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Chilili Crow Dog

Part-time Barista and Champion of Mankind

0 · 233 views · located in A small coffee shop on Earth.

a character in “Apocalypse Over Coffee”, as played by CrashMe


What people notice first are her eyes. Deep-set, heavy-lidded eyes shaped like almonds that carry the weight of the world. The only feature of her that spurred a sense of empathy from those around her. "Smile" they would say, "cheer up". She wasn't neccessarily sad or serious but somehow fate convened that her eyes reflect the troubles of the world in them. One could almost forget everything else. Her mouth is full, curved downwards towards her lightly dimpled chin. Her nose was straight, breaking up the smooth curves of her features, drifting off into the arched brow.


Most describe her as quiet and serious. Most were right to a certain extent. She kept to herself, finding animals preferably to the complex relationships of people. Her childhood spent with horses gave her a special affinity for them but also, strangely, similar characteristics such as periods of sheer stubborness and fierce determination. Like a workhorse, she could endure long days on her feet and long nights hitting the books. It kept her from the more active social life of her peers. A moment of envy would pass, however, when she remembered what she was working for. Often percieved to have the world on her shoulders, she did not merely do things for herself but for her family and her culture as a whole. Through college, she was representing an entire people. A sober demeanor was expected. Often, it turned people off so they would never witness the humor and inner strength she possessed. But if it bothered her, they would never be allowed to know.


Often spotted with her work apron, she found herself carrying all sorts of things in its pockets. Paper, pens, spare change and an assortment of things she picked up. One could never declare her unprepared.


Presently, Chilili works at a coffee shop to help pay for college. Recently she was approached by a man claiming to be a god. If she had been anyone else, she wouldn't have believed him but she had been raised on stories from her grandmother. She knew of invisible beings or Wakanpi, who were connections to the divine. However, faced with her grandmother's stories in the flesh did take some convincing. Little did she know of the journey it would eventually take her and the position she'd be asked to take for mankind. She did not think herself particularly special. If asked, Chilili would claim that her history was unremarkable and yet her history span beyond her years, marked by events that would not let her go. Her parent's marriage dissolved when Chilili was only six. She had only a handful of memories of the two together. All were happy. She spent the remainder of her childhood at her grandmother's on a reservation in which she spent much of her time at a horse ranch. It gave her purpose and work. It also distracted her from her mother's sporadic appearances. She was told that her mother had a rambling nature and couldn't be kept down but it felt like an excuse. Her mother never spoke of her life outside of their time together. When she was present, she was loving, fiercely so. But she was easily taken away. At the height of Chilili's adolesence, she learned of her mother's incarcaration and the constructed reality created by her family began tumbling apart. Her mother was scarred, as a child, by the events at Wounded Knee in the early seventies. She had seen someone die in front of her, shot down, and carried the image with her like a cross. It haunted her and inside, her heart became heavy and bitter. She spent her life protesting the treatment of her people. Not even a marriage or a child could contain the rage she felt deep inside. But events culminated one night as she hitchhiked back towards home and was attacked. The wound grew deep and wide, separating her from the rest of the world. Her actions became violent; a vicious retalation against her enemies. She was arrested and Chilili could do nothing but watch her wither away. She was too young to help her mother and too old to ignore it. Every week she came to see her but found a stranger, replacing the woman that used to love her. Then one week, her mother was gone. She had taken her own life and Chilili was left behind. She has never spoken of it since, yet today, she still carries a piece of her mother's anger with her.

So begins...

Chilili Crow Dog's Story

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#, as written by CrashMe
Chilili Crow Dog stepped out from the back room, holding her hands to keep them from trembling. Each step seemed to encompass a milke as she attempted to span the distance between her and the eternal gods. What the hell was she going to say? Having heard the conversation, she already knew the futility of trying to change their minds. Nothing she could say could possibly be enough to save mankind but she had to try. So she stood among gods, feeling like a child under scrutiny. And in a way she was a child. Each of them towered over her but not as a parent. God, to her, was something different; the void them came from and the spark that brought them into being. These were connections, like arms and legs of God, reaching out. They were all the same to her and equally intimidating. To anger them, her grandmother would say, would be to your own end. Wow, she thought, I actually believe this... I'm fucking nuts... But before she lost her nerves, she cleared her throat. "Um... I uh... I couldn't help but overhear your, um... conversation..." her hands began to shake together. "As a uh... human and a... representative of humanity all I can say is..." she shook her head. "Wow, what can I say?" She looked at them, appearing more like herself than gods and as the nerves rose to her throat, she tried to choke back a laugh. Instead, she hiccuped. Self conciously the hiccup turned into a stifled giggle. Overcompensating, the giggle turned into a high pitch peel of laughter. She clapped her hands to her mouth and suppressed any form of humor down her throat again. "You know what," she said, frustrated and lost, "you're right, all of you. Humanity is a mess and you are the divine comedy. You made the universe and you messed it up. And you can remake it but you'll mess it up again. We're not the problem, you are. But some of us have evolved beyond your mistakes and we're trying to fix it. Just give us a chance..." She took a deep breath and waited, almost wincing as she did so. Then, as she was contemplating the end of her species, out of the blue, she wondered if she left the coffee pot on.

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#, as written by CrashMe
Chilili Crow Dog self-conciously rubs her arm, looking around to the others but unable to meet their gaze. The nervous laughter had not gone over well. It hadn't gone over well at her mother's funeral either. She could still see their stony gazes in her mind's eye. Only this time she was alone with no grandmother to hold her, to protect her. She bristled beneath Infinitious' outburst and was more than a little confused by the others. As Danse crept closer to her, chills went up her spine. She felt set up and she wasn't exactly prepared to be the sacrificial lamb. "I'm sorry, Nyama..."she said, shoulders scrunched up near her ears, "I didn't mean any disrespect... I just... I just feel like I'm trying to convince a bunch of children not to push the red button... so to speak... not that any of you..." she heaved a sigh and then Danse spoke of Nietzsche. "I'm beginning to feel like I don't have a chance in hell..." she muttered to herself. And she was probably right. A few seemed reasonable. Nyama scared her at times but only as a tiger scares a deer. It was natural but ultimately Nyama wasn't interested in hurting her. Justice kept swinging back and forth between earth mother and judge while Danse just gave her the creeps. Infinitious sounded a lot like her Biochemistry teacher who also had a rough childhood and took it out on the students (unless they were blond and looking for an easy A). Cassius didn't really present herself as of yet but she also gave her the creeps. Maisie seemed the only one that was closest to human but her sympathy seemed to conditional... No... Chilili didn't have a prayer in the world...

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#, as written by CrashMe
Chilili Crow Dog lowered her head so that no one could see the tears that hung to her eyes like prayers. She was alarmed at how different mortality felt when one was confronted with immortality. Studying veterinary sciences, she had developed a scholarly distance between herself and her future patients. She was above the dogs and cats, horses and pigs. She believed she understood life they way they could not. If Chilili had never met the gods she would have continued to believe it and never comprehended how isolating that viewpoint was. When faced with the eternal, however, she found herself on an equal playing field. Alongside her mortal compatriots, she realized just how small and fragile they were. It would be so easy to be crushed, relinquished of life, it was disorienting... How could anyone stand it? As Tom brushed up against her leg, it occured to her, as well, how comforting it was. This little creature, her brother, understood her in a way none of the gods could and, in turn, she understood him in the same way. They were all connected by their mortality in the same way the gods were disconnected by their immortality. None but Nyama touched the other. Most seemed at odds and unable to empathize with any opinion but their own. Humans could be that way too but many needed each other. They needed each other in a real and concrete way. They needed each other to survive and even after they were gone, that connection never severed. She took a deep breath and as Nyama spoke, she tried to see him for what he was. How does one talk to a god? Failing that, she made up her mind that she was without choice. Whether she liked it or not, she had become a champion of mankind. "I'm not sure why Fate chose me to represent humanity," she started, glancing at Maisie uneasily, "But I'll accept a test... I was told that I should never refuse the spirits and I won't. And... and I'll prove to all of you that we're greater than our parts because we-.... we're um..."

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#, as written by CrashMe
Wasn't it only yesterday that she yelled at her blonde co-worker, calling her an ignorant slut because she claimed that she was related to an Indian Princess despite the horrific historic inaccuracy. That somehow, the co-worker, too was Native American and could understand her. Only yesterday she had put the blonde in the "other" category and SHE was supposed to represent mankind. To Chilili's credit, the blonde was a slut and ignorant. "We're... essentially good," she said weakly. A god was constant according to their nature; one note characters that had simple drives. Unfortunately a human was only constant in their inconsistancies. They were everything and nothing and Chilili was only beginning to see her dilemma. Would her determination be enough? At the moment, it was her determination that kept her from throwing up.