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Guy Kirkshaw

"I would die for this Kingdom."

0 · 559 views · located in The Rival Kingdoms

a character in “An Age Old Feud”, originally authored by remy6archer, as played by RolePlayGateway




Face Claim: Aneurin Barnard (Ironclad)

Title/Rank: Knight (Sergeant) of Abhainn

Full Name: Guy Kirkshaw

Theme song: Until the day I die- Story of the year



Guy has the persona of a disciplined soldier. Everything he does and says revolves around warfare and chivalry. He enjoys the war scene, feeling a sense of honor and duty above all else. He has a self-sacrificing attitude towards his Kingdom and throne, and his zeal for bloody warfare can be frightening. He has a strong determination to be honored as a Great Knight someday, and avoids anything that may distract him from attaining such a title- alcohol, gambling, luxury, and most of all, women. Although attracted to women, he believes that associating with one will corrupt him, make him soft, and ultimately bring his own downfall.
Postive traits: Honorable, honest, loyal, bold, disciplined, chivalrous.
Negative traits: stubborn, misogynistic, vengeful, spiteful, self-righteous, aggressive, brooding, unforgiving. all-or-nothing attitude, extreme.
Neutral traits: reserved, religious, competitive, not easy to earn his trust.

Knights' Code of Honor

Women (finds them distracting to his pursuit of Knighthood)

Love Interest: None so far.

History: Born as a bastard child of the nobility, it wasn't long before Guy was adopted as a squire into a nobleman's court, the Kirkshaw heraldry. Since his early youth he has trained to become a swordsman and taught in the ways of the Knights of Abhainn. Through extensive training, he was crowned a Knight at an early age of 21 and served in the Abhainn military since.


So begins...

Guy Kirkshaw's Story

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Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw
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Sir Guy, patrolling the outer courtyard of the castle, spots a peasant in rags held up by two other guards.
"Who goes there?" Guy shouted in his usual commanding voice.
"Long live the King!" The peasant cried.
"Why do the clouds hang on you peasant? You tremble and look pale. What news do you bring?"
"For the good King an urgent message my Lord- as swift as my poor two legs brought me here to deliver."
"Step no further down then my man, and give thy legs rest. I will seek council with the King and speak this message on your behalf."
"O heavens! Bless you my Lord!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw
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Sir Guy stepped into the royal court and knelt before King Charles of Abhainn.
"Hail to your lordship my lord! Our duty to your honor. I, Sir Guy Kirkshaw, still your faithful sword and servant, would request audience to read before you a letter of utmost urgency, departed from the humble hands of a lowly farmer."

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Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw
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(OOC: Uhmm.. I was going to have Guy read it out loud, so, lets just say this is what happened.)
Guy looked up, seeing that all eyes were on him, eager to hear him speak. After clearing his throat, he unrolled the parchment and read:
"To our most worthy liege and ruler, we, the people of the village of Maud, sick and pale with grief that we are, would welcome a most generous and gentle-hearted hand of help like rain after draught. Yesternight, in the dead waste and middle of night, from the forests came a band of villainous rogues, draped in nightly colours and armed with sickle-shaped knives who burnt, looted, and pillaged our humble village. The few men we had who knew a thing of two or about swordfighting, slain. The few women who attempted to fight, slain. From hence forth, they took every little money we had in our possession, rummaged through our grain stores, commit ungodly acts to our women, children, and livestock. A savageness in unreclaimed blood. Of general assault. We are at your mercy my lord. Our lives rest upon your generous helping hand to vanquish such savagery."
After Guy had finished reading it, he placed a hand on his sword hilt, as if ready to spring into action.
"My lord, if you would but give the order, with all my heart, and it doth much content me if your lordship would give me the opportunity to test my valor. I perceive it would be a sound strategy that I may be given the opportunity to lead thirteen men, including myself, to travel to Maud and challenge these heathens to mortal combat. Being a rather trifle task this is, too simple for the Captain, Sir Fauxhelm to lead. Such action as I can make, you shall command. Pronounce."
Guy waited on the King's answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Sir Eric Fauxhelm
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After receiving his orders from the King, Sir Guy bowed, and immediately turned to prepare himself. Spotting the captain, Sir Fauxhelm along the way, he stopped to greet him.
"Good morrow captain! Liegeman to the throne. My hour has finally come to prove myself worthy to lead men to battle. It seems that when in peace, our swords turn towards enemies within- heathens, rogues, bandits, and the like. Thirteen men I shall take from our ranks including myself, all of lesser rank than I, from orders of the king himself. Was that the princess of our former enemies that went hence by so fast? Well, I guess the hour has finally come, rumors and whispers sealed to make presence. What make you of this marriage captain? If anything, I would much prefer total war over a bad peace. Though I dare not speak evil of good that may come from such a union."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Prince Liam of Abhainn Character Portrait: Sir Eric Fauxhelm
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Liam watched the scene unfold, and followed quietly when his father and the lady left. He kept to the ends of halls as they found the lady's chambers, and when they'd begun to talk, he waited just beside the doors, listening. She seemed ever so kind... just the sort of person to be a good mother! He poked his head in, looking from the lady to his father. "...papa...?"


Eric was caught off guard when the knight began to talk with him, spewing out orders form the king and wedding and princesses... He blinked a few times for a while as his only response, staring at the young knight as if he were raving mad. "Erm. Er, yes. Yes, bandits, thieves, whatnot. Nasty lot. S-see... see to it, I suppose. Erm. Lovely... princess. It'll be a fine wedding." He nodded and waited for the knight to leave him, but thought of another thing. "Wait, erm... Guy, was it? Listen, remember who's in our court, alright? Don't speak of war when peace-time is so close at hand. Sometimes as knights we believe our duty is to fight threats against our kingdom, but that isn't truth. Our duty is to eliminate threats, and when peace is an option over bloodshed, it should always be so. Do not speak of war with enemies when they are now friends, alright? Don't stir trouble when it's only just finished."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Sir Conán Fitzgerald
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Sir Guy proceded towards the training grounds. Spotting Sir Fitzgerald along the way, and approached the man directly.
"My, my, my, Sir Fitzgerald. What an astonishing sight to behold my liegeman awake in arms, not washed up dry in in 't alley of a tavern." Guy teased.
"Yesternight a man inquired about thee. I replied, yes I know a gentleman your referring to. I saw him just yesterday, and there he was gambling, there he was totally wasted, fighting with somebody about a jousting match, or, perchance, I saw him enter a house of ill-repute. Thou call thyself a true Knight of Abhainn?" Guy pushed him on one shoulder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy Kirkshaw Character Portrait: Sir Conán Fitzgerald
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"Nay, I beseech you sir. Be not out with me. Content thyself." Guy said to Sir Conán. "Yet do I fear thy nature. But it is the part of men to fear and tremble when the most mighty God by tokens send dreadful heralds to astonish us. Shalt heaven take you when cold steel has taken the life from thy lips? God pardon them that are the cause thereof. I humbly take my leave now, to bring the King's justice upon those who threaten the sanctity of his people. By this sword I shall. Oh, is that envy I see in thine eyes? Then fix thine eyes upon me as I majestically take my leave with my men."