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A Tale of Seven Children

The Earth, 2015


a part of A Tale of Seven Children, by zody.


zody holds sovereignty over The Earth, 2015, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Earth, 2015 is a part of A Tale of Seven Children.

2 Places in The Earth, 2015:

17 Characters Here

Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade [41] "I like to think I'm the Demon of Sarcasm..."
Sebastian 'Inferno' [41] "You don't have to like me. I just don't have to like you."
Michael A. Malachim [23] "I have to be thankful for what I've been given."
Kane O'Reilly [22] "I don't have faith I'll succeed. What I do believe, is that I won't give up until I do."
Devin Namach [16] "I am Devin, One of Seven."
Brenhin [16] A Demon King of fire and betrayal
Notable NPCs [14] A character sheet for the Characters that aren't played by any discernable person. (READ: Not given a character sheet of their own) WIP
Illusion [13] "Me? I don't matter right now, after all, you are the main course~". [WIP]
Keilani Dreahen [12] "It's comforting to know that you can kill me, so stand by my side always."

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Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Brenhin
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:: Sebastian felt his body shiver as Brenhin roared out with fury, he hated feeling this pathetic when he had such a huge goal to accomplish, but he dealt with it in order to meet his 'father' and he hoped it would be soon. Watching Brenhin just burn his own men like they were nothing sort of scared Sebastian, although he didn't show it, he thought what if the eye had been right? Maybe Sebastian had been sent to hell to make a change of things, to not only help Sebastian, but the demon race as he knew it. It may have sounded stupid to him right now, but looking back over at that eye, Sebastian could see something that felt so familiar within it. Looking back over at Brenhin, he listened while he talked about hell and it's ways, then he heard something about having to acknowledge Brenhin as his superior. His mind was rushing, he had no idea if he wanted to make this choice or not, but before he could, the eye stepped in again.

"Not so fast, Lord Brenhin." It put some emphasis on the word 'Lord' if only to tease Brenhin, a small chuckle escaping from the eye as it spun around Sebastian slowly and spoke before Brenhin could get angry at it again. "The boy has yet to meet his father, and you persist on him already becoming one of your lackeys? I am sorry to say, but I think the master would be most displeased with these results, and I don't think you wish for him to come over here. I think we should depart, unless of course you have any last words you wish to give to him? If not, I believe we shall depart at once." It spoke out as it finally stopped above Sebastian again, watching over Brenhin and his movements, almost as if taunting him to try something, taunting him to summon the devil right in his own home. Looking over at Sebastian, it thought of trying one of it's abilities once they were out of here, although it might take some time. IT also had to convince the devil of it's plan, it knew it had to work, otherwise Sebastian would go mad in hell, and the woman he so desired might be long from his grasp. And that, was just unacceptable right now. ::


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Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Brenhin
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#, as written by claw
The huge Demon King tilted his head, paused and then laughed deep in his chest. The laugh subsided quickly. "You cannot threaten me little thing. I have done nothing against the old laws of the Demon Kings, I have not forced the children into anything any more than our lord has. And I would direct him to my brother, after all he has decided to take interest in more than one of the children." The Demon king then moved closer to the boy. "Know this child. You an I are more alike than any other Demon in this place. You will always have a safe haven in my lands. Unless of course you do something to anger me."

The Demon king turned on the spot and sat back on his throne, the flames behind him had turned a deep blue and the large seeing crystal floated back in front of him. "You may go now child. But do not allow the guide of your father lead you away from your own choices." He chuckled to himself as he looked into the crystal as a larger crowd than the one he had torched filled into the throne room, it was clear it was a great honour among the Demons to be in the presence of Brenhin, despite the dangers.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Devin Namach Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Illusion Character Portrait: Kane O’Reilly
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#, as written by Tanman
Ashley Clade

”Assembly, huh? Reminds me of Grade School
” Ash thought to herself as she slouched back in the limo, before disdainfully glaring at Illusion for the masochism joke. Clearly, she still had her touch, as her glare broke Alexandra’s façade and forced her to take a step back. Somehow, that served to inflate Ash’s ego at the thought of being able to intimidate a demon. Smugly smirking, she didn’t notice the limo stop until Illusion had departed the vehicle, slyly sneaking up behind Hikari before manhandling him into the passenger door. Not that he entirely seemed to mind, seeing as Ash had already seen what he was like when he was resisting.

He didn’t seem to say much, slouching away from the two – an aspect that Ash took note of, but was more than happy with. She wasn’t entirely sure if he’d be any better company then the other boy, but she’d be lying if she said she wanted to engage in friendly small talk. Maybe in another scenario, but with all that had happened, the situation seemed too serious for such things. Still, in looking over Mr. Scarlet, Ash couldn’t help but notice his body. No, not like that. She had way better taste than that. What her critical eye perceived was the absence of most all of his injuries in their entirety. Either the medical staff were holding out on modern medicine, or, just as she’d noticed during his ‘welcoming’, this guy was like that Wolverine guy. Shaking her head, Ashe realised that was twice she’d referred to nerdy superhero comics. She’d been hanging out with little Jean way too much. Not that that was going to be a problem now she was here. She had other accommodation issues to worry about, as evidenced by Alexandria’s next statement.

"Oh, you'll be sharing your Dorm with these two, and since we've only got two rooms, and Devin doesn't seem very sociable, you'll be sharing the same room with Hikari~".

Ash’s face said it all, her eye widening as her nostrils flared for a moment. Then, just before she spoke, she realised exactly what Illusion was doing, the glint in her eye giving it a way. She relaxed, refusing to take the bait. Unfortunately, it seemed her ‘roommate’ wasn’t so lucky. Still, it made it all too easy for Ash to slip in her own private dig at the boy.

“I wonder what a boy needs privacy for? Hmm
” Smirking as she insulted Hikari, Ash happily ignoring the select finger he showed her. Turning to Illusion, who was quick to admit that she was indeed messing with the two – an activity Ash was beginning to believe was a habit of hers - Ash tried to read whether the joke was supposed to provoke her, Hikari or both. In the end, she decided the latter was the most viable. As Hikari pouted, much like a child after a tantrum, Ash decided to prod some more buttons and provoke her compatriots just a little further. “I can’t believe you fell for that. Oh wait, you are the guy stupid enough to be rendered near comatose within the first five minutes of being here. Never mind, it makes sense that you’re gullible to boot. At least you didn’t nearly wet yourself like Devin here.” Casually leaning back in her seat, Ash listened to Hikari’s retort in mild amusement.

"At least I'm not gonna get my throat torn out by a Demon when they pop up, or taken to Hell and made into a Slave. They love girls down there, ya know, not too many female Demons, so the Girls are treated the worst, and made to do all sorts of... unsanitary things" He was grinning, like that was supposed to scare her. Ash was more than happy to return the banter however, unflinching at the threats of danger. “I suppose you’d know all about unsanitary, wouldn’t you? Kinda sad you need such sick fantasies to get hard, limp dick. Explains why you want that privacy so much.” Readying another insult in her head in case Hikari wanted thirds, Ash decided her next angle would be that stupid name of his. Hikari Scarlet, huh? Mr. ‘Light Red’. Hah! Pinky. That was good. She’d have to save that for an opportune moment

After the heat died down, Hikari was the first who dared to break the silence, commenting on the holy water that he had smeared across the face. Considering how much that had burned, Ash wondered if it would have the same effect on her. Sensibly, she decided she never wanted to find out. Still, it seemed no one was willing to bite on the conversation offering, everyone slipping into their own private world. Illusion humming to herself, Hikari with his music, and Devin
 Lost in his thoughts? Well, now she felt like a bit of a jerk, killing the mood for conversation. Well, whatever. It’s not like she wanted to chat with them at all anyway...


“Hey! Hey, can me and Louise come to the ball too?” The eager young girl looked up to her sisters with bright blue eyes, clutching her doll in front of her in anticipation. She was a small young thing, little more than five or six, and always eager to join in on the games with her elder sisters. “Uh
 Sorry Ash - Louise can’t come.” The youngest of the trio, Penny, spoke up; not meeting eyes with Ashley as the other two sisters began snickering with laughter. “What?! Why?!” Ashley asked indignantly, pouting a bit as she looked to them in surprise, her face falling significantly. Why wouldn’t they want to play with her? She just wanted to join in

“She needs a dress to go to the dance, stupid.” The 2nd eldest, Jasmine was the next to speak, pointing to Ash’s doll, Louise. “She can’t go looking like that.”

“B-but Louise is like me – she doesn’t like wearing dresses
” Mumbling to herself with her head downcast, it was barely audible enough for the other girls to hear; but it was enough for the eldest sister, Cindy, to pounce. “Well maybe she should sit out and play with her toy cars like you! Haha!” A chorus of laughter went out amongst them as Ash began to sniffle to herself, wiping the beginnings of her tears from her eyes. It was true that she normally played with the cars her daddy gave her, but she still wanted to play with her sisters.

“Come on, I just want to join in
!” Ash was sobbing a little now, blubbering as she wasn’t able to hold back her tears. Still her sisters laughed at her. “Aww, poor Sooky Sooty’s upset!” “As if we’d let a crybaby in to the dance!” “Louise is probably a wuss like you too!” The demoralising laughter continued to echo about the room, and no matter how much the little girl protested, she was not heard. Finally, she could take no more, crying out as loud as she could. “Fine! I don’t care! I didn’t even want to go to your stupid ball!” Tears streaming down her face, Ash ran from the bedroom and down the hall, escaping to the solitude of her bedroom. Sobbing into her bed, she continued to cry to herself. No matter how many times she said it, she couldn’t convince herself otherwise. She would’ve loved to play with them


As the Limousine cruised to a stop at the hall, the driver indicated they had to leave the ‘principal’ behind. “Good riddens
” Ash mumbled to herself as she pulled herself up out the side. Stopping to look over the building, she was a little surprised how huge it was – almost like that massive coliseum in Rome. Whistling a little, she stepped up, taking a few steps before glancing back to see if she was being followed. Indeed, Devin was behind her, but Hikari was lagging behind, Illusion having a bit of a private word with him. Just what was that all about?

Stepping inside the lobby, once again, Ash was a little awed that it seemed even larger from within. The interior was a massive circle, a large platform in the middle of the room surrounded by seats. Forming each of the four corners was massive private booths with tapestries, Ash a little curious just what they were for. It was kind of like one of those broadway musical halls, except radiating out of a centre stage. Part of her wondered where the ‘front’ seats were and whether she’d be looking at someone’s back all night, but it didn’t really matter to her as she filed her way to one of the back rows, getting the odd stare from Exorcists. Honestly, she didn’t stand out that much, did she? Regardless, she wondered if the boys would bother to follow her or not. After all, she had gone a little bit further ahead, and perhaps she’d lost them in the crowd? Well, either way, she’d try to pay at least SOME attention to the presentation. Hopefully it wouldn’t be a boring preach show

Kane O'Reilly

Well, this was it - his big chance to make a name for himself in the Academy. Kane O’Reilly, a recruit and rookie in the WDL - and one day, going to make his way to be a Master Knight and save the world from the threat of Demon invasion. Not for any glory or anything; but because it was the right thing to do. Nay, what had to be done! Ooo, that was a good line. He’d have to add that one to his speech. Scribbling on his piece of paper as he prepared for his big announcement, he was so excited for the opportunity. He honestly had no idea why all the other exorcists had rejected the chance to make a speech at the assembly – It was such a great honour!

Sitting up straight as his name was called out; he grabbed and flicked out the lapels of his jacket before striding up the stairs to centre stage. After this, everyone was going to respect him; he was going to be-“Waaahahoooa!” Kane cried out as he tripped on the top rung of the stairs, falling face first into the floor as his papers scattered everywhere. Rubbing his chin in pain, he winced momentarily before remembering where he was. Oh god no, not here. Not now. Scrambling onto all fours, he hurriedly began scooping up the bits and pieces of his paper as a chorus of discussion rippled through the crowd. “I can’t believe I just did that! Ugghhh.. Alright, it’s cool. I can still do this. Just recover, act natural like nothing happened. You got this Kane.” Calming himself with his thoughts, Kane pulled up the first sheet, and began reading steadily.

“Ahem. And that’s why, I’m proud-AH! Wrong page! Sorry, sorry everyone. Uh, give me a moment
 I um, just got to put these in order-Aw shoot, dropped one
” Leaning over to pick up the paper, Kane stayed kneeling a moment as inside he was crying and pleading for this moment to be over. Finally however, he composed himself, lining up each paper correctly as he begun his speech. For real, this time.

“Greetings my fellow Exorcists. None of you may know me yet, but by the end of this speech, I think you’ll all understand who I am. Not just my name, Kane O’Reilly; but who I am. And for that reason, I ask all of you – Who are you? Not just what you’re called, but who are you inside? For me
 I’m nothing. I’m just a recruit, the lowest on the totem poll of agents here at the WDL. But that also makes me a proud. Proud to be a member of such a prestigious organisation. An organisation of heroes, men and women alike who strive to protect mankind at all times from the bane of demons. I may just be a recruit, but I’m also an exorcist. I may not be strong now, but one day, I’ll be a hero, just like all of you. We’ll save this world, protect it, and one day, we’ll all be able to live in peace and harmony

After getting started, Kane found it all the easier to keep going... And going... And going... The short, 5 minute presentation had easily breached 10 minutes, and already, much of the content seemed to be doubling up and repeating himself. It wasn’t until another exorcist stepped up and less than politely tugged Kane from the mic, did the presentation end. Still, Kane had gotten his message across. He was going to be a hero, just like everyone else in the WDL. Smiling as he made his way down the stairs, he stumbled once more, but caught himself this time. Learn from mistakes, become a bigger person. That was how he was going to do it.


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Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Crisis
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Things were shifting in the world outside; and, as was natural for Crisis, he only found out that a Devilish plan was in motion because the gears had begun to creak ominously. Crisis starved for information like a lightning storm without rain. He was as hot and dry as radiation, and as incensed as balsamic vinegar. Luckily, the cobwebs that filled his invisible mind hung tightly on the rusting clock of Hell's designs.

The madness blossomed before Crisis arose to feast. Not all madness required Crisis's hand. True to his name, for puns are the game of the crazy, he searched for the agent with the mind most in crisis. Like a spider, he began to weave. He was a vampire for the confusion of others.

Slow is the glorious panoply of dawn, and slow is the onset of madness. To assert himself fully would arouse suspicion. Crisis whispered to Deon, pretending to be one of Deon's own thoughts. "Illusion keeps looking at me suspiciously. I don't trust her. She looks like she will attack me at any moment. I must be careful."

Crisis waited to see how this intrusion would change Deon's train of thought, ready to manipulate further if need be.


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Character Portrait: Loki Belphegor Character Portrait: Chang T. Wilson
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Chang Tartarus Wilson~Loki Belphegor

"Look at me, look at me! I did it, didn't I?"

A child, barely older than 6 was jumping up and down excitedly, his long blond hair swaying back and forth as he continued to bounce in his excitement. Sitting on a black throne in the middle of the room, Loki gave the child a smirk and an approving nod, causing him to smile even more brightly. It had been three days since Loki and Chang discovered Chang's powers and they were in the middle of practicing his main power - shifting. Since Chang needed a target to practice, Loki had ordered some low rank demons to collect a wandering human soul so that the half-demon could turn into and the result was standing in front of him - a near-perfect copy. Unfortunately for Chang, a near-perfect copy wasn't enough for Loki. The Demon King stood up from his throne and walked to the young half-demon, his hands in his pocket as he looked like he didn't have a care in the world. "Hmm...your hair is still a little darker than the original version...and you are a little taller as well though I applaud you for the effort. Want a lollipop?" Loki asked casually as he patted the little boy's head and held a black lollipop for him to take it. Tiny fingers reached up hesitantly and wrapped around the candy stick before taking it from him gently like he was afraid he would hurt the candy stick. He sent Loki a confused look again but the demon king just grinned and waited patiently for him to take it. As soon as Chang sucked the candy, his eyes lit up "This is so delicious! What is this candy?" Loki chuckled but didn't reply, watching with attention as the younger boy continued to suck the candy. His lips curled upward but there was no mirth in his eyes, only cold calculation. Would his experiment success? 'This is it. This is the time I check the result...' Loki's eyes filled with unholy greed as he told the boy in front of him "Chang-chan...change back into yourself" The little boy looked at him in confusion but nodded nonetheless. Minutes later, Chang was standing in front of the Demon King in his real form, his mouth was still sucking the candy.

"Want another lollipop, Chang-chan?" Loki asked, his grin widened even more when he received a nod. Finally, Chang couldn't take it anymore and asked, his voice laced with annoyance "What's so funny?" Loki didn't reply and walked to the throne, throwing his legs on the armrest, the demon king made himself comfortable before answering in a know-it-all voice "I know the side effect of your power, Chang-chan" He played with his fingernails, ignored the half-demon as Chang fumed. "What side effects? What are you talking about? I demand to know about it." Loki's eyes flashed dangerously for a second, letting Chang knew that he wouldn't tolerate any signs of disrespect. Chang may have gotten off the hook the first day he came here because Chang basically knew nothing about Hell but after a few days, it bound to anger the demon king if his arrogant behaviors continued. Apparently, Chang was not stupid, either. He took a step back, his body was tensed as if he had been slapped, his eyes refused to meet Loki's as he muttered under his breaths a short 'sorry'. Loki nodded though his eyes lingered on the younger boy for a few more seconds before he answered " see, Chang...when I studied your power earlier, I noticed your personality changed everytime you...for the lack of better words, shift. And now-" Loki was rudely interrupted by Chang as he said on a chair nearby, his legs swung back and forth like an impatient child "Now what?" Loki frowned, clearly disliked the way the younger boy interrupted him "I'm about to say that before you interrupted me so...politely, Chang" Chang pouted and looked at his feet guiltily before whispering "I'm sorry. I'm just impatient, you know" Loki snorted and continued in his lecture voice "And now, I notice that your personality changes in your true form, just now, for example. You changed into a small child with short temper and a love for lollipops and in your adult form, you still have his short temper and your love for lollipops hasn't changed." Loki explained, oblivious to Chang's growing horror.

Throwing the piece of half-eaten candy away with a gasp, Chang flinched slightly when he felt regret. Loki was right after all. A week ago, the idea of eating a candy would make him laugh but right now, he felt sad because he had thrown the candy away. He hadn't noticed it at first, thinking small changes in his eating habit and personality was normal for someone who just had such big things in life but now, when Loki carelessly pointed it out like that, it's...With a sinking feeling, Chang realized Loki was right. He was changing. He was becoming someone else, or more correctly, some pieces from other people were becoming a part of him. He had known...but he had refused to acknowledge that fact. He had begun to hear voices in his head after the first day he trained. Naturally, Chang had dismissed it, thinking he must have trained too hard. The half-demon paled dramatically...He could hear a childish voice in his head right now, wanting another lollipop. Chang wanted to throw up. Was that it? Was he going to be killed by his own power, disappeared like that because thousands pieces of souls ate him inside out? He didn't want to die...He had struggled to live too long to die now. Chang choked and tried to hold back a sob. Gosh! He felt powerless beyond reasons and he hated this boy's personality, too. It made him feel weak. And his brother Loki was mad at him, too. He felt so useless.

Strong arms patted his back and Chang suddenly felt himself clung to the only sort of human contact he could find in the large room. Loki's body was colder than Chang had expected and the half-demon found himself shivered unconsciously. Loki patted Chang's back, mimicked perfectly the actions of a worried brother. Chang sobbed into the black coat and didn't look up. However, if he had done that, he would have only found calculated eyes of a demon and not the eyes of a concerned brother; and maybe, he would have realized Loki was not who he claimed to be. Loki, meanwhile, could practically feel the colts running in his head, calculating the next moves carefully. If he could gain the half-demon's trust now, it would be very useful in the future. The half-demon was the perfect spy, the perfect person to infiltrate in the enemy's force and if Loki made his move right, he could be one of the important keys to help Loki archive his goal. Smiling cruelly, Loki faked his voice as he soothed the crying young man "Shhh...don't cry, Aniki is here...I won't let you disappear, okay? Don't cry..." He felt Chang's hold on his shirt tightened but the half-demon nodded nonetheless. Loki's smirk darkened. 'Perfect...just the way I have planned' He gave the maids a small gesture and the D-rank demons moved quickly to find him a clean handkerchief. Loki handed it to Chang who took it gratefully and wiped his red, puffy eyes.

"Thank you, brother" Chang said shyly and returned the handkerchief. Loki gave him a strained smile and dissolved the handkerchief with a snap of his fingers, not wanting to hold the piece of cloth longer than necessary. Pushing Chang off his lap, Loki said cheerfully "Okay. Since the problem has been taken care of...let's continue to practice. Ya want to become a professional, ain't ya?" Chang looked at Loki and replied hesitantly "B-but I don't want to practice shifting anymore" Loki frowned momentarily, causing Chang to edge away from him in fear but the smile returned as soon as it disappeared, leaving Chang wondered if he had imagined things for a moment. "Okay! It's not like shifting is your only power, right, Chang-chan?" Chang nodded and stood up. He stumbled a little but Loki caught him in time, the demon held his arm steadily, earning another blush from him. Chang suddenly remembered the event 4 days ago that leaded him to where he was standing, practicing his powers.


"Okay,'s time we discover what your powers are. We can't let you go blindly around like that, right? What sort of brother will I be if I let my cute brother go around like a harmless human like you're currently doing?" Loki said cheerfully and clapped his hands together. Chang just scolded and crossed his arms, looking impatient. He wasn't sure if he could trust this demon king. All he had seen and known about Loki was that he had two forms. That's all. How could he know that Loki was what he really claimed to be? 'You don't really have any other means to find out...let's just go with the flow right least, we're having a place to eat and sleep. That's good enough, correct?' A small voice whispered in the back of Chang's mind and he felt himself agreeing with the little voice. He hadn't had an easy childhood and sometimes, food and shelter were luxury things for him. "Alright...what do I have to do?"

"Well..." Loki began, his voice sounded thoughtful as he tapped his cheek softly, as if trying to think of some grant plans. "...we will have to test each possibility and see which powers you have." He held out a stack of paper and grinned widely "And we will begin with this. Demons with high rank or half-demons always have the ability to summon. So, it will be the easiest thing to test first. Just wipe your blood on a paper and wait until your summon or summons appear. You will learn how to chant later. Do you have any questions?" Chang pursed his lips and nodded "Yes, I have one. If any high rank demons and half-demons can summon, why bother testing if you know I'll be able to summon demon anyway?" Loki chuckled and nodded his head "Good question...why do I want to test you on this while I know you can summon things on your own...well, the answer is..." Loki emphasized the last word and put the stack of paper on the table before continued in a calm voice "...not everyone can summon high ranks demons. There's a handful of demons and half-demons I know that can summon C or B rank demons and maybe one or two people can summon me or Brenhin. To my knowledge, the only demon that can summon all the demon kings without breaking a sweat is the Devil...your father, Chang-chan. So, what's the point in being able to summon a demon if the demon you summon can't even fight? Do you understand my point?" Chang nodded thoughtfully and picked up a piece of paper "Okay, I get it...Now, I just need to let my blood in the paper and wait, right?" Loki nodded but said nothing as Chang took out a pocket knife and cut his index finger, letting the blood dripped on the paper.

A few seconds passed and nothing happened. Chang began to feel uncomfortable, what if he failed? It would be a shame. Slowly, white smoke seeped from the paper and covered the room until the half-demon heard a small pop. Loki waved his hand, instantly dismissed the smoke and looked at the table, where Chang's summon was supposed to sit and did the only logical thing he could think of.

Loki sweatdropped.

On the table was a fish...a very, very small fish. Granted, it was a demon fish but it was a fish nonetheless, probably a E-rank demon or even worse - a newborn demon. Chang looked at the fish which was beginning to shrivel from the lack of water and asked uncertainly "Err...does that mean I can't summon?" Loki facepalmed and answered, still amazed that his brother somehow had managed to summon the weakest demons in the entire Hell "No, of course can still fight. You can still make your enemies laugh to death with this summon, genius" He replied sarcastically. "Or maybe they will even surrender to you out of pity" Chang laughed nervously and said after a minute "Uhm...shall we continue with the other tests?" Loki returned to his cheerful self and grinned "Of course, of forgetful of me...let's, this is the next see this small blue flame? All you need to do is..."

3 hours later

"Gah! Shit!" Chang yelled as the hell hounds he was supposed to use mind-control on broke free and proceeded to torn his clothes to shreds much to Loki's amusement. "Enough, boys...leave the nice boy alone..." Loki laughed out loud as he petted his hounds, completely ignored Chang's evil glare. Over the past three hours, Loki and Chang had undergone hundreds of different tests which Chang failed every single one of them. The flames which Chang was meant to control explode right into his face, the water he had to turn into ice remained stubbornly the same, the pictures that Chang had tried to turn into real living creatures laughed at him and mocked him for his attempt, the banshee who was Chang's teacher teaching him how to shriek had her attempt backfired and was now nursing a very bad case of headache, the plants Chang tried for 20 minutes to grow bigger turned to dust the moment his fingers brushed against them...and worse, Loki was laughing at him every fucking time he failed and was now beginning to think he had the power to destroy what he wasn't supposed to destroy.

Wiping a tear from his latest joke, Loki asked his secretary, a demon butler who had long black hair and was wearing a suit "Arashi-kun, how many tests do we need to do now?" The demon ran a hand through his silky hair and said emotionlessly "Sir, we have completed 349 tests and the number of tests remains is 12 784 tests, sir...of course, in addition to that, we still have-" Loki interrupted the demon and said pleasantly "Shh...I know. Let's not waste our time, huh? Chang-chan, let's continue" Chang, finally reached his limit, yelled angrily "No fucking way, don't fuck with me, there's no way in Hell I will continue with these fucking tests. Do we have any other ways to complete this without going through these stupid tests?" Loki said cheerfully "Well, let's see...there's a way but-"

"I will do it" Chang cut off Loki and answered without a second thought. He was tired of all these stupid tests. "Okay, me take it out of there..." Loki nodded and gave a gesture to his butler, who went into his storage and took out a yellow, old and very long parchment. Loki explained, the mirth was still lingering in his voice, making Chang's blood boil "Three drops of blood will do,, chop chop...we don't have time" The half-demon glared at Loki and cut his index finger again, squeezing the blood out of it and let three drops of blood fell on the blank parchment. Loki said on his throne, looking at the parchment with great interest and slowly, the parchment darkened until there was white lines appeared on it, Loki smirked victoriously and held out the parchment for Chang to see "Your powers, it" Loki said and offered Chang the piece of black paper.

With shaky fingers, Chang began to read, his expression unreadable.

Chang Tartarus Wilson's demonic power test result


Prey Instinct

Memory Manipulation


Shadow form


Flames Manipulation

Mind control


"What does this mean?" Chang asked in confusion as he read the first few special lines on top of the parchment, ignored the normal lines. Loki raised an eyebrow and took the parchment from Chang's hand, studied it carefully. He ripped out the part where the normal lines written and tossed it into the fire, watching it burnt. Suddenly, Loki laughed out loud, his laughter was cruel and startled Chang into taking a few step away from the unstable demon king. "Sorry,'s just so...funny. I have never thought you would have these kinds of abilities...please forgive me" He chuckled and at Chang's questioned look, began to explain things to him. Loki cleared his voice and began to lecture.

" you can see...there are a lot of powers in the parchment, however, there're only a few lines that are more special than the others, correct?" Chang nodded and took a seat beside Loki, ready to hear the rest of the explanation " have 5 special lines...that means you have five powers...and let's see..the ones that are written using bold and underline are your major powers...that you can access all the time, the ones that are written using bold only are your minor powers. Those you have to practice hard to have..." Loki stopped to take a sip of his tea which appeared out of no where and continued after a short pause "Now, I will explain each powers for you to understand. The first power is...shifting. This is a dangerous power and one of the rarest ones in Hell. Basically, you can turn into somebody else. You can mimic their appearance, their voices, their actions and to some certain extends...even their personalities. However, you can't gain their memories...If I remember correctly, it requires contact for at least 5 minutes to work or something. I will check it again in the library later. Now, onto the second ability...the prey instinct. It sounds a little cowardly but believe me, it's very useful. You will know when someone chases you and can find the easiest and safest place to hide faster than even some demon kings. With enough practice, you can even hide from me or for your father, I really don't know. It's a passive power, meaning that it doesn't have a switch. When you're chased, the power will automatically kick in, whether you like it or not. Like a prey, you have to hide so you won't be killed, you understand me?"

"I, these're my major powers..." Chang mused and pointed at the other three lines "What about these? Can you explain them to me, too?" Loki corrected sternly but then smirked and nodded "It's...would you mind and yes, I will continue to explain them to you,, as for your minor power, let's see...the first one...Memory Manipulation. It's the ability to manipulate someone's memory. You can control as well as modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view mental memories. And of course, in addition to that, you can also change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision replaying the memory. Theoretically, you can even change your own's draining so don't try it unless you don't have any options left and use it when you're in full power only." Chang nodded quickly and looked at Loki, waiting for him to continue "Right, the next one...Adjustment. You know how human bodies or demon bodies need certain time to adjust to a new environment, right? Like if you go into the dark, you will need a few minutes so that your eyes can get used to the darkness? Yeah, that...well, in your case, you don't need a few minutes. You only need a few seconds. Your body adjust with a faster rate and more efficiently than other ones, humans and demons alike. I guess it's a gift, alongside with your shifting. Since your body needs to shift, it will automatically adjust with the changes and therefore, it leads to this." Loki sipped his tea and rested his vocal voice, waiting for it to work properly again while studying Chang.

Chang looked... overwhelm with the information he had just received, almost ready to pass out from shock. Loki guessed it was understandable, giving that Chang was still part human and this was bound to shock humans, half-demons or not. He raised an eyebrow and asked "You're ready for the next part?" Chang nodded quickly and returned his attention to the demon king "Good. Now, your last power....shadow form. no wonder you can't control the can't control it because it's not a part of you, you're a part of it. You can turn your body into shadow, blend in with everything live in the shadow...I have heard some people have practiced this ability and become crazy. The shadow is so vast and ever-changing. Therefore, they can't understand it and they have gone crazy without a proper guidance. Lucky for you, the King of Shadow is sitting in front of you right now...I will help you with it...with a cost, of course" Chang looked more at ease, probably because he realized the familiar territory. He had been a conman for years after all, he had gotten used to these kinds of deals.

"What's the cost?" Chang asked, straight to the point. Loki chuckled and wiggled his finger "Maa, impatient...let me explain it to you and see if you can understand what I mean" Loki pointed at the parchment and let out another chuckle "You see, your powers...are perfect. Let's imagine someone with the ability to turn into someone...literally...and then, he can hide effectively every time someone spots addition to that, he can erase his presence in others' memories, and he can adjust to almost any kinds of, he can hide in the shadow...what do I have in mind for that kind of persons?" Realization slowly appeared on Chang's face, he looked shocked and a little hurt as well. He stuttered "N-no way, y-you want me t-to..." Loki nodded, impressed with the younger man's intelligence "Yes, otouto, that's exactly what I want from you...can you do it?" Chang swallowed thickly as he thought very carefully about what he was going to do next. On one hand, this was the perfect opportunity for him to learn from a powerful demon king of Hell but on the other hand, the risk of him getting killed because of this demon king was high as well, too high...should he agree? Or should he disagree?

Finally, after a whole half an hour, Chang took a deep breath and answered Loki, who was still sitting patiently waiting for Chang. The half-demon muttered softly "I must be crazy...really crazy to agree to this" He looked up and answered, his voice shook slightly at the weight of his decision "Fine, train me, Loki...I will do as you wish" Loki's smile, if possible, widened even further. Chang looked at Loki and hesitantly, he spoke once again "I have one last question I want to ask you, Loki" Loki looked at Chang and raised an eyebrow "You're not regretting your decision, right?" Chang shook his head and took a deep breath "N-no...what I meant to ask was...Well, if you can use the parchment thingy hours earlier, why don't you use it?" Loki laughed out loud and answered "You're so funny sometimes, Chang-chan...of course I won't use the parchment so early. I wanted to see you failed, it was so funny. I personally like the moment when my favorite banshee yelled in your face and told you that you was 'the worst singer...EVER' or maybe the moment when you tried to teleport and ended up slamming your face against the wall or maybe-" Chang glared at Loki and growled angrily "I. will. kill. you. Loki. Slowly. Painfully." Loki just continued to laugh and mocked "That's the spirit, otouto. You sound like our Father already..."

Flashback ends

Which leaded him to where he was standing, or hiding to be more exact, hiding from Loki's mad chase. The demon king wasn't kidding when he said he would train Chang until the half-demon died and had to be brought back to life. Well, Chang wasn't sure about the die part but the fact that Chang was half-death right now proved the fact that Loki was a very strict teacher and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. Every day, Chang would have to wake up at the crack of dawn, do exercises because Loki refused to teach a weakling, then eat something that Chang believed was demon's flesh. He then would wait for a demon servant to bring him someone from the human world and transform into that person, no matter how old, young, ugly, beautiful, bratty, spoiled, crazy, shy, kind, blood-thirsty...etc that person was and have to do anything to make him as similar to that person as possible. Then, he would listen to Loki's criticism and have a fifteen minute break. He then have to hide from Loki as the demon king unleashed his hounds to chase Chang around and the hounds were allowed to hurt Chang if they caught him while Chang wasn't allowed to hurt them back. The chase lasted for the whole afternoon. In the evening, Chang was too exhausted to care what he ate, human flesh or not and then he had the luxury to take a shower. After that, the half-demon had to listen to lectures after lectures about the demon world from a teacher - the banshee who had the misfortune of teaching him how to shriek earlier. She was somehow convinced that a newborn demon had more talents than him and had taken to scold him at his tiniest mistakes. He was taught about politics, etiquette, sense of fashion, demon ranks and a whole lot of other things. Loki had sat with him the first day he 'went to school' but after that, the demon king had left everything to the banshee, whose name was 'Cinderella', how ironic was it?

The banshee would shriek in his ears every time he answered wrong and at the end of the day, Chang was taken to the nurse wing, and then was practically eye-raped by the demon nurse while he, yes, he bandaged Chang. Chang then walked to his bedroom, and slept the moment his head touched the pillow. Then, morning came and the circle began...again. It had been 4 days and Chang was ready to explode. The half-demon growled angrily, accidentally alerted the hounds of where he was hiding. Chang only had the time to run away as sharp teeth barked at him threateningly. While he was running, Chang half-yelled, half-sobbed "Fucking shit! I hate my fucking life! I will have my revenge on you, LOKIIIIIIIII" He could hear Loki's mocking laugh all the way as the hounds chased him around and he could swear he had heard Loki said "Good luck with that, otouto...I'll be here waiting for you"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Loki Belphegor Character Portrait: Brenhin Character Portrait: Chang T. Wilson
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~ Sebastian's View ~

:: Sebastian could tell he had made something of an impression, but the eye was what worried him. Had it pushed Brenhin too far today? Did it make trouble for him and the eye at the same time? He caught his breath as if he was suddenly tired, looking up at Brenhin as he lowered his head a bit towards him. "I will consider what you have said." He told him, turning around while keeping his head lowered as the eye led him and Sebastian out of there. "Oh, and Brenhin." The eye called out to him with a little mocking tone to it's voice still. "Don't forget to check up on the other child and Loki now, you don't want Loki to use the child to betray you. Then you'll have to kill them both, and that would be such a waste for the great and powerful demon king." With a chuckle it let, setting things into motion as it once again made the fires in front of Sebastian make a path for them.

"Where are we going now?" Sebastian asked after a few moments had passed, the eye now having a tiny black body that resembled that of a starfish, with the eye dead in it's center. "We are going to meet your father, well, if he's in. If not, I shall return to Earth with you and we can catch up on what you need to do." It told him, Sebastian felt the weight of the entire situation rest on his shoulders, the image of the chains crossing his mind for a second, and the eye reacted as if it could feel this. "The WDL is what they are called mainly, and they serve to rid the world of us. But I think there is a bit more to this." The eye spoke to him with caution for the first time, not even around Brenhin had it gone to such lengths. Sebastian was interested now, so the WDL was much more of a threat to the world then Brenhin was? "I believe they aim to control the world, after all, they are being lead by the pope himself. Maybe God abandoned them and they are taking revenge against his actions now. Do not worry though Sebastian, we will have you to destroy the WDL in the end, and in return, you will have that woman you so desire."

Sebastian looked down as he thought back to what he saw earlier, he felt odd as everything passed through his mind. He had barely been in hell for a few hours and suddenly it was on him to save the world? "Can I trust Brenhin?" He asked the eye, as it took some consideration into this before answering him. "Yes, for all his dumb and dull actions, he will make a great ally for you. His brother, on the other hand, you can not trust." It told Sebastian with caution again, suddenly it sounded like having Brenhin on his good side was a good thing to have, maybe it had told Brenhin about his brother so that Brenhin could keep his brother away from him? He shivered, realizing that it may already be too late for the other child who had been sent into hell. "Brenhin has many soldiers under his wing, and the power as well. He may not seem like the best option for an ally, but he is also our only choice, besides your father of course. Even if they do butt heads from time to time..." It mumbled the last part to itself, stopping as a demon came before them.

"The lord is not here right now, you will have to go." It told Sebastian and the eye, slamming the butt of it's spear against the ground before turning around and walking back off into the unknown, somewhere Sebastian could not see. "Oh dear, so we have to go back to Earth now?" The eye mumbled, shaking itself a bit as Sebastian watched it. "Ah well, he will probably want to meet us up there instead of having to come down here to talk. This may get a little tricky, Sebastian, so don't be afraid." It told him, as Sebastian closed his eyes in preparation, but felt nothing happen. When he opened his eyes again, they were outside a town, no one seemed to have noticed Sebastian had appeared out of thin air. "I'm... Alive." Was his first reaction, falling on to his knees and hands as he gasped for air, the insanity hell had left on him was finally starting to catch up. He worried about the other child again at this, could he even come back to Earth without going into a seizure?

The eye appeared again to him, floating over while still in it's starfish like body as he slowly felt his strength returning after what felt like several minutes. He pushed himself off the ground as he groaned a little, shaking his head a bit as he blinked a few times, all the while the eye observed him carefully. "It's a good thing I got you out of there when I did, not many half demons can handle the first time going into hell's depths. You were lucky though, you had me." It told him as it turned around and moved a little forward, Sebastian taking a few steps forward, feeling light-headed but found himself coming back together. "We are close to the WDL, but not too close that we will be spotted out of the norm by the security they have. Come, Sebastian, and I will open the other ability you can use. This time, one that can be used in human form." Sebastian felt a brow raise when it said that, but he found himself moving towards the town, having no where else in the world to go now. So the two began to head towards the town, the next part of Sebastian's journey started here it seemed. ::

~ Michael's View ~

"I am sorry sir, but you are not allowed inside." The WDL guard told him, next to him standing another WDL guard, who kept quiet and merely concentrated on finding any suspicious looking demons around that might be left. "But there was an attack here earlier, was there not? Why was I not noticed?" Michael asked them, out of his entire group, he was the only one the WDL trusted most it seemed. Now, at least. "We could not notify you because were not prepared for this attack, but I assure you, your services will be called once another demon attack has been notified." The WDL said to him, leaving the conversation at that, and Michael was left to walk off towards the van in frustration.

"They did it again!" He exclaimed to the driver sitting next to him, a member of the group who he could always count on when he needed him there. Michael could consider him a best friend even, both were extremely well known by now for slaying demons, although they did not allow themselves to be placed among the exorcists. They were hunters in a sense, serving under god in order to stop Satan's forces and send them back to the depths where they belonged. "Ah don't worry about it man, things happen for a reason." He heard Scott tell him, Michael could feel his rage settling down now, yet he should of at least been notified of the attack. "We're suppose to be heroes Scott, yet people still died back there today! How am I suppose to feel good about myself when people are still dying and making our attempts for justice and peace look in vein?!"

"Now Michael, settle down." Scott told him, keeping his eyes on the road and occasionally glancing to the back view mirror. Once in a while Scott would readjust it, but this did little to help with the situation. Michael's division of the group now was left in charge of handling the other two division's, who no longer had their leaders support and strength, which left Michael more stressed in the end. "We are heroes, but like I said, once in a while something happens that is out of our hands. The people will not blame you for this attack, and I am sure they will be more then thankful you are still there to save them." Scott brought a smile to his face, Michael let out a groan out of his throat in defeat, watching as the town came into view. "So how long before the WDL decides to send me back up to them to make a speech?" Michael asked Scott, who in turn let out a laugh as he stopped the van and parked it.

"Probably not for a few more days, although I would prepare early. You are a celebrity now, so it could be at any time. The year has only just started for them, I'm sure they are waiting for everything to settle before bringing in a big name such as yourself." Michael left out a sigh as he and Scott got out of the van, and began walking towards the town, both wearing clothes that would make them look like they had just come out of college. In reality, this was very true. Despite being part of one of the biggest demon slaying organizations in the world, Michael and Scott still had an education to get, although the demons didn't help any with that. "You think any demons will show up tonight?" Scott asked Michael jokingly, Michael smiling as he looked towards Scott. "If they do, it looks like we get an excuse to get out of studying tonight!"

Both laughed at this, enjoying the time they had before they would once again get separated. They had been best friends since eight years old, grew up as neighbors, but times had quickly changed. One thing Michael knew hadn't changed, they both were still looking for a girlfriend, it was just they had very different approaches on trying to do this now. ::


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devin Namach
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Smug little bitch, lets see how long it takes for one of these self-righteous bastards to give you a beat-down.

Devin glared at the whistling form of Ashley Clade as he followed her into the assembly hall. The place was packed out, rows upon rows of chairs were filled with rows upon rows of holy boot-lickers. Devin found himself a seat at the end of the row nearest the door, not caring to follow the girl with a stick up her ass further into the hall and not wanting to be surround on all sides by pompous assholes.

This whole place is filled by crazies of all sorts. he thought, seeing the gleam of manic zeal in the eyes of those nearest him. What I wouldn't give for a blade right now.

He mentally slapped himself and then revised his last thought.

What I wouldn't give to be anywhere but here right now.

He was drawn out of his thoughts as something significant and attention grabbing happened.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Crisis
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Crisis had not expected to be shrugged off so immediately; he needed to plot a more thorough cure for Deon's sanity. Maybe subtle fishing was the wrong approach. Deon had not latched onto suspicion; there wasn't enough paranoia there to mold into a shapely madness.

Meanwhile, Crisis responded thoughtfully and automatically to the ruckus in Deon's soul, withdrawing to a safe distance and concealing himself in mind-stuff as much as possible. Deon was a messy host. Deon's psychic shields went up.

With a metaphysical grin, the demon king pulled back Deon's mental barrier, and with a slight and painless rip, gave one of the voices a visible body. Perhaps an hallucination would be more effective. Few people can tolerate seeing even a single new thing in their vision.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Belphegor Character Portrait: Brenhin Character Portrait: Illusion
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#, as written by zody
Illusion - Alexandra Demonia

Illusion grinned as she heard the doors to the Council's meeting chamber slam shut and lock behind her. She twirled around in the familiar sights and senses of the room that was soon to be filled by the masked Council Members and their companions. Demon Kings and Queens of varied type, power level and gender, obviously, would gather here to converse with eachother and talk over recent events and the like, but only a few of the more powerful Demons would sit at the ovular table that sat in the middle of the room. In the center of the table stood a small chalice, and inside that chalice swirled a dark liquid. For a second it looked crimson, but then it would be blacker than the blackest black, tinged with rims of pure crimson and sparkles of violet drifting around in the abyss of nothingness. Illusion stopped her twirling suddenly, as if she had heard something, and quickly danced her way over to the table, until she was able to stare directly into the chalice itself. Her ears pricked slightly, as if she was listening intently to someone speaking to her directly through the chalice. Illusion took a step back, curtsied, and the proceeded over to a table at the side of the room. She opened a drawer and pulled out a pure white mask, and then proceeded over to one of the Wardrobes that was positioned further towards the back of the room. She stepped inside for a moment, and when she stepped out again, she wore a blood red cloak that matched the curtain that hung from the walls. She took a few steps forward, then spun suddenly, allowing a small amount of wind to pick up and join her in her transfixing display of agility. She spun faster, and faster, and continued to spin even as the other members of the council entered the room, surprised at the ferocity of the winds that would have been buffeting them. as they took their places, the figure that spun was still an anonymity, none knew who it was save for the person behind the soon-to-be placed on mask, and as the figure slowed to a stop, face down, the mask slid into place, and their identity had become something that noone would ever find out for a few millennia.

"Ah, greetings to all of you, my brothers and sister of the Council of Gehenna. It is my pleasure to announce that quite a few interesting topics have become a thing of conversation amongst our Demonic populace, and so they will thusly be discussed by ourselves. After all, nothing becomes into the lands of our Father without the watchful eye of the council overseeing their every move".

The figure twirled again, reaching out with gloved fingers and grasping the chailce between them, balancing it in the palm of their hand. The figure spun it around, and then set it back onto the table. It continued to spin itself, the liquid inside remaining still as a corpse, and as whole as the tension in the very room in which it sat. Until it finished spinning, the room was silent. No voice could be heard, no sounds disturbed the tense quietness and nobody dared to move a single muscle. The only person exempt from this rule, was of coruse the spinner of the chalice herself. The chalice has stopped spinning, and lay still on the table, no explosions or discharges of electricity to fry any insubordinate Council Members emerged from its perfectly unbroken surface. Not even ripples dared to betray the perfected flatness of the liquid.

The Demons all looked up to see that the Twirler had sat on her throne, a silver chair that rose a good few meters from the floor, reachable by two seperate straicases, each with about ten steps each. From the position of the majority of the Council members, it seemed like the chair gave the woman a position of power. Something along the lines of Judge, Jury and Executioner.

"Well, now that we are all presented to eachother aside from the protection we wear on our faces to hide and conceal our true motives and lives, we shall begin our... routine"
. The word curled around her tongue, almost as if it was a poisonous snake, although a snake wouldn't have much effect on a Demon since the poison wouldn't do much. Illusion grinned, albeit it was a silly thing to do since she had a mask covering her face.

Illusion decided to go straight to business. "Okay, shall we begin? Gentlmen? Two of the newly found children of our Father, the Devil. have joined our Hellish Ranks, and three of them have decided to join those brutish Warriors of the Divine Light. Silly thing to do, actually. Anyways, onto the next horrendously boring topic, shall we? Let's see.... Hmm?".

Illusion looked towards the Chalice as a deep voice emanated from it, causing everyone in the room to freeze in fear. Illusion grinned again as she recognized it. "Hello Father, how are you?".

"Always one for foolishly given banter aren't you, my eldest Child? You haven't changed a bit. I have a personal order for two of my most powerful Children. Brenhin, you will go and... entertain... those three whom have sided with those zealous fanatics. If you yourself cannot make it, then send one of your more powerful minions to the Academy directly".

The voice from within the chalice was filled with malice and hatred, and it seemed that it's very being was created from nothing but evil. The voice spoke more, but it seemed that only it's intended recipients were able to hear it, which in this case would have been Illusion. She stood up and nodded when the voice apparently finished and sighed. "Fine then. Anyways, onto the next topic. There is more news to be had, it seems".

Illusion grinned widely when she saw what else had apparently happened. "Ooh, now this seems like a fun topic. It seems like there has been a small rebellion of Demons that have attempted to usurp the throne from our Father. What a shame i missed it, it would have been fun to play some games with them. Anyways, the rebellion has been quelled, or squashed for those of you with low intellect, and the perpetrators will be executed later on today. Publicly".

Illusion looked around the room, trying to find out if anybody was showing guilt or fear, but then she remembered that that was another reason that the Council Members wore masks. It was a quaint little accessory that hid almost anything, but the being that was entering the room via the Chalice could see past masks, or so it was said. But it would be fitting that the Devil's powers were overrated, wouldn't it? Being to contrasting figure to the powerful being that resided in the Heavens, it'd have to be powerful, right?

"Anyways, that seems to be all of the notices for now. Remember Brenhin, our Father will punish you if you keep him waiting. Also, Loki. Would you mind staying back for a few moments after eveybody has left the room? I have something to speak with you about. In private".

After everyone had cleared out of the room and there were no disturbances, Illusion proceeded over to where Loki was. She leaned close and whispered in his ear. "I'm sure that you remember a Human named Deon Morris, correct? Well, when I said that there were three Children that had joined the WDL, he was included. Now, I know how much you want to see him again, since it's been.. Ooh, how long? Too long, right? Anyways, when I leave here I'll be filling out an Enrollment Form for you, my little Otouto!~". At this, Illusion pinched Loki's cheek and wiggled it around, like an older sibling does to their younger brother. "You're soo kawaaaiii!~".

Illusion took a step back and then produced a key from her pocket, throwing it to Loki. "This'll get you into the Academy, and past the security systems. I'll meet up with you later and take you to the Dorm that Deon is in, although he's sharing it with his two siblings. Anyways, you should probably head off now, but you'll see me when I meet you. Just don't piss off the Guards, alright?".

With that, Illusion vanished from the room, leaving Loki by himself


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno'
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~ Sebastian's story ~

:: When he had finally arrived, Sebastian felt like everything was suddenly more alive then he had seen from a distance. The people, oh how they walked around and seemed to enjoy what they did. But the eye, keeping close to Sebastian, reminded him of what they were here for. Then a thought came to Sebastian's head, why were they here? In a town solely full of people, surely attention would rise, no? "It will all begin soon." It told Sebastian. "But I believe that in order for you to see how much of a threat the WDL really is, you must see them first hand." Upon hearing this, his eyes widened with excitement and he could almost feel himself just wanting to jump around in his excitement. "Keep it down." It told him, keeping close again as when he noticed, people were starting to stare at him, probably wondering what he was thinking. "Our cover cannot be blown here, for the WDL control this town. Arthur's a very hard case to get by, so unless you want to end up with a arrow in your chest, I suggest acting normal from here."

Sebastian looked at his own arms as he frowned slightly, the eye noticing this as it moved on ahead. He noticed this and looked up, quickly jogging after it to see where it was going, although he had to run past some people first. When they arrive near the end of the other town, the eye had finally stopped, and Sebastian was a little tired. "Did you not notice something back there?" It asked him, as he stopped and looked back, then he looked back to the eye. He had never run that fast before, it was impossible, but he had felt something. "W-wow..." Was all he could get out, as the eye looked around at this. "Right... So it seems I need to help you learn a few other things. We have a few days before things get out of control, so listen to me very carefully on this." It began, as Sebastian waited to hear what it had to say to him. ::

~ A few days later... ~

:: Things were picking up quickly, it had been, what, maybe three days for everything to calm down? But to him, it only seemed like things were getting out of control, and the eye had been right in wanting to try to get him to the WDL in the process. However, the only way to do that was, well... "This demon right here will provide the perfect distraction for us, provided you take over it's mind." The eye told him, Sebastian watching the demon as it looked around at the both of them, utterly confused. "It's one of the lower rankings, but with the number of guards around here, it will do the job." He heard it say to him, as he shook his head and looked back at it. "I -- I don't know... What if someone dies because of me?" He asked the eye, as it seemed to grumble a bit before answering. "Kid, just try it. You will see it's easier to try then to just panic." It told him, making his focus turn back on the demon as he concentrated at this.

And then... He opened his eyes, and the demon was literally on it's hand and knees! He was shocked, had it actually worked, or what?! "There, now send it to attack." It told him, as he looked over at the eye before back at the demon. The demon suddenly stood up and saluted before rushing off and letting out a weak little cry before getting into a fight with three WDL guards. The outcome was as easy to tell as ever, the demon died within two minutes. "Ah look what it did to my outfit!" One WDL member cried out, as the other two ended up chuckling a bit. "Well, rookie, better get yourself a new one. Here, I'll give you the code. Go on, before someone sees what a mess you are." The other two hassled him before he walked off, mumbling to himself angrily. "Alright kid, this is our only chance. Go!"

With those words said, Sebastian sprung into action, and followed the WDL member until he used the code to access a room full of WDL suits. Sebastian focused on him only, watching as he began to struggle, noticing something wrong all of a sudden. But since no one was around, it took an easy three minutes to get him under his control. The man grabbed a uniform Sebastian's size, as Sebastian kicked the man out for a few minutes to put it on. Once it was on, he was good to go! "Now do me a favor, and stand right there..." He told the WDL man, as he suddenly saluted and raised his head up slightly. "Yes sir, of course sir! It is an honor sir! I am happy to -- OOF!" A heavy object fell on his head as he fell over, fading into unconscious. "Now place the card near him." The eye told him, as he walked over and placed an I.D. card near the man. "Someone's going to get in trouble for this." The eye said happily, as Sebastian walked off, soon joining the other WDL members thanks to his new found speed. They were all gathering up to go to one place, the WDL itself! ::


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Devin Namach Character Portrait: Crisis
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#, as written by zody
Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner

Deon looked up slightly as the door in front of him opened. He was glad someone was there, he wanted to thank them for opening the door for him and all of that, but his lips kept themselves sealed when he realised who had been so graciously kind enough to open the door for him.

Suddenly, something happened. Lucifer had somehow become visible, although Deon wasn't sure whether she'd be able to be seen or heard by Ash or not. Deon glared at the black-haired Demon, not to be confused with the equally, if not more, annoying black-haired half demon in front of him. He blinked a few times, and then realised someone was speaking. 'Oh, it's just her. I can ignore her anyways'. Almost immediately after he'd finished thinking about that, he was greeted by Ash slamming the door on him. He stood there for a few more seconds before growling and going inside. Lucifer had realised her mistake and disappeared again, or so it seemed. What an idiot. He scoffed at the thought of Ash's stuck-up attitude. As much as he was tempted to go in there and give her a piece of his mind, or maybe moreso his fists, he had other pressing matters to attend to. In the form of shutting his goddamn stomach up.

"Ugh, is it her personal life goal to make me want to tear her throat out? ..... Yeah, I know. I can't. I'd get booted from the WDL, and I'm not letting this chance slip out of reach again. I'm here for two reasons, one I've decided is pretty stupid, and the other.... Yeah". Deon practically leaped inside the room, slamming the door shut behind him with an offhand remark about how Ash was lucky she hadn't relocked the door. He went straight upstairs, passing Ash's marked room and setting for the Dorm in the middle. He practically booted the door off of it's hinges and then proceeded inside.

"How the hell?".

Deon closed the door behind him, a sigh escaping his lips. He dropped the bags on the table as he passed by and rubbed his forehead. His eyes had been hurting for a while now, and it felt like he needed some sleep to fix himself up. He knew that he needed to rest, but he could almost feel the Girls stomach's rumbling from not having eaten for a few hours. He grimace and let out yet another sigh, before speaking. "Seven Sisters of Purgatory, to me!". The room was filled with a bright light, and suddenly seven girls stood around Deon in a semicircle. Well, a few were standing, the others were sitting on various objects or floating in the air. Deon coughed quietly as they began their usual introductions. Deon sat down on the stool nearest to him and sighed. He was soaking wet, his girls were all looking bored, tired and hungry, and Lucifer was droning on about something.

"Hey, Luci. Why did you pop up earlier? Right where that Ash chick could see you? A bit idiotic, wasn't it?". Lucifer looked at Deon like he was going insane, and the let out a nervous giggle. "I didn't. I've been preoccupied with other things". Deon sighed, thinking about how greeeeaaat it was that he might just finally be going insane, and the timing was awesome too! He stood, pushing past the Girls and telling them that he was going to take a shower, hang out his clothes, and then start cooking. He wasn't really surprised when Beelzebub asked if he could cook first, and when Belphegor asked if she could have a nap while he was doing everything he was gonna do. He quickly entered the Bathroom, and washed his face. The cool, cleansing water felt like the best thing he could ever have, especially since that Holy Water hadn't completely dissolved, and he could still feel the burning it had affected him with.

He stood up again when he heard a tapping noise at his door. He told whoever it was to come in, and he was surprised to see Asmodeus standing there. Well, sure, he and Asmodeus were close, but she looked like she was scared, as well as kind of pissed off. Sure, it was normal to feel fear, but the Sisters always acted so darn confident and brave, it quirked him to see the youngest Sister standing there, looking like she thought that if she said the wrong thing she'd get the crap beaten out of her. Deon rubbed his face with the conveniently placed face washer,, and eyed her curiously. "What is it?". Asmodeus looked up, still angry, but she seemed relieved somehow. She coughed lightly and spoke. "You know that Ash chick?". Deon raised an eyebrow, and Asmodeus continued on. "I think it'd be a good idea if one of us tried to talk to her. I mean, she seems a lot like Luci, and you and Luci get along, and everyone else and Luci mostly get along, so maybe it'd be possible for.... us to... get along with... Ash?".

Deon just held his facial position. His eyebrow raised quizzically. Asmodeus lowered her head, and Deon chuckled a tiny bit. He put his hand on the young Demon's shoulder and sighed. "Sure, whatever. I'll even cook for her if ya want me to, but that means I'll have to cook for Devin too, which is alright I guess". Asmodeus seemed to relax, and she stepped out of the room, but not before Deon caught her with one final remark.

"Since it's you idea, why don't you go and talk to her, eh?". Asmodeus turned around, a devious spreading across her face, her eyes twinkling with deviousness. "Is that a dare, Mister Hikari Scarlet?~". With that, Asmodeus left the room, shutting the door behind her. Deon knew that, if anyone could even speak to Ash, it'd be Asmodeus. She just had that ability. Deon grinned, locked the door, and stepped into the shower.

"I wonder how this'll turn out?"


Asmodeus' POV

The dorms were all fairly dark at the current time, considering that it was nighttime. Whilst Deon's dorm was filled with moving people, aside from Belphegor, who was passed out, Ash's Dorm would've been fairly lonely and bare, after all, it only contained a single occupant. Wherever Ash was, she would've either jumped or swore at the fact that something darted across her vision and smack into the wall. On closer inspection it would appear to be a spear of light. Suddenly, the night air was filled with the sound of a teenage girl giggling, and the spear of light vanished.


The spear of light rocketed out of the room nearest to Ash, bouncing off of the walls, the floor, the roof, and even the windows. It seemed like it was even aiming for Ash, barely missing the girl as it continued it's mad dash aroud the room. And then it all ended, the spear slamming into the wall next to Ash's head, and settling there. The spear began to glow, and it reformed into a Humanoid shape, and the shape gradually gained features. Blond hair, red eyes, a mischievous smirk and a devious twinkle in her eyes. The girl bowed, the smirk staying on her face. "Asmodeus of Lust, present". The figure stood, eyeing as as if nothing had even happened, the smirk growing into a grin as Asmodeus took in Ash's expression. "Oh, you're Ash? You're a lot..... weaker than I expected you to be, although I guess I already knew that". Asmodeus eyed Ash's hands. "And if you want to beat me up.... I'd like to see you try".

Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner

By the time Asmodeus had completed her crash course around Ash's dorm, Deon was out of the shower. He sighed as he realised that the breaking noises, and the giggling were Asmodeus screwing around with Ash. Well, at least she'd stop when she went too far, unlike Illusion who didn't seem to know when to stop her mindfuckery. Deon looked over the other girls, grinned, and spoke.

"Time for Dinner now, eh girls?".



The man surveyed the calm area around the Academy, noticing how the majority of the Exorcists, both in training and the veterans, were all tucking themselves away, whislt he and his men were returning from their visit to Rome. The man sighed, glarign slightly as he caught sight of a Demonic student in the window of a Dorm. "They are all monsters, the world would be much better off with their kind extinct". The man stepped forward, his thoughts bouncing around in his head. He knew that the next step of his plan was critically important, and he crept quietly to his of quarters to gather the approriate equipment. "Soon, the new age shall dawn upon us, and all ye whom find thouselfs of Daemoned Blood shall meet ye ends". The man laughed at the statement, as he wasn't the type of person to speak in the olden tongue, or so he called it. "Only that idiot Arthur speaks like that".

With that, he vanished.



3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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~ Michael's Story ~

"I thought we were going to the WDL?" Scott asked, looking towards Michael in confusion. "We are... There's just been trouble." He told him, watching the rain begin to start as he looked up. "How odd..." Michael mumbled, before walking over with Scott to the scene, a WDL soldier struggling as he was bound. "What's the problem?" Michael asked, looking at the other three as they looked up at him. "It seems we caught a traitor, one who's been killing WDL members for quite some time. And now --" "PLEASE!" The man begged, struggling more against his bounds. "I -- I'm innocent I tell you! Innocent!" He screamed, struggling more. "Hang on now guys, just let Michael do this thing and --"

But all too late, a blade was forced out the man's chest as he collapsed, as they all turned to see an approaching WDL member wearing some sort of lightweight outfit and keeping his identity a secret. "Hey! What was that for?!" Scott asked him in rage, the mysterious WDL member stopping as he looked at them. "Orders from the head himself." Was all the member said before running off. "God damn assassins..." Scott mumbled, as Michael put a hand on his shoulder, having just finished his prayer. "There was nothing we could of done for him." Michael said, before walking off with Scott. "Got an umbrella?" Michael asked him. "Sure, let me get one." He said, quickly snatching one and opening it above them.

"You okay Michael? This isn't like you at all.." Scott said to him. "Something's wrong with the WDL... Something's coming. The rain wasn't suppose to come today, but it has for some reason... Come on, back to the van." He said, quickly beginning to rush off in the rain. "...Uh, yeah, I'm gonna walk." Scott mumbled out loud, before three minutes later the van would pull up near them. "Ah damn." Scott mumbled again before closing the umbrella and getting inside. "Where we going?" Scott asked, looking over at him. "The WDL. That man's murder has something to do with this. Arthur wouldn't send someone to murder one of his own members unless someone was going wrong... We don't have much time." With that, the next three days were spent... Going to the WDL. Or, who knows, they might of gotten there sooner.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade
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#, as written by Tanman
Ashley Clade

 That’s nice
” Ash sighed a little, the soft warmth caressing her back as she slept. It was early morning, and she was only just starting to wake up from the comfy embrace of her covers. Her nice, snug, warm, soft, supple, rubbing
 Wait. Something was wrong with that. Ash’s eyes opened with a start, and found herself staring at the delicate face of Asmodeus. Sooner then Ash could react, the girl darted her lips forward, pecking Ash on the cheek and giggling. “Glad you liked it.”

“GET THE FUCK OUT!” Was the cry before seconds later loud yells of anger and frustration rose from Ash’s bedroom, along with multiple sounds of smashed objects as Asmodeus darted out the door, barely dodging the alarm clock thrown at her head with a laugh. “That’s what she said! Oh, and see you at training, sweetums~!” Ash panted a bit, having sat up from her bed and thrown everything within arm’s reach at the demoness to no avail. That frickin’ tart never gave it a rest
 How the hell had she even gotten into bed with Ash in the first- Shit, now she was starting to think like that too. God, it was contagious, and now she was starting to think of everything in innuendos
 Mentally sobbing to herself out of sheer exhaustion, the past 3 days had really taken their toll on Ash, and she gave a long sigh as she slowly climbed out of bed.

It had started off well at the dinner, Ash storming in looking dark and full of scorn, a polar opposite to the cheerful smiling face of Asmodeus, who had latched herself around Ash’s neck and continued to hang off her back. Initially, there was little chatter, given the frosty mood of the biker. As the night wore on however, Ash got herself a well made meal, and learnt a little about Hikari’s ‘family’ – Or friends as he so constantly referred to them as. Although a prank had managed to steam her a little, she’d similarly managed to rile Hikari, and after all was said and done, she’d returned to her room. To her annoyance, it seemed the demon of lust insisted on remaining by her side, Deon indicating she would be waking Ash up early for ‘training’ – An offer Ash had refused to no avail. Which brings us to the first day after Ash’s arrival at the WDL. Thankfully, with the return of Devin the night before, Ash had reclaimed her suitcases from the limo and had unpacked in her room. Less thankfully, was Asmodeus hiding them and refusing to return the suitcases until Ash ‘Earned’ them. Not wanting to give into her ‘threats’ Ash had initially ignored the girl. This proved to be a mistake, as the remaining garments that made up Ash’s ensemble was taken from her during her morning shower. With the prospect of going naked for the day, Ash begrudgingly agreed to some ‘test’ of her abilities, a triplet of blood drops onto a paper revealing just what Ash could do. Ash had been sceptical for some time about the ‘demon’ thing, but this was the first real sign that she truly was different from everyone else.

Darker then Black
 She wasn’t sure what that meant, along with the ‘Poison Heart’ thing
 In fact, she grimaced a little at the names. Just what did that mean about her? It was like they were some horribly twisted descriptions of her
 Then there was the Shadow Walk thing. She could haphazard a guess what that was about – And as for the Telepathy
 Wait, there was a little asterix there? What did that mean? Reading the list on the cold tiled floor of her bathroom with nothing but a towel for warmth, she’d eventually relinquished the paper to the ever curious Asmodeus, who took some time reading it herself. After a heavy appraisal, she turned to grin at Ash, a mischievous light decorating her eyes. “What?” Ash asked, then immediately regretted her decision to ask as Asmodeus began to giggle, grabbing hold of Ash. In a blaze of light, everything was white for a moment
 And then
 Cold. Drafty. Soft, dewy wetness was beneath Ash’s feet, and her eyes opened wide. S-she was outside?!? Embarrassment reared its ugly head once more as Ash became heavily self conscious, clutching her towel close to her body as she scanned the horizon. It looked like she was in the middle of the school oval, and no one was in sight thanks to her early wake up call. This did nothing to alleviate her fear and blush, the girl swearing as she spun and looked for the demon that brought her here.

“AZ! Get out here now!” Ash half-yelled, half-whispered, given where she was. It took her a moment to locate the muted giggles of her trainer coming from behind her, but even then, she was nowhere to be seen. Ash swore again. She should have known better then to trust that little harlot
 After a few more agonising moments alone, Asmodeus made her presence known, a devilish smile on her face. “So, how you feeling this bright and sunny morning?” Cheerily smiling, Asmodeus relished in the angered and yet abashed shame across Ash’s face. “Take me back to my room. Now.” The last word had a stone edge to it, along with a deep threat. Not that that meant anything to the semi-untouchable demon before Ash. Waving her hand dismissively, Asmodeus continued. “I take it that means you’re not enjoying the fresh air? Well that’s perfect, since I figured you’d need some motivation to learn your powers.” Ash leaned forward, grabbing the girl’s tie and reeling her in close. “To. Hell. With. You. Get me the FUCK out of here!” Ash literally growled, while Asmodeus just chuckled, before disappearing into thin air. Still, her voice lingered, giggling a bit.

“If you insist, but I’m not taking you anywhere. You want to get back to your room unseen, you’re going to need to master Shadow Walking. Anyway, Hikari’s calling me. Maybe if you get back to your room we’ll play some more
 ‘Intimate’ games. Toodles~!” And with that, the echoing voice of Asmodeus left Ash’s mind. For a moment, a panicked Ash began calling out to the demon. She didn’t even know how to shadow walk! She didn’t even know what that was! Just how in the hell did that bitch expect her to
! Argh! This wasn’t teaching! This was throwing her out into a tsunami and seeing if she’d swim or die trying! Slumping against the nearby goal post, Ash tried to work out just what time it was. She had maybe 2 or 3 minutes before people would be up and about
 Shit, she couldn’t even run back to her dorm in that time. How was she even going to explain herself when she was caught? Somehow, she didn’t think ‘Demon Training by a psychotic lust demon’ was going to go down well.

“Well, guess I just have to suck it up. Least I still have my towel
” Ash muttered, before she felt an insistent tug behind her. Modesty taking precedence over logic, she instinctively covered herself with her hands, with a slightly effeminate squeal. “Ooo! That’s the best noise I’ve heard from you yet! Makes me drool a little
 Anyway, Hikari needed to towel off after his shower, so I’m borrowing this.” Asmodeus waved once at Ash, remaining present for a moment. It seemed for now, she’d tamed Ash’s temperament, the biker unwilling to even try retrieving her towel for fear of exposing herself. “J-just what do I do
?” Ash whimpered meekly, her hostility all but dissolved out of necessity. Asmodeus smirked. “Just find a big, thick, meaty
 mmm uh, Shadow! Yeah! A shadow. And try and become one with it. Should be easy now that it’s just you and nothing material.” The Lust demon giggled once more before vanishing. Although being naked WOULD help with using the power, it was just a tad more of an excuse then anything else.

With limited information to go on, and the prospect of total humiliation in front of everyone looming fast on the horizon, Ash hesitantly and awkwardly shuffled her way to the nearest shadow – A large tree. Praying silently to herself, she placed her hands against it. “Come on
 Come on
 Please work please please
” She felt the soft grass beneath her hands, and the cool air around her. Nothing was happening. She swore, thumping her hand back into the soil. “Come on you piece of shit just work already!” Trembling slightly in anxiety, there was no sign she’d managed to do anything. I-If this was just another prank on Asmodeus’ part, Ash wasn’t sure she was going to make it through the day

“Man, sucks having to get up early for training. Our coach is brutal.” Ash froze as she heard voices approaching from behind her. God, there were people out already for some sports club. Turning and backing up in horror, Ash could see them, but it seemed for the moment, they weren’t looking this way. Clenching her eyes shut, she cried a little to herself. This was it! She was so so screwed
! And then, she gave a soft scream.

“You hear that Bill?”

“Hear what?”

“Thought I heard a girl’s voice
 Musta been my imagination

Ash panted from her position, the falling sensation having caught her off guard and making her yelp for that brief moment. But, as she watched the two boys head off to the oval, she felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of relief. It was an odd sensation
 Cool, with all around her black. It was just like when she shut her eyes
 And her sensations felt heightened, able to see beyond and around her. Then, as she started to focus more
 She could move herself amongst the black void, like a liquid stream travelling through a ravine. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she began to notice patches of light filtered in amongst her black world, and as she came to realise, she could emerge back into reality through them. At the same time, she was able to manipulate the darkness to pass over the light areas
 at least to some degree. It was both amazing
 and frightening. As she began to wander amongst the shadows more and more, she felt fear, loneliness and despair welling up inside her. She felt isolated, suffocating
 Cut off from both the world and everyone else, sealed within the darkness. By the time she managed to get back to her room, she emerged shivering and covered with sweat. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle that
 It was
 It scared her

“Ooo~! These ones are really frilly! Who’d you buy these for?” Ash looked up to the voice of Asmodeus, the demoness sitting on her bed and - having opened Ash’s suitcase - was rummaging about her delicate unmentionables, holding them up in the light and against her own figure. “Ah-Asmodeus
 I um
” Ash stuttered a little, looking to her with shimmering eyes. “I
 got those for you
” Heavily blushing, she held her hands to her cheeks, turning rosy red. Asmodeus turned a similar shade, looking back to Ash in shock. “I-I never realised
 I-I’m so flattered
” Asmodeus stammered at the sudden and stark change in Ash’s personality. It was a little suspicious but
 Gawd! She was so adorable like that! It was
 It was so impossible to deny her! Az continued to watch Ash as she nodded, looking up to the demoness. “If you like
 I can wear it for you
 close your eyes
” Ash blushed some more and fidgeted, while Az’s eyes sparkled. It was a dream come true! She’d won Ash over with her charms! It didn’t matter what came next or whatever the repercussions, this was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up! Closing her eyes, Asmodeus made a deep sigh of anticipation as she felt Ash close in


Ash smugly held her fist. Painful as that acting was, it was well worth it to land just one solid punch on this bitch. A dazed and somewhat delirious Asmodeus remained on the floor as Ash reclaimed her clothes, heading off to the shower to change. Quickly, she got ready for classes and hurried out the door, leaving the demoness behind

Looking back on that moment, Ash smiled a little. Though she was loathe to admit it, and that morning had been the most fretful she’d had in a long time
 It was fun. She hadn’t experienced something like that in a long time. It was a rush that made her feel alive
 And as frustrating as Az was
 She did seem to want the best for Ash. In fact
 Well, maybe ‘enjoying’ the company was too strong a word. Tolerate. Yeah. Ash could tolerate having Asmodeus around these days
 Stepping into the shower, her mind began to drift again, back to that second day here at the academy

Learning about her Poison Heart ability took some time, especially since Az had stringently been honing Ash’s Shadow Walk talents. By about midday, Ash could consistently navigate the shadows, along with join and separate from them at will. Though she had some degree of control over them, she still wasn’t very good at making objects from the darkness, but finally, after a number of failed attempts, Ash had done enough to satisfy the demon by creating a sword of shadows, earning herself a well deserved lunch. Or at least, so she thought. When the lid fell off the pepper shaker, ruining her food, Ash would’ve probably flipped her lid and used that sword to attack Asmodeus. Instead, something much more effective happened.

“Th-the hell A-Az
 I’m Suh-su-starving
” Ash squirmed in her seat awkwardly, pepper getting up her nose as she struggled to hold back her sneeze. Asmodeus just grinned, munching into her own sandwich. She’d explained to Ash on day one that the pranks were part of her training. Demons didn’t play fair, and she had to be prepared for anything at all times. This included dodging the demon’s playful attempts at groping and making advances towards the biker girl. “It’s the oldest trick in the book, you gatta be prepared to- H-hey! Cover your mouth!” Az’s warning was far too late however, Ash sneezing loudly. What made the whole affair far more disgusting was the massive spitball that launched from Ash’s mouth, sickeningly coating Asmodeus’ sandwich in a black goop. Steadily, the sandwich bubbled and fizzed, before corroding away to nothing, the splotch dripping to the table before slowly melting a hole through that. Both girls watched this in repulsion, and then

“Hands off!” Ash smirked as she snatched up her sandwich seconds before Asmodeus could grab it. “My sandwich.” Taking a big bite, she grinned maliciously through her mouthful. Asmodeus pouted and slumped onto her elbows. Now she wouldn’t get to eat until dinner
 Well, at least there was something else she could work on with Ash
 Man, she was so hungry! They’d been training for hours! Mabe she’d sneak something from Hikari’s fridge if Beelzebub hadn’t gone through it yet
 Groaning as she faceplanted on the table, it took a nudge from Ash to get her to sit back up. What she saw made her eyes go wide. Neatly cut down the middle and held in front of her by Ash’s hand, was half of her sub, the Biker dusting the crumbs from her shadow sword on the table. “Go on. I don’t want you whining all day, got it?” Ash was munching on her half, looking to the side and not meeting Asmodeus’ gaze. Slyly grinning, Asmodeus took the offering. Ash was
 Being nice! Maybe she wasn’t such an evil bitch after all! Taking a huge bite, Asmodeus immediately regretted the decision, gagging at the excess pepper Ash had slipped inside. Ash continued to smirk
 And actually smiled. “Demon’s got to be prepared at all times, right? No tricks this time, scout’s honour.” Ash laughed,, and it was genuinely warm and friendly as she handed over the bottled water. It was times like this
 Just like back home

“Heeeellllooooo? What are you doing, masturbating in there? Hurry up!” The voice of Asmodeus ducking her head into the bathroom snapped Ash from her daydream, mumbling to herself for Az to be patient as she switched off the shower. “Yeah yeah, I’m com-
 On my way.” Ash corrected herself, breathing a thankful sigh of relief as she dodged that verbal double entendre. She could vaguely hear Az giggling to herself as she stepped out and dried off, pulling on her clothes for the day. By now, she’d gotten a bit more of a handle on her shadow powers, and could do basic things like have the shadows hold her clothes for her without too much thought. Part of her wondered how she’d lived without them, or why it was so easy for her to manage. Well, there was something to say for instinct.

Joining Asmodeus at the breakfast table, Ash nibbled on some toast before drifting back into her memories
 It’d only been three days, but already, she was coming to accept just having Asmodeus around her all the time. In fact
 It almost seemed like she saw her more then Deon, though that was probably in her head. Still
 Compared to how they first got along, it was amazing how much she’d warmed up to the girl in such a short time. Maybe it had something to do with yesterday

“Alright, so you’ve learnt how to communicate with your uh
 Your tricycle over there
” Asmodeus squealed and jumped behind Ash for protection as ‘Umbra’ the motorcycle’s engine roared. After the initial surprise she’d gotten when it had ran over her, Asmodeus had become incredibly skittish around the vehicle, though given how powerful she was, Ash couldn’t help but find it amusing. “Alright Umbra, that’s enough. She didn’t mean anything by it
” Ash reassured the bike, its hazards flicking for a moment before it drove over to the corner and parked. “You were saying Az..? And let go of my arm, please

 OH!” Asmodeus gasped a little and let go of Ash’s arm, having lost herself a moment. “Heh, uh, well, like I was saying, you got to learn how to communicate telepathically with other things
 Not bikes. People.” Asmodeus clarified. In all her time as a Demon, she’d NEVER seen a familiar like that one
 And possibly scariest of all was the aura it emitted
 For something so basic, it held immense power
 “Well, I guess that makes sense, is it much different? Don’t I just have to think about it and picture you in my head and stuff?” Ash asked, Asmodeus nodding as she took a seat, gesturing Ash to do the same. “Right. It’s really handy, me and the girls do it all the time, Hikari too.” Flicking her pigtails, Asmodeus moved to sit opposite Ash. “Now, I’ll try communicating with you telepathically, and you do the same, got it? Remember, you got to stay focused and think what you want to say. Otherwise you can flood your thoughts into the other person.” Nodding, Ash followed Asmodeus’ lead, shutting her eyes. So she just had to focus. Focus on Asmodeus, and speaking to her. Asmodeus

“Well, she isn’t that bad I guess. Even if she has been picking on me, the training’s been working
 And it’s not so bad having the company. I mean
 I think she’s a good person. A little weird but
 Kinda like my sister

“Hey Sewt, yew O-kay?” From the top bunk of the bed, Claire leant her head over the side, gripping the railing and hanging down. The younger sister of Ashley, Claire was both similar, and strikingly different. Both had the same bright blue eyes and both were becoming tall for their age - but unlike her slightly elder sister, Claire was a bit slimmer, and much preferred to keep her hair short at shoulder length. Where Ashley’s face was smooth and rounded, Claire had a longer face that made her look that bit older and more mature. Had it not been for the higher cheek bones and childish lisp that she still had, she’d probably come off that way too, as she was always quite the sharp and sensible little girl. As Ash continued to cry into her pillow, Claire swung herself further down, wrapping her ankles around the pole to stop from falling as she began nudging her sister.

“Come on Sewt. Stop cwying
” Claire smiled a little, keeping her hand on her shoulder. Finally, Ash sniffled a bit and sat up, looking to her sister. When she did, she couldn’t help but smile and laugh at the goofy upside-down face looking back at her, lips pulled out to the sides in a silly grin. The effect was temporary however, Ash returning sombrely shortly after, curling up and holding her legs. Claire looked at her curiously, before finally asking the question. “What’s wong?”

Looking up with red eyes, Ashley pouted and glanced to the side, wiping her eyes. “They wouldn’t
 *sniff* wouldn’t l-let me play
” Her little hands tensed, squeezing the covers of her bed and scrunching them together. Claire watched her for a second, before grinning and grabbing her by the wrist. “Well come on then. We’ll pway! It’ll be way more fun with just us anyway!” Giggling some more as she tried dragging Ash from the bed, Claire gave a startled yelp as her ankles came lose from the rail, sending both girls tumbling onto the carpeted floor with a crash. Ashley and Claire burst into laughter, ignoring the pain a little as they sat up,

“That really hurt! Come here you!”

“Ah! NooOOOooo! Leggo!” Claire squealed and squirmed as Ashley pounced, tackling her sister and wrestling with her on the ground. The two continued to play about before descending into a fit of giggles

Ash snapped her eyes open, turning a deep red as she realised just then what she’d been thinking about. She’d completely lost focus, and
 Oh god, Asmodeus had seen all that! With the way she was blushing and
 Damn it! Why hadn’t she said something and interrupted her? Squirming awkwardly, Ash sat up. “I uh
 I think that’s enough for today.” Curtly turning around, Ash had managed to sneak off before Asmodeus could call her back. Since then, neither had spoken on the topic
 But for that, Ash was kind of thankful. No teasing. No gossip amongst the Sins
 Asmodeus had kept it to herself. And that
 Ash respected that. Slinging her bag onto her back, she headed out towards her classes at the WDL, Asmodeus floating alongside her – Albeit, invisible to all the students. She had a feeling it was going to be another long day, but little did she realise how right she was


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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~ Sebastian's Story ~

Three days he had been waiting for this moment. The chance to finally see her again, the chance to prove himself, the chance to... Do something! The eye merely observed for now, hidden to the WDL members as it waited for them to arrive. Both were a little on edge, this was a big and also very suicidal attempt to get into the WDL's walls without being detected. Sebastian knew he was the youngest looking there, heck he should be in freshman year right now! None of it mattered as the last thoughts escaped when they arrived at the WDL. "Alright team, listen up." The man in charge of the squad spoke out, seeming to walk in front of them as they all got out of their vehicles. "We are getting high reports that an invasion is in the progress of happening right now. Our superiors have told everyone, and I will repeat those words here and now for all of you. Do NOT let it happen! If you even think you see a demon, don't think, act! It's what you were trained to do, it's what you were born to do, now let's go and find some demon asses to kick!" Everyone in the group cheered as they now found the adrenaline to rush behind their leader. Sebastian, however, sneaked his way off towards the WDL itself, somehow not being seen or questioned.

"And what do you think you are doing?" A guard asked him as he had arrived at the front of the WDL. Sebastian panicked inside his head for a second, what excuse could he use to get inside and find her? "Say you were sent to patrol the inside of the halls and help evacuate anyone if the invasion does happen." The eye said to Sebastian, as he quickly put his fears aside to speak to them, trying to not make it look like someone else had told him these words. "I was sent here to patrol the halls, and to also evacuate anyone still inside should the invasion happen." The guard seemed to look over at his friend, who gave the nod as the first guard sighed. "Let me see your I.D." The guard asked, as Sebastian took off the card on his WDL outfit and handed it to the guard. The guard seemed to look puzzled as he looked it over. "Uh, do you remember what this guy is supposed to do...?" The second guard raised his brows as he found himself puzzled as well. "Um... Maybe? I -- I think he's telling the truth. I mean, he isn't a demon I can tell that much for sure, so... You know." Both guards found themselves in awkward silence before the first guard handed it back to Sebastian as he puts it back on his suit. "Alright, you can go inside. But no funny business, okay?" Sebastian nodded in reply, heading inside as the eye couldn't help but chuckle at how neither of them knew about it.

Sebastian was taken aback by how the inside of the academy was, seeming to almost slow down before he felt the eye push into his back to keep him moving forward. "We can't sight-see you know. We got in, that's great and all, but if you want to find her, do it now! Otherwise, this trip will have been for nothing!" Sebastian found himself gripping back into reality as he nodded and tried to look around, but found himself... Completely lost. "So uh, while we're on the subject... What's with all this talk about an invasion?" He asked, the eye seeming to let out a sigh before speaking. "I think it's to do with your father, and also to do with what we did. You see, things are going to get very hectic from now on. What we did might of lead poor Arthur to believe someone inside his WDL is a traitor! He really has a lot to learn, but your father also seems to have plans. We may get thrown into the middle of it, although I heavily advise finding that girl -- sorry, woman now."

He began to see people walking around, gathering up as they made it harder for him to tell people apart at this. He seemed to furrow his brows at this, looking around as he could see a crowd here, a crowd there, a crowd all around him somehow! He was getting upset, he wasn't finding her at all! He wanted to ask her name, he wanted to actually introduce himself... But this was just madness! His first time into this place was a total disaster, and he felt like he might as well give up the goose chase here. "Look, over there." The eye said, as when Sebastian looked up, he found himself looking at... Oh joys of all, he had found her! He found himself running into a jog, his feet guiding him in a direction he never thought he could go before, as he didn't even notice as he lost the I.D. card first. When he entered into the crowd, he found himself trying to push in, when he got push back around, which ended up just with the removal of more WDL clothes. This was more due to him going into a rage and finally just throwing the damn thing off when they weren't looking. Finally, after having lost it all, he found himself... Tripping over someone!

He screamed out a little at this, finding himself quickly rolling off of the person as he got up and quickly brushed himself off, finding the one named Claire before him. Quickly reaching down to grab her hand, he helped her back up as the crowd was moving away at this. He quickly brushed off her shoulders before backing up a little. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to --" He stopped, looking back as he found the crowd moving further away now. "Shoot, no! She's gone... Damn it!" He mumbled the last pat to himself, now in the attire he had worn to the meeting with Arthur, and yes, it had been cleaned since then. "I'm so sorry for doing that, I'm -- I'm Sebastian... I'll -- uh..." He stopped, when a boy came over and started talking to her, seeing a few nods being exchanged before them as he looked up at them. "... Look, I -- I'm just here to find someone... A woman. Can you please help me?" He asked a little out of desperation, the eye silently observing the two as it looked back at the fading crowd and then back at them. "Interesting..." The eye said, noticing Claire's appearance as it kept that in mind.

~ Michael's Story ~

"Renegades base, reporting in for duty sir." A young male voice spoke out to Michael and Scott, as the van continued on it's journey for the WDL. They were getting closer now, and Scott could tell Michael was on edge. He had only just picked up on the rumors, he had long discovered that a strange demon had attacked the same place they were just at, he had only just discovered though that there may be an incoming invasion on the WDL. "I want you to listen to every word I say. This is Michael, so I want everyone to hear this. I don't care if the other two decide to be ignorant, but get them to do this! You need to send most of the squads out to protect places near the WDL or have WDL activity in them. Do you understand? Protect the innocents with your lives! If you see even the slightest hint of a demon, investigate upon it. If you can confirm your suspicions are true, act on it, and strike without hesitation!" Michael spoke, seeming to try to regain a hold over himself as the young man spoke out. "Uhh, b-but what about us here at the base, sir...?" Scott seemed to step in at this. "You will defend the base with your lives. If the demons come to attack, do not let them surprise you! You must get the jump on them, do not let them overtake the base!" Michael sighed out as they both heard the young man's voice again. "Y-yes sir! I won't let you down! Either of you!"

They heard the base hang up at this as they both let out a sigh, as Michael shook his head a little at this. "I can't fucking believe this is going to happen..." He said, Scott seeming to pat his shoulder a bit as he sighed. "Relax... Stop the van for a bit, I need to get something out from the back." Michael rose a brow at this, but stopped it any way, as Scott quickly got out and walked to the back. Michael seemed to be on edge, he tried to calm himself, thinking nothing wrong was about to happen. Well, until he saw a few strange figures heading his way... He seemed to raise his brows at this, quickly getting out as he closed the door as he watched the men in robes come before him. "Are you Michael of The Renegades?" The man spoke out, as Michael nodded his head in confirming this. "Well then... Time to die." The tallest man said, quickly pulling out a scythe, as Michael found himself ducking, losing a few hairs in the process, but it was something he could live with. "Who are you?" He asked, watching as they threw off their cloaks to reveal... People? "We have been sent by our leader and master to personally execute you." Michael furrowed his brows at this. "WDL?" He asked. "No..." Michael rose a brow at this. "Hell?" He asked. "No... We are something far different."

Michael was prepared to attack, when a bright light came flying past him and hit the man on the right, watching as he screamed out as a loud poof was heard, the man vanishing and leaving his cloak behind. "Who dares to try and attack us?!" The lead man asked, as Scott walked forward, carrying a huge looking gun in his hand, it's alien design yet holy presence made all the remaining cloaked men actually shiver a little. "The name's Scott you sons of bitches. I heavily advise following your friend's actions and departing from here at once. I assure you, he won't be getting up for at least two days." He said, as when they heard the gun begin to charge up for another attack, they quickly did the same as the other had, making loud poof like noises before vanishing and leaving the cloaks behind. Michael walked forward and picked one up, looking at the strange demonic emblem on it as he rose his brows. "Christ... Looks like some bastard's are finally having the balls to come out now that hell is on the move again." Michael said to Scott, as Scott sighed out a bit. "You know how it is. We see any of them try to join this so called invasion, we blast them. Although I thought that bastard was a vampire... Or at least a werewolf. What I just heard wasn't either." Scott said, as Michael could only nod. "Yeah... Looks like we got a new type of creature to worry about." He said, before walking on forward, Scott following close behind. "Ah jesus, we got enough problems to worry about! If they weren't demons, what were they?!" Scott asked Michael, as only one word could come to his mind. "Monsters."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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#, as written by Tanman
Kane O'Reilly

“Sounds like next door is enjoying themselves.” Kane commented as the sounds of profuse swearing and smashed objects was vaguely heard through the walls of the next door dorms. Over the past three days, it certainly seemed like the building next to theirs was a lively one, and he was more than a little curious just what went on over there. Still, he didn’t really get to see the occupants very much – Whether they left late or went to some other classes or something, he didn’t really know. Well
 Maybe he’d go introduce himself at some point if he saw them. Stretching a moment, he pushed off the window sill, already prepped and ready for class. Closing the door behind him and locking it up, he casually walked down the hall to the main entertainment room, hopping onto the couch as he patiently waited on Claire’s arrival. He’d made a couple of friends in the first few days at the WDL, but for the most part, he’d found himself hanging around Claire the most. She was an easygoing and friendly girl, and never seemed to mind when he tagged along with her after class or anything. Unlike him, Claire had been hugely popular at the Academy by comparison, getting more than a second glance from the boys, and making fast friends with the girls. She just seemed to
 fit in. It was an envious quality, seeing her seamlessly slip into conversations and groups. Still, when all was said and done, she’d part ways and return home with Kane. No shopping. No movies. No dates
 During the walks home, he’d been tempted to ask why she
 Well, chose to hang around him rather then all the other students. After all
 He’d seen what some of the other students said about him to her – And knew she’d lost a number of friends because she decided to stick with him. So then, why did she

“Hope you weren’t waiting long.” Claire jogged in slowly, straightening out her shoes by lifting her leg a moment. Seemed she was running a little late this morning, for whatever reason. She was dressed neat as always, a pale yellow blazer with black cuffs and golden highlights and buttons, white undershirt and black tie and skirt, rounded off with her formal shoes and white thigh-high stockings. Around her neck, a slim silver necklace encrusted with a single ruby red jewel was the only accessory she had, along with some simple stud earrings. Kane appreciated all this in a moment, before sitting up, smiling. “Nah, not at all. Just got here myself. You set for class?” Nodding, Claire and Kane headed out the door, joining up with the rest of the students on their way to class. As they walked, they didn’t really say too much, but that was probably because of the way she was rapidly making her way through the people. It was just a bit faster then a comfortable pace, almost like she had somewhere to be. Kane did his best to keep up, but all of the sudden, he lost track of her. “Claire?” Kane called out briefly, before turning towards a loud commotion off a bit in front of him. It was quite a scene, Claire rubbing her back and wincing a little, having been knocked to the ground by
 a young boy? Kane hurried over as the two were getting up, both dusting themselves off.

"Shoot, no! She's gone... Damn it!" The boy trailed off at the end, seemingly having lost someone amongst the crowd. He turned to Claire, apologising for his actions as Kane arrived, the two nodding at each other acknowledging his arrival. Claire smiled a little, gesturing for the boy to calm down. “It’s alright, really. I should have been watching where I was going
” By now, a little bit of a crowd was gathering, though Kane had no idea why. Well, it was a bit of a tumble, but Claire was alright, so he didn’t see why everyone needed to stop and stare. "... Look, I -- I'm just here to find someone... A woman. Can you please help me?" Kane looked to the boy
 Then to Claire, who met his gaze as well. She brought her hand to her chin, thinking for a moment, as Kane did the same. Well, the kid seemed a little worried
 Maybe they could help him. They did have some time before class, and who knew? Maybe they knew who he was looking for? Besides, they were good people. It was his responsibility to help those in need wherever he could.

“So who exactly are you looking for?” Kane asked after a moment, standing up straight as he looked to the crowd, some of which had dissipated.

“I-I don’t know her name exactly she’s tall with black hair blue eyes-“ The boy continued to spout of his description at a record pace, Kane barely able to note the key features. After politely asking the boy to calm down and start again, he managed to get the full story. A biker girl about 20 years of age; tall, black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. As Kane tried to think on anyone he knew like that, he turned to Claire. “You know anyone like that, Claire?” She seemed to be deep in thought, more so then before as she eyed the kid over, interjecting with her own line of thought rather then answering Kane’s question.

“So why do you need to find this woman
? Sorry, I didn’t catch your name
” Her question was inquiring in nature, though the boy’s response was somewhat cryptic in its own way. "Thomas, that's my last name so call me by that. And I need to find her because she has something I need back." Claire nodded, seemingly unfazed by the weird introduction as she continued her line of questioning. “So what’s her name?” The boy grimaced a little, his face tensing some as he spoke. "...That's the problem... Never got it. We were separated too fast." He still seemed a little panicked, though his panting had slowed down now as he continued to scan the crowd. Just why did he need to find this girl anyway? Well, she was a biker. Perhaps she’d done some evil deed to this kid and he was tracking her? Could she have stolen from him? “So did she take something from you? Is that why you need to find her?” Kane asked, before taking a small step back as the boy quickly gave his response, clearly still on edge. "NO, no! She needed something at the time, I was kind enough to give it to her, but unfortunately we got separated before she could give it back..."

“Huh, well

“Kane, go on ahead and see if you can find this girl. I’ll stay with Thomas and see what else I can find out.” Claire interrupted Kane and met her gaze with his. It was a little odd
 Her look was filled with such intent, Kane didn’t quite feel he could say no, even if he wanted to. Instead, he simply nodded. “Alright, I’ll be back soon!” Turning on his heel, he sprinted off into the crowd, darting through people. “Excuse me! Sorry, coming through, urgent business! WhohHoOOaaa!” Kane staggered as he tripped and fell into the ground again. Man, why did he always have to be so clumsy

Elsewhere, Claire began to walk Thomas away from the enquiring crowd, claiming that she’d handle things from here. True to her word, she steered him into an alley, making some small talk as they moved further and further from the crowds of people
 "...Aren't you a bit young? To be here I mean. You know where this is, right?" She looked back at him over her shoulder, keeping a close watch on ‘Thomas’. The boy was glancing around, seemingly still quite nervous as he fumbled together an answer to her question. "I'm only fifteen. And I'm a guest, recently got moved here because, well... What do you think we got separated by?" Claire stopped, looking about the alley they’d pulled into. This would do
 Turning to face the boy, she smiled again, remaining innocent. “I’m not sure. Why would I know something like that?” She narrowed her eyes a little as ‘Thomas’ muttered something under his breath. Unknown to him, she knew every word both he
 And his company had said. Slowly, she leaned back against the wall, folding her arms and looking down on the kid with a look of superiority “And I don’t trust you, or that thing with you.” She paused, taking in the look of surprise on the boy’s face, pushing off the wall as she moved in closer. "You know, you're a pretty poor liar
 A guest who just happened to fall out of a guard's uniform? You're only lucky that Kane is as clueless as he is, and that I’m the one that you stumbled into."

Thomas seemed to back up, but a quick glance behind him revealed he was cornered. He sighed, looking away as he mumbled out his response. "If I told you the real reason, you would consider me a stalker. Look, three days ago me, her and three others were brought to this... I don't know, place for some reason. All they had us do was sit down as they... Well, revealed to us a secret. Then we got attacked. That part, I did not lie about. I was trying to run after her, but... Well, I ended up going the wrong way, got stuck in this place full of demons, and now I have this 'thing' following me around wherever I go... You don't have to trust me, but I am not a murderer." All throughout his speech, Claire slowly made her way closer, her shadow looming over the boy as she was less then a foot
 then an inch away.

Carefully, she moved her hand up to his face
 “H-hey, what are you-“ And then, with one swift movement, swiped her thumb against his cheek. The effect was instantaneous, the holy water fizzing slightly at the contact with the demonic skin, Thomas wincing and calling out slightly in pain as he rubbed his cheek. Claire however, had stepped back, looking down at him. “I knew it. You’re one of them.” Wiping her hand free of the holy water, she looked back to the boy as that ‘other’ voice began speaking again. She wasn’t certain who or what that was, but it’d been around this boy the whole time
 "Fine, you want to know? He is half, but he speaks the truth. Don't buy it? You don't have to. But if he really was a demon under my master's control, would he -really- be this stupid?"

The boy and the demon began to bicker amongst themselves, Claire ignoring their discussion for the most part as she searched about her bag, pulling out her glasses case. Finally, the eye began to speak on something a bit more interesting then the child he was babysitting. "And besides, a bloody invasion is rumoured to be happening at any god damn moment... Do you think he would even be here, much less talking to you or your clumsy friend, without so much as even trying to manipulate or kill either of you? Besides... You can hear me. That means you aren't entirely human yourself." Claire froze a little at those words, then smiled, laughing a moment as she pulled on her spectacles, adjusting the bridge with a finger. The glass shimmered a moment, as if glowing; and the floating eye in front of her became clear as day. Turning towards it, she spoke.

“You’re mistaken. But that doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Which makes me wonder why you’re here, looking for her of all people.” Claire narrowed her eyes a little. They were an uncalculated variable
 But the fact they were looking for Ash
 What did that mean? Did Hell have plans for her? Or was this something else entirely? As the two descended into another bickering, Claire could only question the sensibility of the two in front of her. A crush. Did they honestly expect her to believe that? Continuing to scrutinise them, she calmly raised her hand for them to stop, before speaking. “I don't entirely care what you two do then, but..." With sudden ferocity, a blade of light came from seemingly nowhere, impaling itself into the wall between Thomas and the eye. "If you get in my way, or I find that you've endangered her in any way, I assure you, you'll live to regret it."

Turning on her heel from them, the eye made some attempt to acknowledge her threat, Claire removing her glasses as she looked back to Sebastian, intent on getting her message across to him. “Stay away from her. Got it?” Turning back out of the alleyway, she could hear Kane calling out as he approached her, dragging along some poor black haired girl with him. As Thomas slowly followed in behind Claire, he asked a very simple question that had been part of the formalities she had skipped. "...By the way, what's do you go by?" The boy looked up to her, but she couldn’t judge if it was fear, curiosity or something else in his expression. She smiled warmly, returning back to the pleasant, cheerful persona she adopted amongst everyone. It was as if the entire sequence in the alley had never occurred.

“Just call me Claire. Claire Clade.”


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~ Sebastian's Story ~

"Claire, huh?" He asked her, nodding his head a little in response. "I wonder what your friend's name is..." He asked, quickly glancing over at where the pile of WDL clothes had been, only to see them bring carried off by WDL guards. He hoped they didn't know how to look for his DNA on there. "O-oh me? I'm Kane. Kane O'Reilly, nice to meet you, Thomas." He watched Kane extend his hand towards him, as he took a hold of his hand with a much more firmer grip then a fifteen year old should have, smiling a bit as he watched Kane rub the back of his head and laugh a little offhandedly. "I'm sorry I got the wrong girl too... I was certain Jennifer was who you meant by the description..." Sebastian remembered the girl, the black haired girl who looked similar to Ash but was definitely not a biker. When she learned she was not the one they were looking for so bluntly, she promptly hurried off in annoyance. "No, I'm sorry... I should of gotten her name when I had the chance, now I'm stuck here... While some invasion is about to fall down on this whole place. I have the worst timing." Having slipped out the part about the invasion, Kane seemed a bit startled by this. "I-Invasion?" He asked.

He felt one of his brows raise at this, as he indicated towards some of the WDL guards walking about, looking like they were just on normal duty. "These guys have been talking about it for a few days now, going on about the demons and how they will come here and start tearing this place to pieces. But if that were true, where is the security? Further, where is the leader for the matter during all this rumoring?" He then rubbed his head a little at this, his eyes looking around. "If only I knew where she went..." He mumbled to himself the last part before hearing Kane speak. "W-well, uh, we haven't been told anything like that, but if that were true uh... You're right, there would be security and stuff..." Kane looked nervous, and inexperienced in the eye's view. He barely looked like he would survive one demon attacking, much less a huge attack like the one coming. "Like I said, I'm a guest, not a student... I don't know if they let you guys get outside into the real world or not, but the way I see it is... If it is true, you are all being played or used. People may die, and what do they do? Not give a care... It's why it's all the more important we find her all the sooner." He then looked towards his right and pointed in that direction. "You think she went that way?" He tried to ask them, until...

He saw Claire narrow her eyes at him, had he said something wrong? All too quickly, she sprung into action with her words. "Classes are starting. She'd probably be in one of those, so unless you want to interrupt a lesson, you'd probably be best waiting out here." At this, she smiled cheerfully, back into her happy disguise it seemed. "Don't worry, we'll keep you company. Right Kane?" Kane looked startled by this. "W-what? But we have lessons too!" He cried out to her. "You can go if you want." She simply stated to him. "Well I just... Uh... Wow. I didn't think you'd be the kind to cut classes." Kane then scratched the back of his head, confused by this sudden realization it seemed. "Some things are a little more important. Besides, if what Mr. Thomas says is true, then I'd like to stay by him." She said, making Sebastian raise one of his brows again. He could see what she was doing, and quickly followed to recover back from his mistakes. "Well... If you two want." Was all he said on that, but the eye came in at last, chuckling as it turned it's gaze to Claire. "So, you probably want some information about us, don't you?" It asked her, as Sebastian felt... Cautious now of the eye, while watching Claire's eyes falter for a moment in it's direction but then returned them on him. "Of course, it's no trouble at all." She said to him, but moments later, her thoughts were being projected into the eye. "Don't get the wrong idea, I'm just keeping an eye on you two." She told it.

"Hah, is that suppose to be a pun? Well here's the thing... I can't give away information without you giving me some first. Of course, I could always assume you were some WDL spy dog." The eye gave off a chuckle towards her at this, as Sebastian felt a sigh escape his mouth, quickly making it sound like it was out of exhaustion as he shrugged his shoulders a bit at this, trying to ignore the eye's sudden... Ominous tone. "So where do we go now?" He asked them both, as he watched Kane scratch his chin while looking up to the sky. "Well uh, It's not like we can go to the mall or anything. That'd be a little suss... Maybe the park? That should be pretty clear..." He told him, as it seemed he couldn't hear what she sent the eye next. "Hmmph. You make it sound like there's something I want from you. As far as I'm concerned, I've got bigger priorities..." She put on a smile at this, nodding towards Kane, but her focus seemed elsewhere, possibly on the eye perhaps? It then spoke out again towards her, although he had no idea what she said to it. "Hmmm... If that is your final wish, very well. I'll have to... See, your proof then. And yes, big things are coming your way, little lady. Things you don't even know about, things you couldn't even comprehend. You have no idea how important this boy here is, or how important the girl he is looking for is... Oops, did I let out too much? Heheheh, oh well, better to keep things to myself." Sebastian felt something... Icky suddenly coming from the eye, glancing over at it quickly as it's gaze was now upon Kane.

He felt his body shudder a little at this. "Ugh... Stupid weather here. I'm still getting use to it... Well, to the park then it is! ... Um, how far away is it from here?" He asked, quickly hearing Kane speak out in a reply. Oh, it's not far. A couple of blocks is all." Kane then laughed a little, suddenly picking up the pace, as they had begun to head towards it. "We'll have to be careful to avoid the patrols. Don't want to get caught cutting class you... know..." Kane then scratched his head a little, then some more... Kane suddenly seemed itchy, and the eye seemed more ominous then before. But then, the ominous feeling was gone, as Sebastian looked over towards Claire, seeing her having put on those glasses again. "Hah... Oh my, you are special after all... Let me assure you, I need that proof. Unless, of course, you know more about the person he is looking for then you are letting on, hmm? Perhaps a best friend you abandoned? Perhaps some poor woman you stole from? Oh tell me, I want all the juicy details. Of course, if you don't want to, you will have to let me get back on with what I'm doing..." The eye spoke out to her in a rather sarcastic tone now as it continued to speak, making Sebastian run up next to Kane. "Huh... Is there anything fun to do there?" He asked him, looking around a bit as he did.

"W-well uh, not really... It's got trees.. and uh, lots of open space? I guess that's kinda cool..." Kane told him, chuckling a little as this lead them both not to notice the intensity growing with Claire. "I don't have to allow you to do anything. I'm more than capable of dealing with anything you'd try." She sent to the eye again, trailing only slightly behind Sebastian and Kane. A disturbing feeling came over Sebastian as he head that eye speak once more towards her. "Oh, but you do... For you see, if we are to trust you, we'll need some kind of evidence you aren't going to turn on us... Especially on my end. So, what will it be then? You spill the beans, or allow me to go back inside his head? Neither is not an option, you won't like what will happen if you say neither..." Sebastian picked up the pace a bit at this, feeling the disturbance of the eye coming over him now. "Wow... This will be the first time I've ever seen anything so full of nature." He said to them both. "Uh, really? I mean uh, yeah! It's cool. Lot's of trees! A really big one in the center." Kane said to him, smiling at this. This once more distracted them from the intensity building up behind them. "I'm willing to take my chances. I don't respond well to threats." She sent to the eye, before speaking to the other two. "It's very peaceful there. I sometimes decide to take my lunch breaks there too, since it's so pleasant." She told them.

Sebastian then smiled a bit as he grabbed a hold of both of their arms. "Come on then." He said, before the dashing off with them to the park, putting a bit of inhuman speed into it. Claire might of suspected something, but Kane wouldn't of noticed this. "I want to find this place more then ever now." The eye chuckled a bit at this, rising up above them as it turned it's gaze to Kane and tried to resume the memory from where it had left off... Only -- It suddenly spin around as it groaned out at this. "Oh, my eye... My only eye! It burns... The horror. The bloody horror! Oh go, I feel like I could bleed right now! UGH!" The image had been too much for the demon, at the same time Sebastian would stop with them in the park, panting a bit now. "So... Is this the place then?" He asked, hearing Claire giggle a little as he rose a brow, seeing her smile as he wondered if she was acting still or not. "Yep, this is the place. I personally think it's really pretty, don't you?" He saw her look at him and then look up, barely able to hear the screams of the eye. He didn't want to know what it had seen. "Hey, I didn't know you wore glasses..." Kane asked Claire, noticing her glasses for a moment and had blinked at this. "Oh, these? My contacts were getting sore, so I switched." She told him, meanwhile Sebastian shook his head a little as he saw some WDL guards begin to march side by side, there were six of them in total, with two strange figures following behind them. "Uhh, is this normal...?" He asked them.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Kane asked, looking behind them as when he saw the two figures get closer, his eyes widened out of pure shock. When the WDL guards and the two figures came into view, the two turned out to be... Michael and Scott. They had arrived at the WDL, and looked like they were ready for battle. "I have no idea what's going on..." Sebastian said, as he looked over at Kane and rose his brows slowly at him. "N-no way..." Kane stammered, his eyes suddenly lighting up to sparkles. "That's Michael Malchim, the saint! He's a living legend! To see him in person is just..." Kane suddenly began to mumble incoherently for the rest of his words. Claire chuckled a little at this and then quickly took Sebastian's hand, making him blush a little as he felt himself get dragged to the other side of a tree and out of sight of the guards. "If you're smart, you'll keep him out of sight." Claire said to the eye, moving back to Kane at this as the eye let out a sigh at this. "Oh fine..." It said, before vanishing and Sebastian was left with a worried expression. For the first time since he had been brought before Arthur and everything up to this point, he looked like a real fifteen year old would, only able to hear the conversation going on between the WDL guards and the guests they had.

~ Michael's Story ~

"What's the situation?" Michael asked as they got closer. "The demons have not responded for a few hours now... But neither are our men from one of the surrounding towns. If anything, we suspect they've already gotten to it and killed our men in it." The guard said, as Scott furrowed his brows. "Watch what you say, our men are heading there as well... Don't assume until the worst has come." But the guard rolled his eyes at Scott's comment. "We also encoutered a new breed it seems..." Michael said, watching the guards look worried and confused. "What? Is it not one of those things that come from America? Or an Oni/Youkai? Or an Elemental at that?"

Michael shook his head again. "No..." Scott then took it from there. "It took a direct hit from my light ray gun, but survived somehow. These demons could pose a threat, if they are able to withstand head on contact with holy items." Michael then added in something here. "One also carried a scythe, they all wore cloaks to hide themselves from us. And the way they teleported... It sounded too foreign to me." The guards looked at each other, seeming to grow pale at this. "Arthur will hate to hear this..." Was what could be heard of the conversation before the guards, Michael and Scott went out of sight, heading straight for the academy.

~ Sebastian's Story ~

Sebastian came out once they were gone, only to find Claire smiling and Kane looking over photos he had gotten on his phone of Michael, Scott and the guards. Kane seemed to be looking like he had been just wrapped out of this reality when Michael and Scott were here, although his attention was more on Michael then Scott it seemed. "This is no good.." The eye said to both Sebastian and Claire, appearing back to both of them as it spoke in their minds now. "If the master has started creating demons that can resist holy now, you and the rest of the WDL are fucked." Sebastian raised a brow at the eye, as it looked at him nervously. "Sorry, slip of the tongue." It said, before turning it's attention towards Claire. "If that's the case, we'll just have to invent other methods." She told it, seeming to now be annoyed by the tone the demon was taking with her. "Not that simple... If anything, The Renegades coming here just means the invasion is on it's way faster. You better do what you came here to do and then leave... Or watch as your friends die --" "Stop it..." Sebastian stepped in at this. "I don't like you harassing her." Sebastian mumbled, before looking back at Kane. "... So... What now?" He asked, looking between both Claire and Kane now. At this rate, it seemed danger was practically building up for this place.

~ Michael's Story ~

They finally had made it to the WDL, although they were forced to leave the van behind. The guards had made sure they did, for some reason they seemed to not care if the two boys had a ride to use to get back home. Scott carried his light ray gun on his back, seeming to show he was stronger then he appeared by just having it strapped to his back. Michael watched as the guards lead them inside, although after having to force people back from trying to get to Michael or Scott. "Jeez, you think we would at least be able to say hi to them." Michael said to Scott. "We at least could give them that." He said, before Scott shook his head a bit. "No, we need to stay in here for now and wait to see if the attack's coming or not. If it is, we'll fight. If not, you get to make the speech early." Scott smiled at this, patting Michael's shoulder as he frowned at this. "A speech? Ah goodness, I might as well since I'm here, huh?" He said, Scott laughing a bit as Michael couldn't help but smile when he did this. "Better to get it out of the way then to procrastinate on it." He said, as Michael let out a sigh at this. "I wish the other two were here though... At least then I wouldn't have to say everything myself." Michael said, as Scott frowned a bit and pulled his hand away. "Relax. You'll do fine, you have this far. Now, shall we wait?" He asked, as Michael sighed and nodded toward him. "Yeah... I at least owe the people here that much." He said to Scott, as both stopped and waited now. This was it, the chance to show The Renegades power in front of the whole WDL. The only question now was, was the invasion real or just some rumor shit Arthur or The Devil had started to scare everyone.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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#, as written by zody
'The Sniping Kasha' - Rin

A figure covered with a hood knocked on the door to the class that Ash was in, the only part of their face that was visible being their eyes, which were darkened and it was hard to tell what colour they were. They went in and spoke. "May I speak to Ashley Clade, please?". Asmodeus gasped, and also spoke. "Ash, go with her. Just trust me!". Ash glanced over at the figure, looking to the professor to gain permission. Recieving a nod, she sat up and excused herself, taking her schoolbag and exiting the room. The cloaked figure let out a small sigh of relief as Ash followed her, and she pulled her hood off to reveal a feminine face, but with the difference of cat ears. Her hair was styled into two braids, and it shone a sparkling red. "Sweet. You're Ash, right? Do you know what I am? And more importantly, will you follow me for a bit?". She giggled a little bit at the expression Ash pulled next. "Uhh..." Ash stared at the ears, blinking a moment. "A cosplayer...?" She then shook her head. "But yeah, I'm happy to get out of class..." Shouldering her bag, she looked to Asmodeus, telepathically communicating. "Care to bring me up to speed?". Asmodeus grinned, and did something Ash probably would've been surprised at She materialised, which earned a giggle from the person in front of them, and they both hugged. "Rin! It's been AGES!" "I know right, how's Deon?". Asmodeus' eyes shot open, and she put her finger to Rin's mouth, and turned to Ash. "Ya know what a 'Kasha' is?".

"Do I look like I know what a Kasha is?". Ash asked, folding her arms. Asmodeus grinned and tugged her sleeve like she was a baby. "Kasha are a form of Nekomata, but they're... ugh, you don't know much do you. Maybe Hikari'll let you borrow a book sometime". The Kasha, Rin, turned. "No time, there's a full-scale invasion taking place soon. We need to find our most capable person, and you know exactly who that is, eh Az?". Asmodeus grinned and tugged Ash along. "To the Park!".

Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner

Deon leaped onto one of the tallest trees in the park, surveying the surrounding area with a grim look on his face. He sighed and turned to his companion, Lucifer. "Yeah, there isn't anything there, Luci. Not that I can see, anyways". Lucifer sighed and pulled him over to her, and pointed. "What about there?". Deon chuckled and leaped down from the trees, landing near Sebastian and co. He grinned and spoke. "Alright, you guys know that there's an Invasion on top of us right now, right?". He looked around, grinning. His eyes fell onto Sebastian and his grin vanished. "You...".

"Um... H-hey there! Have we met before? My memories a bit... Fuzzy."

Deon eyed Sebastian, but something was off. He grinned, sending a telepathic message to Lucifer. "Is that a Demon he's got near him? I can sense it but not see it". Deon simply grinned. "I dunno, I think we might've met before, or something... Anyways, my name's Hikari. What's yours?". By this time, Lucifer had already infromed him that his suspicions were correct. He sent her another message and told her to materialise in her human form around the corner and come talk as well, and then she was gone. Suddenly, 'Hikari' heard somebody shouting his name, as Lucifer, now in her human form, rushed around the corner. "Hey Hikari, what're you DOING. We're supposed to be in class!". Sebastian saw his grin and seemed to shiver, glancing over at Claire and Kane as he then looked back at Deon. "Thomas. That's my last name... Hikari, huh...? Odd name, but okay. I just don't hear it mu --" He stopped as he saw Lucifer run over and raised one of his brows. He then turned his attention back to Deon. "So... Mr. Hikari... What are you doing coming out of nowhere exactly?"

Deon grinned, and his eyes glinted dangerously. "Demons. Headed this way. You mean you didn't know about that? Odd.... Anyways yeah, this is Lucy, my friend. We should be off though, I need to check on other people, since my Teacher forced me to. Ugh, what a bitch". Lucifer grabbed Deon by the arm as he went to walk off, and spoke. "You look.... familiar... it's been a while, but were you at an Orphanage by any chance?". Sebastian seemed confused, and looked to Claire and Kane and the back at Deon and Lucifer. He sighed out and held out his hand slowly. "Yeah, I've been... Living there for years now. Recently ran away, too, actually. I think it's been two months now, although it seems -- nevermind...". He stopped himself, for some reason. "My name... Is Sebastian. Sebastian Thomas." He told Lucifer. She grinned, and practically cannonballed into Sebastian, and Deon could barely hold himself together at this point. He burst out into laughter, which resulted in Lucifer booting him in the stomach, which made him laugh even harder. Lucifer spoke. "It's been ages Sebastian! Its so good to see you again". Deon stood, and eyed Sebastian. "So, you name's Sebastian, eh?". His grin grew slightly amused, but it disappeared as he heard something. "Oh, really? They're coming this way already?".

Sebastian felt a brow raise as he felt her cannonball into him. He couldn't help but smile as he patted her back a bit at this. "E-easy now Lucy... I didn't expect to find you in a place like this..." He said, before watching her send a blow into Deon's stomach. He laughed a little at the scene and then turned his attention back to Lucy. "... Yeah, it's been ages. And uh... You got a new outfit it seems." He said, before looking back to Deon. "... Got a problem with it?", he asked, before hearing something too. "Who's coming? The demons, the guards here -- What? What?" Deon's grin widened as he saw Sebastian seemingly start to panic. And he spoke. "Neither, although I guess you could call them 'Demons'". Deon grinned as he watched Asmodeus practically fly into the Park, with Ash and Rin close behind. Rin grinned as she pounced, tackling Deon to the ground and trying to hit him. He blocked her attacks and kicked her off, and they both started laughing. Standing up, Deon offered the Kasha his hand, which she accepted. They both laughed a bit again, and Deon turned. "This is my friend Rin, she's a Kasha.... Please tell me I don't have to explain what a Kasha is".

Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner
Rin - The Heartwarming Nekoromancer

Sebastian looked around at Lucy at this. [b]"What in the world is a Kasha?"
He asked, before looking over at Ash. "Um... Lucy, do you know who that is?" He asked. Lucifer replied. "Yeah, that's Ash, why do you ask, Sebastian?". Lucifer looked at him, a smirk on her face and she pushed herself off of him. She grabbed him by the cheek, chuckling a little. "Awww, is 'Basty-wasty curious?". She stifled a laugh as she saw his cheeks redden, and patted him on the shoulder. "Just kidding. It's good to see you again, though.... Hikari, what's the status? How many?". She turned to the others. "Just in case you didn't hear them, there's a few Demons just in the trees around us". Deon sighed, and concentrated. "Around twenty or so, it'll be easy. And I can go all out this time, gosh it's been so long since I've been able to. Heh. This'll entertain me". He turned to the Cat-girl and grinned "Gonna go hide in your kitty-litter, pussy-cat?" Rin punched him in the shoulder, and her claws slifted out with a 'shhhick'. "Hell no, I'm not letting you have all the fun. Also, 'Hikari'? Really? The WDL gave you that, I hope". Sebastian's stood up.

"C-curious? Come on Lucy, don't tease me..." Lucifer grinned as he grinned back at her. "... I... Need to talk to her." He said, before quickly rushing over towards Ash, which made Lucifer feel... odd. Was this 'Ash' girl really better than her?... No. Lucifer wouldn't allow such thoughts. "No". Lucifer looked to Deon. "Should I call the others? Or what?". Deon noticed the angry glint in her eye and grinned. "Go get 'em, they'll love this". Deon watched as the first of the Demons began to appear, Earth Demons... wait, no. He gasped as the multitudes of Demons ran past him, away from something. And then he saw it. "Fire Demons.... fuck, already? Az, Luci! Get ready! Brenhin's coming!". Deon grinned, raising his fists as a fire demon leaped at him, and he roundhoused it to the face. "Listen up, you weaker people get to the back of me, Luci, Az and Rin. If ya don't, prepare to get burned". Deon whacked another Demon in the face, and suddenly they all started pouring out of the forest. Rin grinned, brandishing her claws. "Meeeooow!~ I haven't played for a-ges! Let's make this fun, shall we Deon?". She reached over and clawed his hoodie's arm off, revealing the black armband with a golden pin that was sitting on his arm. Deon grinned. "Yeah, they decided to 'Exorcise' me, and made me an Exorcist. Bullshittery, I say!". He booted another Demon away, putting his hands in his pockets for a cool effect. He spoke. "Seven Sisters of Purgatory, to me!". And suddenly all Seven Sisters were there, grinning and brandishing their weapons. Asmodeus smiled to Ash. "Yeah, I've been going super easy on ya, Ashy-poo~".

Deon moved his foot just in time to dodge the ray that caused the explosion of demons and flesh. "Well shit, look who it is!".


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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~ Sebastian's Story ~

The time had arrived. The eye watched as Sebastian met with Lucifer and Ashley, making it suddenly feel... Angry. It's plans were suddenly twisting in on itself, this wasn't suppose to happen! It seemed to float away at this, stopping as the battle was just beginning, sending a message. 'The time is now. I must prepare while the battle occurs. Do not fail on this.' It said, as it heard the voice reply back to it. 'Roger, sir. I will do my best. But what if that other demon's men try to kill him first?' A chuckle came out of the eye which could be heard by the other demon it talked with, thinking up words to send for it's reply carefully. 'They won't, trust me. If it is the same demon I think it is, we will have no trouble perfecting stage one of the plan. Remember, once the battle is over, you must scout. We must get all the details we can out of this place, and find out the current ranks too. I trust you the most for this job.' It waited for the reply, and when it got it, it felt happy. 'As you command, my dark lord.' And with that, the eye vanished, off to fulfill it's plans.

Sebastian was confused by the whole scene, suddenly everything felt... Lost. For some reason, Lucy turned out to be... A demon?! If she was one, she didn't look like one. He also questioned on the outfit she currently wore, it was... Well, he didn't know what to think of it, actually. He didn't have time to think it over, for he felt himself get pushed aside as he looked at Ash with a questionable look. What was going on, nothing was going the way he had hoped it would! This whole battle was messing everything up, and he felt lost, as if everything was plotting against him now. The eye was gone, Ash was going off to battle, Lucy -- if that was her real name even -- was preparing to battle as well. He backed up, as he saw demons get blasted away by holy light, and then saw two figures approach. Then he saw Kane start to return shortly afterword. His heart was racing, he became scared, and just when he thought things couldn't get worse. "So... You are him." The voice spoke out to him, as he felt his heart sink. He slowly turned around to find... A demon. Standing right behind him. With a deathly glare in it's eyes.

~ Michael's Story ~

They had arrived just in time it seemed. Michael was the first to arrive, followed by Scott, who had just blasted a few good demons gathered near each other with his light ray gun. He felt proud, this was the chance to show everyone that Michael wasn't the only one who could fight. Michael turned his attention to Deon, smiling as he laughed a little. "Oh my word, is this really happening? Next thing you know, --" He stopped when he noticed Rin, his eyes widening as he looked back to Deon. "My word!" He said, Scott walking over as he stopped and looked at Deon and then at Rin, before looking back at Deon. "So, you two finally showed up." He said, steam coming off of his light ray gun. "I suppose you two want your spots back? We could always use some... Assistance with The Renegades, these days." He said, quickly spinning around as he smacked a demon away with his gun. "Still got it." He said before turning back to face them. Michael seemed to feel some a bit off, looking around as he... Well, his thoughts stopped there. "Get down!" He said to Deon and his girls, as five figures appeared in between Deon's group and Michael.

"You... The creatures from before." Michael said, as the supposed leader walked forward. "It seems we get to kill you after all, Michael A. Malachim." It spoke out, as it stopped as it saw Scott pointing his gun at it. "You come any closer, I'll blast your head off." Scott said, as the robed creature chuckled at this. "That primitive thing? Don't make me laugh..." It said, before quickly pulling out it's scythe and cutting right through it. Scott's eyes widened as the gun split in half before his eyes, and... Then a cut opened on his chest, as he felt weak as the blood escaped from his body. He collapsed on to his knees, the parts to the light ray gun falling before him. "SCOTT!" Michael shouted, rushing towards him as the blade came before him, and he stopped, glaring at the robed creature. "Michael...Wait." Scott struggled to say, as Michael backed up a bit. Scott looked up at the scythe's blade. "That scythe... It's... Made of crystal." He said, and Michael rose his brows, looking at the blade he could see the lines. It was now obvious, as the creature let out a dark chuckle. "You know your demons then, boy." The creature said, as Michael turned his head towards it. "Your in league with a crystal demon?!" Michael asked, as the creature got into a stance with the scythe. "No... We work for one." It said, before dashing towards Michael, ready to strike!

~ Sebastian's Story ~

"You are the guide it seems." It said, walking forward towards him slowly as Sebastian couldn't help but feel... Scared. "Who are you?" He asked, as the demon stopped and shook it's head. "I am an elemental demon, my master has sent me here to execute you. You are, after all, on the list." It said to him, as Sebastian felt... Cold. "W-what...?" He tried to say, before he noticed himself starting to shiver as the air around them got colder. "What the...?" He tried to finish, but found himself caught off guard by the sudden coldness. "You don't even remember me... You have abandoned me, you left me three months ago to die! Now I can return the favor..." It said, as Sebastian saw it appear in front of him. "You are in full sight of everyone... Good. That makes this all the more special..." It said, before striking it's hand on his right shoulder, and Sebastian felt... Pain. As the hand pulled away, his eyes widened in horror as he saw a spike made out of ice having extended from the demon's hand. He collapsed on to his knees, as the spike broke off into pieces. He then formed an ice blade along his arm, quickly striking it across Sebastian's chest. He watched as the blood escaped, collapsing on to the ground as he closed his eyes tightly. "So pitiful..." It said, raising it's arm up, before then going to strike down at him...

Only for Sebastian to suddenly vanish from sight, as the demon struck the ground, the ice blade breaking upon contact. It's eyes widened only a little as it looked forward, seeing Sebastian now standing... A demonic aura now surrounding his form. "Interesting..." It said, as then loud snaps and pops of bones could be heard. Sebastian growled as he suddenly lost it. He slammed a hand on his chest as he hunched over, then... A rip formed on the back of his shirt, as his eyes changed to a more demonic look, his teeth becoming a little sharper as the tips of his ears became more pointy. Then, two black wings covered in black liquid ripped out of his back, the bat-like wings extending themselves as they gave a few flaps, sending the liquid off of them. The demon furrowed it's brows, seeing Sebastian having suddenly lost it. "Aw, someone is having a temper tantrum.. Maybe you aren't the one to lead me to the Evolution Demon after all..." It rushed forward at this, aiming to strike at Sebastian again, but found it broke upon contact with his right arm, now raised up in defense. The demon leaped back, landing on it's feet as it kept it's distance, watching the now enraged Sebastian give off a more demonic growl as he could see the hardened skin on Sebastian. "Interesting... Very interesting. Very well, I will give you an honorable death then." It then formed two ice blades from it's arms, grabbing a hold of them both as it ripped them off, both forming swords then as it took on a stance. "Come!" It shouted, watching Sebastian rush towards him, the tattoo's on his arms now glowing bright red, his wings extending as he looked ready to kill!


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#, as written by claw
Ansgar stalked forwards, his axe scything through any weakling human that dared to try and stop him his axe blazed in glory as his personal bodygaurd marched behind him, their own weapons moving as they took out Ansgar had passed. Ansgar stopped a moment and looked at a tree, raising his hand to it a jet of fire sprang forth and sped along the tree and then to the next one and the next one. The large Demon stalked onwards as the fire spread.

The large Demon soon cleared the forest and stopped to look out on the carnage, Demons were fighting with those guards of the WDL that had managed to turn up, any bullet firing weapon was useless against the Demons black armour, as such the tide of the battle would soon turn if things were left as they were. The Demon warlord smiled when he saw a perfect target. "DEON YOU WHELP, TURN AND FIGHT ME IN SINGLE COMBAT" The Demon roared, his grip tightened on his axe as his elite bodyguard split up to perform their own different objectives. The large Demon stepped forwards as the lesser Demons moved out of the way so that Ansgar could get to Deon alone, which he did in a charge leaping at the end of it raising his axe over his head and gripping it with both hands intending on bringing it down as soon as he landed.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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~ Michael's Story ~

Michael saw Rin had arrived in the fight to help, she was doing an excellent job as always. "You haven't changed a bit. I just hope you aren't as distracted any more." He said, and looked over at Scott, who struggled with his wound. "I'm sorry, but we can't get the WDL to heal you. I don't want you brainwashed like he was. The Renegades will be lost without you." Scott gritted his teeth at this and let out a slight chuckle at his words. "I'll be fine, my wound can be tended to later. Just beat these guys, that's all that matters right now!" He then looked at Rin at her words. "Mechanical? Only one type of demon can do technology this advanced." Michael furrowed his brows at this, looking back at them. They were repairing themselves, electricity coming out of them once in a while as they repaired. The leader, the scythe wielder, seemed to be glaring at them all darkly now. "I was only told to execute Michael Malachim and his second in command. But now I think I'll just get the whole damn list out of the way! Kill them all!"

Michael saw Rin grin at this, stepping forward towards them as her tails flickered. "Yeah, well, have fun trying to kill us, ya piece of junk!" Then the craziest thing happened, she leaped at them! But she seemed to be doing fine, bouncing off of the leader's head which allowed her to propel herself in the air. She then landed behind the leader, seeming to watch with amusement as one of them in front of her aimed a kick at her face, but was stopped as she cut through it with her claws, so easy like a knife through melted butter! That grin came back to her face and then she propelled her arm straight upwards, cutting the robot in half in front of them all. "Well, since you guys heal yourselves, I can go all out!" She told them as she then looked back towards Michael with that same grin on her face. "Hey, I'll be back in a second, alright?" And then... She was gone! She had run off, leaving Michael and Scott open to the mechanical warrior's attacks. Michael saw the leader look pretty pissed off now, glaring towards Deon's battle, and... It raised it's scythe up to throw it at his back!

"I'm right HERE!" Michael called out, before then ramming his own body into the leader, watching him stumble back a bit before looking up at him, as Michael could see it's emotionless eyes upon eye contact. It then charged forward and swung it's scythe at him, he quickly took a step back and rose his right arm in defense, getting a cut from the scythe on it as he winced in pain. "Foolish boy!" He heard the leader speak to him. It then took a step forward and sent a punch at him this time, quickly he used his left arm as a shield, but found this was a bad idea, for he could hear several cracks upon contact and he could feel it growing numb. "AGH!" Was all he could say, as the mechanical warrior came closer towards him, raising it's scythe in preparation to decapitate him. Scott saw this, and felt fear come over his injured body. "Michael!" He shouted towards him. "Get up, now! Move it! Do something!!" He cried, and it would of all ended there... Until a bullet pierced right through the leader, the bullet caused enough force on it to make it stumble. His followers were shocked as they realized the bullet had pierced through most of them too. Behind them, they saw the demon with her car ears and her Cheshire cat grin as she raised her rifle. "Yeah, it's custom made to fire with half a second spacing, with practically no recoil and around twenty bullets in the magazine. I could wipe you all out, asshats." She then put the rifle back in it's back-holster and brandished her claws. "Come on! He's not the dangerous one here."

Michael watched as the scythe leader had stopped movement to listen to her, it's wound repairing already as it looked back at her slowly, then nodded towards the others. "Destroy her." He commanded to them, the other four summoning two long ranged weapons for both hands to use, and then one of them shouted out. "Open fire!" And then, they began to shoot laser-type attacks at Rin! Scott gritted his teeth and looked towards Michael. "Damn it Michael, she has to know what to do!" Michael looked back at him with a puzzled look. "What am I suppose to do?!" Michael said back to him, as Scott rolled his eyes from this. "Oh for..." He started, but then turned his attention to Rin. HEY! Get a wound big enough in one of them, make sure it's distracted from repairing itself long enough for Michael to attack it!" But then he felt his collar get grabbed and his body rose up to meet eye level with the leader! "Thanks for just stupidly saying your plan to me. Now I have an excuse to kill you FIRST!" It spoke to him with obvious anger now in it's voice.

Meanwhile, Rin was having problems of her own. She grimaced when a laser whipped past her ear, and then leaped behind a rock for cover, seeming to just vanish behind it. She let out a sigh, confused what to do when she then heard the leader speak out towards Scott. She gave another grin and stood up, launching herself towards the mechanical warriors, taking a few hits herself in the process, but managed to cleave them in half. She then bolted towards Scott's position, slicing the leader's arm in half and then quickly pulled Scott away from it as the leader screamed out in pain. "Go hide, dumbass! You're injured!" She told him, ducking when the leader tried to slice her with it's scythe, then she leaped away. "Concentrate all fire on her, you fools! Stop insulting our great leader with such bad performance!" When they did, she started dancing between the lasers and melee attacks being thrown at her, singing all the while this happened. When she got closer to Michael and the warrior closet to him, she twirled and then kicked it in the head, landing she sprung up and cut it in half vertically. "Michael, now!" She told him, as Michael summoned a Casting Light. "Here goes nothing..." He said, throwing it into the repairing robot fighter, and after it had fully repaired itself, it screamed out in sudden pain as it exploded. "That's it..." He said, coming to a conclusion as he narrowed his eyes. "Those assholes can shield from the light only on the outside! Rin, the next one!" During all of this, Scott struggled to move, while keeping out of sight of the WDL. Michael had little time to get to Scott though or Rin, for the leader had come for him now, and he quickly summoned his barrier to block the leader's scythe just barely in time, but now he struggled to push it away from him so he could resume fighting. "So you know our weakness... Congratulations, I'll CHOP your arms off!" It spoke out to him as it struggled to break his barrier.

Rin gave a grin at the sight of the robot fighter exploding, flipping over the next one and cutting it in half, then that half in half, and then that half in half, before ducking under cover and waiting for Michael to finish it off as it began to repair. "Michael, ya think ya could keep up if I slashed more than one at once?" But when she looked over her cover, she saw the leader attacking Michael, and swore at this. She flung herself on to the leader quickly, rolling around on the ground with it as she fought against it's superior strength, she was much better at long distance. She had no time to react when the leader caught her across the wrist and then flung her into the nearest rock, breaking it upon contact. Michael, meanwhile, gasped out once she had gotten the leader away and was able to cast down his barrier, summoning another Casting Light and throwing it into the repairing machine, watching it explode like the other had. "That's the second one down! Three to -- SHIT!" He was once again in trouble, now having to work on avoiding the laser attacks of the remaining two followers. The leader, on the other hand, had gotten up and walked over to Rin, grabbing a hold of her injured arm and twisting it slowly in it's grasp. "You little BITCH! I'll chop your ears off, and then gouge your eyes out! What do you got to say to that?" It said to her, before then feeling a rock hit it's head as it glared over it's shoulder to see.. Scott, standing and struggling from his injuries. "Hey asshole! Leave her alone, why don't you?! Don't you know it's rude to hit a girl?!" He shouted, getting the leader's attention long enough as it felt spit hit it's cheek and a growl behind it. "Oh fuck you, tinhead!" It then had it's face smashed into by claws as they twisted around with vigor and amusement. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" She taunted with one of her grins and then, using a bit more of her strength, cut a hole clean through it's head, and then tore her hand upwards! Then, using her other hand, she punctured it's torso and pulled, cutting it's chest in half. She then stood up and swayed, prepared to keep on fighting it. "Let's do this then, fuckers!"

The leader struggled as it started to repair, but was left no time as Scott rushed in with a piece of the broken light ray gun and began cutting up it's repairing chest with the piece. "Rin, you need to help out Michael! I got this bastard, HURRY!" He shouted, before jumping off quickly to see the scythe... Transforming into some sort of gun, which attached itself to the leader's hand?! Rin grinned at Scott quickly. "Yeah, yeah Scott. I'm on it!" She said to him, before running off towards Michael's fight with the two remaining mechanical followers, the pain in her stomach slowing her down it seemed. The leader then fired a crystal at Scott, who just barely dodged it and watched as it crystallized the ground around it where it had hit. "What the hell is that thing?" Scott asked, getting a nasty looking sinister smirk from the leader's repairing face. "You don't want to find out." It said, and charged in towards Scott at this. Meanwhile, Michael was busy dodging lasers when he heard Rin's voice. "Oi, Michael, get ready!" She called out to him, and he barely had time to watch as the two turned towards her and opened fire, but she flipped over the attacks and cleaved one of them into two, but this left her open to get shot in the left leg. She stumbled, but managed to stand resolute, and threw her fist into the crotch of the second follower, then pulled her arm in an upwards motion to split it into two as well. "Hurry!" She cried out, as Michael quickly summoned two Casting Lights this time, and threw them both into the repairing machines, watching them explode as he saw Rin get blasted back a bit from the explosions. Michael rushed over to her, grabbing a hold of her before she fell as he had no idea what to do now, plus he was beginning to feel drained. "Jesus, Rin... Are you alright?"

Meanwhile, Scott fought bravely against the leader, doing better then even the leader expected a human to do. Scott had managed to get in close three times and make three deadly cuts on it, but each time it had also punched him, making a few crack-like noises as it did each time. But once the explosions had happened, it sent in a punch into Scott that made him stumble back and collapse on to his knees, the pressure of all his wounds was too much. With this, it sent another crystal at him as he felt it pierce through into his shoulder, gritting his teeth as he managed to grab it and pull it out before it could start to crystallize him and he put it down. "Ugh... Crap." Was all he could get out at this point. Rin, meanwhile, had grinned at Michael in thanks and then saw what had happened to Scott. She stepped forward, but nearly fell as she did, and then caught herself. "HEY TINMAN, YOU'RE MASTER SUCKS!" She shouted to the leader, it turned towards her in response as it began to walk towards her, but she launched herself at it and cut it's arm off again. The problem with this though, was it managed to punch her with it's other arm, and sent a hole through Rin's shoulder. It then grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up, trying to choke her to death. However, this caused a bright light to suddenly appear around Michael, as he charged towards the leader and punched it, making it let go of Rin as Michael caught her. Now he was surrounded by a bright holy light, putting Rin down as it strangely did not effect her, he was in total control, as his two angelic wings spread out fully on his back. He then clapped his hands together at this. "Cherubim!" He shouted, as tiny bright lights appeared around the leader, before heavenly chains came out of each and wrapped around the leader, restraining him at this. He then sent his hands in front of him. "OPHANIM!" A bow of light appeared in his right hand, an arrow of light appearing in his left. He the positioned the light arrow in the light bow, and shot it towards the leader, watching it pierce straight into one of it's many repairing chest wounds. It screamed out in pain as the arrow exploded, covering the leader in a bright flash of light as it's legs were obliterated, it's upper body damaged as it collapsed to the ground once the light vanished around it.

His wings then vanished, as did his bow and heavenly light, before he ran over to Rin. He grabbed a hold of her shoulders, panting as he found the strength to still stand, using her shoulders for support as he looked at her. "Rin, speak to me! Are you okay?!" He asked, watching her eyes open and see her grin at him, returning it with one of his own. "I'm fine, silly. I told them. I'm the strong one, you need to get checked. I just hope that Deon doesn't get this badly injured either. Heh. We'll all be screwed" She then did something he did not expect, and wrapped him in a hug! "Good to see you again, Michael!" She said to him, as he patted her back before she unlatched herself and sat down, seeming to be satisfied now as she leaned on a nearby rock and closed her eyes. "Those Robots.... they were probably made by a Kappa, but the Crystal on the other hand..." Michael then got a serious expression, as he looked over at the remains of the robots. "Yeah... Question is, who's the Kappa, and who's the Crystalized demon behind this attack?" He asked her, before watching Scott struggle over with the crystal in his grasp now and a grin on his face. "We're taking this with us... To examine it. Those bastards may try the other ones, but this one isn't stuck in the ground or broken. I don't trust the WDL more then I previously did now..." This made Michael laugh a little and pat Scott gently on the shoulder. "Neither do I. They'll pay." But then his attention was cut off by Rin's words. "Michael, look. Up there! A person!" She cried out, and when he went to look at where she pointed, he saw no one there. He rose a brow, having caught sight of 'something' before looking back at her. "... Huh. Who was that?" He asked, before suddenly jumping as the mechanical leader's torso suddenly was filled with life again. It the seemed to lift it's head up to look at them, with obvious strain of course. "Bastards..." Was all it said, before it vanished before their eyes. "Dang!" Michael said, but then Scott patted his shoulder. "Don't bother... Only the WDL would of gotten him. We have to leave these scrap parts any way..." Scott told him, as he sighed and they both looked to Rin at this, who had sat up and watched Deon's battle. "Maybe Deon has an idea." She said, as then Michael and Scott turned to look at the ongoing battle.

~ ????? ~

~ The figure sighed as the clouds surrounded it. It seems that the puppets down below had noticed it's presence, and it had decided that it would constrict their vision for now. The figure grinned as water began to fall from the clouds, but the fighting would not end there. Oh no, Sebastian, Deon and the foolish Demon were all stll fighting, and it was all for entertainment purposes. The figure looked over at Rin, and grinned. "Aww, did the poor little pussy-cat get hurt? What a shame". The figure laughed, and resumed it's observations. ~


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Deon Morris
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#, as written by zody
Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner

Deon grinned as he noticed that his taunting had worked, the flames that were Ansgar's 'hair' flared up, and he threw his axe at the tree. Deon grinned, leaping off of that tree and landing of Ansgar's shoulder. He hoped that his weight would throw Ansgar off, as he leaped away again. He grinned as his feet hit the ground, and he turned, facing the Demon. "Heh, 'pitiful creature'? Look who's talking. You've only landed one blow on me, but you have an axe and I have nothing!". Deon lifted his hands out of his pockets, shwocasing the fact that he had no weapons to fight Ansgar with, and he grinned. "But seriously? I'm pretty sure the only 'pitiful creature' here is you, Ansy-wansy". He grinned and ducked the halberd of a Fire Demon, but he picked it up and hurled it straight into Ansgar. "Come on, kid. I'm too strong for you". He grinned even wider. "And even if you've hit me once, where's my wound, eh?". He sighed, and put his hands back into his pockets. He observed that his shirt was practically burned off, and so were his shoes, and his jeans had a few holes here and there, but his hoodie was perfectly untouched, aside from where Rin had tore it's arm off, of course. Deon grinned, and threw it off. "Come on, Ansgar. Think you can match me?". He grinned at the reply he recieved and charged at the Demon, grinning like a lunatic. "Come on, let's do this!". He leaped over a Demon that had tried to slash him in half, using it to propel himself forward and slam his fist into Ansgar's chest, which in turn sent him flying through a ton of trees. Deon grinned and spoke. "Really, is that all you've got?".

He shuffled his feet as Ansgar stood, or at least Deon thought he stood, but nevertheless Deon grinned, obviously having fun. He ran at the demon and leat loose a kick that him his opponents arm with a sickening crunch, and Deon grinned as he saw it floating down towards the ground. "Whoa, I forgot how powerful my kicks were... Heh". He stood, waiting for Ansgar to stand up and fight. "Come on, didn't you want to fight me?".


Rin and Asmodeus

Rin laughed as she saw Deon kicking Ansgar's ass, but she had a bigger problem to worry about now. She sighed and stood up, wincing slightly. "Well shit, there's a Magma Demon here too". She grinned and held out her claws. "Bring it, burnt-brains". Suddenly, Asmodeus dropped down beside her and grinned. "Heya Rin, and Michael and Scott. Need help? I'd love to lend ya some~". Rin simply grinned and spoke. "Let's go, sister!".


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Devin Namach Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Brenhin
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~ Sebastian's Story ~

"Well, it seems you've finally given me a challenge..." He spoke out, seeming to form an ice spear in his hand as he threw it at Sebastian, who spun around and kicked it, breaking it into pieces as the pieces scattered around them. "...Huh." Sebastian then landed in front of him, as he aims a punch at him. The ice demon's eyes widened slightly, as he tapped the ground lightly and made a short ice wall appear in between them. When the punch connected, it caused cracks on the ice, but didn't break through. Placing his hands on the ice wall, tiny little ice spikes began to form as Sebastian leaped back, the ice spikes then shooting out towards him. Quickly, he jumped up as one scratched his leg, as he landed away from the ice wall while glaring at the ice demon. "Not able to talk, are you? Shame..." The ice demon spoke out, before slamming it's hand down and freezing the ground underneath it's hand. It then slide it forward, shooting ice across the floor towards Sebastian. Seeing this, Sebastian rose up a foot and stepped down on the ice as it came near him, but instead of it freezing his foot, he broke the ice underneath it instead. However, the ice demon stumbled a bit, the hole in it's body seeming to come into effects.

"Hmm... That reminds me." The ice demon spoke to itself, forming another spear as it breaks off the top of it and then slides the broken length into the hole Lucifer had created, the ice merging with the rest of his body as he then turned his attention towards Lucifer. "You shouldn't of come, this is personal business." He spoke out, as he saw her glare at him. "Well this is personal too, you know!" The ice demon rose a brow at her. "How so? A friend of yours?" He asked. "You could say that." She responded, preparing another attack, but the ice demon slammed it's hands on the ground as ice went out towards her, forcing her to quickly focus on moving out of the way. When she stopped, the ice demon slide in front of her using ice it had forming underneath it's feet, preparing to impale her when Sebastian rammed his body into the ice demon's, sending him away. Sebastian then glared at Lucifer and let out a loud cry-like roar at her. "Sebastian, stop this!" She spoke, as Sebastian pushed her aside and rushed back towards the ice demon.

Kane, meanwhile, had just arrived and was panting and gasping for breath, putting his hands on his knees. "Come on Kane... You can do this. You aren't a kid any more, it's time to grow up. I can handle this... No prob --" He stopped when he saw Sebastian fighting the ice demon, his eyes widening a little out of surprise. "T-Thomas?" He muttered out, but then a feminine voice spoke out. "No, his first name's Sebastian." Kane turned towards Lucifer, almost jumping at this. "Where did you come from?!" He asked, watching her raise a brow at him. "I've been here. You just didn't pay attention." Kane felt suddenly embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head as she continued to speak. "Listen, you're a good fighter, right?" She asked, as Kane felt confused for a bit. "Uhhh...." Was all he could get out. "Good enough. I can't come into this fight without hurting Sebastian, and well... You seem like the only one who can pull him out of this state." Kane felt like someone had dropped a load of weight onto his shoulders. "W-what?!? How am I the only one to do it?!?" He asked, as Lucifer shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She said to him. "How do you not know?!?" She then gave him a serious look in her eyes. "Look, either do it, or wait for one of them to kill each other." She said, as Kane looked back towards the fight, seeing more ice being sent out around the area. "... Oh boy." Was all he could get out now.

The ice demon had resorted to making ice weapons again, trying to throw them at Sebastian, who just moved out of the way of each. The ice demon was about to slam it's hand on Sebastian as he got closer, when... Both stopped. "Prepare yourself, demon!" A voice called out, as both shifted eyes towards Kane, who was running towards them both. "Fear not, for I have come!" The ice demon rose a brow at this. "... Okay, I'm just going to be nice." He said, as he put a hand down on the ground and froze the ground underneath Kane. At this, Kane jumped. "Hah! No ice can -- WHOA!" He landed back on the ice, stumbling about as he came right for the ice demon. "Should of thought of this ahead of time." He said, before Kane rammed into the ice demon and made him stumble back a bit. Sebastian leaped towards the ice demon as he rolled out of the way, seeing Kane coming out with a sword now. "Take this, evil demon!" He cried out, as the ice demon rose a brow and planted a hand on the ground, as Kane suddenly found he couldn't move his feet. Looking down, he saw them frozen in ice, as he tried to pull out of it. "Um, okay, that's enough... You can stop the ice now." He said, as he tapped the ice. "You want me to stop? Okay." The ice demon said, snapping his fingers and making the ice break, as Kane stumbled around and got back on to the ice, making him stumble around. "Whoa, whoa, ahh!!" The ice demon looked back towards Sebastian. "... Where were we?"

However, Sebastian couldn't help but laugh, having reverted back to normal, as he was rolling around on his back, trying to stop himself from laughing anymore. "Oh my god Kane, what are you doing?! Ah-hahahahaha! Oh, oh, you can't fight worth crap! Ah-hahahahahaha!" The ice demon slowly glared. "This is a serious fight, boy. Get up and face me, like a man!" Sebastian, however, was pounding his hands on the ground now, continuing to laugh. "Oh, the way he slips on the ice! The way his voice changes when he speaks like that! The way he -- he --" He was cut off by the laughter, as the ice demon glared at him and walked forward. "ENOUGH!" He shouted, forming an ice hammer as he slammed it down at Sebastian, who quickly rolled away and got up while the ice hammer broke on impacting the ground. "Okay, I'm here. What did I --" He stopped as he looked over at Kane. "Hey, what are you doing over here?!" He shouted, as he tried to run to hep him get off the ice, but found himself slipping on the same ice. "Hey, wait a minute, whoa -- ah!" He ended up slipping and landing on his back, closing his eyes tightly as the ice demon walked forward towards them. "Too easy." He said, before he was stopped by something colliding into him, it's blade nearly breaking his shoulder. The ice demon put a hand over the cracked shoulder to see Lucifer returning from her weapon form again, she found herself shivering after this. "ICE CREAM CONE ON A CHOCOLATE SUNDAY!" She shouted, as the ice demon rose a brow at her. "Er, sorry..." She said, before the ice demon pulled it's hand away to reveal the cracks gone. "Oh, you can heal! I didn't know that." The ice demon furrowed it's brows at her. "Really? Can you, then?" It spoke, forming an ice spear as it throws at her, as she quickly moves to the side and grabs a hold of it... Only to quickly throw it back at him. "AH! My hand's cold, damn it why do I keep doing this to myself?!"

Sebastian pushed himself up off the ice as he ran over to Kane and pulled him off of the ice as well, helping him up. "You okay?" He asked, as Kane looked at him. "I -- I think so. Is anything broken or frozen?" He asked, as Sebastian shook his head. ".... I guess I am then." He said, as Lucifer quickly ran over. "You two might want to get ready." She said, as the ice demon was freezing the ground around him then, the air around them becoming colder as the ice continued to spread around the area, the three being lucky and thankful they were in a spot where the ice was forming around them. "I came on a good day it seems. It seems that none of you noticed that during our fight, I was turning the growing wet area around us into a frozen battlefield. I do hope none of the others mind if it grows to their battles as well... What am I saying? Of course they don't!" He looked over towards a demon who was trying it's best to avoid the growing ice. Around the park, wherever the rain hit the ground, ice would shortly begin to form afterword. First they would appear small, but the more the rain hit them, the more the ice began to grow and expand around the park. For now, it was still in the growing stage, so it wasn't a problem to the others... Yet.

Lucifer glanced over towards the lava demon's position, who easily melted the ice around it as it headed towards a battle. "Looks like I'll be needed here for a while..." She spoke to herself, as Kane looked at her. "What are you talking to yourself for?" He asked, as Lucifer lightly bonked him on the head with her first. "Stop asking questions, idiot! We have to focus!" She said, as she held her weapons in a fighting position. "If we don't end this soon, you realize this will spread all over the WDL?" She said to Kane, who quickly tried to get into a fighting stance of his own, but it seriously came off as weak. "Then we have to stop him!" He said, as Sebastian gave out a sigh. "He nearly killed me... Do I look like I have a choice?" The ice demon furrowed it's brows as it say all three looking at it seriously, seeing them all still try to fight. "Fools. You are playing in a fight that I have the overall advantage in... You have no chances." It spoke, as it dashed forward at them.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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#, as written by Tanman
Ashley Clade

Snickt. In one fell blow, the nearest demon seemed to stand for a moment vacantly before blood spurted from its torso, the beast crumpling to the ground lifelessly. Rising slightly from her kneel, Ash stood, flicking the droplets of blood from her shadow blade, turning to the 3 demons that had just watched their friend run to the slaughter. The flaming monsters roared, deciding to charge her simultaneously, brandishing their axes high as they tried to close the gap. Ashley smirked. In a flash she was behind them, blade once again dripping from use. The whole instant was barely recognisable to the naked eye, Ash melding into the shadows of the ground and darting through them at incredible speeds, raising her blade from the safety of the shadows to cleave each demon in two. Behind her, the three demons collapsed like dominos. Ash was no slouch in combat, having been taught self-defence amongst other things from her father’s spurt in the army. Combined with the work Asmodeus had put in making her combat ready, the general demons of Ansgar’s army looked like they were standing still. "So, having fun, 'princess'?" Ash glanced over to Asmodeus, who seemed to be putting the finishing touches on her own adversaries. Glaring, she turned to face her entirely, thinking to say something before hesitating. She was enjoying this
 The satisfaction of dispatching those demons like they were nothing to her
 Was she really that sick and twisted? What was wrong with her? Demon or not, that sort of pleasure was inhuman
 Distracted by her own self-prejudice, Ash didn’t hear Asmodeus’ warning before it was far too late.


With a whipping pain, Ash gave a gasp as a chain coiled around her arm. Dropping her blade, she fought with it a moment, pulling back with both hands. “Shit!” Was all she managed to say before being pulled off her feet, flying through the air and back to the brutish flame demon with the coil. Wincing as she landed hard on her back, she gave a sharp cry of pain as she felt a heavy foot stomp on her free arm, pinning her down to the ground. Fighting with the pain, she opened her eyes to a heavy shadow looming over her, a second demon’s maw wide with a grin as it approached, raising its axe high in both hands. Ash froze for a moment in fear, the blade glinting red and menacing in the light of the fires, before slamming down towards her.

Crunch! The axe embedded itself deep, ripping blood out of the rended flesh torn into by the serrated edge. A deep cry of agony roared from the demon as it was slain by its ally, the executioner’s eyes going wide as it quickly retrieved its weapon from the skull of his comrade. Behind him, there was the soft jingling of chains before the iron bonds were twisted around his neck. Feebly, he dropped his axe, grasping with both hands to try and get underneath the coils constricting his air supply. Dead weight quickly pulled him to the ground, pinning him on his back as the chains continued to pressure his soft neck, suffocating him a moment before a sickening crack reflected his broken airway, the demon lying limp. Rising from the shadows, Ash took a shuddering breath. Her timing had been perfect, sinking into the shadows with the chain had caused the first demon to fall into the axe, before she’d surface again to hook it around the other’s neck, falling back into the shadows to exert more pressure then she ever could with her own weight. Dropping the chain, she was shaken a moment, but didn’t get much more chance for a breather as another coil whipped around her neck, dragging her back to another demon. With a humongous clawed hand, he snatched up her throat, squeezing tightly as he lifted her to her feet.

“You killed Gragnon! For that, you can suffer!” Raising her higher off the ground, the demon smiled wickedly as Ash gave choked gasps from her restricted air supply. Dangling as she was, she couldn’t merge back into the shadows like last time, and she made a number of desperate kicks at the demon. Laughing to himself as he watched her struggle, he began to plod off towards the nearest fire, holding Ash over the top. Heat began to boil throughout her body, white hot sensations flooding her feet and legs as she was held over the open flame. Ash’s vision began to blur as the smoke and lack of oxygen began to get to her, and dimly, she could see the flames dancing around her, casting shadows all around
 “GCK!” The demon choked this time, blood rolling out of its mouth as it staggered, loosening its grip on Ash. Behind it, the demon’s shadow had risen large from his proximity to the fire, but what was worse came from the splintering and twisting shape it had formed, snaking back towards the demon and impaling him with a multitude of spikes. Like a pincushion, black spears covered in blood pierced through him like a demented thorn bush, leaving him suspended in an expression of shocked agony. Finally, the last of his life left him as Ash was dropped, the girl coughing and staggering as she stumbled from the fire, landing on all fours. With a soft thud, so too did the demon drop, falling into the flames and smouldering with the smell of burnt flesh.

Trembling a bit in fear, Ash’s second brush with death was beginning to sink in. This was no game. She wasn’t toying with the demons or anything like that. One mistake, and she would die. Kill or be killed, that was the mantra for this situation. This wasn’t something she was enjoying; it was a battle of necessity. But if for this moment, ignoring what she was doing – Putting the death she was causing behind her – If that would help her survive through this situation, then her choice was clear. Standing amongst the flames all around her, she took in a deep breath, looking up to the sky as the rain had begun tumbling down. As some of the fires extinguished, leaving nothing but flakes of ash in their wake, she was reminded of her father.

“Daaaadd! They’re picking on me again and calling me Sooty!” The little girl whined, tugging at the pants of the man underneath the bike.

“Well, that’s not so bad. You should take it as a compliment.” The voice was smooth and calming, the man performing some final adjustments before he slid out from under the bike, wiping his hands before sitting in front of his daughter.

“Huh?” Rubbing her eyes a moment, she blinked in confusion as she felt a comforting hand on the top of her head.

” Slowly, he ruffled the girl’s hair, smiling. “Do you know why your Mother and I decided to call you that?”

” Ashley paused, thinking on it for a bit, before tentatively speaking. “After that character in Mass Effect

The man laughed, patting her head a couple of times. “Not quite kid.” He stopped again, smiling briefly before calmly meeting her eyes, a strange intenseness hidden in them. “No, ever since you were born, I knew you’d have things tough.” Sitting up from Ash, the man moved over to his desk, rubbing his stubbled chin before retrieving a cigarette. Carefully, he flicked his lighter, holding it against the butt for a moment, letting the flames dance. “Like a log in a fire, you’ll endure intense hardships. But no matter how much it burns
” Slowly, he moved back over to his daughter, before tapping the end of his cigarette, sending bits of dust into her face and making her squint.

The Ash will always remain.”

“AIIiieeeaaaAAGGGHH!” The demon gave a squeal of death as Ash pivoted, ducking the flame imp’s trident before cleanly slashing upwards through its torso. Behind her, she caught the glint of an approaching flame, instinctively sinking beneath the shadows before reappearing behind the fire breather, wrenching a blade into either side of its neck and twisting them free, severing the monster’s head from its body, causing it to roll across the ground. Around her was a swath of destruction, piles of demons in various states of decapitation and butchery, while Ash herself suffered minimal cuts and bruises through her clothes. For the moment, she’d cleared the wave of demons, having dealt with the onslaught as effectively as any of Deon’s servants. For that reason, it seemed she was to have her mettle tested by a far greater challenge.

Jumping back as a scorching flame buffeted the asphalt where she had once stood, Ash glanced up to the source. The sky was blanketed with a carpet of fire and smoke, the beast leaving a trail of flames in its wake as it galloped towards Ash. A midnight black demon clad in burning red armour, spikes and other jagged protrusions solidifying its position as a war horse as the Night Mare closed in, galloping in close before slowing to a stop, snorting in Ash’s direction as it’s flaming mare flared. Her attention was less on the horse however, and more dedicated to the rider. He was a huge demon, clad thickly in armour that matched his mount. In one hand, he held a long and menacing looking polearm, while the other seemed to be a massive stone gauntlet, brimming and pulsating with some arcane power. His skin was a fleshy red and eyes a burning yellow, framed by a pair of curling horns atop his flaming hair. With little hesitation, he pointed his weapon to Ash.

“I, Ifrit of Stone Flame, challenge thee. Prepare to meet thy fate.” The great demon rider growled, spinning his halberd in one arm as the horse reared back in a hellish neigh before charging forth towards Ash, each thundering step rocking the ground beneath its feet. Ash simply stood still, unflinching as she stared the charge down, hand’s in her pocket. Closer, closer, the demonic horse and rider closed in, eyes narrowed with intense focus. Ifrit was no fool. No one stood like that without some plan, and having seen what she’d done before, he was all too prepared to strike into the shadows should she vanish away. Closer now, less than a couple of metres away, the roar of his thundering horse vibrating through his ears like a monstrous engine


Shooting out from the roof behind Ash came the streak of black, Ifrit’s eyes going wide as the massive motorbike flew over Ash’s head, the girl unmoving other than a curl of her lips and the whipping of her hair in the wind. The Night Mare reacted as best as it could, dragging its head to the side in an attempt to escape the speeding machine hurtling towards it, only to be blindsided by a brutal impact to the temple as momentum carried Ifrit, the horse and the bike slamming into the nearby wall, bricks crumbling around in a collapsing smoke. Ash continued to smile. Too easy. Turning around, she aimed to regroup back with the others, taking a few short strides away from the scene. Then in a flash, she felt it. A warning. Ducking to the floor, there was a screech of metal bouncing and sliding across the ground as Umbra flew over her head before cracking a tree in two, and slamming to a stop.

“Cute trick. But it will take more than that to extinguish me, girl
” Ash whirled, turning back as Ifrit rose from amongst the rubble, his gleaming weapon still in hand, while his massive gauntlet glowed brighter then before. Ash grimaced a little, striding back towards the fight. Umbra wasn’t able to get free of the tree that was crushing it, but by the same token, Ifrit’s little Nite Mare wasn’t going to be getting back up. It was just her and him. Slowly, Ifrit began making his own steady advance at Ash, walking until they were little more than a couple of metres away. “Nothing to say, Welp?” The demon taunted her clenching his gigantic fist and grinning. Ash simply tossed her hair a bit, glaring back. “Why would I bother saying anything to you? You’re not going to live long enough to remember it.”

“Cocky one, aren’t you? I think I might take your tongue and wear it as a trophy of my victory
” Storming forward, he kept his halberd low, coming in with a vicious series of thrusts. Ash was quick though, backing up and sidestepping this way and that, before leaping a heavy sweep from the brute, rolling past him. Deciding to try and press an offensive, she focused, raising Ifrit’s shadow from behind him, making a shadow lance to strike straight through his heart. “Is that the best you have?!” Ifrit growled, turning on the spot and slicing clean through the shadow lance, dissipating it. Ash glared, deciding to try something new. “Far from it!”

Sinewy black tendrils spiralled all around Ifrit, the shadow from the building coagulating into a solid wave of blackness, rising all around him in a dome. Bringing her hands together in a clasp, the shadows converged, tightening and sealing Ifrit in a capsule of darkness, squeezing and suffocating. Barely, the humanoid form of Ifrit could be seen within its cocoon, shaking about
 Before a violent and fiery explosion shredded his prison! Waves of heat burst forth, knocking Ash from her feet as she brought her arms up to shield her face from the cinders. “N-No way!” Ash exclaimed, having been certain she had him. That technique
 That was the best she had! Ifrit growled, his flames having grown exponentially and travelling down the length of his arms and halberd. “My turn.”

Fire began to swirl and solidify in his gauntlet, forming a sphere of burning light. It was like he held the sun in his hand, shimmering with arcing flames as it continued to grow larger and larger, bigger then Ifrit himself. With a malicious grin, Ifrit pointed his hand towards Ash. “Burn!” Fire streaked forth, weaving and shaping into the form of a dragon’s head, roaring as it closed in towards Ash. Eyes wide, Ash could feel the searing heat even from a distance. If that thing touched her
 Ash really would be all that remained! Not hesitating for a moment, Ash dived into the shadows, planning to let the attack bypass her. Ifrit grinned. “You can’t hide from me!” The dragon rose up, flying high into the sky before plummeting back on the spot where Ash had once stood. The effect was instantaneous, shredding the darkness that Ash was hiding in, forcing her to return to the surface. Letting out a scream of agony, Ash was engulfed in the flames, her body boiling and bubbling from the intense heat. It was too much! She
. She was going to die! The last Ash saw was a bright light, before the world faded to black

Ifrit grinned. Brenhin would give him his own army after this! With a deep grin he turned
 “Ack! H-how?!” Ifrit leapt back, eyes wide as he stared at the girl before him. How had she gotten behind him without him even noticing?! Her eyes were narrowed beneath her glasses, her expression dark as she continued to stare at the demon. With one hand, she adjusted her glasses. “Gah! WH-wha?!” Ifrit grunted, struggling slightly. He couldn’t move?! Just what the hell was this?! Was she somehow doing all this? Eyes wide and body trembling, Ifrit was unable to look away as she strode up to him, stopping centimetres from his face. “No-one
” Claire grinned a little, her eyes glinting behind the mask of her glasses. “
Harms my sister.”

A deep howl of agony echoed throughout the courtyard where Ash had been fighting, before the world returned to silence

Faintly, light began to return to the world. Ash blinked, looking around
 What had happened? She remembered fighting that demon when
 Had she blacked out? Sitting up and shaking her head, she blinked as she felt something soft and fuzzy on her lap. “Noir?” Ash asked dumbly, picking up her pet cat. Playfully, it licked the tip of her nose, meowing softly. “Just
?” Ash stumbled over her words, before remembering where she was. As she went to stand, she found herself sitting on Umbra. Glancing around, she recognised the buildings, not far from the park where they’d been fighting. Absentmindedly, she continued to stroke her cat, who purred pleasantly in her grip. What was going on
? Sharply, she turned her head as the sounds of battle could still be heard nearby. Hikari and the others were still fighting off the attack. She had to get there. Hugging Noir to her chest, Ash quickly revved her engine, setting off back towards the park. She had to help them. She could work out what happened later.

Kane O'Reilly

“Sebastian, Lucy, behind me!” Kane made a dramatic step forward, reaching into his jacket pocket and retrieving a set of beads. Breaking a pair of them, he held them between his fingers, closing his eyes for a moment before pivoting, pitching both at the Ice Demon skating towards them. There was a brilliant flash of light, Kane grinning. His fire beads would melt that demon to
 Oh, wait, had he used the- The Ice demon froze. Literally. Around its legs, a casket of ice had encased it, the explosion from the beads having scattered even more ice around. Kane laughed a little as Lucy grabbed him, shaking him by the lapels of his jacket. “What’d you do that for you idiot?! Now he’s got even more Ice to play with!” Kane chuckled a little, awkwardly excusing himself. “Heh I uh, used the wrong ones
” Laughing some more, he was roughly set down by Lucy who continued to nudge him in exasperation. “Well, use the right ones this time!”

Kane nodded, stepping up once more as he grabbed 6 beads this time, muttering his prayer before chucking a spread of the beads out in a fan. The effect was instantaneous as a wall of flames quickly burst forth, burning even amongst the rain and icy surface, the magic infused beads likely to last at least a few moments. Around them, the ice arena began to melt under the newly introduced heat, just as he planned. Closing his eyes, Kane continued to focus, placing a hand at the base of his blade and muttering a prayer, before running a pair of fingers along the length. Shimmering, there was a soft white glow of the silver katana before it burst into flame. Turning to the side in what he hoped was a cool stance; he pointed the blade towards the icy demon. “So, who’s got the advantage now, huh?” Kane smirked, taking a step forward. Unfortunately, puddles are still very slippery. With a yelp, Kane fell to the ground once more, grimacing as he dropped his sword. The flames sizzling, but were still burning in the water, Kane groaning as he rubbed his poor rump

Did nothing ever work out for him?


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Character Portrait: Deon Morris
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#, as written by zody
Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner

Deon flipped away from the injured demon, a smirk on his face. He figured that things were finally starting to heat up. 'Heh, I made a pun, since Ansgar's burning hatred for me is obv- Another one, really? Whoa, this is odd'. Deon landed, watching in excitement as the tension grew. He watched as a tree fell down behind Ansgar, completely cutting them off from the outside world, the surrounding area engulfed in flames and smoke. He watched as the demon stood again, and a new arm flew to the spot where Deon had kicked off his arm. The arm was made of flames for a second, and then it solidified, forming a brand new arm for the demon. Deon grinned, his eyes sparkling, because it seemed that things were finally getting a bit more interesting for both him and Ansgar. Blocked off from the others, he had no choice but to fight. Not that he minded, of course. He briefly wondered how the others were doing, before he was forced to duck as a tree branch fell onto the top of the others, causing the fighting ring to feel more like he and his opponent were inside a flaming building. "Not that I mind, of course". Deon grinned as he threw the remains of his burnt shirt onto the smoking ground, and he watched as the remains bursted into flame. He grinned at his opponent, and waited for him to make the next move.

Deon didn't have to wait that long, since his opponent had picked up his now replaced arm, and thrown it at Deon, a gesture which Deon simply deflected away. Deon grimaced as he prepared to strike, but something caught him from behind, a small shadow was snaking it's way towards him, coming from somewhere above the battlefield. Deon grimaced as it took a hold of him, and he realised that it wasn't a shadow. 'I've felt this before.... This isn't possible? I was cloaked by the WDL, and it couldn't have found me yet!'. He tried to leap backwards, but felt himself rooted to the spot. All he could move was his eyes and jaw, but the rest of him was frozen, like a puppet whose Puppetmaster had abandoned it's strings, or frozen it into a position it didn't want to be in. "Heh, this is just getting better and better, eh Deon?". While Deon's physical body couldn't move at all, his mind was racing, putting together possible scenarios that could have lead to this event, but one stayed with him. This entire trip to the WDL, meeting his half-brothers and sisters, getting his memories back, meeting with Michael and Rin, and now this spell that was binding him to the spot. It all seemed so.... scripted, and something was nagging at his memories, which hadn't fully cleared yet due to the lastign properties of the WDL's machinery. Deon nearly swore, but he realised that he could only mutter and grumble now, so he kept his trap shut for the meantime, while Ansgar slowly closed in on him.

'This is definitely gonna sting'.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Loki Belphegor Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Brenhin
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~ Eppenos' Story ~

The fire demon looked up to his father as he closed his eyes and concentrated. His form instantly grew back to it's full size, Baphomet increasing with him as it was now several miles long. Eppenos breathed out smoke through his nostrils as Baphomet let out a sinister growl upon awakening. "I look forward to taking it back." The prince fire demon spoke out, as it looked around for a second as Baphomet growled again, Eppenos could tell it was hungry. "Not yet my sweet, you shall have your fill once we done here." He spoke out, as the sword let out one more growl, but this one sounded more like a sigh. "Baphomet has told me many stories of what has happened while I was gone. It has been lonely it seems, being kept away by you and the ruler of this place. Fear not though, it understands why you had to do what you must to keep it safe." His deep voice made weaker demons shudder in fear, he was growing up more to be like his father every day. It had been so long since Eppenos was captured, they thought he had long since died in the flames, but he lived, having grown stronger for it. But his sword, Baphomet, had grown hungry since his capture, and was weaker then it use to be.

"Baphomet tells me an interesting tale of half demon children. It seems a rebellion is being formed against one of the highest people in hell. Rhanksar is the demon being rebelled against... I'm sure you know of him, yes father? After all, Baphomet tells me he is regarded as one of the strongest demons in hell. Neither of us mean offense towards you by this, of course. The last tale Baphomet tells me of is a demon lord you have been in contact with lately, who tends to you his brother... Do I know of this demon, King Brenhin?" Eppenos felt good to be out in his true form for now, although he knew he would have to return back in order to get to the tower he once called home. The devil would pay for sealing him away and forcing Baphomet to starve, but first, another was on his list. One he knew he would have to deal with later.

~ Michael's Story ~

Michael felt not himself, he felt something was... Off. He seemed to enter into a memory... A memory he had not seen for years.

+ Five Years Ago... +

Michael was eighteen years old at this time, still often needing to wear his glasses, to which he was picked on back then for. He had not known about his inheritance nor of his abilities, but he knew he was not completely human at this point. The leader of his division, a Kasha who was very well respected and very powerful at the time, had Michael sit down in front of him as the demon stood out looking over the men working hard to prepare for another demon attack. "Oi, Michael..." The Kasha spoke out to him, having a cigar in the right side of his mouth as Michael sat up at this. "Y-y-yes sir?" He stumbled for his words, as the demon turned to look back at him. The Kasha was unusual from the others, often wearing a hat and coat, but was ultimately seven feet two inches. His strong physical build only hidden by the clothing on him, although he still looked fairly large. His sunglasses rested over his eyes, but Michael could feel those wise and powerful eyes staring at him. It was unknown how old this Kasha was, his human appearance led some to believe he was only in his late thirties. "... How am I as a leader?" He asked, as Michael found himself shaking at this. "Y-you are a great leader sir, one of the best in The Renegade's history! You put others to mere shame just from the mention of your name!" The Kasha smiled at this as best as he could with a cigar in his mouth, and turned back to look forward. "... So they all say. You have done your research I assume then, yes?" Michael found himself suddenly feeling very strange... What was going on? He was just another weakling, so why was a strong leader paying close attention to him?! "O-of course sir!"

The Kasha remained silent for a few, his arms behind his back as one grasped the other by the wrist gently, as Michael felt some suspense now. "... I have looked at your progress reports Michael. And I must say..." The Kasha leader started, to which Michael held his breath at this. "... I am most impressed." Michael let out a sigh at this, but his heart was suddenly racing!? What was going on?! "Y-you are, sir?!" He asked, as the Kasha chuckled a bit at this. "Yeah...I have a secret to share with you, Michael. Actually, a few. Please... Do not tell anyone this until after I am gone." Then fear gripped Michael's heart... Why did he get a very bad feeling about this suddenly? "I am not long for this world, Michael." The leader spoke out so calmly and without care, that it made Michael nearly fall back in his seat! "W-what are you --" But the Kasha leader held up a hand to stop him, letting Michael calm down for a few minutes before lowering his hand. "... I am destined to die in a few years, that is the curse placed on me. I am not sure when this will be... I have kept this secret from everyone for years, but that is what the demon I fought so long ago said to me. Do you wish to know his name?" He said, as Michael nodded a few times, before the man went on. "... Rhanksar." He spoke, as Michael felt his eyes widen. "Y-y-you....? B-but..." The kasha chuckled more at this. "Yeah... It was a great fight. Rhanksar... What a surprising demon if you'll ever find one like him."

The Kasha then turned to fully face Michael, looking at him directly in the eyes. "... I am going to personally train you myself for when you are ready... You will take my place when I die, Michael." He said, as Michael felt his eyes widen again at this. "B-but said... I --" He tried to say, but stopped as the Kasha put a hand on his shoulder. "... Trust me. I have faith you will pull through this." He said, as Michael felt tears begin to gather in his eyes. "... S-sir..." He started, but the Kasha pulled his hand away and stood up then. "Someone bring the new recruit Deon Morris to me at once! I wish to have a word with him as well... Michael will need a partner from now on, and I wish to test his skills myself!" He said, as the soldier he spoke to look very shocked. "Y-yes sir!" He said, before running off to find him. The Kasha let out a sigh at this. "... These have been very hard times, since the Archangels seem to have vanished on us. How terrible... Heaven must be falling apart right now."

+ Three years ago... Two years after Michael was named the apprentice of the Kasha leader +

The four walked, as Michael was being joined today by both Deon and Rin, who had only just recently gotten into The Renegade. The Kasha leader stopped as he held out an arm for them to stop, looking up as he narrowed his eyes. Michael, Deon and Rin all stopped, confused as they watched him tense up. "... Whatever happens, none of you interfere." He spoke out, as he began to walk forward, but Michael felt fear grip him again. "S-sir, you can't..." He spoke, but stopped as the sky above them turned dark red. A loud demonic neigh broke through the calm and peaceful air, as it's hooves slammed into the ground, making all three nearly fall over. "What kind of horse is that?!?" Michael spoke out, not sure what the other two were saying, as a lone figure standing above them caught his attention. "... N-no..." He spoke out, as the Kasha leader stopped and looked up at him. "... So, it is time then, eh Rhanksar?" He spoke, as the omnipotent voice spoke out back to him. "Yes it is... Come then, and fight with only honor and your strength!" The demon spoke out, as the Kasha rushed forward into the inevitable battle. "SIR!" Michael shouted out just before the battle began, the demon's dark and sinister appearance, along with his sinister eyes, held him in place and stopped him from interfering.

+ Present day... +

Scott watched over Michael, then the demon warlord suddenly screamed out as something was wrong with him... Scott's eyes widening as he quickly picked up Michael and ran as fast as he could. "Come on... Come on... I'm not dying yet!" He spoke, as then the supposed suicide attack came out, and Scott stopped as he kept Michael safe, feeling his body being forced back, almost getting sent flying. After this was over, Scott looked over the scene in front of him, and felt depressed as the warlord had done something unforgivable... Michael had just healed the place, now he knew revenge was going to taste sweeter in the future. His thoughts didn't last long as he heard the familiar sounds of Renegade troops come in. All of them were wearing their outfits, as they all stopped before Scott and Michael, saluting as each held a holy weapon in hand. "Glad you came... And glad you all wore your suits." Scott spoke out, as he handed Michael over to them. "Get him healed, now. He needs it... And prepare the medics for more wounded." He said, as they saluted before the ones holding Michael ran back, Scott could hear the sounds of Renegade vehicles approaching. "... At least it's finally over." He said, looking out at the scene before him as WDL soldiers came before the group of demons.

~ Kallos' Story ~

Kallos and his group watched as they and Sebastian were surrounded and then weapons were aimed at them. "FREEZE!" One WDL soldier spoke out to them all. "By orders of our new superior, you are ALL coming back with us!" They spoke out, Kallos giving a slight chuckle at this. "Yami... I don't think they know who they're dealing with." Kallos whispered, as Yami gave a sadistic smirk. "What makes you say that?" He said, before looking at the WDL soldiers. "May I?" He asked, as Kallos gave a sinister grin of his own. "Yes." Yami then quickly summoned two gloves to his hands as he took a hold of them both and placed them on carefully, making the WDL soldiers tense as they all aimed at him now. Sebastian seemed to be confused by all of this, only watching as Yami stepped forward, the dark demonic symbols on both gloves glowing with a dark aura as he smirked at them. "Duck, boy. These gloves were made personally by me, a new weapon you could say... Too bad no one but a Darkness Demon will be able to use them." He said, as he aimed both hands at them, Sebastian ducking down as the WDL guards all gasped at this. "Shadow Sweep." Yami spoke, as suddenly darkness covered over the area the group stood in, this darkness giving off an ominous feeling towards everyone nearby as multiple screams were heard. When the darkness faded away, all the WDL soldiers and guards had dropped their weapons, their bodies becoming more older and weaker as they struggled to breath. "Enjoy hell." Yami spoke out with a sinister smirk that nearly grew more then a human's should have, before snapping his fingers and all of the WDL guards suddenly bursting into piles of dust. "Once again, you amaze me Yami." Kallos spoke, as Yami looked over and smirked. "I do my best." He said, before looking over at where Lucifer and Rin were. "I just saw that girl come near here... Shall I?" He asked Kallos. "Negative. If she comes over here, then you may. Otherwise..." Kallos spoke, before turning to face Sebastian. "... He is our primary target." He said, and gave another sadistic grin to the confused and terrified Sebastian. "Death will be good for you." Kallos said, before giving off an evil chuckle, the others soon joining with him as they all watched Sebastian shake with fear now, too weak to even stand without help.