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Anima Lumen

"How may I be of assistance?"

0 · 813 views · located in The Lands of Galderia

a character in “Adventures in Galderia”, as played by Zalgo



Name: Anima Lumen

Race: Slime

Gender: None (More feminine than masculine. For the purpose of simplicity I shall refer to it as a she.)

Age: 0

Description: Picture


Anima, despite her slime heritage, is a remarkably human creature.

She is an extremely curious creature, fascinated by all sorts of information and lore. She strives to educate herself any way she can and values the knowledge such studies bring. This curiosity can sometimes prove to be a fault however as she loses some situational awareness when her curiosity gets the better of her. When she is not immersed in studying she can be quite keen to pick up details although because she isn't human she fails to pick up emotional cues sometimes.

She is very keen to help, always making it a priority to help others whenever possible. She can be a bit sensitive about her role, blaming herself anytime she's unable to or fails to help someone. Being as knowledgeable as she is she is especially happy to answer any questions people might have for her. Due to her eagerness to aid other people she can sometimes be considered nosy, despite the obvious lack of a nose. Her habit of explaining what she knows about anything whenever it's even remotely relevant also makes her a bit of a know-it-all.

She is very inexperienced in combat, never really having had to fight anything before. Despite her keen thinking she doesn't think well under pressure, sometimes panicking if she's in serious danger. In battle she prefers to stay by the back lines casting healing spells and support magic to bolster the fighter's capabilities.


Slimes, very few know exactly what they are and where they came from. Scholars hypothesize that they might be one of the lowest forms of life, a type of magically enlarged amoeba. Few believe that they might of been the very first iteration of life in the world, the model off which every other life form is derived from. Regardless of what beliefs of slimes might arise, they are an infrequent but very numerous genus. Their most notable feature is the sheer variety of adaptions the slimes have developed, adopting abilities to fit almost any environment. Due to the rate at which they divide they tend to have high populations no matter where they live.

As for Anima, well, she is a slime as well. She was always a little different from any other slime. A simple green slime that lived in the woods, absorbing organic material for energy, not even a thought to her existence but she had a secret. She was capable of understanding that when she hid in colors that were similar to her own, predators would pass her by without notice. It was perhaps the closest to sentience most slimes ever could ever possess. Then came the great wizard Fumbledorf. He was a wizard, a practitioner of magic like many others but he was quite different from the rest. After graduating from apprentice-hood and becoming a full magus he soon discovered a slime upon one of his outdoor strolls. Such a strange creature, so many questions not yet answered about this enigmatic blob. Of course, the blob in question wasn't Anima, but it was the first of many to be taken into Fumbledorf's tower.

Inside his laboratory he studied slimes, researching every single aspect of slimes. For forty long years he subjected the gelatinous creatures to every test conceivable. Many tests yielded negative results but quite a few produced some interesting results. He created slimes which were previously unheard of, subjecting ordinary slimes to various energies and forces until they adapted to it. The capabilities of the slimes were so numerous it was mind boggling. All of these tests however never yielded a slime with anything resembling intelligence. He performed so many tests, using so many different techniques but nothing resembling enhanced mental activity came of it. His latest attempt however was what would bring the Anima we all know into this world.

Scooping up what he considered to be an ideal candidate for his experiment, He took Anima back to his tower and placed her in a large intricately designed glass tube. It was filled with water which she floated in the middle of. The top had various tubes for introducing other substances into the water and the bottom had a large panel with various sockets in which magical energies could be transferred into the water through. This experiment involved use of an item he had gone through a lot of trouble acquiring but he had exhausted his other options. It was the pendant of Broumel Abernacht, the fifth high priest of The Order of Saint's Illumination. This icon was a powerful source of divine power, capable of healing others and illuminating even the darkest of caverns.

Fumbledorf placed this pendant in a metal octagonal container. Inside this container the pendant floated atop a pool of mercury, a substance renown in alchemical studies for it's receptiveness to magical energy. Placing the octagon into the socket the alchemical device proceeded to saturate the water inside the tube with divine light until it became potent holy water. While working on other projects he monitored the progress of Anima, the name of which was given to her as a label upon her test tube reading "Anima, Lumen", which translated into "Life, Light". It wasn't so much a name as a label to help differentiate it from the other slime projects.

The results of the holy magic on the already intelligent slime were incredible. The divine power caused the slime to morph and grow, developing a mildly humanoid appearance over time. Inside grew a core much like the other elemental slimes but this one was different. Whereas the elemental slime's cores all corresponded with their element hers took a closer resemblance to a cluster of neurons forming a web around a nucleus. He excitedly took notes, watching it every step of the way and making sure it was well fed and taken care of.

After several months of transformation Fumbledorf had planned to release her from the tube and observe the results but then something happened...

Inventory/Equipment: Literally nothing.

Special Traits:

Anima possesses potent capability in both divine magic and traditional magic. She wields a latent heal spell she can cast which fills others with divine energy, healing them as a result. She is able to learn up to the highest caliber of magic both divine and traditional available.

She naturally regenerates rapidly and her slime residue can regenerate other living beings at a slower rate. She is immune to diseases, poisons and she is highly resistant to acid. Thanks to the adaptability of slimes she is somewhat resistant to the elements. Being a slime she can fit into spaces too small for other creatures and climb along almost any surface, albeit at a slower rate than she moves regularly. Since she's sensitive to energies around her she is able to detect a large number of energy types.

Due to being enriched with divine energy she is quite weak against unholy energy. Without a skeleton or muscles she is not a very effective physical fighter, though with specialized training she may be able to hold her own. Her core is somewhat delicate and if destroyed it will result in her termination.

So begins...

Anima Lumen's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Adelheid
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Day 6

After a discussion about how the strange Anima Lumen had divine magic, the now rather impatient and frustrated daemon let out an outburst before starting to head back down towards the base of the tower.

"...well, that was definitely something," Sylphine muttered, flying after him. As she descended...or ascended?...into the tower's lower floors, the force of gravity pulling her towards ceilings got weaker, until she finally landed back on the floor once again. What a relief...gravity changing was a lot more disorienting than one would think, even for someone capable of flight.

But then, the daemon suddenly halted and started sniffing. Stopping just behind him, Sylphine looked up and opened her mouth to ask if something was wrong, when she suddenly noticed that the bird on her shoulder was starting to fidget. Is something wrong, Pirika? she asked mentally. Are you sensing something?

...there's something strange in the air. Pirika sounded very worried about this. It's absolutely the air in here is tainted, almost. I don't like it at all.

I don't think any of us are going to like what we see, Sylphine replied, just as the daemon started moving down the stairs at a hurried pace--clearly, he was being affected a bit as well. But we don't really have much of a choice except to face it! She held out her hand, and her staff appeared in it as she followed the daemon.

What awaited them when they got to the bottom floor, however, was a shock. An underground passageway which hadn't been there when they were previously in this room had opened, and a black trail of...something...led from it. At the same time, the dwarf, looking as though he had a walk through hell, came up from the stairs leading down and revealed that there was nothing noteworthy in that place.

The green-haired maiden, however, had her eyes fixed upon the black trail leading across the room and out the doors into the forest. "Oh, no..." she whispered, slowly starting to realize what could have made it. "I wouldn't know how this happened, but...whatever Animax Malus is, it's most likely on the loose now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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#, as written by Zalgo

Though the demonic fellows words were most harsh she was relieved to see this situation had not culminated in violence. She stopped hiding behind Taethion and moved on over to the middle of the room once the mean person left the room.
"Thank you all for your kindness. It is good to see this resolved peacefully. I am your companion isn't a terrible person deep down but the energies within him have negative influences over people such as strong negative emotions and physical changes making one's physiology resemble a demon's own form." She bowed her head to the kind people who helped her before looking up over at the gnome when he spoke.

"Frustrated or not, Bliston has a point. We should finish with our questions soon, grab whatever we might need to stop these slimes, present company excluded, and be on our way. Animax must be defeated before he can bring harm to the village. Will you help us take down this threat or will you be staying here?" He offered her the opportunity to join them. She seemed a bit uncertain. This was a big leap indeed since all her life had been lived in this tower. Since she was first brought to full sentience she lived in her tank, only able to see the world out from the glass cylinder. She had been quite eager to see the day where she'd be let out and able to explore but then everything changed and it's all been happening so fast. It was natural for her to feel a bit cautious about accepting such a big offer. What would the maker want? She wondered to herself, considering the ideals he raised her with as part of what will finalize her decision.

He did ask for her to stay and doing what he says made her a good slime but at the same time her purpose was ultimately to help people. She had been over this train of thought before but it impossible not to dwell on it given what was proposed.
"Yes. I will come and help resolve this unfortunate incident. After all, as a helping slime it is imperative that I help people and positively benefit the world." She answered the gnome's question. With that answered there was something she wanted to bring with her, a small item to remember her maker by as she doesn't know just how far her assistance with this group will take her. She looked over at her tank up on the floor, spotting the case socketed in the base of the tank which glowed with divine power. I should take that! It could be helpful and it should serve well as a memento too. She went over to the end of the room right under her tank.

Compressing her lower body her upper body grew longer as she stretched upwards, her whole body becoming quite tall as she reached for the case with her tentacles. As she was almost as tall as the room itself she managed to grasp onto the case, removing it from the power socket with an audible pop. Her body relaxed and fell back to it's original height, the case now in her possession. Unlike the other slimes she knew that these contained items which were the sources of the magic radiating from them. She remembered an instance where Fumbledorf put something into one of these cases. There was a round clasp on one of the eight sides which could be twisted close, a rather simple mechanism without any real locks or ways of barring someone from simply opening them again. The clasp's effectiveness was revealed as she attempted to move it but found her slimy tentacles were too slippery to get a good grip on the flat twist cap.

Thwarted by this simple contraption she went over to Taethion and held the now rather slimy metal case out to him.
"Um... I do not wish to be a burden but if it is of no trouble to you could you please help me open this? What's inside may be beneficial to you all." She politely requested the kind man to help open the case which glowed with holy energy.


To any who went outside who could see into the darkness of night would see a scene of devastation. Almost all the slimes around the ground level had fled. Down the trail all along the hill was a massive trail of pitch black unholy slime coating everything in the way. All the trees along the inky black trail were crushed flat, their broken trunks little more than withered dry husks which were barely even good for firewood anymore. It looked as though a massive steamroller had rolled down this side of the hill as the trees, their branches and even the bushes were pressed nearly paper thin against the dirt forest floor. On the abysmal slime path in the distance moved what appeared to be blobs of the same color as the slime which the trail consisted of, shuffling about like silhouettes at the very edge of visibility.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager
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The Paladin was glad to see the situation dissolve from the intensity. As everyone seem to mellow out and return to the task at hand, he made adjustments to continue as well. It seems the talking slime has agreed to help to boot! She went over to one of those strange tanks to grab something. He wondered it what it was but soon that question would be answered as she brought the case that radiated divine power. It seemed she was trying to open it to grab something out of it. While he made an expression that showed disgust, he nevertheless decided to help her. "Yes, er of course." He spoke shaking his head. He grabbed the case and then looked around the clasp. He then experiment with the cap trying to open it by prying it and pushing it. He then twisted it and managed to open it. "Um what's in there?" He asked, handing the now open case back to Anima.


To her the rest of the room seemed uninteresting and it seemed the party was now moving some what back down stairs. She decided to head down and figure out what move to take next. That and she was becoming rather tired of the heavy force keeping her upside down. After the disorienting experience of the upper levels was removed by heading down lower, not without some difficultly, she managed to reach where Bliston, Sylphine, and Jor where at. It seemed everyone had a rather grim expression upon their faces. She could managed to her Bliston utter something about the wizard breeding a demon. That was something she could figure out for herself. The place reeked of dark force and it thoroughly disturbed her. She had a most sour look upon her face, and looked ready to kill someone. "Whatever this thing is, it must be destroyed." She spoke not to anyone at all. She moved to the open door and saw the destruction laid out before the tower. " definitely needs to die."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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#, as written by Zalgo

With the clasp successfully unlocked she was happy to open the box and reveal the contents within. "It's what the maker used to change us. Inside each of these cases is an item which is a prime example of it's element type. By placing these cases into the tanks the energies within transmuted the water into the substance that enrich all of us so we adapt and adopt qualities which better help us cope with the change in our environment. At least, that's how he explained it. This one is mine." She answered the holy man's question.

She opened the case, revealing the contents within. Inside it was an old pendant of The Order of Saint's Illumination floating in a pool of mercury, a metallic substance renown for it's universal receptiveness to magic in alchemy. It's symbol was quite an old iteration of the symbol of Dedarius. Regardless of it's age though it hasn't seemed to lose much of it's potency as it seemed to radiate with a level of divine energy on par with some of the order's higher up relics. To someone who is quite knowledgable in the order's more obscure history they would know that it is. It was the pendant of Broumel Abernacht, the fifth high priest of The Order of Saint's Illumination, an item rumored to have been lost during a great battle with the forces of hell.

But she did not know that. She had never seen the item outside of it's case so she was quite unaware of it's history or it's significance, only that it made her what she is. Daintily lifting the pendant from the silvery pool at the end of a tentacle she brought the loop over her head. Since she couldn't get a good enough grip to simply untie it at the back and tie it around her neck she simply squeezed her malleable head through. She made note not to let the pendant sink into her body, the old relic simply rested on her membrane around her neck. "Your friends seem to be moving on. We should go and join them now." She noted as most of the group seemed to proceed back downstairs. Continuing along with Taethion and whoever came along she proceeded down the stairs herself.

She had to climb her way up the stairs as the gravity being reversed meant that the entrance to the staircase was a few feet off the ground. Eventually as she made it to the gravity neutral zone she started to float, her gelatinous body shifting as the mass started to move oddly through her form. She managed to navigate the zero gravity effect well enough despite that and made it to the stairwell where she proceeded downstairs.

The feeling of the energy which lined the center of the foyer could be felt well before she made it to that level. Being as sensitive to energies as she was she could feel the almost repulsive cloy of abyssal energy growing to the point of nausea. It was when she made it to the ground floor that she was hit with the full grasp of just how rich this dark slime was. It was physically painful for her to even be near the stuff, let alone what would happen if she touched it. "Oh... Oh my, this slime residue is ugh... It's enriched with abyssal energy. Be careful with it, just touching it could cause harsh negative symptoms." She warned them of the abyssal slime residue. It was strange to her though. What variant of slime could create this hazardous material? She managed to ponder as she lurked behind the wall where she was bombarded less with the latent emissions from the abyssal residue.

"Whatever slime produced this residue was, given the potency of the energy laced in it's residue it must of been large, likely up in the big or even the king slime variant range." She deduced given her knowledge of slimes being close to on par with the maker's. At this point she knew it would be hazardous for her health if she were to try and cross the black slime like so. She needed some way across but she didn't want to burden the group anymore than she already believes she has so she wracked her mind core for ideas. "Aha!" She exclaimed as an idea came to mind. She proceeded up the stair case to the dining room where the table was. I can ride this table and keep the wood between me and the substance! It will be a harrowing experience but I must bear it if I am to continue forward and help these people! She was resolute on helping these kind people with their plight no matter how difficult it might be.

She noticed the silver platter on the table was now leaking a semi-translucent yellow slime from one of it's sides. She was cautious as she knew well that many of the slimes here were dangerous but her curiosity simply got the better of her as she lifted the platter to see what was beneath. What was hidden underneath this whole time was a small pineapple fruit slime. It managed to sustain itself this entire time by dissolving the pineapple slices that were plated alongside it as decoration. It was positively adorable to her, a cute little thing it was. It was a rather young fruit slime as it was much smaller than even a regular slime, just roughly the size of her head. "Oh my, a fruit slime! my what serendipity. Come here little one, I won't harm you." She reached down and picked up the pale yellow slime, holding it up with her soft green tentacles. Thankfully the slime wasn't too traumatized as slimes don't suffer too much from claustrophobia. She spoke softly and made no sudden movements as she coaxed the slime into a calm state. Soon the fruit slime was alright and simply going about looking for some fruit. "Don't worry friend, I'll get us out of here." She assured it even though she knew it couldn't understand what she was saying. It just seemed like something to do, talking to something as though it knew.

Once the fruit slime was handled she looked over the table a couple times. With the fruit slime set down she went under the table before giving it a mighty push. Push as she may the table shook and the objects atop it did rattle but at no point did the table come close to toppling over. For a creature with no spinal column she had predictable troubles moving objects as heavy as a table typically was. As this point it seemed she was stuck unable to perform this task, pushing up on the table in futility in the hopes that she can be of some help.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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#, as written by ____
Adrian watched as Bliston stomped off and Sylphine following after him. "Hmm... That's quite a temper." He thought with breathing a sigh of relief, he could had trash the place, or squish the holy slime. He shuddered slightly. Several short talks and the slime decided to follow the others of the group. They started seeing dark slimes. It lets off a nauseating feeling and Adrian felt the content of his stomach climbing up his throat. "Urg, I think I'm gonna barf." He said before letting it out on a corner almost instantly after saying it. "Okay, I'm okay." He said as he wiped his mouth, feeling a whole lot better. Trying to look away from the mess he made.

He followed Anima and saw her trying to lift up a table "Um...Let me help." Adrian said as he picked up the table with very little effort. "Where should I place this?" He asked her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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Taethion looked at the artifact and seemed to have recognized but from where, the memory eludes him. He decided to follow the rest downstairs, wrestling with the gravity as he did so. Once down he ran across Randionalia who spoke to him. "Hey Taethion, we're going to need the Slime, and the Knight. We have a situation that calls for your area of expertize." She spoke. "Animax or whatever it's name is, has escaped and is about to eradicate the village. If we are going to stop this thing, we need to leave now!" She spoke. "Hurry down stairs." She called out as she left.

Taethion worried about the villagers as he went to find Anima. He found her and Adrian moving a table. "Hey Anima! We could really use your help with a very bad situation. I believe your skills in the Holy Arts is needed." He spoke with worry heavy in his voice. He then turned to find Adelheid. "I'm not sure how strong your skills are in the Holy Arts anymore, but any Divine power would be very helpful. I'm guessing this Animax Malus isn't too fond of Divine Spells." Taethion spoke as he moved down stairs. He saw the foyer of the Tower and noticed the black goo that covers the ground and around the door. It had a strong force of infernal energy. Something characteristic of a demon. It seems his skills are truly needed.

"We are the others? Bliston went after that thing! We've got to get ready!" Randi spoke a bit anxious to see the others still standing around. "I've spoken with them, we are going to leave right away. Especially if one of ours is out there." Taethion responded. He then looked around to notice that another of them has disappeared. "Hey where is Sylphine?" Taethion asked. Randi looked at him, a bit confused. "She was here when I went to retrieve you." She spoke. "Please don't tell me she left." Randi said with a groan. "Don't worry she is with Bliston, I am sure he won't let harm come to her so easily." Taethion spoke reassuringly. He at least hoped Bliston would be able to do his best to protect her. Of course he worried about him as well, the amount of energy this thing's leftovers are emitting is quite nasty. Something with that much infernal energy is disturbing, not to mention the damage it has caused so far. The village definitely will not have a chance with this thing running amok.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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The dwarf waited only until he was sure the others would be on their way before leaving. He'd done what the daemon had said, at least partially, but his thirst for battle did not mix well with patience. He readied his axe and stepped out into the storm. He hurried towards the town, following the path of destruction. If he moved quickly enough, he would be able to catch up to Bliston and Sylphine before they got to Malus.


As the others began filing out, Iator elected to stay behind. To anyone who asked, he would simply mumble something about catching up. Anima's box had intrigued him far too much. He was going to get the other cases throughout this tower.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Lana Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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#, as written by Zalgo

She had struggled with the table for quite some time, no real success in sight when one of the other members of the party came to assist her. "Thank you." She was grateful for his assistance. "I need it on the black residue so I can use it to cross without coming to harm. The substance that coats the ground down in the foyer is rich with abyssal energies which are known to be dangerous to most living creatures." She answered his question which followed up with a quick explanation. She couldn't help but elaborate on her explanations, regardless of how short she'd intended on the explanation being.

Taethion had come out and spoke with urgency. "Hey Anima! We could really use your help with a very bad situation. I believe your skills in the Holy Arts is needed." He urged her. She didn't have to guess too hard at what might be the problem. "I'll come as quick as I can." She nodded confidently. Now was the opportunity for her to make up for a mess she felt partly responsible for. She realized upon saying that that she'd need more than just a table to move herself and her current slime companion. With the table she'd be safe from the ooze but there was still the question of generating momentum in a direction without touching the ground herself. With that she looked to the chairs. This should allow me to push the table along. She confirmed as she went to acquire herself one. Though lighter than the table these were quite heavy for her. She strained, her whole body shaking as she tried to use the hydraulic force of her inner fluids to move the chair. It was a grueling exercise for her but she managed to push a chair over by the edge of the black trail where she waited for the the table.


Besides the novelty of the talking slime he didn't really pay attention to what was going on. He was much too involved with pondering the possibilities as to where someone might of procured the medical tanks. His contemplation was interrupted however when everyone started to leave. Normally he'd of not cared what they were all in a rush to go see but with the latest developments regarding Florette her concerns now concerned him as well. As such he turned and went over by her. When she was ready to go with them he'd follow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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Like many others of the group, Adelheid was making his way back to the entrance of the tower, following right behind the young boy, paladin and slime. A bit further down the tower, he saw that the paladin was being approached by another member of the party, an elf to be more precise, while the young boy and the slime were moving a table, so that the latter mentioned could safely cross the residue of tainted origins. He could overhear the elf informing Taethion of a being named Animax, which would destroy the village if not stopped. "I'm not sure how strong your skills are in the Holy Arts anymore, but any Divine power would be very helpful. I'm guessing this Animax Malus isn't too fond of Divine Spells." Adelheid frowned a bit as Taethion addressed him. “I wouldn’t depend on my skills in the divine to be quite honest, they work sporadically at best.” Adelheid confessed.

While in motion, he lightly brushed against his scabbard. “I should still be able to help however. After many a conflict, my blade began to gradually adopted the divine attribute i had exposed it to. It should do against any enemy that bears a weakness towards the divine”. finally arriving at the base of the tower, they encountered the elf once more. it seemed that two party members had gone ahead already, and she was urging the rest to head out as well. “I’m ready whenever. Just say the word.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Jor The Ravager Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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#, as written by Zalgo

She climbed aboard the table, her first mate the pineapple slime set right in front of her. With her chair she was ready to go and brave the path of dark slime stretching out into the dark woods. With as much force as her soft noodly tentacles could muster she pushed off the chair, pushing the table they were on forward a bit. She dragged the chair a bit forward and repeated this process, taking a good deal of time but making progress all the same. Outside she could see just what became of everything that stood in Animax's path. It was quite ruinous to say the least.

With a great big push she ushered the table towards the downhill slope. The table didn't stop though as they were still moving forward. "Uh oh, I had better slow down. I don't want to wind up going too fast down this hill." She thought aloud as she reached for the chair to grab on to. Her grasp met only air however and when she turned it was revealed that they had already slid out of reach of the chair. "Oh no!" She reached out for the chair but to no avail as the table started to pick up speed.

What followed was perhaps the most frightening moments of her relatively short life. What had started as a slow yet daunting voyage rapidly turned into an out of control plummet to the bottom of the hill. Her table had gone from a little boat for her and her friend to a sled with no brakes. With the pineapple slime held firm in one tentacle and a leg on the table gripped in the other She did her best just to stay on. The task of remaining on board this sled was by far no mere walk in the park as the winds pounded against them and every bump in the path sent them flying up, her hold on the table the only thing keeping them from sailing clear off it and into the perilous slime. Her voice could be heard all across the hill as she basically was screaming the whole way down.


Bliston, Jor and Sylphine could hear the Doppler effect as Anima rocketed by them at breakneck speeds. Just as fast as she approached them she was off, rapidly approaching the town.

She had never seen the village before so she could not have known that she was even passing through it. All she saw was a large flat area with bit's of wood and lumps in it. The entire area much like the path they were on was completely crushed flat and buried in abyssal slime residue. What she couldn't see was the buildings, the belongings and the people all crushed beneath the carpet of darkness. She simply rode through the now deceased Appleton, her table only just starting to lose it's momentum as the land leveled out.

A bit further down the path that continued on her ride came to a slow as they reached the end of the slime path. Were it not for the slime which now gripped the face of the table it would of come to a dead halt upon reaching plain dirt and thrown them clear. As it was there was still a rather sudden stop as they crashed into a bush, albeit slowly. She had stopped her cries as this roller coaster of a ride had come to it's end. "C-c-come o-on f-f-friend. L-let's g-g-go." Her whole body was shaking as she slowly loosened her grip on the leg and set the pineapple slime down by the table. The pineapple slime had been just as scared as she was though it was unable to express itself in any way. It just started crawling it's way into the woods which remained, away from the dark slime's influence. Anima on the other hand got off the table and looked back at the path she had sped down. After a minute or two of calming down she was able to start analyzing just what she was looking at.

Now that she thought about it this scene seemed very strange indeed. "The path just stops... How?" She vocalized her thoughts to help herself better reflect on them. From all appearances the slime that must of left this trail should of been at the end but it was nowhere to be seen.

It's almost as if Animax just... Disappeared.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Taethion understood what needed to be done. He looked towards his fellow companions and spoke, "Alright my comrades, we must now head into the thick of battle! We have a great challenge ahead of us and it is up to us to see it through. I hope all of you are prepared because I haven't the slightest clue what we are up against, but just as my Lord leads me into battle, I shall do the same for us. Let us not be afraid and if we should fail, then Dedarius will welcome us in the next life. Let's go!" Taethion spoke rallying his comrades as he pushed forward. Only to stand quickly aside when Randi yelled that Anima was coming in fast. He was worried about the Slime and his friends that seem to be rushing into a most perilous scene.

Taethion quickly rushed off flowing the path, and trying his best to avoid the deathly residue. Randi quickly followed, along with his comrades that sought to face this Animax Malus. He saw much destruction on the way and began to grow incredibly fearful for the town, it could be destroyed by now. Unfortunately the worst has happened. After a good sprint down the hill, he met his friends, completely unharmed but as for was gone. "No." The only words to escape from his mouth. "We were too late." He spoke somberly. He had pledged to stave off this town's destruction but to no avail. He had failed them and now he has suffered the taste of defeat. It was a bitter taste, one so acrid and unpleasant, the paladin wishes for it to end. He could fall and give up hope from this sight. Yet, his conscience and his sense of duty would not allow him too. Yet, he would shed tears for the fallen and began to pray for their souls. He prayed that they would met providence and live in eternal splendor, free from fear and free from harm.

"May the Gods be with them all." Taethion spoke as he looked around him. He had wondered where Animax was, if he couldn't save these people, then he could at least avenge them. Yet this option was too unattainable. The monster responsible for this carnage was no where to be seen. His trail of destruction literally ended here and without any clue as to where it went, Animax escaped the party's vengeful attack. Taethion could almost beat himself up over this travesty of a failure.

Randi was a bit solemn herself, she wasn't one for failure and often disliked it. She felt sorry for those that died but was more enraged over the fact the beast escaped. She could only hope that it won't strike again, but if it does, she hopes they will be there in time to finish it off.

There wasn't much left to do here, with the town destroyed and Animax escaped, they are of no use here anymore. Taethion decided to see if he could at least find his horse, Herod was intelligent, he most likely escaped before he could be harmed. He decided to call out to him and prayed he at least found safety.

Randi looked around at the other members of the group. She then spoke, "What do we do now?" she could only ask. She sort of felt that the group would move on, after all, they still have a Dragon to slay.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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#, as written by ____
"T-Th-This c-can't be..." Adrian muttered with a shakey voice. "No... No... Why..." Adrian slowly shook his head, refusing to accept the horrible reality. Looking around, his legs gone weak and knelt on the ground as reality slowly sinked in. "No! No! No!" He shouted as he knelt on all four and repeatedly smashed his clenched fist to the ground in frustration. "Again! I can't do anything!" He shouted. He couldn't hold back his tears, but he forced himself to stand back up. He can't show weakness, he don't want to get left behind.

"Quite a horrible sight..." Selena thought, still with a frozen stiff face. Death is nothing new to her, and an entire village getting destroyed as well. "Let's move on and continue with our mission, this is just a side job anyway." She said, as cruel as it is, that is the truth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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After the devastating loss against Fumbledorf's creation, Animax Malus. The Party was more or less, disheartened from their first real failure. Some more so than others, as some took it to heart and others placed it to the side as something that is all too common. Taethion did his best to comfort his comrades after this failure, but it seemed everyone was just ready to place Appleton and it's Leaky Tower behind them. Taethion could not find Herod and without much other form of transportation, it seemed the party was forced to walk. The entire town was leveled, and with whatever was inside it. This made Taethion really worried about their supplies. They were most likely destroyed with the rest of Appleton. He wasn't quite sure what they were going to do now. There was nothing here of use that wasn't tainted by the residue from Animax.

It seemed they would have to hope they would find another village before too long. Otherwise this trip may end before it really truly began. They left the ruined town behind them and fortunately no more Slimes seemed to stand in their way. This could be thanks to Animax who most likely caused the Slimes to leave since much of their territory was ruined. They most likely migrated to a more lively area, becoming someone else's problem. As they moved down the path, they were met by one fortunate occurrence. Randi noticed that horse tracks were found alongside the road. Feeling hopeful, Taethion investigated. What he would find was the party's horses, including Herod. Apparently, the people of Appleton did try their best to save all they could. The Stable Master went inside and placed some hastily packed provisions on the horse's saddles. He tried to get the women and children by placing citizens on horseback. Yet the confusion of the attack and the unsettling aura of Animax, caused the horses to go into a frenzy as they ran away. The Stable Master tried to calm them down, but as he opened the pen they trampled him down as they ran for their lives. Some didn't make it but those that did, the party came across.

There wasn't much provisions as some fell out of their containers from the horse's frenzied running. Yet, the provisions that did survive would be enough for a couple days until they found a town to resupply. It would seem once the horses felt safely away from Animax they stopped to chew on some grass. They were nervous when the group approached them, but they did calm down enough to be mounted. It would seem this was the only good thing to come out of all of this. The party, riding or walking, exited the forest around Appleton and found themselves on the open road. It wouldn't be too much longer when the party decided to stop for the evening. With whatever provisions they had, they managed to start a fire. As the group sat around the fire, the events of today kept everyone solemn and silent. No one seemed open enough to talk, or at least talk about themselves. Taethion and Randi would find their sleep uncomfortable that night.

The following day, the group rose with the sun and decided to move on. They would come across an outpost by midday. Here the group scrounged whatever gold they had and bought some much needed provisions. Unfortunately, they had to pack them tight to their saddles, since they could not procure a new cart. They moved on, even after all the strange looks that passed them by, they still didn't find much to talk about. Night soon descended upon them and talks arose over finding a spot to camp in. They would discover a soft patch of grass not too far off from a stream. They decided to set up camp here, as the group raised their new tents and started a fire. After a day removed from the events in Appleton, their atmosphere was a bit somber but perhaps they would be more open to discussion? The fire seemed to dance before them as the sun went down and the stars began to light up the evening sky.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Seated close to the fire, the weary has-been templar absentmindedly ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair. It had been a day already, but what happened in Appleton still occupied his mind, wondering how it went wrong. When he had originally planned to undertake the tower on his own, he expected to fail. When he joined the company he now finds himself in, he genuinely thought they could do it. So as he ran down the hill, back towards Appleton, he never expected
it to be leveled to the ground, and the supposed culprit just having vanished into nothing. the sheer finality of the situation left him feeling powerless, and had him eventually dwell on the day his order betrayed him, a memory ever so fresh in his mind, a situation that had left him in similar- no, a far deeper sense of powerlessness that he still hasn’t been able to recuperate from.

Many things buzzed through his mind as he stared vehemently at his backpack, focusing primarily on the tabard inside. Part of him wants to be rid of it, as it stood for the forsaking of him by his god and order, but another part of him could not, as it also stood for all it used to symbolise, and for the ideals he still believed in. One of the many things that went on in his head was quite simple; what to do now? He initially joined the group to do something about the slime menace, but now after what has happened, he isn’t too sure. He heard one of the group members talking about a dragon, something he’d enquire about eventually for at the moment, he is in no mood to start a conversation. Naturally he’ll politely reply when asked, but for now, he’s content with staring at his bag, as he tries to make sense of the tumult in his head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ____
Watching the wood burn, Adrian quickly peak at the the others every now and then. The air was so gloom, just thinking about it makes him feel down. He wants to do something about it, but if he acts all merrily, he thinks it might have an opposite effect. The incident left a terrible mark in his mind. It was the biggest failure he had, many lives was lost. He stared blankly at the fire, thinking deeply about what to say to the others and also to take his mind off the incident. Then suddenly, he broke the silence with two questions, questions that is so simple, but would be unexpected considering their current situation, but it just sort of popped out of his head. "Where do you guys live?" He asked followed by a short pause before asking the second question. "... What kind of place is it?" He continued. He knows Taethion's hometown by his name, but he is unsure if he heard about the other's hometown.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Adelheid Character Portrait: Anima Lumen
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Day 7

There were a few clouds out, but they did not hide the moon which had only just started to wane. A gentle breeze was blowing through the grass and the trees nearby, and a stream trickled its way past as though nothing was wrong.

It felt so unfitting after the horrible sight of Appleton's fate.

Sitting on a branch of a tree towards the far edge of the camp, Sylphine gazed at the sky, feeling lost and powerless once again. Her familiar was curled up and sleeping in her arms, equally depressed. After that night, the duo had remained relatively quiet for the entire day, and Sylphine even found herself too upset to fly properly on various intervals.

Somehow, everything they encountered on their way to, and inside the tower, and then the scene of destruction they discovered later--it was terrifying, it was frustrating, but felt anticlimactic, too. Nothing tried to stop them, and the party sustained very few (if at all) injuries as far as the emerald-haired girl could tell. Yet they failed utterly.

I wonder if Oolaene made it out alright... Thinking back to the half-naiad alchemist whom it felt like she had met years ago by now, Sylphine felt absolutely terrible. Ah, it doesn't really matter anyway...I still won't be able to do anything for her in return for helping me learn healing magic...

She reached into her pocket, and pulled out the vial that Iator had given her. Oolaene had made the solution inside, hadn't she? Yet Sylphine hadn't used it at all, and it remained in her pocket next to the bunny doll. It feels almost wrong to be holding onto this thing now...

She didn't feel like talking to Undia, either (though only Undia could initiate the conversation to begin with). The story just felt so crushing and...disappointingly dull, even...that she couldn't even bear to speak with her best friend about it. Besides, what was the point of making this journey with only Pirika if she was going to keep leaning on Undia's shoulder even still?

Wonder how the others are doing, too... Looking across them, Sylphine could see Adrian staring at the orange flames in the center of their camp, looking depressed. For someone as idealistic as him, this probably felt even worse. Meanwhile, the newest member of the group, that blond-haired man, was looking at something in his bag. Was it some kind of clothing...? Come to think of it, she knew nothing about him either, except that he had taken offense from the mere existence of that slime...thing...

Which immediately brought her to start thinking of something else: that weird slime thing. This probably seemed strange, coming from a girl who lived in a village emphasizing forming a bond with nature, but...that slime outright annoyed Sylphine. Her reactions to the daemon almost hinged on some poorly written comedy, even. Oh well, it was hard to blame someone who had been cooped up in that tower for so long...

"...Feita Valley." Sylphine looked towards the ones surrounding the campfire in surprise, hearing the name of her home, and found Iator talking to Adrian, in a quiet voice that still rang with sadness. "It is a land filled with magic, and nature flourishes there. Many of my kind call that place home. I was a member of a small village within that valley; our homes were barely recognizable as homes on the surface, but lavish under the hills that we called our roofs. The Seelie Court there rules us all, no matter where we roam."

Even though she had lived in the valley most of her life, Sylphine had never heard of the Seelie Court, or the fairies' dwelling. She knew there were fairies in Feita, yes, but they had entire villages there?! And to boot, such an important establishment was based in her home...calling it "surprising" would be a serious understatement. "'re from Feita as well?" Sylphine asked, shifting so she was facing a bit more towards the others now. Perhaps talking about her home, and even learning something new about it, would take her mind off last night.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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Adelheid’s train of thought was interrupted, as the young man, Adrian asked where everyone in the group hailed from, and what it was like there. He didn’t feel a reason to withhold this information from the boy, so instead he obliged. “I come from a country named Cassau. It used to be it’s own kingdom up until the Empire of Altella annexed it, but that was before my time. The region i came from, Rhorevia, was a nice place to life, if i might say so myself. It was quite prosperous as a large river named the Ardenrhina ran through it, as well as through other countries, either upstream or downstream.The winters were relatively cold, though i have to mention that spring was the best season to spend your time there, as literally every plant or flower would be in bloom; and they were numerous.” Adelheid said all this with a small smile on his face, momentarily forgetting what he was pondering about earlier. “I remember there being a sense of uneasiness while i lived there. Even though most people were relatively well off, didn’t seem all that happy, though that might have been because they were no longer ruled by their old monarchy, and still didn't fully trust their new rulers. Though i do not know what the common opinion is as of today. As last i’ve been home was a good twenty-four years ago. Anyway, does this answer your questions?” He asked the young man, as he let out a small sigh. He enjoyed reminiscing about spring in Rhorevia, but he always felt a bit sad too, as he had not seen it for such a long time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Bliston wasn't with the camp just at that moment. Instead he was sitting several yards away examining his club. Though he was already not much of a conversationalist, he had a few other reasons to be away. Namely Henvoraak itself, which had only just now finally begun to calm down. He wasn't sure why but even after they had left the tainted area around Appleton the stone weapon continued to act out. Fortunately it wasn't enough to cause undesired effects or be noticeable by the others, but something seemed to be setting it off. Still it was under control again, and he reinforced the seals that had it bound.

With that finished he started the gradual trek back to join the others by the fire. As he drew close though, a smell assaulted him and he once more found a slight stinging sensation creep into his nostrils. The daemon cringed. That was the other reason why he had been keeping his distance from the others. That damn talking blob they had brought with them. He didn't know why the other had decided to allow the blasted thing to follow them and to be honest he was a bit resentful that they did. Just being around it was uncomfortable for him. To describe why was difficult, but the polarizing nature of both it's and his make up meant that their auras conflicted whenever they we in proximity. Due to his own sensitivity to holy magic, it felt like he was constantly being sprayed with this mist that stung his skin and nose with a bitter smell. More over though, he didn't like the creature itself. She had insulted him by comparing him to a mindless beast when they met, had been generally useless as far as he had seen, and whats more... he blamed it for Animax getting away.

He had it. He had the thing on his senses, he was tracking it well and keeping pace. The the blasted blob came flying down the hill, blinded his senses and sent him reeling, and forced him to loose count of where the abomination was. In that short moment it had escaped, and he had no idea where it had gone. He had been furious with that, and ever since leaving the ruins of the village he had silently made it clear that he disliked the sack of jelly as much as it apparently didn't like him.

He finally came into view, just in time to hear the gnome talking. Bliston leaned against a tree at the lights edge as he listened.
"'re from Feita as well?" The bird mage asked as he the gnome finished. Bliston mulled to himself silently, before he spoke up himself. "I've heard rumors of the their being a place in the west where the fey folk gather." The daemon surprised even himself when the words came out of his mouth. He shook his head, the last few days had been depressing enough that he supposed even he needed something to take his mind off things. He continued. "Though I've never actually been to this valley of your myself. It's probably one of the few places on the continent that I have traveled. A rare aspect that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Taethion of Gilfried Character Portrait: Adrian Retter Character Portrait: Randionalia Ashengrits
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#, as written by Wake
(OOC just putting this message out here to see if anyone is still continuing this thing. As best I can tell we all still seem to be on site, it's just that nobody has shown up in the pad for the last few months. I know I flacked off but that was mostly due to a schedule change that I have by now gotten the hang of. And with summer just around the bend I would think that we might all have a bit of time off from schooling. )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sylphine Mistral Character Portrait: Bliston Ascor Character Portrait: Iator Legerdemain Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender Character Portrait: Adrian Retter
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(OOC: Hello Wake! I figured this roleplay was on a indefinite hiatus. I had considered closing it but I hoped that maybe players would soon have more time on their hands to continue. It would not be difficult to continue where we left off. In that regard I am all for continuing this story, after all there is much more of it to tell. Yes, Summer is coming and with it, I do hope all of you will have the time to resume. Anyway get back in touch with me if you are still interested in continuing from where we left off! If not then I will figure out what to do about your characters.)