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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

"Pleasures of Life, with all the eye can see"

0 · 428 views · located in The Rival Kingdoms

a character in “An Age Old Feud”, originally authored by Guest, as played by RolePlayGateway


King Ladislaus of Sliabh
"Glorious Rule"


Face Claim: Jonathan Rhys Meyers
(I think you know he's from The Tudors)

Title/Rank: King of Sliabh

Full Name: Ladislaus George Strathmore

Age: Twenty-Six

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ladislaus is a rather tall man standing at 6'2, he has a rather regel demoir, looking like a pampered peacock at times. However on the battlefeld he sheds those feathers for steel.

Ladislaus has never known harshness in his life, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth so to speak. He has never known a hard days work in his like and for that he has grown spoiled, he enjoys a good bottle of wine, the company of a beautiful woman, and large lavish feasts in his name. He has never been faithful in his marriage vows, having stung along a number of mistresses before and after his marriage to Queen Josslyn.

He's a natural warrior, and enjoys the sport of jousting. He has never been beaten in the sport, but that may just because the opponent is too scared what may happen if he ever lost. Ladislaus as you may have guessed in not a very good sport, once he lost in chess and had his opponent's finger cut of. He is a ruthless ruler, never happy with what he has and always wanting more out of it. Although he only acts though because he is afraid if he doesn't he may loss his kingdom, the only person he has shared this concern with is his wife, and she is the only that he is aware that knows of this fault.

* Jousting
* Drinking
* Beautiful Women
* Falconry
* Hunting
* Food

* The King of Abhainn
* Ugliness
* Being told how to rule
* People who forget themselves
* Rats
* Rumors, They destroy ones reputation

Love Interest: Queen Josslyn of Slaibh
Lady Clementime De Souza

A number of women at court have also known The King as a lover.

Ligament Children: n/a

Acknowledged Non Ligament Children:
Matilda Strathmore

Childhood: Ladislaus was born on the 15th of May, the first born son of his parents and the apple of his father's eye. He was christened in a large lavish celebration, with nobles from far and near coming to see the young prince. From an early age he showed a remarkable sense of pride for himself and his family. As a child he learned early that whenever he wanted something he only needed to whine about it long enough and suddenly it would appear, no mater how ridicules the request was.

As he grew older, and grew and eye for women he started realizing that most of the women of the court were either looking for good marriages or looking to become a Royal Mistress. To be a Royal Mistress meant you had a great deal of power in the court, and was many times even given titles and land for themselves to hold. It was this ploy he used to bed ladies of the Court, in a mater of days. He was a ruthless shark looking for his prey, and would do anything to enjoy the pleasures of life.

Marriage When at last his father was sick of Ladislaus' Lustful way he forced the lad to take a wife, or be disinherited of course his father didn't mean to do anything so brash but it put the fear of God in Ladislaus and he took a wife that summer.
He married a noblewoman, Josslyn and briefly stopped his playboy lifestyle and committed only to his wife. However things didn't quite go well between the two, and once his father passed and he became king he started once more with his playboy lifestyle.

Since his father's death, he has fallen into that old lifestyle once more. Lusting over the many young ladies of the court who come and flaunt their beauty. He can't help himself he is only human after all, despite what he claims. He currently claims to be in love with a woman name Clementime De Souza and has even made her his official Mistress.

Theme Song: King of Bling

Other: N/A

So begins...

King Ladislaus of Sliabh's Story


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Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

It had been a rather miserable morning for Ladislaus; despite whatever his councilor says about the treaty Ladislaus himself isn’t too fond of giving his only sister to the enemy. Sure he knew they weren’t quote “Enemies” anymore but still after being taught to think one way your whole life it’s hard to change it in matter of days.

They have been traveling all morning to Abhainn, he had taken it upon himself personally to make sure his sister arrived at her future home safety. Besides he still had to make sure all the ends of this wretched treaty were set. Ladislaus never traveled anywhere without a full set of servants accompany him, not to mention his beloved little bastard erh daughter.
“Papa, are we there yet?” Little Matilda asked as she peeked out of the carriage window.
“No, Ducky we are not.” He said with a small grin.

If only his wife had given him such a clever child, then perhaps he would find the need to spend his nights with Lady Clementine De Souza instead of her. He cared for his wife, of course what kind of a monster wouldn’t care for sure a lovely creature. He just wasn’t in love with her, he respected her adored her even, but love? No, he didn’t harbor those types of feelings for his wife, at times he wish he did perhaps things would be different between them.

“Well Annelise,” he said looking at his sister from across the carriage. “Are you excited?”

The setting changes from Abhainn to The Rival Kingdoms

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Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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The weak looking black haired girl looked up, sad eyes boring into her brothers as she gave a pitiful smile. "Of course.." Annelise murmured in response. She wasn't lying, of course not, a small fraction of her was excited but most of what she was feeling was anxiety and an overwhelming fear. She knew how Ladislaus felt towards his wife and was afraid she would be treated the same by her husband. That wasn't Annelise's only fear though, what if this king didn't even like her in the slightest? Hated her even?

She sighed, looking back at the floor and trying to push away her depression for a moment, although she knew it was pointless. She could never escape the memory of her father, the only real friend she ever had. Maybe if he was still alive she wouldn't be sent away, but there was no point in living in fantasy, she had to face the moment. Annelise looked up and stared out the window, her stomach sinking as she spotted the castle in the distance.

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Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

“Well you should be.” Ladislaus said as he peered out the window, they were so near the castle now and Ladislaus couldn’t help but think Rather small castle. Of course this was just a defense mechanism he didn’t really mean to suggest it, It was good that it all in the safely of his own mind.

“Are you nervous?” he said readdressing her as the carriage came to a stop.
A slimy little man came up to the carriage window, “Good marrow, King Ladislaus, Princess Annelise. I will tell King Charles you have arrived.”

“Do so, and for God’s sake doesn’t keep us waiting, we’ve driven all night.”
The Little man ran off into the castle as Ladislaus turned to his sister and said. “Well no turning back now.”

Matilda poked her head out of the window and noticed some men training. “Papa, can I go over there?” she asked wanting to get out of the wretched carriage, after such a long time.

“No, Ducky you are to stay here.” He said in gently, not wanting his daughter to get herself into any trouble and knowing the girl she would.

Now they played the waiting game

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Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Annelise nodded hesitantly, "Yes.." She admitted shyly, staring up at the castle with a small sense of fear, still avoiding eye contact with her brother.

She couldn't help but smile at Matilda's enthusiasm, looking over at the small girl and laughing a bit. If she wasn't here Annelise may have had a full blown panic attack by now, but her happy chatter had distracted her enough up to this point.

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Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Annelise held her breath in anticipation as she was led out of the carriage and up to the castle with her brother and Matilda, thinking her heart would burst as they neared the large doors of the castle and entered slowly.

"Wow.." She mused, looking around at the beautiful decor and glancing over to see Ladislaus' reaction as they got closer and closer to the throne room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

As they walked from the carriage Ladislaus held his arm out for his sister, as is only customary for a gentleman to do so. He didn’t want to admit he was impressed with The Castle so far, he heard his sister’s reaction and he simply replied. “Oh how very modest of them” he spoke in a sarcastic tongue. Wail he was in denial of how impressive it was Matilda’s eyes hadn’t closed since they left the carriage.

“It’s so pretty!” she exclaimed.

Ladislaus grumbled, “Yes, pretty” he grunted not at all happy with using the praise.
The same spiny little man from before offered to escort them to the throne room, which was a tedious trip but at last the made their way and of course The Peacock was sitting proudly on his throne. How anticlimactic he had half expected his longtime foe to sit upon a mountain of those he had slain, but then again no one is ever as we first preserve.

“King Charles, pleasant to at last meet such a great man.” The words felt like daggers in his thought as he tried to regain some form of elegant. “May I present my sister, Princess Annelise”

The setting changes from The Rival Kingdoms to Abhainn


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

Ladislaus realized now that his actions could be deemed rude, he would have to make sure to correct himself as to not do so in the future. It had been a long journey after all and Ladislaus was quite tired, not to mention he hadn’t been in the company of a woman in twenty-four hours. I must be going into withdraw he thought as his eyes wandered to the woman across the room. Very pretty indeed, maybe Abhainn’s women aren’t vile ogres after all

“Yes it was so” He replied to King Charles’ statement. “And I am very tired, please pardon my rudeness we have been on the road all day, and I did not sleep much.” His gave peered at Matilda for a moment who every two miles would ask him if they were there yet.

What he really needed was his Clementine in his arms, and normally she would accompany him, if she was not on bed rest expecting his child. Yes, he was to become a father again but this time would not be there for the blessed hour. Instead he has instructed his mistress to write to him every day on her condition.

He noticed a look in his sister’s eyes, one that he seemed to find in many young ladies of court. She fancied him at the very least, surely it wasn’t love! Love was hardly a reason to merry anyone.

The setting changes from Abhainn to The Rival Kingdoms

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

Eyes were momentarily torn away from the King as a little voice caught Gwen's attention "Good Morning Lady Gwen..." Liam's little but powerful voice echoed around the room, mimicking his fathers, causing Gwen to smile at the boy fondly "Good morning to you too my Prince" she spoke also offering him a swift courtesy. "It's a lovely morning isn't it? If you will excuse me, I have to put clothes on. Good Morning!" He spoke quickly before darting from the room, Gwen watched after him with a small laugh and shake of her head "your son get more like you each time I see him."

Turning back to face Charles, she was momentarily breathless at the sight of him in his beautiful crown, never had she seen a man look so powerful. As he strode over, taking his hands in hers, her rate quickened 'legs don't fail me now.'

"Good morning, m'Lady...I trust you slept well?"

Smiling the blonde nodded "very much so" a frown momentarily faltered across her reddened lips as he let go of her hand, but was quickly replaced "it is very good to see you again Charles."

As if on queue a small man entered the room, bowing grandly before their King "The King and Princees 'ave arrived" he stated. Gwen's blood ran cool and the smile once again fell from her face, she couldn't hide her disdain, not when it was so strong, she knew this was the beginning of the end for them but still she wouldn't go down without a fight. "Come along, then. I'm sure you'll want to meet Sliabh's royals also." Charles voiced beckoned her from thought, I think you'll find I have no desire too, however not want to upset the King, she simply nodded and followed in pursuit.


Gwen stood behind Charles throne to the left, hands clasped firmly in front of her, blue eyes widened, her expression was unreadable. Their was silence in the throne room in the moments leading up the King and Princesses entrance, an uncomfortable silence, she cast her eyes down ward to see the King fidgeting in his seat, her lips pressed into a thin line. Hearing the heavy doors open, her eyes quickly flicked forward, inhaling a sharp breath as she watched the Silabh's royals walk towards them.

Despite the feeling that her heart was breaking into tiny pieces as the pretty girl from Silabh walked towards her future husband, Gwen stood tall and proud, like a beautiful statue, unable to read save for the hurt and anger in her large blue eyes. She watched as they exchanged pleasantries, the two Kings eyeing the other one suspiciously. Gwen caught how the Princess would look behind Charles towards her ever-so-often and other than a small nod she returned no friendly gesture, after all she wasn't one to play on false pretences.

When Charles looked back at her however, she offered him a small smile and waited patiently for him to introduce her, She was sure the pretty Princess was dying to know just what relationship she shared with the her future husband.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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King Ladislaus of Sliabh

Ladislaus’ thought pattern suddenly shifted as some perfectly sinful thoughts ran rapid though his head. He nearly forgot where he was for a moment, “Yes, um right yes” he muttered trying to make it sound like he had been paying attention. When King Charles mentioned a party his eyes widened,

“Oh I do love a good party.” Was that ever try Ladislaus was known throughout his realm for always hosting some kind of celebration no matter how small the event was. “But I warn you I have yet to come through a party were a woman’s garments did no fall to her knees.” He laughed as if it were a joke, for he loved seeing his noblewomen dressed in gowns that reveled more of their natural form, rather than conformed in a corset.

The women of his court wear gowns that are a little bit better than a nightgown and more frequent then not the pin holding the gown over their bodies’ snaps and falls to their feet.

Again he fell prey to his day dreams, and again missed a vital part of the conversation as King Charles introduced the young lady behind him. Luckily he managed to hear her name to be Lady Gweneth. His sister responded with much haste and he feared he would be found rude again if he did not complement the young noble.

“I did not think I would see such a pretty woman out of Sliabh.” He claimed not meaning much disrespect.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Annelise smiled and nodded, "Yes please, my king." She chirped gladly, following close behind Charles.

"I had my servants set up a guest room since I'm assuming you would much rather wait until we are wed to share a room." She nodded in response, "Of course.." She murmured, smiling back at Ladislaus and Gweneth, although she hoped they wouldn't follow. She wanted some time to spend with her future husband after all

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Charles of Abhainn Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh Character Portrait: Annelise
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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

"I do apologize for not having done so earlier. King Ladislaus, Princess Annelise...this is Lady Gweneth; a close friend of mine." Gweneth immediately snapped out of her daze upon hearing her name, looking towards the threesome in the middle of the room she noted Charles smiling at her motioning for her to approach. Gliding gracefully across the hard oak floor, stopping in front of the foreign royals, she curtseyed respectfully as she was taught to do for any member of royalty, despite their country.

"Hello Lady Gweneth.." Acknowledging the young Princess with a small, incredibly forced smile "Princess" her smooth voice drawled "Welcome to Albhainn."

Ladislaus voice finally broke the tension between the two women “I did not think I would see such a pretty woman out of Sliabh.” Although she could have taken the Kings statement either way, Gwen offered a small smile "Thank you sire. I pray you find more things of beauty whilst your in Albhainn as I have yet too see a prettier place." The blonde retorted defending her home with words.

As Charles announced he was too show Annelise her quarters, Gwen's hopes fell, yet quickly rose as he asked her to accompany them "No, you two go on ahead, I shall see you later, if it pleases you?" Watching the soon to be newly-weds leave, Gwen's heart filled with emotion, pain, mostly. A little anger, at herself for not acting on her feelings sooner, at Annelise for having the privilege of becoming Charles wife, at Charles for accepting the treaty conditions.

Shaking thoughts from mind, Gwen turned to Ladislaus "How long do you plan on staying with us sire?"

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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Ladislaus didn’t follow them; knowing he was the last one they wanted around as they got to know each other. A part of him felt insulted, for some reason wail the other more dominant half simple brushed it off. It was then his attention was brought back to The Lady Gweneth, with her delicate figure and and attractive appearance.
“I will stay as long as I am welcome” he said gently, in recognition of her question. “But I fear that may be shorter then I would prefer.”

He felt a strange feeling of unwanted ness at play, he didn’t want to stay here any longer then he needed to it was too depressing anyway. After all he was losing a sister after all, and even though they were never close it was still a scary thought, when thy enemy is evolved.

“Would your ladyship mind, showing me this beauty you mentioned before. I fear I would be lost without a proper guild.” His smile winced gently, as he looked at her imagining what she may look like if her gown fell to her knees right now. “No harm in it, I assure you.” He added.

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald

Suspicion was in Gwen's nature, growing up in an era where war was on your very doorstep, you wouldn't expect anything less. “I will stay as long as I am welcome...But I fear that may be shorter then I would prefer.” Gwen nodded offering a small smile although she highly doubted the truth in his words and she would hardly disagree.

Gwen could feel Ladislaus eyes run over her frame and if Gwen had been a weak woman she would have blushed and perhaps turn away with shame, instead Gwen straightened and let him have his little fun. That was the problem with men, they thought much with their downstairs brain, it was a wonder how they achieved anything in life. “Would your ladyship mind, showing me this beauty you mentioned before. I fear I would be lost without a proper guild.” Ladislaus asked. Gwen thought about it for a moment "very well, would you like to go for a ride and explore the countryside, I assure you it is most beautiful?"

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Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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“That sounds perfect” He Ladislaus said with a slight smile. “Fresh air should do me some good, but no carriage” he laughed. “I think I’ve spent enough time in one for the day.” He felt a gentle tug at his robes just then as Matilda gently begged for attention.
“Father?” she asked gently, “Can I play?” she asked wanting to explore this new place.
Ladislaus turned to his daughter and knelt down, “yes my dear you may play.” He said as she hugged him tightly, he whispered to her. “But be careful of the knights.” Matilda ran off outside on her own with a large smile on her face.

Ladislaus turned back to Gwendeth and offered his arm to her, remembering his manors. “Shall we?” he asked.

This woman was strange different even, in the best sense of the word of course. She didn’t seem fazed at his glances when most women would blush, most peculiar.

“So how long exactly have you known King Charles?” he asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Judith Aelfwynn Character Portrait: Queen Josslyn of Slaibh Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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Ladislaus smiled gently as they walked out of the throne room, what more could he ask for right now? He had a beautiful guild in a strange place, a daughter who knew how to play by herself; yes everything seemed to be going grand for him at the moment. That is until he saw Josslyn standing in the entrance way. He had hoped his Queen would for once do as he asked and stay in Sliabh, after all the treaty wasn’t active yet and anything could happen to the woman.

“Josslyn?” he questioned not bothering to use her full title on his own wife. “What are you doing here?” He said then quickly remembered himself, and introduced Lady Gweneth.

“Lady Gweneth, may I introduce my wife Queen Josslyn.” He said wife with a small grunt like smile on his face. “Josslyn, this is Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald.”

“Now the question stands, why have you come here?” He asked his face still dumbfounded, at the thought that she rode all the way from Sliabh, with only her handmaiden as protection. A Bandit could have easily snatched them of the road, not that Ladislaus cared much for his wife, but still he had to hold some loyalty to her.

“Please tell me you at least have the company of Judith with you?” he asked referring to the captain of the guard who he hoped would materialize with his wife.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Queen Josslyn of Slaibh Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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King Ladislaud of Sliabh

Ladislaus looked upong his wife's face as she spoke, he certainly did remember the conversation they had had before leaving Sliabh but he would hardly call the argument a civil conversation between man and wife. (Or perhapes that is the best way to put such a delicate topic.) As he recalls he had sugested to his queen she remain in Sliabh untill he sent for her, when they had a more sound date for the wedding. Of course he knew better then to asume Josslyn wouldn't follow them here, I wounder is she is upset we left without her he poundered as he suddenly realized Lady Gweneth's hand was no longer clutched to his arms.

"Well my dear" he said with a great strain on the word 'dear', "Lady Gweneth was just about to show me the ground, I trust you are far too tired from your journey to acompany us?"

He half hoped his wife was able to accompany them, for her still wasn't entirely sure this peace treaty would last for long and King Charles was just looking for the ideal time to stick a knife down his thorugh.

"I do know how much you enjoy ridding." he added, that was about the vast of his knowledge about his wife, but it was enough for any man he suposed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Queen Josslyn of Slaibh Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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#, as written by Adantas
Josslyn knew they had differences, she knew that she could never love him and vice versa but must he really be so unprofessional and show that? He could at least be a bit more civil when speaking to her with outside company. Even Lady Gweneth was more polite than her husband. Regardless, she kept a neutral smile on her lips and nodded respectfully at the Lady, showing she acknowledged her.

Her dear husband was now inquiring if she intended to accompany them on a horse ride. She hadn't been on a ride for a while and in all honesty she missed the freedom and the naturalness that is the wild. Josslyn would never miss an opportunity such as that, especially after being cooped up in the jerky carriage.

"I would love to accompany both you and Lady Gweneth, that is of course that the Lady doesn't mind?" As Queen she had every right to come along, regardless of what the Lady wanted or not, but it seemed that she was a woman of influence and getting on her good side seemed like the right idea.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Gweneth Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Queen Josslyn of Slaibh Character Portrait: King Ladislaus of Sliabh
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Ladislaus looked from Josslyn to Gweneth silently hoping, nay begging that the lady would refuse his wife’s company. He knew it wasn’t proper to do so, but one cannot hide their true wishes too well in this world. However it would seem her ladyship did not reject his queen, the noble choice by far and an elegant execution to boot. It was an excellent quality in a woman he had to admit, and one that he respected a woman for, and yet the thought of not being able to flirt with such a delicate young creature made the smile he held so perfecting transform into a frown.

“Well then let’s not waste any time!” he exclaimed and offered his arm to Lady Gweneth once more, then remembering his wife extended his left arm to her without thinking of any social educate. The thought of two women despite his feelings of the one, on either of his arms put a smile on his face.

Matilda sat in the courtyard with daisies in her hair and lilies in her hands. She was making a flower wreath for her father. She loved her father dearly, yet she was still too young to understand the circumstances of her birth. From the day she could talk she referred to The Queen as mother, even if she was later scolded for it afterword’s. She was only six after all; she didn’t understand the concept of “bustards” yet along were babies come from. She still had the fantasy of a stork brining babies to their parents as infants. One day, she thinks she will be Queen of Sliabh, but the very definition of a “Queen” is ageist her on that.

((Medieval Definition of Queen: The wife of a King.))

((OOC: Just so you know I’m going to be away for a few days, coming back Tuesday!))