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A Second Chance: You Don't Live Twice



The town of vampirella had gotten its name, for being ravage by vampires many years ago, but now the town seemed quiet peaceful and normal thanks to the loyal werewolf guardians who are still protecting it till this day. but 'normal' isnt a common word used here the town's skies are always clouded, barely seeing sunshine but the people here manage to live. But of late more and more humans are going missing, the werewolves themselves don't know how or why.. The answer lies in the darkened forest, a few miles from the town's entrance.

Vampirella Castle
lying in the mountains merely miles from Vampirella its surronded by the darkened forest keeping it hidden always dark just what a vampire would like and do like, this castle is home to the last vampire clan, they've been willing taking victims except for their last one Selene Vesprella.

Selene Vesprella
Selene your everyday girl from Vampirella her father was mayor of the town and she had everything she can ask for even her perfect love, but he had gone away on trip some country she could never remember the name, days went to weeks, weeks went into months, nearly a year now her father flooding her with thoughts about him cheating or hearing he died, causing her to sink deeper and deeper into depression. Finally she did what she thought would be best rid herself from the world.. little did she know the smell of blood trickling from her neck down the knife onto the floor drew the vamps in like a bunch of hungry sharks, some how the sire felt pity for the young women, instead of drinking her blood he transformed her..Now waking from her death sleep things are gunna change around this town.

Character spots

-Selene Vesprella:Taken

-The sire [ the one who changes humans into vamps and leader of the clan ],Actually has a 'beating heart' as the vamps say for emotions towards humans:

-Vampires: multiple open slots [ if these are filled and you want a vamp role post in ooc also post in oocto reserve a spot ]
Slots one: Taken
Slot two: open
Slot three: open

-Humans: multiple slots as well
Slot one:
Slot two:
Slot three:

-The mayor: Tends to be seen as cold hearted: open

-Selene's lover [male] from when she was mortal: open [ he had returned to Vampirella after the news of her disapperance ]

-Werewolves pack of two [ remember you protect the town! ]
Slot one: Taken - Misakiakatsuki
Slot two: Reserved for SkyLife
Yay new wolves spot
Slot three:
Slot four

Information about vampires and werewolves 'powers' must read
Vampires: Great hearing, speed, strength, and experienced fighter with and with out weapons [no guns, its just a cheap way of fighting, no character death with out approval on both side and approval on ooc from me]
Werewolves: When you shift full blooded werewolves are the typical human/wolf.
Mutt bloods shift into an over sized wolf
both werewolves and muttbloods: Great sight in night and day, great smelling sense, strength, werewolves tend to be slower then muttbloods.

Character sheet
Appearance:Anime or real pics are accepted, small description if there's something not seen in the picture about your character
Werewolf or muttblood: wolves only

You may post as soon as you join, accepting all level of role players but please no one liners, if your suffering from writers block again post ooc, but do not use this excuse excessively.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Ijibber

"Such a Dreay town this is"She said softly looking out the second floor window, watching people go about there business her father had gone out to care for the town as he always done being mayor must've been a tough job."even worse with out m'love around" her voice had gotten even softer seeing a couple hand in hand heading towards the main streets of the town. her heart sank as she forced herself away from the window and towards her bed soon throwing herself onto it her left hand slipping under the pillow gripping the knife. She could see herself bringing it towards her neck but the call of a crow woke her from her memory.

"good day Bartholomew she sighed the black bird landing on her shoulder with a soft caw again You must be hungry with that she stood up from the window, walking her way down the corridors her heels noisy as always the sound echoing through the castle alerting her presence to those within the castles walls, even the mice who were nibbling on what ever they can find, soon scattering back into their hiding holes as she reached the kitchen. Opening the cabinets they were empty honestly what would a vampire do with food, but in the farther corner inside she could find a bag of bird seeds, the crow which had remained perched on her shoulder leapt off landing on the counter top pecking at the bottom of the bag What my dear you'll get some soon, and do you know where our sire is? she asked the bird which just cocked its head then began pecking the bag again. oh bart, here ya go calm your little feathers my beauty she poured a handful of seeds on the counter the top, the crow began pecking up the seeds.


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Marielle a.k.a mari

The female walked along side her brother against the forest edge, it was another gloomy day clouds covering the view of gorgeous blue sky and its lovely sun, but tis was life life in Vampirella along with dealing with vampires but its been many moons since she last seen any, but she was bothered by the disappearance of the mayors daughter all they could find were a blood covered knife at the scene. but that was long ago she had to move forward, her brother un lucky wasn't a wolf himself he just agreed to tag a long on her perimeter check "Dear brother go home now it is getting late and we can not risk a vampire sneaking you off as a snack" her brother put up quiet a protest when she said this but all it took was one stern look to his eyes and powerful growl to make him agree he had gone off, running back home.

"where are these freaking vampires, how long are they going to hide?" she was growing frustrated it was boring days like these that made her fall back on her thoughts, her past what will the future hold what is she going to do if a vampire does show up, so many things reeling through her mind in the eerie silence that always fell upon the town at dusk


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Emily sighed as she watched the darkening forest outside of her window. She was really thirsty, she hadn't taken any blood for a while now. The clan's last hunt hadn't exactly been ideal. For some unknown reason the sire had chosen to spare their victim, a young girl who had chosen to slit her own throat. The blood had been so warm and tempting, pulsing out of the girls veins. It had drew the clan like a magnet. Emily had been so ready for it, ready for the bittersweet taste of that sacred red liquid. Emily's throat smoldered at the memory she would have so liked to taste that girls blood but there was no arguing with the sire Tyrone. He had wanted to spare her and that was that.
Emily bit her lip in longing as she thought about the possibility of a hunt tonight. When she was thirsty like this it was difficult to think of anything but blood, blood and more blood.
She could hear the new girl vampire, the sound of her footsteps, the banging of cupboards and the sound of a birds caw. She was certainly making herself at home here at the castle. Emily got up onto her feet and followed the sounds until she found the new vampire feeding a crow on the kitchen counter, she watched for a few minutes before speaking softly "Hello".


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#, as written by Adig01

Tyrone sat silently in his 'office', staring out of the window of the large tower of which he occupied. This was his area, his own personal part of the castle which the other vampires rarely entered without good reasoning. Tyrone stared down at the small town of Vampirella, a concerned look on his beautifully sculpted face. He was thinking, deeply, somewhat unsure of himself in this very moment, consistantly questioning himself internally. I spared a Human... Brought her into my clan when they needed to eat... Tyrone grew increasingly aware of the hunger that his fellow night walkers possessed, and could feel the self same hunger through deep brotherhood. Tonight we must hunt... My clan must feed. Turning away from the window, he looked over his office, examining the dusty desk and anchient looking portraits of long dead lords and ladies.

Tyrone sat slowly at the desk and wiped the dusty surface with the palm of his hand. The dust was thick, like a blanket of lost spirits spread across a simple surface. He looked up carefully, and upon concentrating, his eyes became pitch black suddenly. Tyrone allowed the channel between himself and his brothers be opened, and so he was able to speak to his entire clan within their own minds. "My children... Prepare yourselves... We eat tonight." With that he smirked, and turned back to the darkened window, his gaze consuming the small, pathetic town.


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#, as written by Ijibber
The crow didn't accept the vampires sudden appearance, flapping its wings wildly and cawing at the top of its lung, but the gentle touch of its owner soon calmed him "now now be nice she's just saying hello" she tapped her finger just a bit in front of the seed pile showing to the bird that it should continue on with its feeding, it followed the command pecking at the seeds yet again occasionally looking up at Emily. "good day, or shall i say evening?" she said turning to face Emily then propping herself upon the counter crossing her legs. "Lovely company, and were going to finally get some food". Though she was smiling warmly, she shivered. She wanted her revenge on humans but the idea of actually feeding on one kinda of scared her, but what else is there to do die again?


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Before the new vampire could reply the authoritative voice of Tyrone echoed itself inside Emily's mind. "My children... Prepare yourselves... We eat tonight."
Emily closed her eyes and could feel a slow, carefully sculpted smile spread across her face, she felt a wave of pure lust run through her and suddenly all she wanted to do was tear up some weak humans and flood herself with their blood. She would certainly say something if Tyrone was yet again merciful, there was no way she could go another day without feeding, she was getting beyond desperate.
Emily didn't allow herself to be absorbed in the thought for very long she had introductions to make. As she opened her eyes slowly to look at the new vampire she could see that her voice had unsettled the bird somewhat and the owner was soothing it and gesturing it to continue feeding. It seemed strange for the girl to have such a pet but Emily was not going to ask questions, the girl could do what she liked here as long as it didn't get in the way of Emily or the precious blood she coveted.
"good day, or shall i say evening?" Came the girls reply after she had finally calmed the crow. Emily simply nodded and watched as the girl placed herself onto the counter. "Lovely company, and were going to finally get some food" said the girl with a nice warm smile, that seemed a little out of place. This would be the girls first time hunting and Emily had seen in the past that often new vampires struggled with letting their instincts take over.
Emily herself had had the same trouble when she first started out. She had been against what she had then called 'murder' but gradually as time passed it became nothing to her but a way of life, blood was just an unavoidable part of being an immortal. Rather than show the girl that she doubted her hunting confidence Emily chose to simply nod again and leave the room to prepare herself for the hunt. Just before she left the kitchen she turned back and asked briefly "Name?".


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#, as written by Ijibber
"My name is Selene and yours miss?" She didn't bother getting up from her spot. Now that the bird had finished his dinner and flew up to land upon her shoulder where it usually perched now pecking at her hair and playing with it, pulling on a lock of black hair that was clamped between his beak. I should prepare myself she thought to herself listening to the other females reply. the bird tugging more and more on her hair."Is there something you'd like to tell me?" the bird what seemed to be a nod and a soft caw, If he could speak that would definitely be a yes. "Hmm if I remember correctly the werewolves will be on there nightly duty... Think you can go check the town for me dear and come back with what ya find" The bird cocked its head yet again but soon flapped its wings in rapid beats till it was off flying.
Sighing she leaps off the counter, now alone with out her bird companion she grew a bit more anxious and nervous about the feeding.


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"My name is Selene and yours miss?" Came the response from the girl. Miss? It would seem this one had some manners. Good to know. Emily let herself smile at the stranger, a smile that was not entirely genuine. She was uncertain about this newcomer.
"Emily, Emily Blackburn" Emily said politely as she slipped out of the room and back to her bedroom. Her room was of a traditional medieval style that was perfectly fitted to the castle, it had a large window at the far end, a double bed in the middle of the room, a large walk-in wardrobe and decorated in Crimson her favourite colour. To Emily it was perfect, perfect for spending most of her time in solitude. The only time Emily ever really socialised was when the clan went hunting or when Tyrone asked for her help. Emily perched herself on her window ledge and looked out smiling, thinking about Tyrone. She'd been with him over a century now and he was the only vampire she felt vaguely close to, she was more than happy to give him anything he wanted, more than happy to be one of his puppets.
Emily needed to get ready for the hunt. She ran into her wardrobe and checked out her appearance, there was no way she could go out in a ballgown and heels, she needed to change into something more suitable. She carefully chose out some more sensible shoes, a skirt, some tights and an old blouse and got changed. After giving herself the once over she started to head up to Tyrone's office. His office was situated in one of the towers and it was where he liked to spend most of his time, keeping himself to himself. Emily began to ascend the stone steps until she reached the door to his room, she gave three quick, sharp knocks and waited for his response.


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#, as written by Adig01
Tyrone had be stood by the window with his eyes closed carefully, when he heard footsteps coming up to his office. He listened intently to the knocks on the door, and instantly recognised them belonging to Emily. Smirking, Tyrone's eyes shot open and he turned on his heels, his body becoming a blur as he appeared next to the door. Emily had always been a flirt, and he liked that. Not only that, but she would always fulfill his wishes, no matter what they may have included. With a slow twist of the door handle, Tyrone pulled the door open and looked Emily dead in the eyes, and smirk slowly setting on his face. "Well hello young one... are you lost?" he spoke cheerily, and looked over the female vampire. "No... you look like you know exactly where you are..." Walking back into his over, Tyrone walked to his desk and leaned back on it carefully, keeping his gaze locked on Emily.
"Come in" said Tyrone after a couple of seconds, letting his eyes dance over Emily's figure, and allowing her to feel his gaze upon her body. "I'm going to assume you're here about tonights hunt..." He looked at her deeply in the eyes, "Am I right?" With that, Tyrone let his eyes falls shut yet again, his smirk still charming and strong on his face.


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The door handle slowly twisted and the door to the sire's office swung open and there was Tyrone. He looked Emily straight in the eyes and he was smirking, Emily smiled sweetly up at him feeling herself melt at the intense gaze of his eyes. She was glad to be in his clan. "Well hello young one... are you lost?" he asked jokingly as he looked Emily over, he was clearly indulging in her appearance but Emily tried not to think about that too much. He was the sire after all. "No... you look like you know exactly where you are..." he continued to smirk walking back inside. Emily didn't follow Tyrone, it wasn't polite to barge into his private space. He leaned back onto his desk, still leering at Emily.
"Come in" he said and as Emily entered the room she could feel his eyes running down her body, she didn't mind, it was nice to be appreciated in that way. Especially by Tyrone. She carefully elevated herself up onto the desk to sit next to him being careful not to knock anything before she slung her arms around his waist gazing up adoringly at him.
"I'm going to assume you're here about tonights hunt..." Tyrone said, looking into her eyes again. Oh how she wished she wasn't here about the hunt. No, she shouldn't be thinking like that as much as she would like to be Tyrone's mate it wasn't going to happen, he was never good with relationships. Emily would have to make do just living with him and right now that was more than enough for her. "Am I right?" he asked as he closed his eyes, continuing to smirk. Emily pondered for a moment, tracing her fingers over his chest and face. "Well of course!" Emily chirped merrily before leaning up to whisper in his ear "You've kept me waiting long enough" and with that she pulled away and giggled, if she still had blood in her veins she would've blushed.


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Mari grew more and more uneasy as it drew closer to the night, she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She wasn't enjoying this feeling one bit it would be much safer and easier if she'd shift forms. With that thought she began to undress tossing all her clothes to the side even her lingerie. Once she was bare, she shifted forms thanks to her muttblood she looked like an average lone wolf roaming the forest. She shook her pitch black pelt letting it settle against her frame as she pushed forward into the forest, ears perked to listen for any unusual sounds, her muzzle to the ground to pick up any scents that didn't belong but nothing came up.Snorting she tilted her head back letting a haunting howl escape her muzzle as a warning, letting anything and everything that can hear that this was her territory to protect.


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#, as written by Adig01
Tyrone simply grinned as Emily pulled away from him, looking at her as she continued to sit on his desk. "I appriciate your patience Emily.. I know you're hungry." he spoke in a charming voice as he stared at her again, feeling the lustful feelings inside her radiating. Leaning forwards slowly, Tyrone let his face stop when he was only an inch away from Emily's lips, letting his cold breath hit them while staring into her eyes. Carefully, he tilted his head to the side and moved his lips to her neck, letting his breath hit that also, his ice cold lips resting softly on her skin, before dragging them up to her ear. "I know what you really want Emily... I can feel it pulsing from you..." he whispered sensually, keeping his eyes locked on her. Suddenly, he pulled his head away, and turned on his feet, taking a few steps towards his door before looking over his shoulder, "But I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until we return... Perhaps then we will have the time... And I can make... use of you" Tyrone grinned once more before turning and leaving the room, "Meet in the lobby... don't be long Emily." With that, he was gone.


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Emily stared at the floor as Tyrone spoke "I appriciate your patience Emily.. I know you're hungry." She tilted her head up to gaze at him as he leaned forward so close to her face that she could feel his cold breath on her lips and she could see deep into his ruby red eyes. Emily could feel the raw sexual tension building up inside her as Tyrone carefully moved his icy lips to her neck. What was he doing to her? Emily closed her eyes softly as she felt him trace his lips up to her ear before he whispered "I know what you really want Emily... I can feel it pulsing from you..." How could he know what she truly wanted? It had always been fun and games between them there had never been a trace of seriousness from him even once. Emily was just opening her mouth to say something when Tyrone got to his feet and started to walk briskly out of the room "But I'm afraid you're going to have to wait until we return... Perhaps then we will have the time... And I can make... use of you" he said over his shoulder as he left the room "Meet in the lobby... don't be long Emily." he called back once before his footsteps and voices started to fade away.
Emily sighed she was always just going to be a 'use' to him there was no changing that, she slumped her shoulders and started to glare at the floor again. She was so ready to hunt, all she could think about was quenching her thirst with delicious, pumping streams of blood. Momentarily her thoughts were interrupted by the thought of using Tyrone to quench a different kind of thirst but she pushed it aside. It was time to hunt. Emily sprang up off the desk and started to descend the cold stone steps of the tower and travel through the dreary corridors until she reached the lobby. The others had better be ready soon.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Selene Vesprella
Character Portrait: Marielle
Character Portrait: Tyrone Brakton
Character Portrait: Emily Blackburn


Character Portrait: Emily Blackburn
Emily Blackburn

"No, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive."

Character Portrait: Tyrone Brakton
Tyrone Brakton

"You've got something on your neck... Oh yeah, that's me."

Character Portrait: Marielle

To protect those you love is hard, protecting everyone else is harder

Character Portrait: Selene Vesprella
Selene Vesprella

Its true, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and revenge is sweet.


Character Portrait: Marielle

To protect those you love is hard, protecting everyone else is harder

Character Portrait: Tyrone Brakton
Tyrone Brakton

"You've got something on your neck... Oh yeah, that's me."

Character Portrait: Selene Vesprella
Selene Vesprella

Its true, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and revenge is sweet.

Character Portrait: Emily Blackburn
Emily Blackburn

"No, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Emily Blackburn
Emily Blackburn

"No, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive."

Character Portrait: Selene Vesprella
Selene Vesprella

Its true, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and revenge is sweet.

Character Portrait: Tyrone Brakton
Tyrone Brakton

"You've got something on your neck... Oh yeah, that's me."

Character Portrait: Marielle

To protect those you love is hard, protecting everyone else is harder

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Most recent OOC posts in A Second Chance: You Don't Live Twice

Re: [OOC] A second chance:You don't live twice.

If you are still looking for players. I wouldn't mind taking on the role of the Sire.

Re: [OOC] A second chance:You don't live twice.

How do you know if you were accepted for the role play?

Re: [OOC] A second chance:You don't live twice.

I was wondering If I may reserve Vampire slot 2?

Re: [OOC] A second chance:You don't live twice.

I would like my character Vitrice Cold to be one of the vampires. I'm a devoted RPer once I start I don't stop until the story is written. I'm having a problem finding others who write as devoted as I am.

Re: [OOC] A second chance:You don't live twice.

Sorry about that last post I meant a werewolf please.

[OOC] A second chance:You don't live twice.

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You may edit this first post as you see fit.