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Delivery-lady Rebecca

"The Post never stops. The Post is eternal."

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a character in “Aceteria - Collapse of the Spirit”, as played by Lazyscreename


Name: Delivery-lady Rebecca

Race: Monster or Mutant, but even she isn't quite sure which she is.

Age: Unknown, but seems to be at least middle aged.

Gender: Female

Role: Lunatic antagonist/ Neutral Post-worker

Affected by Aceteria (asteroid)?: Rebecca was mutated from their former human self into their current conditions of being a monstrous abomination due to the strange chemical fallout. Or possibly was some other creature altogether created from the fallout.

Appearance: Rebecca stand at around six feet tall, with a stocky, muscled build to that of someone who is used to heavy lifting, with short limbs, and a rather masculine face with a chiseled chin and broad shoulders, and vaguely human in appearance. She has her greying black hair tied back into a messy ponytail, her scraggly bristly hair reaching half way down her back. She also has two extra pairs of legs and arms, her legs with three-fingered hands instead of feet, canary yellow skin that is littered with green pimples, a huge molar filled jaw, green, bloodshot snake-like eyes, and a pair of insectoid arms sprouting from her back, often used to support the sack of post. She dresses in a dark blue, tattered, old fashioned postal worker uniform, without shoes and with brass buttons, and includes a ragged looking set of trousers, buttoned up jacket, shirt and cap, all having lost their former glory and seeming to no of had a decent wash in years..

Personality: Rebecca's entire focus in life is to deliver the post, and as a result is narrow minded of her mission and selfishly tries to do anything necessary to deliver her letters and parcels, no matter what they may contain, whether a love letter or an execution sentence, a birthday gift or packaged bomb, Rebecca would happily put her life on the line for a single piece of postage to be passed on to it's recipient.
Due to her dedication, Rebecca is willing to murder and destroy anyone and anything that wishes to obstruct her 'duty', holding grudges against those who 'hate the postal service', no matter how good their intentions are, and as a result is constantly paranoid and suspicious of all creatures around her, though she herself is immensely honest and truthful to a stupid extent.

Equipment: A large sack filled to the brim with postal packages and letters, as well as a small pouch tied to her waist containing food, drink and a few coins, stamps, envelopes, a postbox with its own key and wrapping paper.

Weapons: No real weapons, but does occasionally wield a postbox as a club.

Weaknesses: Rebecca is quite stupid, yet immensely cautious and paranoid, and as a result can be manipulated easily after some convincing, especially if the one pulling the strings convinces her their aims assist 'the great postal service'. She is also quick to distrust and jump to hasty conclusions, often causing her a colossal amount of problems. Surprisingly, despite her inhuman abilities, Rebecca gets exhausted fairly easily, like the average human, and can sometimes be worn down to a tired husk in a battle. Her obsession over the post she carries is also her greatest weak point.

Abilities: Has inhuman strength, able to smash through solid brick with ease, and as a result also has the durability to withstand the strain in doing so, thrown bricks being much like a pebble being tossed at her.
She also is able to leap to incredible heights due to the strength in her legs, finding traversing landscapes and reaching atop the average sized house quiet easily.
Having a few extra limbs also helps her with multitasking, and easier to find a grip or a hold on things, as well as carrying more items such as her precious post.

History: Rebecca has trouble remembering much of her past beyond her current form, but what she does remembers is that there has always been the post. The post was eternal. The post is forever. The post was crucial to all. Due to this being pretty much her only basis for her past, Rebecca has dedicated her new life as a mutated monster to delivering post, having roamed the wastelands, fending off all hostile folks and beasts that approach her, and to invade towns and settlements purely for her letters and parcels to reach their destinations. She also has somewhat of an urban myth floating around her that if you pay her the right price, she will give you and envelope, a stamp, and some parcel wrapping to give post of your own.

Anything else: Paying for mail materials from Rebecca would cost 14 bronze coins, or whatever else available for trade she would think is a fair price.

So begins...

Delivery-lady Rebecca's Story


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The current events in the forest near Mayfiled Village were causing stirring of restless wildlife, all chirping, and barking, and snarling in nervousness and fear, though a oddly shaped figure that was calmly and disinterestedly passing them was oblivious to their reactions. Mostly due to thinking she herself was the cause.
A peculiar mutated being was trudging along in dull, repetitive march along the forest floor, giving a vaguely eerie drumming sound with each step, as her four legs had not feet at their ends, put more hands, as if to match her four arms. Although many would call her a monster, pointing at her canary yellow, pimpled skin and her extra limbs, her name was Rebecca. As she believed was fully obvious from the sack of postage she carried upon her back with the aid of two insectoid appendages, the post box she held in one large hand that was resting against her shoulder, and the ratty, old, filthy postal worker uniform she wore, she was a Delivery-lady, though some had rudely suggested otherwise in the gender department.

It didn't matter to her much. Not a lot things tended to be. It didn't matter she was tired from walking all day. It didn't matter that some large beast with spiked horns adorning it's face crossed paths, which it and Rebecca exchanges snarls and flashes of teeth, her large molars gnashing as they both side-step around each-other. It didn't matter that she noticed a human treating a wild felines wound, peering at them with grand suspicion with her snake-like, bloodshot eyes, as she quickly scuttled away to continue her trek. It didn't matter she suddenly found a cluster of corpses, their faces filled with evidence of previous agony, one with their throat cut open, another with what seemed his own sword through his chest, which she simply strolled past cautiously. All that mattered was the post, and it's destinations. What did matter to Rebecca however were those wishing to 'obstruct the process of delivery', and therefore unwanted trouble. She was assuming this was near when she heard hushed voices nearby, too quite for her to make out, but seemed obviously shaken. She quickly sped up her pace, trying to stifle a grunt of effort as she began hastily heading past of what sounded like three young adult humans, one woman, two men, and by the frightened squeaks, a Hazzling, not bothering to look in their direction.


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Character Portrait: Arcius Taiga Character Portrait: Regal Withernorth Character Portrait: Vera Mason Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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#, as written by CJL1290
Arcius Taiga

Arcius led Vera and Regal forward to hopeful safety, their footsteps almost rhythmic together.

"Oh yeah, let the injured guy go first with no idea what the other two look like." He mentally fussed. His blade was at the ready, and his eyes darted in all directions, hoping that nothing tried to come out and ambush them. It was times like this that he really wished he was back home in Hemingway. He held up his left hand and froze his palm. The ice glistened and shone to the point he can see his reflection. As pretty as it was, he knew this ice was nothing but a curse; he wouldn't even be out here if it wasn't for it.

He managed to do somewhat small feats with his powers, but had no control over the rest. The young man wanted to use his power to his benefit, but it usually backfired. He took a mental note to try and practice more. After thawing the ice off his palm, he turned looked over his gaze over shoulder to face the other two behind him.

"See anything? By the way, what does... umm..." His question trailed off.

What were their names? Oh yeah! Mahli and Anna.

"What do Mahli and Anna look like? Where are they?"

Right after the last word left his lips, he saw a faint glimpse of something big and yellow past several trees and bushes. It was going the opposite direction of them so he saw it for three quarters of a second.

He pointed towards it, his voice hushed and urgent. "I just saw something big past those trees! I think it was some kind of monster. I really hope you're group is nearby, because this forest is getting more dangerous every minute."


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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Delivery-Lady Rebecca noticed some sort of commotion was beginning to bubble to the band of humans she hastily began sprinting away from, hearing another pair of voices, one human, one who's eerie childish tones seemed very much non human, but enjoyed being in the form of one. For some reason the latter of the additional strangers gave Rebecca a great feeling of nervousness, and decided to pick up the pace, bounding through the forest in an uneasy mood, carefully keeping two of her palms atop her sack of post to avoid losing any precious deliverable items of the good public, happily oblivious of the humans and super humans having been given their mission of saving Tera.

After having gained some surprising amount of distance from the 'possible enemy's of the postal service', the lumbering, multi-limbed, lady lessened her pace to, once again, a relaxed stroll. Though she thought she had managed to avoid walking away from contact with humans, her nostrils were suddenly assaulted with the thick and pungent stench of death, the path ahead of her reeking of the smell, to which she sighed in slight frustration.
She followed after the fragrance of lost life when she came upon the mutilated corpses of a pair of guardsmen, it appeared, as well as seeming they weren't local either. The dead bodies surrounded by their own blood, seeming to have been torn to tatters from whatever beast, or monster, came through here, some having splattered against a wooden, windowless wagon. One looked as if he was sliced entirely in half. These two recently deceased foreign guards were not of much interest to Rebecca however. She saw plenty of corpses on her travels, sometimes being the cause of them herself if need be. After all, neither of them were carrying post.

What did seem to catch her eye however was the obvious wagon, with no way of peering into to discover it's contents. A sign of wanted privacy, and perhaps, because of it being post that is kept from the eyes of anyone other than it's recipient. Rebecca's maw filled with molars twisted into a hopeful grin, as she tried to open the door to the wagon, but felt some amount of resistance against her, to which the mutated postal worker grumbled; "Someone locked it. Must of been important post indeed. Though truly, all post is important. Anyways, time to break in."
Rebecca lifted the post box she carried up in the air, clasping it with both hands as if it was a mighty hammer, and struck down at the door, using her inhuman strength to repeatedly smash it into splintered planks, before clumsily stumbling into the carriage to find a lone blonde human woman, chained down to restrain her from escaping.
This puzzled Rebecca immensely, and also making her greatly disappointed that there was not even a scrap of a letter for her to deliver.
She leaned over to the chained woman curiously though with hints of suspicion, and asked; "Who the hell are you then, dearie?"


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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#, as written by Echo-19
Ira was trying to reach for the bag near the door of the wagon. Even stretching her arms above her head and stretching her legs out, the bag was still feet away from her. She was considering dealing with the pain and melting through at least one of the cuffs when heard something moving around outside the wagon and froze.

She cautiously moved to the back of the wagon again and sat on the bench. She listened to the movements outside the wagon and then heard a voice. She bleakly wondered if there was 2 somethings or someones out there before the door was smashed in and splinters flew everywhere.

Ira threw up her hands to block herself from the splinters throwing up a glyph to shield her body. She dropped the glyph when everything settled and looked at the mutated individual who'd broken open the door.

"Ira," she said shakily as she took in the individual. By the voice, Ira determined it was a woman, though her appearance did not make Ira feel safe. "I'm a prisoner being exiled from the country Navarre. Who are you?" she asked with more sureness in her voice than she felt.


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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Rebecca's eyes narrowed in suspicion for a few moments, unfamiliar with the country she spoke of and was wondering if it was a real place. She certainly was a prisoner though, Rebecca had no doubt about that as she took a look at the chain that held Ira, running her fingers across it cautiously. She then noticed out of the corner of her eye a bag that was knocked aside from her noisy entrance to the wagon, to which she carefully edged backwards towards, until she picked up gently, as if one slight tremor would cause it to shatter into pieces.

"Ira you say? Hmmmm don't think I have any post for you i'm afraid. I am just Delivery-lady Rebecca, nothing more, nothing less," the mutant replied; "Merely your run of the mill postal worker, delivery parcels and letters to their destination. Don't suppose you have anything to be delivered, dearie?"
Half way through her words, Rebecca had already begun rummaging through the bag, pushing objects aside with her fingers while she searched for any post, before adding to her conversation with Ira; "How is this country of Navarre? The name sounds familiar. Might need to send a parcel there." She then grunted in frustration as she was unable to find a single letter, and grumpily plonked the bag in front of Iris, as if she was an infant sulking, her many fingers drumming restlessly one the wooden floor of the carriage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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#, as written by Echo-19
"Navarre is being torn apart by war," she said solemnly. "There are eight Kingdoms. Three are desperate to stay neutral while the other five are fighting with each other trying to claim one another and erradicate magic users... I was a gypsy living in the Kingdom of Sardisia - which was supposed to be neutral!" Ira jerked on her chains and stopped talking, catching herself before she started ranting about how terrible her life had been since then. She took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Do you have a way to free me? The men who were transporting me were killed. I don't know what happened to the keys," said Ira holding one of her manacles in her hand and rotating her wrist in it to alleviate the pain that was building up from being chained for so long.


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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Rebecca listened to Ira with mixed interest, and seemed to be making conversation more out of politeness than anything, and commented in reply; "I see, how unfortunate, seems you country is greatly in trouble, i'm sorry to hear that. Not to mention deliveries are always trickier in times of war. You also have my condolence son your kingdom too dearie, terrible stuff has been happening around you it seems, bless."

She then took a few moments of deep though when Ira asked to be freed from her shackles, still not entirely free from suspicion of the woman, but she seemed pretty defenseless and harmless overall. Could all be a trick however, though if it was, Rebecca had no idea how it could be. Rebecca then placed two of her palms on her sack of postage once again before speaking.
"Well, I don't see the harm in freeing you dearie, and those guards you mentioned are certainly dead. One was even sliced in half! My oh my, the world is getting more and more violent. Anyways Ira, I don't think I can break those shackles without hurting you, but I can do the next best thing, get that chain free.", Rebecca babbled conversationally, but it was obvious she beginning to have her mind wonder, mostly to wanting to continue with her delivery work. Nonetheless she placed another pair of hands on the chains that confined her newly found acquaintance, and gripped it firmly, beginning to attempt to pull them from the wood it was connected to, the very same wood groaning in protests of Rebecca's struggles.


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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#, as written by Echo-19
Ira watched as the wood began to splinter around the bolt that was hammered into the wall of the wagon. When the wood finally gave way, Ira threw up the same shield glyph she'd thrown up before when Rebecca had broken through the door - only this time she threw it up in front of Rebecca too.

She was glad she did as the chain snapped back and would have hit Rebecca as it flew back from where it had been secured. Instead, it hit the strange lighted circle and dropped to the floor without injuring either of them.

Ira dropped the glyph and looked at Rebecca to assess how her reaction to her easy use of magic. She was prepared for a negative reaction like the ones she has received back in Navarre.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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As the wood of the carriage finally teared away, allowing the chain to whip out into freedom, Rebecca was met with the puzzling sight of it striking what seemed to be shield of light in midair, thankfully avoiding causing injury to herself and making the chain bounced off harmlessly and slump uselessly to the location it was ripped from, but left the sudden new discovery a baffling one, and one that raised Rebecca's suspicions much higher.

She saw the human woman, though now apparent she was not an ordinary one, look at her to see her reaction, as if calculating on how things would unfold via the mutant postal worker's reaction. Rebecca turned to Ira from her befuddled state for a few moments, and simply told her; "One of them super humans are you? Well guess some less than friendly human folks probably was the ones to drive you out then? Nuisance they are, driving you out when your trying to hand them a parcel from their great auntie. Honestly, it's as if they want to hurt the post. Seem a lot quieter when you pin them down and force them to accept their delivery. Thank you kindly for protecting my deliverable items, oh and me of-course."
She gave a quick careful curtsy, grabbing lightly at the edges of her jacket as she bent her knees, before turning to leave the carriage, it was time to get back to work.
"Nice meeting you Ira, but unless you have a parcel or a letter to send, I have some work left to do. So busy, and the post never rests for long!", she told the woman in a cheery farewell, clambering out of the carriage before adding; "It's a bit of a way to walk to Hemingway after-all.", and gave a curt wave of goodbye with one of her further back arms.


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Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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As Delivery-lady Rebecca left Ira and the abandoned caravan behind her, she continued onward towards Hemingway, trudging through the forest while pushing branches aside, stomping any vegetation under foot. Rebecca wasn't too sure if it was a good idea to let the previously imprisoned girl free, for all she knew she could be chasing after her to desecrate her postables, being an enemy to the post. What was done is done nonetheless though. The mutant postal worker merely shrugged her shoulders as she stepped over a small slithering silent stream, and moving around a rather suspicious looking bush. Rebecca decided to try to keep on full alert, she had a feeling in her gut thing's weren't exactly as they seemed, as he suddenly smacked a squirrel from it's tree, just in case it was an attack squirrel.


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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Having recently gone through the wondrous events of knocking over a tree due to being convinced there was a spy inside it, having killed an aggressive stag with hoofed ape hands and dual heads for a spot of dinner, scared off a lost pair of twins in leaderhosen, and finally questioned a rather suspicious looking rabbit, Rebecca realized she getting close to what seemed to be another stray human.
At first the post-apocalypse, pungent, permanently mutated, postal worker was about to simply try to avoid contact yet again, but she realized this one seemed pretty familiar. In fact was that-? No, it surely was- My goodness it was! Rebecca was astounded that she somehow managed to run into the carriage girl, Ira wasn't it?, once again! Had Rebecca gotten lost and ended up circling round? Hmmm, nope the carriage wasn't there but something that was caught Rebecca's eye. She saw a letter in Ira's hand, seeming to have been originally come from the very same small bag that was in the carriage earlier, judging from the fact it was on Ira's lap.

This simply must be investigated further, a letter that was hidden from Rebecca? She simply would not let such a thing slide! Unless Ira had merely found the letter just now, then, fair enough to be honest. Either way, a letter was not being delivered, and it almost made Rebecca physically ill at the thought of it. She decided to approach the girl.
Rebecca began to creep quietly through the bushes as she could, but naturally due to her immense girth, it caused quite a stirring, alarming Ira to place the letter back into the bag, to which Rebecca merely shrugged and stood upright, walking out in the open, declaring and chattering to Ira; "Why hello again dearie! My, my what a funny old twist of fate bumping into you again! Still out in the woods are you? Deary me, you certainly should be getting somewhere safer. By the way, that was a nice looking little letter you were holding just then. Funny, I don't remember you mentioning you had one. Oh well, best hand it here then Ira, only right for your local friendly delivery-lady to have a peep to see if everything is in order. After all, i'm going to deliver it for you."
Rebecca outstretched one of her palms to the young woman, the last spoken sentence seeming more like a firm, decisive fact than a polite suggestion, with one of her eye lids twitching with hinted stress. Rebecca really wanted the letter.


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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#, as written by Echo-19
Ira relaxed slightly at the sight of Rebecca being the source of the sizable rustling in the forest. Carefully, she summoned the small glowing light back and climbed down the tree, the light following her and bobbing slightly like a small, baseball sized balloon.

"I'm a gypsy and very used to being in the woods," she said simply. She did not retrieve the letter from the pocket she'd replaced it in though. "I would like to deliver the letter as well, but I also would like to find a way out of the woods. Perhaps we could strike a deal?"

She saw the desperate want to claim the letter and deliver it in Rebecca's eyes. She knew she'd have to be cautious so she didn't tip the scale and get attacked by the only nice individual she'd met since passing over the border.

"If you would like to deliver the letter, I shall carry it and you can show me how to get out of the wood. Then, once we locate the individual it's meant for, I shall hand it to you and you may deliver it. Does that sound reasonable?" she asked. She also prepared the shield spell again in her mind prepared for an unsavory response from Rebecca.


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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Rebecca grunted in discomfort at the sudden appearance of the strange floating orb of light, rubbing her eyes for a few moments, and leaving her to hear Ira's words, which she admittedly wasn't ecstatic about. The gypsy woman asked to lead her out of the forest, and into the next settlement, which coincidentally was Hemingway, the town she was aiming for nonetheless, and then pay her in rewards with the letter, somewhat. Although this was blatant obstruction of the post, something that Rebecca didn't take kindly to whatsoever, she had protected her deliverables before, and with the hints of desperation in her voice, though in truth it could be the mutant postal worker playing favoritism, she digressed and decided to give the young lady a chance, perhaps even ending up grooming her to also work in the glorious postal service and see the error in her ways. The grinding of her teeth and the clenching fists weren't exactly showing her confidence in that however.

"Well, although it is thoroughly against the law to obstruct postal workers from their duty, I will make a single exception in this case, i'll help you wonder over to Hemmingway dearie, that's probably the nearest settlement. Your lucky I was going to head their anyways Ira, I might have said no otherwise!" She replied, with obvious strain for politeness in her voice.
"So where is this letter addressed to my dear? Anywhere nice? It would be funny if it was to somewhere in Hemmingway wouldn't it?", she added curiously, waiting for Ira to get down from the tree, eager to get moving.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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D'Varius McAnter

After what seemed like hours of walking, the bear heard a noise coming from his right. The bear gave a rough snort, and then it was gone. Standing in it's place was D'Varius, cloak pulled tight over his face, and he edged toward the noise. As he got closer, he ducked behind a tree, and saw who was talking. It was a young woman, who looked remarkably like some sort of runaway, and a monstrous being that loomed over her. The smaller of the two demonstrated some sort of power, and he overheard they were going to be accompanying one another on a trip to the next settlement.

"Go with them, you fool! It will get us closer to our targets."

D'Varius shuddered for a moment, but then stepped out and approached the two women. He held out one hand before hailing them. "Er, excuse me? Did you say you were going to the next settlement? I'm awfully lost..." He took his hood down to reveal his face, his shaggy brown hair hanging down to his eyebrows, and his blind eye widening and gazing from left to right, while his crimson red eye stayed focused on the two of them.

He bowed slightly. "My apologies, allow me to introduce myself, my name is...Mik'ael, it is a pleasure to meet the two of you." He continued to eye the two of them, a single bead of sweat rolling from his brow down the ridge of his nose. "I won't slow you down, I promise, in fact, I can be of some assistance if we run into any trouble. Your kindness would be most appreciated. What do you say?"


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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#, as written by Echo-19
"The letter is addressed to a 'Regal Winternorth' with only 'The Troll Bar' written under his name," said Ira, frowning. She could only assume that the bar was reasonably well known otherwise the sender would have at least written the name of the town.

She was about to say something else to Rebecca when a man stepped out of the shadows of the trees. Taken completely off guard, she took step so she was standing in a way that she could easily run or throw up her glyph shield.

"Er, excuse me? Did you say you were going to the next settlement? I'm awfully lost..." he said before lowering his hood. Ira was taken aback by his appearance - the eye that didn't seem to focus on anything making her wonder if he could see out of it. His irises were red though which disturbed her but she tried not to show how she felt or that she could tell her could wield magic, though she could not tell how or in what capacity.

He bowed and introduced himself before promising to be more of an assistance in any potential trouble than a burden to them if they would allow him to accompany them to the town.

Ira didn't trust him, but she didn't trust almost anyone anymore. She put her hand on her chest and bowed her head slightly, a common formal gesture used by her clan. "I am Ira of the Crying Bird Clan," she said. She didn't know how well known her people might be in this country. In her country, almost all the nation-states surrounding hers had heard of her clan's history in the knowledge and use of Druidic Blood Magic. It used to cause fear in those who were ignorant of the knowledge that it hadn't been used in almost ten generations. She hoped, that if it was something someone in this country might know it would come across as she intended it to: as a warning. She tried to hide her mistrust and use of a tone that was a bit cold with a smile. She was used to acting like she was happy or enjoying herself and fell into the practice easily. "You would need to ask Rebecca if she would be willing to guide another traveler," she said gesturing to the laden postworker. "I'm a stranger to this country and also quite lost."


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Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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"The Troll Bar? Hmmmmm sounds familiar, but no idea where that is, i'm afraid. Not much time off since there isn't may of us posties about these days dearie. All work and no play i'm afraid.", the mutated delivery lady muttered to Ira conversationally, before turning her attention to a rustling in the bushes, seeming on edge.
Rebecca was at first startled, and then quickly defensive and suspicious of the newly arrived stranger, readying her post box to be used in a quick bludgeoning, her arm raised ready to strike while another pair clutched her delivery sack for protection.
Her eyes narrowed in distrust, as the tall, cloaked and robed man, focusing more on his face, the scalp of which was decorated with shaggy hair, after he pulled down the hood than his wishes to follow along to the next settlement, her eye's focusing on is single red eye, ignoring his other blind one.

She internally swore when Ira addressed the man that said he was called Mik'ael, saying it was her decision to choose if he was allowed to follow. Taking an angry sigh, Rebecca bellowed out; "Well how the hell could you help us Mr. Mik'ael? Or should I say enemy of the post? Trying to take my letters and parcels are you? Well, not as long as I live! You better prove your a friend of the postal service if you want to trudge along otherwise I got half a mind to smack you round the bonce!", baring her teeth viciously, giving clear signals she was highly disliking the strange,r mostly for the fact he was a mysterious stranger. She took a defensive pose, waiting as if Mik'ael would suddenly strike out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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D'Varius McAnter

He continued to give the two of them a warm smile, even as the big mutant readied to swing at him with some sort of weapon? "I can offer protection from anything we might run into in this forest. You see, I am affected by this land just as you are. Though my gift has not changed me as much, I still hold power that would come in handy for the likes of you." He took a step back, not wanting to see if she was really going to swing at him with her readied weapon. "I would have never come from my hiding if I had not wished to accompany you on good intentions. I could pay you for your escort, if money is what you seek."

He removed a small pouch from within his cloak and jingled it softly, the sound of many gold coins rattling inside. He held it outward to the two women. "I'll even pay you in advance. Please, it has been many days since I have gotten lost, and to be honest, I don't wish to trifle around in this god-forsaken forest much longer. You'd be doing an innocent man a great kindness."

Inside his blood was boiling. He had never groveled for anyone other then his master, and yet here he was begging these two girls if he could accompany them. He had half a mind to tear the two of them limb from limb, and it almost made him lick his lips in anticipation. As he awaited there response, he kept the bag of gold outstretched, closing his eyes and offering the warmest smile he could muster. "I know I may not look like much, but looks can be deceiving, as I am sure you both know."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Echo-19
Ira looked at the defensive stance Rebecca put on and decided to ease the building tension she could feel and stepped forward, dropping her defenses, even her glyph shield.

She looked at Rebecca. she was beginning to realize that almost nothing meant anything to this individual except for the mail. Although it was strange, it meant that she could use it to her advantage if need be. "I don't think he's an enemy of the post. There are very few people who really want to interrupt the mail, I assure you." She looked back to D'Varius. "I have no need for money, just to get to the nearest town." She glanced back at Rebecca realizing she'd become the mediator between them trying to keep a two person bloodbath from occurring. "How about you show us both the way to Hemingway and when we get there, I will not only give you the letter I have in the knapsack but I will post something myself. You get two parcels to deliver for the job of leading two people to the town. Does that sound feasible?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca Character Portrait: D'Varius McAnter
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0.00 INK

Although the man that referred to himself as Mik'ael offered gold and insisted he had no ill intentions and merely desperately wanted to leave the forest, Rebecca's mood barely softened, after also hearing him say he had powers to 'protect' them from trouble, and that he mentioned appearances can be deceiving, and was merely glaring at the bag of coins.
Before the mutant could continue her aggressive behavior however, Ira stepped between the two, becoming a mediator of sorts, announcing she didn't believe he would cause harm towards the post, and refused the man's money.

She then turned back to Rebecca and came up with a proposition; to hand her something to deliver. It was a rather unusual deal, but one that made Rebecca decide she was starting to warm to the young lady, lowering her post box and relaxing her posture more, before giving in and saying; "Alright, alright then, i'll guide him along too, but unless he's posting those coins too, keep them in your pocket Mr. Mik'ael! I'm also keeping an eye on you, so no tomfoolery and keep your grubby mitts off my post! Right then, if were going to get to Hemmingway we can't stand around chatting all day, lets get a move on!" And with that, she turned to begin the journey to the aforementioned town, making a quick brisk walk through the trees, fully expecting the others to follow behind, to the extent of not even checking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ira Character Portrait: Delivery-lady Rebecca
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0.00 INK

D'Varius McAnter

D'Varius stuffed the coins back into his pocket as the smaller girl seemed to have come to his rescue. A flicker went through his mind of what she may look like as a mangled corpse, and a smile played across his lips. Again, he resisted the urge to drag his tongue across his upper lip. "Thank you. It is most...appreciated." As the bigger woman began to trudge off into the forest, he pulled his hood tightly over his head once more, it was much more comfortable this way, and began to follow.

"Good...GOOD! Rip them apart! Tear the flesh from their BONES!!"

D'Varius shook his head violently, then looked up to Ira. "Er..sorry, I have this twitch, you see. I hope it won't be a bother to you." What he was really doing was trying to ward off Kaine for a while longer. The last thing he wanted was him getting loose and killing these two before he even had a chance to make it to the larger group he had been following earlier. He balled up both his fists until his knuckles turned white, gritting his teeth and almost biting through his lip.

"You can't keep me in here forever and you know it! I will be free! I WILL take control! And I WILL feast upon their blood!!

Again he shook his head, though this time not as violent. He thought of a way to pass the time as they marched through the woods, for the silence would surely drive him to the brink of insanity. "So...what brings the two of you into these parts? Must be quite a way from home to stumble out into these woods." He tried to maintain a calm demeanor, but his voice nearly cracked as he bit his tongue, and he kept quiet for a moment. "This accursed twitch!" He growled, rubbing his fingers on his temples. He seemed like some sort of madman, which would either drive pity or concern from the two, and he hoped it was pity, for his sake.