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Vassi Yurriovitch Novikov

Atomic Transmutation // 17 // The White Room

0 · 205 views · located in Babylon School For Exceptional Youth

a character in “Alas, Babylon: A New Beginning”, originally authored by MrGr1nch, as played by RolePlayGateway


Vassi Yuriiovtich Novikov





::Race/What Are You?::
Human/Mutant: Atomic Transmuter

The ability to alter Objects, by rearranging the atomic structure. The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense, central nucleus containing a mix of positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons, these are surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. An atom is classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus: the number of protons determines the chemical element, and the number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element. Threw Vassi's ability he can alter all three parts of an element by either changing the number of protons, neutrons or electrons. An example would be turning Lead which has 82 protons and 82 electrons into Gold which has 72 protons and 72 electrons or vice versa, or simply taking away a neutron from a stable element making it radioactive. The simplest form of His ability is being able to split Atoms at will, releasing chaotic explosive energy. In Conclusion Vassi is either a human Chemistry set or a walking Atomic bomb..... His abilities directly correlate to his knowledge of chemical/atomic structures, as he learns more about elements and there properties his abilities potential increases.

A reserved complex individual, always thinking, calculating, and suppressing his emotions feelings. He is always righting down his ideas and the events that happen in his life on his legal pad allowing nothing to go unobserved, and undocumented around him. Although Vas is not a social person, only talking to his brother and himself, He is always open to listening to other individuals views, ideas, and their issues, it helps him deal with the emotional instability of knowing his is an atomically unstable abomination. Vas's only notable feelings are his love for soccer, material objects and chemistry. He reveres his brother as a protector, and the only stable figure in his life, Never changing and always there for him. The void left by his parents has left him petrified of social bonding and emotional contact, he fears that anyone he grows close to will leave him if they find out his ability of worse perish because of it. Vas despises his ability because of his lack of understanding of it, and hopes that his notes will help him find a calling of usability or better a cure.

His Satchel, Writing, Elements on the Periodic table, seemingly useless objects (junk), Soccer, Chemistry, Females, and listening to other peoples problems

Being in America, Talking to anyone other then his brother, His Power ,and His parents

A slender athletically built 17 year old standing at 5"11. His eyes are a light brown color His skin is a shade of light caramel, and his hair resembles curly brown sheep's wool. Before the incident Vas was a soccer prodigy, and was soon on his way to joining the national team as Back up. He has built up strong legs though his arms still lack definition. Though now he spends most of his time writing he brother still helps him maintain a strong physical body by there weekly Sambo conditioning. Vas lacks the devotion to personal appearance and tends to go a month at a time without even trimming his hair down, his apparel is of an exceptionally high class though because of his personal requirement for fine clothing

Vassi Yuriiovitch Novikov ,born to Yurrii Novikov, and Viktoriya Novikov in the city of Izhevsk, Russia. Vassi (Vas for short) was gifted in soccer even at a young age, and he obtained his first soccer ball at 3 years old and for hours he would run in the back yard of his parents Mansion dribbling and shooting at the make-shift goal made by the butler Ivan. Vas was closer to Ivan than he was to his mother and father who were world class weapons scientist. Ivan watched over Vas and his older brother Roman when the Mister, and Misses were away at work. Vas grew up with special benifits due to his mother and fathers lucrative field of work. He was able to pursue his dream of becoming a professional soccer player in abnormal ways such as practicing in actual soccer stadiums rented out for hours on end using his parents money, and also having access to state of the art training facilities. On Vas's 16 birthday which was also the day of the Russian National Team tryouts Vas was called by his parents to come to the Lab. This being the first time ever being invited Vas was ecstatic. His parents then proceed to do Atomic reconstruction, and manipulation test on his body constantly pulling on his atoms while also secretly giving him the ability to force his will over the atomic structure of objects. this spans from allowing him to combine two objects together by there atoms, forming new objects by rearrange there atoms, or simply splitting single atoms to release large amounts of chaotic energy. Vas and his brother were cast of by there parents and brought in by Babylon to help control there unnatural powers. Vas fears his power, because he does not completely understand them but as his knowledge of chemical and atomic composition grow so do the horizons of his abilities.

The White Room

He is timid about being in contact with people and will not openly discuss his "Gift" also Vas has a distinct Russian accent.


::Daily Schedule (Mon - Fri)::
Period One: Anatomy
Period Two: Math | Music Theory
Period Three: Lunch/Study Hall
Period Four: Personal Power Class.
Period Five: Crafting | Chemistry

So begins...

Vassi Yurriovitch Novikov's Story

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The ride over to this new land was arduous, I want to go go back to mother Russia. The air here smells and taste dirty, and the people here.... well I cant help but to stare its like I'm seeing people again for the first time. Ivan says were going to a better place, somewhere me and my brother will be able to learn how to control our abilities. I don't want this... this curse forced on to me by my mudak parents. I hate them for what they've turned me into..................Well we're here now. My first impression is that this place is a little small, I'm kind of disappointed. I hope its larger on the inside than it is on the outside, because if not I would rather go back Home. --DAY 1 In America

Vas' stepped out of the large all black limousine after his brother. The gravel under his black leather shoes shifted as he fully stood up to stretch out his long slender arms, and run his fingers through his hair. His black tie and white dress shirt were partially hidden by the grey sweater vest he wore on top, but were complemented by the black slacks he wore. "Thank you Ivan"He said, as the man in a butler outfit closed the door behind him and gave a nod "Your bags are in the trunk I will get them at once sir" the man retorted. Vas looked around him and pulled out his legal pad to right down what his new surroundings looked like, but his brother threw him a glare telling him to put it away. Without uttering a word he put the pad in his side bag that hung to his hip. Roman tossed one of the envelops given to him to his brother. Vas accepted the letter and walked to the back to help Ivan with the bags. Vas' respect for Ivan was that way above that of his father and so he did his best to be kind to The butler. Vas had excepted that he wouldn't see Ivan after he drove away so he wanted to spend these moments with him, even if it meant carrying his own bags for once. Ivan was an elderly but he was far from frail, he carried both of Roman's luggage bags up the school steps faster than Vas' was able to carry his own. "Master Vas are you sure you don't want me to carry yours to your room as well?" Ivan said in Russian "No Ivan I can handle it myself" Vas' russian was still perfect but his lie was far from it!

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Character Portrait: Vassi Yurriovitch Novikov
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Vas dropped his stuff as He entered the foyer. The new surrounding interior sparked his seemingly OCD reaction of taking out his legal pad from his Side bag and writing everything he saw. His pencil flew across the lines, only taking pause to load new lead into the tip, as he dared not even look down at what he was righting for fear that he might miss something. After several minutes of descriptive writing Vas opened his satchel carefully sliding the Note pad, and the pencil neatly into there designed places. He scanned around the room one last time before his brother voice penetrated the reclusive barriers in his head. "Vi I will go to find my room. Meet back with me in a short time. Ponyal?" "Yes uh I... understand." Vas' broken English would have put his world class tutor to shame, but the simple fact of transitioning it to his new default was still in progress. After a quick glance at the envelope given to him He followed his brothers lead and headed up to the Third floor to find his room.