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Snow White

"You put that apple ANYWHERE near my face..."

0 · 1,140 views · located in Happily Ever After

a character in “A Twisted Fairytale”, as played by WrittenInScars




Basic Info

Name: Snow White
Role: Snow White
Movie: Snow White
Nicknames: None
Age: Twenty
Gender: Female

Height: 5'3ft
Weight: 112 lbs
Build: Slim
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Scars or Markings: None
Brief Written Description: She's grown up from her childhood and put the lid on that red lipstick. Her hair has grown also, now reaching to around her collarbone area; but her beloved full fringe stays. Snow's eyes are a pale green, only slightly darker than frogsborn. Being quite a small woman, she constantly wears heels in order to make herself seem taller.

Quirks and Faults
Her quirks include her obsession for correct grammar; if someone says something that doesn't make sense she will correct them, another one would be that she will only write in white pen, meaning all paper she uses cannot be white or she will refuse to write on it. Her faults are her stubborness, inabilaty to think in her head and her constant bringing-up of the past.

+Teddy bears

-Apples (We all know why!)
-Bad Posture
-Being poked
-Loud noises

Snow dreams of having the perfect, happy family she'd always dreamed of and to be able to restore the damage her step-mother had caused to the Kingdom.

Her fears are losing a child, dying and apples. She also can be rather wary around old woman who look too much like witches.


Snow is often descriped as stubborn, hard-headed, blunt and feisty. These are all true, and most of the time she's the one using these very words to describe herself. She's blind to the meanings of manners, not understanding why one should keep thoughts to themselves. She means well by what she does, it just doesn't come across that way. Her heart is pure, just as her movie portrays; but she has trouble proving that to the world. Her joker side doesn't help either, as her love of making others laugh can sometimes become a bit more kinky sounding than she'd planned. Sarcasm is a large part of her life, appearing constantly in her conversations and facial expressions. It's another habit of hers, something she can't get a rein on. Arguments seem to pop up often too, but being used to the idea that people generally don't like of her point of view she deals with the arguments as they come. This is where her stubbornness shines, for she would never change anything she likes no matter what others think. If she believes in something she'll fight for it no matter how pathetic is might seem.


We all know the story of Snow White, she grew up with her father and step-mother, her birth mother having died when she was still a baby. The crazy lady spoke to mirrors - clearly a side effect from all the drugs she'd been taking. She asked the huntsman (her drugdealer) to kill innocent Princess Snow but instead he let her go and tricked the Queen into thinking Snow White was dead. Snow found a cottage full of seven dwarfs who expected her to be their maid. Being only a child, she obeyed. But soon the coo-koo lady realised her step-daughter was still alive and figured out where she was staying. The Queen dressed like the witch she was and offered Snow an apple. The apple was eaten and poor little Snow fell to the ground. When the dwarfs came back they found her and put her in a glass coffin (they were clearly drunk). A prince came and saw the pretty girl and kissed her. She woke up and the next thing she knew they were married. Happy ever after? Not really. Snow is stuck with the kind of man who drives every woman mad, but not with lust, just pure agitation. She's a free spirit; loving to adventure. But her husband doesn't like that, he hates the idea of her leaving. So he tries to lock her up in the Palace, trying to distract her with jobs and so forth.


How often do you get online?: Daily
How often can we expect you to be able to post?: Daily, if not once every two days.
Password: Happily Ever After


So begins...

Snow White's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Aurora Rose Character Portrait: Snow White Character Portrait: Wendy Darling Character Portrait: Phillip King
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Paris woke in his bed. He knew it was most likely morning but he couldn't tell how light it was, considering it was oddly dark. He rolled over and found himself landing face first on the flow with a loud thud as it knocked the air out of him. Letting out a small whine, he reached up and noticed he still had his sleep mask over his eyes. After a small sigh, he stood up fast and took the purple mask that had stitching that was meant to resemble eyes off his face and set it on his pillow. He looked around the now lit room and was pleased to see his lovely Snow still seamlessly sleeping on the other side of the bed. "I hope I didn't wake you, sweetheart." Paris whispered as softly as he possibly could as to no wake her anymore than he possibly could.

He walked around to Snow's side of the bed and pulled the blankets up gently over her shoulder and gave a quick soft peck on her forehead before scampering off to the large walk-in closet. Paris crossed an arm over his chest to put the elbow of his other arm in his hand and put his free one under his chin as he examined the clothes in the closet with a thinking look on his face. "What to wear. What to wear." He spoke, putting together in his head what he should wear. He carefully put together outfit after outfit together and decided between each one before raising his eyebrow as a smirk spread across his face. Grabbing a black tank-top with "I'm Fabulous!" cursive design written on it in a sparkly pink, a light leather light-pink gold-zipper jacket, black short-shorts, black studded short heeled boots and his favorite smoky-purple contacts, he skipped over to the 'powder room'.

Once there, Paris got right to work fixing his hair. Today though, he felt a little too lazy to gel it up, so he simply combed his bright pink hair over to the left of his face. He put a bobby-pin in the back to insure it from falling back over. He then left his bangs to fall in his face. After the hair was pretty much taken care of, his put in his contacts then went on to putting on the rest of his face. Mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, foundation, blush, lip stain, lip liner, lip stick, you name it, Paris Prince has it. And he uses it. He went in that room his almost-natural self with the copper-brown eyes and the tan-colored lips, and he came out his now usually purple-eyed pink-lipped self. He smiled to himself as he went as quietly as possible to the door of the bedroom before turning back to check if Snow was still there. Smiling as to see she was, he scampered down the stars and into the kitchen.

A little thing to know about Paris is the fact that the only things be can coke is anything sweet (like cake, cupcakes, cookies, etcetera) and fabulously juicy and tasty roasted chicken. That being said, Paris got out the ingredients to make blueberry pancakes. But, of course like any fabulous person, he needs a little fabulous music to cook to. Paris, in the most fabulous way possible, picked up the remote to the stereo system and turned the radio on. With much surprise and a great big smile on his face, an old favorite came on. 'My Pumps'. So, as Paris cooked, he danced slightly to the music as he slightly sang along and started putting pancake after pancake on a large plate in the middle of the island in the kitchen. Once they were all done, Paris grabbed a couple plates, forks, maple syrup, powdered sugar, chocolate syrup, and strawberries out and put them all nicely out on the island. Smiling and nodding slightly as he put his hands on his hip, giving a little hip pop and looking over his work. He then worked his way over to the stairs and yelled up with a smile. "Snow, darling, breakfast awaits!" He yelled with a smile before going back into the kitchen and starting a kettle of tea and pulling a picture of pink lemonade out of the fridge.


Phillip awoke to the sound of the birds chirping. He smiled as he woke opened his eyes to the first morning air and the sun just coming into view. Stepping down from his hammock and heading to house. It was a nice little wooden cottage. Once inside, he got himself a cup of coffee and the newspaper. Yes, Phillip, unlike most people, still read the newspaper. He didn't have a computer or laptop at his home. He didn't even need a T.V. there, but he liked to watch Sunday night football sometimes. After he found coffee grans in his coffee, he wrinkled his nose then sat the cup on the little table by the kitchen along with the newspaper.

Looking up at the calendar, Phillip was a little disappointed. It was one of those days where he had to go to the city. Letting out a sigh, he stood from his seat and walked off to the back room. At the moment, he was wearing an old worn out flannel shirt and old worn out brown pants with no socks or shoes. He was in a, what some people would call, homeless look. He grabbed his suite and laid it out on the bed before grabbing his black dress shoes and black dress socks. He stopped in the bathroom and shaved his face then went to put the suite on. He was all nice and situated.

Now, Phillip grabbed the briefcase from the floor of his closet. It didn't really hold much but paperwork for his fathers business, a few fountain pens and a few pictures of the city and it's people. This was Phillip's way of giving back by helping with the city's website. Now you know one of the reasons Phillip distances himself. Though, there was also Aurora. Phillip shook the thought of Aurora from his mind as he picked up his car keys and wallet. He then went out to his Cadillac and started out of his long drive to get to the dirt road that lead to the highway that lead into the city. One of the difficulties of living far into the wood.

As he drove, he put in his favorite CD in and his favorite song and part of his motto came on. 'Simple Life'. It would probably be an understatement to say this song was just Phillip's theme song. It was more like his way of life. He got to the city with a few hours to burn. So he did what he usually does while in the city. He parked his car in a parking lot building, he was on the third floor. He was fine with it though. With the song stuck in his head, he was fine with it. He grabbed his briefcase and started the long walk down.

After a while, maybe twenty minutes, he reached the sidewalk. It was obvious he was in a good mood today as he greeted everyone he passed. He then ducked into a coffee shop to grab a quick cup of coffee before heading off to work. Once in there though, he saw a familiar face. Wendy Darling. Nice girl, darling name. Phillip thought as he smiled and chuckled slightly at his comment about the girl. He walked past her on the way to the cash register. "Good morning, Wendy." He said to her with a smile before going up to order his black coffee and walking back to her. "I wish you a pleasant day." He added as he paused slightly in front of her table with a smile and slight nod.

"Well, I haven't the time to chat at the moment for I'm off to work, but it was a pleasure seeing you this fine morning." Phillip added, smile still on his face and a glow just steaming off him as he enjoyed his good mood. He then headed out of the coffee shop and down the sidewalk towards his work. He was certain nothing in the world could dampen his good mood. Nothing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White Character Portrait: Wendy Darling Character Portrait: Phillip King Character Portrait: Anastasia Tremaine :)
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Snow laid in a relieving sleep, not caring for the light that was beginning to shine from the window. The loud 'BANG' of Paris' face to the floor only caused her to simply turn over and get a tighter grip on the duvet. Being a very deep sleeper, there wasn't much that could wake Snow up. She felt Paris give her a light peck on the forehead, making a small smile appear on her resting face. By the time her husband had come back to check that she still lay in bed, she'd swapped sides and was now hugging his pillow unknowingly. You see, although she'd never admit it, Snow hates to be alone - especially in bed. In fact, every time Paris leaves the bed for longer than five minutes he'll return to her once again; hugging his pillow. She's a sleep-hugger, and sometimes doesn't even realise it.

"Snow, darling, breakfast awaits!" She heard Paris call up from the stairs. This somehow managed to wake her up, putting her into her zombie-like morning state. Her hair that was once in a neat-ish bun at the back of her head was now flailing out all over the place (but mostly in her face). She was still rapidly blinking the sleep from her eyes as she made a massive yawn. "Ugh..." She complained, not liking that she had to awaken so early. She managed to drag herself from the bed and didn't dare take a look in the mirror. Her stomach rumbling, she could careless about how she looked. This was shown by how she simply made her way straight from the room and down the stairs in her tight plain black tank top and green short shorts.

She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, her eyes lighting up at what she saw: pancakes! Yes, Snow is a pancake lover. And her wonderful husband had made her pancakes for breakfast, and to top it up it was her favorite kind! Grinning like a fool ,she skipped over to him with a sudden burst of energy and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your outfit by the way." She greeted happily, and as if in seconds she was sat at the island ready to eat her breakfast; its smell almost making her drool.


Anastasia woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Quickly jumping up from the bed, she was suddenly full of energy. With a small, excited dance (that made her look like she really need to pee, she stopped the once on going alarm clock with a gentle tap to the 'stop' button that seemed to grow larger every morning. Shrugging it off a her crazy imagination, she ran over to the closet and pulled open the doors in her polka-dot shorts and plain white tank (an outfit choice she'd learnt from Snow). It wasn't a giant, walk-in closet but it was enough to fir all her clothes; which was good enough for her.

She quickly grabbed her black tank top, her checkered shirt, basic denim jeans and black converse. Pulling them on from top to bottom, she smiled in satisfaction of her attire in the full-body mirror she had hanging on the left closet door. When she saw her hair, she almost burst into fits of giggles. It was spiked up in almost every direction but her face, that being why she hadn't noticed its state before hand. She grabbed her brush from her dressing table and was soon taming her wild hair. After she'd attacked it with her brush, it fell nicely past her shoulders with small ringlets shown in the bottom area. With her clothing and hair done, all she now had left to sort out was her make up.

She headed to the average, small bathroom across the hall and set to cleaning her hands, face and teeth before grabbing her make-up purse that she'd kept stored on the sink edge. Opening the zip, she traced her fingers across her choices before settling for her beloved lipstick, mascara and eye liner. She applied all but the lipstick lightly, keen to hide her pale lips from her world. Returning to the bedroom, she checked the time and got her folders from the desk before then leaving the flat with a skip to her step, making sure to lock the door behind her. On the way out, she also made sure to put her purse in her front right pocket.

Anastasia made it from the flat building and realised she'd forgotten breakfast. She groaned at her idiocy and made her way to the coffee shop not to far from her flat building. Entering, she noticed Philip and Wendy chatting at the register and got in line behind Philip. She then set on patiently waiting for her turn to order.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White
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Paris smiled as he heard the sound of Snow walking down the stairs and his smile grew across his face. Yes, of course he knew she would be happy to see blueberry-pancakes galore for breakfast. He found that out the first time he had made pancakes for breakfast. He leaned forward on the island slightly as he watched the entrance for his dear Snow to appear. After a moment, she did, and Paris had to hold himself back form laughing. He always found the way some people wakeup and don't give a shit about how they felt funny.

Paris smiled at the sight of joy whipping over Snow's tired features. It never seized to amaze him how one moment she could be half asleep and tired and the next an energetic little bunny. In his head, all that was going through his mind was, "she's soooo cuuuute!" Even if he did find himself wanting her to at least brush her hair out. But that was her, and he's fine with that.

Paris just smiled widely as Snow skipped over to him with such a big grin and energy just steaming off her. He gave a small laugh as she kissed him on the cheek, thanked him, and complimented his outfit. "Aw, you're welcome, and thanks. It's sexy ain't it?" Paris said, his words flowing off of his tongue in the fabulous accent that can only be defined as 'fabulousness'. He said the last part in a seductive tone with a wink before striking a pose. He ended his little scene with a fit of giggles before slapping a couple flap-jacks on a plate for Snow and setting it in front of her and putting all the stuff she like on it on it.

Before Paris could even begin to make himself a plate, the loud sound of whistling could be heard. He turned around toward the sound and remembered he had put on a kettle of tea. He picked it up, ignoring the slight stinging sensation he was experiencing. While he was pouring himself a cup of tea, he asked over his shoulder. "So, how'd you sleep? Did you have any fab dreams?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White
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Snow was already scoffing down her pancakes as Paris struck his "sexy" pose that came very close to making her spit out her beloved pancakes in fits of laughter. Refusing to waste something so delicious, she held herself together and swallowed it quickly. She then waved her fork at him as she spoke "don't do that when I'm eating! You know I'll end up just spitting it allover your sexy outfit!" She put emphasis on the word "sexy", as she knew it'd have am ore effect than if she didn't. Snow then stuffed her face with more beautiful pancake, her eyes closing and a moan escaping her lips as she chewed the food. That is how much she loved her pancakes.

When she'd done, she noticed him give her some flapjacks and her grin only widened. "You, sir, are the best!" She practically squealed, shoving one in her mouth with all the elegance of a horse. After swallowing that, she then returned to her pancakes.
Having not expected the sudden, loud noise the kettle's whistles made her jump and almost fall off of her chair. In an awkward balance, she lasted until he'd asked here about her sleep until her balance failed and she fell backwards off the stool. She fell to the floor with an "umpf" and soon all that could be heard was her fits of giggles as the stool has fallen on top of her - trapping on her on the floor. "My dreams? They were brilliant... I think this stool would like for me to return to them." After stating her joke, she realised her breakfast would be getting cold and shuffled around frantically in the attempt to push the stool from above her. Unfortunately, her attempts failed so instead she settled for: "Paris! Paris, help me up! Gahhh, they miss me! MY PANCAKES MISS ME, DAMMIT!" She ended up yelling, her hyper-ness showing from this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White
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Paris gave a small laugh at Snow. Mornings were always something he liked. He could never tell why, but he did. And seeing how fast Snow can go from her tired 'I wanna sleep!' self to her hyper self. Not that Paris liked any part of Snow more, he's in love with all of her, but he enjoyed her more when she was hyper. Whether it be her clumsiness or the way she goes crazy over a little thing, he enjoyed the hyper-ness more.

After her a loud thud, Paris turned with a concerned look on his face that turned into a raised eyebrow as Snow had seemed to disappear. Hearing giggles, Paris looked around the side of the island to see Snow on the floor trapped by a stool. A smile cracked across his face and he shook his head slightly as Snow said the stool would probably like her to return to her brilliant dreams.

After a moment of watching poor Snow struggle to get the stool off herself and when she started asking for help because her pancakes miss her, Paris wasn't sure if he should laugh or help. He decided to just put on a half concerned half amused look and sat his tea on the island. "Oh, god." He said then continued over to Snow and helped her up, first lifting up the stool then helping Snow up gently. "Are you alright?" He asked, slightly concerned. He just didn't want her to be hurt. Then his mind wanted to know how she fell in the first place. "Aww, how'd you even fall? Did my sexiness knock you over?" He said the last part half seductively and a smile on his face as he wiggled his eyebrow at her then let out a small giggle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White Character Portrait: Flynn Rider Character Portrait: Wendy Darling Character Portrait: Ariel Character Portrait: Phillip King
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Snow grinned and made the attempt to wave as his head poked out from over the counter. Once she'd been helped up, she pretended to be all prideful and marched back onto her stool and it was soon as if nothing had happened. But once he asked how she'd done it, she looked up and grinned. "I... Uhm... Lost my balance whilst laughing. So, in a way, it was your sexiness' fault!" She stated to then swat him with a newspaper she'd found on the island during his "sexy" pose. That was her thing, she would constantly hit people, playfully of course, when she blames them for her embarrassment.

She doesn't care what others thought, she really couldn't care less. But she did like to make jokes on herself for a reason that not even she knew. Her hair had now completely fallen from the loose bun she'd had it in, causing the hairband to fall to the floor. Snow swiftly bent over the stool and picked it up from the floor, using her flexibility to help her. Snow, being an ex-gymnast, could do all kind of weird shapes with her body and some pretty cool stunts. She never really did them very often, only when she was exceptionally happy/excited.

As always, Snow shrugged it off and returned to devouring her pancakes. She was on the last bite when she began to choke. Not at all panicked, she simply punched herself in the back then in the back of the neck and was soon swallowing her pancake. She then looked up to the clock, realizing it was already 10:34 she leaped up. "Ooo, oooo, ooo! What are were doing today? I'm bored, like, extra bored!" She asked, jumping up and down on the spot doing a bunny impression.


Anastasia ordered herself some coffee and as soon as she'd received it she took a seat at a table for two. She was used to sitting on these tables alone, for not everyone understood that she wasn't like her somewhat crazed sister and they often avoided her. Anna didn't really care though, in fact it was something that she lived with as if everyone else did to. After finishing her coffee, she stood and was about to leave when Ariel accidentally pushed over her hot drink. Glancing at her watch, she saw that she really had to leave and walked on, feeling bad for not being able to help clean up at all. Sure, she'd done nothing to effect the mess but knew it'd be appreciated for someone to help. Anastasia left and headed straight down the path and towards her university. She noticed Phillip and Wendy a head of her, but kept on walking behind them until the path branched out and took the turn into the campus.

Now on campus, she all but ran to where she'd meant to have been over five minutes ago and silently took her seat. Getting many weird looks from the students around her, she smiled sweetly and concentrated on what the man at the front was trying to get across to them all about the human anatomy. It wasn't very interesting, but she found that nothing he ever said was, really. Anastasia was sat in the center of the group of students who never liked the man up at the front, and was constantly trying to throw things at him and instead they all hit her. Trying not to get frustrated, she continued to watch the man and did her best to ignore the guys around her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Drizella Tremaine Character Portrait: Snow White
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Paris didn't even care about the little swat Snow gave him with the newspaper. He knew that was her thing. But he didn't hold back any chuckles. He just found her so cute. Everything the girl did was just so her. Nothing was too girly or whatever else you want to call it, but it was real. It was how she was. And Paris just loved it all. And loved her all. Every last inch of her. He smiled as he made his way back to his tea and took a few sips of hit before looking in the closest shiny-reflective thing, that being the stainless still fridge that was still so new, it was reflective like a mirror. He looked at his reflection and check his makeup. This was a habit of his, checking his makeup after eating or drinking something.

He then ended his little make-up-check-up with a slight pouted model like look before turning around to see Snow doing one of her fantastic little gymnastic bends. His eyebrow spiked up slightly before he made his way over to a cabinet. He hadn't eaten much, so he decided he might as well get himself something. So he got himself a white-chocolate covered granola bar and ate that as he sipped on the rest of his tea and leaned against the counter while he watched Snow.

Once he was done with that, he saw Snow on her last bite and headed over to the other room. He had to find his sunglasses. He needed them. Before he made it there, though, he was stopped by a bouncing Snow-bunny. He smiled and let out a small laugh. "Well, I was thinking we could go get some ice creams then go window shopping. How about that?" Paris said with a smile as he poked Snows nose. Yeah, he knew she didn't like being poked, but she was just so tempting to poke with all that damn jumping. He then went around her to the other room, the living room. It was a big room with a big flat screen TV and a big leather couch to fit a lot of people. He strutted around as he looked for his sunglasses and finally found them on the coffee table. He snatched them up and put them on his head. They weren't over his eyes, but on top of his head. He walked back over to Snow before raising his eye brow at her. "You are gonna change, right?" He added, adding to the fact she was still wearing her pajamas. "We should get a puppy." Paris added randomly before heading back up the stairs, his heels clicking on the ground as he walked, and into their room to pick out a purse.


Drizella awoke at the sound of her alarm clock. It was time for her to head to work. She stood up and went right to work at getting ready. Picking out something to wear, she settled with a red velvet dress that showed some cleavage and black heels. She then went to brushing out her hair. It was always fairly easy to brush it out. Now, off to work. She picked up her little black purse that had various items, from money to her apartment keys. After this, she headed to the elevator. She encountered a rather old looking man. Though he stared at her, she completely ignored him. He was just some creepy old guy she didn't want to deal with.

Once out of the building, she strides down the sidewalk. Sidewalks were full of four types of people. The people you know and hate. The people you don't know, but hate. The people you know and are okay with. And then everyone else you don't know, but you don't have anything against them. In Drizella's mind, it was full of two types of people. The people you know and hate and the people you don't know, but hate. Yes, Drizella, in a few words, hates everyone. She wouldn't admit it, but she just doesn't care for people. They shows her psychopathic personality as she doesn't really feel any real feelings toward anyone, but she can fake it.

After walking past a few shops, Drizella made it to work. It was a high class shop where only the richest people go and buy clothing and such. And Drizella works there. This job, to her any ways, is the best job ever. She see's most of the princes here and helps then pick something out, it's her job but she'd do it anyways. This morning, though, it seemed kind of dead, to say the least. So not it's a waiting game. Just as a lion waits for the pray, Drizella waits for the Prince.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White
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Snow nodded, liking the idea of a calm day despite her hyper behavior. She crinkled up her nose as it was poked, to then stick her tongue out at him. She didn't usually mind being poked, but she always made an exception for her husband. Snow knew he found her to be 'cute' and would prefer being poked than beign squeezed to death in a hug. She couldn't help but burst out into laughter as he asked if she was changing or not. She hadn't really planned on it, and would have been perfectly content leaving in her current state. But she knew fully well she wouldn't get away with it and began to climb the stairs. He then stated how they needed to get a puppy, making Snow look up at him in glee. "A puppy! We are so getting a puppy! We can get one today!" She yelled in singsong, skipping into their room and pulling open her closet doors with a 'whoosh!'

Not really caring about what to wear, she simply grabbed her black lace dress with the zip down the back. She then grabbed her mini leather jacket, skull bangles, dark heel boots and midnight necklace. Snow threw it all on, going head to toe. In the end, she stood in her outfit with her pajamas laid on the floor in a heap. Not caring, she hummed her way over to the dressing table and began to apply her make-up. Snow simply put on her lip gloss, mascara and eye liner before going to her hair. With the hair straighteners now plugged in and ready she brushed and straightened it down. With one quick glance in the mirror, she nodded in approval then leaped up. But not before grasping onto her plain, black sunglasses and putting them on her head for until they left. "Come on, come one, come on!" She called, hopping her way back down the staircase and into the doorway.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Snow White
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Paris smiled to himself as he heard Snow's excited voice, stating we should just go out and get one today. He looked through his many purses for one that would match his outfit most. He eventually settled with a slick black one. He picked it up and opened it to put some needed stuff in it. Lip stick, hair spray, money, ID, more money, cell phone, pink & black sharpies, more money, nail file, a pink pen, more make up, and some pepper spray. Paris would argue he needs the pepper spray because he's a lover, not a fighter. But, if he has to fight, he'll fight.

After he was done getting himself all packed up, he sat on the bed and crossed one leg over thee other and waited for Snow as he check himself in the little mirror he keeps right next to the bed. After a moment, he heard Snows frantic calling as she hopped down the stairs, making a hell of a lot of noise. "Calm down!" He called down to her as he started down the stairs. Now, he liked a hyper Snow as much as the next guy, but it even gets a little too much for Paris to take. Once he got to her, he put his sunglasses down to cover his eyes and opened the door, revealing the bright streaming light of the sun shine down on their beautiful front yard. There was a few pink and white rose bushes splattered around the place along with other follow types that ranged from mostly whites, pinks, purples, and blues to lest a few yellows and oranges. It was all put together in a nice garden around the yard. Then there was a nice whiteish-grey stone walk from the front door and straight down the yard to a gate door that lead to the side walk. Off to the side was another small walk that lead to the drive way that held multiple cars, including Paris' favorite car. A hot pink Lamborghini Aventador.

"Well let's go." Paris said, ready to go and do what they got to do. Then the thing about getting a puppy pops back into his head. "We should get a Pomeranian." He said, mater-of-factly as he started down the walk way to the gate entrance, holding Snows hand like he's done it everyday of his life. It was just that natural to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Drizella Tremaine Character Portrait: Snow White
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Snow shrugged to herself as he called for her to calm down, knowing fully well that she'd calm down a bit once she'd left the house. Although, she'd still be super excited about getting a cute little puppy! Who wouldn't? As Paris made his way down the stairs, Snow grinned in glee. She'd always wanted a pet, but when she was younger she didn't even get sea monkeys. Then again, her nutty step-mother wan't exactly the sanest woman she'd ever met. She all but skipped out the door as Paris opened it, kissing his cheek playfully on the way; but not before sliding her sunglasses down the the bridge of her nose. She always liked to wear sunglasses, even in the winter. It made her look all mysterious, and the looks she gets are quite amusing. Apparently, sunglasses are classed as some "sexy accessories" lately. Not that it really mattered to her, she couldn't care less. But either way, the looks on their faces are quite a funny sight.

She nodded slightly as he mentioned how they should get a pomeranian and suggested aloud "that, or a husky, ooo! Or we could get a poodle. Oh, what about a chihuahua?" She'd listed three breeds already, and loved every one of them ideas. But she had to say that she liked the idea of a pomeranian. It'd totally suit them. Plus, they're so darn fluffy! Snow entwined her fingers with his as they held hands, almost instinctively. She knew where they were headed first, to the shop where that Drizella works. She despised how that girl acted like she didn't exist and always flirted with Paris. I mean, there's a ring on his finger and a girl on his arm... Take a hint, girl! It really frustrates her, and this time she knew she was going to yell at the girl until she got it into her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Paris Prince Character Portrait: Drizella Tremaine Character Portrait: Snow White
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Paris let a few small laughs escape his mouth as Snow suggested different breeds they could possibly get. They were all great ideas, but Paris liked the idea of a Pomeranian the most. They were just so cute and fluffy and defined fabulousness! It would just boost the fabulous meter that himself and Snow held. And, damn, that would bring it all around the meter three times more! That's a lot considering him and Snow bring it around three times already, three times more would leave the meter in need of massive repairs.

"Yeah, we'll just have to see what's the most fabulous little puppy there." Paris said as he unlatched the little gate. He let Snow go throw it first before stepping out of the yard after her and closing the gate behind him, re-latching it. "But first we got to stop at the shop to get these fabulous heels I ordered." He added. But, he knew Snow probably already figured they were going to stop there first. Paris has to stop there every time he goes out somewhere. Whether it be to pick something up or just look at the new things they have. This time, it would be for some fabulous black heels.

Knowing perfectly well that Snow wouldn't want to stay there long due to Drizella, Paris thought he'd give the store a call. So, at that thought, he pulled his phone out and gave it a call. Who else was to pick up than Drizella. "Hey, girl! I'm coming over with Snow to pick up those fabulous heels I ordered. Can you have them waiting at the front, please? Thank-you!" Paris hanged up the phone and put it back in his pocket. He then smiled over at Snow. "Now we wont need to stay with that flirty bitch now." He said it with a smile and a slight laugh, but he was dead serious. He didn't like the girls flirting at all.


At getting the call that Paris would be coming to pick up his shoes, Drizella jumped at the name of Snow. Honestly, Drizella couldn't care less about the girl. There was just that fact that she was married to Paris. And Drizella, being how she is, just wants to piss the girl off as much she can. A sadistic smile crossed across her face. She's learned through multiple conversations that Snow has a particular hate of apples. So, how better to piss the girl off but by lightly various candles around the store that smell of apples. She even took an air freshener that smelled of apples and sprayed it all over the place, mostly in the front area since that's mostly where they'd be. And, to make it ever so worse, Drizella went next door to a grocery store. She bought some apples and took them back to her store. Pouring some small necklaces and bracelets out of a basket, she put the apples in it.

A sadistic smile crossed her face at her handy work. If someone was to state that Drizella went out of her way to piss anyone who got themselves a prince off, they would be perfectly right. She went to the back of the store and found the box with Paris' shoes in it and walked them back up to the front of the store. The only thing she has to do now is wait. So, she went behind the cash register and sat on the stool as she pinned a smile on her face and waited for Paris and Snow to walk through the door.