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An Unexpected Equivalent Arrangement


The Serin Empire has ruled for Centuries after the First Emperor took down the tyrannical rule of the Dark Tyrant, an Unnamed Ancient Ruler. Under his rule Alchemy was allowed to be researched and developed for the betterment of Mankind. But this doesn't mean there are not rules that The Administrator of Law does not invoke on the Average Alchemist. Failure to comply with them is severe punishments.

These are the rules of the Serin Alchemist:

1. Always use Alchemy for the Betterment of Mankind. Murder and Stealing are out of the Question.

2. Alchemy Enhanced humans are to be monitored closely. They are at the Level of Slaves and/or Indentured Servamts. Any dangerous ones are to be put down at all costs.

3. Do not Create a Homunculus. Any Homunculi discovered is to be put down. No exceptions, no aiding and abetting Homunculi.

4. No Human Transmutations. Any reprecussions from the costs of this rule is punishment enough.


For 700 years the Empire had relative peace, Save for the two Noble Houses of Kael and Zankor. They had a hatred that stems ancient tribal periods when they were Clans. The Emperor has finally put his foot down and declared the Feud at an End. To solidify this decree, he declared a Male from the House of Kael, and a Female from the House of Zankor to wed. In the meantime, a Cult worshipping the Dark Tyrant is secretly plotting revenge on the Emperor, whilst various criminal syndicates behin to Trade slaves and cause small bits of terror, breaking the First Rule of Alchemy.

But The Emperor knows who to throw at this threat. The soldiers of the Army of the new Household created through the Wedding. From Both houses, The wedding Brings forth the newly created House Aurelis.

And our Story Begins with the wedding....

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis Character Portrait: Insciri
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"We are gathered to unite these noble members of their respective houses, and create with this Union a newer Noble House. Lady Rosaria and Sir Herz will head the new House Aurelis..." The preacher at the ceremony of the Imperial Palace drooled on.

"Hurry up! The sooner he proclaims us man and wife the sooner I get to kiss my husband for the first time!!" thought the furiously nervous bride. She knew how to transmute most components but never has she ever thought her wedding would be this nerve wracking. She felt her father's prying eyes in the audience. She had to force feed him a special potion to keep him quiet for the ceremony. She snapped back to concentration on the ceremony when the preacher got to the important part.

"Will both of you solemnly swear to keep each other, and swear to defend the empire?"

"We will." she answered, hopefully at the same time as Herz.

Watching the Ceremony, Na'ari silently smiled.

"Beautiful, do you not think so Na'ari?" Said a voice behind him. "I'm glad I got those two together. Maybe I should find someone with the Grandson of My Father's Blacksmith?"

The young Mercenary chuckled. "You'd be pushing your luck, your Majesty. No woman has claimed this dragon yet."

"Oh come now, surely the greatest budding mercenary in all of Serin, and you don't want to try and raise a family?" Emperor Ezekiel IV asks with a small smirk on his face. "Na'ari, all work and no play will do things to you."

The Mercenary rolled his eyes. "I have to oversee the beginnings of the Aurelis Clan. If I during that time, find the perfect woman for me to settle down and Raise a Family, so that I can pass down my blade to the next generation, I'll let you know."

"I now declare you husband and wife, Lord and Lady of House Aurelis. Lord Herz, you may kiss the Bride."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis Character Portrait: Insciri
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To be honest he didn't have the slightest clue how it ended up like this. Seriously. He wanted to go away. Sit on the veranda of the little house far from nosy people drinking his tea like always. Day in and day out, he didn't have to think of any responsibilities, just lazing around doing nothing. It was heaven, indeed. Far from... the little situation he had now.

It was his wedding.

Yeah, throw the flowers girl! Hit the floors and be joyous of this fantastic occasion! The happiest day of his life! ... not. Clearly not. This caused him to catch some many headaches instead. Considering the personality of his bride-to-be, anyways. Only the preparations were troublesome. More and more people wanted something from him, one full month prior to this mess! Imagine! He was being annoyed about it the whole month! Whether to take his measurement, dancing lessons, lessons of behaviour, and what ever else - he didn't really want to remember all of it.

In the whole while, his father was just sometimes visiting, watching quietly with a frown on his forehead. Herz knew well, his father didn't want this either, one of the few things they had a mutual understanding in. Though for different reasons, obviously. He had to marry off his only successor to the family he distrust and hate the most! How had one to act in those times? And obviously, he was powerless because the majesty himself had ordered it. A puny noble, even with his standing, won't be able to go against the Emperor himself, it would be suicide.

A sigh escaped his lips, as he stepped on the grand podium. Everything was overly exaggerated honestly. But clearly, Herz was quite interested in the servings today but he was not allowed to eat anything. It would be bad if bride-to-be would be confronted with a man of foul mouth in her wedding ceremony, would it?

Herz only was present with half of his mind, at times stealing a glance to the food... but then eventually felt a stare of someone. It was his bride-to-be, Rosaria Zankor... wait, it will be Rosaria Aurelis after this, right? Somehow, she had that heated smell of a woman in heat... like she wanted to eat him up right on the spot... but that was probably just his imagination.

To be honest, Herz always had a positive opinion of Rosaria. She was everything he was not, and she had that certain determination he clearly respected a lot. Certainly, she was also very stubborn and focused even though she was angered quite easily. Long story short, she was a person that will be accomplished in the future. And she was beautiful. Even in the black and white world of Herz, he couldn't help but find her beauty mesmerizing. But that was it. He never would have thought, he would now stand here with her, for the sake of marrying her.

"I now declare you husband and wife, Lord and Lady of House Aurelis. Lord Herz, you may kiss the Bride."

Shit. No one told him this! Did he really had to do this! Why was she staring at him full of expectations anyway! So confusing! Herz knew, it would hurt his family's reputation if he hesitated, therefore to prepare his own heart for what he would be doing, he firstly gently took the tender hand of Rosaria and kissed the wedding ring on her hand to then pull her a little closer and proceeded with the kiss, now finally on the lips.

It was a fleeting kiss. At least, suppose to. Somehow he liked the taste and wondered what it was exactly, so it became a little longer than a mere second. Herz was definitely not an amateur in kissing. Ten seconds passed, as he somehow felt a deadly glare on his back and he retreated, still with grace, to the back. It was his father. He licked his lips and looked a little apologetically to his direction. The kiss was not that deep, but certainly something that clearly marked the beautiful and promising start of the powerful House of Aurelis. In fact, only his father sat like that with a gloomy and serious face, while others already stood up from their seats and shouted their congratulations. The banquet will start shortly afterward and people expected the couple to lead the way.

So Herz turned to Rosaria and offered his hand in the gentlemanly way. "Rose, if you will." And a smile plastered on his face. There was a certain flicker in his eyes, desiring another kiss. After all, even while he was an oddball and very lazy with only loving kids to interact with, he was still just a healthy young man. So unconsciously, he called her familiarly already. A natural flirt, some of his ex-girlfriends would call him so from time to time.

Suddenly, Insciri with haste proceeded to squeeze through the crowd only to stop beside Stephen Kael. She whispered something to him, that made the latter's frown even deeper. The banquet place had been destroyed! What a disaster! Stephen remained calm, and asked for details. It seemed no one had seen the culprit despite many people around guarding the place. A king of alchemy was apparently used in this case, quite secretively. Quickly, he forwarded the news to the majesty and the leader of the House Zankor. With this many important guests present, they certainly could not proceed with what was prior planned. An emergency plan had to be made. Insciri felt greatly responsible, but Stephen ordered her to handle the matter in the banquet place, so she did as told.

In the whole ceremony, there was a man who looked knowingly at the messenger that passed the message to Herz's father. And the same man was the one who gave Herz the deadly glare before. Herz mistakenly thought it was his father, but how could he had considered someone else? Soon, the man disappeared in the crowd, just like that, nowhere to be seen.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis Character Portrait: Insciri
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Rosaria closed her eyes expecting a small kiss on her lips. But what she got felt like an eternity, even though she counted the seconds in her head. It felt like time made those seconds feel like minutes in heaven. She almost regretted it stopping at that moment. She knew just then and there that no matter the protests of anyone, she'd have him, one way or another. However, now was not the time to dwell on things. Now came the banquet amongst other things.

Rosaria blushed an almost pale pink blush when she was called by her nickname by Herz. She saw his hand offered to her and she had to snap out of her reverie fast. "As you wish, my Lord and Husband." she said with a smile on her face as she intertwined her hand in his.

The Emperor frowned at the Messenger's news. And it was mostly him doing all the catering!! He sighed. "Have the guards escort everyone to the gardens. The Banquet shall be outdoors, ensure that the Cake and the food be delivered post haste there before everyone else. Now get!" He whispered furiously to the Messenger as he turned to Na'ari with a small smile as if they were still conversing.

"Trouble Ezekiel?" Na'ari asked. He half wished he had his armor on, or at least Draconil on him at this very moment.

"Looks like we had a very unruly guest make a minor mess of the Banquet Hall. No matter. I like Outdoor Banquets the best." The Emperor answered.

"Is the matter being looked into?" The Mercenary asked as he walked with the Emperor.

"By Herz's Bodyguard. No need to worry too much. I hear that Insciri is quite capable. Your task is what I hired you to do. You're to be the Aurelis Family retainer. Help them judge or administer any instructions, enforce laws, etc." The Emperor stated calmly. "I myself will visit periodically to see how well you are doing. I'll even bring a friend or two along."

Na'ari sighed slightly as he had a feeling what he meant by friend or two. Why is the Emperor so invested in his love life when he should worry about several suitors of women himself? "I shall do as you have instructed Emperor."

The Imperial Palace gardens was large and spacious. Guards were placed along the walls of the garden during the wedding and some mingled in the guests to ensure no funny business or Cultists interfered. The wedding cake and several large trays of food was set on a table.

"Why his Imperial Highness sure knows how to arrange for a party." Rose said with a small smirk as she still held onto Herz's hand. "Don't you think so Dear?" she says in a teasing voice, wanting to try and see what his weaknesses were in terms of womanly wiles. If she could find the point where she'd seduce him, she could wrap him around her finger, and ensure he'd never leave or betray her.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis Character Portrait: Insciri
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My Lord? Herz momentarily frowned but was quickly to smile again as he felt their hands interwine. He held into her hand tightly and escorted her down the few stairs. He did not notice however, the little problem that occured and just was about to head to the banquet hall, but then he finally noticed how the guards had closed off the hall, and directed the mass of people to the direction of the garden instead. He frowned a little worried. Was there a problem he did not know about? Then he caught a glimps of Insciri walking through the mass of people making her way to the banquet hall hurriedly, and he knew for sure something bad happened.

He gaze travelled to his father, then to the majesty and the man next to him. They seeemed to be as calm as ever and therefore he concluded it was nothing major. Or at least, it was taken care of. For now he should just go along with the flow, supposedly. He easily figured out after he exchanged gazes with his father, who slightly nodded at him.

With Rose closely walking next to him, almost too closely (but he didn't really mind), they stepped outside to the spacey imperial garden. The food was even more numerous, variate and dazzling than inside, in fact, even though it was outside, the attractive scent made Herz almost drool like a hungry wolf watching his pray that will soon enough enter his stomach.

It was Rose that awoke him from his food heaven, as she commented about banquet. It made him turn to her, immediately confronted with her slightly naughty smirk. Herz was rather startled how forward she was. After all, he only knew her as a very ambitious classmate back then, so meeting her in these circumstances still made him a little awkward. But for her to adapt this easily... "You're really okay with marrying me? I mean you don't love me for real, right?", he asked, like the blunt guy he was. It was honestly a relief that no one was close to them as they still tried to give the couple time for themselves.

Meanwhile he thanked the waiter who came offering drinks and gave Rose a glass of liquor, still curiously looking at his new bride with great interest, not minding their physical contact the slightest.


Insciri was rather lost, looking at the scene in front of her. "Sir." The head guard approached her, clearly a little intimidated by her height and feared for his job. It would be nothing out of ordinary to just fire him due to the circumstances, put all blame on him. It was the slimpest way to deal with it and the head guard sure knew it. And seeing the tall 'man' in front of him to be lost in thought, he had feared the worst. So he at least should not anger 'him' at all cost.

To those who wondered why the head guard saw Insciri as a guy instead a girl, simple, she was dressed like a man. And due to her handsome features, it was easily to mistake her as a man, in fact, if anyone would claim she is a girl, the claim would be less believable. Inscri wanted to have her gender hidden, even from His Majesty, because he did not want to make the wife of Herz to be jealous or anything. She knew the infamous temperament of her family, and he did not want to cause any problems.

Anyway, back to the problem. Inscri was faced with what you she would call a peculiar mess. The banquet hall was a mess but only in a certain extent. It would be more accurate to put this as some sort of prank. While the tables for some reason were not harmed in anyway, the floor was littered with food, all kinds of rubbish and a strange liquid Inscri inspected but had no idea of what it was. The originally innocent white walls were sprayed with a strange crimson colour that was completely odorless. But what puzzled Inscri the most were the strange inscription on the ceiling. The grand majestic chandelier god knows how much it had costed was gone, that seemingly was the center of those inscription. Was it the remaining of a transmutation circle? She wondered, but she couldn't judge it well having limited knowledge about alchemy.

She frowned in silence, made the head guard begun to worry out of his wits about his well-being. "So have you done as told?" She finally said, her voice deeper than normal. Startled by the sudden question after all the silence, the head guard stared blankly first, before straightening his posture and almost shouted: "Yes!" "Then do tell." "The few waiters and waitresses who stood in position here were indeed the ones who were killed, only there was one waiter who is missing. We're currently searching for him. I'll personally report to you if we made any progress."

Insciri nodded, and walked over to the victims whose bodies lay on the floor, covered by a blue sheet. With a swift move, he removed the sheet, and took a closer look at the corpses. Again, her frown deepened. An expert. A simple but powerful chop to the windpipe of each servant had done the job. No blood spilled. The victims didn't even have a chance to scream. It was also something she wondered about. Why, was this mess only realized this late? Because there was no noise whatsoever that indicated something was wrong. Makes it even more troublesome, not really knowing when it happened.

"For now, close the hall off. Only authorized people may enter. Don't touch anything and let it be as it is now. You've done well. You can step away." The head guard immediately done as told, relieved he was not fired and soon was gone, leaving Insciri with her thoughts alone in the grand banquet hall.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis Character Portrait: Insciri
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Rosario's lips nearly twitched to a frown. Clearly he saw a little bit of her nervousness in the wedding ceremony. "I'm okay with marrying you. Loving you is going to take some time." she whispered so that only Herz could hear what she was saying. "But I hope falling in love doesn't take too long. We wouldn't want to disappoint the emperor by not having little heirs in the near future." Rosaria took the glass and she looked at the waiter suspiciously.

"This glass is dirty. I want a clean glass of wine." She said to the waiter very calmly. "Someone was trying to drug me. It can't be Herz or his Father. My father is still fuming with his muted tongue. That only leaves one subject."

"Uh...I did not know your glass was dirty." The waiter said nervously. His eyes looked around with worry.

"Any alchemist worth their salt can tell when wine has been tampered with. Especially with a drug connected to the Cult. You're a clever rat to sneak through here if you are a Cult Member."

The Waiter's eyes widened and he quickly tried to reach for a hidden dagger in his pocket. A rough hand grabbed the "Waiter" by the wrist. "Now now, no need for that." Na'ari twisted the man's wrist and gave a small whistle signal to the guards nearby.

"Found your missing person guardsman. Tell one Insciri that you'll be bringing him in to interrogate him." Na'ari stated as he pushed the waiter to the guard who restrained him and dragged him to his superiors. Na'ari then took the glass Rosaria complained about and gave a fresher glass to her. "Lady Rose, Lord Herz, congratulations from your humble and loyal Retainer of your House. Na'ari Azura."

Rosaria's eyes slightly widened at the name mentioned. "It's you.. The Emperor tracked him down and made him our servant? The Young mercenary who saved my life all those years ago?"

"I look forward to serving you both. Enjoy the festivities, lovebirds." He smiled before walking back to the crowd to mingle with the other guests.

"We certainly will, Na'ari." She said with a small smirk.

Na'ari sighed inwardly to himself. He knew he was easily recognized by Rosaria. The guilt chewed him like a dog to a bone, he helped thwart her assassination, but failed to save her mother, which spiraled him to the man he was today. He heard the Emperor call to him to join with the discussions he was havin with the two heads of the individual houses the newlyweds were from. As he approached he felt the small glare of recognition from Lord Elias Zankora.

"My lords, this will be the head of the personal guards for the House of Aurelis! His Grandfather was a very good friend of my Father's and he will gladly serve your children well." The Emperor stated.

Na'ari sighed to himself, wishing the social stuff was over. He felt a little uncomfortable trying and failing to read most of the moods of the people. But he could tell one thing between both Heads of the houses of Zankor and Kael. They were tense, if not angry.


"One of the Maids is coming in to try and help with the cleanup!" Shouted a soldier into the banquet hall. Before there was any protest, they let in the maid who was nervously looking around the room. She was clearly trying to not look at the bodies of her coworkers, which caused her to end up bumping into the tall individual whilst picking up some shards of glass.

"Ah! I'm so sorry sir!" She yelled out being slightly flustered.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis
Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis
Character Portrait: Insciri
Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura


Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura
Na'ari Azura

"I'm simply here to fight for the right thing."

Character Portrait: Insciri

"Young Master... please try to behave..."

Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis
Herz Aurelis

"Interesting. Would you care to elaborate?"

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis
Rosaria Aurelis

"How Quaint, let us embrace destiny, newly Beloved."


Character Portrait: Insciri

"Young Master... please try to behave..."

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis
Rosaria Aurelis

"How Quaint, let us embrace destiny, newly Beloved."

Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis
Herz Aurelis

"Interesting. Would you care to elaborate?"

Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura
Na'ari Azura

"I'm simply here to fight for the right thing."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Insciri

"Young Master... please try to behave..."

Character Portrait: Herz Aurelis
Herz Aurelis

"Interesting. Would you care to elaborate?"

Character Portrait: Rosaria Aurelis
Rosaria Aurelis

"How Quaint, let us embrace destiny, newly Beloved."

Character Portrait: Na'ari Azura
Na'ari Azura

"I'm simply here to fight for the right thing."

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