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Lead Singer of Silent Serenade

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a character in “Amorous Melodies”, as played by sparrowluvr2



Veronica Kate Biebel

Ronie, Ronnie, Rony




Lead Singer

|Face Claim|
Alexandra Breckenridge



|Hair Color|

|Eye Color|

|General Appearance|
Roni has bright green eyes and pale skin. Her red hair is a disadvantage and an advantage. It makes her stand out in a crowd but it also makes it impossible to hide from the media and fans, not that she minds. She's got an athletic but curvy body. She has several tattoos. Her newest one she got one drunk night during karaoke with the band. It's a musical note with a J disguised in it on her inner left wrist. Her first tattoo was angel wings on her back. She also has a phrase on her rib cage.

Roni is the shy type. She typically only opens up when she is very close with someone. She makes a conscious effort to be nice and open to reporters. She loves the fans but can't help but be shy around them. She delves into writing whenever she can. She helps write the songs for the band. She mostly just writes the lyrics. Whenever she becomes someones friend, she becomes their loyal friend.

Singing, Writing Poems and songs, being with the band, Chayton, and Pizza

Coconut, paparazzi, liars, snakes, fakes, and pineapples

Roni was a loner in high school. But she had a secret. She was in love with a boy who didn't even know her name. She didn't even have anything in common with him. That's when she found out he was starting a band and all he needed was a lead singer. Was she a singer? She sang in church on occasion but that didn't make her lead singer material. Still one of her only friends pushed her to try out and so she did.

It was like Chayton had finally noticed her when her voice rang out in the microphone. She didn't even make it through the chorus of 'Silent Night' when they all rushed up and proclaimed that she was apart of the group. The rest was history. Her soprano almost operatic voice added something that was missing to their punkish rock sound.


So begins...

Roni's Story


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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John doesn't remember ever being this excited for anything. In just a short year, he'd met an amazing woman, who had the voice of an angel. He'd been playing moves on her since the first two months they knew each other, and has finally been reigning victorious. Today, was his 27th birthday, and he'd talked her into spending the day with him, and his crazy family.

However, they aren't officially dating. John nervously straightened the collar on his button-down shirt as he walked along the sidewalk. His apartment wasn't too far away now, and he needed to get home and get ready.

In just one short hour, he'd be arriving at her doorstep, to hopefully start his day off amazingly.

He quickly walked in his small two-bedroom apartment, and rushed through a shower, and re-dressing himself, before exiting his apartment almost as quickly as he'd left it. Glancing at the clock on the way out, he cursed silently. He was late!

"What a way to impress her, Johnny." He muttered, locking the door, then hopping in his old Chevy truck. It was old, but it still ran fine, and he was proud of it. It was his father's.

After about a long 30 minutes, he pulled up to her front door, and got out, walking up. Taking in a deep breath, he knocked on the front door, feeling quite nervous.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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"Ugh! I have nothing to wear!" Roni Biebel cried out, tossing yet another dress out of the closet. She didn't even know why she was stressing out so much. It's not like it was a date. Or was it? It's not like John asked any of the other bandmates to go to his family's for his birthday. What did she even wear to a birthday party? If they were going to a club she would know what to wear. But they were going to a house.

What if they played football? She couldn't play football in a dress and heels. Well, she could but that would be one interesting game. She gave a sigh, flopping down on her bed ontop of the clothes. Her ferret, Slinky, popped his head up from under a shirt. She sighed, looking at him. "What am I going to wear?"

A few minutes later she found a nice sundress and slipped on her favorite leather jacket. She put on a pair of wedges. She checked her hair and make up. She didn't look horrible, which was what she had been expecting. She actually looked good for once. She bit her lip, glancing down at her chest. It was tight at the top but it was doing nothing for her frame.

Just as the doorbell rang, Roni leaned forward and adjusted her cleavage to make it more pronounced. Now she didn't look like a flat chested girl. She sighed, heading toward the door. Why was she so nervous? Slinky's nails tapped rapidly on the wood floor of her house. He tried to stop but he stopped short, sliding and hitting the door with a light thud.

Roni laughed, shaking her head. She picked him up and opened the door. Her breathe caught when her eyes laid on him. "You look gorgeous... I mean Hi. Happy birthday!" She laughed nervously. She leaned forward and gave him a half hug, giving him a polite peck on the cheek.

"Thanks for picking me up. Do you wanna come in for a sec?" She asked, holding the door open wider for him to come in.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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John's eyes widened as the door opened, and his eyes landed on... a ferret? in her arms. He swallowed, and felt the hair on the back of his neck stand.

"You look gorgeous... I mean Hi, Happy Birthday!"

John chuckled light-heartedly. "Thank you, you look devishly handsome yourself." He half-smiled, feeling very confident. "I don't mean to pry, Roni, but I'm kinda late. I apologize." He looked ashamed. "Thank you for the offer, but we better get.. um.." He stuttered, lost in her dress. "We better get... going." Johnny shook his head slightly, and held out his arm for her to link on, and be escorted to the car.

After getting both of them in, Johnny pulled out, and drove over to his childhood home, where his mother, father, and other relatives were waiting. After the embarassing cheek kissing, and hugs from elders, came the following question.

"Is that your girlfriend, Johnny boy?"

John's eyes grew huge, and he looked to Roni. "N-no. She's way out of my league, I mean have you heard her voice?" He swallowed, and straightened his collar. There seemed to be an awkward tension in the room for about 3 hours.

Before he knew it, it was 5 o'clock, and he'd had an amazing time with Roni, and his relatives, playing various games and such. Noticing the clock strike 5, he grabbed Roni's hand, and waved to everyone else with his other. "I've gotta get Roni here home, see you all!" He smiled, and lead her out to his truck.

Silent the whole way there, he chuckled some, and then pulled up in a grassy area on a medium-sized hill. There were large oak trees, and the sun was starting to turn that orange color of the sunset.

"C'mere, look." He said in a soft voice, hopping out, and leaning on the hood of his truck. "It's always such an amazing view from here. I had to bring you here to see it. Besides, I'm sure you've had your fill of the O'Brien's."


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni laughed and nodded. She put Slinky down. He scurried off to probably steal some jewlery of hers. "Of course, I completely understand." She hadn't notice his eyes travel down to her cleavage. She linked her arm in his and grabbed her purse. She locked the door behind her. She let him lead her to his truck. She climbed in, being careful not to let her skirt ride up.

She hummed along to the songs on the radio to keep herself from getting too nervous. Singing was always something that calmed her down. She knew that he hadn't asked for anything but she had gotten him something for his birthday. It was back at her house. She didn't know if he'd want to get something in front of his family.
"Is that your girlfriend, Johnny boy?"

Veronica laughed softly when John turned to her terrorified of what a family member asked. "N-no. She's way out of my league, I mean have you heard her voice?" She grinned, touching his arm gently. "Are you kidding me? Johnny is such a catch but I doubt he'd be interested in a high maintance girl like me." She told his family, sweetly.

She had a lot of fun with his family. They reminded her of her own family. She missed them but hardly got a chance to go home and see them. It was mainly just holidays that she got to do that. [i][color=seagreen]"It was nice meeting you all! Have a great night!
She called, waving at them as she followed him outside.
Roni couldn't help but keep glancing at him as he drove. He was very good looking but he was so quiet. She couldn' figure out what he was up to. She was about to open her mouth to ask when he pulled over. She frowned, confused. She watched him get out of the truck and walk around to the front.

"C'mere, look. It's always such an amazing view from here. I had to bring you here to see it. Besides, I'm sure you've had your fill of the O'Brien's."

She laughed softly, getting out of the car. She moved around to the front, careful not to trip on anything. She came to stand beside him. "Wow... She said softly. She pulled herself up to sit on the hood of the truck. "I have to agree with you about the view but disagree about your family. They were really great." She told him with a smile.

She leaned over and bumped her shoulder against his playfully. "So I hope you showing me this isn't just to get me out of the car to kill me and prove your a serial killer." She joked with him.


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Character Portrait: Roni
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John felt uncomfortably nervous with her on his hood like that, and kept his hands flat on the hood, and looked up at her, smiling nervously.

"So I hope you showing me this isn't just to get me out of the car to kill me and prove you're a serial killer."

"How'd you know?" He chuckled lightly, and shook his head. "Oh no, love. I'm not capable of harming anything, I don't think." He said, looking down. Dang, how much had he worked out lately? He doesn't even realize it anymore, he guessed.

The sun began to set, and it was the most romantic view he'd ever witnessed. Now. He had to do it now. Otherwise, he'd miss the most romantic opportunity.

"Ron.. I didn't just bring you here to see the sunset.. although that was one of the reasons." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, as he stood to the side of where she was sitting, and turned his head, not his body, to face her."Um.. I want to date you, officially, love." He said in a soft voice.

"We've had this like friendship for a year, and I want more of you, you're so unique, and beautiful, and I think I have deeper feelings for you. More than just a flirty friendship." Johnny looked up in her eyes, those big green eyes of hers, with his dark brown eyes.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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John's eyes grew huge, but he shut them as Roni kissed his lips tenderly. His hands, and body turned toward her, touching her hands. He kissed her back, and when she pulled back, she spoke softly.

"I would love to date you... officially."

John's heart was racing, and he swallowed hard, growing a little more comfortable, but never the less nervous. His breath uneven, he closed the small gap between them, and wrapped one of his arms around her waist, pulling her only slightly closer to him. "I've waited so long... for this..." He whispered in her ear, and kissed her lips sweetly, and tender.

After the second kiss, he decided he probably needed to tone it down just a bit, but he'd been waiting so long... and she was the one who started the kissing. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he decided to just go with it. It's not like they were going to end up back at one of their places. That'd be taking it to the extreme.

"Thank you.. for making this a memorable birthday, love." He smiled, his scruffy face seemed to feed into his confidence. John smiled, and looked her in the eyes. "I definitely won't forget this."


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni was glad to see that she wasn't the only one so nervous. "I've waited so long... for this..." His voice ignited a desire she didn't know she had. She moved her hands up his arms to wrap around his neck. She leaned into his kiss, closing her eyes again. She didn't mind him pulling her closer but since she was sitting on the truck the only way to really close the distance was for her to part her legs so his hips were in between her thighs. The shirt of her dress rose up a few inches.

Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it would thump right out of her chest. She smiled at him when he broke the kiss. She hadn't realized how much she truly wanted this until now. She moved a hand to his cheek.
"Thank you.. for making this a memorable birthday, love."

She chuckled breathlessly. "I'm glad I could help." She stared into his eyes. Her head was spinning. When she went out with him she had never thought her night would end up like this. She grinned at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I definitely won't forget this."
"Good." Roni smiled at him, running her hands through his hair. "Now I think we should go back to my house so I can give you my birthday present to you, unless you still have more plans?"

She grinned him. "I have quite the surprise." She teased.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni smiled and nodded. She got down from the hood with his help then straightened her skirt. She followed him to the door. She thanked him, sliding into the truck. She smiled, watching him hurry around the car to get back in. She buckled up and waited for him to drive.

"Thank you for taking me today. I had a lot of fun." She told him, lacing her fingers with his. She bit her lip, watching him. She was so nervous but at the same time he made her so relaxed. She looked down at their hands. His hand was bigger than hers but her hand seemed to fit perfectly in his.
She let go of his hand when he pulled up to her home. It was nothing fancy. She didn't need anything fancy. She was gone most of the year anyway. She unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. She lead her way to her door and unlocked it. She pushed the door opened, letting him be the one to close it.

She moved into the living room and flipped on the light. Slinky came scurrying up to her. Then past her to Johnny. He sniffed at his feet then sat back on his hindquarters to look at him. "You can pick Slinky up if you want. He doesn't bite." She promised.
She turned on the light in the kitchen and went behind the little island and turned to him. Sitting on in the middle of the island was a cake with his name on it. "I hope you like it... Plus you get a choice of drink and what you want for dinner." She grinned at him.

Grinning at him, she bit her lip as she wanted him. "But this isn't your present."


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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"I hope you like it... Plus you get a choice of drink and what you want for dinner."

John smiled as he followed Roni inside, and nodded to her talking. "Wow, you definitely are going extreme with this." He thought, and simply smiled to her. "Wow, you definitely surprised me..." He then shook his head. "That isn't my present?"

He then noticed her bit lip, and swallowed. "Um, well, I'm sure you cook amazingly. and it's really all I need. You've given me enough this evening."

John spoke in his normal tone, and looked down at the ferret who seemed to be following him. He chuckled, picking him up, and stroking his fur. "Ey, Slinky." He said lightly.

John then looked back up at Roni, and shrugged. "I'm honestly not hungry or anything. If there's something my family's good at, it's cooking. You saw the cake right? The thing was almost as tall as me." He chuckled.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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"Wow, you definitely are going extreme with this. Wow, you definitely surprised me..."

Roni smiled at him ad shrugged. "I love to bake and cook and I don't really get much of a chance to do it on the bus. Plus could you imagine how a cake would turn out in that stove with all the rocking?" She laughed, shaking her head. Her curls bounced around her face as she did. "Well, good. I wanted to."

She shook her head. She felt like she hadn't done enough for him especially since now they were dating. "At least let me get you something to drink? That way I don't have all this alcohol just laying around. Which is not to say I'm an alcoholic or anything. I just like different drinks." She told him honestly.

She got out two glasses and started to make herself on. "Feel free to look around at my collection. I'm not really sure what you drink."
Slinky looked up at him when he picked him up. He curled up in his hand and licked his thumb. Roni looked over at them and grinned. She laughed softly. "That was an amazing cake. But I think there will be leftovers for years." She teased.

"Do you want me to go get your present while you mak a drink or would you like me to make you one?" She asked with a smile. She pushed a curl behind her ear.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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"I'd sure hope the lead singer wasn't wasting herself away in liquid every time she came home."

Johnny smiled as Slinky licked his thumb, then set him back down, hearing him click on the floor. Laughing at her tease, he shook his head no.

"Nonsense. I can make my own drink. Go do whatever you need to." He smiled, and before she started to walk away, he kissed her nose. Then, smiled as she left, before grabbing a bottle of whiskey she had, and pouring himself a glass.

As he waited for her to return, he held his glass in one hand, and his other hand in his pocket. Johnny mindlessly looked around, taking in the surrounding areas. It seemed like a nice, simple little home, where she lived happily alone with Slinky.

"I told you not to get me anything... but you still did, didn't you?" He chuckled as he heard her coming back.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni laughed, shaking her head. "No, I don't waste away in alcohol when we're home. Just after really bad gigs." She told him, pursing her lips. She smiled when he walked over to her and kissed her nose before left the room. She went into the room she used to write music and sometimes record little snipets for the band.

She grabbed her guitar and a stand with a little box the size of a sheet of paper that was wrapped and had a boy on it. "No you were very strict with your no getting gifts so I made you one. Can you read music?" She asked him. She knew he could play the guitar but she didn't know if he could read it as well.
The red head brought her guitar and the stand into the living room and set it up in front of the couch and propped her guitar with the stand. She walked back into the kitchen and gave him a kiss. "That is your present." She grinned at him. She picked up her glass of a margarita on the rocks and took his hand. She lead him into the living room and over to the couch. She sat down and patted the spot next to her.

She had wrote him a song for his birthday. She hoped it was good enough. She usually had Nico's help on these kind of things. She bit her lip, watching him. Was he gonna like it?
"If it's bad you can tell me, okay?" She sipped her drink to give her more courage. She was feeling nervous once more. She couldn't remember the last time she sang to a room with only one person in a setting like this.

"I figured I could sing and you could play the guitar."

(this is the song


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Character Portrait: Roni
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"No, you were very strict with your no getting gifts so I made you one. Can you read music?"

Johnny smiled, as she handed him some sheet music, and a guitar. His smile was pure joy, and he quickly scanned over the music, before hoisting the guitar on his lap after sitting down and tuned it real quick.

"Wow, Roni... I would have never guessed this... or anything, honestly." He chuckled, and looked at her with bright eyes before turning his head back to the sheet music, and letting out a small sigh. After sightreading the piece, he nodded to Roni.

"You ready, love?" He beamed, and tapped his foot. "1.. 2.. 1..2 .... 3!" He smiled, and started playing the piece average, staying up to tempo, and nodding his head to an imaginary beat.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni couldn't help but grin at his reaction to her song for him. She wasn't amazing at any instrument but she managed to learn enough from the others to be decent at the others. She could at the least write music for each instrument in the band.

"Wow, Roni... I would have never guessed this... or anything, honestly."

She laughed softly, getting up and grabbing a tambourine and sitting down next to him again. She didn't have all the instruments to make it really good but at least with a good guitar and a good beat it would be a good present.

"Remember when I wrote this, we were still only friends." She reminded him. She quickly finished her drink as he began to count down. She laughed softly, nodding to him as she put down her empty glass on the coffee table. She sat up straighter, nodding her head to the beat he created.

The moment he started strumming the guitar she started humming along, vocalizing with what he played. She closed her eyes, really getting into the song. She wanted to really make his birthday song perfect for him.
You can put your faith in me,
I will keep you company,
Tell me what you want to see,
Even if we do not know the way,
If we don't get there, it's OK...

All the way to Mexico,
Let's just get out of the cold,
Following the winding road,
We don't have to make it home tonight,
If we don't get back it's alright...

But I... got no money,
But we... need nothing,
But where... are we gonna' stay?
Just follow me...

I need you to know,
We'll find what you're looking for,
No matter where we go,
Got nothing to lose,
We'll find what you're looking for,
We're gonna' follow through,
It's all because of you...

Stop the paper, stop the press,
You can put me to the test,
Keep the goods and leave the rest,
This is just the way it's meant to be,
So come on now, follow me...

We will be so glad we went,
Leave the troubles, leave the rent,
Reaching out experience,
We will live forever and a day,
Either way we got it made...

I... got no money,
But we... need nothing,
But where... are we gonna' stay?
Just follow me...

I need you to know,
We'll find what you're looking for,
No matter where we go,
Got nothing to lose,
We'll find what you're looking for,
We're gonna' follow through,
It's all because of you...

We'll find what you're looking for,
No matter where we go,
Got nothing to lose,
We'll find what you're looking for,
We're gonna' follow through,
It's all because of you...

Oh, no... oh, oh...
It's all because of you...
All because of you...
It's all because of you...

She waited until the middle of the song to start shaking and hitting the tambourine with the beat. She opened her eyes and smiled at him as she sang. By the time they were through, she was panting a little. She couldn't remember ever getting winded when singing before. She bit her lip, looking at him as they finished.

There was a long silence. "What do you think?


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Character Portrait: Roni
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Johnny smiled as he strummed along, rocking his head to the beat, and laughed a little as Roni tried to follow the beat with him.

After they finished, she bit her lip, creating this long silence. In that period, he'd turned his head to her, and suddenly she seemed so... stunning. She'd sang wonderfully, and she just looked so.. right, and this moment felt so right. He wore his half-smile, in a more seductive manner, and spoke softly, saying all of this in one smooth breath:

"Roni... you're so talented... and.. I think what I failed to say earlier, is that, when I asked you to date me.. I meant so much more than date. I want you to be a role in my life.. I want you, need you even, as a best friend.. as a love, as... so many things, and I just want to tell you that.."

He stiffened up, a little, and set the guitar on it's stand, before turning his attention back to her, and taking her hands in his, the tambourine over by the guitar. "I think I'm starting to fall in love you." His eyes then grew huge.

"I know that sounds way too fast, and I probably don't have the ground to say that, but, over the past year, just meeting you is amazing... and now... now we're dating, and... I just feel.."

He paused at a loss for words. "Let me.. show you.."

Johnny slowly moved forward, his hands holding hers, and one of his hands let go, to cup her cheek as he kissed her romantically, on the lips.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Veronica blushed as he stared into her eyes. No one had ever looked at her like that. It wasn't just his words that melt her heart. His smooth voice definitely helped with that.

"Roni... you're so talented... and.. I think what I failed to say earlier, is that, when I asked you to date me.. I meant so much more than date. I want you to be a role in my life.. I want you, need you even, as a best friend.. as a love, as... so many things, and I just want to tell you that.."
She left him take the tambourine fom her then her hands. She looked down at their hands, unsure what he was going to say. She could tell it was something important though. She bit her lip, looking up at him once more. The words that left his mouth was not what she was expecting though.

"I think I'm starting to fall in love with you."

Roni's mouth fell open. Did he really mean that? She had not been expecting that. No one out side of her family had ever told her that and meant it in. There were friends of course, but they only meant it in a family way.

"You do?" She asked softly.
"Let me.. show you.."

Before she could ask how he could show her, Johnny was moving closer to her. Her eyes glanced down at his lips then back up into his eyes as he cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes as his lips met her own. She leaned into his kiss but let him set the pace.

Roni guided the hand that was still in her own to her waist. She moved her hands to his chest. It had been a very long time since she had felt anything like this for anyone besides Chayton. And that wasn't the alcohol or his lips on hers making her think so. She slowly broke the kiss but didn't move away from him.

"Thank you." She said, giggling softly. She smiled at him as she looked into his eyes. "You know, I think I'm falling in love with you as well." She admitted softly. Her heart skipped a beat as she admitted it.


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Character Portrait: Roni
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Johnny smiled in the kiss. When she broke the kiss, he felt warm, and soft.

"You know, I think I'm falling in love with you as well."

He nodded, and moved his hand from her cheek, to around her waist, pressing her body against his muscular form, and pecked her cheeks, and lips, before going to her shoulder and lightly kissing it.

"Then, love... I'm sure you understand if I.." He spoke as if he was about to lose his breath. Johnny looked at her neck, eyeing it, and pecked all the way up to her lips, where he let his lips linger there, passionately. "do that." He softly finished his sentence, his lips just barely away from hers.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni gasped softly as he pulled her up against him. Sliding off her jacket she leaned against him, so she was using her feet, pushing against the ground to get closer to him. She arched her back, pressing her body up against his. Every time he kissed her lips she kissed him back. She couldn't stop kissing him. She kissed every place she could reach, though her kisses probably didn't have the same effect since he had a shirt on and her shoulders were bare except for the straps of her dress.
"Then, love... I'm sure you understand if I.." She closed her eyes, tilting her head back so he could get to her neck better. A small moan escaped her lips but was muffled by his lips on hers. "do that." She chuckled softly, opening her eyes once more. She slid her hand behind his neck. She nipped at his lip.
"And what if I..." She started to ask, leaning back so she was laying on the couch and pulled him with her so he was on top of her. She grinned wickedly up at him. "Did that?" She finished, her chest rising and falling quickly with her breathe.


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"And what if I.... did that?" She pulled him slowly on top of her, and he smiled, diving into her shoulder, and crook of her neck.

Johnny loved how she made him feel... but.. they'd only just officially started dating. He didn't want fear of a kid, so soon.

"Roni..." He mumbled, kissing her shoulders, and neck. "Roni.. st-stop.." He finally pulled himself away.

He sighed, as he leaned on his knees, and then climbed off of her, and stood, looking at her, after helping her up. "I may have said, I'm falling in love with you... but... I don't think we need to take it so... fast... alright?" He said this in a different voice than the one he'd been using for the night. It was more serious, and stern.

"I thank you humbly for the most amazing birthday I've had yet, Roni. I'll see you in the morning, alright?" He smiled warmly, and wrapped his arms around her tightly, hugging her goodbye. "Sweet dreams, love." He breathed, and kissed her forehead softly, before getting up, and grabbing his jacket, and heading towards the door. "Goodnight." He mumbled, and opened the door, shutting it softly behind him.

~ 3 Years Later Exactly ~

Johnny couldn't believe he was able to pull it off, honestly.

He was making Roni believe that they'd just broken up. Over that boy-toy, Chayton. Johnny had just made a huge scene about him, as Johnny had just returned from being away for 3 months, 29 days, and about 14 hours by now. Yes, Roni had counted down exactly.

Johnny chuckled to himself as he went to the kitchen part of the tour bus, and received odd looks from Em and Viv. He knew Roni had probably just texted them something along the lines of

"Help, Johnny's mad at me and I don't know what to do."

He sighed, pouring him a drink, and sipping it, watching whatever was on the t.v. nearby. Some stupid infomercials. Seeing as there was nothing good to distract him, his mind, naturally, started to wonder off to the subject of Roni.

He was pretty sure he loved her, and that what he felt was... real. Whenever she was around, she lit up his day, and she knew him so well.. too... which surprised him that he got away with blowing up so easily. She usually didn't fall for that stuff, but that could have just been his mind trying to make him all paranoid before the big night... Which brought him to a problem.

How was Roni supposed to know where to meet him tonight? Or.. more or less, meet the limo.

He thought for a minute, then remembered Ricky. The make-up guy. Johnny exited the bus quickly, and ran over to where Ricky usually was... in his van. "Rick? Rick, you in there?" Johnny asked, a little quickly.


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Character Portrait: Roni Character Portrait: John Raymond O'Brien
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Roni moaned a little louder this time as he attacked her neck. He was probably leaving quiet a few hickies behind. She didn't mind. It was scarf weather after all. She drug her nails down his back. She bit her lip, squirming under him a little. She had never felt anything like this before. She had never wanted to go this far with anyone before.

But then his words broke through to her. "Roni... Roni.. st-stop.."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Wait... why? She panted softly. She leaned up on her elbows as he climbed off of her then helped her up. "I don't understand... did I do something wrong?" She felt more insecure than she had thought she could.

"I thank you humbly for the most amazing birthday I've had yet, Roni. I'll see you in the morning, alright? Sweet dreams, love." She nodded mutely, hugging him back. She gave him a half smile, unsure if she had crossed some line with him. She was a virgin after all. If anyone was skiddish about sex, it was her. She walked him to the door, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Night."
Three years... and it was over. Roni wasn't even sure how it happened. What she was sure was that alcohol was the answer. She let Em and Viv dress her up in a very sexy outfit. They didn't bother calling Ricky to help with this process. She crimped her hair than teased it to make it look wild and yet sexy as hell. She wore dark red lipstick with smokey eyes. She thought she was very sexy, it made her feel only a fraction better.

She, Emma, and Vivian hurried off to the karaoke bar. They texted Nico and Chayton on the way letting the know about the drinks and the singing. Viv promised one hell of a night. They were already on stage singing "Bang Bang" when the boys of the band arrived. Roni was about a quater of the way through a tequila bottle. She was dancing with Viv and Em like they were all lesbians. Their fans were going wild, taking pictures and videoing the whole thing.

Ricky had his own bus. He didn't like sharing his space with anyone other than a bus driver and the band when they were getting ready. He was watching a bluray of Gilmore Girls while drinking whiskey and smoking a pipe. He was taking a drag when Johnny came in. He choked, coughing as he quickly turned off the show that was geared towards women.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm here." He stood up, putting his whiskey glass and pipe down as he coughed. "What's up?"