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Jax, the Powder Monkey

"Cannons loaden, locked, and ready; capin!"

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a character in “Aboard The Phoenix: Revival”, as played by Mathew Littlepaw


Jax, the Powder Monkey
Role: Head Cannoneer, Chief Powder Monkey


Birthname: Ajax Alimata Borata IV
Nicknames: Jax, Fodder, Monkey
Race: Human, noble's son.
Height: 5'6
Weight 130
Sexuality: Gay: Uke. :P
FAVORITE COLOR: "Red, the blood of angry men!"

Jax is a super friendly and outgoing person with personality to spare. Always awake and always alert, Jax is ALWAYS somewhere he isn't supposed to be. Jax always gets into some sort of trouble, even though he tries his hardest to avoid it. Jax loves to talk, and tell jokes and be social, but when the wet-ass-hour comes he is strictly business. With his ADHD he is able to reload, powder, stack, rack, bolt, and fire multiple cannons in rapid succession. This is enhanced through his magic.

-Jax is a master craftsmen and repairman. His quick hands allow him to construct what ever his crew needs, if given the supply's, as well as load a cannon faster than any Monkey in the known world. He is able to reload, powder, stack, rack, bolt, and fire multiple cannons in rapid succession, thanks to his natural ability's as well as his magical powers.
-Jax has spent years of his life studying the weaponry of airships. He completely knows his way around even the most complicated weaponry.
-Thanks to Jax' magical ability's, listed below, he can reload a cannon, and prepare it for firing, faster than any than any known Powder Monkey. Record time: 6 seconds.
-Little known fact: Jax is known across the world as "The World's Greatest Cookie Baker". 4 Years running.

Jax has a VERY small arsenal of spells, all of which are only usable on himself.
-Burst of Instinct: Jax expands his consciousness outward, gathering information from all around him, as well as heightening his senses.
-Flash of Speed: Jax sharply increases his speed till he can move like lightning and coordinate himself perfectly. Every reflex becomes sharper as well. This spell only lasts a few seconds.
-Bout of Consideration: Jax puts his total focus into a single task. While in this state he becomes completely involved in it... But can barley focus on anything else.

Sharkies Tooth: A small steel dagger Jax always keeps with him. It has seen him through thick and thin, and has always been his favorite weapon to use in combat.
Monkey Shot: A flintlock pistol that holds a single shot. While most pirates would choose a gun with more ammunition, the constant reloading of the gun makes it more challenging, and more fun, for him.

So begins...

Jax, the Powder Monkey's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Kha'Ill Brothers Character Portrait: Jax, the Powder Monkey
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The Crows-nest

As the sun started to rise higher in the sky, Jax and charr warrior Yori sat in the crows-nest of the ship, looking out over the world. The two of them had been sitting for hours, where there was no life and there was no death in their crows-nest. The sky was beautiful, and lightly blue mixed with purples, reds, and yellows. Ever sense the the last night, they had been sitting there... hugging, and holding each other closely.

Jax sat in front of Yori, the charr's massive body leaning over the smaller human. Carefully, the charr kissed the neck of his mate as Jax, once again, explained how to reload Yori's rifle again. Yori was an excellent shot, but one thing he lacked was his ability to reload in a timely fashion... that's where Jax came in handy.

Jax had been known as the fastest hands throughout the whole realm. His record in reloading a cannon was a whole tenth the time it took normal people in his position. But, that was just his natural reflexes. When in dire need, Jax had been known to tap into a reserve of magic, amplifying his speed to an exponential point. Hands down, Jax was the best loader in the world. But, that was just one of the many reasons Yori found himself in love with the human.

"... and then, you slide the lock back into place. After you load the bullet, all you do is just twist your and..." Jax went on, as he had been all night. Yori had wrapped his hands around the human, and on the gun, but his mind was one-million miles away. There was one sweet fruit Jax had been deigning the charr... a fruit he had been wanting to bite into for too long.

Slowly, Yori reached his hands down onto the stomach of his boyfriend, and squeezed him lightly. Slowly, his hands wrapped around the gun, and gently moved it away from Jax. "..Y...Yori?" the boy asked as he felt his mates hands travel further down into the fold of his thys, slowly moving up his thys and into his crotch.

Letting a low purr out of his gut, Yori gripped his lover softly in his hands... but the moment was short lived. From below the high placed crows-nest, Yori could hear his older brother, Rox, yell up at him. "SHAR' EYE. Geh' down hea!" Growling even deeper from anger, Yori slowly pulled himself up, releasing his grip from Jax; who, with a blush, hid away from the gaze of Yori's brothers... The deadly Kha'Ill brothers.

Standing up, Yori shouted down to his brothers in his native language, while Jax slowly lowered himself from the crows-nest from the side away from the 2. While the pair's time was cut short, at least in their mind. "Jax! Get down here, these cannons are jammed!" someone had shouted to him from below deck. Quickly, Jax ran past the massive charr, and below the deck, getting a quick glance back up at Yori as he climbed down the rope ladder to the ground.