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Nyaryssa Blayke

"Wannya know your future?"

0 · 626 views · located in World of Amtophia

a character in “Abandoned in Amtophia Rebooted”, originally authored by druidquest, as played by RolePlayGateway


Nyaryssa Blayke


Name: Nyaryssa

Nickname: Ryss

Theme Music:

Age: 20

Gender: female

Orientation: pansexual

Race: Neko

Class: Tarot Mage

Sub-Class or Skills: Merchant, Thief

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


    Experience Points
    0/1000 to next Level



Height: 4'2"

Weight: 85 lbs

Appearance: Ryss has soft peach-colored fur and short reddish hair, with purple eyes, which might not be naturally colored. She is small and relatively thin.

Oddities: She wags her tail like a dog when happy or excited, and tends to litter her vocabulary with cat puns when the same. She also tends to bite her lip and rub her left arm when nervous or thinking.

A Nose For Gold: Nyaryssa's skill as a merchant allows her to determine the current wealth of an individual at a glance.
Black Cat Luck: Due to her connection to the forces of fate, Nyaryssa's luck can fluctuate wildly between good and bad, ensuring that while she may have insight to the future of others, she'll never know her own.
Catrobatic: Nyaryssa can move through environments quickly, regardless of obstacle. Parkour, this is parkour, but, y'know, cat pun.

3 of Pentacles: Charms one enemy, or lowers the damage dealt by one character
Hanged Man: The caster sacrifices participation in battle to allow all allied attacks to land, and all enemy criticals to miss. The effect ends if the user is killed or incapacitated. Abilities recieve a bonus to hit, but can still miss.
The Fool: Increases speed, accuracy, and critical hit rate, but casts abilities randomly when one is attempted. Attacks have a 5% chance of dealing 20% of damage rolled to the caster as well as the target.
Nine of Staves: Provides a +3 bonus to defense
King of Cups: Restores a moderate amount of health
Three of Swords: Three ethereal blades pierce the enemy, causing damage; may lower defense
Seven of Pentacles: Steals from the enemy; 10% chance something will be removed from the caster's inventory and added to the enemy's instead
Knight of Pentacles: Status effects removed from all participants on one side

A Second Ahead: Nyaryssa's connection to the forces of fate allow her a glimpse 2 seconds into the future during combat or stressful situations, effectively boosting her evasion rate. [MP cost: 20 to maintain]
Dazzle: 50% chance to blind for ten seconds, 50% chance to stun for ten seconds [MP cost: 20]
Mug: Nyaryssa can attempt to steal one small item of a small amount of gold on a successful melee attack, with a 35% chance of success. [MP cost: 10]

Physical attacks: Her clothing provides a bonus against magic attacks, but the lack of armor combined with her small stature means she can't take many physical blows.
ice: Nyaryssa does not do well in the cold.
poison: Nyaryssa possesses a weak constitution against corrupting agents.

Personal Items and Weapons: 
Nyaryssa's preferred weapon is a set of throwing cards known as the Deck of Amahura. She also possesses an ordinary dagger.
Nyaryssa wears Scam Artist's Finery, which provides a small charisma bonus and decent magic defense but provides very little in the way of physical defense.
Aside from her magic tarot cards, Nyaryssa has a mundane tarot deck which she uses to scam - I mean ENTERTAIN - passers-by.

Personality: Nyaryssa is foul-mouthed, selfish and condescending, and responds to most topics with sarcasm. The only exception is when she's running a con, in which case she presents herself as kind, friendly, and flirtatious. She is genuinely nicer to those she recognizes as a genuine friend, but it is unlikely any will get past her bad personality. 
Nyaryssa is great at remembering faces - a necessity in her line of work. Unfortunately, she also possesses a terrible sense of direction, relying on her capricious luck to end up where she wants to go. She spends quite a bit of time adventuring, searching out valuable treasure or those oh-so-important Tarot magic cards.
In battle, Nyaryssa prefers to use her magic to provide quick stat changes, then rushes in with her dagger to incapacitate an enemy while they remain active. In between stat boosts, or when she is having trouble drawing a card she wants, she hangs back and damages them with her throwing cards, relying on her other abilities to avoid damage. When using her dagger, she incorporates lots of jumps and flips, making her dificult to hit. She uses a backwards kick-flip to distance herself from an opponent when switching back to her ranged attack style.
Recently, Nyaryssa has been forgoing adventures, prefering to stick within urban areas and spend her time scamming the passing adventurers with fake fortune telling, which she invariably overcharges for.

Player Version: Nyaryssa was created as a companion for a player by the name of Jonathan Yang, who quickly became dissatisfied with her unreliable magic. He removed her from his party, instead having her sell his vendor trash and unwanted treasure at massively inflated prices.
When Jonathan lost interest with the game, he abandoned her completely, leaving her standing in the market of Caleah, hawking wares she no longer had.

Revised Version: Nyaryssa was "orphaned" at a young age, when she got seperated from her tribe while travelling through Albria. She wandered lost in the wilderness for several weeks, scavenging what she could to survive. It was then that her master found her, alone in the cold, unconscious and near death from starvation. He took her in and tought her what he knew of Tarot magic, and toughht her how to fight she she ever become alone again. That day was not long in coming; several years after veing taken in, her master was called away on business. Believing he would be gone for several months, he evicted her from his home. From there, Nyaryssa made her way to the city, where she took to stealing and scamming to keep herself fed. One day while in the market, she met a young adventurer named [ERROR! Information not found!]. They travelled together for several months, but her companion quickly became dissatisfied with her skills and sent her away to sell the fruits of their journeys. He did not return for her. Some time later, she awoke in a forest with no memory other than a vague recollection of trying to sell things she didn't have. With nothing else to do, she first began by wandering the region, searching for more Tarot cards and treasure before deciding to make her fortune in a more urban environment, off the people and adventurers she came across.

Likes: Money, rare items, fish, cake, walking on walls and rooftops, the moon

Dislikes: water, bugs, loud people, string instruments, humidity, the cold

Fears: abandonment, the ocean, lost in the wilderness

Her passive ability, Black Cat Luck, was named for the fact that black cats are considered to be good or bad luck in different cultures. Her cat puns were inserted by her player because he thought it was funny. She is lactose intolerant.





So begins...

Nyaryssa Blayke's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke
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0.00 INK

Nyaryaaa stretched as she sat up, one tarot card stuck to her face from having fallen asleep on her table in the market. She gazed around sleepily for a moment, taking in the carnage around her.

"What the..." she began, before a thought occured to her and she jumped to her feet, causing the table to rock a bit as she did so. She looked over everything on the table and around it, making sure everything was as it should be. Her tarot deck had been knocked askew, but nothing seemed to be missing. Good.

Her ears picked up the sound of discord not far away, and she looked over to see the fat jeweler manhandling some girl. She let out a soft "heh" under her breath, about ready to settle down and take some of the sweets that had fallen off the neighboring stall (because what's a show without snacks?) when something else caught her eye.

A tail. The girl had a tail. And... ears. Not people ears, but her ears. That girl was a neko. And the merchant was yelling slurs at her, which meant he was also insulting Nyaryssa, and that just wasn't done.

She snatched up all her cards, stuffed them into her sack, and sauntered over, picking out her favorite, least condescending sneer, the kind that might be mistaken for a smile of sympathy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke
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0.00 INK

Now Card was starting to get irritated at these uncalled for threats. She caused a lot of accidental damage in her day but never a whole market place...and what about all the feathers? Was she going to be blamed for plucking all their chickens too, while they were at? "And what did you do to all our chickens?!" A woman shrieked as if on cue.

"I do not know where the chickens have gone!? Just woke up and the market was destroyed!" As fun as she found mob vigilantes, it was about time to leave and quickly. With a swift backward kick, much like a mule, the heel of her boot made contact with the chubby jeweler's "family jewels". The man's eyes nearly bulged out of his red swollen face, as he let his hold to her tail go as he fell down onto his knees grabbing his crotch. He had let out a sound that could of been described as a cry of pain, but it sounded more like the scream of a little girl. Since she was already in trouble she scooped up a handful of trinkets as she made a less than graceful dash forward away from the angry mob.

She couldn't help but chuckle as she dashed around the toppled stand at the big scary man's baby cry. "Sorry about crotch!" She looked over her shoulder giving a cocky wave to the crowd. Grinning wide, she set her sight forward once more and just in time to avoid knocking into the other neko woman, that appeared to be coming to her aid. Since they seemed to be on a kill the nekos mission in the market today, she didn't give any warning to the girl before grabbed her wrist to pull her along with her. It wasn't her style to fight with the common folk. And even though this girl looked ready for a fight, she would hate to see these nice folk die at her hands. Who would bring in such fun wares to snoop through when this all died down?

"RUN!" Cardista yelled at the girl in a half plead, as she dragged her down the street leaping over the occasional cart and stand that lay thrown in the way. On the other hand she would hate to of seen if this girl was just going to tell their fortunes and they hung her up her tail for something, Card may or may not of done. In all honesty she couldn't remember anything before awaking and she did just swipe a handful of trinkets. This did not make her look all that innocent. Feeling there was enough distance between them and the mob, she shoved the girl into a little alley. Once close enough she pressed poor Nyaryssa up into a shadowy corner of one of the time worn timber building towering on both sides of the narrow alleyway. She raised a finger to her lips to jester to stay silent as the idiots ran past. Hoping to all the gods they did not see them duck back there.

The setting changes from Market District to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke
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0.00 INK

Nyaryssa let out a little yelp of surprise when the other Neko grabbed her hand and started pulling her along, but gave no objections. This was turning out to be great fun. She began running along in earnest, keeping pace just a step behind the red haired thief. She was about to question why they didn't keep going when Cardista shoved her in the alley, but silenced herself when the girl raised a finger to her lips. She pressed her back against the wall, watching from around Cardista's shoulder until she was sure the crowd had passed.

"So. You gonnya share some of that loot mew stole, or am I suppawsed to pretend you didn't just justify a thousand diffurent stereotypes?" she asked, smirking. "I mean, it's only fair. You did kind of just destroy my livelihood in this kitty."

She reached into the pouch on her waist, pulling her deck of tarot cards back out and presenting them to Cardista.

"Mew think anynyan's gonnya trust a seer who helps thieves? They'd think I'm scamming them or something."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Munti was seated at a table of his wares, watching a potential customer, a dragonid, browse the wool clothing, hand-blown glass, pottery, and jewelry he had created just for this day. He had come to the market in order to sell everything he had made for some money, and hopefully he would sell a lot. Being a magic user did not pay well for someone as inexperienced as he was, and he would be stricken with guilt if he stole anything. So this was really all he could do to survive. The potential customer had lifted up a sweater and was about to inquire about its price when Munti spotted two neko girls running by out of the corner of his eye, chased by a mob.

Immediately curious, Munti stood up and craned his neck in order to see what was happening. This was not enough, so he leaned forward as well, causing loud clanging noises and the sound of smashing glass. He had completely forgotten about the flasks on his table! Barely noticing, Munti continued to watch as the two girls ducked into an alleyway and the mob ran right past, oblivious. The dragonid, having had enough, placed the sweater down and walked right off. This got Munti's attention and brought him back to the present. He saw all the broken shards that were once his prized wares on the ground. Imbecile! He was overwhelmed immediately. What was he going to do? That was hours of hard work gone! Money for food and sleeping quarters gone! Who would want to buy from an artisan who was dumb enough to break his merchandise? No one!

Munti shoved all of his things into his leather satchel as quickly as possible before trying to think of a distraction from his panic and somewhere to go. Hmm... Ah yes, the alley. He could always go and make sure the two girls were alright. They had just been chased by an angry mob, after all. Before thinking it through, Munti dashed across the street and to the entrance of the alleyway. Now, how to word his concern.

"Are you two alright? I saw you being chased by a mob and-" Too intrusive!

"Are you two alright? Do you need any help?" ...That sounded a bit chivalrous and condescending. No good, either!

In the end, he could not come up with a single thing, so he ended up just standing there, staring down the alley in a confused daze.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

The tips of Nyaryssa's ears twitched at the sound of hooves on pavestone, and she leaned to the side, looking around the taller girl before she could answer. She saw a faun, slightly shorter than herself, standing at the end of the alley staring at them awkwardly. One of her ears flicked to the side at the sight of the little man, furrowing her brow, raising the lower eyelid of her left eye and pursing her lips slightly. All-in-all, it gave off kind of a "what the hell"/"who's this douchebag" vibe which can only truly be achieved by misanthropes, cynics, and minimum-wage earners in the service industry. The tip of her tail Gave a slightly agitated swish and she offered up a small wave to the hooved interloper.

Had she seen him before? She wasn't sure, but then there were so many people who passed through the market that they could've been neighbors for years and she still wouldn't know his name. She liked to think she had, after all she considered it a point of pride to be able to remember the faces of everyone she met, but she wasn't afraid to admit that even someone as perfect as her could be wrong on very rare occasions. Was he a merchant? No... couldn't be, merchants were wealthy and she sensed no great wealth from him. Nonetheless, she felt she should say something, and free the poor boy from further foolish staring.

"Need somethin' kid?" she called out, keeping her voice controlled somewhat in an attempt to prevent someone from the earlier mob from hearing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Giving Nyaryssa's odd look of what could be annoyance, and her leaning around to get a better look at the cause, Card stepped back from the smaller neko. As she turned to look she shoved all her quick grabbed loot over to Nyaryssa, except two cheaply made bangles, those she did grab purposely. With that fact she promptly slipped them on to her wrists. Those pointed feline ears stood alert and her tail went stiff as she laid eyes upon the Faun. In complete opposite to her fellow hideaway there, she was quite intrigue to see a faun. She couldn't remember seeing one before, but then again she couldn't remember much of anything at the moment.
Almost in a skip she lunged toward the man, and without any warning or asking permission went to pet the horns on his head with both hands in a childlike fascination. A goofy looking grin pinned up on the corners of her cherry lips, exposing a hint of her teeth.
"Wha're you?" Heavily accented words, spilled from her without thinking, as she continued to grope the poor man's head with amazement. Someone may of thought she meant who are you, but she didn't. She was bluntly asking what he was.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to City of Brainde


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

"You're not a big fan of the whole 'impulse control" thing are mew?" Nyaryssa asked dryly, shifting her weight onto one foot and adjusting her grip on the loot.

"Look, I get it, he's small, defenseless, like a bunny," she continued jeerfully, " But mew see, here in the big scary civilized world, people have these things called 'manners', completely useless I know, but I think people might actually like them, and I think they might include not meowlesting somenyan's head and asking what they are. I'm not sure about that though, I may have to check."

The setting changes from City of Brainde to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Munti had no idea how to react to either of these girls still. The one neko, the blonde one, clearly had distaste for him. He couldn't decide if he should just apologize for bothering her and scurrying away. He felt embarrassed. Clearly he was overbearing and creepy.

And the other one, the redhead... She had just run up to him and started touching his horns. Munti was startled, of course, being the flighty scaredy-cat he was. Instinct told him to pull away, but his consciousness told him that that was rude. So he just stayed put, putting up with it, a very bewildered look on his face."Wha're you?" he heard the redhead ask. How did one reply to such a question? He was, well, a faun, but what if she didn't know what a faun was?

"I am, erm, Munti Acini... A faun. Kinda l-like a deer." ...Did he really just explain what a faun was? That was a giant insult to her intelligence! "W-w-w-would you please ask before you t-touch me next time? I'm sure you meant no harm, miss, of course! None at all! I don't mean to insult you or anything!" Munti spat words out at a mile a minute, trembling slightly and stuttering a lot. He was nervous; offending someone was the end of the world for a social perfectionist such as himself. And he wanted to make sure everything was okay, that no one was mad or upset.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Market District


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Stopping in mid-grope of the faun's horns, Card stared down at Munti's lips blankly. Memorized by the speed in which the nervous stuttered words seemed to pour from his lips, she cautiously pulled her hands away from his head, and took a half step backwards. She was puzzled as she tried to follow what exactly Nyaryssa had just said about manners, though she still was confused as to why she kept saying mew...and why the little man seemed put off by her touching his horns. If she had horns she'd be happy if someone touched them, but then again she didn't seem to have the issue with personal space others seemed to harbor. With a small pat to his head, Card took a half step back and nodded at least understanding it was not okay to grab people's horns without asking. This will be mentally noted. Though she folded her hands in a fidgeting manner trying hard to fight the new urge to snatch the glasses from his face.

With a heavy sigh, her ears flattened, her tail drooped and her eyes lower to the ground as she kicked at the dirt in a way as if she had just been scolded like a naughty child."Sorry, I...Will not touch the horns with not asking." Her apology seemed rather forced and robotic, as if she has used to saying it a million times before. Still holding her head low, she peeked up through viewed ashen lashes, to see if this was suitable to the proper faun. Her idle hands now began to look less folded and more as though one death gripping the other to keep a now pointed finger from reaching forward to touch something else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

"It is quite alright, Miss... What is your name?" Munti was more than pleased with this apology. It wasn't very often that people would even apologize to him, even for far worse transgressions. In school, others who were several feet taller and several hundred pounds heavier would trample him without so much as a thought to the little faun below their feet.

Wait, perhaps asking for a name could seem too straightforward. He better fix it quickly. "S-since I told you my name, I thought I could be allowed to know yours, but it's alright if you won't tell me! Honestly, miss!" He shot her an awkward, uncomfortable smile. A few seconds after he bared his teeth, he realized how bad he looked and shut his trap. "I cannot smile, so sorry..." Munti shot a quick glance towards the blonde neko to try and gauge her reaction to all of this. She scared him the most. She was clearly condescending, thoughts of disgust and dislike running through her brain, mean things she may eventually voice. Munti's self esteem was very low and weak, and he needed the approval of everyone. Yes, even strangers who had just been chased by an angry mob.

The setting changes from Market District to City of Brainde


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Nyaryssa stuffed the jewelery in her pouch, then folded her hands behind her head, her tail swishing about in amusement. The nervous faun seemed somehow funny to her, easy to tease. She noticed him glance at her, and flashed him a large toothy grin when he did.

"Don't feel so bad, Kid. Mew aren't the furst to get physically assaulted by the mad ginger today," she commented. "I doubt mewl be the last. Of course her next victim will probably be wearing trousers, not that the mew isn't just adorable. Just a bit of a purrsonal question, is that a common thing, or just a purrsonal choice? 'Cos that sounds like a fashion statement I can get behind."

She sauntered over to where the two stood, her bag jingling with each step.

The setting changes from City of Brainde to Market District


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

Seeing how flustered Munti seemed with just by asking their names was enough to cause a silvery little chuckle to come from Card. She covered her mouth to try to hide her smile when replying, "I am Cardista, and nice to meet Munti." Paying little mind to the bullying words of Nyaryssa from behind her as she sauntered closer.
Hooking her thumbs at the straps of her backpack, Card rocked back and forth for a moment on the heels of her boots. Her eyes moved from Munti back in the direction of the main market street, her ears standing high in attention. Trying hard to remember what exactly she doing prior to her recent blackout spell, her smile faded away to a hard line. Was she headed somewhere...? Maybe an inn? She stared perplexed as she took a long moment to ponder this. In defeat she shook her head, knowing that probably wasn't here she had been heading. The longer she had thought about it, though a warm meal and a bed to take a quick nap in didn't sound all so bad right now either though.

The setting changes from Market District to World of Amtophia

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

"I-I am very pleased to meet you, Cardista." Munti could not look her in the eyes the entire time. He felt as if that would be a bit creepy. After a while, he peeked back at her. She had begun to stare off into the distance, clearly deep in thought. He quickly looked away once more. It would be nice to be able to function like a normal person during social situations, he thought, but honestly he couldn't do that. Not without a lot of prodding, anyways. His eyes traveled from the alley wall to his bare feet. "A-are you from around here?" That seemed like a normal conversation starter, right? A lot of people asked others the same question. It was harmless, right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

"Ooo, better watch out Red, I think he might be into mew!" Ryss teased, moving behind Cardista. She slipped her arms around the taller Neko, cupping her chest. "Not that I can't see the appeal."

She slipped away before Cardista could make any kind of physical retaliation, moving to stand behind Munti. It occured to her that if she played her cards right (pun always intended) she could use these two to her own ends. Her favorite sneer softened into a more sympathetic smile. She shot a look at Cardista as if to tell her to either play along or keep quiet.

"Sorry, I think I'm still just a bit excited from our little adventure," she said apologetically. "After all, it's not every day that I get pulled out of my normal life into that of a wanted criminal. Normally I just tell fortunes. I mean, it doesn't pay much, but I eat."

She widened her eyes, mimicking as if she had just had a small realization. "Munti, was it? Should you even be here? If that mob sees you with us, they'll mistake you for a criminal, too." She phrases the sentence specifically to include the word 'mistake', relying on exact words to lend the implication that she and Cardista are both wrongfully accused.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

With her cheeks burning a red almost as deep as the color of her hair, Cardista crossed her arms automatically over her chest as soon as soon as Ryss quickly withdrew her hands from her teasing grope. She cut her eyes over at the smaller neko, regretting pulling her along to keep her out of the way of the lench mob. "Am not a criminal...!" This was followed by a slight hmph sound, as if Ryss was out of line to accuse she of such a thing. She was victim of circumstance and was just a scapegoat for the anger of those merchants when they realized that the market was trashed. To the best of her knowledge she had nothing to do with that and only "stole" the little trinkets to justify their accusations. But then again, it was most likely because of good old plan anger from that fat guy man handing her.

"And no...Not from here." She gave weak shrug, not knowing exactly where it was that she was from, but knew it wasn't here. She offered a warm smile to Munti to try to rebut Ryss's words. "We all are not criminals. No one is criminal. Men would of happily took Nyaryssa in my place if they seen her. They did not like Nekos well." Pointing out towards the the main market street. " We need to go. Does Munti know where there is Inn?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

"We'd understand if you'd rather not help us," Nyaryssa cut in. "It wouldn't be fair to drag you into our troubles. We wouldn't want to ruin your livelihood."

She managed to suppress the laugh that rose in her throat at her having slipped in two jabs at Cardista. The girl meant well, she assumed, but who was she to turn down a chance at mockery? No one, that's who. She moved back over to Cardista's side, putting on her gentlest sad kitten face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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0.00 INK

"Oh, n-no, that wouldn't be any trouble at all!" Munti said, trying to be as reassuring as possible. He tried to ignore the fact that the blonde neko had just groped Cardista. "I happen to know of many inns... And, i-if you two need to, you could spend the night at my place. I don't mind. Not at all. I rarely get guests anyways, so it would be nice." Biting his lip, Munti looked towards the ground. "...So, I could lead you two to a few inns right now, if you would like. I'll warn you, though, a lot of the inns are not very nice places to stay. They might be dirty, or full of criminals, or have bad customer service... Maybe the owners will try to dupe you out of your money... Being nekos and all, t-they might discriminate against you. N-not to be offensive or anything!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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Nyaryssa cackled internally - Gods, this guy was easy. She wagered that If she just pushed a bit more she could have him singing tavern songs in his small clothes. She looked to Cardista with big eyes, trying to give off that whole "helpless little sister" vibe. If anyone would be willing to take this kid up on his offer, Nyaryssa had no doubts the redhead would.

"Are you sure Munti?" she asked with false concern. "I'm sure C-" she hesitated ever so slightly, trying to remember what the girl had said her name was- "Cardista and I would be very grateful for your help, not many would be willing to assist a couple of unfortunate nekos like us."

She placed one hand on his shoulder, giving him that same "helpless little girl" look. She guessed he was the type to go for that. It couldn't be as if many people saw him as particularly useful, so some lost little cat girl giving him the "please save me" look would probably do wonders here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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"It would be no trouble at all! There is no need to thank me." Munti smiled at Nyaryssa, looking quite awkward and uncomfortable in the process. Smiling wasn't his strong suit. He shifted his weight from one foot to another, pulling his tunic down a bit as he awaited an answer. His glasses began to slide down his nose, and he quickly pushed them back into place, clearly flustered by their sudden movement. Truly he was a mess, and as much as he enjoyed their company, he was sure they did not feel the same at all.

The setting changes from World of Amtophia to Market District


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cardista Willowlore Character Portrait: Nyaryssa Blayke Character Portrait: Munti Acini
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Cardista's eyes lingered on Ryss for a moment, something about this neko woman seemed off, but she just shrugged her shoulders in defeat. She was the one who dragged her back here, even if she thought it was to keep her out of harm's way. Apparently she was tagging along. She only hoped she didn't get her into more trouble. Forgetting Munti's social phobia, she leaned forward and laid a gentle hand upon the faun's shoulder while offering a genuine smile as she spoke, "Thank you Munti. Let us go now?"

She drew back her hand quickly not wanting to frazzle the poor man, and once more retiring her hands to hooking to the straps of her pack. She was starting to feel restless just standing in this alley for what felt like an eternity, even if it was a few minutes. Card was quite antsy and having now thought of food her stomach growled quite audibly for all to hear. Her ears twitched high on her head as if looking for the source of that odd sound. She looked about as if seeking the sound as she walked around the other two. Stopping Card leaning close to the wall of one of the buildings that walled the side of the narrow alley way an peeked out around the corner to make sure the angry mob was not to found out in the market way. She have heavy sigh of relief only seeing some rather normal merchants practicing their trade, a few common looking travelers and some stray chickens bucking and pecking at random findings along their way.

"Clear now!" She called back over to Munit and Ryss. "Hurry!"