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Lord Grimnir Niflheimr

The Art of Death is mastered by the Heart it wields.

0 · 377 views · located in Westeros

a character in “A Song of Ice and Fire”, as played by BlackBlizzard


Grimnir stands a solid six feet from head to toe, with a slender yet firm build best fitting those of the Family line of Archers. Her hair is white as snow the one distinguishing look that is passed down from child to child. Her eyes are a greenish hazel hue, kind and calming to those who gaze upon her. There is a scar stretching from her right ear down past Her jaw to the base of neck. Her skin is that of the pale north, frosty, cold yet it seems to radiate warmth. She sports a long white cloak made from the bears that plague her land, her boots are those of the bear white soundless. Grimnir does not bother covering her chest unless she is traveling for other houses do not believe in a woman showing her full glory. For if you cannot bear the cold you have no business staying alive nor taking a place under the Lords of Thorneir. The symbol of the Thorneir a wolf white as the snow with arrows fanning the head emblazoned on her right forearm.


Grimnir is a cheery fellow that of which does not fit her overall looks. Not one to pass up the time to joke even on the battlefield, thus winning the name Joker of Seven Hells. Her house is full of laughter given anytime of the year, this is even more so when someone passes in the House of Thorneir for they fell in battle and we must rejoice of their bravery and dedication! She stands by the belief that when battle comes calling you become a cold hearted killer, silent in the night unknown to your enemies.

Likes: The cold, Blizzards, Women, hunting, mind games.
Dislikes: Bunnies, warm weather, men who see her as less then.
Fears: Losing her sense of self.
Weaknesses: Grimnir is loved by all she rules yet they dare not cross her. Just as her Great Grandmother Eir, Grimnir cold as ice on the inside warm and loving to those she knows. The value of a human life to her is simply incomprehensible, they are merely tools to get you where you wish to go in life. This has lead her to many troublesome bouts with villages elsewhere, as she kills rather then asks questions. This does not only have Political repercussions if she were to ever end the life of a Noble, but it would also cause future harm for her people. This does not mean she is reckless and going about killing those who defy her or just killing anyone in an argument over petty things (such as having a political discussion), only those who are deemed less herself. For lack of a better set of words she is batshit insane...


Grimnir wears no armor.

Her only weapon is a bow strung from the oak that stands tall weathering the cold winters and bitter springs, arrows forged not of steel but a mix of the bone of the wild animals that she hunts and the mines she runs that produce Beryl. Her bow is tipped with sharp razors if the prey reaches her, though it rarely does.


The snowy plains that surround the House of Thorneir are a bitter way to die. Grimnirs Great Great Great grandfather Thorneir Skjoldr Niflheimr was given rule over this landscape. Most Lords might have become bitter over being given such a deadly piece of land but he accepted it wholeheartedly thinking of ways to train not only his brethren but his future family as well. Thus came to be the Archers of Thorneir, deadly hunters unmatched in the ways of the bow. Many years after Skjoldr passed his daughter Eir Niflheimr took his place turning his warm demeanor into that of a woman ruled by a heart of ice. Many thought it was due to her husband sleeping with a vllage whore, whilst some stated she was given that heart by Hael herself. The name of Thorneir flourished under Eir rule, but only in battle not in the political world. On the yearly huntsman games Eir fell prey to a pack of bears, to this day no one knows the reason why that event took place.

Her daughter Narfi Niflheimr took the Rule breaking free of her mother's frosty grip on the people. She welcomed trade and art into the homes of the people of Thorneir, but she lacked the skill to dominate in the games as her mother once did. Though her political mind was sharp she fell to one flaw, the love of a man. She was found on her bed gutted mouth stretched into a smile. It was slowly approaching Grimnir's time to take the rule but her father stood strong unwaivering his fists of might guided the fellows Thorneir to do great things. The years began to catch up on Grimnir's father, and she stills find this odd but no one seems to remember her father's name. Normally the Lords have their names engraved in the caves below the Manor, yet his did not find it's place there.

The fellows of Thorneir were wary when Grimnir took the Lordship, she was known to be quite cold, unloving, similiar to her Great Grandmother, too close as some stated. Something changed in Grimnir not more then four summers ago she ran into a woman no younger than herself. She sported white hair but her skin was dark of the dirt of which she tread, her smile lifted the ice that covered her being changing her to the very core. This change was not one of happiness but of lust, wanting, sadly she did not see her ever again even still she waited in the same spot year after year on the same day just hoping she would appear once more. She is well versed in the wiles of Political intrigue, the art of poetry and songs and a snowy shadow of death with her handcrafted bow.

Every Ruler in the House of Thorneir is referred to as Lord.

So begins...

Lord Grimnir Niflheimr's Story


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The night’s grasp reached the snow-cloaked estate of the Thorneirs, giving life to the howls of the wolves, the roars of the bears and the sleeping breaths of the folk sound asleep. Rising from her bed striding to the large windowless stone frame, she gazed out upon the world from her high seat. Something was amiss she could feel it in the air though to what prompted the feeling was still unknown to her. Sighing to herself, Grimnir trundled away from the view toward the stairs she needed some time outside of this stuffy estate before her long hours of navigating the political idiocies of the inane House structure. Flakes of fresh snow began to fall from the sky, the air was clean crisp welcoming Grimnir with each step she took further across the estate leaving the sight of the manor in the background the further away she got.

Grimnir loved to travel at night when it was the most peaceful, the day seemed to have more bustle thus making it much less calming. The moon overhead shone brightly down upon her head bathing her white hair, slowing her pace she shifted her quivers belt to rest snugly between her breasts giving her easier access to her arrows in a time of need. Snow began to fall more quickly coating her cloak with a wet sheen as it liquefied upon her warm back. Howling sounds echoed throughout the oak forest, her steps leaving deep indentations in the frost covered dirt. The winds might bellowed down through the mountainsides rampaging down passing over Grimnir who lifted her head laughing half naked yet welcoming the bitter cold that entombed her body. Something shifted to the east just within her vision, moving silently body tensed she weaved between the trees bow already in her hand. The shadow flicked over the hillside a challenge in her eyes, the hunt was beginning.

Breaking into a full-blown sprint, Grimnir jumped from the hillside becoming airborne, nocking an arrow, and firing all in one motion. The air whistled as the arrow rocketed picking up speed as it fell planting itself deep into the shadowy figure, who tumbled down the hill attempting to rebalance itself. Barreling after the target in now what was a full-scale blizzard, thankfully years of hardened training aided her in this chase. Bloodied prints gave way to the creatures’ whereabouts.

This is odd, the creature seems to grunt like a man, but men never continue to trek throughout the forest knowing the blood would guide me to them….

The trail suddenly stopped at the edge of a Cliffside the sea churning foam with a fury unmatched. Moving quietly Grimnir nocked another arrow unsure of where the thing had vanished. Yowls and yelps suddenly stopped seemingly giving her aid in the search. Her ears caught a rustling in the brush nearby walking quickly weapon at the ready she pushed back the brush to find a man huddling in a secret cave a fire burning next to him, grunting with pain as he attempted to pull out the arrow embedded in his thigh. Stepping inside the cave she smiled eyes glinting in the firelight placing bow resting at her side arrow already back in her quiver.

Grimnir spoke in a low but powerful voice similar to the wolves snarl in the sight of an unknown enemy in their territory.

Might I ask what you are doing in The House of Thorneirs land?

The man cringed answering in a hushed tone.

I am Njor Avoi, searching for the Lord Grimnir, I hear he is very able bodied and I am in desperate need of...

Njor never finished his sentence for Grimnir lashed out with her bow piercing him in the chest wrenching the razor up to slid effortlessly through his bone spattering his entrails onto the caverns floor.
Mumbling to herself as she wiped the filth from her bow on the snow covered brush outside.

Useless, arrogant, diminutive piss of a person the world should be glad I rid the earth of such a thing. No one ever refers to me as a man.

Grimnir trundled out from the brush hooking her bow to her back heading home leaving the man’s remains for the beasts.

Nightfall was beginning to fade as Grimnir passed through the estates fields, she could hear the people of the North going about their morning activities. Pushing open the manor doors Grimnir pushed through the already collecting crowd here to ask her meaningless things for the entirety of her day.

Hopefully something exciting will happen today, or shall I die of boredom from the tedious impractical inquiries these idiots present before me?

Unhooking her bow and quiver from her back Grimnir placed them at tables head sitting down it a huff waving the first man forward who was dressed not as her own but as a man from the House of Greyhardt.

What brings you to my doors this day?

The man bowed deeply reaching for a letter at his belt.

I have a letter for you from Lord Greyhardt it is about Lionel Storm and the events that have recently taken place in the House of Damian. He hopes that you can respond in a hasty and concise manner.

Grimnir took the letter from the messenger signaling for him to go back to his place at the other end of the table.

Lord Grimnir,

I have urgent news regarding the House of Damian.

Lionel has broken from his father’s grasp pledging to get the throne for his own. I fear the worst for a father scorned is never the game one wishes to enter. I call for aid for the young swine has burned my ships so I now know where his thoughts lie. Red Keep shant fall to the power of a dissent, we shall overcome! We await your reply by my messenger.

Scoffing loudly Grimnir stood from her seat pacing madly considering the events that were now placed on her table. If she were to aid, Lord Greyhardt as her ancestors had done it would simply be left to summoning her guard to begin the trek to Red Keep. Chuckling to herself she thought of another choice one that would prove to have far more worth then aiding these ailing old men.

Raising her hand Grimnir loomed over the messenger smiling sweetly.

It seems Lord Greyhardt has grown weak along with King Damian, for a child under the thumb of a king should never have gotten this far. My message to the pathetic Lord is this: ‘Your streets shall burn with my gleeful rage, your women will become mere toys for my hand to grope. You shall fall to the lone arrow piercing your loving heart. I will watch you bleed, I will watch you suffer, and I shall take pleasure in the sight of your crippled psyche.’

The captain of her Guard rushed forward whispering, Yes M’lord?

Take this wretched being away from my presence. He holds the message for Lord Greyhardt upon his lips; before he takes his leave eradicate his left arm just to show how serious we are. Report back to me when this task is finished.

Mar nodded gravely beckoning to a pair of guards to bring the messenger down below the manor for his removal. Grimnir sneered cruelly giggling at the thought of Nathanial’s face when he received her wittily written speech. Now was not the time to relish in the future pain of those who have grown weak and complacent in their old age. They would travel along the coastline in the hopes that they would meet Lionel since he had burned Lord Greyhardts fleet it was appropriate to assume he took to the sea in order to reach his father.

Mar approached Grimnir standing straight relaying that the deed was indeed complete. Grimnir giggled madly at the thought of pain coursing through the creatures’ body. However, it was time to plan Grim glanced at Mar speaking quickly.

Gather the bowmen, have them waiting outside the estate in two hours for we march to war. Send a dispatch to attempt a meeting with Lionel letting him know we are aiding in his conquest. Make sure the dispatch leaves quickly traveling along the coastline the ships should not be hard to spot, have them take along a riding horse for running shant get them there in time. Now go Mar we leave in a few hours.


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