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An Assassin's Job

An Assassin's Job


New York City is in an outrage... It seems that there are local assassins running about.

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An Assassin’s Job

January 16, 2078
Case #5738
Victim: Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Jenkins
Time of Death: Between 1 and 4 am
Case is cold.
Upon entering the crime scene there was nothing out of the ordinary. Mr. Jenkins was stabbed several times with what seemed to be a five pronged instrument. Mrs. Jenkins had been stabbed as well. Several kitchen forks were lying beside her body. The room smelled strongly of cheese and wine, despite the blood. The murders seemed very clean and were quiet. No witnesses. No neighbors reported hearing or seeing any suspicious characters.

February 16, 2078
Case #7893
Victim: Mr. Tim Huston
Time of death: Between 12pm and 3 am
Case is cold.
The crime scene was incredibly messy. Mr. Huston’s body had been terribly mutilated to the point that they had use dental records to identify him. There was a pair of rubber gloves lying next to his body as well as sewing needles and a scalpel. The body had several of the internal organs removed, these were not found. There was a trace of some sort of poison found on the coffee table. It is thought that there are two murders, for there were both heel prints and boot prints found near the scene. There are no witnesses. The neighbors pointed to the ex-girlfriend, but she had a solid alibi.

March 16, 2078
Case #72983
Victim: Dr. Harold Josephine
Time of Death: between 2 and 5 am
Case is cold.
The scene is extremely clean. Dr. Josephine’s body was found on the bed, it was obvious there was no struggle, and it seems he died in his sleep. There are clean marks around his neck that indicate strangulation. There are traces of pink plastic feathers all throughout the house. Not much evidence. An odd woman’s shirt was found as well, but no DNA could be pulled from it. No witnesses saw anything out of the ordinary. The neighbors suggested Dr. Josephine’s wife, but she committed suicide after figuring out her husband had died. No other suspects.

April 16, 2079
Case # 10293
Victim: Chief Stanly Wilkins
Time of Death: Between 1 and 4 am
Case is cold.
The scene was covered in blood. In the wall, written in Chief Wilkins’s blood was a warning for the police to quit investigating another case. The body was terribly battered and covered with bruises that looked as though they came from a nightstick. It had several broken bones, and a gag was tied in its mouth. There were signs that he had been tied to a nearby chair using crime scene tape. There were a few shell casing and bullet holes in the wall. Witness reported seeing several of Chief Wilkins’s men leaving the scene between 1 and 4 am. All men had clear alibis. Neighbors heard gun shots and called police.

For the longest time, I suspected that these murders were the act of a serial killer. The same dates and times were far too odd, but the clues left behind in every murder were far too different. They each seem to be killing as though they specialize in a certain job. The forks, a scalpel, a feather boa, and crime scene tape; they are all specialized to certain jobs. I want to find these people and figure out what it was they are up to. There is no way this wasn’t the work of a league of assassins, but I’ll keep my mouth shut until I have more evidence…
-Police Detective Charles Anderson

Police Detective Anderson is completely correct. There is a league of assassins out there killing people. This league is very powerful, a true force to be reckoned with. They are all just normal men and women out in the world, but at night, they get secret messages that tell them who they need to kill. They team up and work to kill those that they are ordered to, because they are normally not as normal as the reports make them out to be. The can be very powerful figure-heads, or even other assassins. The assassins normally kill them for one simple reason: The Boss said so.

The Boss is the leader of the league of assassins. He has never truly been seen by anyone but the messenger, but he is known by anyone in affiliation with the league. He is powerful and feared by all. No one crosses The Boss, because those who do come up missing or missing something like their head. He is thought to be able to kill anyone without the help of his assassins, but there are those who are skeptical of The Boss’s real power.

As for the assassins, they are all just normal men and women in New York City. They have normal lives and go to work every day. The only difference is that they use their jobs as cover and as a fighting/killing style. They all have different powers that fit along with their job. They sneak out late at night and kill those who they are ordered to, or maybe even just to visit their assassin buddies. They are known to form partnerships with those assassins that work with them, or have a closely related job. All assassins get missions that are both singular and group missions. Each one is very important, and must not be failed. Never fail The Boss; he isn’t very happy about failures in his league.

As for powers, the assassins all have things that normal humans could never accomplish. The can bend certain logic, mess with people’s minds until they literally go insane, and create unrealistic figures. They can use magic that can utterly destroy their targets. This magic is classified into three categories: Mental, Physical, and Social. Metal magic allows one to control things with their mind, makes things appear, or other magic that involves the mind. Physical magic affects the human body in some sort of way, like being able to contort one’s body. Social magic allows the user to convince other people of something. Each assassin starts with one of the three kinds of magic and gains the other two as they grow stronger. Other than having magical abilities, they all are incredibly specialized fighters. They each fight with weapons you would find at their job, such as the scalpel, crime scene tape, feather boa, and forks. These would belong to assassins with the jobs they would need those tools in.

You will play as one of these assassins. Your job is to complete all of the missions the boss sends you with the help of your fellow assassins. You live in an apartment complex along with your fellow assassins, but none of them know your real name. You may have another house, where your family lives. You have a job other than being an assassin, here are a few. Feel free to PM me and ask about other jobs, I would be glad to send you your powers (Also send the weapons you want to use and I will tell you if they are acceptable.)

List of Assassin Jobs: .
(Note that any of these can be either gender. I’m just calling them certain genders for convenience. In fact I would be highly amused to see a male Stripper. If you want to change the weapons/magic, feel free to PM me and ask me about what you want to use.)

The Doctor: The Doctor is very sneaky at his assassinations. He follows his targets until he knows they are where no one will hear them scream. He fights with scalpels and sewing needles. He enjoys removing organs from the bodies he β€œtakes care of” and donating them to organs banks at his hospital when no one is looking. His starting magic is mental, the ability to control his surgical thread to move wherever he wants it to go, which allows him to control the needles as well. (This is my character…)

The Cook: The Cook is a very odd killer. He will often drug his targets with fancy liquors in order to keep them from screaming. He fights with tons of kitchen utensils. He enjoys cooking for his targets in order to give them a last meal before they die. He starting magic is mental, the ability to make his utensils float and fly (sort of like telekinesis.)

The Stripper: The Stripper is a very beautiful woman. She seduces men into following her into apartments and secretive areas so that she can kill them off. She prefers to strangle them, seeing that she doesn’t want them to scream. She fights with whatever she is wearing, quite literally. She sometimes carries a small dagger. Her magic is social, the ability to seduce men into following her anywhere. (taken)

The Policeman:
The policeman is a very brutal killer. He is used not only as an assassin, but to kill anyone who looks too far into one of The Boss’s missions. He has a very crazy way of killing, seeing that he is one of few who beats his targets to death instead of doing something quick and painless. He instead take the route of gagging and tying up his targets with β€œdo not cross” tape. He then beats them to death with his nightstick. His magic is social, the ability to appear innocent (no matter what), when he is guilty.

The Lawyer: The Lawyer is a very smart killer. He is known to fight the court cases of other assassins and find out their true names for The Boss. He thinks hard about killing his victims and can do it in the middle of a room filled with people without them knowing it was him. He almost always supplies a solid alibi. He fights with pens, yes pens, and carries a small dagger. His magic is social, the ability to make people believe him no matter what. (β€œThese aren’t the droids you are looking for” β€œThese aren’t the Droids I’m looking for…”)

The Garbage Man: The Garbage Man is the guy who disposes of most of the bodies after the targets are β€œtaken out”. This is why most of the assassins’ cases are never noticed, because they all show up as missing person’s cases. The Garbage Man is also a talented assassin, known to leave a crime scene absolutely spotless, except for a few traces to show he was there. His magic is physical, giving him the ability to rot certain parts of the human body (Fingers, toes, hands and feet, nothing too big.) (Reserved)
The Nurse: The Nurse is a very cunning assassin who commonly works with the Doctor. She prefers to poison her subjects by injecting them with her arsenal of needles. She carries several syringes of different sizes, the largest being nearly a foot long. She also carries vials filled with different poisons and medicines, in case another assassin gets injured on a mission. Her magic is mental, the ability to make her needles grow and shrink with her mind. (taken)

The Zoo Keeper: The Zoo Keeper is a very vicious assassin. He doesn’t really assassinate his victims himself, but instead leaves that up to his animals. Most of his assassinations look like animal attacks, but he’s the one pulling the strings. He tends to leave his crime scenes messy with hair lying about, so that everyone thinks it was just an animal. The Zoo Keeper uses mental magic, having the ability to summon 3 species of animals (I will allow you to choose the three).

The Painter: The painter is a very messy assassin. He enjoys painting on the walls with his victim’s blood after he has finished his job. He is probably one of the crazier of the assassins. He fights with two cans of spray paint that he uses to both bash his opponents and leave them blinded. He also has an arsenal of smearing tools with very sharp ends. His magic is mental, giving him the ability to summon whatever it is he happens to paint.

The Logger: The logger is most likely the most violent assassin. He enjoys mutilating the body to the point that it becomes extremely difficult to identify the victim. He leaves blood all through his crime scene, scaring people quite literally on purpose. He fights with axes and chainsaws, both in which do the job fast. He uses physical magic that allows him to add to his strength, allowing him to slice all the way through bone, muscle, and flesh.

The Dancer: The Dancer is one of the most graceful assassins. She enjoys to kill her victims quickly, but make it look beautiful. She has a slight dislike for watching brutal killings. She fights with a pistol and a hidden dagger that is within her sleeve. This dancer isn't one you want to mess with. The dancer has Socal magic that allows her to distract victims by dancing. (reserved)

Welcome to the Assassins’ league tryouts. The ones of you who pass this test are allowed to join the league. Don’t expect The Boss to go easy on you though….

Sign-up form:
Name: (this is your REAL name. It is only known by The Boss and the messenger.)
Assassin Name: (The Doctor, Vet, Nurse, so on)
Age: (Keep in mind that you must be old enough to hold the job you mention. If you are the β€œfry cook” or something like that you can be about 17. Otherwise, please consider that you must be old enough to have the job.)
Loyalty to the Boss: (Is your character extremely loyal and follows orders without question, or does he just do what he wants? This is important for later arcs of the story.)
Description: (this is what you wear when you aren’t in your assassin job. It’s the thing you would wear around the apartment or to the mall.)
Job Uniform: (This is what you wear when you are in your job. I suggest that this be something that identifies your job. Like a pair of overalls for the Logger or a dress for the nurse.)
Personality: (You may be a little crazy. You are an assassin after all…)
History: (Go on. Tell the Boss who you are. Don’t try faking either. He knows when you’re telling the truth…)
Weapons: (Put whatever. I will tell you if it is unacceptable. I prefer you PM me, but whatever.)
Magic (Physical): (You only have one type of magic to start. The others will be added. This is the section for all physical magic)
Magic (Mental): (This is where you put mental magic)
Magic (Social): (and social magic.)
Secrets: (Things you don’t tell anyone. The Boss is the only one who knows these. They are basically blackmail. And don’t you dare say you don’t have any.)
Family/Close Friends: (Your family. You don’t have to be married, but I do prefer that you are. Children are nice too. This is basically what The Boss will use to keep you under his finger. If you have no wife/husband and children, list mother and father. Also list your closest friends, these can be other assassins. Just don’t list their real names.)

The Assassin’s test:
This is a basic test that tells the Boss about you. The questions are also used for group operations.

A. If you see a box on the side of the road, what do you do to it?
B. If you figure out this box has a litter of baby bunnies in it, what do you do? (Please remember your reaction from above.)
C. Your house is robbed. What do you do?
D. You just won a million dollars, reaction?
E. You failed Senior English, again. Now what?
F. (For males) You just landed the part of Cinderella in a play. Reaction?
G. (For females) You just landed the part of the Prince in a play. Reaction?

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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The apartment complex stood completely still in the middle of the night. It was a cold night, early Winter always was. Everyone seemed to be fast asleep... Yet a figure dash through the hallways at top speed. Whoever this was, they were a fast runner, and were in a big hurry. The figure jumped out the window, scaling the building until it reached a window. It entered the window without a second thought.

"Message from the Boss..." It spoke to the first assassin. Leaving the note. It then ran off to the rooms of the other assassins. This would be quite a fun mission for them...

The note was rather ominous sounding...
"My loyal assassins:
I have a very important mission for you today. There is a man, a very powerful man, who is getting far to close to us. He must be eliminated. This will require you to work in a group. In fact, expect to see this group a lot more. The group will consist of The Nurse, The Doctor, The Policeman, The Lawyer, The Dancer, The Stripper, The Zoo Keeper, and The Grave Digger. Please attempt to get along... I would hate to see my favorites... Die. Your mission is simple. Kill Charles Anderson.

This is what the letter says. Best find the other assassins and get started.

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Arabella was seated up in bed, her bedside lamp was turned on. She reading a book when she heard the messenger's voice. Message from The Boss. She grinned. Finally, a challenge. Carefully placing the bookmark inbetween page 456 and 457, she placed the book down beside her as she slithered off the bed. She picked up the note, an read it over, twice. She smiled to herself. "This should be good." She left her room, with the note in her hand. She strolled to the first door on the right, knocking on the door twice. Her foot began to tap against the cold, hard wood of the floor. She doesn't like waiting on people. She realised it was going to be harder than she thought to get along with these new.. friends.

A sigh escaped from her lips as she knocked harder on the door this time. "Yo! Wake up! We've got a letter from The Boss."

She sighed, waiting a few more seconds and turned around on her heels, wondering if anyone else has woken up yet. Her eyes shifted to the second door on the right.
"There's only one way to find out.." She said to herself.

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The doctor sat up with a shocked expression. He grabbed his scalpel and snagged the Messenger. He then smiled and laughed when he recognized him.

"Oh, my bad." he let him go and smiled to himself. The Messenger handed him the note. He smiled while reading it. Hm. Interesting. I haven't been on a group mission in quite some time...

He pulled on his bloody coat and looked at it for a moment. He had forgotten to wash it again? He sighed and walked out, snagging his weapons as he went. He let out a yawn. The Dancer? He thought staring at the girl. He rubbed his eyes. I wouldn't know... He hunched over, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Good morning miss... How is your Boss?" The question sounded odd, but the Doctor knew what he meant. There was no way she wouldn't get it... Right?

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Grave Digger was rudely awoken from an oh so pleasant nightmare by the barely audible sounds of footsteps on grimey shag carpeting. He jolted up from the wall he was resting against and rushed at the intruder with animal like intensity. His attack was rewarded when he and the intruder slamed into the wall with a resounding thud and he heard the sound of every ounce of air rush out of the stranger's lungs.

Satisfied that his assault went exactly as planned he grabbed the black clothed man by the collar of his shirt and pushed him several inches up the wall. "Yeh got sum kinda nerve bargin' in my house at night." He said cooly, with murderous intent dripping from his voice. He leaned close enough for the intruder to smell the horrible stench of decaying teeth and tobacco on his breath. "You got some business with me boy?"

Between bouts of coughing and gasping for breath the messenger managed to squeak out "Boss *cough*... Boss, mission * wheeze*"

"Oh" Mudd said with a hint of surprise in his voice, "Well why didn't yew say that sooner." He let the man slide back onto the floor but still kept him against the wall. The messenger struggled to get a piece of paper of his pocket and hand it to the Grave Digger. "What do you 'spect me to do with this? Blow my fuckin' nose or somthin'? GOD DAMNIT BOY DON'T PATRONIZE ME, FUCKIN' READ IT!" For added emphasis he shoved the note back into the messengers face with more than necessary force.

After the messenger read the note Mudd struck a look of pure concentration, or maybe he was just debating weither or not to end this poor cowards life. "Aight, tell the Boss I'll do it. But next time act like a normal fucker and use the door, hows that sound eh?" He lightly tapped the mans cheek with an open palm and walked out into the bright light of the hallway.

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She glanced up at the tall man. Ah.. The Doctor. " Good morning to you, sir." She paused for a moment, and stared at the man. "..Aye? My Boss? I only work for one boss. The same one we all work for.. Unless you've got something to hide?"

Her eyes were blinded by the bright light for a moment before leaning against the wall, her eyes focused on the wooden floor before shifting her gaze back to The Doctor.

"..Hm. I guess everyone's got a skeleton in their closet, aye."

She turned her heels to face Grave Digger. She nodded in his direction. "Mornin'."

Arabella looked at the other doors that were yet to be opened. There was silence for a few moments, she was expecting for atleast one more person to wake up. She disliked people that weren't punctual. Either you're in it to win it, or you should just quit. These losers are just going to slow me down. She thought to herself. Her foot began to tap against the hard wooden floor once again. "Where the hell is everyone else? Honestly, they should have the decency to atleast get their lazy asses out of bed for The Boss.." Her thoughtful smile had faded away as a frown replaced it, a result of her impatience and short temper. Scoffing, she leaned her head against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. Just count to ten, Bella.

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The Stripper came in with her friend, The Policeman "Hey guys" She said with a slight yawn looking at everyone "I heard we have to do a mission" She gave a slight smirk and moved her hair out of her face "This should be great fun" She sat down at a nearby seat and crossed one leg over the other. "So how are we going to kill this man anyways?" She looked at everyone who was in the room at the moment as she took the hair band off her wrist and putting her hair up in a ponytail.

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The Policeman sat next to his friend still looking sleep "Dammit, sleepy still" He said turning to look at his friend "How do you do it?" He asked rubbing his eyes and yawn. He looked around at everyone before laying his head on, The Stripper's shoulder dozing off a little. "I think I need coffee or something to wake me up" He still had his head on her shoulder.
He looked up to see The Dancer looking a little impatince "Hey, Dancer, calm down some people don't care about doing this like you do" He looked at her with a smirk on his face.

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The Doctor gave a glare toward the sleepy Policeman.

"Excuse me sir, but I can't have you asleep on the job... I wouldn't want you to fall asleep. I would have to have The Nurse give you something to wake you up. And when you did wake, you would be missing an organ or two." A grin came to his face. He cackled to himself and looked around. The Dancer was the Dancer, as he had thought. The Grave Digger was quite obviously himself. There was no one else that smelled that fowl and looked that bad. The new ones had to be the Policeman and the Stripper. They were good friends, if he correctly recalled. He sighed to himself. This mission would be odd. He couldn't help but wonder why The Boss would put this awkward group together. He glanced at the Dancer, feeling momentarily glad that The Boss had made each of them immune to each other's magic. He looked around the room, a smiled coming to his face as he pulled a scalpel from his pocket. He tossed it at the figure that was crawling in through the window. The Messenger stopped in his tracks.

"I-I was here to tell you that The Doctor will be leading the mission.... Why is it that people keep trying to kill me?" He fell down and out of sight. The Doctor gave a wide smile. Him lead the mission?!

"This is wonderful! I never get to lead big groups!" He smiled and retrieved his scalpel from the window. He smiled at it with a laugh, "These things can be thrown too..."

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#, as written by Lycos
The Lawyer held out his hand as the messenger placed the letter in it, never making eye contact, instead keeping all attention on the book in his left hand. "Thank you." The messenger left as Lawyer closed the book and placed it on the shelf, opening the letter after sitting back down. He read the letter and ripped it up, putting it on his desk to burn later. Lawyer put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, leaving his glasses off. He grabbed his pen and left the room to see the others standing in the hallway. He walked over to them and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "Charles Anderson, huh? I'll find out more at the office and get his schedule. The man's most likely a would-be politician... might even be a competitor." He grinned and thought about the idea of someone being close enough to 'Boss' that it would warrant such immediate action. "Once I get the info, we'll work from there, I guess. Does anyone have any complaints, 'Leader'?" Lawyer even made the quote marks with his hands, signifying that it really didn't matter to him.

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"Please do so, Doctor" Stripper said giving a small giggle before pushing the Policeman off the chair and onto the floor "There now if you miss an organ don't come crying to me" She looked coldly over at her male friend.
Yeah her personality just completely changed from playful and fun, to non-caring and dangerous. The Policeman knows what happens when someone messe with her in this personality.
Looked at the messager, he seemed to be frighten of the Doctor "What you do to the poor guys, when he saw you he turned pale like a ghost?" She said with a mean smirk on her face while looking up and the man with the Blood stained lab coat.

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#, as written by Syreaa

Dawn stared out the window. She was bored. The messenger had shown up only moments earlier, exhausted and beaten-up with the Boss' letter. She wanted to kill someone.

She grabbed her syringe and stuffed it into the pocket of her dress and hopped down from her bed. Her hair flowed down her shoulders, accenting her tan skin. She had been utterly bored, sitting alone, in her one-room apartment... At least, until the boy had showed up.

So the boss wants them to go on a group mission? She adjusted her skirt and ran her fingers through her hair as she walked out of the apartment. Bring it.

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Arabella rolled her eyes at the Grave Digger. Men.

The Doctor's remark made her giggle, a smirk appearing across her face.
Another sigh danced along her lips. Her fingers tapped against the hollow walls, her mind wandering off for a moment before she heard what the messenger had to say.
The tapping ceased, her curious eyes now focused on The Doctor. "Mn'.. Leader, aye? How long have you been doing this?"

She had been waiting for a challenge for a while. The little dancer had been bored of her mundane life with her fiance.
She needed some way to release stress. And this was the perfect opportunity.

Arabella knew that she was born to do this.

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The Doctor was happy for a while until he heard the Dancer. His smiled fell away and he turned his head to look at her. He glared for a moment.

"Was that an age joke... I don't like it when people talk about how young I am... I actually hate it when people do. In fact, this scalpel looks like it would fit nicely in your throat. Don't mention my age again... Ever." He grinned a little bit, his eyes shining at the sight of his scalpel. He then went back to smiling. "But if you must know, I've been here for a year now." He turned around, spinning some and begin to call,

"Nuuuurse! Oh Nurse! Where did you get off too! We need you for the mission and, is that the Lawyer?" He glanced to The Lawyer with an odd glance. He listened to him talk nodding. When he made fun of him being leader he hung his head.

"I was excited you know... Anyway, sounds like a good idea. Policeman!" he pointed to the Policeman who was currently on the ground, "You should do some investigating as well. Anderson is a Police Detective, so that means we will be needing you to fetch most of the information on him. If you do well, I'll give you a lollipop. Now then. I need to decide where we should kill him and how..."

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"Fine, I'm up" The Policeman saidgetting up off the floor and standing up infront of people, "I'll try to get some info from the Anderson person" He said yawning and heading back into his room, and going on his computer to look up some info on this guy.
"Wonder why the leader wants this bastard killed anyways" He said to myself and putting on his uniform and went back to finding more infromation.

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Grave Digger looked around the group of his fellow assassians. β€˜Looks like a bunch of weirdo’s if you ask me… I can’t believe these are the fucks I gota work with.’ He thought to himself. It was then he noticed the Dancer rolling her eyes at him.

β€˜She thinks were crazy! She is mocking us Mudd! Just look at that stuck up little bitch, looking down on us like were no better than the dirt on the bottom of her whore shoes. We can’t have that now can we? Such disrespect!’ The familiar voice in his head rang out in his head. β€˜Your right.’ He confirmed the voice’s suspicion. β€˜Something has got to be done about this lil’ tramp.’

Mudd walked over to where the dancer was standing, making sure that his feet hit the ground with ample force. β€œYa’ got sumthin’ tah say to me ma’am? β€œ He spoke with venom to her before spitting a mouthful of vile brown saliva, the result of the chaw of skoal he had resting on his gum. β€œCause you look like ya’ got a problem with me. Ain’t ya ever seen a REAL man a’fore?”

β€˜She’s not getting the point you fool! Emphasize your superiority! Crush that pretty little face of hers against the wall!’ β€œI think that’s enough.” The Grave Digger said to the voice none knew was present. β€˜No Mudd, I’m afraid your wrong you little pussy! Your letting her off too easy; how could you let her look down on you like that and allow her to take another breath?! YOU’RE A DISGRACE TO COWARDS EVERYWHERE!’ β€œI said…” Mudd took a deep breath, β€œTHAT’S ENOUGH!!” With that the Grave Digger thrust his hand through the wall roughly a foot away from the young lady’s head. He looked around puzzled at everyone’s reaction. β€œAnd just what are you looking at eh?” As he began to return to his normal self he walked back to where he was previously standing, oblivious to the crimson pool that was forming on the carpet a few feet below his cut up hand.

He turned to look at the doctor. He never liked doctors…. They always told him that HE was the crazy one… Those lying little bastards… β€œSo are we going to get this shit rollin’ or are we gonna just sit here yappin’ til’ were blue in the face?”

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Lauren rose swiftly, hearing a chimp nab someone in her room swiftly and quietly. But it was only the Messenger. She ordered the monkey to release him, read the message, and swiftly got dressed, adding a grey shirt instead of her usual orange. The Zoo Keeper smiled as an eagle came to land on her shoulder, walking out into the hallway where everyone was waiting. "Hello." She said shortly, and leaned against the wall. The killer arrived just in time to hear the Grave Digger express his want for leaving. She just nodded.

Everyone was here, right? So they could go and kill Chris Anderson after locating him. "So, I heard something about a Mr. Anderson on the radio yesterday. He sounded really familiar. Does anyone know anything more? He pikes my...interest." They should get it.

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#, as written by Syreaa
Dawn strutted down the hallway, not noticing the Garbage Man. He did loads, but he tended to be an idiot. She strode to the doctor, placing her hand on his shoulder, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "So, we have to kill Mr. Anderson?" Her other hand curled around the needle in her hand, her face a delighted smirk, "This should prove to be a fun endeavor... Wouldn't you say, Doctor? Oh I do love it when the boss gives us challenging missions. He sends shivers down my spine." She fake shivered and laughed, her fingers tapping the syringe as the needle changed size.

It had been some time since she had worked with anyone other than the doctor. She adored the boss; he was like her savior. She had needed something to do in order to release the excess energy within her, the hunger that gnawed at her soul. Something like this was exactly what she needed.

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The Doctor smiled lightly at the Nurse. She had always been kind, though her absolute love for The Boss threw him off. He glanced to the Grave Digger and laughed a little bit.

"Looks like I'm not the only crazy one here. It's nice to see I'm not alone. Anyway, it seems that Mr. Anderson will be a very easy target. Charles Anderson. He is the one who has been investigating this little league for about three years...," He spoke with a little crazed tone. He looked at those who were looking at him funny and laughed loudly; placing a hand on his head in a face palm type motion.

"I completely forgot that I went to college with this guy! We can just strut right in, kill him, and come back out without a scratch!" A wild looked came to his eyes. This was going to be fun. Maybe to much fun. he let his grin widen into a psychotic one and turned to the group; seeing that he had faced away from them in his little outburst. He noticed that the Zoo Keeper was present now.

"Nice of you to join us." He spoke creepily and turned away from the group once more, mumbling to himself for a moment. He turned back around, dropping a voice recorder in his pocket with a smile.

"Someone snag the Policeman and let's get on our merry way. I want to kill this guy tonight." He cackled to himself again and sat on the ground. He needed to calm down some, he probably needed medicine. Yes... Medicine. He pulled out some pills from one of his pockets, staring at the label for a moment. He shrugged and took one of the odd pills. He then pulled out his scalpel.

"It's awfully shiny... I can't help but wonder why... It gleams like this... Because it would be far more useful if it didn't shine...." He mumbled to himself yet again; staring at the scalpel.

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You heard that didn't you Mudd? Oh I'm sorry i forgot, you like to be called "Grave digger" now don't you? Think that sounds tough do you? WELL YOUR WRONG! But i digress, he called you crazy Grave Digger . He's just like those quacks in the asylum, and he diserves the same fate! Do it Mudd, end him!

While Mudd used what little rational though he possessed to come to the conclusion that killing the one in charge of this mission would be a bad idea, at least at this point, he did decide it best to appease the voice if only slightly. "Just who are yew callin' crazy you got'danged mule fucker!" He reached into the doorway of his room to grab his one true friend. His spade. Now armed the Grave Digger walked slowly towards the doctor, enjoying the scrapping sound the tip of his shovel made against the floor. "You got some helluva' nerve callin' me crazy! Do you know who yer fuckin' with boy! I AM NOT A MAN YOU WANT TO PIS-", and then he saw it. The mirrior.

Now to most this cheep imitation gold framed mirror would be used for vain purposes. However to one as far from their right mind as Mudd was it was something far more grim. It was Mudd in all truth, however it was a later version of Mudd. One after his time on this earth ended. His skin had a sick pale greenish yellow tone to it and was clearly stretched taunt to the point of looking nearly leathery. His left eye was completely albino, covered with the cataract of old age and both seemed to be sunken into the back of his skull. His lips were now nonexistent, reveling the few teeth he had left to be rotten down to his blacked gum and a maggot ridden muscle in the space his tongue used to reside in. Mudd's new face's sickly colored and flaking skin was covered in gashes, though none seemed to bleed not surprisingly.

"Whats wrong Mudd?" the voice in his head seemed to speak through the rotten hole obivously not capable of speech much to his host's terrified reaction. "Scared to see what the future holds for you? Well this is it! Even now your nothing more than a corpse waiting to be decayed. You have no soul, no life, and your body is barely even yours now isn't it? How does it feel to know your nothing more than a walking cadaver before you time has even come yet?"

The Grave Digger lost all control at his reflection haunting him in that cheep piece of polished glass. He raised his weapon of choice and trust it at the neck of his haunting reflection, only to see it laughing at his vain attempts to quell its taunts. It continued to laugh as it fell to the floor as it shattered blow after powerful blow, dealt by a weapon used to conseal the dead, now put to its purpose.

"I'M ALIVE YOU BASTARD! YOU HEAR ME I'M MORE THAN A FUCKIN' CORPSE GOD DAMNIT!!" He reached down and grabbed a large jagged piece of shatter glass and ran it forcefully down his arm, relived to see scarlet water rush to the surface of his punctured skin. It was all the proof he needed that he was different from that damned reflection.

He dropped the glass and took several shaky shallow breaths before retreating back to his room. Once inside he grabbed one of his "special" cigarettes, tobacco laced with 15mg of PCP. He quickly lit the drug up and ran it down to the filter in three long drags before throwing it to the floor and stomping it out.

He returned to his peers in the hallway, and rested his eyes as he leaned against the door frame for a few short seconds before collapsing and sliding down to the floor, his back never leaving the wall.

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"Oh my... Nurse... Can you get that... That rude man just interrupted my conversation... How odd... Oh... Nevermind. He's back... Nurse...?" The doctor seemed more ticked off that someone had just interrupted his thought process and conversation with his scalpel then much else. The fact that the Grave Digger was probably about to hit him with that spade, not a problem. Just the interruption.

"Now that everyone is good and angry! Let's get on with the show. I would hate to disappoint the Boss...," he rolled his eyes just a little at that and turned around, placing the scalpel in his pocket. He yawned somewhat and rubbed his eyes, looking rather childish. He smiled at the group and laughed.

"We're going to want each other dead by the time this is over with."

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#, as written by Syreaa
The nurse sighed and pulled out the syringe. She injected him with a few cc's of local anesthetic and started stitching away, humming while she did so. The stitches were purple, her favorite color, and would dissolve within a few hours, leaving the wound healed. While she hate stitching someone while they were alive, she had to do it on her job quite a few times a day... Screaming kids, oh! how she wished she could tear their wretched heads from their puny bodies and rearrange their flailing limbs. The ignorant husbands, they were some of the worst, "No! I'm fine, it's merely a scratch!" - even when they gash covered their whole leg. And then, when she was finished, they'd try to grope her. She shuddered at eh memory, patting the Grave Digger's arm as she finished, "There you go, you'll feel better after this..." She pulled out her syringe, watching it fill up with adrenaline; when it was full, she stuck it into his vein and stepped away.

Looking to the group, she said, "If you value your lives, I suggest you retreat to your rooms and only come back out when the thrashing has ceased." She smiled at them and pranced back to her room, no concern on her pretty face.

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The Stripper went into The Policeman's room with a bored look on her face, to see him getting dressed "You ready because I think everyone is getting annoyed by you" She let out a soft giggle before walking up to him and helping him button up his shirt "Why do you insist on making things hard on me" She mumbled under her breath so that only he could hear her. After she was done she walked out of the room and back to where everyone else was getting ready and talking to each other, She was some what afraid of some of the people here, she didn't even want to look them in the face, out of fear they might get mad and kill her. She sat back down in the seat, looking down at the floor "The Policeman is in his room getting ready,my guess is he didn't find any good info on the dude, but I think he comes over to the strip club I work at, every night" She said still not looking up at anyone.

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The Zoo Keeper spun back to her room with a dead look on her face. "Fine." She told them at large. "I will be right back." Lauren went into her room carefully, animals nowhere to be seen. Opening her laptop, she Googled 'Charles Anderson' and came up with the fact he was looking into their cases. Warily, she stepped out of her room again. "Police Investigator. On the cas of a so-called 'Assasin's League' in New York. How odd- I never knew there was murders here! We are not safe!" The words wouldve fooled a passerby had they been said with emotion - instead, the Zoo Keeper's voice remained flat and her eyes were cool.

A tiger appeared nonchalantly at her side, and one hand petted it while she watched the thrashing down the hall. That Nurse could ruin everything if a passerby were to walk down here. Then again, a tiger wouldn't really be inconspicuous either, so she shooed it away.

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The Doctor smiled to himself. Yes, this would work well....

"When everyone gets outside, then we'll leave. I want this done tonight."

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Mudd was suddenly awakened from his drug induced coma to see the nurse holding a needle and smiling eariely. He jolted up right and scanned his surroundings with paranoid eyes before remembering that he suffered a temporary break down after seeing a harsh reflection of himself in a mirrior. However he couldn't remember much after that, it was all just a blur with only bits and pieces sticking out. His heart was racing from the medecine the nurse had injected into him causing blood to trickle from his newly stitched self-inflected wound.

"Now how the fuck did I wind up with this?" He looked at the wound. "AND WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE A PURPLE STITCHES. Yew weirdo's get some kinda' kick outa' makin mah arm look like some kinda queer skunk?" It was obivious he was still in a foul mood, though the PCP had improved his out look slightly as he smile oddly and swayed as he stood. "Now how about we git down to business eh?" He said as he turned his back and walked down the hall, dragging his spade behind him. Sure he didn't know where he was going but he was confident the others would take his lead and follow. And if not, never knows the possibilities a night can hold. He smiled at the certainty of spilled blood in the near future.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dawn Camille
Character Portrait: The Doctor
Character Portrait: Mudd
Character Portrait: Arabella De Vries.
Character Portrait: Derak Maxwell


Character Portrait: Derak Maxwell
Derak Maxwell

The Policeman

Character Portrait: Arabella De Vries.
Arabella De Vries.

The Dancer - Graceful, yet devious.

Character Portrait: Mudd

You'll die someday, and when you do I'll be there...

Character Portrait: The Doctor
The Doctor

A crazy doctor that you will never go to....

Character Portrait: Dawn Camille
Dawn Camille

The Nurse - A sadomasochist with a taste for the insane.


Character Portrait: The Doctor
The Doctor

A crazy doctor that you will never go to....

Character Portrait: Mudd

You'll die someday, and when you do I'll be there...

Character Portrait: Derak Maxwell
Derak Maxwell

The Policeman

Character Portrait: Dawn Camille
Dawn Camille

The Nurse - A sadomasochist with a taste for the insane.

Character Portrait: Arabella De Vries.
Arabella De Vries.

The Dancer - Graceful, yet devious.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Derak Maxwell
Derak Maxwell

The Policeman

Character Portrait: Dawn Camille
Dawn Camille

The Nurse - A sadomasochist with a taste for the insane.

Character Portrait: The Doctor
The Doctor

A crazy doctor that you will never go to....

Character Portrait: Arabella De Vries.
Arabella De Vries.

The Dancer - Graceful, yet devious.

Character Portrait: Mudd

You'll die someday, and when you do I'll be there...

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Noooo com'on guys! We cant let this die

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