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Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary)

*scary face* "Return those vital regions now!"

0 · 1,949 views · located in United States of America; Maine

a character in “Academy!Hetalia: The School for Countries”, as played by Love me Not


Elizabeta Héderváry


Age: *Pulls out frying pan* "Never ask a woman her age. But my birthday is June 8th."

Gender: female (but as a child she believed that she was male)

Character Traits:
In her past, Hungary was once a nomadic girl who loved to chase after horses on the plains, and was a rather tomboyish child, to the point where she believed herself to be a boy until hitting puberty. She is described as being both a reliable older sister type and the manliest character in the series, and she also appears to be a fujoshi (literal: "rotten woman," a woman who is a yaoi fan).
She doesn't get along well with Romania, to the point where their relationship is described as being like that of a cat and a dog. It is also said that due to her dislike of Romanians, she would name her dogs after them.
Mongolia is said to have bullied Hungary in her youth, along with the Ottoman Empire.

She has long, dark brown hair and green eyes. Her most common outfit, seen in merchandise and official artwork, is a green military uniform and matching beret. In the actual series, she can usually be seen dressed in a traditional Hungarian folk dress.

Weight: *eye twitches and holds frying pan over head ready to swing* "First my age and now my weight, one more question like that and you'll be needing a good dose of aspirin!"

Height: 160 cm (5' 3")

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Skin Texture: Soft and creamy "Sorry if that sounds like peanut butter"

Skin Color: Slightly tan



Closest thing I can think of is her frying pan.
or maybe Italy


Prussia and Hungary herself both believed Hungary to be male until Hungary revealed that she had no *cough* manly parts, thinking it would grow in later. She continued to believe she was male some time until she reached puberty; it was through a meeting with Prussia that she came to accept herself as female. Shortly after this event she suddenly calmed down, began to wear dresses and hung around Austria, much to Prussia's disliking. Since he made fun of her problems during their younger years, Hungary is seen to now dislike him and often hits him with her frying pan whenever she sees the opportunity to.

*blushes* "Oh my really why do you keep asking these questions" *begins to daydream about something*

As a child she roamed around the plains chasing after horses, often getting into ruff a tumble fights with Prussia and Austria. As she grew she learned that she was not a boy something that she had thought for years. After a fight with Prussia where he groped her and found out the truth she began to accept the fact that she was a female. Thats when her relationship with Austria changed, and she found him charming and talented, later she became his servant when they were under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire.

About Me:



So begins...

Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary)'s Story

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Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary)
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Hungary sat in the back of the Taxi she had taken from the airport excitement plastered across her face with every building and sight they passed. "America is so beautiful, look at all the beautiful plants and trees I vunder if Austria will be here as well", her eyes went kind of dreamy as she thought of her ex husband. She hoped that maybe someday they might reconcile and be married again, but it was hard with Prussia always sicking his nose in their business. "Now zat is one person I don't vant to see, stupid Prussia thinks he's so awesome".

The cab driver raised an eyebrow in the rear view at the odd girl sitting in the backseat of his car. It was bad enough that she was dressed like, she just stepped out some old photograph and now she was talking about countries like they were people. He decided that he should drive a bit faster as to get this crazy lady out of his car before she snapped and put a bullet in the back of his head.

"Wooow" said Hungary as they pulled into the schools driveway it was a beautiful building with lots of land all around even the ocean wasn't too far away fro the campus. The cab driver came around and opened the door for Hungary, and promptly held out his hand for payment "My bags would you help me get sem out of dee trunk please?" she asked. The cab driver groaned and made his way to open the trunk of the car, two suitcases and a frying pan another reason he wanted to be as far away as possible for this nut job.

After setting her bags on the walk way he held out his hand once again for payment, Hungary pulled out a small pink, silk coin purse. She held out several bills "Is dis enough I'm not used to American money yet" she asked politely, the guy gave a sideways smirk and snatched the bills from her hand. "Yep that'll do fine" he said as he quickly hoped back into his car and drove away, by the look on his face Hungary was sure she had totally over payed for her cab ride. "A francba!" she cursed as she awkwardly tried to carry her bags to the front door of the main office, but failed miserably as she tripped up right in front of the door causing her clothes to pop out of the cases and spew out all over the sidewalk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Kirkland (Britain) Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan
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"Finally I'm here!" Mei exclaimed as she stopped on the side walk and turned her head to look at the school. It was rather large and not a bad site. There were trees, the grass was luscious and green, and you could smell that the ocean wasn't very far off. Thinking about the ocean made her quite happy she had come to America to go to school. She could never pass up the chance to put on a stylish bikini and tell everyone that she had made it herself. Mei let out an exhausted sigh and, unzipping her back back, took a few gulps of water from her water bottle and then placed it back into her bag and swung it back over her left shoulder. Why didn't I get a cab instead of riding the bus.. She thought to herself as she made her way onto the campus, pulling along a large white rolling suitcase that matched her back pack. The bus stop was two miles back and I could've taken a cab right up to the front door.. She thought to herself and let out another sigh. America was pretty warm this time of year and, although she would've usually dressed more lightly in more casual clothes for school, today she decided to wear her qipao. She wanted to make a good impression and by the way she dressed one could easily tell she was an Asian country. She decided that after she found her dorm she would change into her casual clothes and hoped that the dorms had air conditioning. As she approached the front door, she stopped abruptly and watched as a woman with blonde hair trip on the sidewalk in front of the front entrance, then a young blonde man going over to help her. She let out a small giggle and then walked over to her. "Excuse me miss are you alright?" she asked as politely as she could, holding back the urge to pull out her camera and take an embarrassing photo of the girl. She didn't want to give off the impression of being nosy, at least not today.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Kirkland (Britain) Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Finland recovered from the royal face plant and Alex surfaced right next to him with a book. "What did you find ooh a book this looks interesting." Finland said. I should return this to it's owner but maybe I will take a peek Finland thought but decided not to because he didnt own the book. "Alex lets go find the owner" Finland said while he gazed to the direction of the school only seeing 3 people hmm maybe it belong to one of the girls but he discarded the idea almost immediatly after recalling seeing the guy on the boulders. Finland paced to meet the other students hoping they would remember who he is.

"Hi let me introduce my..." Finland started but stumbled on his sailor bag landing face firts to the ground and the book flew out of his hands it landed in a reaching distance of england but he was still few meter away. "Self my name is Finland" he said with a great amount of pain in his voice why do I always land face firts I will never know Finland thought to himself. Finland picked himself up hoped that nobody noticed it. Alex was standing next to Finland and looked like he was blushing a bit like he was embarrased of his owner for being so clumsy allmost all of the time he made a bowing gesture to the direction of Enland, Hungary and taiwan while he made a typical penquin noise.

"Alex you do realize you dont have to feel emberassed every time I fall in front of people right?" Finland asked from the mute penquin. "I know you can speak or I think you can speak wich is it?" Finland asked but no reply. The other student were speaking but the fall made it so Finland could not hear what they were saying (the loud noise that thick Finnish skull makes when it hits an object as thick as the ground is, the noise makes hard to hear anything.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Kirkland (Britain) Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Hungary blushed slightly as she watched Britain pick up her clothes and put them back in the suitcases, she blushed even brighter when he picked up a pair of her panties without even realizing it. After everything was neatly put away she sighed with relief that he hadn't noticed, "Yes.. I am Hungary and sank you for helping me... Britain correct" she said as she took the hand he offered to her.

Thats when she heard a voice behind her this was another female voice however and she turned to see a pretty little Asian girl, in a beautiful dress. It made Hungary almost feel a little under dressed, "I am just fine sank you for asking" she replied to the girl. Before she could turn back to Britain someone else face planted on the ground as well. "Oh dear I sink you av the same problem as I do" she said with a slight chuckle as she knelt down next to Finland. "You didn't hurt your head did you?" she asked as she tried to examine were he hit his head on the ground.

"Your are Finland right, goodness everyone is getting here all at once" she said as she brushed aside Finland's bangs and smiled at him. "Well I guess you did more damage to the sidewalk then you did to your head, here lets get you off the ground before someone trips over you", she said as she stood up again and reached down to pull him up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"Im fine I dont know about the sidewalk but I guess I won." Finland said with a bright smile on his face. "Its nice to know Im not the only clumsy person in this school." Finland continued while feeling his head for bruises there were none except a slight cut above his right eyebrow. Finland sighed "first impression is not my strongest point."

"Thanks for the help Hungary." Finland said with a sincere look upon his face the cut started to bleed a little. He pulled a bandage out of his bag tried to place it straight on to the cut but had trouble trying to get it right. "Hungary could you put it on the cut I seem to be a little dizzy from the fall still cant quite get the bandage on right."

Alex paced back and forth after few seconds he went by everyone trying to figure out who these new people were Alex looked like he was lost you could tell by the way he was walking. but lost his interest when hungary reached for Finland he just stopped and stared at the girl bobbing his head from right to left trying to figure out was the girl a friend or maybe just a nice person.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"Well that's good." Mei said with a sweet smile, then heard a sudden THUMP and turned to watch a young man fall flat on his face not to far off from them. Is everyone at this school clumsy? She thought to herself and once again held back the urge to take a picture. "Hungary.." She whispered to herself, then remembered she had seen that name somewhere and pulled out a sheet of paper from her back back, then smiled and skipped over to the two. "Hungary, that is your name right? I'm Taiwan but if you'd like you could call me Mei. You and I are roommates!" She exclaimed cheerfully and shoved the paper back into her back pack. "Isn't it lucky that we ran into each other?" She said, then pulled out her camera and quickly snapped a picture of Hungary and Finland. It would be strange not having any pictures of someone she was going to be rooming with, after all. "And are you alright?" She said, turning her head to Finland and holding her camera down to her stomach, then instantly turning her attention to the penguin. "So cuuutee!!" She yelled and knelt down to pet the little bird.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Hungary smiled and pulled a little handkerchief out of her apron pocket, she took the band-aide that Finland handed her. "Here let me get that" she said as she stood on her tip toes to reach Finland's forehead. He was quite a bit taller then her, but that wasn't common most guys were taller then her, after dabbing the blood from his forehead, she gently placed the bandage over the small cut.

"There now that should help a little" she said with a smile, she then turned to the girl who excitedly told her that they were to be roomates "Well it's good to know that I wont be in a room by myself" she smiled at the pretty little girl who called herself Mei. "Taiwan, interesting girl", she thought and then there was a snap and flash of the camera that Taiwan was holding. After that Mei asked Finland if he was alright and immediately started doting over Finland's penguin. "A penguin what an odd pet to have" she said with a smile at Finland.

As she thought back to Taiwan she realized the girls attention span was a little short.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"Im fine thanks for asking" Finland said to Taiwan. "Hungary thanks once more if you need any help dont be afraid to ask."
Alex enjoyd the petting so he tried to be as cute as he could to get more attention from Taiwan. "Alex seems to like you Taiwan" Finland said with a smile on his face while petting the penquin too.

The story of Alex and Mark (Finland)
Finland heard that penquins liked cold weather but was troubled by
the climate chance
so he went and rescued the poor creature from his cage
Alex was trapped in a zoo the firts time Finland saw the depressed
little bird then and there he decided to rescue the poor fella and Alex was more than happy
to go with Finland after all Finland was the kindest person Alex had ever met
they have been a team for 8 years summers have gone by winters and springs

"Pet I dont know about that I think we are more like brothers or at least best friends" Finland said and Alex felt exactly the same.
Finland picked up his bag and took his hat out of it placed it on his head and sighed. "Its going to be though for us were used to 0 to -20 celsius and it is insanely hot in here beautifull but hot." Finland said right after ending that sentence his mood started to change to gloomy Alex spotted the smood swing from a mile away and on purpose slipped and softly landed on his back. Finland chuckled "Okay I get the point you are one funny ass penquin oh excuse the language."

Finland had a smile on his face and said "I hope that everybody will have fun this year." Alex nodded as to agree with Finland. Alex walked or wabbled to stand next to Taiwan she was nice so Alex decided to trust the girl. "I think he likes you allready" Finland said wich caused the penquin to blush a little bit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Taiwan giggled at the penguin as it slipped and then wobbled over next to her then smiled up at Finland. "I'm Glad. He is adorable. I've never really had a pet before. I wanted a pet tiger when I was little but China didn't let me." She said, sounding a little pouty as she said that last part. "And in my country the whether is always very nice. So, although it is a little warm here, I think it's rather nice. Not to mention the temperature is perfect for swimming wouldn't you think?" She said, then turned her attention to Hungary. "What do you think of the whether?" She asked, then pointed her camera down towards the penguin and smiled as she snapped a picture.

((Sorry short post didn't know what else to say XD))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"My ideal weather is -10c only bad side about it is all lakes are frozen but you can still swim you just have drill a hole in to the ice" Finland said as he smirked remembering last winter when he almost froze to death trying to drill the ice with a rusty auger. "I'll come to visit Taiwan if you show me around the country I bet there are lots of interesting things to see there and if there is a zoo with a sad looking tiger I'll help you to bust him/her out."

"Well I'll go check out my room and put my bags down and go for a swim." Finland said while stretching his arms as high as he could. "Anybody want to join me I have a feeling that it will be more fun to do in groups than wandering down the hallways alone." Finland walked to the door opened it and said "Ladies firts" and took of his hat.

Alex was looking at the ocean with a kind of a look like he was yearning to get back to swimming. "Alright Come on Alex let's go check out our room so whe can get back to the ocean." Finland said and as soon as Alex heard the word ocean he walked next to Finland waiting for the girls reply like a gentelman in a tux.

(penquin, tux get it =D)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"Well the weather is nice I suppose, in Hungary we have long summers and the winters are cold and wet. So I imagine it is not much different from here, it is nice however to be close to the ocean. I have never really seen it before" Hungary said with a smile.

"Swimming, that would be wonderful I have never done it in the ocean" said Hungary excitedly she grabbed Taiwan's hand "Come lets get to our room and change I want to see the ocean".

(( sorry short didn't know what else to say))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"Sure I'd love to show you around my country sometime Finland. And wouldn't you finding swimming in an iced-over lake would a little cold?" She said, then felt someone grab her hand and looked over at Hungary, confused at first but then gave a smile. "Sure, I've brought some swimsuits with me that I made myself and can't wait to try them out. It is only the first day here so I don't think there will be a lot going on anyway. I also read that there will be a cafe with tea and snacks later so after we swim for a while we can go and enjoy a good meal!" She said, liking the thought of getting something to eat. She wondered how the tea tasted here in America and hoped it didn't taste too foreign. She was also excited to see the style of the rooms here as well. The rooms and such in her country probably didn't look much different, but she was sure thy didn't look as well-kept and fancy. There was also the thought of eating American food. Mei guessed that they would have food from a lot of different countries, but if she was going to be staying here she wanted to try the different foods this country had. She had to say although America himself was annoying and often got on her nerves, the country was very beautiful and the ocean was amazing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan
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Hungary went down the hall way excitedly checking each door number till she found the room that she and Taiwan would be sharing. "Vell here it is" she said as she put the key into the lock and opened the door. For the most part it was a nice spacious room perfect for the two girls to share. It was well built and nice but it looked like it just needed a woman's touch. "If it is all right vill take the left side of de room", the beds had nice clean soft linens on them. But it was obvious that they were in such a way that the person sleeping in them could customize it to their liking.

Hungary set her suitcases next to the bed "Lets get everything unpacked later, I really vant to go shwimming right now", she said as she opened on of the cases and set it on her bed. She pulled out a bikini and a beach towel, and went into the bathroom on her side of the room, thankfully there were two in the room. It would have been a problem if the two girls were always fighting over the bathroom.

She put on the suit and then looked at herself in the mirror, she had always thought her hips were to wide and her chest wasn't big enough. But she liked how she looked despite that. She came out of the bathroom and smiled at Taiwan "Well vat do you think do I look alright", she said as she turned a little.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"We'll meet you down by the beach okay Finland!" Mei said to the young man as she followed Hungary into their dorm and closed the door. Well, Mei had been right. The room wasn't exactly as fancy or as unique as the rooms in her country, but this was a school after all. All this plain old room needed was a few decorations here and there, curtains, some nice blankets for her bed, and a few other things. As Hungary went into the bathroom to get changed, Taiwan decided to explore her side of the room. "I suppose this dorm isn't as small as I thought it was. It is actually rather nice and a perfect fit for Hungary and I." She said, rolling her suitcases to the end of her bed and setting them aside. She pulled out her home made bikini and, slipping off her qipao, Tied the straps around herself and slipped on her bottoms. She then folded her qipao and skirt and set them on her bet as Hungary came out of the bathroom to reveal her bathing suit. She gave the girl a smile as she asked her how she looked. "You look great! Your bikini is so adorable!" she said and then, sitting on the bed, removed her flats and put on a pair of red flip-flops. "I hope Finland found his room alright. I bet we'll make it down to the beach before he does." She said, standing up and putting her camera bag around her shoulder. "By the way miss Hungary, it's alright if you call me Mei instead of my country name. It is much easier to say and all my friends call me by that name." She said with a friendly tone of voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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"Okay see you at the beach" Finland said and continued to whisper to Alex "Lets hurry so we can get there before they do okay little buddy its a race so lets go." and smiled and for a second if you looked he made a wicked smirk Finland was fast so he liked to race even if other people didnt realize that it was a race.

Finland walked around for a while before finding his room. "So Im firts I'll take that bed Alex this is my bed so I will make your bed next to mine okay so dont get onto that other bed?" Finland placed his bag onto the bed and proceeded to check out his new room it was nice much better than Finland had excpected so he was glad. he took out his swimming trunks wich were black and white but had Finlands Flag on it a small one but it was visible. "Towel check swimming trunks check lets go." Finland slided into his swimming trunks and took his towel and hat put left his shirt. Finland stretched his body and got ready to run opened the door and upper body almost naked towel hanging over his shoulders startted sprintting like mad trough the hallways.

Finland got to the beach he didnt see anybody so he placed his towel on the grass and laid down on it with his hat on so he wouldnt get a sun stroke.
"What is taking them so long well I did run so its not that suprising." Alex was still on his way but took a detour trying to find the girls he knew that he couldnt keep up with Finland and besides he wanted to get attention and had learned that girls like him he didnt know why but it didnt matter they were nice so he liked them too.

Finland fell into a very light sleep while waiting for the girls.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Hungary put a nice sun hat on her head and headed towards the beach, "I vonder how classes are going to be with all of ze other countries, I hope I von't be teased too much" she said the Mei as the walked down the path to the beach. So far everyone had been rather kind, well accept for little Italy's brother who Hungary had, had the displeasure of meeting before.

He was always so rude and often said unkind things to little Italy, in fact he reminded her too much of Prussia. Whe she saw the sandy beach she smiled happy to see the beautiful waves crashing against the shore. Thats when she noticed Finland asleep on the sand and someone else that she hadn't seen in some time. Prussia's younger brother Germany, she bit her lip "Mei Germany is here" she said quietly to the other girl.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Ludwig (Germany) Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Taiwan kept a smile on her face as she walked down to the beach and listened to Hungary talking. "Don't worry if anyone picks on you I'll be right there ready to give them what for!" She said and giggled a little, looking to the beach. She could see Finland laying down in the sand and then there was another person sitting in a chair cooking something a little farther off.

"Mei Germany is here"

Mei slightly turned her head to Hungary as she heard her whisper that another country was here, then she turned her head back to the beach in the direction of the one sitting in a chair. She had heard of Germany before from China but never actually met him. From what China had explained Germany sounded like someone a little scarey to talk to, but she didn't like judging people before really meeting them. "I've never met him before. I haven't really met very many countries actually, mostly just the other Asian countries." She said, turning her heard again to Hungary as they walked out onto the beach. She stood at Finland's head and bent over with her hands on her knees. "If you fall asleep out in the sun like this you'll get a sun burn." She said, trying to wake him up as she removed her camera from her camera bag and snapped a picture of him sleeping there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Finland opened his eyes and saw Taiwan bent over above his head."Wow no I mean... Who, What, Where is burning." Finland jumped up like a suprised soldier and tried to cover up his slip Taiwan was cute in her swimsuit Finland thought. "Oh you made it lets swim eheh." Finland tried to play it off like nothing happened with a bright red blush on his face while he was scratching the back of his head. Finland placed his hat onto his towel strecthed his arms and legs. "its important to strecth before swimming I had a cramp on my leg a while back almost drowned."
"That just slipped out so embarrasing its good that Alex wasnt here" Wow where is burning not really a good cover up Finland thought while he whispered very quietly.

"Oh and also just call me Mark if you like that country name thingy is too political nicknames are good too if you come up with any." Finland said and stopped stretching.
Finland prepared to sprint but before he started to run to the water he tapped Taiwan on her shoulder and yelled. "Tag your it run Hungary run" Finland took off running like a child without worry to the water but slipped while he was still in the shallow water.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Ludwig (Germany) Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Taiwan let out a small laugh and straightened back up as Finland jumped to his feet. "Well it's a good thing you're okay. Of course, one would think the walk down here is enough stretching." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Germany wave over to them a little awkwardly. She smiled and waved back, then felt Finland tap her on the shoulder.

"Tag your it run Hungary run"

She heard him say then turned her head to see him run off into the water, only to slip after just entering. She let out a laugh and dropped her towel on the ground along with her camera bag. "Hey that's not fair!" she called after him, then turned to Hungary and tapping her shoulder before running off after him, her sandals slipping off into the sand before she reached the water. As she entered, the cool liquid splashed up into the air and soaked the front of her bathing suit, causing the frills to flatten a little. "Come get us Hungary!" She called, turning around once the water was up to her knees and waving to her roommate, then glancing over at Germany who was still sitting on the beach a little further off. From what she'd heard about him she guessed he probably wouldn't be the 'play tag' type but still wondered if they should invite him to join in anyway. She smiled to Finland. "Hurry up she'll catch you!" She said, then turned and waded out a little further into the water till' the ocean was up to her stomach and the waves slowly tugged around her, the end of her air drifting about in the water.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeta Hedervary (Hungary) Character Portrait: Taiwan Character Portrait: Ludwig (Germany) Character Portrait: Mark Homi (Finland)
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Hungary bit her lip and waived slightly back at Germany, she hadn't seen him since he took control of Austria some time ago. She glanced at her friends that had made her "it", and then back at Germany, and then back at her friends in the water. "Okay here I come" she said still a little quiet from shock, when her body hit the waves it was more of shock "Eeep thats cold!" she cried and ran back onto the sandy beach. Jumping up and down she giggled a little "You didn't tell it vas freezing when you first get in" she said to Mei and Mark.

She slowly crept up and tried to slowly get accustomed to the water it was a little better and slowly, the water felt less cold. She turned again to Germany, and waived to him to come over to where the others were. "Ludwig kommen hier bei uns. Sie könnten wenigstens mit uns zu reden von der Küste, wenn Sie nicht wollen, um zu schwimmen!" she called over to him. (Ludwig come over here with us. You could at least talk to us from the shore if you don't want to swim!)