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Kuroi Hana

"Fear gets us killed, so suck it up."

0 · 633 views · located in The World of 'Ao Oni'

a character in “Ao Oni: Horror Reborn”, as played by Meow Meow




Life never get's easier, so all there is to do, is push forward.

☤ General Information ☤

⌈Full Name⌋
Kuroi Hana Utsukushi
(Koo-roy Hah-nah Oot-soo-koo-she)
{Translation: Black Flower Beauty}

"My last name was difficult for some people, so now they just use my middle name."

"No one likes to give me nicknames..."

"Nah... I'm like Nineteen... Thanks."

"Pfft...What kind of question is that?"

"Hey! I'm asexual thanks... Boys have cooties."

"Yeah that's right, I'm superior, not you. So shut your mouth!"

"It's none of your business."

100% Japanese
"So what... My mom didn't like white people."

⌈Face Claim⌋
Hitagi Sejougahara
"Who the hell is that? What a stupid name."

Fear? What the hell is fear? I'll punch fear in the goddamn face.

☤ Appearance ☤

⌈Height & Weight⌋
Hana stands at five feet and six inches and weighs a hundred and fifteen pounds.
"Why the hell does it matter...?"

⌈Hair color/Length/Quality⌋
Kuroi has dark hair that shines at every angle. Not that it's greasy, its just abnormally shiny. If let down it reaches her thighs, so yeah, it's hecka long, but she tends to put it up with some kind of frilly hair tie. She has blunt bangs, ones that go all the way across her face, then shape it perfectly. Sometimes she sweeps them to the side, just by habit usually.
"I don't like scissors... They scare me..."

⌈Eye color⌋
Hana at times has very dark blue eyes or very light blue eyes.
"Blue is my favorite."

⌈Distinguishable Facial Features⌋
She has a cute little mole on her inner left thigh. It's pretty high up there.
"No you can't see it... Perv!"

She has a tattoo on her back like in the picture. Yes she is under age, don't ask how she got it... She also has her ears pierced, just one piercing, she's kinda scared of needles and sharp things. She also has a tiny birthmark on her hiney which is almost shaped like a heart... Almost.
"It is shaped like a heart thank you!"

⌈Physical Description⌋
Hana has a very attractive body, most would say. She has a slim face that compliments her long neck, and a thin hourglass type body. She has a sizable bust and badonkadonk and she has relatively long legs. Her lovely hair flows perfectly down whether its accompanied with a hair tie or not. And clothes wise, Kuroi wears girly clothes, even though it doesn't fit her personality in the slightest. That includes skirts, blouses, and dresses. As well with a nice pair of slip-on shoes.
"Girly? Please... Comfortable is how I would describe it!"

Beauty is a terrible concept. No one knows true beauty so how the hell can we use it to describe things... I mean come on.

☤ Mentality ☤


Changes her Hair Styles|| Hana really likes to play with her hair. She changes the style of it like every three seconds. Its a very annoying habit of hers.
Nibbles on the Inside of her Cheek|| Yes another terrible habit that gets her no where. She'll nibble at her cheek till it bleeds at times, that's how bad it is. It's like a nervous habit.
Adorable Giggle|| When she does actually laugh, she makes the most adorable noise.

"Hey.... Shoosh."


♥Lots and Lots of Food
♥The Cold
♥The Dark
♥Thunder and Lightning
♥(Secretly)Romance and Love

"Don't tell them my secrets!"


Fighting|| Hana has taken multiple self defense classes and can knock someone out with one karate chop.
Running|| Kuroi-chan has been on the track team for quite a while now.
Acting|| She has amazing acting skills, making it so shes very skilled at lying. Making her very manipulative...



Running|| Hana is on the track team and she loves competing.
Reading|| Kuroi could take a book outside and read for hours. It helps her ease up.
Video Games|| This is one of her secret hobbies, but she loves to play video games. They are very competitive and she loves the challenges they bring.

"So what? Video games are for everyone."


✖Her Biological Parents
✖Tight Spaces

"People who think they are better than others can die."


Snakes|| The little slithery creatures terrify her.
Tight Spaces|| Kuroi has very bad claustrophobia. She cannot stand tight spaces, at all...
Being Heartbroken Again|| Her heart is beyond repair as it is.
"Gosh don't remind me..."


Very Stubborn|| When the girl sets her mind to something, she'll do it, even if it kills her.
Distant|| She's not very good at sharing her true feelings.
Oblivious|| She tends to take things too far without knowing it, and it kinda sucks.

"I'm flawless honey..."


⌛She's actually a hopeless romantic.
⌛She started the HIC because she honestly has nothing she wants to live for.
⌛She's really longing for a relationship.
⌛She hopes Ao Oni will actually scare her.



|| Stubborn || Manipulative || Short-tempered || Courageous ||
|| Comedic || Sassy || Brave || Sensitive ||

Well I'm gonna sum this up in short real quick and just tell you, the reader, now, that Hana isn't exactly the happiest gal out there. There are a lot more negative traits then positive ones within her. For example, she's got this real stubbornness about her that no ones been able to crack. She likes to be competitive and over achieve to the point where she'll kill herself in the process just to be successful. She's also really stubborn with her beliefs. When she really believes in something, she'll never change her mind about it. Some people find it quite frustrating.

Her manipulative behavior is a good skill as well as a bad personality trait. At times she will use her looks and her wits to her advantage. She wont sleep with people, because she thinks shes too pure for that, but she will definitely flirt. She's also just so smart at times that she can just talk someone up, and with her amazing acting skills, encourage them to do what she wants. So again it can be quite useful at times, especially if she'll need some bait in a sticky situation...

Hana is very short tempered. No one wants to get on her nerves. Even her step-dad is weary of her, and hes tall and could take her down easily. Any who the point is that she will go ape shit if you piss her off. And she knows how to fight, so she'll go through a room and break everything in sight. She's like a crazy tornado.

Kuroi is very brave and courageous as well. Makes sense that shes the leader of the "HORROR" investigation group. She really and truly has balls of steel. Well figuratively... She only has two real fears, snakes, and small spaces. So taking care of Ao Oni will be a piece of cake, or so she believes. But really, she's not scared and she will take care of anyone who needs a hand to hold.

Lastly Kuroi has kind of a sense of humor which she pairs with her sassy behavior. So it makes her a bit more enjoyable, and it covers up her very sensitive side, that she rarely shows mind you.

"How do you know me so well?"

Why is someone I don't know recording all this stuff about me? Shouldn't I be doing this? I mean it's a little creepy don't ya think?

☤ Backround ☤

"Yeah that's young me... So what!?"

⌈Romantic Interest & Relationship History⌋
As of now, she's not interested in anyone, but she was in a lovely relationship until she was cheated on. Her honey turned sour.
"Don't mention that asshole ever again!"

⌈Most Precious Person⌋
Her step-father, but that could easily change...
"Eh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Hatsumi Hana || 39 || Mother || "The bitch that left me? How could I ever forget her."
Haruka Utsukushi || ?? || Father || "Don't know the guy. He left before I was born."
Natsumi Utsukushi || Deceased || Sister || "I loved her... So much. Why did she have to go...? Why couldn't I save her...?"
Benedict Philips || 38 || Step-father || "He's the best family I've got. He's rich and he's been there for me ever since he married my mom, and even after she left..."

"My family is way too broken..."

Hana's childhood was normal. She lived in an a moderate apartment with her single mother and older sister, and went on her merry way. Until her step father stepped into the picture. It wasn't that he was bad or anything, but it brought out a side in her mother that was very concerning. Once she finally had someone else to take care of her apparently, annoying nuisances of children, she left. Without a good bye, without a warning, without a love you. Hana was nine at this time and her sister Natsumi was twelve.

Natsumi was a lot more broken up about it then her sister. Especially since Benedict, their step father, seemed to favor Hana more. Benedict had a hard time suddenly being a full time father to two children he hadn't known, but surprisingly he succeeded. Probably his success in money, distracted the children. Natsumi soon had sort of a break down and stopped eating. Later Hana found that she was being very bullied in high school, and soon after she decided to take her own life. It was a very sad time for Kuroi. She was so upset that she almost followed in her sister's footsteps.

Thankfully her step father helped her find peace. And then, life moved on. When Hana turned fifteen, she met, her now ex, Sasuke. She was young and stupid, and believed she had found true love. He treated her perfectly and she couldn't be happier. Their relationship lasted until she turned seventeen. That was when she found out that he had been cheating on her for three months with some other high school girl. She was absolutely heartbroken and vowed to never date again, but we all know that's not the case, because clearly that's impossible for a helpless romantic like Hana.

Anyways, soon after breaking up with her true love, she found out about the haunted mansion, and the horrifying tale of Ao Oni. She then decided to start her own little group to investigate supernatural horrors. They first started with small fry, but now its boss time. She believes that the investigation will bring the group together, as well as please her need for the wanting of life.

"Why you gotta remind me...?"

Our history is what truly shows who we are.

☤ Other ☤


So begins...

Kuroi Hana's Story

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The air was cold and the sun close to setting, giving off its bright orange color to impress everyone before moving on to the other side of the world. Kuroi leaned up against the black bars of the gate surrounding the, supposed, "Haunted Mansion". She was calmly waiting for the other members of the "HIC" to show up, so they could finally end their curiosity about the monster Ao Oni. She glanced down at her phone to find a message from one of the members:

Hey Hana~! I'm so sorry I can't make it :( family vacations ya know. Have fun, and tell the others I said hi! Toodles! <3

Kuroi scoffed at the girl. Clearly she chickened out... She returned her cellphone into the hidden pocket of her black and white dress. Which was probably not the proper attire considering the circumstances, but it was what she was comfortable in. All of the sudden she remembered she was missing the necessary components of the mission. She walked over to her fancy new car, a gift from her step father, and rummaged through her back seat to find some flashlights, snacks, and water. She stuffed the objects into the small black backpack she brought and slung it over her shoulder before locking her car doors.

She then returned to her original spot in front of the mansion and began tapping her foot as she started to become impatient. She always hated that people could never be on time or early. No matter what time is given, no one can ever make it. She was actually hoping that people would come, because there was absolutely no way she was going in on her own, and she did want to go investigate.

Health ♥ - 100% | Stamina ♤ - 100% | Fear ☠ - 0% | Status: Healthy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mio Morimoto Character Portrait: Kuroi Hana
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#, as written by ABC


Mio moved quickly down the long path that lead to the mansion's front gate, not quite running, but not far from it. She had planned to arrive earlier, and even made sure she double-checked the bus-schedule to make absolutely certain. Unfortunately, it seemed that the almost unthinkable had happened: the Japanese public transportation system failed her.

It hadn't made her late by much, but the fact that it was the first of the two buses she was taking meant that she had missed the second, and had to find and wait for another. So it was that the HIC's head, and currently only, researcher, now rushed as quickly as she could without sprinting to the front gate, where she could see a rather impressive car parked, its newness contrasting strongly with the grim-looking mansion it was in front of, and the orange gleam lent to it by the setting sun only served to strengthen the effect. Mio was again overwhelmed with the feeling that they should not be here.

But the club had spoken, or at least its leaders had, and this was what was decided upon. With that being the case, it was hardly as though Mio would just stay behind.

That was when she spotted the president, or at least that was the title usually given to the person in her position, of the Horror Investigation Club, standing in front of the gate. The reason Mio hadn't seen her until now is that she had been at her car. The pink-haired girl didn't bother to call out, she rarely did, due both to her natural shyness, and her quiet voice keeping her from being heard even if she did work up the courage, and instead walked over before speaking.

Normally, she would struggle for something to say here, with her and their leader, who didn't seem to care much for her, being the only people here. As it was however, Mio actually had something that she needed to say. "H-Hello I'm very sorry that I'm late. I needed to take two buses to get here, and the first one was late. I don't mean that excuses it, I should have kept the possibility in mind and made a backup plan, I just thought you had a right to know." Oh, right, speaking of things that Mio thought that their leader had a right to know, she'd brought something along with her.

The smallish girl slipped off her backpack and began rooting around inside. Seeing as she was still in her school uniform, it was really the only place to keep anything that she couldn't carry in the small pockets. After a moment, she produced several sheets of paper, stapled together in their upper-right corners to keep them from getting mixed up, and offered them to Kuroi. "I thought that you might want these. They're the transcript of Hiroshi's report to the police. They should prove useful for checking out specific phenomena, rather than just wandering around."

Health ♥ - 100% | Stamina ♤ - 100% | Fear ☠ - 0% | Status: Healthy