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Yuuji Torai

"I'm a major work-in-progress, please wait until I am finished!"

0 · 1,165 views · located in Tokyo; Japan

a character in “A Tragedy”, as played by FamishedPants



I'm not 'kind-hearted', I just can't afford to lose what little I have.




Normal || Sakamich | Muv Luv OST ||
Angry || Wyvern | Mana Khemia 2 OST ||
Emotional || Karma| Ever17 OST ||
Brooding || Kasabuta | Grisaia no Kajitsu OST ||
Desperate || Watch Out!| Sharin no Kuni OST ||
Awkward || Today's Meal | Fate/Stay Night OST ||


Image Image
♔ || Name || ♔
Yuuji Torai

♔ || Alias || ♔
Juicy Yuuji - Nickname the little ones give him when he's angry. Annoys him.

Toe-Eye - Another nickname, actually just his last name mispronounced, though some can't help but call him this to tease him.

Yuu-kun - A very close individual used to call him this.

♔ || Age || ♔

♔ || Role || ♔
Chef of Anteiku

♔ || Kagune Type || ♔

♔ || Gender || ♔

♔ || Sexuality || ♔

♔ || Nationality || ♔

♔ || Face Claim || ♔
Rentaro Satomi || Black Bullet

♔ || Height and Weight || ♔
5'8", 152 lbs

♔ || Hair Color || ♔
Midnight Blue, with streaks of violet and light blue.

♔ || Eye Color || ♔

♔ || Skin Tone || ♔

♔ || Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features || ♔

♔ || Personality || ♔
An individual that could not be easier to read even if he put effort into this task, lacking in social norms for the most part, yet also smart enough to keep himself and those he likes alive are the two main traits of the being known as Yuuji Torai. He is not the most friendly person to be around, expressing discontent openly and ensuring that people are always kept at a distance, where he can watch them. He has issues with actually trusting anybody and everybody, but this does not mean he is a mean person.

Yuuji wears his heart on his sleeve, as one might gather upon first meeting him. There is no 'hidden' side to him. He puts minimal effort into buttering up his words and hiding negative opinions on people, especially strangers. Very rare is it for him to start a conversation, and when he does, it almost always has an objective, rather than simply to make small talk. He lacks what some might call 'common sense' when it comes to being socially normal, and will often take a phrase literally or personally. In the few instances he does enjoy something or is happy, this is also expressed genuinely. His smile can be quite brilliant in contrast to the typical sullen look he wears, and he can even go on and on about something he likes in rarer cases. The one thing he enjoys speaking about more than anything else are his sisters, which we'll get to later.

Torai is generally a very selfish being. He thinks about what benefits him before deciding on something. If it came down to whether it was his life or a stranger's, then he would have absolutely no problem picking himself and moving on with little in the way of guilt. He is quite fond of the idea of natural selection, or rather, he has come to understand that it is the very truth of the world. The strong will live and the weak will die. However, this does not mean he is completely cold or that he uses this as an excuse to harm or take advantage of others. In fact, despite 'knowing the truth', Yuuji has a hard time ignoring pleas from those who appear helpless. Perhaps, in this case, it's one of the few things Yuuji does his best to hide about himself, albeit quite poorly, as he's not used to lying or deceit himself, despite actually being quite perceptive of others who attempt to pull the wool over his eyes. Heck, he would even attempt to sneak food to a stray cat if it looked famished enough, only to give off the excuse of 'it was just going to keep crying about food if I did nothing, and that would be annoying' if someone caught him in the act.

If there is one thing in this world that Yuuji Torai genuinely enjoys, it is none other than any of his time spent with his younger sisters. He gets annoyed with both of them quite fast, and their antics always tend to get on his nerves, yet at the same time he seems very delighted when they are happy. Everything he has done since they have met has been more or less for their sake, and he places their safety and happiness above even their own. It is with them that one might see a gentler side of the man, as he awkwardly tries to comfort them if they're sad, even for the smallest reasons that he would probably tell others to stop fussing and 'man-up' about. It's quite clear that he cherishes nothing else in this world as much as he does those two girls, and it's even more clear that if anything were to happen to them, he'd be devastated....

...or he'd go berserk.

♔ || Likes || ♔
✓ His imoutos
✓ Being able to eat
✓ Straightforward people

♔ || Dislikes || ♔
✗ Liars, cheaters (disliking thieves would be hypocritical considering his background)
✗ Arrogance
✗ Figurative speech

♔ || Fears || ♔
✄ Losing his imoutos
✄ Lolis being eradicated from this world To be finished after the bio is completed.

♔ || Bio || ♔
(Remember that, being a ghoul, your mother and father would both be ghouls. Solo playing ghouls should have a somewhat dramatic past that tells us why they play solo now.)

♔ || Other || ♔

So begins...

Yuuji Torai's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ukyo Akihito Character Portrait: Seraphine Malikov Character Portrait: Song Tanabe Character Portrait: Yuuji Torai Character Portrait: August Burke Gloeckner Character Portrait: Brie Watson
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--------Date; May 12th
----------------Time; 8:45 AM
---------------------Weather; Cloudy ; Slight drizzle
-----------------------------Location; Tokyo ; Anteiku
Rhiannon had already woken up that morning, at a time far earlier than she preferred, and got dressed in her uniform, getting ready for work. Her car was an old one, one she had gotten for a cheap price since she was saving most of her money for a professional camera, so the car practically looked like a piece of crap, but no one seemed to bother her about it.

The drive from her small apartment to Anteiku was a mere ten minutes, fifteen if the stoplights decided to turn red on every turn. Today, all the lights were green, so she made it to work early. Rhiannon's stomach wasn't feeling very well when she began to walk through the doors though. She had some time to go down to the fridge to get her 'meal' before working. If she went to work while hungry, who knew what would happen to the costumers...

That's right, Rhiannon was a ghoul, but unlike some, she didn't crave the killing of humans nor the wanting to create chaos. She was peaceful, and actually envied humans more than anything. However, a ghoul was a ghoul. Nothing would change that. Rhiannon's attempts to digest human food had, overtime, ruined her health as a ghoul, and her fighting capabilities. Her rinkaku could hardly be called a way of selfdefense. It couldn't be used as a weapon either. All that human food and lack of actual human meat made her too weak to hunt for herself, therefore making a job at Anteiku hitting two birds with one stone; she had a source of food (although only when she desperately needed it) and a source of money.

Rhiannon didn't wave to anyone inside the cafe since she really began to feel the hunger. Thankfully, Anteiku wouldn't actually open for human customers for another 15 minutes, because if there were any humans in the room, they'd see a girl with ghoulish red eyes stumbling to the back of the cafe. 'I-I need to eat...' She thought, trying her hardest to contain the monstrous hunger. She found herself disgusting, ugly, and horrifying when she was truly hungry.

Once she made her way towards the secret fridge, the one that stored all the meat specifically and only for ghouls, she opened it up immediately. She could feel that urge to feast on something living nearby. No matter how human she wanted to act, a ghoul would always hunger for human flesh. Rhiannon grabbed a package and tore it open as quickly as possible before grabbing the piece of red meat and stuff it in her mouth. A satisfying feeling came over her.

The heavy breathing slowed down, the red in her eyes faded away to their usual hazel color. The girl had an urge to cry as she chewed the food, and then swallowed, but it was something that had to be done. She wasn't going to cry over something that silly. After heading to the bathroom afterwards, to clean up her face, fix her hair, and try to look normal again, she cleared her throat, and headed back to the cafe floor, where they would open shortly.

Rhiannon put on her usual normal-looking smile. At first glance, or maybe even second or third, Rhiannon looked just like a normal person. "Sorry about that sight." The waitress apologized to those who were in the room. She was about to recommend opening the shop early before the news on the TV caught her eye.

"-and yet another attack by a ghoul had happened, despite CCG assuming that they'd take care of the situation." On the TV, a man holding a microphone was speaking into the camera in front of what looked like a crime scene, but nothing could be seen due to the angle the cameraman chose. "The body appears to have been opened, and with the condition the rest of it is in, it appears to be the work of a ghoul, but not just any ghoul, a kakuja. The woman who was murdered this very morning has been confirmed to be a ghoul, and it has been known that only cannibalistic ghouls, or kakuja, eat their own kind. Lately...-"

"Huh..." Rhiannona murmured. "It looks like they're becoming more active lately. I didn't expect the population of cannibals to be so high though..." Rhiannon sighed with a shake of her head and had a seat at one of the vacant tables. The rising population of kakuja was a concern nowadays, but it wasn't only for humans. The lives of ghouls were at stake too.