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Calla Tor

"She gave herself to the big, bad wolf and didn't scream when he took the first bite."

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a character in “Aflame Inferno: Rebellion of the North”, as played by bandgeek



Calla Tor

Alisa Pern

Past, Female
Now, Female
Prefers, Calla will only inhabit a human females body.

Human Appearance
Her current human has long, true blonde hair. Her eyes are a golden colour. Though Calla doesn't prefer having to roam in such a weak body
at all times, this form is quite beautiful and suits the warrior quite well. Whomever controlled the body before her obviously kept it in nice
shape, even the hourglass figure looks nice on her. She stands at 5'4" with 122lbs on her.

True Appearance
Her true appearance is much like her current human form. The clear distinguishing factor is her icy blue eyes, which are almost so blue they
appear clear/white. She is taller in her true form, though around the same weight. Both forms have very pale skin.

On the surface Calla is fierce, independent, tomboyish, and pugnacious. However, beneath this tough exterior, she possesses a strong loyalty
toward her comrades and duty as the Eastern Lady and an admirable compassion seen in moments when she expresses love toward her
human. Her offensive battle style means that she is always quick to initiate or rise to a challenge and she is extremely quick witted and
impulsive, especially in heated situations. Though her rash decisions often result in her accidentally insulting others.

Calla is tough, impatient, headstrong, sarcastic, and assertive. However, she also has a good sense of humor and enthusiasm. But she is also
impulsive and therefore has a hard time hiding her true feelings. This indicates that she is ruled by her emotions even when she tries to
pretend they do not exist, leaving her vulnerable.

Like the other Lords and Ladies, Calla places a high priority on her position. Although at first Calla was uncomfortable of having to use outright
violence to bring balance to the world, she eventually developed an unrelenting determination toward following her destiny.

Distinguishing Power
Enhanced Strength, Speed, and Senses in her human body. She has simple Physic Powers, like being able to plant an idea into someones mind,
or erase fractions of her memory. This also blocks out anyone else trying to read her mind.


Seymour Chaset
Darrel Dorsten

Jasper Loh

James Pidothienr

So begins...

Calla Tor's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Calla was pacing. She could not help it, anytime she was away from her human, she was worried. Always wanting to rush back to him and make sure no one harmed his fragile, human body. Any of the Tedlars would be happy to kill him if they found out she had taken a human mate. And with that she reminded herself that she musn't become so attached. A human's life could end any day, Daisetsu's especially since he had such a dangerous job. Or, dangerous to a human. Calla was positive she could walk through a fire and come out unscathed. But she also wasn't overly eager to attempt it.

In a way, the Lady admired her human. Even knowing that he could die any moment, he still did what he did. She knew she couldn't say that for herself, being blessed with an amazing healing ability and a almost incapability to die. Though Calla was fairly positive something could kill her, she just hadn't found out what yet. And oddly enough, she found herself thinking about it quite often. The Lady had done all that she'd wanted, she had lived long enough. Now, it was just getting..boring. The only thing that kept her from abandoning this human body was Daisetsu. And she could add that to her, already overwhelming, list of things to thank him for.

"Miss Perne?" Her pacing stopped and she turned towards the sound of her secretary. "Yes James?" Her calm tone is strained, worry clouding her eyes. "There is something you should see..." The low-level tedlar trails off and Calla is at his side in a second, golden eyes blazing as she pulled the male inside and slammed the door shut. "What is it? Is Daisetsu okay?" He is the first thing that comes to her mind. "Yes, yes-" He was annoying her now, James was never one to just get to the point. "-one of the Tedlar's reported that, well-" Growing impatient, she grabbed him by his collar and pushed him up against the wall. "Spit it out!" She growled, voice low. "They said they spotted a dead woman on the street. With a huge hole in her chest..." Calla sucked in a deep breath before dropping James to the floor.

She got home in no time. At first she had been tempted to just run back to their house, but decided against it because it was important she remained as normal as possible. Slamming the car door shut, she couldn't hold herself back and sprinted to the door, nearly pulling it off the hinges as she pulled it open. "Daisetsu?" She called out, trying to sound calm but even a child could sense the fear in her voice. "Daisetsu, where are you?" Calla left the kitchen and ran-walk towards the living room. "Daisetsu!" Calla had practically jumped onto her human, wrapping herself around him. "Are you okay?" Pulling away from him slightly, her eyes examined him for injuries.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Daisetsu let out a soft sight as he stepped out of his old banged up car and walked up to the house he had parked in front of. His house, of course. Normally he wouldn't be home so early with so much work to be done, especially with the body of an unidentified woman found right in the middle of the street, but the chief had ordered it. Setsu had to admit it was a good idea. The second he stepped out of the station, his legs nearly fell out from beneath him as he realized he didn't know the last time he'd taken a break. He'd gone home every other night for a short nap but usually ended up spending it all with Alisa, falling sleep right on the spot as they sat there and talked. 'Things have been getting serious between us over the last few weeks,' he thought quietly to himself as he pulled out his house key and unlocked the front door, pushing it open and quickly tossing his hat on the coat rack. 'She's here so often, she lives here just about as much as I do with schedule. Maybe I should..." He suddenly lifted a hand and gave his forehead a good slap as he cut off his own thought. 'What am I doing? I got at least three different cases to review, I can't get distracted at a time like this,' he thought sternly as he peeled off his jacket and hung it up as well. 'I can think about our relationship once I've made sure we live in a safer city. For her sake.'

Daisetsu made his way to the living room, kicking his shoes off and loosening his tie before sitting down on one of the big comfty chairs and closing his eyes. Despite his own scorning however, Alisa was on his mind in a second. He wanted to call her up and invite her over, have someone to talk to for the next for precious hours as she worried about how he was running himself ragged. She was honestly the kind of woman most men only dreamed were real. She was smart, beautiful, caring and always worrying about him. He couldn't blame her. He remembered the nights when his mother sat in quiet tension by the phone, waiting to hear if her husband would be coming back after he was pulled into yet another hostage negotiation or bank robbery. It tore her to pieces the night she finally got the new she'd always feared. He never wanted to put Alisa through that situation. Especially if...

His thought was cut short again, not by his own stubborn determination but by the sound of his door being slammed open and hurried footsteps entered his house. His heart skipped a beat or two until he recognized the voice that rang through the air. The panic in her voice sped up his pulse again as he pushed himself up out of the chair, stretching for a second as he hurried over to the commotion. He was about to call out to her in return when she suddenly came hurtling around a corner and spotted him.


The next few seconds became a blur of golden locks and entangled limbs as he rushed over to him and hung to him tightly, nearly knocking him right off his feet with the sudden yet affectionate tackle. Once he managed to regain the breathe that had been knocked out of him, he began to laugh. She was worried for him, much more so than he'd seen before but it wasn't important. He was fine and she sure seemed happy to see it. "Hehe. If I knew you were so worried, I would have called you before I left the station." A few seconds ticked by as the embrace held and eventually the realization of how deep this moment felt sank in. She seemed downright panicked and was holding on to him like his life depended on it. She really cared. As with many of his epiphanies that dealt with Alisa, it ended with him going slightly red faced. "S-Sorry if I worried you," he stuttered out, still not sure what had her so frantic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Calla dropped back onto him once she was positive he was okay. "I love you." She sighed, resting her head against his chest. In the back of her mind she thought how uncomfortable he must be, with her pretty much sitting on him. She may have been a Tedlar Lady, but she was still a girl and the thought of having Daisetsu think she was fat raced around her mind. "And I'm sorry I jumped on you." She suddenly said, pulling back as she got off him and moved to sit on the couch. Her eyes never left him though, still worried that it was all a trick and in the next moment he'd be gone or she'd have a huge hole in her chest.

Even though they weren't married, and she was fairly positive Daisetsu didn't even think of her as a potential bride, but she thought of him like a husband. She was with him whenever she could be, which really wasn't often with his schedule. He would come back home every other day and they would talk but, it was really never more than a few hours she got to spend with him. It hurt to be away from him, and Calla had long since lost the capability to feel emotional pain. But he brought it back, somehow. He brought back everything, even the memories of her first and only other lover besides Daisetsu. At the thought of her deceased love she cringed, turning away quickly and hoping he hadn't seen.

She'd been younger then, maybe only a a hundred years old, and wasn't even near as powerful as she was now. She was working under another lady, who was much more powerful than Calla at the time. When the lady found out that Calla and one of the ladies servants had been.."fraternizing" with the help, well, she had him removed. This was half the reason she was so protective over her human and why she always worried about him so much. She despertly wished there was a way she could make him into something like her, give him her healing. She knew how to fight well enough, but so did he. Though she knew how he felt about the Tedlar, or really just how humans in general thought about the Tedlar. They were the "threats". The "bad" guys. And a lot of us didn't help prove that point wrong. Thus why we all have to live in hiding. Not that we could really roam around on earth without a body.

"So..when are you heading back to work?" She was used to this. The come home, nap, and leave. And it began to feel awkward being at his house all the time, she was sure he felt the same way. Perhaps she shouldn't come around so often, she had her own apartment on the other side of town. She didn't really wait for an answer as she got up, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. "I should go, let you rest." Her smile was sad as she straightened back up. "I'm sorry I barged in, I just thought-never mind." She shook her head, hand resting on his chair a second before she headed towards the exit of the room.

[wee, terrible post is terrible xD see what I mean by quality over quantity? i try and write a lot and it sucks. balls.]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enenra Baku/Otae Takamiya Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Rukimu Crossfire Character Portrait: Masae Tamura
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Otae opened his eyes the next morning, feeling somewhat empty. Like he was merely an shell of a body without a soul. Then suddenly all the memories came back to him in a flash, and he started hyperventilating. "T-theres no way that was real, right? Theres so such things as tedlars, right? Yeah. It was just a weird dream. Ahahaha!" He started speaking hysterically after his breathing had calmed, before breaking into a laugh.
'No such thing as tedlars? Don't be such a fool. Besides, its impossible for you to dream while I am around.' Otae stopped laughing immediatly after the oh-so-familiar voice spoke.
"No way... It wasn't a dream after all?" Otae sighed, seeming more dissapointed than he did surprised.
'Don't tell me you forgot about our deal, Otae. We need to gather over 1,000 Invento Hell to bring you back to life, remember?'
"I get it already. Just give me some time to process everything,... Er... What was your name again?" Otae asked.

'You are truly hopeless... My name in Enenra. Remember this time!' Enenra exclaimed, annoyed. "Ah, right. Enenra. So who exactly are these guys who are after you, anyway?" Otae asked. 'Those who are after me happen to be 3 of the 4 tedlar lords. Calla Tor of the East, Masae Tamura from the South, and Rukimu Crossfire of the West. She is by far the most dangerous of the three. They all have hundreds of servant under them who will also be attacking us. The one you killed last night was one of Masae's tedlars. She will most likely be the first tedlar lord we face, since we tedlar lords can sense when out servants die and who is responsible for their death.' Enenra explained. "3? What about the tedlar lord of the North?" Otae questione. 'Ah... Well. You see. The tedlar lord of the North is...' Enenra began, obviously hesitant to answer this question. "Well? Who is this North? Out with it already." Otae ordered, getting a little impatient. 'The the tedlar of the North is... me.' Enenra finished, awaiting Otae's response. "Oh? Is that it? To be truthful, I kind of guessed that was the case." Otae stated bluntly as he began putting on his informal-ware.
"Man. Weekends are the best!" He exclaimed. 'Does anything ever surprise you that doesn't involve mortal wounds?' Enenra asked.

"Hm? Not really. I just figured if I have to live with you living in my head for a while, I'll have to start getting used to unnatural things." Otae responded, heading into the bathroom and looking into the mirror, while readjusting his bedhead. 'Tedlars ussually don't reveal themselves in broad daylight, so I suppose we are safe for the time being. We should try and search for low-ranked tedlars or the weaker mid-level tedlars like Unis.' Enenma stated.
"Too troublesome. I don't have time to go around hunting your kind." Otae replied, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste. 'Is that so? Then what exactly do you plan on doing today? I wouldn't mind seeing how humans spend their everyday lives. I came her to experience it for myself afterall'
"Isn't that obvious?" Otae began before spitting out the tooth paste residue in the sink, then rinsing his mouth out with water. "I'm gonna pick up some chicks!" He exclaimed proudly. 'Pick up some chicks you say? What possible amusement could you derive from picking up prepubescent egglaying, fowls? They are quite loud, and irritating.' Enenra responded. Otae shook his head. Before grabbing his housekeys and walking out the front door. "You have absolutely no idea, Enenra."

Otae eyed ever girl he could lay his eyes on, wearing a serious expression as he sat upon the park bench.
'This atmosphere is so serious. Its as if you're stalking prey, rather than searching for a mate.' Enenra replied. 'Who said I was looking for a mate? Do you know how hard it is to find a girl who will sleep with you on a first date at my age? There are no decent girls around at the moment anyway.' Otae responded, making sure not to speak to Enenra out loud while he is in public. 'A date? What is that?' Last I heard it was some type of fruit. Why would you bed your female counterpart on top of a fruit? Enenra asked, innocently. 'Quit making humans seem so complicated... Hey Enenra. Earlier this morning you said that its impossible for me to dream. Is that the case with all humans who have tedlars inside them?' Otae asked. 'Well... Seeing as most humans who are inhabited by tedlars are unable to control their own bodies unless the tedlar permits them to, yes. But you can't dream because of me for a different reason.'
'Oh? What exactly would this reason be?' Otae asked, slightly interested.

'I possess an ability that no other tedlar has. I can consume dreams, nightmares, and anything involving spiritual energy in general.' Enenra explained.
'Seriously? How come no other tedlar can do that? What makes you so special?'
'I do not know that answer myself. I have been able to consume dreams ever since I can remember. They serve as somewhat of an replacement for Invento Hell for me. You see, Invento Hell is more than just the power we tedlars use to fight. It is our very essence. Our life source. To run out of Invento Hell means to die. Of course even with my dream eating ability, I will still die if I run out of Invento Hell. That is why I pressed you not to waste it when we were fighting Unis.'
'So that basically means that overusing your Invento Hell will kill you, and if you die then I die?' Otae asked.
'That is correct. This is also the reason I want you to kill weak tedlars so that we can get more Inveno Hell. We are not yet at a level to where we can take on the tedlar lords or even their high tedlar... Hey Otae. Are you listening?' Enenra asked, noticing that Otae had stopped paying attention.

"Shes got a nice body." Otae said aloud, while starring at a beautiful brunette who had just wandered into a small resteraunt. After a little bit a man also entered the resteraunt and approached her, appearing to be quite familiar with the woman. "Damn. Looks like shes already take." Otae commented, kind of dissapointed.
'Do you even realize how dire our situation is? How can you remain so calm?'
'Weren't you the one who told me to calm down earlier? Let me at least enjoy myself a little before you go on about killing tedlars and collecting Invento whatever.' Otae replied, arrogantly. 'They're called Invento Hell! And that was only because we would have been killed then if you had kept panicking!' Enenra yelled, feeling quite frusterated with Otae. Otae let out a laugh, before getting up off of the bench. 'Very well. Then why don't we start searching for these so-called weak tedlar?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enenra Baku/Otae Takamiya Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Rukimu Crossfire Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Rukimu decided it was best that she gain as much Invento Hell before facing Calla Tor just in case the confrontation turned sour. She sent Ginta to gather more information regarding the Eastern Lady. The new body she possessed was beginning to tire despite her everlasting endurance. The body itself was in weaker shape then she had previously anticipated. After about one hour of wandering around the city, she rested on a park bench. The sky was showing signs of rain as the clouds rolled in, darkening as they passed. They swelled up and shifted as the wind moved west. Rukimu glared at the sky. Her favor did not rest in rain or becoming wet. She had no place of dwelling in this realm, nor had she instructed Ginta to provide her with one. Sighing at her ignorance, she stretched out. "Excuse me, miss?" a raspy male voice called from her right. Rukimu turned with an instinctive steel gaze and found a handsome man in his late twenties or early thirties staring at her. He wore casual jeans and a dark blue polo shirt with a black jacket. "Do you happen to know what time it is? My cellphone ran out of battery," he smiled innocently. Rukimu shed her sharp gaze and shifted to a look of innocence. "Time?" she smiled, "sure," she checked her phone as the man approached. She told him the time though she saw a shiny Rolex he was hiding under his jacket.

"Thank you," he said. "And I didn't catch your name." Rukimu smiled sweetly and noticed that no one was around them. She had not eaten yet and he looked like a strong man. A dead corpse similar to his own would give her a significant amount of Invento Hell and also serve as a delicious human meal. "Ruki Blu," she stood to greet him. The man was taller than she was, around 6'1" with slick black hair and a dentist worthy smile. "Miss Blu, my name is Kurt Lane," he said. "Are you busy? I would love to offer you something to eat," Again he flashed her a dazzling smile. Rukimu nearly gagged at the offer. Yet her face remained kind and willing. Innocent puppy eyes stared into Kurt's blue eyes. "Sure, I would like that," she said and began to walk with him.

Rukimu emerged from an alley. She dusted off her skinny jeans and fixed her long brown hair before blending in with the crowd. New energy surged through her body. Kurt Lane would be a shell of a man. His body shriveled, but recognizable, as if he were one hundred and three years old. "Let the local police get a load of that," she thought with a smirk. She hung around the crime scene a bit longer before she heard an elderly woman scream. "Call the police! Get Lieutenant Daisetsu Koudou! It's Dr. Lane! His body! Oh my god, he's dead!" A few more shrieks and mournful cries sounded and Rukimu left. Kurt Lane was a new doctor at a local hospital and the son of Jacob Lane, a world renown surgeon. He was well known amongst the townspeople. "Oops," Rukimu whispered as she walked north.

Turning a corner, she found a small candy shop with small children reeking havoc among the store owners. Their parents were no where to be found. Rukimu found it slightly annoying. She found a group of older human children which included the notorious player named Otae Takamiya. His body pulsed with supernatural aura. A child offered her candy and she gave the boy an evil glare. He ran away, shivering with fear. Before she would have to interact with more humans she turned the other corner, but not before giving Otae a long, curious and an unintentionally extreme flirtatious gaze. His aura was too strong to be that of a normal human. The energy that pulsed around him was calling to her. The Invento Hell she could gain from his corpse ran circles around her mind. She wanted it. Rukimu stood a couple of blocks from where the candy shop was and trying to track the boy's body. The supernatural elements in his body were too weak to be that of a high tedlar, let alone a Lord. She did not think Enenra's spirit would be so weak. Yet the aura did not seem hostile, almost subdued in a twisted sense. She thought it might be a mid-level tedlar. She would take one on easily and she wanted more Invento Hell. This body, she thought, would be perfect. If she could only get the young boy alone... He would end up just like Dr. Lane...


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Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Daisetsu stood there watching Alisa as she sat down and began to speak, trying to hide his obvious shock. The first words out of her mouth were hardly what he had expected but it was not the first time she had said it nor was it a one sided feeling. He thought she was the most amazing woman in the world if not a bit mysterious at time and he couldn't ask for anything more even if he wanted to. What bothered him was the way she said it, like she'd been worried that something horrible had happened. With any luck, this latest case of the woman in the middle of the street had been caught by the public and her hearing of it caused her to panic. Of course she might have more to fear than she first thought. From the sound of the victim and an overall lack of witnesses or evidence so far, it may turn out to be one of -those- cases...

When she offered to let himself out, something in Setsu's heart yanked painfully at the thought of her leaving. As she turned to exit the room, he nearly jumped her as he grabbed hold of one of her hands as he shouted, "No!" A second went by before he realized how ridiculous his reaction was, his facing going red as he cleared his throat. "Sorry. I-I meant to say that... you don't have to go." He placed his other hand on top of hers as he gave her a meek smile. "The chief gave me - well, ordered me - a half a day to get some rest. I don't have to be back into the office until tomorrow afternoon. So you can stay... if you want to." Setsu didn't see her nearly as often as he wanted to with work and the last thing he needed was her to leave when he had so much free time. "I think spending some time with you would be very nice," he said before he reached around and planted one quick on her lips. He needed her right now and even if he wasn't so stressed, he'd simply want her to be there. It was greedy and stupid but he found it hard to care. She was one of the few things in the entire world he had left to truly cherish and he wasn't going to let go of it any time soon.

And just when everything was about to settle down, the phone rang. Daisetsu sighed as he let go of Alisa's hand, his fingers brushing her as he let go. "One second," he said, flashing her a bright smile before he turned and walked over to the end table by the couch and picked up the phone. "Lieutenant Koudou's residence, this is him speaking." The voice that came from the end was that of Patrolman Sai Hyogo. "We got another victim," the younger officer said, the sound of papers being flipped through being heard over the line. Setsu let out another irritable sigh, all joy ripped form his expression. 'Great, I'll probably have to head in again right away,' he thought bitterly before asking aloud,"Do we have any details?" "Um. Ya, hold on," Sai said as the sound of ruffling paper came through over the line. "One doctor... give me a second. Here it is. Dr. Kurt Lane. Twenty nine, employed at the Ruhana Hospital." This shocked Setsu. Kurt had been his own doctor, a good man if not something of a flirt. He promised time to grieve for him later as he shake his head and spoke clearly into the phone again. "Alright. I'll be at the station right away," he said in a steady, serious tone. Before he could hang up, Sai spoke up. "Oh, and lieutenant? It's another mysterious case. I'll let you see the body yourself, but..." The rookie went quiet for a moment before saying, "The chief thinks it and the other recent case may be... special cases. He wants to speak to you when you get here." Setsu was silent before he answered with a quiet, "Alright," before hanging up the phone. He began to straighten up his tie as he turned to Alisa, trying to keep a blank look on his face as he spoke to her. "Something has come up. I need to head back to the station right away."


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Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Daisetsu felt the usual weight in chest that decided to burden him when he had to leave Alisa. He'd barely even had a minute with her and he was already having to go and most likely spend another all-nighter or two. It was never easy to leave, especially when she gave him that face but he had no choice. The only thing that stopped him from grabbing her and holding her tight as he promised to stay with her is that he wanted to keep her safe and he was no good keeping the streets clean if he spent all of his time lounging about, especially with what he knew could be out there at the very moment. He had to leave for her sake, no if, ands or buts. Or at least that is what he thought.

Setsu answered her question as they reached the front door, speaking with a blank expression as he pulled his jacket on. "You know I can't stay, Alisa. The chief called me back in himself and if he's going back on his order to send me home then something big is going down." He pulled his hat off the hook and slipped it on his head as he continued. "If you can, please stay here. Right now there's a good chance that we have a killer on the street and it may not even be safe getting around by car. I want you to lock the door, check the windows and if anything happens, I have a spare revolver locked up in the pantry, key is under the kitchen mat." He placed his hands on her shoulders as he looked straight into her two shining golden eyes that he loved so much.

"Don't worry about me," he said as he gave her what he could only hope was a comforting smile as he tried to wipe the gloom that was clouding his mind. "I'll be fine, just like I always am. And I'll be back before you even know it." He then leaned in and planted one long kiss on her lips, pulling back as a few seconds ticked by before he whispered to her, "I'll always come back as long as I have something to return to." With one last kiss on her cheek, he bid farewell as he went out the door, raindrops falling atop his hat as droplets quickly poured over the brim. Setsu sighed sadly as he got to his car. "Ah, great," he mumbled as he got into the driver seat and started up the engine. "Bad weather. And it looks like it's only going to get worse." He adjusted his hat as he squinted through the windshield at the darkening clouds that began to gather. "Look's like a storm is coming..." With that one last morbid thought, he shifted into drive and headed off towards the station.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enenra Baku/Otae Takamiya Character Portrait: Calla Tor Character Portrait: Rukimu Crossfire Character Portrait: Daisetsu Koudou
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Rukimu stood under a beam and hissed for Ginta. Her eyes were still dark blue, but this time her primary emotion was of annoyance and irritation. Ginta appeared within the minute and his eyes were joyous at first, but one look at the rainy conditions made his face drop to apologetic. "My Queen," he said sharply. One fierce glance from those ocean blue eyes made him shut his mouth. He could perform various spells to teleport quite easily on his own, but to carry a passenger was more work. Nonetheless, he could not deny his Queen his services, unless he wanted to be terminated. He teleported them to a small motel and checked in. He allowed Rukimu her own room.

"Find me new clothing," she growled walking into the more or less shabby unit. The floor was cheaply carpeted, but for once she didn't care about luxury. The wet clothing stuck to her body and she felt as if she was rolling in pig fat and had allowed insects to embrace her. The feeling was itching, uncomfortable, and disgusting. "Now!" she yelled, pondering whether to yell at him as well for providing her with a cheap place to stay. In reality, the unit was not cheap at all. It was a moderate living space with two full sized beds and clean white and brown sheets and blankets. A small television was set up opposite of the bed which had two fine working lamps by each bed side. The bathroom was fresh scented like roses and stocked with towels, shampoo, soap, and the whole lot of human essentials.

"Here, my eternal empress," he bowed and offered her two large shopping bags. It contained a blue pajama set and two outdoor clothes: two skinny jeans, one black and one a dark blue; three blouses; a regular blue tee; five pairs of socks; black sneakers; dark brown boots; and white sandals. He even remembered to pack her undergarments. Rukimu peered into the bags and was honestly impressed that he had brought her so much. An umbrella hid at the bottom of the second bag along with a large swiss army knife. "You may leave me now, Ginta," she ordered. He stood and pleaded into her eyes. He wanted to know why her energy level spiked so high before he met up with her. He had thought she had made a successful kill, which was spot on, yet she was behaving as if she had lost something. It was more because of the rain now. Rukimu didn't care about Otae anymore, or at least for the time being. "Later," she said softly, but firmly. "I want you to find Calla Tor in twenty four hours. I want you to do it so I don't have to get a tracker tedlar on her. Hurry. I wish to have a little fun with the local police. Maybe I can gather information regarding the original case where Enenra was involved. Sniffing him out isn't working. Maybe the humans can find him," she started to take off her clothes. Ginta quickly vanished. Rukimu looked into the mirror in the bathroom. "Beauty is power," she whispered. "And power is everything."

After an hour of plotting and calming herself down, Rukimu's eyes finally returned to a neutral brown. She left the motel, holding her umbrella to keep her from getting wet. She walked towards where she believed was the local police station and asked around about them. The locals seem to be worried about the deaths, but still foggy on details. Rumors are going around that its a serial killer, others say its aliens. Ruki pretended to be surprised and all. After about twenty minutes, she isolated a young woman around the age of thirty. Making sure there were no witnesses, she quickly stabbed the woman in the back and used her powers to imitate the wounds of the first victim of the unusual attacks. The victim that used to be Enenra's vortex. She burned the knife and got a little blood on her shirt. Screaming she ran into the police station. "Help! Help! A woman just got stabbed by a man in the alley! I think she's dead! Help! Please!"