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"I don't have the luxury of standards."

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a character in “A Song For The Demon Lord”, as played by Sneakyrio


Name: Xandur

Age: Unknown (Appears to be in his mid twenties)

Race: Believed to be a Half-Elf

Appearance: Image
Xandur is rather tall standing at 6'2" and weighing in at about 200lbs. Xandur has light brown hair in a short/medium length and sort of a messy style. His right eye is a very pale green that is truly striking to behold. His left eye however has a large scar going over it giving the eye a pure white film. It is completely dead and he can not see out of it. In order to save people the experience of seeing it, he wears a white eye-patch. The left side of his torso is also covered with blotchy scars, it seems like the entire left side of his body is riddled with scars. Save his left forearm, for he does not have a left forearm. His arm seems to have been severed five inches from his elbow. Now, an odd gauntlet acts as his left arm. The gauntlet seems to be made of a sort of odd stone and carved with many symbols that few know the full meaning of. It only has a thumb and three fingers on it and seems to be much larger than a normal forearm or hand. It's speculated that he moves it with his Psionic magic. When he is using a great amount of his mana, the symbols seem to give off an odd purple glow. His ears are also slightly pointed and his face seems very fair. His clothing consists of a white and brown theme, the inner being brown and the outer white. His sleeveless is very tight and shows off his form in contradiction to his loose almost hakama like pants.(Also, instead of the cross necklace, he has a seven pointed star in pentagram style.

Personality: For the most part, Xandur seems incredibly laid back and relaxed. He generates the kind of attitude that he doesn't care about what people think about him and he doesn't try impress people. He just let's the world accept him as he is, even if he seems to be incomplete. If you read too much into it, it almost seems like Xandur doesn't have the ability to feel shame, there for he can never feel embarrassed, thus leading to his outward attitude. But that's crazy......isn't it? Oddly enough, Xandur sometimes flops personalities and becomes angry if you mention small things or will sometimes become very withdrawn and stoic. Other times he seems to exude a sinister aura, as if he has ulterior motives. It's almost like his mind if flopping between personalities trying to find the correct one. All in all, he is a very go with the flow kind of guy......except in one area. His thirst for knowledge is borderline.......unhealthy. He is always reading one book or another and a good amount of them has nothing to do with his school of magic. He heavily believes in the power of knowledge and the power of the mind. The mind is the ultimate weapon in his opinion. When he really get's going talking about mind power and knowledge, it almost seems like he was a different person.

Weapons: He carries around what looks like a stark white staff with teal designs at the tip. Though he often uses it as a staff and fights with it in a staff like fashion, the teal tip is actually the handle to a 3 foot blade hidden in the shaft. The base of the staff also hides a 6 inch dagger. He rarely uses these but seems to be quite skilled with them. Also, Xandur almost always has a book with him, but it seems to be a different book almost every time he is seen.


Psionic Arcani: It involves Telekinesis, telepathy, mental projections, hardened psychic objects, sight sharing, mind's eye. Essentially anything involving using your mind to influence the world around you or the minds of others.

Other Skills-
Though he does not know why, he seems to be highly proficient in weapon and hand-to-hand combat. His reflexes seem to be top-notch and his martial skills seem to be incredibly honed. Oddly enough, Xandur can not use his skills all the time. Since losing his memory, his skills only seem to surface when he's in danger. He is slowly getting his body to reveal it's secrets to him.....slowly. Xandur also seems to be greatly knowledged in dead languages, being able to fully understand and read ancient symbols. He doesn't remember learning them, but his brain simply recognizes them and can interpret them.

Profession: Mercenary

So begins...

Xandur's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Krisiries Carter Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Adrian Rios Character Portrait: Alberon Durhandor
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The sun was nearing the center of the sky over the charming countryside surrounding Bran. Perfect amount of light for some reading. A hooded man walked down the main road to the City of the Black Rose Queen, a white staff in one hand and a large leather bound book in the other. His head was down, staring directly at the book with great intensity. The book seemed to be his world, not paying mind to any of the other nuisances of life. However, he seemed to be aware of his surroundings, seeing as he perfectly avoided tripping over rocks or holes without even lifting his eyes from the text. He soon approached the gate of the large city and was halted before he could get past the main gates. Two halberds blocked his way, but he had stopped without looking up from his book. The man at the registration desk stared at him expectantly. "What's your business here?" the guard asked suspiciously. The hooded man faced his body towards the desk and stepped up to it, all while still reading the book. After a few silent moments, the guard looked as if he were going to speak again, but the hooded man raised a large black stony finger, signaling for his silence. Surprised by the hand that sat in front of him and the unexpected gesture, the guard sat there in silence and withheld his statement. The hooded man then snapped the book shut and put it into his satchel. He then raised his head to face the guard. "I'm here to assist your queen with her bandit troubles." The hooded man stated plainly.

The guards eyed each other, unsure of the man. "Your the second man with an eye-patch to have come through here today. Is it standard for you types or what?
" From beneath the hood, the man produced a simple smile. The guards chuckled to each other, but not in a mocking way. "Right then, name?" the guard asked him. "Xandur." he stated in a pleasant tone. The man eyed for a second, then wrote it down. "Alright then. Your lucky, you just made it. Guess that means your the last one. Jacob here will escort you to the....stables." The guard said oddly, gesturing to a guard behind. The two nodded to each other and the hooded man began to follow the guard into the city.

The city seemed rather active at the moment. He had weave his way through the crowd to keep up with the guard. Though, you could feel tension in the air. Though they went about their daily lives, these apparent attacks so close to their beds had obviously offset them. Still they scuttled on with their shopping and sawing and hammering. Anything to make them forget, to try and say for a awhile, I am content. What with the continent slowly circling the proverbial sinkhole into war, they tried to remain happy. Admirable.......but naive.

They had finally arrived to what they called 'The Stables'. It seemed that in this city, stables meant 'cave in back of castle'. Odd that they would reveal an escape point to a band of mercenaries, foreign mercenaries at that. Xandur wasn't worried though, he rarely ever was. The other men and women there were quite the colorful cast. It seemed a fellow patch was their, a dwarf, a tribal, a noble?, clergy member. Symbol of Janos was a dead give away. Xandur was never really popular with men of the cloth. It had something to do with him being agnostic, he suspected. And finally.....a little girl? As he entered the cave and made his way to a rock, he examined her out of the corner of her eyes. There was something off about her. Her eyes and their spacing, her nose and her cheek bones. Her posture was what gave it away though. She was an Elf. Though, he wondered what had happened to her ears.

As he sat down, he pulled out his book and began to read it, holding it in his massive stone hand. Every so often, the pages would turn themselves.

The setting changes from Bran to Atris


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Krisiries Carter Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Adrian Rios Character Portrait: Alberon Durhandor
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Alberon just listened to the conversation pass back and forth. He watched the Tribal with interest, they were a different people. But what interested him most was her large tiger. Wondering how one came upon such a mount or beast and actually tamed it. She must have some amount of skill or magical prowess, not to mention intelligence and willpower to control such creatures. Next came the little mage talking to the dwarf, something seemed off about her too. He just couldn't manage to place his finger upon what. And then came the one with the eye patch, he had obviously seen a lot in his days. He had the aura of a veteran fighter and adventurer around him. Added onto that they had a second mage in their travels. One wearing some kind of stone gauntlet riddled with markings, he also seemed human, though was far too fair looking in a sense to be. Half-Breed maybe. Walking at his side was the Dwarf, he couldn't even guess a thing about him. He seemed kind atleast, he had offered food and chances to converse none of which Alberon had taken yet. Dwarves were rather new to him, he had only seen them a few times. And this was the first time he had prolonged contact with one. They were generally reclusive, hiding and digging in the mountains, rarely leaving, some traveling to trade their fine jewels and stone across the world.

Alberon decided now to join in the conversation, removing his helmet to hold it at his side he looked down at the dwarf. "Aye, what are you traveling for? Its rather odd to see a dwarf out of their Mountainous Holds." His asked in a casual tone, moving his gaze from the dwarf to the female mage. Giving her a polite nod and smile before looking ahead again as he awaited the Dwarf's response.

The setting changes from Atris to Asrinon


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Adrian Rios Character Portrait: Alberon Durhandor
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After a few moments of waiting in the cave, two men entered the cave. One, an obvious official, and the other, he suspected, to be the Captain of the guards. His suspicions were confirmed when the official addressed him as so. It was only too obvious that the captain felt threatened by the presence of the mercenaries. It seemed their orders were to assist the captain and his men in locating and destroying the bandits. Apparently a unit of guards had disappeared looking for them. Meaning that they succeeded in the first part of their mission, the last part though seemed to have turned the tables on them. What Xandur was most surprised about that no one knew the guards were. What, did their families just assume that their took up most of their life. Well, now that was a complete fact.....most likely. Unless they were sold in the slave trades. Most people believed slavery to be dead.....then again most people are naive and try very hard to remain so.

As they set out, Xandur had not looked up from his book. Occasionally the page would turn itself, but he was not reading it. He was actually examining everyone with closely without directly looking at any of them. He had yet to pull his hood down so it was quite easy to spy on people. So far, he didn't exactly feel comfortable with the paladin and the man with they eye-patch. The paladin for obvious reasons, but the man with eye-patch acted looked like someone trying to hide something, and hide it well for that matter.

He then started to eavesdrop on the conversation the dwarf and the elven girl were having. He was correct about her being an elf and she seemed like a sweet young girl, risking life and limb for her parents. Though I'm sure her father would much prefer her being safe and sound in his arms for a birthday present than anything she could buy him. He somehow always sympathized with parents, it always left him to wonder if he was a parent. He wasn't even sure if he was old enough to have a child. He wasn't really sure of anything, but that was why he was here.

The dwarf seemed rather friendly, an outdoors man type who thought against the norm. He was probably getting on in years and when that happened, dwarves either became extra grumpy or extra friendly. This one seemed to be leaning towards the latter. The dwarf then directed a question to the entire group. "ell I'd ask that ta each of ya." He must have been referring to when he asked the girl why she was here. He snapped his book shut with a loud thump and put it away in his satchel. He was walking in front of the dwarf and elf, so to answer his question, he spun around and faced them, walking backwards with the greatest of ease. "An odd question for a group of mercenaries. Well, an odd question for a group of mercenaries and a paladin of Janos." he said in a pleasant tone, as he flashed the paladin a small grin. He then turned back to the two. "I myself-" he lowered his hood, revealing pointed ears and the giant scar over his left eye."-am here to make contacts. The more people you know, the easier it is to get information." Xandur said in the same tone, a small smile spreading on his face.

"You see, I seek certain information that no one across two continents have been able to answer." He gave a pause, thinking about how much he should tell them. He then eyed the dwarf for a moment. "I wonder if you can help me with something. Ive asked the experts at both Kurenvar and Garron about this gauntlet, but none have been able to tell me it's craftsman. They haven't even been able to tell me what it's made of." Xandur explained as he lifted the gauntlet up to show him. He then placed his hand on the stone arm and the etchings and runes on it began to glow purple. Suddenly, and unlatching sound could be heard and the gauntlet came off of his arm, revealing his stump just below his left elbow. He then extended it towards the dwarf. "Would you mind glancing at it?"

Xandur then looked towards the elf girl and gave her a warm smile. "By the way, I'm Xandur, just Xandur. Nice to meet you all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Alberon Durhandor
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Alberon again went mute as the conversation kicked back up and the mage with the stone gauntlet joined in. When the young, man, half-blood, whatever he was gave him a grin, he raised a brow in a questioning manner. Soon shrugging it off he listened as the mage explained his reasons for being here, contacts and information. Odd enough goals on a mission such as this. It wasn't exactly a diplomatic or social mission. Still eyeing the gauntlet as the mage questioned the dwarf about it as it glowed in his hands. Magical Artifacts... Such devices could be unpredictable, the nature of most magics as a whole was dangerous. Holy Magic included, say a chant the wrong way and you could blow yourself to oblivion.

"By the way, I'm Xandur, just Xandur. Nice to meet you all."

He couldn't help but smile as the mage introduced himself openly. He didn't expect it, though he noticed as younger looking smiled at the elf in a warm manner. A slight chuckle escaped his lips before he spoke up and introduced himself as well. "I am Sir Alberon Durhandor, Paladin, Priest, and scholar if you will of Janos. Here to bring the bandits to justice as well as protect this band when needed. My lord Janos would be angered if none of his soldiers did not pick arms against this act of injustice during these harsh times." With that he bowed his head to the group. "Its good to meet you too Xandur, as well as the Master Dwarf, and Mistress Elf."

The setting changes from Asrinon to Atris


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Hogar accepted the gauntlet, turning it over for inspection. "And I be Hogar Rafun, of house Rafun of Garron." He stated, not concerned with hiding his noble heritage. Glancing at the different parts of the gauntlet. He had to admit, he couldn't recognize the rock it was made of either. The runes seemed somewhat familiar, but the dwarf couldn't place his finger on where he saw them before. He kept this to himself for now, not feeling any sense in getting the mans hope up if he couldn't jog his memory at all.

"whelp, can't say I can tell ya much more then me brethren have lad." He admitted, a sad thing for a dwarf to say he couldn't recognize stone work. Flipping the fake limb around a bit, he looked into the socket when the mans stump of an arm was supposed to go. He pause, in fact stopping his legs entirely. "Wait a tick." He stared into the socket long and hard. It was only a slight difference in coloration, but he see some familiarity in the material inside. "So that's it." He looked up, hurrying back to return the mans false arm. "I can see why me brethren couldn't figure it out then. You're better off askin' a sorcerer that deals in conjuration. If I'm right then rock this is carved from isn't even from this world. Most mine dwellers look down on that branch of magic so it's easy to see why they couldn't tell you the make up. Also you might want to invest some time in asking a rune smith about runes not used by men, elves or dwarves."

The setting changes from Atris to Asrinon


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Adrian Rios
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Xandur felt a very familiar expression spread across his face when the dwarf named Hogar announced that the stone baffled. Xandur expected no more from the dwarf but knew he had to at least try. He was about to take the gauntlet back, when Hogar piped up. He stated that the reason he couldn't identify the stone was that it wasn't from this plane and that he should seek the help of a Magi familiar with conjuration. Xandur's eye lit up with intrigue and excitement. He had a lead. After seven years he finally had a lead. Not a very strong one, but maybe he could finally figure out who he was. "Thank you master Hogar. You don't know how much you've helped me." He stated with genuine happiness. He then raised his stub and the gauntlet flew out of the dwarf's hands and reattached itself to his stub. The symbols glowed once more, and the limb began to move once more.

Suddenly, the elf girl who called herself Theresa, stated she recognized the stone as well. She then pulled and ankle bracelet off of her leg and showed it to them. The stone was of a slightly different color, but the symbols seemed to resemble the ones on the gauntlet fairly well. She stated that it was apparently a family heirloom. Xandur was about to comment on it, but it seemed they were to be quiet since they were nearing known ambush sites so Xandur remained quiet. Sooner or later though, he would have to speak with Theresa.

They finally arrived at the site of the attack, and almost immediately, Xandur felt a disturbance. Something about this place was wrong, but he wasn't entirely sure exactly what it was. Everyone seemed to be receiving orders about what to do and what not to do, but Xandur simply ignored the Captain. Xandur immediately made his way to the southwest part of the ruins of the village. He walked over a pile of rubble that he suspected used to be a house and crouched down, supporting himself with his staff. Xandur then reached up and removed his eye patch and placed it into his pack. He then breathed in slowly and opened his milky white dead eye and closed the other.

Light and color seemed to swirl out of existence into a torrent of nothingness for Xandur. Then, images and sounds could be made out, but just barely. After a bit the sounds and images became clearer, and what he stared at now, was a truly perplexing sight. The ground was teala nd the sky was purple. Streams of technicolor light danced through the sky and the very moon seemed to display a horribly twisted face with blood coming from every orifice. The entire village seemed to be on fire, the flames scarlet as blood. Sheep ran every which way, bleating for sanctuary and mercy. The sheep were being systematically slaughtered by what seemed to be statues wearing scary human masks. Their goal seemed to be slaughter and destruction. Xandur only saw this for maybe 9 seconds before he immediately closed his eye and opened his normal one. Blood was running from his scarred eye and Xandur was breathing heavily. He slowly stood up and shook his head. Though, he knew no matter how hard he tried, he would never forget those images. Things seen by your minds true sight could never be forgotten.

He looked about and noticed a few of the others seemed to have figured out what he had. That this was no bandit attack and that the situation was far more different that the Captain believed or was equipped for. Xandur wasn't sure what to do, if he said anything, than they might not be payed and they would be sent away. Xandur needed to be here and needed to do this. He then noticed the other eye patch guy seemed to notice as well. The after affects his true sight showed he seemed to be hiding something that had to do with the attack. Xandur wiped the blood from his eye and approached the man.

Xandur walked up to him with a friendly smile and patted him on the shoulder with his normal hand. He then spoke in a hushed tone, his words not matching what his face displayed. "How do you think we should proceed about this. We know each other knows about what really happened here. I know your hiding what happened, though I don't know why. Right now it doesn't matter, because if this turns out to an international incident, we get called off. If the Captain gets a hint of this being to much for his men, then we definitely get called off. Since you seem to know more than I do, I'm referring to you. So what do you think we should do?"

The setting changes from Asrinon to Atris


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Adrian Rios Character Portrait: Vetracene Tathren
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Xandur's expression never came as Adrian said what sounded like passive threats. He too knew they could not turn back, though he was now intrigued on what was so important to this man. He stated that if they went further, lives would be lost. Xandur walked closer to him, smile still on, though his words sounded cold. "Sacrifices are always necessary when standing upon the threshold to greatness." was all he said as he backed away. The Captain called for people to report, but no one seemed to be talking. Good. They sent out once again.

After hours, the group finally stopped. Xandur felt the presence of the scene in front of them far before he saw it. Acts like those left imprints upon multiple planes of existence. The sight was rather gruesome, but Xandur did not flinch or even bat an eye at the scene. He had seen much worse. It did not comfort him to know that an act of such barbarism had no sway over him, in fact it rather disturbed him. He still didn't know who he really was, after all of these years. The Captain cut down one of the men who was strung up and gave a small prayer for him. A noble gesture and sign of deep faith. Maybe this man had some redeemable qualities after all.

A cold presence that had been watching them ever since they stopped at the scene finally made herself known. It was an Elf, a white haired Elf. She spoke brazenly and her voice seemed to be filled with confidence. But, Xandur sensed wavering in her f=voice and she was surrounded in a shroud of confusion and mild desperation. Hogar and Theresa immediately began questioning the Elf, but Xandur was not fooled. He stepped out of the group, to the right of the Elf woman, a good distance away. "Are we supposed to believe you were waiting for us? Or perhaps hoping for a group such as ours?" Xandur slammed his staff into the gorund and began slowly walking towards the woman, an oddly sinister smirk on his face. His dead eye flashed purple for a brief second. "So.....when did you lose our friends here? You are seeking the same thing as we are, but seemed to have been following the wrong group......or the right group, if you had seen anything....." Xandur paused for a moment. Then chuckled a bit. "Which you didn't." He then stared at her for a bit. "You see, I see a lot of things." his dead eye flashed purple once again, but only for a brief second. He then turned around towards the Captain. "Her objective and ours is the same, she should join us. She managed to evade detection for the better part of a day. She's obviously skilled." He then turned around and gave her a genuine warm smile, completely different than the sinister one he gave earlier. "I would be willing to vouch for her." Xandur was not sure if their goals were the same, but they needed another magic user and she was obviously skilled. Having her on the team would only increase their chance of survival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hogar Rafun Character Portrait: Xandur Character Portrait: Krisiries Carter Character Portrait: Theresa Ferok Character Portrait: Vetracene Tathren
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Vetracene's lips curled up slightly as the nomad noticed her immediately. Though she had blatantly given herself away, she was able to confirm her suspicions with how fast she had been detected. Unsurprisingly, the six she had identified turned to her first. The guards weren't much slower than the mercenaries, and most people wouldn't have noticed. But Vetracene had gauged the six's reaction time in comparison to that of the guards. Those of the latter had trained for much of their life. For their spatial awareness to be outclassed meant that those who were faster were worthy of attention.

The lack of reaction from the nomad only furthered Vetracene's interest. To notice a possible foe but not outright make a move took a considerable amount of restraint. The other woman's control over the large white tiger only made that clearer. Vetracene had to admit that she was relived the nomad and her tiger didn't make a move. The beast would have no doubt closed in on her in the blink of an eye. Had that happened, she would have been in a compromising situation to say the absolute least.

"And who might you be, if I may ask ya ma'am?"

Vetracene turned to the dwarf, while not removing her attention from the others. His stance was rigid as if he was more than ready for a right. He didn't seem hostile though, a surprise considering the mutilated bodies behind him. If he wasn't going to antagonize her, then she would be courteous . . . for now. She'd rather avoid a confrontation with a master of physical combat. Before she could answer the question, however, the redheaded elf stepped forward. As the younger revealed the tattoos on her arm, Vetracene raised an eyebrow. Magic that required a visible conduit on the body for power could be very powerful.

"Sister-elf. Why are you here? To help us with the mission, or are you with the ones who committed this crime against the humans?"

The elder elf attempted to answer, but the dwarf beat her to it. His small annoyance didn't make it past her attention.

"Ya might wanna reconsider the wording of that question lass..."

Vetracene smiled. It was far from pleasant but it held no traces of hostility. "Indeed. Of course that may have been your intention." She curtsied and flourished her hands away from her body. Though she lowered her head, her eyes didn't leave the younger elf's face, nor did her attention waiver. "Vetracene Tathren, master of stone, sister-elf." Before she could answer the elf's question, she was stopped yet again.

"Are we supposed to believe you were waiting for us? Or perhaps hoping for a group such as ours?" the half-elf said as he approached her from the side. He didn't seem to expect an answer, as he slammed his staff in the ground and walked straight to her. His smirk didn't unnerve her. She had seen that look plenty of times in the mirror.

"So.....when did you lose our friends here? You are seeking the same thing as we are, but seemed to have been following the wrong group......or the right group, if you had seen anything....." He chuckled. "Which you didn't." He stopped in front of her and stared.

Vetracene scowled but was impressed, and annoyed, by how easily he had read her. No, he hadn't read her, per se. It was as if he knew, as if he had seen through her icy overlay. Her eyes drifted to the eyepatch covering his left eye and raised an eyebrow. He was definitely an interesting one.

The half-elf turned around to speak supposed Captain of the guards. "Her objective and ours is the same, she should join us. She managed to evade detection for the better part of a day. She's obviously skilled." He turned back and smiled, this time genuinely. "I would be willing to vouch for her."

Vetracene kept her eyebrow raised. This half-elf was an amusing one in addition to be interesting. To all but take the situation into his hands would have made her laugh under lighter circumstances. She released her chill of the water in the air, literally warming the atmosphere. Such manipulation was a parlor trick. If the Captain, or any of the others, wanted to make a move, she wanted them to underestimate her. Never underestimate a potential threat, she always told herself.