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a character in “Aboard The Phoenix: Revival”, as played by ponerj


Name: Elweise
Role: Potion Master - Medic
Nickname: Elly
Race: Witch
Age: 20
Skills: Potion Making - She makes many potions, most are remedies for pain and sicknesses. All she needs is the right ingredients.
Spell Casting - She has many spell books that she owes. Her spells can do many things, but she needs the certain tome to perform certain tasks.
Flying - She can fly on a broom stick... only short distances though.
Bio: Elweise came from an island inhabited only by witches. Witches are a race of human that are powerful in magic and are only female. The witches of the island Elweise was born is a utopian society built on the belief that men are the cause of all problems. They use magic to perform tasks they would normally need a man for, most notably reproduce.
Elweise was born on there and was a good citizen, but the age of 15 she started to wonder, what was beyond the blue sea. On The Island of Witches, nobody was allowed to leave. Every once in while traders would come in to trade with the island, but only special selected witches were allowed to talk to the outsiders. Elly wasn't one of those, but she curious. She approach one of the traders and asked what was out there, beyond the sea. She seized by her fellow witches, beaten, and imprisoned for 5 years for talk to a trader.When her time was up she decided she about enough of this place. She hoped onto her broom stick and flew off across the ocean. But her little broom stick didn't allow her to get anywhere near any islands. She became exhausted and fell into the middle of the ocean. She would have surely died there if it wasn't for an incoming airship, The Phoenix. They rescued her, and they needed a well-educated medic, so Elly and vast knowledge of remedies stayed aboard The Phoenix. Not like she really had anywhere to go... She couldn't go back home, she was an exile now.
Personality: Elweise is a rather shy girl. She has a hard time trusting people, especially males. She's pretty sexist... Despite being shy to talk to, she is quite the prankster, playing tricks on the other crew members. She can act very immature and childish at times, but she knows when to be an adult.
Weapons: Her spell books.
Other: She loves getting new clothes. And she's homosexual (which is kind of obvious). Purple.

So begins...

Elweise's Story


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Character Portrait: Elweise
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#, as written by ponerj
Elweise woke up in her potion room, a room she claimed for her and her potion making. She normally starts in the room most of the day: she sleeps there, she works there, she eats most her meals there when she can. Only times she wanders out of the room is if she needs to see another crew member for whatever reason, to fly around on her broomstick usually at the end of the day, or, when she feels like it, pull a prank or two on her fellow crew members. But today, she has not reason to see other this morning. She got out of bed, she usually slept in her clothes so that she didn't have get dressed in the morning, and walked over to her spell books and started studying. She liked read her spell books, it was what she did when she had nothing to do. This morning was a lazy morning for now. She would stay in her room most of the day. She never really hung out with the others, not that she didn't like them. It was just, she was shy and didn't like to be around others very much.


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Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: Elweise
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Asher sighed. Things are getting too lively for me... He thought. I oughta get outta here... Asher slowly inched his way out of the crowd even more until he neared the door to the interior of the ship. Quietly, Asher slipped into the doorway and made his way inside. As Asher walked through the hallway, he thought to himself. Well, maybe a job would be nice... and maybe exciting. I'll have to wait until later today for it, though. Asher thought. What to do, what to do? He wondered how the Immortalis can burn his time until the employer arrives. What to d- "OW!"

Asher rubbed his forehead, stepping back. Just because he was immortal doesn't mean he can't feel pain, like walking head-first into a door. He stared at the door, trying to remember what it led to. Ah... To hell with it. Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought it back. Asher concluded. The Immortalis grabbed the handle, turned it, and pushed the door to get inside the room. Immediately, Asher regretted it. Ah... crap. And a witch would kill the cat again, leaving it with only 7 lives left... This was the potion room. The stench made it obvious enough. However, Asher didn't think that Elweise, the crew's witch (and sexist), would be here- okay, maybe half of him. Asher noted that she wasn't a part of the crew gathering outside on the deck; he just thought that maybe Elweise would be... somewhere else. Oh, not that this was an awkward moment. "Oh...." Asher said, in a monotonous voice. "This is the potion room.... Sorry for intruding, Elweise.... What're you reading?" Well, a conversation can pass the time. As long as it's one-on-one, Asher can handle that. When there are more then 3 people, him excluded, then there'd be a problem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise Character Portrait: Aurora Hakai Sarphiel Character Portrait: Mellony Wyrmcrest
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Aurora giggled as she played with Gumi's hair. She always did love the color of the women hair plus her personality made Gumilii all the more fun to mess with! Leaning down she started messing with the piercings that lined her pointed ears before stopping to hear what the Cap'n was saying. The man was about as short as she was but she had to admit that she really wanted to play with his ears above all else. She always caught herself staring at his head ever since she join the crew which wasn't very long ago. Gumi on the other had seemed like more of a noobie to her!

"Listen up! We got a big job from a rich employer starting in the afternoon! I don't want any of you slicking off today! Got it?! Good!"

A big job? Her gaze looked down to Gumi again who seemed like she was passed out. Well this wasn't good- not good at all.

"Hey Siren, why don't you go take the blacksmith to sleep that off. She'll need to be ready for the job this afternoon."

Aurora raised an eyebrow at Anne as she slowly stood from her position on Gumi's back. Siren? DInd't her crew members know better then to go around calling her by what she was? She had a name for a reason... Non-the-less she shrugged and gave Anne a fake salute and stuck her tongue out.

"Aye, aye pinky!" She said happily leaning down to pull Gumi up from her waist and throwing her over her shoulder. Alright Aurora may have been small and short but when it came to heavy lifting she had people scratching their head in confusing. But then again Gumi was pretty much made up of pure muscle but she was skinny as Hell. She could never wrap her head around the fact. Probably from swinging hammers down on pure iron and metal all day?

"Is she ganna be alright?" Aurora chuckled at Sawyers questions and nodded.

"Yea, yea she's a strong lady i'm sure she'll be fine in about an hour!" She said, patting Gumi on back as she spoke. After hauling her up she began to walk towards the bunk beds but paused as she remembered something. She looked around hurriedly and noticed Asher walking into a room. Yes!

"Asssshhherrrr!" She called out quickly going towards him, throwing a quick smile towards Elweise. "I have to go into town to grab some things for the trip! Please take care of Gum-Gum for me, ok? Thanks!" She quickly blurted out before shoving the passed out girl into Asher's arms and zooming off. How could she have forgotten?

"I'll be right back Cap'n!" She yelled out as she passed him and went off the ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise Character Portrait: Aurora Hakai Sarphiel Character Portrait: Mellony Wyrmcrest
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Everything that happened after Aurora pounced on her was a giant painful blur. She faintly heard some people speaking around her and others chatting casually. Her eyes slid shut in annoyance at all the noise since her head currently felt like a drunken man was smashing glasses upon her head while singing loudly the song of the seas. She groaned quietly and just let her head rest on the nice cool deck of the ship. Going to the bar probably wasn't the smartest idea since she had orders to finish later and weapons to make. The loud banging of her hammer and sounds of her blacksmithing wasn't something she was looking forward to. She flinched as she heard the Captains loud voice above the others voices.

"Listen up! We got a big job from a rich employer starting in the afternoon! I don't want any of you slicking off today! Got it?! Good!"

A big job, hmm? Sounded interestingly painful and boring. The jobs they've been taking weren't exactly as exciting as she wished and hoped for. She craved for a battle and hearing the satisfying cry of a man after they've admitted defeat. Gumilii wasn't going to lie, she was a bit sadistic and blood craved- especially since she flipped whenever she sees someone fighting. Her current job probably wasn't exactly safe because of this but hey it was her job and she loved it. More like a passion if anything.

"Hey Siren, why don't you go take the blacksmith to sleep that off. She'll need to be ready for the job this afternoon."

After hearing this comment, Gumi soon felt herself being hauled up onto someones back- another groan erupting from her mouth from the sudden action.

"Eyyy' a bit moor' gentl'r p-pleasee..." She said quietly as she covered her vibrent green eyes from the harsh rays of the sun that was beating down on them and rising from the east. Today was going to be a long day, she could feel it. Gumi nearly strangled the person that yelled in her ear- but settled for wincing, not knowing who was currently carrying her. THough she was sure she'd be able to label the voice if she was all there at the moment.

"Asssshhherrrr! I have to go into town to grab some things for the trip! Please take care of Gum-Gum for me, ok? Thanks!"

"W-wait what are ya'-?" She mumbled but squeaked instead as she felt herself thrust into someone else's arms. Well... they sure as hell weren't female arms. Blinking her eyes open a bit she frowned in confusion as her gaze looked up to meet Asher's. How in the deep blue sea did she end up here...?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise Character Portrait: Aurora Hakai Sarphiel
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"Asssshhherrrr!" Oh God no. Please, Lord... Not this!!! Asher mentally prayed before being.... No, wait. He wasn't tackled this time.

"W-wait what are ya'-?" Another voice sounded, squeaking as Asher felt the impact of something heavy. What the hell...? The Immortalis looked down upon the object that was shoved into his care as the Siren, Aurora, zoomed out and shouted "I have to go into town to grab some things for the trip! Please take care of Gum-Gum for me, ok? Thanks!"

Asher looked up in anger and was about to shout out that he was not a baby-sitter, as what was in his arms was the drunken Gumilii, who was returning back into reality, when he discovered that she was already gone. Sighing, he looked down again at Gumi, who frowned as she looked up at Asher's. Her eyes showed that she was confused, but Asher's showed a bit more.... Anger and frustration. Inhaling deeply as he shook his head, Asher let Gumi onto her feet. The Immortalis merely stayed silent for a few minutes, recooperating from the sudden event. "Yo..... you okay?" Asher asked quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise Character Portrait: Aurora Hakai Sarphiel
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#, as written by ponerj
There was 'thud' that came from the door, it startled Elly's peaceful reading and she jumped in her seat turning her eyes to the door. One of the men of the crew came stumbling in to her potion room. He bumped into the door, but he wasn't hurt or sick, so why was he here? She wondered to herself, staring at the man blankly with her orange eyes. "This is the potion room.... Sorry for intruding, Elweise.... What're you reading?" the creature spoke.

Elweise shyly turned her head back to the book, she didn't feel like talking. "S-spellbook..." she said simply and stumbling. Suddenly more member of the crew came barging in, the beautiful siren, Aurora and with her the ships blacksmith, Gumilii. Elweise looked up at them when they came in, they came for the man who was in the room. Gumilii seemed to not be well, drunk maybe. Aurora left in hurry, leaving Gumilii in the care of the male creature. "Ummmm... I-Is that one not feeling well?" Elly asked pointing at Gumilii, "I am the ship's current medic. If she's sick, it would be my job to take care of her..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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Gumilii raised a petite eyebrow, a blush still lightly across her face as she was let down by Asher. How the Hell had she ended up down near the potion area of the ship? Last she remembered was being tackled up on the deck and having a raging migrai- oh wait, there it was. She swayed slightly and put her hand to her head in annoyance- automatically holding onto Asher's arm.

"Yo..... you okay?"

"Ah, I hope ye' don't mind.." She said, speaking of her hold on his arm. "I'm jus' a bit dizzy is all, but I have work to finish that i'm required to fin'sh so I shoul- uhnn.." The grip on her head tightened a bit as she released her grip on his arm before she accidentally broke it with her auto-mail hands. Why did she feel so much worse then she usually did? Sure hangovers hurt like a bitch but this was just going overboard. Now that she thought about it though, that beer didn't exactly taste about as right as it usually does. He nose scrunched up in confusion in thought but wasn't able to process anything.

"Ummmm... I-Is that one not feeling well? I am the ship's current medic. If she's sick, it would be my job to take care of her..."

Gumi blinked and shook her head. "No, i'm jus' fine, I jus' needa... sleep it... off is all.." She said turning, but didn't make it past her first few steps before she suddenly passed out, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Shit, those God damn pirates did somthin' to her. How could she have been so clueless as to not notice?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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Sawyer ran through the wooden hallway. Every board was the same, walls ceiling, floor. All brown furnished wood. He was coming up to a door at the end of this hallway. He didn't dare go back into the bar area. He was too ashamed. He also felt like an idiot for not checking those damn dirty drunk pirates for poison before tossing their dead bodies overboard. "How could i be so STUPID!" he thought to himself.

He swung the door open. The room was full of potions, on shelves, on tables and even on the floor. Parchments of recipes lay scattered about as well. Two people were standing, staring at Sawyer. It was Asher Evans and some woman he had never seen before in his life.They had a look of wonder about them. He saw the Green haired woman as well. Gumi- er something like that.

"Sorry for the intrusion folks." He said to Asher and the other woman. He pointed his finger at Ms.Green. (That's what i'll call her.) Sawyer thought to himself.

"The blacksmith was poisoned."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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"Ah, I hope ye' don't mind.." Gumi responded to Asher's question. "I'm jus' a bit dizzy is all, but I have work to finish that i'm required to fin'sh so I shoul- uhnn.." Her grip on his arm became tighter and tighter. It was a damn good thing Asher was NOT a human; Gumi would've crushed his arm by now. Actually, maybe even a long time ago. Asher smirked at the thought. Gumi let go of Asher's arm, and tried to stand up. Already did Asher see the inevitable.

"Ummmm... I-Is that one not feeling well? I am the ship's current medic. If she's sick, it would be my job to take care of her..." Elweise asked Asher and Gumi.

"No, i'm jus' fine, I jus' needa... sleep it... off is all.." Gumi replied. She turned around but after a few steps, her body hit the floor as the blacksmith passed out. Asher sighed and shook his head. "This is why I will never drink aga-"

Suddenly, the door swung open (thankfully not into the head of Gumili) and Sawyer, yet another crewmember, came in. "Sorry for the intrusion folks. The blacksmith was poisoned."

Not surprisingly, Asher didn't even raise an eyebrow. This didn't mean he was surprised. "Well, then..." Asher started to say. "What kind of poison?" He asked as he walked over to Gumili's body and picked her up, bridal style. "Because we obviously need 1 type of antidote for each type of poison, and I may know the antidote." It's true that Asher knows his poisons, or at least, some of them. There are quite a few poisons that Asher knows that the other crewmembers don't, so Asher might be helpful. If not, then maybe Elweise can help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamantha TK Kenden Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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Tamantha “TK” Kenden

TK continued with her little work out for a few minutes. She had lost count on how many pulls ups she did. After a while her breathing came out in huffs. TK's eyes narrowed for a moment. Her nose suddenly wrinkled. Something smells funny... TK wondered when suddenly, the sounds of gunshot rang through her head and smell of blood overwhelmed her senses. Her eyes widened as she released her grip on the beam, and landed on the wooden deck with a soft thud. Her tail swished along the ground as she stood up straight.

"What in the good Lord's name was that?!" TK asked no one in particular. The girl had to side step as Sawyer rushed past, obviously in urgency. She wondered what was going on. The curious cat side got the better of her.

TK followed Sawyer, and stopped at the door, being very silent. She could smell the ingredients used for the potions form where she was standing. But there was still the funny scent that hung over everything else. What is that? Her eyes narrowed again as she tried to figure out what it was.

"Sorry for the intrusion folks. The blacksmith was poisoned." TK hit her hand on her forehead. Of course its poison you idiot! TK mentally made fun of herself. TK saw sure that she had smelled something like this mystery poison before.

"What kind of poison? Because we obviously need 1 type of antidote for each type of poison, and I may know the antidote." Asher said to the others, lifting up the unconscious, poisoned Gumi. "I-I may be of some assistance." TK pronounced, stepping out from behind the door. "I could try to... I don't know... compare the scent of the poison to something else that may have been used in it?" TK muttered. She wanted to help in any way. TK blinked. The poison may be deadly. They needed to act quickly.

TK took a few tentative steps forward and walked over to Asher, who was holding Gumi. TK's nose twitched as she could smell the poison in Gumi's breath. "It smells kind of... almondy... and... umm... Isn't that bad?" TK said. She didn't know very much about poisons, just that there was one in particular that smelled like almonds. However the name of it had slipped her out of her mind. She looked at Elly and Asher. "Do either of you know, because I can't remember which one smelled like almonds..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamantha TK Kenden Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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Sawyer put his palm to his forehead. He knew this was going to happen. How could he have been so stupid as to toss those bodies overboard and not check them?

"I, uh. Well, you see...I.." Sawyer didn't know how to say it. He didn't want people to know what had happened earlier. He had no choice though. Perhaps If there was enough time by the time they all arrived at Wernthall, they could get a remedy. Perhaps it wasn't even lethal though.

"Okay, so here's the deal." Sawyer started to tell Asher, Tamantha, and Elweise. "Grass head over here apparentely got in some bar fight earlier this morning." Sawyer pointed at the unconscious beauty laying on the cot. "She ruffed the guy up pretty well. There was a gang of them. I counted four. I went down to the bar after eves dropping on that kid and his Charr mate doin' some weird shit up in the crows nest. I needed a drink after hearing that weird stuff." Sawyer explained. "When i got to the bar area, there was this guy, big ass fella', sayin' it wasn't his fault the "Green Haired Whore" beat his ass. Now i don't think she's a whore or anything, so don't go thinking that. Okay, anyway. I started eves dropping on that guys conversation, cause that's what i do. I heard him mention on getting back at him. I laughed, he heard, he got in my face, i beat the shit of him. I told them to get off at the black city when we made port. Only, that was when i thought that was the first place we were making port. Little Captain Markus told me otherwise." Sawyer said the listeners. "That was the first time i went down there...." He waited for a response from everyone.

"After hearing Markus say we're making port at Wernthall, I kind of got worried. I went back down to deal with them. They showed up, swords blazing. They mentioned that the "Oaf" who I called their leader, poisoned her." Sawyer pointed again to Gumi. " Again, the pirates threatened me, and when the hell did we start letting pirates on the ship? Anyway, they threatened me and her again... But this time i made sure they wouldn't hurt me or...her...again."

Sawyer tilted his head down, and saw that the tips of his white sleeves were a little stained with red. He cross his hands behind his back so no one could see. At least he hoped no one did. He tilted his head back up.

"I didn't grab the poison from them when i was done with them though..." He waited for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamantha TK Kenden Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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#, as written by ponerj
"No, i'm jus' fine, I jus' needa... sleep it... off is all.." the blacksmith said before collapsing on to the floor.

Soon afterwards, another male creature came in, one Elly hasn't ever seen before. Following him was Tiger Girl, TK. The man stated that the Green Haired girl was poisoned, but Elly didn't know to trust on that or not. She staid seated just watching until the TK Girl confirmed that she had something that smelled like almonds in her breath. 'Almond smell... Cyanide smells like almonds!' Elweise quickly got out of her seat and start rummaging through the potions on her table and shelves as the second man creature explained what happened. 'Cyanide antidote potion... Cyanide antidote potion... I should really start labeling these...' Elly picked up a flask with a clear liquid in it. "Alright!" Elweise shouted surprisingly loud, "the poison was most likely cyanide." She looking over at the male creature named Asher, who had picked up the poisoned girl, "Lay her down my bed over there." She pointed to the small bed against the wall. "She's in the right place. I'll take care of her from here. You all can go now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise
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"I-I may be of some assistance." TK said, stepping out from behind the door. "I could try to... I don't know... compare the scent of the poison to something else that may have been used in it?" Asher looked at the newcomer. Yes.... That may work... Asher thought. Animals like her- wait... Maybe half-animals is the right term- can smell certain ingredients.... The Immortalis nodded, and TK stepped towards Gumi. The half-tiger sniffed close by Gumi's mouth, most likely trying to smell Gumili's breath. "It smells kind of... almondy... and... um... isn't that bad? Do either of you know, because I can't remember which one smelled like almonds." The half-tiger stated. Sawyer explained his story, and thought that it was a bit absurd that this ship takes pirates. The Immortalis nodded at this. "Well, it ain't your fault." Asher said, nonchalantly. "I don't think we get many instances in which one of us is poisoned and we try to confront the people that poisoned said crew member." This was a bit nice for him to say, but Asher just wanted to think about what was the poison that is killing poor Gumili right now.

Almond... Almond..... Asher tried to remember what kind of poison had that smell, but it seemed that Elweise was the first one to get it right. "Alright! The poison was most likely cyanide." The medic stated. "She's in the right place; I'll take care of her from here. You all can go now." It didn't matter if the other two went; Asher still stayed in the room, though more or less closer to the entrance in case Elweise didn't want his presence. He figured that this may be the only safe haven for peace and quite in this ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamantha TK Kenden Character Portrait: Sawyer Character Portrait: Asher Evans Immortalis Character Portrait: ~:Gumilii Le Arugyo;~ Character Portrait: Elweise Character Portrait: Chiru
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Tamantha “TK” Kenden

"She's in the right place. I'll take care of her from here. You all can go now."

TK looked up from the ground at Elly. Quite frankly, TK did not want to leave the sick crew mate. TK also knew she had to get out of this room before she passed out from the fumes. She rubbed her nose as he eyes watered like someone with allergies. "I hope Gumi gets better. I know she's in good hands." TK said as she walked out of the room. Her tail coiled around her leg as if to be comforting. TK had to hold her nose to prevent herself from sneezing. "I need some fresh air..." TK muttered and stepped up onto the main deck. She was unaware that the ship's little fairy had just been mopping and scattered the water everywhere.

TK continued to rub her eyes, but the fresh air helped. She was unable to see where she was going when her heel hit a small water puddle. So small that this teen girl would be the other one to hit it. Her foot slid out forwards and TK's eyes snapped open wide. Her tail was coiled around her leg, so she was unable to balance herself quick enough.

Her back was the first thing to hit the deck, then her head whipped back and slammed into the solid wood. The wind was knocked out of her, and TK gasped for breath. She gripped her chest and coughed a few times, then almost started dry-heaving. When the air seemed to crawl its way back into her lungs, TK gave a few dry coughs. "Ugh ow... why me..?" TK muttered and put a hand on the back of her head, then winced. There was already a bump forming. Her pain was immediately replaced by anger. "Who in the hell did this?!" She yelled getting to her feet. Her head started pounding again and TK grimaced. "Damn..." The anger was wiped away and replaced by pain again.