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Nico Erenheart

"If you couldn't handle the truth then you shouldn't of asked for it."

0 · 768 views · located in The City of Anthemia

a character in “Anthemia Academy for Hunters||Remaster”, originally authored by BespectacledBeauty, as played by RolePlayGateway




"Can we really rid the world of monsters? Probably not, but I'll be taking a load of em' with me when I go."

Unravel || Tokyo Ghoul OP(English Cover)
Brick By Boring Brick || Paramore



Nicolla Mine Erenheart










✔ Action
✔ Good Food
✔ Fireworks
✔ Pet Stores
✔ The Sky
✔ Things That Shimmer
✔ Cats/Kittens
✔ Bright Colors
✔ The Smell Of Rain

✘ Sour Cream
✘ Lectures
✘ Her Height
✘ Daemons
✘ Silence
✘ Mud/Dirt
✘ Ignorance
✘ Sleeping Early
✘ Insects

Adaptable - Nico isn't the type to be taken aback by things that would easily surprise anyone else. She takes things as they come, not worrying about how odd or impossible something might be. If a friend were to suddenly turn their back on her, she'd have no problem calling them an enemy right then and there. Strange things don't surprise her in the least, making it easy to keep her composure in practically every situation.
Short and Long Range Attacks - With the use of Nico's weapon, she mostly focuses on short range attacks. However, she's fully capable of dishing out long range attacks as well. Her long range attacks are usually much stronger, but take up quite a lot of energy, so she only uses them on occasion.
Emotional Control - Falling into her ability to adapt, Nico has a very strong hold over her emotions. She's certainly not a sensitive little girl who'll go crying in a corner for being called weak or ugly. When in combat she's especially good at not letting her emotions get in the way of her fighting.
Evasion - As small as she is, it's fairly easy for her to dodge her way around attacks. She's both flexible and light on her feet, swiftly moving out of the way of her enemies blow until the right moment comes for her to strike.

Hand-to-Hand - Nico specializes in using her specific weapon and she's significantly more vulnerable without it. She can use other weapons, such as staffs, spears, battle axes and other things alike, but when rendered weaponless she's practically helpless. She's had some basic hand-to-hand training, but never really went much further than that.
Low Defense Capabilities - As previously stated, Nico has quite the small, petite body. She's not built to withstand heavy attacks, which is the very reason she dodges instead. She wouldn't do well trying to block a weapon bigger than her, which is why she prefers to be on the offense rather than playing defense throughout a battle.
Lack of Elemental Magik - For someone with the primary class of exorcist, Nico is surprisingly lacking in the art of elemental magik. In fact, you could say she has zero talent when it comes to controlling fire, water, earth and air. During any attempt to use it in the past, it would only backfire and sometimes cause her injury. However, she's quite skilled at using energy magik, making up for her lack of control over the natural elements.
Congenital Analgesia - A disease in which case the victim is incapable of feeling pain. Some might consider this to be an advantage, but it can be very dangerous if not carefully monitored. If you're unable to feel your injuries, one might just go on fighting until they die without realizing how fatal their wounds really are. After every battle or accident, Nico must be checked over by a doctor to make sure no serious damage has been done to her body. She also has weekly check-ups for signs of illness or a temperature.


Carefree || Friendly || Reckless || Blunt || Energetic
Befitting to her child-like appearance, Nico is quite the rambunctious girl. She's easily entertained, finding even the smallest things to be funny or interesting. Her enthusiasm can be hard to keep up with some times, as she's always on the go with a cheerful smile on her face and a constant hunger for adventure. She's as friendly as can be, not in the least bit shy to interact with her classmates and others. She makes for great company and rather enjoys being placed in the spotlight, happily announcing her presence any time she walks into a room. It's rare for one to see Nico in a bad mood. In fact, even if she is annoyed by something it's hard to tell, as she's very good at slapping on a bright exterior.

The second one were to mention danger, you bet Nico would be on top of it in seconds. She loves the thrill of the fight and all things risky, but she can be pretty irresponsible when it comes to her own safety. Recklessness is just in her nature, and in all honesty being stuck in challenging situations isn't that different from playing a game for her. She doesn't worry much about whether she can come out of something unscathed and has very little strategizing capabilities. With her ability to adapt, though, she really doesn't find a need to plan ahead and finds just diving in to be a lot more fun. The disease she carries doesn't concern her at all when fighting and it often takes someone else to point out how much damage that she's taking.

As easygoing and buoyant as Nico may be, she's actually got a much more complicated side to her that anyone may become aware of sooner or later. She's certainly not as naive and sweet as she lets off. When things get serious, she can be incredibly focused and precise. As stated before, having a friend turn their back on her wouldn't falter her, which might seem strange to some. The truth is, and to those who only see the bubbly girl on the service this may come as a shock, Nico can be rather cold-hearted. She knows how to inflict pain, despite not being able to feel any herself, and won't hesitate to do whatever is necessary no matter the situation. The numbness of her body has also numbed her soul, or at least some like to say.

Very rarely has a lie ever made it's way through Nico's lips. What would be the point of lying to someone anyway? To make them feel better about themselves? To avoid getting into trouble or to make someone trust her? She really doesn't understand this concept at all, saying that it's much better to just be brutally honest instead of saying things that you don't really believe. Well aware that the truth can be harsh and hurtful, she still doesn't find that to be a good enough reason to bite her tongue and keep her opinions to herself. Keeping secrets, on the other hand, have nothing to do with being honest and she'd have no problem telling a lie to keep certain things hidden that she doesn't want to share.

Nico isn't the heartless monster that many might make her out to be, though. She has just as many feeling as anyone. Hate, love, sadness, anger. She's felt just about every emotion under the sun, but the rumor that her not being able to feel physical pain has also effected her humanity isn't just something some unknown person made up. From childhood, not being able to feel pain has slowly taken it's toll on her mental state. Of course many events that occurred in her past has also lead her to become hardened and somewhat remorseless. Nico's not ignorant to this either, and her awareness may also be one of the reason's she's so careless when it comes to her safety. She doesn't see much value in her life, truly believing that she's not much good for anything but fighting. She doesn't mind that either, and wouldn't care if she died as long she manages to drag a few enemies down with her first.


This is a story of a girl who befriended a daemon. Let's start at the very beginning, shall we? Nicolla was the first and only child born to the wealthy Erenheart family who were well known for their air and fire magik. Her father, one of the many military general's who resided within the city of Kozamu, was a strict and hard-headed man, but also protective and even gentle at times when it came to his daughter. Her mother, an outgoing and cheerful woman, was an air mage who once traveled to many places, but settled down after meeting her husband. As parents they were quite responsible and loving, but did not hesitate to discipline and scold if their daughter misbehaved.

It wasn't long after Nico began running around that they knew something was off about her. She never cried if she scraped her knee or stepped on a thistle like most children would. She even fell and broke her wrist once, but did not scream or run to her parents despite her wound swelling up and turning a dark purple color. After just a few trips to the doctor they discovered their daughter had been born with CIP and could not feel any physical pain. It didn't take them long to come to a decision that it was far too dangerous for Nico to play with other children or even be outside without an escort. From then on she would be raised indoors and forbidden to leave the house without supervision.

Nico grew up without any interaction with other children. However she spent the majority of her days training with the private teacher, something her mother had decided was good for her despite her husbands protests. She would have her body looked over before and after training and even on days when her teacher was busy with other students. Mako was the man's name, a young but intelligent man whom Nico treated more like an older brother than a teacher. He was kind and well-mannered, as well as an exceptional teacher and mage of both elemental and mental magik.

Mako wasn't the only friend that Nico had though, as she also had a frequent visitor that would play and talk with her in her room at night. It was a rabbit. A small black one with glowing red eyes, to be exact. Nico never spoke of this friend to anyone, the rabbit always saying that their friendship was their secret. Nico would tell the rabbit many things. How she wished she could go outside more often, or maybe even see the world. How her parents would always tell her that she was too fragile to go outside, that there were monsters that could easily harm a girl like her. Her relationship with the tiny rabbit continued in secrecy for quite a long time, until the rabbit offered to grant Nico anything her heart desired as a gift on her 11th birthday. Nico, unaware that her beloved rabbit was actually a Daemon itself, wished to be free to leave her home whenever she wanted.

On this night, the Erenheart family, as well as the guards and house keep, were unexpectedly murdered. The mansion would be destroyed devoured by fire and blood, a price a child had to pay all because of a wish to see the outside world. The details of this night, or how Nico managed to escape the destruction and rage of the daemon she believed to be her fried, are unclear to even her. She barely remembers how she felt as she stood before her parents shredded bodies, or the crippling regret and confusion that clouded her mind. Her forgotten emotions are all connected to her teacher, the man who found her and took her away from that place.

Little to Nico's knowledge, in order to help her cope with the horrible pain of being responsible for her parents death, he used mental magik to suppress the worst of the memories and emotions that she had witnessed that night. Knowing that she could be severely punished for conspiring with a daemon, Mako hid her away and left Kozamu. The desert lands of Ura would be the safest place for her now, and from there he would raise her and continue to aid her in her training until she was old enough to attend Anthemia Academy.



The weapon Nico is always seen fighting with is quite the interesting contraption. It's a large hammer that Nico likes to call 'Karma', that can grow in size depesnding on how much power the wielder uses. It's created by using two separate forms of magik. The strong, yet somewhat flexible handle is something she conjures by using her talent as a summoner. The handle was crafted by woodland Fae's, Nico only being able to acquire it by the help of her trusty familiars. It's original purpose was to work as a staff for casting high-level elemental spells, but Nico thought up a different way to use it, saying as she's still unable to use elemental magic herself.

This is where the odd-looking head of the hammer comes into play. She form the head using energy magic, the multi-colored dots working as conductors for her to flow her energy magik through, harvest large amounts, and blast it at the enemy. Though the hammer head looks very much like glass, it's incredibly strong and can obliterate concrete with a single swing. This weapon takes very little energy to create since the head of the hammer is heavily-compressed and carefully measured. However it does has it's downsides, as using it for long periods of time can cause it to weaken and eventually shatter, leaving Nico with nothing but the handle. Even so, she can still use similar weapons such as battle axes,spears, halberds, ect. as a means for attacking if need be. Visual

Nico specializes in the use of energy magik. She's incredibly skilled with this form of magik for someone of her age and experience, but for good reason. Since she was incapable of using other elements such as earth, air, water and fire, her teacher instead focused on training her in the arts of energy magik, the only thing she could use. Because she spent all her time learning how to harness and control energy, she's become quite the master in the making. She can take energy and shape it into many different forms for a majority of uses. Of course there's the big bang as well, with her being able to harness a large amount of energy in one place and send it blasting at an enemy.

Something she herself would call a 'neat trick' is when she projects negative or positive energy into another being, though this could easily be considered a type of mental magik as well. Nico is very good at keeping her emotions in check, but any negative or positive emotions she might be feeling at the time can sometimes be projected onto others. She's still a novice when it comes to controlling this form of magik, so even if she's keeping something bottled up, just a sliver of that emotion can be shared with others if she accidentally loses her composure for even just a second. If she uses this deliberately though, the negative vibes she sends over can be mentally crippling, causing the victim to possibly lose control of their own emotions.

Nico has two familiars that once served her mother. Though they were never officially passed down to Nico, they chose to stick with her after the death of their master. Like Ying and Yang, these two Fae are considered a pair and can even combine themselves to become a single familiar. With the names of J.(blue) and Fawn(pink), they look somewhat like cats when small, but take on a more canine-like appearance the larger they get, with their mouths and teeth growing larger with size. Their surface is neither fur nor skin, but rather a sort of electricity that can sting if they feel threatened.

Aside from their simple powers, such as being able to speak, fly, and glow brightly, they can also grow in size. While they could once grow to the size of a house when in the hands of Nico's mother, they can only manage the size of a large dog now. By releasing a powerful screech they can temporarily damage another beings hearing, making them deaf for about 20 to 30 seconds, sometimes minutes. Bullets and other small projectiles have no effect on them, but blades can cut through their electric bodies and it may take some time for them to heal. Visual

Tracking - Nico has a surprising attention to detail, especially when it comes to searching for evidence. Her sense of smell and taste or quite impressive, and her teacher has shown her many ways to track down animals, humans, and more importantly, daemons.
Daemon Knowledge - Despite some of her memories of the past being suppressed, she's still fully aware that what killed her parents was a daemon. She became obsessed with finding out what kind of daemon it was, and eventually got into studying the forms and abilities of all sorts of daemons. However, the knowledge she has is only on a handful of the millions of daemons that inherit the world and still has much to learn.
Climbing - Because she so light, Nico has no trouble at all lifting herself up over ledges and rocks. She's not so different from a cat really, even using her fingernails to dig into earth or wood to get herself up into high places.
Drawing - She's no million-dollar artist, but she's still fairly talented when it comes to sketching living and intimate objects. Drawing is a sort of therapy for her and is something she does when she's got something on her mind.

Face Claim ~ Koto || Kyousougiga
Dialogue ~ #4AA429


So begins...

Nico Erenheart's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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"You really have no clue how to be patient, do you."

Nico responded to the voice of her teacher with an exaggerated moan as she flopped belly-first onto her bed that lay against the wall of her dorm room. Since coming to the academy a year ago, she'd only spoke with the man who took her in on certain occasions. Or rather, when she had something she needed to complain about. This particular occasion centered around the three months that she'd gone without a single mission, despite having confronted the moderates multiple times.

"Three months, Master Mako. THREE! How much longer does she have to be dead before they start giving me my well-deserved missions?"

"You shouldn't say that about your late teacher. It's a sad thing to have lost a fellow hunter."

Nico turned onto her side and lifted her head, resting it on her palm with her elbow pressed against her pillow. Mako's face was displayed on a screen that floated above Nico's desk placed beside the bed, the window above it just barely letting the weak light of sunrise shine through the curtains that hung over it. Her teacher was a young looking man, despite being in his late thirties, with bright green eyes and sandy hair that had grown long enough to be pulled back into a loose pony tail. Behind him was the desert home in Ura that Nico had lived in for four years.

"I guess her class wasn't too boring, but I don't see much of a loss here."

Mako gave a sigh, knowing that no matter what he might say, Nico would just brush it off. She wasn't the type to be effected heavily by the death of others. Even if it were someone close to her, she'd be able to move on quite easily. Being broken up over every loss would just hold her back as a hunter anyway. Besides, it's not as if she saw that woman as anything more than a teacher. Just someone who was there to aid her in her way to becoming strong enough to survive. Clearly she wasn't fit for the job since she just went and got herself killed.

"Where's J. and Fawn?", her teacher asked curiously, though he had already guessed why the two familiars weren't present.

Nico narrowed her eyes slightly, an awkward frown showing on her face. She wanted to avoid the subject of the two fae that had decided to follow her when they fled her old home. She never did get along with them well, even when they belonged to her mother. They were stingy and bossy, always telling Nico what was proper and what was improper for a lady to be doing. Especially Fawn, with her prissy attitude.

"Hmph! I don't need them around. I'll summon way cooler familiars. Just watch me!"

Actually, she'd tried multiple times in the past to do just that, but hasn't been very successful. Mako opened his mouth to reply, a look of annoyance being a clear sign of a incoming lecture, however there was a loud ping at the door and Nico quickly jumped to her feet. "Looks like I got a visitor! I'll talk to you again soon!", she said with a smile, closing down the screen before her teacher could reply. She hurried to the door and opened it to find one of the school's androids standing there. Ever since she'd accidentally broken her comm, she'd had quite a few of these guys stop by to relay messages. She really did mean to go get that thing fixed, not that the androids bothered her.

"What can I do for ya?"

Erenheart, Nicolla, your home room has been changed to Second floor room, 2-2-1-3, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquires?

Her eyes widened slightly, a tremor of excitement running over her as she listened to the androids words. She turned around and grabbed the chair from the desk, dragged it across the room to the doorway, and then stepped up onto it to pat the android on the head as she finally replied. "That'll do. You have a nice day, Thomas!" This is what she called every android. A fitting name, indeed.

She then leaped from the chair and closed the door before the ad that she knew would follow could begin. She thought they were actually pretty entertaining sometimes, or at least when they included music and dancing to go along, but right now she was too preoccupied with her excitement. It was about time they assigned her a new homeroom teacher. The name of the professor sounded familiar for a second, but it escaped her as she hurried to shower and get dressed.

Next step, finding out where this room 2-1-2-3 was. 'Or wait..was is 2-3-1-1? That doesn't sound right eith--' "2-2-1-3!", she said as she passed by a door with numbers that caught her eye. With a deep breath, she raised her foot and kicked, causing the door to fly open as she hopped inside. Stopping just far enough away from the door so that it wouldn't hit her as it shut, she raised her hand up in a quick wave.

"Yo! Nico Erenheart, reporting for duty!", she lowered her hand and gave a more or less sloppy salute, her teeth pressed together as she gave not only the teacher, but the rest of the class a bright smile. She let her hands rest at her side and she gave a small, quick bow before turned to find her seat, her eyes scanning over each student, plus the strange-looking dragon, before her eyes locked onto where she decided to sit. She hurried up to the back row and flopped down into the seat right next to a girl with the black and white hair that had caught Nico's attention.

"You're really pretty!", she said cheerfully, crossing her arms on the desk in front of her and lowering her voice just slightly so not to shout.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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#, as written by Kapento
Cuddy Vann


It was very strange, even still, to be this far from his sandy homeland. Cuddy, although thrilled to be at the Academy could not help but desire to see even an inch of sand once more. Just think of the sandcastles! But he'd put this behind him for now. There was more important things at hand to contend with. Such as the particular android that had been hunting down Cuddy that morning, with a supposedly important message for him, and unfortunately had found the boy hiding in an old closet. Why? Well why not dude! Where else you gonna hide?

"Vann, Cuddy, your home room has been changed to second floor room, 2213, you will now report to Superior Professor Asher Donovan during your mornings here at Anthemia, do you have any inquiries?" The android spoke in a matter-of-fact soulless voice.

"A-Ah don't think so! But if I eva' do then I'll be sure to let you know." The blonde boy answered cheerfully, his purple-y orbs glancing curiously over the talking-thing. What was it again? Android. Cuddy was still coming to grips with all the gizmos that the academy had, least of all the androids. It wasn't like he was completely oblivious to them but the little chit-chatty things were something of an annoyance to him now and again. Especially since they always managed to find him. "Oh well, ta-ta for now I guess. Next time tho' I'll win that round!"

Grabbing his things together and throwing a bag halfheartedly over his shoulder the boy made sure to be prepared for whatever came his way that day, taking a moment to double-check once more, before finally continuing on his way down the hallway. The android took it's leave and rushed off past him, Cuddy merely huffing with a shrug before walking just a little bit quicker. I better not be late or I'll look bad yo!

His hurried walk gradually shifted into a panicked run as the boy made his way to the designated classroom. Naturally, what with all the hurrying and mad-dashing, Cuddy arrived in time. With a deep breath and forced coolio demeanour the blonde lad sported his commonly used smile and stepped into the room. By the looks of it there was already a bunch load of people there before him, but he wasn't worried. Promptly walking over to the desk of Mr. Donovan the boy thought best to let his attendance be known. He sure-as-hell wasn't getting marked as absent!

"Oh, hello Mr. Donovan, sir! I'm Cuddy Vann. I hope am' not late or nothin'." With a somewhat chilled approach to his teacher Cuddy merely widened his smile in hopes of things getting off to a good start. "Well, I best be gettin' to my seat and all, a-- Oh yeah, your thee Asher Donovan? Wow-oh-wow I can't believe it! Hey I'm a real fan a--" Beneath all the rambling a quiet little inner voice deep in his head was telling Cuddy to shut-up. Needless to say it took a few more minutes before the boy took any notice. "Ah, sorry I best be goin'!"

Turning on his heel the student moved along and sat himself down on one of the seats towards the front. He hadn't really took the time to notice who exactly was in his class, but after spinning round on his seat the blonde lad eyed up all the faces near and around him, only really vaguely knowing a few. Oh well. He figured he'd get to know them soon enough anyway. For now he'd just behave himself at least.

Throwing his bag to the floor and chilling in his chair Cuddy waited to see what happened next. However, the whole lookin' cool and doin' not a lot act didn't last long. Before he knew it the boy dug out an old what-dah-call-it and was fiddling around and tinkering as always.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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#, as written by Feyblue

Lorelei had been a little less successful at ignoring the world than she had hoped. The good news was that, aside from a rather short, nondescript boy with a red scarf who had seated himself fairly close to her, for the first few minutes, nobody seemed to even notice she existed. The bad news was that, with a rather loud young man a few rows down shouting something out the window to his giant dragon made of garbage, it was getting a little difficult for the young woman to not notice certain things about her new classmates, like the fact that several of them seemed to be bloody lunatics. Naturally, the grinning girl with the giant rainbow hammer who tossed herself into the seat right next to her seemed to be no exception, since her only response to finding herself right beside the infamous bitch of the NHP was to give a cheeky smile and a most... unexpected greeting.

"You're really pretty!" She said with enough enthusiasm to give an entire city a headache. Lorelei had to wonder if that was her normal speaking voice, because if it was, she seriously pitied... well, anybody this kid interacted with on any sort of regular basis. Saying a silent prayer for the dearly departed eardrums that must have been left in the manic hammer girl's wake, she turned slightly, raising an eyebrow in equal parts confusion and annoyance.

"Er... What?" She asked, her usual eloquence completely failing her as she tried and failed to come up with a coherent response to being complimented out of the blue. Was this girl just messing with her head? She had to know who it was she was talking to, and what kind of reputation the two-toned Magus had. Why was she even bothering to start a conversation with her? "I'm sorry, I seem to have missed the part where I'm supposed to get the point. Why are you talking to me, exactly?" Lorelei asked stoically. Somehow, she found it difficult to believe that somebody would just compliment her out of left field. Whoever this girl was, she must have wanted something. Why else would she have seated herself next to one of the most infamous and reviled students in the entire academy and started trying to flatter her before she even gave her own name? Maybe she was just trying to suck up to the powerful. Well, it was either that or she was some sort of idiot who either didn't realize who she was talking to, or didn't care. Either way, in Lorelei's opinion, this conversation was pretty much pointless. But, her attention already drawn back to the class around her, she found the unwanted thoughts of those nearby beginning to fill her head. The girl's consciousness seemed to consist of a nigh-unintelligible stream of emotions and images, befitting an energetic loudmouth such as herself. If she had to compare the sensations of reading the hammer girl's mind to any sort of sound, an explosion would be the natural choice - an explosion of rainbows and unrelenting, mind-crushing energy. Lorelei grimaced, placing a hand on her now-aching forehead and giving a rather annoyed glare to her unwanted conversational partner. "Ugh... would you be so kind as to take your enthusiasm down a few hundred notches? Your very presence is like shouting," Lorelei asked sharply, a statement that probably wouldn't make much sense to anyone who didn't recognize her as the psychic that she was. Given that this girl seemed to fall into this category, she fully realized that this was probably just going to prompt even more questions, but it would at least allow her to hopefully confirm whether or not this maniac was simply toying with her or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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#, as written by Zalgo
Joe & Frank

So far the class had been pretty standard. People were starting to fill into the classroom while the teacher waited for them. Right now Joe was sitting at the desk by the windows near the back of the classroom, leaning on his elbow upon the window sill halfway glancing between the room and Frank. While many faces he might or might not of recalled filtered in the door was suddenly kicked right open and he knew exactly who it was. It was quite hard to mistake her for anyone else.

"Yo! Nico Erenheart, reporting for duty!"

She introduced herself as almost everyone had done, only more vivaciously. He looked over as she took a seat nearby next to the girl with the two toned hair. He was distracted for that period of time only to have his attention grabbed back as he heard a bit of movement back outside. Frank had moved it's head a bit, a clear sign to Joe that it was growing a bit restless. "Oy, come on now buddy, I'm not gonna be stuck here forever. Try being a bit more patient for me, okay pal?" He reassured Frank through the window which had a pleasantly calm breeze blowing through.

He looked back over. Nico was chatting with the girl with two toned hair, nothing exactly unusual about that. He just turned around, setting his elbow on the head of the chair for comfort, and gave a short wave to Nico. "Yo." He greeted her.
"How's it goin'?" He asked, curious as to what she's been up to since the last teacher bit the dust. His tone didn't exactly sound overly excited nor did it sound dull or monotone, just the perfect blend of casual pleasantness like a clean lake on a cool spring morning. That was just how it was for him, never really much too bothered or overly happy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Lev Keisting
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MeshET

For the past minute or so, Caesar had been hiding behind his bag, treating it like a great mental wall towards his embarrassment, but sooner or later, he had to put down his bag if not due to tired arms. He placed the bag back onto his chest and hugged it slightly, his arms wrapping lightly around the blue bag. Then he proceeded to staring right into the ground, as he focused onto the voices that begins to announce their presence. "Sometimes I just don't get why do you need to try so hard just to find a 'friend'. If they're so hard, just give up. I mean, you have us, right?" Nefarius told the boy. Throughout the years Nefarius had been with Caesar, Nefarius had always wondered why Caesar does it at every possible moment. Even with a bad memory and perhaps next to having no presence at all in the eyes of most others, Caesar still tries his utmost best to converse with these people. Claimed to be one of the strongest, Nefarius never needed the likes of friends.

"Maybe it's because you're too retarded to notice, but Caesar cannot always rely on us. One day, we will have to leave him on his own, and if that happens, he might not make it on his own." Nexus said so after hearing Nefarius' question. As Fae, it was true that they might leave Caesar one day, either due to accidents or Daemons. Though their powers were undeniably powerful and there is perhaps no other reason why they would leave Caesar at all, Daemons came in all different sizes and powers. Should one of those bastards be more powerful than the two of them, there's no telling what might happen.
"That will never happen! I am Nefarius, the Dragon Fae God of Battles! There is no way I can lose to some mere Daemon!"
"Yes, but only if it was true. You gave yourself that title and if anything, you're injured. You can't even maintain a human form. Now stop yapping nonsense, Caesar's getting worried."
Caesar started gripping on his bag's edge tightly. His eyes immediately loosened and in his mind, countless images of his beloved siblings stabbed and pierced, murdered in cold blood or die trying to protect the weak brother behind. But Caesar quickly mustered enough courage and wiped out those images. "You don't have to worry. I know you two are strong. You won't go down that easily. So let's stay alive no matter what and stay the happy three siblings we have always been, alright?" After hearing that, Nexus lets out a slight sigh of relief. She remembers that Caesar's often doesn't let discussions like that bring him down. "Damn right you are! The three of us are the strongest trio anyone can face! Nothing can defeat us except each other!" Nefarius screamed loudly in his head, though it felt like they were in the same room together.

The next moment, both Nefarius and Nexus seemed to have turned around. Caesar was confused, but just as he wanted to ask what was wrong, Nefarius spoke up.
"You feel that, right?"
"Yeah. Someone's trying pry into Caesar's mind. We're gonna have to set up a barrier before the intrusion gets any deeper.
Nexus nodded as Nefarius' presence soon disappeared from Caesar's mind. Caesar tried to ask his question again, only to be stopped by Nexus. "Don't worry, Caesar. We'll be gone for awhile, but we'll be back. I promise. She says so and as trusting and honest as he could be, Caesar nodded and Nexus disappeared from his mind as well. Now, he was alone in his mind, no more than a normal boy with one personality and soul. Judging from what they said just now, I guess someone's trying to read my mind, I think. He brought his head up, in order to scan his classroom to see if there's anything out of ordinary. Just when he brought his head up enough to look straight front, he heard a voice, this time from the outside and it was extremely close. Because he wasn't paying attention, he didn't know what it was. Moments later, another voice came, this time much close. He turned to the left and was surprised.

A two toned, black and white hair girl was sitting next to him, her hands on her forehead as if she had a headache. She had a grimaced expression on her and as if reacting to Caesar's gaze onto her, she spoke. "Ugh... would you be so kind as to take your enthusiasm down a few hundred notches? Your very presence is like shouting," He immediately registered that sentence and looked down again. He hugged his bag tighter than before and tried to understand the situation in his mind. Did I do something wrong? Did I offend her somehow? But all I did was talk. Wait, wasn't there someone trying to read my mind? I think she's the one. But was she actually reading my mind?If so, for what reason? Did she also heard Nefarius and Nexus? Questions bombarded his brain as he struggled to discover answers to his question but he soon calmed himself down with a huge intake of breath. His grip on the bag lessened once more. I'm sure she has her reasons. Maybe it wasn't her and maybe it was the teacher trying to evaluate the student's ability and see what they can do or something. This is a school built for people with magic and the like. He assured himself. But he still couldn't drop the fact that this girl might actually be reading his or someone else's mind. Besides, like I said, if she was really reading my mind, I'm sure she has her reasons.

Now the real question was, where was his siblings and when will they come back?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK


Image"F*cking crying out loud, leave me alone dammit!" A voice cursed, as various of slapping noises followed after it. The violent set of words echoed in the hallways, and students began to murmur among themselves, wondering how crude a person could get.. clearly they never met her.
"But Ms. Qrow why are you so angry?" A robot replied, its robotic voice underlined with curiosity, somehow ignoring the fact that it was being being slapped...

The said Ms. Qrow swiveled on the soles of her feet, before gritting her teeth at the damn robot. "Because its way to early for this and don't call me Ms!" With that she charged off, not wanting to hear the robots very last words of 'But its the afternoon..' She resisted the urge to pull at her purple hair, 'That robot is going to be scrap pieces one day.' She thought, enjoying the idea of pulling it apart one by one- "You have been assigned a new home room teacher, please report to..." Vivian blinked out of her fantasy, before pulling out her Comm. She stared at the screen for a moment before grinning. "Finally." Stuffing the piece of tech into her pockets, she looked around then trotted off. She's been sick of these afternoon courses, and it made her realize how grateful she was for an assigned class.. well not really, but it was nice to be in something more meaningful.

Hopefully the professor wasn't a prick.

Walking down the destined hallway, she pulled on her headphones and began to listen to a list of her favorite tracks which was surprisingly classical- not anything crazy and wild which would suit her appearance far more. Vivian never explained to anyone, but the kind of music she listens to is the kind that makes her feel relaxed and calm.. not the 'sh*tty' ghetto stuff. No one would believe her though since the students saw her as a rebel, and thug- someone you should stay clear of. And this isn't exactly true, for she does have a temper and her appearance doesn't scream proper either. Even with policy, she wears her usual shorts and black midriff that shows too much skin, but she claims that the lack of coverage increases her skill and agility. No one questioned her.

Otherwise, Her rep was quite apparent, seeing how students eyed her wearily in the hall, backing off in fears of triggering her ill temper. But she doesn't even give a damn, a waste of her time it is. (But she does admit, it was fun to play around with the fearful in the beginning) She snickered at the memories of screaming kiddies who saw a glance of guns. Good memories.
Yawning, she checked her comm once more, before looking at a door. The corners of her lips twitched, before she opened the door. Inside she saw a few familar faces, but its been a while so her memory was a bit hazy.
A total lie. If anything, Vi knew most anything about anyone of the students here, this knowledge may be due to the fact that she got some connections on the streets or the fact that she was a scholar. (Shocker) It doesn't matter however, she just likes to have the comfort of knowing the people around her. "Morning!" She grinned wickedly, eyeing the teacher for a moment before leaning against a desk. She gave him a polite smile, or the best she can sum up, "Nice to meet you, Im Vivian Qrow." Her eyes twinkled before she headed towards a desk to sit down.

[Little rushed, but ill fix it up]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Duran Ledford Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Cuddy Vann
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

“About time they stopped wasting our potential.”

The classroom door opened in a fell swoop, and in it's wake stood - complete with waving cape, golden ornaments and a v-neck as low as his midriff: Duran Ledford. The young man had a sour smile on his lips, although it wasn't meant for any of his classmates, nor their new professor. Briskly, Duran strutted past the student desks, and before even reaching it, he telekinetically pulled a seat at the front of the class back for himself, though he didn't sit just yet. Instead, his cape dwindled from his shoulders (landing and tightly folding itself over his seat) while Duran took a moment to look around the classroom.

“Hm,” He sighed, briefly hiding his face in his right palm. “I suppose this is no way to introduce myself.” Duran murmured, then dropped his shoulders and recomposed himself. “First things first,” The young man spoke up more vividly. “Professor Donovan, it's an honour to attend your classes. I look forward to learning from such a prestigious individual. Sharing your experience with our generation is truly noble.”

Duran turned around, facing his classmates. His lips mimed a few names as his notebook (appearing from god knows where) floated towards his hand, then browsed through the pages all on it's own. “As some of you already know, I am Duran Ledford. Slayer and, I doubt I still need to mention this-” Duran grinned as his red-covered an leather-bound notebook made a small twirl in the space above his hand, “-Medium. Welcome back to class.”

With a slight and stiff bow, Duran finally took his seat. His neighbour was a boy-ish looking lad with white hair (like him.) “Cuddy Vann, right?” He asked his classmate, pen and paper already in Duran's hands. “I don't think we've met.”

Cuddy wasn't the only thing drawing Duran's attention however. He couldn't help but overhear the conversation between his classmates in the back rows of the classroom. Now this wasn't uncommon, as Duran's mind could space all over the place, but the particular instance was different. Upon hearing Lorelei's reply to Nico's compliment, Duran couldn't help but roll his eyes and think I don't know, suppose if you could try to be less of a total bitch. Still, his pen was already scribbling notes. Girl with two-tinted hair, does not handle noise well. He wrote down, then marking it for future editing when he'd learn her name. It was something with an L, but Duran wasn't sure...

“Oh, sorry about that, a little distraction there.” Duran apologised to Cuddy for having immediately spaced out after entering conversation. He let go of his pen and put forward his hand, as the pen started to outline borders on the paper by itself. “Put her there.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Audrey Rose Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Vivian Qrow Character Portrait: Althaia Psykhe Character Portrait: Maddox Forester Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Golgari
The wind around the school always tasted like lemons. It was one of the few universal constants of this world. The sun rises in the east, water is a liquid and Anthemia air tasted like lemons. Altam licked his lips, trying to savor the sweet breeze. It was a nice change from the sandy gusts of Ura, where he'd spent his whole time out of class. He reached behind him and patted his treasures to make sure they were still secure in the bag. Though not nearly as fruitful as his previous foray into the desert, he had stumbled upon an abandoned village and picked up some neat souvenirs for Cuddy and a few others. Honestly Altam was amazed the school's robot was able to find him. He wasn't exactly a technomaster but they had to be rocking some pretty good locating software to find him in the middle of a desert.

"Hey Shamal, you don't think the teacher's gonna be mean, do you?" the boy asked, his voice as light as the cloth they were riding on. The wooden staff shook in his hands.

'I still can't believe I know who he is and you don't. I'm a million year old wind spirit and even I've heard of the incredible Asher Donovan!' The boy shrugged and fell backwards onto the quickly moving sheet. Though the air had changed, it would still be a good ten minutes until they arrived at the school. Altam squirmed with excitement. He had so many stories to tell and songs to play that he didn't even know where to begin.

It wasn't long before the landscape gave way to stone walkways and large buildings. He peered over the side of his carpet and marveled at the sheer lack of people outside. "Everyone must be in class." He said matter-of=factly. It was about a minute of aimless flying later that it dawned on him. He wasn't in class! With as much speed as he could muster Altam raced towards the largest building, looking through the windows at a breakneck pace for Cuddy's cute face. However, what caught his attention wasn't his B.F.F but a gigantic metallic dragon hovering in front of a window. Altam yelled in relief.

"Frank! Am I glad to see you!" The dragon turned and acknowledged the boy before turning back to observe his master. Sliding up beside him, Altam lifted the window up just enough to fly through and floated into the room, quickly followed by a swift breeze.

"Sorry I'm late, I flew as fast as I could!" He hopped off his turban into thin air, hovering above the ground as the blanket wrapped itself back around his head. he floated into cuddy at top speed, embracing his friend in a hug and whisking them both higher into the air. "Cuddy! I missed you so much! I have sooooo much to tell you about what I found!" A small grunt emanated from the front of the room. The new teacher no doubt. After placing his friend gently on the ground Altam reluctantly landed and weakly strode to the celebrity who was now teaching their class. It was a difficult journey to say the least. It had been months since Altam had last touched solid ground and his legs threatened to buckle at any moment.

"Hi there sir, I'm Altam Haytham! Nice to meet you!" He bowed respectfully and pushed himself off the ground, turning it into a frontflip and zipping over to his bag of treasure.

"Where is it...." He mumbled, digging through his sack. "Ahh! Here it is!" A small wooden idol emerged from the bag, completely covered in markings and carved into the shape if a giant toothed beast. With a small gesture the idol floated beside Cuddy.

"I told you I'd bring you something didn't I?" Altam smiled and looked around the room. He had met almost everyone there some time in his life. Almost. With a look of intense curiosity he floated over to the girl with two shades of hair. There seemed to be no joy in her eyes and that was something that Altam could not stand for. A small bronze box the size of a baseball drifted slowly out of the treasure bag and onto the desk in front of her.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too." He smiled brightly at the strange girl and flew back to his seat, hovering upside down over his desk. "This is going to be a great year, I just know it!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: Duran Ledford Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Altam Haytham
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Feyblue

The supersoldier gave a silent groan, turning her eyes to the window as her momentary focus on the annoyingly loud hammer girl caused countless other voices to come flooding into her mind.

"Maybe you should try to be less of a total bitch!" Snapped one angry voice.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I offend her somehow? But all I did was talk... Was she actually reading my mind? If so, for what reason?" Wondered another, sounding hurt.

"If she's not cut out for the academy, then..." Lorelei gritted her teeth, shutting her eyes as she desperately tried to drive out the countless disgusted voices that seemed to follow her everywhere she went. Of course, actually paying attention to somebody else had been a mistake. She knew that, and yet she'd been so annoyed by that girl's perky attitude - She had to have been mocking her. Why else would she start a conversation with someone like Lorelei? - that she'd been unable to keep her calm and had snapped at her. And look where it had gotten her. Now she'd made another scene and blown her one and only second chance at starting over here. Why did it always have to be this way? It would be so much easier if people would just mind their own business and leave her alone. They hated her - that she knew - so why didn't they just ignore her and go about their own lives?! It didn't make any sense to interact with someone you despised, so why did people still choose to even come close to her? She was a freak, she knew that, everybody knew that! If they didn't want to have their thoughts read, then they should have just stayed away from her! Yet, even knowing about what she was, people still kept on trying to get reactions out of her... be they positive or negative.

With a dull clank, a small bronze box about the size of her palm landed on the desk in front of her. Her eyes snapped open and upwards to see where it had come from, only to find a young boy - she would have said he looked like he was only 11 years old or so, but his physique told a different story. Was he a midget or something? - floating above her, riding on what looked to be a disproportionately large turban. The image he presented was so comical, even she, the legendary ice queen, probably wouldn't have been able to stifle a laugh if she wasn't so confused by who he was, what exactly he had just given her, and what he thought he was doing.

"When I get sad or lonely, I play myself a song. Maybe it can help you too," Said the childish young man, grinning as though this non sequitur statement explained everything. With a knowing smile, he turned and flew away, leaving her opening and closing her mouth a few times, still not really sure what exactly had even happened. Pocketing the strange box in one of many small slits in the lining of her tabard, she then realized that the teacher had already begun speaking. She mentally slapped herself. If she didn't pay more attention to class and less to her classmates, she'd ruin herself - well, even more than she already had, anyway.

Unfortunately, things weren't exactly looking good for her regardless. Just her luck, she was being assigned to team up with some other students who would probably make it their lives' goals to drive her insane, assuming they weren't incompetent idiots. And, even worse, she couldn't even tell who she was going to be partnered with, since she didn't know even one of her classmates by name, and, even if she did, the announcement was in writing, and she couldn't read. She glared angrily at the list for a few seconds as though her sheer determination to understand it would mystically grant her the ability to both comprehend the names of those written on the sheet and pick them out from the rest of the class, but at last she gave up, sighing as she turned her gaze back out the window, trying to see the blue sky beyond the giant, hulking dragon made of trash in the courtyard. Considering most people in the school knew her simply as NHP-S17 - the numbers in which, which she could at least recognize, were pointedly absent from the sheet - the other members of her team probably wouldn't be able to recognize her, either. She supposed the only thing to do would be to wait until everybody had found their partners and then look for one group that was missing a person. Resigning herself to her need to utilize her powers, she kept her mind trained on the crowd around her, focusing intently on the word "Lorelei" and searching for any thoughts that might involve her in some way. She'd find her team one way or another. She just doubted she'd enjoy it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei" Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK


"Er... What? I'm sorry, I seem to have missed the part where I'm supposed to get the point. Why are you talking to me, exactly?

Nico wasn't quite sure how to reply to the girl. She only stared quietly, blinking in slight confusion. Had the two-toned girl never been given a compliment before? Was there ever really a point to giving a compliment besides pointing out something you like about someone? Had she done something unusual? This state of confusion only lasted a few seconds before Nico leaned a couple inches towards the girl and tilted her head. "Hehhh?! What point?", she said, her smile once again lighting up her face. "I said you're pretty!" She said this a little louder this time. Maybe the other girl just hadn't heard her properly the first time and that was why she seemed muddled.

"Ugh... would you be so kind as to take your enthusiasm down a few hundred notches? Your very presence is like shouting."

Nico let out a small chuckle and sat back in her seat. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Am I right?", she mumbled loud enough for the girl to hear, placing a hand over her mouth in a failed attempt to hide her grin.

"Yo. How's it goin'?"

She turned her head away from the two-toned girl as a voice was spoken in her direction. It took her a second, but her eyes quickly lit up as she recognized the male student, Joe, whom she'd had previous classes with. The most noticeable thing that lead her to remember him was the lovely trash dragon that was always with him. The moment she'd seen the beast she was memorized by how cool it was, aside from the familiars she got stuck with thanks to her mother.

"Hey! Good to see ya!", she said, giving a quick wave with one hand and a thumbs up with the other. She probably would've jumped from her seat to go to the window and greet his dragon, but just as she was about to stand the teacher finally began to speak to the class. Her attention shifted away from her classmate and her eyes rested on their teacher however her mind ever-so-slowly drained out his voice as he went on with some sort of speech about their late so-called teacher. There really was no reason to bring her back up again, and Nico had never been one for long speeches anyway.

She sat with her elbow planted firmly on the desk in front of her and her chin resting in the palm of her hand while she stared at nothing in particular until the word 'teams' caught her ear. She raised her head to listen as the teacher presented a list of team numbers and names. 'This should be interesting..', she thought to herself. She'd never been appointed a set team before. Sure, she'd worked in larger groups, but the members of those groups were always changing.

Reading the names of her teammates, her eyes began to scan the room as she tried to identify which people those names belonged to. After a short moment she realized that the only ones who hadn't been approached yet were the NHP girl and another boy sitting just a seat away from her. She rose quickly and, with a big smile, reached over and took hold of the boy's sleeve and practically dragged him out of his seat.

"That makes you Caesar, yeah?!" Her voice was full of friendly excitement as she pulled him over to the corner of the room and raised her finger to point at the two-toned girl, her fingers still firmly holding Caesar's sleeve. "I bet you're Lorelei! Right? Right?!" She didn't wait for her to reply as she roughly released Caesar from her grip and placed her hands on the top of her desk. "Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MeshET

"Fuck. It got in." Nefarius pouted in defeat. They had returned to Caesar's mind space moments after Caesar heard the two toned hair girl spoke to him. Caesar immediately regained his senses and turned to his siblings, both returned from whatever they were doing. "Whoever it was, they were good. To break the mental barrier created by me. Definitely no normal magus." Nexus claimed next. She seemed to have exhausted quite the amount of magical powers setting up that barrier, Caesar silently mumbled to himself. Comparing from before they were gone, Nexus' presence was considerably weaker than before. Now that they started talking about it again, Caesar can feel the intrusion in his mind now, even if its just a little bit. It felt extremely close, as if it was staring right into his face but Caesar just couldn't pinpoint the definite location of this stare. All he could do was just feel it close by and not able to do anything about it.

I think I know who's doing this. He then slowly turned his head to the side, while informing his siblings of his suspicion. The beautiful girl who sat beside him in a disciplined manner, had two colors to her hair, one white and one black. A weird fashion sense, yet it brought a certain sense of beauty to it when it came to this girl. Without realizing it, Caesar was captivated by the smooth and pale skin on her face, the small lips and sharp nose, and just about every facial features she had on her. "This is... what it is, right, Nexus? What Humans call it?" Nefarius asked in a confused manner. He was hesitating on the word he was about to form, yet couldn't come out of his mouth at all. Nexus then nodded and agreed to his question. Both of them were looking at Caesar, who was staring obnoxiously at the girl next to him.

In that instant, Nefarius quickly grabbed onto Caesar's conscious and gave it a good slap, bringing Caesar's attention back to the two. "Caesar, wake up!" Instinctively rubbing his face, Caesar acted as if he was really slapped on the face - Which, of course, he wasn't - But suddenly, just as Caesar was about to raise a question to the slap, something snapped him back to reality. Someone pulled on his sleeve and without resistance from him, were dragged out from his seat. He turned and found a girl with a brownish hair and a big red bow tie was tugging onto his long sleeve. She wore in a plain black sailor suit and had big red eyes. However, the first immediate expression Caesar saw on this girl was the huge smile she had across her face. He had met a variety of people in his life journey, but he had never ever met someone of such high levels of cheery power.

Then Caesar, though rather dramatically, proceeds to fall onto the ground face first as the girl decides to let go of his sleeve. The loud thud he made as he fell felt painful but to Caesar, who was a natural at this, had gotten used to face plants. It should had happened enough for just about anyone to get used to, but not to Nexus. "Caesar! Are you okay?" She immediately transformed into her Human form and knelt beside Caesar, helping him get up while trying to assure he was okay. "Y-Yeah... I'm okay.. For 10 years, Nexus had done this for as many times as he could remember, but Caesar often appreciates her reaction and tries to clam her down with a reassuring. Caesar had a smile on his face, along with the wounded nose, he attempts to do what he always does whenever he falls down. Nefarius however, had different plans. He was laughing hardly, so much so that 'tears' came out from his eyes. "Ahahaha, you never fail to amuse me with that tripping of yours, Caesar! It's so refreshing to see you plant your face on the ground every time!"

"If you keep laughing, I will break you, Nefarius." In a cold and sharp tone of voice, Nexus threatened Nefarius, who then went quiet immediately. As if switching to a different personality however, Nexus returned to her gentle voice. "Are you sure you're okay, Caesar? Do you need any healing?" She had already prepared a healing spell beforehand, ready to apply it should Caesar ask for it. She doesn't wants to force it on him if she could. Even she understands that after so many falls, Caesar would have gotten used to it already. But she just couldn't stop herself from worrying the clumsy young brother. "N-No worries. I'm fine. Upon hearing that, she relaxed her hands. Caesar then stood back up and walked past Nexus, Nexus following him as he did so. He went towards his bag and grabbed it, trying to remember the words that the cheery girl said to him.

"That makes you Caesar, yeah?!"
"Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that."

He only remembers so much, but upon hearing the word 'team', Caesar brightened up. So I'm in a team, huh...? Alright, let's try taking my first step! He quickly steeled his determination and turned to the two girls beside him. If he was right, the cheery girl and the two toned hair girl was his teammates. He was sure that the cheery girl was his teammate and seeing as how the cheery girl was trying to converse with the other girl, that means the three of them was the team. Caesar slowly stood up and turned to the two, awkwardly trying to bow his head as he got more and more afraid. But nonetheless, he introduced himself anyway, albeit stuttering on his speech badly. " to m-m-meet you! I am C....aesar M-Minamoto!" Now his mind was blank. There was nothing more going on his mind other than trying to keep himself sane and from trying to run away and wanting to dig a hole.

I hope I didn't something wrong and offend them. He prayed deep and hard to this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Hector Kazuhira Character Portrait: Joseph Rex
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Joe & Frank

It seemed that Nico tried to make conversation with the two toned hair girl before acknowledging his greeting

"Hey! Good to see ya!"

She waved and gave a thumbs up. He put on a mild smile and a wave back. "Good to see 'ya too." He met her greeting with a similarly positive albeit far less enthusiastic one.

All in the meanwhile people were filtering in, milling about and such. A wind mage zipped past Frank, eliciting a mild shifting noise as it moved it's head a bit out of the way as to not bar his passage. Most of the people were either doing little to nothing like Joe was or just talking amongst the peers they knew until the teacher spoke, the conversations dying down to hear what he had to say.

After the teacher introduced himself there was little Ash said that Joe would actually take to memory. Most of what he was going on about had to do with their prior teacher which he neither knew very well nor cared much about. The homeroom teacher would give him assignments and stuff to learn but besides that there wasn't much else to it. His relationship with the previous teacher was much like his relationship with everyone else: Distant at best. As such, Ash's voice was for the most part tuned out.

There was one thing Asher mentioned that caught his attention. Most particularly was the mention of agendas. While Joe didn't speak much he definitely thought about much. Most of his thoughts were more directed towards matters of his purpose and just why he did what he did. He knew that when he was given tasks to hunt demons as many hunters do he's not just doing it to learn for knowledge's sake, he's fighting a war for them. He knew there was more to the school than just humanity's survival, there were corporations and the government who had their own interests in them. While he didn't suspect they were being manipulated as of current time if he were to become more successful then he'd have to start watching out for such insidious dangers. If he wasn't successful, likely chances would be because he would die at the hands of the daemons. He didn't need to worry as much about what happened beyond that.

More of his concerns were aimed at just what the future held for him. If he were to pursue the path of the hunter the most probable outcome would be his death. After all, humanity had been fighting these things for a long time and it was a war they were losing. What if he were to succeed though? If by some miracle if he were able to thwart the demonic forces and drive them back, ensuring humanities safety... Then what? Humanity throws a big parade for him, whoop dee freakin' doo, and then that's it. No more daemons, no more need for hunters. Failure was it's own punishment but what reward would there be in victory when the only reasonable conclusion is that he, along with all the other hunters, would be thrown out just like trash.

But he was nothing if not true to his word. As a student it's his obligation to carry out these tasks so long as until the period he's agreed to do so has expired. So, true to his word he shall do what is asked of him but come the time that he's served the time he's agreed to and the school has nothing left to offer him and Frank then just like that he would resume being his own man, free to set his own destiny. He saw no point in exhausting himself and risking Frank's safety in a futile effort for nothing of any real value if he didn't give his word that he would.

The teacher announced the teams and it informed Joe of one important thing. 'Yep, I'm in the right class.' Hearing his name listed confirmed his suspicions. For a bit there he was almost worried he just waltzed into a class he wasn't even supposed to be at. Would of been bothersome having to talk his way out of that.

As far as who he was partnered with he had little clue who either of these guys were. Quite frankly he didn't care who he was teamed up with. It would all be the same deal as it usually was. Typically on any mission where he needed to work with someone or in a group of any kind he'd just sleep until somebody woke him up and told him to do something at which point he'd do it. Rather simple stuff really, nobody really depended on him for anything really technical because he wasn't a scholar or a medium. Most of the time his job in groups were either manual labor or bashing demons up. He was quite proficient in bashing demons up but his approach would work best when it's just him and Frank against whatever they're told to hit. Most of the time he'd just follow the groups command rather than fight like he'd like to fight. It was boring but at least he'd get plenty of sleep between bouts of violence. He figured this would be no different.

Though he was immersed in thought he was still aware enough to see one of the other students approach him, likely his team mate though that was just an assumption he was still on the fence about.

"Yo, Joe. My name is Hector Kazuhira, and we should talk to our other squad mate to prepare for the training exercise."

The other classmate who introduced himself as Hector mentioned. Joe was a bit puzzled really. As far as he heard, the only thing they needed to do was to head down to the training room. It was quite quizzical why he'd need to talk to either of them.

"Talk... About what?" His tone was definitely an honest representation of how he felt about what Hector just proposed. That was about as much as he was going to say on that matter however as he soon turned his attention to the matter of the training room.

"I'll head on down to the training room." He informed his new team mate. He did not see any point in talking and unless he did he would much prefer to avoid doing so. At the very least this way it looked a little like he's just being proactive about the exercise Ash's got planned for them. Anyone with even a reasonable ability to read someone could tell his more honest intention however. If there was one thing Joe was not any good at it was hiding things using his words.

Without conversing any further he went over to the window and started to climb out. "Hey Frank!" The trash dragon simply lowered it's head, allowing Joe to climb on. "Now that wasn't all that long now was it?" He teased Frank a bit. It didn't really respond, it's silence serving as an answer in and of itself. "So yeah, it's the right class. Teacher guy said we gotta head on down to the training room."

Not needing to hear much more it raised it's head up high, the strength of the winds blowing against him as it brought it's arms up to start trudging forward. With his goggles shielding his eyes and his tool box held firmly in his grasp he directed Frank over to where he roughly estimated the training room would be. He might not know all the rooms in this school by heart but he knew enough to have a vague idea of where the training room would be. Loud thud after loud thud could be heard as they made their way towards where he believed their destination to be.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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#, as written by Feyblue

Lorelei raised an eyebrow. If, by her own admission, there was no point to initiating a conversation, then why was this manic idiot bothering her? Was she trying to be annoying, or did it just come naturally to her?

Then again, both answers were probably correct, now that she thought about it.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Am I right?" Muttered the girl, giving a cheeky smirk. Lorelei's eyes narrowed in annoyance. She, admittedly, had no idea what that phrase was supposed to mean, but it was probably some sort of insult.

"No, you're not. I don't even own a bed," She responded bluntly, taking the girl's comment literally and quipping what must have sounded like a joke with the utmost seriousness. She tried to calm herself with the reassurance that after this, she could just avoid this irritating person for the rest of the semester, but it seemed fate had other plans.

"I bet you're Lorelei! Right? Right?!" She squealed, her speaking voice almost as grating as the wave of enthusiasm that struck the supersoldier's psyche like a sledgehammer - an oddly appropriate metaphor, considering the brat's weapon of choice. And here she'd thought that finally being referred to be her name would be a sign she was being treated as an equal. Coming from this idiot, it felt more like she was being treated as a dog.

"No, I'm the Duchess of the Gumdrop Kingdom," She muttered sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she gave a sigh of annoyance. This was one of the people she'd be working alongside for the foreseeable future? How predictably infuriating. Taking a deep breath, she continued more seriously. "Unfortunately, yes I-" Her words were cut off by a loud crash as the other victim of this maniac, the short boy who'd been cowering a few moments earlier, was dragged bodily from his seat by the insane girl. He must have been the other member of their team. Normally, she'd probably have viewed his scrawny appearance and meek demeanor with a critical eye, but at least he seemed fairly quiet, and compared to the hammer wielding nutjob, infinitely more bearable.

...That is, until a strange woman materialized out of thin air beside him to help him up, and her voice, along with a booming, powerful male voice, began to resound from within his mind. Of course, it was far too much to ask that her teammates be normal people. No, she had to get the crazy broad with ADHD and some weird kid who had actual other people living inside his head! She slapped a palm to her forehead, shaking her head and turning away. The boy picked himself up, meanwhile, and seemed to be looking the both of them over. To her surprise, he didn't seem to be afraid of her. Rather, the emotions he was projecting seemed more like... admiration? Huh? Where did that come from?

" to m-m-meet you! I am C....aesar M-Minamoto!" The boy stuttered, his name barely intelligible through his stammer as he bowed hastily. "I hope I didn't something wrong and offend them..." Came a worried whimper from within his mind. Lorelei raised an eyebrow. Okay, so apparently, he was afraid of her after all. Turning back towards him, she gave an expression somewhere between a sardonic smirk and an exasperated sigh.

"Tell me, Mr. Mi-Minamoto," She said, purposefully mimicking his own stammer, but doing so with her usual utterly serious demeanor, such that it wasn't exactly clear whether she was mocking him or had seriously misinterpreted his stammer as a part of his name. "How exactly would you offend somebody just by introducing yourself? Unless your name was something like Mr. You R. A. Fool, I fail to see how it would be possible." She didn't know much about manners, so she wasn't really sure whether or not there really was a way, but she felt the need to comment on it, nonetheless, since it seemed strange.

...Oh, right, she'd just responded to someone's thoughts again. Damnit! It was always so hard to tell when people were speaking to her, or merely thinking at her. Great, only a few minutes into her new class, and yet again, she'd already made exactly the same mistake as she had when she first arrived. Fortunately, her frustration at herself was short lived, for another outburst from the queen of hyperactivity swiftly put her focus to other matters - like being frustrated with the idiocy she'd been saddled with.

"Guess we're a team, huh? What should we call ourselves? It's gotta be something cool, like Super Death Team! Er..something like that," She said with an annoyingly cheerful grin. Oh, for the love of... was she really serious? Lorelei may have had all the backbone of a worm when it came to what was important - like basic human rights - but even she had her pride. She'd sooner rip out her own appendix and wear it as a hat than she would willingly be part of something called the "Super Death Team."

There was an expression about something being the "last straw." It was another thing Lorelei didn't really know the context of, but whatever it was, this was it.

"Rejected!" She declared firmly. "In fact, all of your opinions from this point onward are henceforth pre-emptively rejected!" Not that it would actually stop her or anything, but it still felt tremendously satisfying shooting down that stupid plan before it actually took root. Egged onward with her own irritation at how her day had been going thus far, she continued her little tirade. "So, instead of yakking about moronic ideas like team names, why don't we talk about the things we actually need to know to function in a combat situation? Allow me to demonstrate!" She stood up, her eyes flashing azure as she focused at random on the strange metal box in her pocket that the midget had given her. In an instant, it floated out and began to orbit her like a tiny satellite. "Gather round, kiddies! Now look at the box! It's flying! Now look at me! I'm also flying!" She continued condescendingly as she floated off the ground to punctuate this statement. "Now look at the shiny thing in my hair!" The crystal woven into her black and white tresses shattered outward, a stream of water circling around her as her smirk broadened. In an instant, the composition and orientation of every single molecule of the water surrounding her became known to her as they collapsed into a single plane, forming a blade, the hilt of which she laid hold of in an almost casual movement. "Now it's a sword! I'm reading your mind!" She abruptly spun about in midair, the sword she held sweeping upward and stopping inches away from the hammer girl's face. "Surprise! There's nothing in there!" With a rather cruel grin, she floated back down to the floor, drawing back her weapon as its form shifted to that of an ornate crystalline cane, which she planted in front of her and leaned on with a very casual air, at the same time snatching the box and sliding it back into her pocket. Twirling her cane, she gave a melodramatic, stage-like bow. "Thus concludes our show, thank you for coming, and please stop at our gift shop!"

...Huh. That verbal smackdown had been a little more... enthusiastic... than she'd intended it. Maybe being exposed to the hammer girl's seemingly infinite level of energy had made a bit more of an impact on her mindset than she realized. It was rather funny, now that she thought about it. Between being scolded by the man she hated, the expectations foisted upon her and the comparative disgust directed at her in return, and the nuisance she'd been sentenced to deal with for the rest of her stay in this class, she'd finally reached the point where she no longer cared about any of her many irritations - or anything else, really. So what if everybody in the vicinity thought she'd spontaneously decided to go mad? So what if her teammates hated her for being an insufferable bitch to them? So what if every single one of her classmates decided to join up and form the Super Lorelei Hateclub? The amount of shits she gave was so far in the negative that it had collapsed into a black hole that consumed all emotions she felt towards everyone else save frustration, smug superiority, and general apathy. They'd just treat her like scum no matter what she did, so she might as well have fun and do the same to them! Thus, carried on a wave of resignation, she allowed herself to succumb to the feeling of blissful euphoria that came with not caring what anybody else thought of her, and rounded next on the boy, a rather unhinged sneer adorning her face. "Alright, then. Let's do this in order of relative intelligence, which means that you're next! What can you do, exactly? Actually, for starters, why are there three people in your head instead of one, anyway?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asher Donovan Character Portrait: Nico Erenheart Character Portrait: Caesar Minamoto Character Portrait: NHP-S17 "Lorelei"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by MeshET

"Alright, then. Let's do this in order of relative intelligence, which means that you're next! What can you do, exactly? Actually, for starters, why are there three people in your head instead of one, anyway?"

Upon hearing the last sentenced spoke by the girl known as Lorelei, Caesar tried to explain his situation to the girl - Only to find that no words can come out of his mouth. He wanted to explain that Nexus and Nefarius were his good friends and that they communicate through his mind in order to keep from freaking out others. But he just couldn't. He found it hard to form words at the tip of his tongue but he gave himself a final push. It felt as if a heavy weight was crushing on his mind, the letter and sentences he had on his mind only faded away as he opened and closed his lips weakly. I can do it! He told himself and gathered his courage, before speaking softly, but strong enough for the two in front of him to hear him.

"There's no one... inside my head... We just... talk to each other like that..." Caesar turned to Nexus, who was standing beside him with her arms crossed. They both gave each other a slight nod. Nexus' body faded into small white particles and returned to her weapon form, two guns strapped to his waist. Caesar then found himself a seat beside the cheery girl and sat there, picking up his bag along the way. "I'll show you my... powers later. I don't know how to demonstrate too well... Sorry..."
Caesar switched his gaze to the cheery girl in between Lorelei and him. He remembered her name being Nico along the way, possibly due to him subconsciously picking a few names when he spaced out earlier. "What about you, Nico? I would... like to see your powers as well. I'm sure it's... amazing..."

He was slowly getting used to the two. There was no more stuttering in his conversation, but he was still stuttering slightly every now then. Then again, Caesar 'trained' himself to stop acting too shy around people, especially around people he knows he'll be meeting very often. Since they were a team, Caesar need to get his act together. He wouldn't want to scare off or disgust the two teammates he'll be trusting his life with in the future. Even if it's a little, he wanted to sincerely get along with the of them. If there's anything he hates most, is being hated. In fact, him disliking anyone is extremely because he didn't want anyone to feel bad. He knows his shyness gets to him every time he tries to converse with others. but nonetheless he doesn't gives up. After all, having friends is better than being alone.

"Are you sure you don't want to show off just like that Lorelei brat? You can impress the ladies with my powers if you did, you know?" Nefarius interrupted Caesar's train of thought. The masculine voice expresses concern in his tone of voice, but tries to maintain his sense of pride. Caesar however, shook to Nefarius' suggestion. "I'm sure Caesar knows it as well. If we tried to take over now, the classroom might have a few craters here and there. Our magical pressure is too powerful." Caesar immediately nodded to Nexus' claim. If they attempted to take over Caesar's body now, they sudden release of magical energy might crush the ground underneath and perhaps disturb his classmates' discussion.

The only reason why Caesar managed to enter this academy was that his way of fighting is unique. Caesar, by himself, is the weakest of all the students in the academy and is undoubtedly the first on the list to be expelled should the need comes. But Nexus and Nefarius found out that Caesar's body had an affinity with the two. They were able to merge their magical energy with Caesar's, temporarily taking over his body and granting a certain amount of powers. With this, the one taking over completely gains control of the body, assuming their personality alongside some of their powers.

Nefarius enhances Caesar's physical capabilities to an extreme extent, allowing Caesar to stand neck and neck to even some of the most powerful Slayers. However, this places a great strain on Caesar's body. Nexus' take over amplifies Caesar's magical energy, turning him into a competent Exorcist with a slight increase in physical power. In contrast to Nefarius, the strain placed on Caesar when Nexus takes over is significantly lighter than Nefarius, however there is a time limit to the take over.

But then again, a lot of people judged Caesar for who he is. His shyness and struggling attempts to converse with others often ended up him being ignored. There are even times where some others tried to bully because of his weakness, but Nexus stopped them when they tried to.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I can take over when that training thing that the professor Asher or whatever mentioned about. It's been a while." Nefarius claimed. Caesar couldn't remember anything about that, but whatever it was, he could ask his siblings or his teammates later. For now, perhaps Nico will show off and demonstrate her skills as well.