too eager customers, and artists clamoring all week to come up with various performances and project leading up to the big day. Before everyone knew it, Friday had come along and well, San Francisco was as alive as it usually is on such a momentous occasion.

As soon as the citizens woke up, the streets were filled with more vendors than there honestly should have been on a simple Friday in May. Firework stands, food stands, and even that cute little old lady who does the palm reading your mama probably told you to steer clear of are all out. Particularly on a usually quaint little street that houses both a red and daffodil building. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. Where the coffee ain't so great, but the tenants will probably curse your name with the force of a thousand suns if you even think about bad-mouthing it. Yep, you know the place and those same people are just like everyone else. Perhaps, a bit excited for the carnival that just so happens to be going on nearby. Perhaps for the meteor shower that will light up the sky, if those pesky fireworks don't take up the limelight. Or, perhaps, they're more excited for whatever drama mother nature has decided to cook up between all of them. Guess we're all just gonna have to wait and see...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Yamada Character Portrait: Amanda Weaver Character Portrait: Katherine 'Kit' Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Naomi Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Anastasia O'hare Character Portrait: Dinny Valverde
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0.00 INK


β•” β•—
Friday, May 23, 2014|| Time: 5: 35 pm|| Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

[ Last of the American Girls ]

"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars,
And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the egg of the wren,
And the tree-toad is a chef-d’oeuvre for the highest,
And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,"

β•š ╝

Katherine was trying to low lie for the day, she was sat in the back of a small cafΓ© in the middle of town reading a copy of Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself' and was stirring a flavoured green tea with a tea spoon absentmindedly. She'd only just left the dance studio a few hours ago from her classes and the young aspiring actress was just appreciating a moment's quiet but she travelled down to go look at the meteor shower. A juvenile part of her character was thrilled about the idea of witnessing something so rare and beautiful but she didn't let it show or voice that to anyone due to a fear of looking childish, it wouldn't usually stop her but it was arguable how good her mood was today. She turned her page and pulled the ribbon place holder down the spine and set the book down in front of her on the table. She adored the poem in question but she just felt so distracted. In the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse at a news paper on the rack and she sighed at another heart wrenching head line, another act of cruelty was being broadcasted nationally on the front page. She tried to over look it but these things always had a way of getting under her skin for a while. Her mother had always blamed it on her soft heart.

Kit sighed softly and picked up her tea and walked over the till.

"Excuse me? I'm really sorry to be a bother but could I get this to take away instead?" She asked the server politely and the eager waitress nodded lightly and gave her a brisk comment along the lines; 'Oh of course!' and Kit nodded softly and gave her a small thank you and made a point of dropping a few coins into the tip jar. She always came to this cafΓ© anyway and dropping coins into the jar and listening to the metallic chime it created had become force of habit for her but she could say the same for her RSPCA donations and all the money she donated to any other charities. She was signed up to donate monthly to at least 4 and that's without the fund raisers she put time, money and effort into organising all the time. She always had some project going on and as she pondered about all her previous work and listened to the coins dropping into the jar, it hit her why she was feeling so gormless and glum.

She didn't have a project or anything lined up.

She had a couple of interviews for parts coming up but they were maybe two weeks away and Kit was a person who always felt the need to be physically proactive about something all the while- she wouldn't ever waste even an minute of anyone's time including her own. She chewed the end of drink stirrer thoughtfully and accepted the take away cup from the waitress and thanked her as she started her way out of the cafΓ©, her mind whirling away as she began plotting new ideas for coming up projects she could have a go at.

So taking long, elegant strides down the road in skin tight jeans and a sleeveless top with her favourite pair of ankle boots, she made her way down the street thinking to herself about something she could do that day and debating if she felt like going to the carnival in the evening but more importantly, if she went who she could go with or get to tag along.


β•” β•—
Friday, May 23, 2014|| Time: 5: 35 pm|| Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

[ It's Time ]

"They say a picture can speak a thousand words but a song can sing a thousand more,"

β•š ╝

Come the afternoon, Nathaniel was still padding around the music store, assembling guitars on walls and the drum kit which sat in the corner of the store. He enjoyed his job admittedly it was anything but impressive but the pay allowed to meet ends and that was all that mattered- enough to survive and he likes his job, he'd never dare complain about it.

"Yo, Matt you going down the carnival later?" Nate asked, shouting over at his college from the drum kit he was setting up and turning his head with an arched brow. The other guy shrugged and gave a muttered response which denied all knowledge of there even being a carnival. Nathaniel rolled his eyes and laughed and dusting his hands off, he stood having completed the job of setting up the nifty drum kit- it was a nice set and checking his boss wasn't around in the corner of his eye first, Nate quickly leaned over to hit a quick beat and looking over at Matt encouragingly and rolling his eyes.

"Go on bro, I've got you a beat free style it," Nate laughed and after a moment's consideration, Matt burst into a rap which mostly consisted of insulting Nathaniel's hair and drumming abilities but it was amusing none the less as far as Nate was concerned but spotting a customer by the door, both men instantly fell silent and tried not to laugh as they returned to pretending they were really busy and working hard. The customer looked at Nate accusingly and smirking a little but being the good employee he was, Nate made his way over to the customer and graciously offering his assistance and tried to strike up a sale some how. He was already five minutes over time but he didn't much, he could leave after this customer had gotten exactly the service they came for, he was a dedicated worker like that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Yamada Character Portrait: Amanda Weaver Character Portrait: Katherine 'Kit' Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Naomi Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Anastasia O'hare Character Portrait: Dinny Valverde
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0.00 INK

Double Post, whoops

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Yamada Character Portrait: Amanda Weaver Character Portrait: Katherine 'Kit' Van Der Woodsen Character Portrait: Naomi Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Anastasia O'hare Character Portrait: Dinny Valverde
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0.00 INK

Outfit || Outfit
❝"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." - Michael J. Fox❞


Nicholas blinked slowly, the steam coming off of his cup and hitting his face, his mouth opening into a wide yawn. He leaned against the counter inside the HUB, his very own joint. His hip started buzzing, and he slowly looked down after swallowing a gulp of coffee that he'd just managed to enjoy. Nicholas fished his phone out of his jeans pocket, and saw the reminder.

Leotychides Meteor Shower Celebration

His lips pursed into a smile as he thought how pitiful this seemed. He had to make reminders of everything nowadays.. and just for one reason. That reason, as if on cue, wailed through the monitor he had hooked on the belt of his jeans. Shaking his head, he set his coffee down on the counter and made his way to the back, where he unlocked a door to a staircase, leading to another more formal door that he unlocked, and walked inside of his apartment. "Timothy.." Wails were heard from the living room. He made his way down the hall. "Timmy..." He said softly, and creaked opened the door to his son's Nursery, where the little boy was seen red-faced and wide awake. "Oh, buddy.. c'mon." Nicholas said jokingly, and scooped up the boy, and bounced him as he walked back down the hall and into the kitchen.

Now with a bottle in his mouth, he happily suckled and looked up at his father with big eyes. "Yeah, I know you're hungry."[/color] Nicholas chuckled, and went back down to the HUB where he grabbed his coffee, and then lounged in his own living room back upstairs.

~ Later that same day ~

Hand firmly grasping a carrier, and diaper bag snugly on his shoulder, Nicholas smiled as he walked down to where the celebration was being held. He'd closed the HUB early that day, as it was counting as a holiday of sorts, and he saw no reason to stay open since no one would come anyhow.

He was soon caught up with the crowd, and sighed as he took refuge under a small tree, setting the carrier down and the bag next to it, his phone in his pocket. He wasn't in the majority of the crowd, but he wasn't soo far that he was alone. There seemed to be a few couples or little families around him, and he twirled the carrier around to face him. Timothy was big-eyed in this new environment, and he had his hands waving about. "Who's a happy baby?" Nicholas cooed, and Timothy would hide his face in his hands, and giggle that adorable laugh he killed his father with.

After a little while, it was starting to get a little later Nicholas guessed, and he looked up from his son to check out the crowd. He thought he saw a fragment of... No.. it couldn't be, could it? He checked his phone quickly, and shook his head. Nope. They hadn't texted him.

❝"She’s the kind of girl who climbed the ladder of success, wrong by wrong.". ~ Mae West❞

Dinny's hands nervously ran up and down her blazer. She didn't know what to do for the first time, and it scared her senseless. She was down at the whatever celebration for some special rocks flying through the sky. Big whoop.

Since she's moved here, she hasn't really known anyone. Sure, she knew about who everyone was. Like Chantal was Nick's girl, Nick is her boss, and she lives with two of the silliest females she's ever come across with in her travels. One thing was certain out of all of it, though.

She desperately missed her sisters, and there wasn't a day she didn't go on without them clouding her mind. She hadn't heard from any of them in a while now, and she was starting to get worried. They usually didn't go more than-

A firework exploded into the air, and she jumped a little from where she was in the crowd, her curls bouncing with her. She smiled after though, and let out a sigh of relief. She'd just been over thinking, and they'd be in touch soon. Her thoughts soon left her as she saw someone starting to enter the stage, and she yipped in excitement.

Dinny made sure to get to the front as the singer started to sing, and she raised her hands up, not giving a care as she bounced along with the music, her voice singing along in the lyrics happily.