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Li Shang

What's wrong with just wanting to settle down?

0 · 651 views · located in Happily Ever After

a character in “A Twisted Fairytale”, originally authored by Falron, as played by RolePlayGateway




Basic Info

Name: Li Shang
Role: Shang
Movie: Mulan
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Height: 5'6
Weight: 135lb
Build: Muscular
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Scars or Markings: Several over his back from when he hadn't turned in time in the heat of battle
Brief Written Description: Shang is a handsome young man whose face is spread into a near constant smile. He doesn't take too much care over his appearance, believing that someone should like him for who he is, not what they want him to be.

Quirks and Faults
Due to his position in the military Shang is often used to people doing as he says without reproach.
He can be pretty thick at times when it comes to reading other people, making it hard to realize when something is wrong

-Martial arts
-Relaxing after a long day
-fiddling with mechanics
-Horse Riding

-Bringing dishonour upon anyone he cares about
-Failing someone
-Having nothing to do
-Taking lives
-Not being able to help
-People who ignore him
-Spicy food

To live out the rest of his life in peace away from the military

Being called to war or dying before his time.


Shang is a very ordered and respectable young man who seems to be the epitome of honour and reason. While this is certainly the case when the situation calls for it, he often enjoys not having to worry about everyone's opinion of him. Being hard to anger Shang often spends his time tinkering away at an antique car or outside practicing his martial arts. Upon the end of the war the strict commander gave way to a softer man who just wanted to live in peace.

He can be pretty clueless to the emotions of others and according to him, his relationship with Mulan couldn't be better. He is content with their peaceful lifestyle in the small town and sees no need to bring back the old military commander. There is no need for him in the town, at least not in his mind.

He is friendly and enjoys socializing, though more often then not he will be the one occasionally talking and spending more time listening to what others have to say. He is a bit of a hopeless romantic, always making romantic dinners for him and Mulan or booking a table at the local restaurant or taking her out to the movies and giving her flowers and chocolates and a huge teddy bear or going out for walks with her at sunset....


Shortly after his initial introduction in Mulan, Shang is appointed as an army captain, by his father General Li. The appointment comes at the protest of Chi-Fu, who claims that Shang is too young for such responsibility. General Li defends the choice, noting Shang's numerous accomplishments as well as his impressive military lineage. As a slight compromise, Shang is ordered to train the new recruits, and then, pending Chi-Fu's approval, joins the main army in the Tung Shao Pass. Shang is initially excited at the prospect, but is slightly disappointed when the new recruits are shown to be lacking in skill. After hard training, however, he is able to turn them into respectable soldiers. Shang then goes to Chi-Fu, who refuses to grant his approval, despite Shang's protests. Chi-Fu disparages both the soldiers and Shang, hinting that he believes Shang only became captain because of his father. Chu-Fu then threatens that Shang's troops will never see battle after the General reads his report.

A letter later comes for Shang (supposedly from the General, but actually faked by Mushu) asking him to take his troops to the front. Coming to a village in the mountain pass, they discover that the village had been razed by the Huns. While searching for potential survivors, Shang learns that the entire army (including his father) perished in a battle against the Huns. Shang takes a moment to mourn, making a small shrine to his father, before taking his soldiers in pursuit of the Huns, who are headed toward the Imperial City. They soon meet the Hun army, only to learn that they are hopelessly outnumbered. Shang prepares for a last stand. However, a soldier named Ping (who is actually Mulan in disguise) is able to stop the Hun army by causing an avalanche. Shang is caught in the avalanche, but is saved by Ping.

In the aftermath, Shang thanks Ping and accepts "him" as a trusted friend. However, while Ping is receiving treatment, it is discovered that "he" is a woman named Mulan. Though the law states that a woman who is discovered in the army is to be killed, Shang spares her due to the debt he owes her for saving him. Shang then leaves Mulan, and leads his army to the Imperial City.

At the Imperial City, Shang and his troops are to be honored for defeating the Huns. However, he is seen to be downcast due to Mulan. Mulan suddenly arrives in the city, claiming that the Huns are alive. Shang refuses to believe her, as she had lied about her identity, but her claims are soon found to be true. As Shang is being honored by the Emperor, Shan Yu and several Huns kidnap the Emperor and lock themselves in the palace. Shang attempts to lead a rescue mission, but initially fails. Mulan takes charge, and along with Yao, Ling and Chien Po are able to climb up pillars onto an upper floor. While Mulan and the trio distract the Hun guards, Shang rushes to a balcony and fights Shan Yu. The trio are able to take the Emperor to safety, but when Shang is knocked out, Mulan chooses to forgo her own safety to assist him.

After Shan Yu is killed, Shang is seen running outside of the palace, where Mulan falls on him. He later defends Mulan as a hero when Chi Fu begins scolding her. Shang is among the first to bow to Mulan when the Emperor honors her as the hero of China. As Mulan prepares to go home, Shang attempts to tell her how her feels, but ends up stuttering out a reference to her fighting talents. Shang is shown to be disappointed in his failure, but after being counseled by the Emperor, he chooses to travel to Mulan's home to see her. He speaks to her, somewhat nervously, under the guise that he was returning a helmet she had left. As Mulan's father, Fa Zhou realizes what Shang is trying to say, he motions to Mulan, who then invites Shang to dinner that night. (Copied from Disney Wiki :P)

Shang and Mulan have had a nice time together and Shang wouldn't change it for the world. He is happy in their relationship and seems oblivious to the distance that is growing between them.

How often do you get online?: Most days (about 8/10)
How often can we expect you to be able to post?: Most days with the occasional gap in between
Password: Happily Ever After

So begins...

Li Shang's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang Character Portrait: Cinderella
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#, as written by Falron

Shang woke to the early morning light filtering in through the curtains. He stretched, a yawn wrenching itself from his lips as he settled back against the mattress, hands resting behind his head. He turned to face Mulan's back, still sound asleep. A soft smile stretched across his lips as he reached over to touch her soft hair. She was so peaceful when she slept. The warrior finally at ease.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes before carefully getting out of bed, looking over his shoulder to see if she was still asleep. He pulled on a white shirt and basically tiptoed out of the bedroom. His smile turned into a grin as he made his way towards the kitchen. He hummed as he entered the kitchen, instantly making a beeline for the fridge where he pulled out the bacon, a couple eggs and the milk.

He set about making the pancakes, the smell of sizzling bacon and egg filling the room with its tantalizing aroma. Putting the kettle on boil he began making some herbal tea for Mulan and himself. He place their breakfast on the dinning room table, whistling softly as he arranged the plates next to each other, absentmindedly reach up to tidy up the bouquet of flowers he'd gotten her a few days earlier.

Pleased with his own handy work Shang headed back towards their bedroom, kneeling beside his sleeping girlfriend. He reached up to brush a stray strand of hair from her face and chimed, "Morning! Breakfast is ready."


The sound of an alarm clock forced a pair of blue eyes open. Cinderella smiled as she reached out to silence the alarm and got out of bed, stretching. She looked up as she heard a bird call from her window, a blue wren sitting on her windowsill, cocking its feathered head. With a chuckle Cinderella got to her feet and opened the window, watching as the bird flitted in, a cheerful chirp leaving it as it sat on her bedside table. Feeling better already Cinderella entered the kitchen of her small, shabby apartment and poured herself some cereal, eating it while leaning against the kitchen counter.

She'd ave to leave to go to work soon, but she wasn't complaining. She loved her class, they were beautiful little children. Having finished her breakfast she placed the bowl in the sink and made her way back into the bedroom. The small bird had collected a few friends, each of the birds chirping cheerfully to each other and at Cinderella as she entered.

Her apartment really was tiny, the entirety of it could easily have fit into the bedroom she had shared with her ex-husband. She froze at the thought of that no-good bastard and scowled. The birds in the room seemed to notice the sudden change in her demeanor and a couple of them landed on her shoulder with reassuring chirps. Cinderella smiled and collected some clothes, going through the rest of her morning routine, her good mood slightly soured.

Half an hour later having collected her hand bag and having carefully applied a little makeup she was ready to go to work. She lived only a few streets away from the school and deciding it was a beautiful day outside walked the ten minutes. Her class was empty, the lights off. Decorations the kids had made hung from the ceiling and from where they were pined on the walls. Yesterday's lesson was still on the chalkboard, the picture of a giant apple with the letter A along with a couple of other things still on it.

Cinderella smiled as she turned on the light before setting up for the day, finishing the final touches on the board before the bell went and the first of her little tykes lined up outside. A grin on her face and feeling much better already she walked out, waiting a minute for the rest of her class to appear, chattering happily amongst each other as they put their bags in their allocated alcoves. A few moments before the second bell rang Stephen Darling came rushing around the corner, quickly putting his bag in its spot before taking his spot at the back of the line.

She ushered the children into the class where they took their seats. "Morning class!" Her voice was cheerful, all negative thoughts from the morning dashed by the sight of her class. This was her life now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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#, as written by Mashotu

Mulan, hearing noise enter into her half-asleep state, groaned and pulled the blankets over her head. To add extra to the fact that she clearly did not want to wake up, she also turned away from the noise.

She was previously having a lovely dream about the first war she fought. The one against the Huns where she had to disguise herself as Ping. She'd pretty much relived the entire thing inside her dream and was about to get to the part where her friends had to dress and women. Very ugly women might she add.

But she did not enjoy the little tidbit called "Breakfast" that had entered her dream. Because she may be weird, but she considers it a nightmare when everybody in her dream suddenly turns into some sort of breakfast food. (Po = pancake. Yeah. Weird.) So now she felt it was her duty to her sanity to stay in bed a little longer (maybe like 5 hours) to get rid of that dream and have a new one.

Without her knowledge, she muttered to Shang, "Five more hours." In a soft, yet cute, voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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#, as written by Falron

Shang couldn't help but laugh as Mulan pulled the covers over her head and rolled over, muttering something in her sleep. She was so cute in the morning, almost the opposite of Shang who was fully awake by the time his feet hit the floor. He chuckled, nearly falling over as it turned into our right laughter as Mulan spoke, her voice soft and filled with sleep. Adorable.

"Five more hours...

He lent over to pull down the blanket and kiss her temple, "If you sleep for the next five hours your breakfast will be cold. And I don't want to eat it on my own."

He chuckled again and wrapped his arms around her sleeping form, nuzzling into her neck, grinning against her warm neck he spoke,"Don't make me carry you to the table Mulan."

If she was anywhere near awake she would know he wasn't kidding. He would pick her up and take the table, blanket and all. It wouldn't be the first time that he done it, nor would it be the last.

"Come on Mulan, rise and shine!" His grin widened as he kissed her jaw.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

Mulan groaned when she felt the blanket be pulled away and soon felt a kiss on her temple, "If you sleep for the next five hours your breakfast will be cold. And I don't want to eat it on my own." He'd said.

He laughed and wrapped his strong, yet warm, arms around her figure before nuzzling her neck gently, "Don't make me carry you to the table Mulan." Aw damn. She knew he'd do it. He's done it thousands of other times before and would surely do it again.
"No. I'll sick Mushu on you." Mulan half-threatened. She and Shang both knew that Mushu wouldn't be able to do anything. Mainly 'cause she wasn't even willing to get up to eat, much less leave her house to go get the beast.

"Come on Mulan, rise and shine!" He said, kissing her jaw.
"But Shaaaaaaaaang." Mulan tried, "Wouldn't you rather stay in bed with me all day?"

God, she loathed mornings some days.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang Character Portrait: Cinderella
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Falron

Shang chuckled as Mulan spoke again, mentioning the reptile. "No. I'll sick Mushu on you." He had the oddest feeling that Mushu couldn't stand him, even less now that the war had ended. Shang kissed her again, knowing the threat was not to be taken seriously. If she couldn't get out of bed, she sure as hell she wouldn't go get the dragon to chase him.

Her next attempt was also something she had tried and tested many times before, "But Shaaaaaaaaang. Wouldn't you rather stay in bed with me all day?"

Shang would be lying if he said it wasn't tempting, that he didn't wish to just give in and crawl into bed with her. He sat there for a moment, considering leaving the food on the table and give into her. But he smirked and shook his head, he knew how to get her out of bed.

"You have five seconds before I pick you up. 5...4...3..."


Cinderella smiled as she walked around the class as the kids drew, crayons littered across the low tables. A couple of the kids giggled, showing their masterpieces to each other. She continued to stroll, gazing down at the pictures, unicorns, rainbows, superheroes, dragons and smiling suns covered the pages. She looked up at the clock, mentally reminding herself that the kid's nap time was coming up.

She looked down as someone tugged at her blouse. Stephen smiled up at her, holding up a piece of paper, "Miss. Thompson? I drew this for you." The young boy grinned up at her as Cinderella took the piece of paper. A small collection of birds adorned it, crudely drawn music notes emanating from their open beaks.

Cinderella smiled, her heart melting slightly, it was things like this that made everything about her job so worthwhile. "Thank you Stephen! This is beautiful!"

She ruffled the boy's hair and watched as he headed towards his seat, picking up another piece of paper and a red crayon after careful consideration. Cinderella walked back to her desk, placing the picture on it before sitting down, surveying her classroom with a warm smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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#, as written by Mashotu

Mulan was blessed with a few moments of silence. She actually believed he was thinking it over until she herd, "You have five seconds before I pick you up. 5...4...3..."
She was actually really disappointed that he had pretty much said no. Even though she knew that's what he would say. Shang was too easy to read once you knew him long enough. A fact that kinda made Mulan sad. She liked not knowing what Shang would do next, it added more spark to their relationship.

Deciding that she'd rather be carried like a princess, she turned towards Shang and held out her arms and let out a slight hum. She didn't know if this shocked the man on not 'cause she'd never done that before. Usually if she intends on staying in bed, and Shang has to get her out, then she has this habit of trying to sink into the soft material below her. But not today. Since she knew that she'd be forced out of the warm bed eventually anyways, it seemed better to actually go along with it. Last time she'd acidentally nicked Shang's arm with her nail. He said it didn't hurt, and she knew it probably didn't, but Mulan actually doesn't like harming her lover. Whether it hurts or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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#, as written by Falron

Shang knelt by the bed, expecting the exasperated sigh that generally accompanied the countdown as she either got up or decided to test his conviction. But what he was greeted with made him blink in surprise. Instead of burying down in the blanket in a vain attempt at making it harder on him to get her out Mulan rolled over, holding out her arms to him. His jaw fell open in shock for a moment before he blinked and regained composure.

With a grin he took advantage of the situation and slipped his arms around her, picking her up with ease. He lent down to place a deep kiss on her lips as he started on the familiar journey towards their dining room where the breakfast waited. He broke away from the kiss long enough to place her in her chair before placing a chaste kiss on her cheek and taking his own seat.

He took a deep breath, mouth watering at the scents of their breakfast which sat, still warm, on its designated plates. Taking a bite of his breakfast he turned to Mulan with a smug smirk, "Now that wasn't so hard now was it?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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#, as written by Mashotu

Mulan had to keep in a laugh at Shang's surprised face. Ah, she loved surprising him. She fell a pair of warm lips greet hers as he carried her to her seat in the dinning room.

Mulan was still tired, since she got no sleep last night, and was tempted to go back into the room. But she knew her boyfriend would hunt her down.
"Now that wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked, a smirk on his face saying that he'd won. But actually, Mulan had won since she didn't have to walk herself to the table.

"It was terribly difficult, Shang. I don't think I'll make it the rest of the day." Mulan said, sarcasm laced in her voice. She smiled in triumph and took a small bite of her food.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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#, as written by Falron

"It was terribly difficult, Shang. I don't think I'll make it the rest of the day." Sarcasm dripped from Mulan's voice like poison as she spoke. Shang rolled his eyes at her as he continued to eat his breakfast, "Sarcasm doesn't help anyone Mulan, I think you'll do just fine." He chuckled, shaking his head as he picked up the still steaming cup of tea. Taking a sip he allowed himself to revel in the sweet taste of the herbal tea before putting down the cup.

"I'm sure you can find the energy to get up and about after a little while. Maybe even enough to sick that overgrown reptile of yours on me."

He shrugged, winking at Mulan flirtatiously before he continued, "Or if your bent on spending the next five hours in bed we could simply go back after breakfast." He grinned as he took another bite of his breakfast, grinning over towards Mulan with a glint in his eye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mulan Character Portrait: Li Shang
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu

"Sarcasm doesn't help anyone Mulan, I think you'll do just fine." Shang said, "I'm sure you can find the energy to get up and about after a little while. Maybe even enough to sick that overgrown reptile of yours on me."

Mulan laughed. "He's hardly overgrown. When I first saw him I swore he was a lizard, not a dragon like he claimed." She before eaten some more. She knew that she was already awake since she had this terrible thing of where if she was already awake, there was no way she could go back asleep.

"Or if your bent on spending the next five hours in bed we could simply go back after breakfast." Shang continues, a glint in his eye. This comment actually caused Mulan's face to flare up in a deep red, 'cause of course she'd caught the hidden innuendo. She wasn't used to Shang says such things so bluntly. Mulan tried as calm as she could to respond.
"I don't know. Well..." Once Mulan realized she could come back with a good reply she just settled into her blush and nodded, "Yes. I am bent on spending the next five hours in bed. But only, if you join me. 'cause I know I won't be able to sleep."
Okay. So maybe she did have a good response.