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Nero Sceer


0 · 926 views · located in Alice Academy

a character in “Alice Academy!”, as played by Mashotu



Height: 6"7'

Appearance: Nero loves leather. He's always wearing leather pants and gloves. He doesn't have tattoos or piercings, but he does have one red eye and one blue eye. He also has a hairstyle that poofs at the top. If you call him a pineapple he'll stab you. Seriously. On his left hand he has two rings that help him control his Alice.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 28


Role: He is a teacher who teaches biology but is also the dangerous class homeroom teacher.

Alice: Water control inside plants and the bodies of animals making them bend to his will. His true Alice is just water manipulation, but he has always found it boring and enjoys using it in different ways.

Clotting: This is where Nero will cause the blood cells in the body to clot in the main artery of the heart. This is by far his favorite skill because it leaves no trace that he had done anything and it allows Nero to slowly kill his victims without them realizing they are his victims. So he gets to see their scared and pained faces while they call out to him pleading for help.

Moving: This can happen with both plants and animals. He just simply bends the water in the vessel and it will move whichever way he wants it. This is harder with animals and humans, but he can easily overcome a persons mind and manipulate their body.

Spiking: This usually only happens if Nero looses control of his Alice, which is quite rare. If Nero is to get angry enough while he's controlling something his Alice will take over. This will result in all of a man's fluid (if it's a animal/human) to burst through his skin. It doesn't necessarily have to be flood either. But the fluids will take the most painful way out of the body and will come out in under a second. The animal/human will die of blood loss.

Water Manipulation: This is exactly what it sounds like. This is his true Alice. He is able to move any for of water to his will and can even change it's density as well as it's shape. This is actually helpful for the few times he goes out in the woods and needs fresh water. He can pull the water from a stream and it will separate itself from the sediment or germs it was carrying.

Type: Dangerous

Abilities: He is great at growing plants and is an amazing staffs-man. Even though his "staff" is more of a trident that he wont think twice about stabbing you with.


Preferred Weapons: His trident

Personality: Nero is not the nicest person in the world. He's cocky and doesn't give two shits if you don't like him. He knows he's a teacher and demands respect. He can be nice to people he actually likes, like his little sister Nina. But he will not try and make you like him. He finds the gruesome things funny and hates anything sweet and fluffy. He is the type of person who looks after himself first, and then maybe look after someone else if he feels they've truly earned it. Also add the fact that he will bluntly use you to get what he wants.

Since he closes himself off so much, it would greatly confuse him if someone were to try and get close to him. He's used to hate and fear. Not kindness and love. He knows that most his students, if not all, don't like him in the least. He's not sure about the teachers and is pretty sure they just hold their tongues until he's out of hearing range.

Quirks: He has a habit of saying "Oya" when amused


  • Flowers
  • Blood
  • Tricking people
  • Spicy foods
  • His trident
  • His sister
  • Leather
  • Fighting

  • Being called a pineapple
  • Pineapples
  • Marshmallows
  • Annoying people
  • Weak People
  • Sweets

Biography: Nero has been known to have his Alice since the age of five when he put on a puppet theater for his mother and father using alive squirrels. He was able to manipulate the blood in their body to move the way he wished by controlling the water inside of it. His Alice is technically water manipulation, but he only uses it for controlling blood and the fluid in plants. He was brought to Alice Academy shortly after this.

He refused going with them men who came to take them though. He stuck out at them and killed about five of them using his spiking technique. They eventually were able to knock him out. For his first year at the academy they put him in a water tank under heavy sedation. They thought his Alice was blood manipulation, but when he woke up one night and broke the water tank they were quickly proven wrong. He didn't go on another rampage like everyone was expecting though. Instead he broke down crying like a little kid would wishing for his mother. Because that is exactly what he was doing. He wanted to go home. He wanted his mother, his father, his baby sister who was slowly dying. He was only six after all. He was scared and lonely at the time and everyone was too afraid of him to care.

While at the academy he tried everything in his abilities to escape so he could see his little sister again who was slowly dying of a rare condition. But he finally gave up when he got to highschool. He had gotten so mad at a guard that he had made the blood in his heart clot causing him to have a heart attack and almost die. The teachers and principles threatened to put him back in the water tank and sedate him for months if he didn't stop.

After he graduated he found out that the Academy had saved his little sister from certain death by paying for an operation she had needed. He decided to repay them by becoming a teacher even though he still really doesn't like the school that much.


Other: FC: Mukuro Rokuro: Katekyo Hitman Reborn


So begins...

Nero Sceer's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Hisakawa Character Portrait: Shino Terr Character Portrait: Nero Sceer Character Portrait: Naoya Watanabe Character Portrait: Midna Silvera Character Portrait: Sylvia Cauthon
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#, as written by Layla

“Welcome to Alice Academy!” a deafening voice exploded through the speakers of the crowded assembly hall. A boy with a spirit-seeing Alice chuckled as the spirits of students and staff alike leapt from their skins at the sudden shattering of their eardrums and the sight of... “I’m Mitsuki Hisakawa, Student Body President and your host for today.”

Students and staff members had been trapped in that assembly hall for the past three hours, listening to introductions of new students, briefings, announcements, rules, subjects, uniforms and speeches. Most notable of the speeches included the junior school principle’s, which droned on for 56 minutes and 22 seconds regarding his pet serpent’s favourite times of the day. Most of the audience had fallen into a deep sleep only to be jarred into wakefulness by bag pipes announcing the arrival of the President of the Student Council.

“Mommy!!!” wailed a small child from the elementary school. He received a glance from the self-proclaimed host on the stage and he very literally seemed to turn grey. His jaw touched the top of his chest and he swayed like a paper bag in a rainstorm as he sat rooted to his seat.

“Listen up, kid,” Mitsuki said slowly, clutching the stage podium. “Your mama’s swimming in a sea of gold right now and you’re probably never going to see her again. Suck it up or I’ll suck you up into a big, black whole of oblivion. Unless you’d rather be my roommate, of course,” she added with a baring of teeth that might’ve been a feral snarl or a grin.

The stage podium turned to ashes.

Mitsuki laughed.

“Haha, these stage props sure are fragile, huh? Wood these days!” The audience laughed nervously.

“Moving on. Welcome back, oldies, and newbies, welcome to the next decade of your life stuck with me if you don’t follow the rules,” she chirped, her wavy snow blue hair bouncing merrily on her shoulders. “Seeing as I’d rather be contemplating the meaning of life under running water, we’ll skip the formalities, alright?” she declared.

“First up’s the annual Search and Conquer tournament!” Dramatic bagpipes drum rolled. There was a mass intake of breath from the older students. “That’s right, kids! It’s the annual 71st Hunger Games!” Mitsuki clapped loudly before returning to standing on her toes to reach the microphone. “No, seriously. Stop acting like I’m sacrificing you to the Fertility God. Woooo, excitement!”

She grunted and snatched the microphone from the stand. They needed shorter microphone stands. “I said excitement.”

A roaring cheer followed the initial splatter of applause.

“For those of you who’ve yet to experience the joy of Search and Conquer, let me explain to you what it is.” She beamed supportively, rolling her weight onto the heels of her booted feet and then to her toes, and back, and forth, and back. Her eyes darted left and right. Man, she needed a sugar hit.

“14 students will be randomly chosen and given individual flags they must keep on their persons. They will be sent to the Northern Woods.” Suddenly, the interior of the assembly hall transformed into that of the menacing outdoors. The crooked fingers of the trees loomed over the audience, threatening to engulf them. Students from the technical abilities class panted as they spun and tapped at the mechanisms maintaining the illusion.

“The” – she grinned – “’volunteers,’ will be scattered throughout the woods during noon and in the woods they will remain until sunrise. The game involves stealing an individual’s flag. Those whose flags you steal will join your empire and you will be their Queen or King.” But who was she kidding, a woman would win this. “Anyone under their command, will also become your slaves. For example, Billy steals Dicky’s flag, Billy becomes Dicky’s king. Lily steals Billy’s flag, and becomes Billy and Dicky’s queen. If Dicky steals Momo’s flag, Lily also becomes Momo’s Queen.

“The person who manages to survive unclaimed until sunrise wins a prize, as does the person with the largest empire. The prize?” Mitsuki’s pale aquamarine eyes darkened with glee. “The former, 1000 rabbits” – there was a collective gasp, that was even more than Special Stars received – “and the latter, a one day ticket outside.”

Silence drenched the student body just as the illusions made by the technical abilities class evaporated, the assembly hall shimmering into focus.

“Now for the rules of the game!” she announced, her aura leaping into a fluff of pink cotton.

“One: once a person has claimed another’s flag, you cannot claim their flag unless you’ve claimed the flags of the people they are ruling. Two: you cannot steal the flag of your own monarch. Three: killing or permanent injury of students – or teachers – is not allowed.” She tossed a glare at Midna Silvera, emphasising each word with venom.

“Fourth: you may not bring items – dangerous or otherwise – outside of what is given to you. Fifth: your flag must be tied around your wrist at all times. Losing your flag will result in removal from the game. Sixth: no communication is allowed with those beyond the Nothern Woods. Seventh: no teleportation or human locating Alices or any other similar Alice may be used.” Mitsuki’s gaze flicked over to the wings of the stage for a brief moment before returning to the student body. “This year, Nero Sceer, the Head of the Dangerous Abilities class will be overseeing the tournament. He may use lethal force and interfere with the events. He may aid the participants or act as an obstacle,” her voice dripped with disdain. “He will reinforce the rules to ensure the game is fair.”

Mitsuki beamed and clapped her hands together, bouncing just as a lanky man – or gigantic rabbit shaped like a man – appeared beside her. He bowed and lifted the tall hat from his head, holding it out before her.

“Now for the volunteers!” She dipped her hand into the hat and pulled out a bundle of lollies. She unwrapped them and stared, reading out the names before popping the candies in her mouth with fervour. “Sylvia Cauthon, Hiroki Seijun, Maya Shinozaki, Midna Silvera, Jules Carter, Kana Nishino, Lorelai Bay, Michel De Angelo Robutton, Feris Lilliand, Alexander Rammis, Azeal Rowens, Shino Terr, Naoya Watanabe and…” She narrowed her eyes at the sweet.

Mitsuki flipped the candy around, rubbing at it as if to ensure it was real.

She tasted the candy.

No, it couldn’t be.

“This is wrong,” she told the towering rabbit man. Her only reply was a disappearing bunny act as her useless assistant vanished in a puff of smoke. She opened her mouth, closed it, turned to the audience, and glared. “And Mitsuki Hisakawa.”

She turned away from the stage for a moment, her softly flowing pigtails twitching as she faced the back of the stage. The Alice limiting rings on her fingers flared, the gems flickering like embers in wood that was about to ignite. She exhaled and spun around, her usual smile already in place.

“Now for your gifts! For Sylvia Cauthon, a bottle of water.” The items would appear midair and fall into their laps. “For Hiroki Seijun, all seven books of the Harry Potter series. Alexander Rammis, a pineapple. Naoya Watanabe, a jelly fish lamp. Maya Shinozaki, inflatable earplugs. Midna Silvera, a detached showerhead. Jules Carter, chicken bones. Lorelai Bay, chinese tea leaves. Kana Nishino, a piece of nylon string. Michel Robutton, tarot cards. Feris Lilliand, a king sized mattress. Azeal Rowens, a bottle of salt and pepper. Shino Terr, a cup shaped like Pokemon. Mitsuki Hisakawa… Men’s underwear... 100% cotton."

“All Search and Conquer participants and Nero Sceer must report to the edge of the Northern Woods at 1147 hours to commence the tournament. Other students and staff may view live footage of the tournament in the dining hall or common room. Students may return to their respective rooms if they so desire,” she mumbled absentmindedly, her gaze drifting already to a realm no one else could see.

“By the way, I was serious about my request of cookie dough pop tarts in your welcoming letters. New students who fail to provide me with sugary goodness…” She paused, tilting her head in thought. “Will die.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Hisakawa Character Portrait: Shino Terr Character Portrait: Nero Sceer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Nero Sceer

Nero listened in boredom to his little student's ramblings. He couldn't care less since he'd heard it all before. That is... Until he happened to hear his name.
“This year, Nero Sceer, the Head of the Dangerous Abilities class will be overseeing the tournament. He may use lethal force and interfere with the events. He may aid the participants or act as an obstacle. He will reinforce the rules to ensure the game is fair.” The blue haired girl said. Nero glared at her. He specifically said no to her when she requested such a thing. He hated these games ever since he was 16 and got "volunteered" for them and ended up in the hospital 'cause he was forbidden to use his Alice.

Once she announced her own name though, he smirked. Oh, he was going to hound this girl to the ground and she knew it.

“All Search and Conquer participants and Nero Sceer must report to the edge of the Northern Woods at 1147 hours to commence the tournament. Other students and staff may view live footage of the tournament in the dining hall or common room. Students may return to their respective rooms if they so desire.” She said in the end. Once she made her request for cookie dough poptarts Nero walked up to her.
"Just so you know. Payback's a bitch~" Nero said with a smirk that would only mean hell was coming, before turning on his heel to head for some place other than there. He had had quite enough of children for a while.

Shino Terr

Shino was on the verge of just leaving the assembly hall and going to take a nap somewhere. Maybe in a tree.
Of course, Mitsuki just had to ruin his plans before they even start. SO typical of her!

“Now for the volunteers!” The blue haired girl said before eating whatever those were, “Sylvia Cauthon, Hiroki Seijun, Maya Shinozaki, Midna Silvera, Jules Carter, Kana Nishino, Lorelai Bay, Michel De Angelo Robutton, Feris Lilliand, Alexander Rammis, Azeal Rowens, Shino Terr, Naoya Watanabe and… This is wrong, And Mitsuki Hisakawa.”
As much as Shino hated the fact that he had to participate, that was quickly overblown when she had called her own name. He had to cover his mouth to hold the fit of giggles in that would surly get him killed by the girl.

But his joy was soon outlived when their items got announced, "Now for your gifts! For Sylvia Cauthon, a bottle of water. For Hiroki Seijun, all seven books of the Harry Potter series. Alexander Rammis, a pineapple. Naoya Watanabe, a jelly fish lamp. Maya Shinozaki, inflatable earplugs. Midna Silvera, a detached showerhead. Jules Carter, chicken bones. Lorelai Bay, chinese tea leaves. Kana Nishino, a piece of nylon string. Michel Robutton, tarot cards. Azeal Rowens, a bottle of salt and pepper. Shino Terr, a cup shaped like Pokemon. Mitsuki Hisakawa… Men’s underwear... 100% cotton."
What the hell was he supposed to do with a cup!? Chuck it at someone's head!? Okay... That might actually work... But still!

Once everyone was allowed to leave Shino almost exploded out of rage. He knew he wouldn't get a new item and he also knew he had to participate. He knew he could win if he tried, but he just hadn't made up his mind about trying yet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Hisakawa Character Portrait: Shino Terr Character Portrait: Nero Sceer Character Portrait: Sylvia Cauthon Character Portrait: Alexander Rammis
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#, as written by Rammus
Alexander Rammis

Alex had to sit on the stage listening to the tedious explanations and new arrivals. Thinking to himself,
Ahh the boredom a shade of grey
wilts my life away.

Finally after three hours , Mitsuki stepped up to the podium. This caused Alex's head to twist and listen closely to what she said. “Your mama’s swimming in a sea of gold right now and you’re probably never going to see her again. Suck it up or I’ll suck you up into a big, black whole of oblivion. Unless you’d rather be my roommate, of course,”

At the same time he heard this the podium turned to ash, Alex simply puts his palm to his face and mutters "she wonders why people are scared of her."

Then she went on her rant about the introductory game, Alex could care less about it that is until he heard his name and even worse hers. His thoughts turn and tumble madly in his head,
To win or lose
either way this won't be a snooze

Alexander Rammis, a pineapple.
"........Wow I can't even think in rhymes for this does she want Nero to kill her? Does she want him to kill me." Alex thinks to himself with dread at what Nero might do to him. "wait she said he could use lethal force" Alex mutters to himself starting to sweat a little bit and not because he was wearing a giant red coat over his school uniform this time.

After Mitsuki leaves, Alex steps up to the front of the stage and says "You are not going to die if you did not bring the cookie dough. Though I might if you tell her I told you it was fine not to, that is all assembly over."

Alex slowly backs away from the stage bows and turns to leave so he can get ready to fight for his life.

Sylvia Cauthon

Sylvia sat a little bit away from Shino almost losing her composure over the puppy person. Sylvia paid no attention to the assembly at all and focused on the puppy guy the whole time almost burning a hole through his forehead with her stare. Near the end of the assembly the puppy man started to look angry so Sylvia averted her eyes for a bit and noticed a bottle of water floating to her, "wow they have really good service" Sylvia mutters to herself. After the assembly ended Sylvia followed Mr.puppy when Sylvia was sure no one else other them were alone she attempted to flying tackle pet Shino from behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Hisakawa Character Portrait: Nero Sceer Character Portrait: Midna Silvera
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ever


”Can’t... this be over yet? came the monotonic voice within Midna’s head, displeasure at the roaring sounds produced by the crowd of adolescent males and females making itself quite apparent. Giving a soft internal sigh, the young woman crossed her arms over her chest before, almost in a sense of uncomfortability, hastily uncrossing them to return the limbs at their rightful place; her sides. A silence, thicker and far more intense than before, washed over the shadow controller as she took to watching the people, her “peers... most of which were currently shying away from her form. Typical.... almost my second week and yet, they are scared. echoed the twistedly amused thoughts as, much to a random boy’s dismay, her red orbs connected with green ones. Immediately, the high school male’s skin turned a sickly shade of white, beads of sweat appearing around his hairline as he endured the misfortune of the piercing gaze. Tossing him a sly smirk, quite enjoying the terrified thump of his heartbeat, Midna casually watched as he rushed off in order to find sanctuary at the heart of the crowd.

It was at this time a rather obnoxious voice shattered the tedious white noise, the sound system a tad bit too loud for some. Hmph. How amusing. whispered the voice within her head as several other Alices around her jumped at the sound, obviously startled. Not showing even the slightest twinge of a reaction, Midna’s crimson gaze trained on Mitsuki, her supposedly assigned “senpai”. Studying the blue-haired Student Council President for a few seconds, not really caring about her ‘sickly over welcoming’ introduction, the ex-mafia member allowed for her gaze to wander about the room.

Almost in an instant, the doll-esque girl’s orbs had latched onto her “teacher”, Nero Sceer. His expression displayed perfectly what currently was plaguing her; painful boredom. Maybe.. he’s far more like myself than I thought. contemplated the metacognitive thoughts, a slight smirk pricking at her petal pink-hued lips. It was also in this time, the time of Midna’s scrutinizing stare, that Mitsuki apparently started to rip apart an Elementary Boy’s sorrow, the sound of a disintegrating podium vaguely snaking it’s way into her thoughts. Giving the Dangerous Abilities’s teacher one last analyzing glance, the Alice flickered her bloodily colored eyes back to the head of the room.

It wasn’t until the Student Council president sent a venomous glare at the new Alice that Midna was jerked back to the present. Of course, like usual, no emotion was given in acknowledgment of her senpai’s distaste towards the newest member.. after all, it wasn’t Midna’s fault that her methods tended to lean more towards lethal solutions. Giving another soft sigh, the brief interest already vanishing, Silvera casted another quick scan of the room as Mitsuki begun to draw names for this ‘game’. Then she heard it, the words that suddenly caused adrenaline to course through her veins.. the words that caused the need for bloodshed and violence to surface.

”...Midna Silvera...” resonated within the walls, a name that brought sudden dread to those around her. Instantly snapping her gaze onto her senpai’s, a disturbed gleam seem to have set those crimson eyes aflame. Finally.. a game that suits me. came the buzzing voice, those slender hands ever so slightly curling and uncurling. Briefly, memories of a similar game, more like a training exercise, flashed within the confines of her mind... Of course, they had used guns and hand to hand combat to fight each other and of course, there were no limitations.. but it was still a close enough concept. Almost as if a new aura, an aura of lethal intentions, an aura of domination, was poisoning the air surrounding the ex-mafia female, more students created a wider berth, a zone of inhibition near the sullen teenager. In her reminiscing, the words ”a detached shower head”meant little to her.. after all, Midna was far more entertained with the fact that her “beloved Mitsuki-senpai” was also competing.. in fact, all of the members of the Dangerous Abilities were. My my.. this is going to be fun. taunted the chilling inner voice, the thoughts only causing that twisted smile to grow.

However, at the sudden end of the Student Council’s announcement, Midna quickly dismissed such a look with a soft cough. Replacing that once demented mask with one of a stoic nature, the shadow-ess threaded her way through the crowd and back to the entrance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Hisakawa Character Portrait: Shino Terr Character Portrait: Nero Sceer Character Portrait: Naoya Watanabe Character Portrait: Midna Silvera Character Portrait: Sylvia Cauthon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla

"Welcome to the annual Search and Conquer!" a voice chirped from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously, echoing through the minds of the contestants in the menacing woods. Well, in sunlight, it was actually quite pretty, ignoring the poisonous snakes and mud swamps that probably plagued it. Mitsuki felt her jaw fall a little at the familiar cheer. Coffee boy? she thought incredulously. "I'm James Franklin, our student body president's personal assistant." She snorted at his self-proclaimed title. Please, he was her foot rest and slave and had been since they were six. "My lady, my nights have been dark with worry for you," he moaned and Mitsuki grunted in response. The feeling was not mutual; and weren't nights meant to be dark?

"Seeing as both prez and vice-president Rammis were chosen for this expedition, I'll be your guide for this tournament." Mitsuki shielded her eyes with a hand to look at the afternoon Sun, memorising the shadows the trees around her cast and the position of the star so she would roughly gauge the time. She wished she'd worn a watch but each of the participants had been magically teleported to random parts of the Northern Woods at 12:00pm sharp and seeing as she'd been too busy with almost dying in the school hospital, she hadn't had much of a chance to even get dressed. She shivered in her thin hospital gown and thanked her luck that it at least wasn't one of those that left her entire backside bare. She'd prefer to have a pair of pants on but an ugly off white dress with pale blue polka dots was close enough. Her vacuum packed bag of men's underwear was tucked under her arm, despite her having no recollection of having it. She supposed their 'gifts' simply appeared with them even if it wasn't on their person at the time of the transfer. Luck was working in her favour today. You never knew when you could use a pair of 100% cotton underwear, even if she honestly couldn't fathom a situation that would call for that, and she was pretty damned creative.

"As you can tell, you've all been scattered throughout the Northern Woods and you'll find a green and red flag with the face of Santa Claus wrapped around your wrist. You must keep this on your persons at all times. When your flag is stolen, the face of Santa will become that of your new team leader. Team leaders will have the faces of their victims printed on their flags."

Mitsuki was already moving, searching the woods for prey. Having been sent on countless missions, she moved quickly and silently, her eyes tracking every rattle of a leaf or skitter of an ant. She had no idea how she'd even ended up in the hospital but she remembered gasping as a surge of life like a shock from a defibrillator jolted her awake only for her to succumb to unconsciousness moments after. Her earliest memory besides that jolt was giving Azeal half a dozen Howalons.

She listened intently to James as he recited the rules she'd memorised before and put a halt to her prying altogether when he began reading through the names of participants. She racked her brain trying to remember every small detail about every student. She knew most in person and knew all from reading their personal folios yet perhaps it was whatever had happened before, but she couldn't seem to remember anything all that well. She thought she might've understood most of their Alices but the names were being thrown into a large, boiling pot of mud, and it didn't look as if it was going to be salvaged any time soon. She bit the inside of her cheek. She wasn't one to give up.

"Search and Conquer will end when the sun rises tomorrow and your gifts will disappear. The person who remains unclaimed through the entirety of the tournament will win a thousand rabbits, and the leader with the biggest team will win a pass to the outside. Be warned, there are Alice traps scattered throughout the Woods that will transport you to the nearest competitor should you make contact with it. These are very well hidden and unlikely to be spotted, but here's a tip: watch out for anything and anyone that's out of place."

Like that gigantic rubber duck over there?

A massive rubber duck sat a ways away. When did that get there? She gawked at it, puzzled, and then they made eye contact. Wait, what? Eye contact?!


"What the f-" she cursed just as the rubber contraption slash beast bounced towards her. She screamed and spun around, running as fast as she possibly could as the neon yellow creature leapt distances no bathtub deco should've been able to. Mitsuki was in no way slow, having spent most of her days every day chasing after idiots who broke rules, but the duck was one crazy piece of plastic.

"Prez! Prez, are you okay?!" James asked frantically, his voice deafening from the invisible speakers in their heads. She heard a muffled voice in the distance scolding him for using his telepathic broadcasting Alice inappropriately. She scowled. No one was allowed to yell into his ear and use him as a personal broadcasting station except for her.

I don't know, Franklin. I'm being chased by an oversized bathroom utensil. Do I look okay?

"Uh, by the way," his voice returned. "There're some obstacles to overcome in the Woods."

Mitsuki chanced a glance over her shoulder and found the glint of the rubber duck's dark eye.

No shit.

She screamed and ran harder.

"I'm so glad I'm not any of you right now," James laughed for a while before sobering up. "I love you, Tsuki. Survive and come back to me. My body is yours to use and dispose of."

Mmm, disposing of him did sound quite nice.


Maybe later.

Upon closer and slightly less brief inspection, she realised the duck wasn't a duck after all but a gigantic chic. Hope fluttered in her stomach - or maybe hunger, it was hard to tell - and she wondered if she could eat it.

Her eyes darted around, searching for an escape but finding nothing but trees the duck would only crush. Maybe she could dig a hole and bury herself, and maybe the medicine they gave her was making her stupid, crazy, or both. She glanced at the rings on her fingers as she ran and touched her ears, her Alice limiting devices had been replaced. Could she take out a duck giant made of rubber? Did her Alice even work on rubber?

You're not freaking electricity, Tsuki.

For one reason or another, she hesitated to stop and stand in front of the duck with her arms wide open for a hug. Maybe it was the highly plausible chance of death by flattening or her mistrust of self-guided, supposedly small baby chickens, but she wasn't quite ready to die.

But she stopped, spun around, and held out her arms.


The bundle of yellow fuzz grasped her hands and spun her around, tears glistening in the corners of its eyes. It pranced through the garden of trees, although from this vantage point, they looked more like pieces of broccoli. The humongous chic clutched Mitsuki to its neon chest and twirled, emitting sounds of joy or calling for more crack, there was little differentiation.


Well, stranger things have happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mitsuki Hisakawa Character Portrait: Shino Terr Character Portrait: Nero Sceer Character Portrait: Sylvia Cauthon
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#, as written by Mashotu
Nero Sceer

Nero watched by a tree as Mitsuki pissed of the giant bird. "Are you having fun?" He called up to her, not bother to move and help her. It was probably against the rules anyways. "Oh yeah. And I don't really think that your Alice is working. "

He was going to enjoy teasing this girl throughout the challenge. He spun his trident around in a few circles. "Oh I know. Maybe if you allowed it to eat you, it'd get sick and die because of how foul you must taste."

Shino Terr

Shino was dashing through the trees as a chimp. The cloth tied around his wrist while holding the damn Pokemon cup. He was currently looking for his new partner in crime, but he also had to keep moving. He stopped on a branch and looked down at the forest floor. He could just stay in the damn tree if he wanted. But he wanted to be king.

"Dammit. Where is she?" He wondered before finally spotting the hooded figure below. He swooped down and plopped onto her hood. "There you are!" He said, even though it only came out in monkey grunts.