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Karu Takahashi

Silent antisocialist

0 · 637 views · located in The Empire

a character in “Archon Academy”, as played by Karu


Karu Takahashi

Eye Color:Black?
Hair Color:Black

Student File


Physical Description
black hair down to his shoulders with some covering his left eye, black and all. The only features you seem to look at him through the first glance, wearing a black jacket and white jeans. With nothing really redeeming about how he looks you begin to look at his face, you can't look without looking a second time on seeing how did this pretty-boy get into a military academy such as this one. Looking at his physical appearance, he looks a bit frail as if a twig.



Alignment Ability:Burst-Aura(a massive aura envelops around him and since he is a guardian his special trait of absorbing the aura becomes imminent and utilizes the magic naturally.)

First Ability:Singularity(As Karu evokes his Aura out, being in tone with nature of the guardian he intakes the aura becoming his own as his randomly chooses Karu's special ability to burst into either: speed, power, or reflex/control. When Karu becomes more in tune with his powers he will be able to choose each ability or even be able to go as far as using more than one type. Easily indicated by his eye color, as vice versa, Karu will be able to easily tell which one has been activated on the dot and adapt to it.
Second Ability:
Third Ability:
Specialization: Learned Kendo-style sword fighting(two-handed sword fighting traditionally, but Karu felt he needed to be a little bit quicker on his toes and evolved his method of fighting with dual wielding a katana with a short-sword or dagger one that is light enough for him to freely swing with his left hand as much as his right hand), but for hand-to-hand combat he is a 2nd degree black belt in Uechi-Ryu martial arts(a type of martial arts that uses one's hands as a sword or spear.)

Karu carries not exactly a weapon, but more of a tool. Small enough to fit in his pocket, it looks like a small cylinder as if it were a tiny rod/wand-like object. With a special property that even he is unsure about, only thing he remembers about having it was that it saved his life once, and keeps it in his pocket as a good luck charm. Karu wields a katana with a short sword off-hand normally, but when in traditional settings and such Karu will use the Katana as a two-hander

Karu is a special young boy, harboring a special and unique ability that only a few select know and only recently his parent's stopped trying to "cure" this problem that he has that they thought was a "curse." Karu's special ability carries a passive effect that changes the color of his eyes beyond his control even if he doesn't activate the ability. After a while Karu got tired of all these checkups and routines, he finally told his parent's that they weren't bothering him anymore even though he was through some slight bullying, it didn't bother him all that much. But to that result, he's been discriminated as such and kept the silent personality to this day with only knowing a few close friends.



Karu's personality is a bit of the silent, unsocial type that doesn't go with large groups, although on the other hand he is pretty engaging when he's with his closest friends.

Karu isn't bipolar, but more of a "personality swap" on a flip of a trigger, although it doesn't happen often it sure as hell noticeable. It takes over his unsocial-able personality and gives him certain types of personality overflow when he goes over the top with certain emotions the three being in order: Anger for red, resolve for yellow and lust for blue. (It hasn't happened yet out in public, but it'll be good for future reference when people first discover it).

So begins...

Karu Takahashi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin
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#, as written by Karu
Karu wakes up on a daze as he slowly opens his eyes, first thing he sees is the wooden ceiling in his cabin. As he gets up to sit up straight on his be, he begins to analyze the room looking around confused as if he didn't know where he was. Not letting that bother he, he begins his morning routines like using the bathroom and brushing his teeth, etc hygienic type things; soon after he feels more alert and awake, still unaware of where he is he goes and gets dressed. He grabs his keys as if it were natural and leaves the room as he locks it. Walking down the hallways for a while, he looks around and there doesn't seem to be people around, the only conclusion he could come up with is that it may be too early, but he doesn't places his bet on it quite yet.
As he arrive to the stairs to go to the next floor upwards, he reaches for the handle and quickly snaps it back away in hesitation and fear, "What's beyond this door? Where will I be at? What will I see?" The many questions lead him into disarray and yet he ponders for a while.
Finally as he comes to terms with his fright and cautiousness, he realized nothing is going to come from standing here. He swalls his fear down and opens the door with his eyes shut, running to the next floor feeling the strong breeze across his face. "what is this I'm feeling, so strong yet, calming and relaxing..." Karu opens his eyes and looks off into the distance in awe to see the sky zip fast enough for him to miss the nature of everything looking through seeing the airship cut through the clouds surrounded by the sky dyed blue. Looking into the horizon in awe where he just sees blurs, grasping his chest in excitement he remembers that where he was and what he was doing here. Remembering these events led a grin on his face as he looks straight ahead that he is now an Archon Academy Student. Unaware of his surroundings now he heeds no attention to his surroundings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin
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"Taking in the sun and contemplating the complexities of death itself. You're heading to a hellish place cadet, a person will die and you'll never see the sorry soul again." Kayle replied gloomily. He was in one of his brooding moods and was hoping his answer might scare the prying cadet away. It seemed he could never have the best of both worlds, at his place of work whether on the battlefields or in the infirmary he was beyond charismatic and confident, the second he stepped out of those places of adrenaline and work he found himself nearly unapproachable.

"Karu, right?" He asked, vaguely remembering him from the day before when Karu was all too eager to meet anyone from Archon on-board the ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin Character Portrait: Azyrion St. Croix
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Azyrion St. Croix (Azyr)

The Spirit of Archon

Azyr sat atop the deck of the Spirit of Archon pondering his next move. "Archon Academy" he thought to himself. He contemplated sneaking away, but a sudden shock brought him to he senses when he realized his sisters would track him down and he'd be in for a more troublesome experience. He took a second to to regain his composure and pulled a letter out of his jacket.
"Dear Applicant,
Congratulation! Your application to Archon Academy has been accepted, your test scores and prior academic works have lead you to the highest peak. As you are aware Archon Academy is the Empires most prestigious military and political educational center, boasting the largest number of alumni to become Imperial Officers. Twelve Emperors and Empresses have called our noble school their home, along with over sixty Imperial Marshals, and a countless number of government officials and military officers. At Archon Academy you will be honed by a rigorous curriculum and military training into the future of our glorious empire, so that perhaps you too can one day count yourself as one of the pride of our school. However the entrance exams and application process are not in any way the greatest hurdle you will encounter. It will be up to you to either pass or fail and you alone.
You are hereby ordered, under right of her Imperial Majesty and the authority of the Imperial Marshal, to report to the school at 0700 on the thirty first of August, the Entrance Ceremony will take place at 0900 on the First of September.
May glory forever shine on our Empire,
Signed, Mira Campbell
Director of Admissions."

Azyr paused for a moment after reading the letter. "Mira Cambell, I wonder if she's hot." Azyr began to drift away staring at the clouds. Before he managed to fall asleep he noticed a figure walking around the deck. He peered at the man using his peripheral vision. The man wore a white cape over his shoulers. The man was wearing an Archon uniform, but his was more regal than the others. Another academy member approached the man in white and began to speak. The man in white gave the other cadet gloomy news of a hellish place death on the battlefield. Azyr let out a loud YAAAAWN and closed his eyes attempting to go to sleep. After noticing the man in his uniform Azyr wondered if he needed to change into his uniform. He tried it on once and it fit tight and snug. It wasn't particularly his style as he preferred his clothing a little loose.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin
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#, as written by Karu
From hearing his choice of words Karu knew that he shouldn't be asking these questions, the tone of his voice thinking that he didn't want to bother with people at the moment. Karu Timidly responds, "I-I'm sorry s-sir." His voice and tone startles Karu as he looks away. "Yes, it is Karu sir." He takes a pause as he re-thinks each word that Kayle says for a valid response, "Even if such battles exist, no matter what's going to happen there will still be war. I want to be part of the battle that ends the wars sooner so that we have a longer time of peace, I know there is no such thing as world peace." He looks at him, "I'm sorry to be bothering you with my own rambling, but I want to help no matter what happens to myself. I want to protect..." Karu grows silent as he looks away again in embarrassment. "Again sorry to be bothering you, I'll excuse myself now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin
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Kayle raised an eyebrow and glanced toward the cadet with a strange glimmer in his eyes, “You want to protect what?” Most of what the cadet said was the ramblings of a typical patriotic fool they brought to the academy to counter-balance the realistic pessimist thinkers. The last bit of Karu’s comment caught his attention, “no matter what happens to myself, I want to protect…” The words echoed his philosophy when he entered the school, not quite as foolish as some form of world peace but pretty damn stupid. The memories of a simpler time cheered him up a bit and there was a faint smile on his lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin
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#, as written by Karu
Karu looks at Kayle with the small smirk on his face and gives Karu a small sense of ease, but nonetheless still breathtaking speaking to a superior such as him. Karu looks around and looks back at Kayle and opens his mouth, "That last part..." He looks away embarrassed again, "is kind of personal, so I don't really wish to speak of it right now." Trying to keep his words in a single sentence away from it being broken apart. "what made you join the Academy sir?" As Karu attempts to answer another question again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Kayle Nekorin
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"Because I could help." Kayle replied simply. "I had to prove I wasn't a useless healer." he dove a little deeper into his thoughts. "And now I'm the general of the medical corps." he smirked, "funny how things work out that way." He gave the cadet a pat on the back. "Maybe one day you'll be something special." Or Dead the thought echoed in his head darkly.

"You managed to cheer me up." He smiled at Karu. "Whether it was intentional or not, thank you, I was starting to dread returning to the front lines." Kayle spoke with a kind heart. He wasn't truly happy but there was a spark of cheeriness to him now. The cadet seemed nervous Kayle was trying not to scare him off now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Caspian Polaris Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw
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Clink... clink... clink...
Azyr heard the same sound over and over. He awoke from his nap and peered across his dormroom.
Clink... clink... clink...
He saw small sparks fly throughout the air. As his eyes adjusted from sleep and focused the light, he noticed his roommate cleaning and sharpening his sword. "Just my luck to get stuck in a room with mr. soldier boy" he thought to himself. His roommate was a large man and the most patriotic soldier the academy had ever seen. His only flaws were that he was as dumb as an ox and he had an odd infatuation with his sword. However his sense of honor, duty, andy loyalty to the empire was second to none. The vast majority of conversations with him ended with glory to the empire or some other corny slogan. Azyr believe it was a conspiracy having them plaaced in the same room.
Clink... clink... clink...
"Finnally", his roommate yelled, today is the day I become a true soldier of the empire. Azyr placed his pillow over his face in annoyance. Knowing he would not be able to get anymore sleep he arose out of his bed and began to put on his uniform. After his roomate finished shining his sword he saluted Azyr and ran out of the dorms. Azyr's eyes rolled into the back of his head thinking about the imbecile they placed him in the room with. He then put on his uniform and let out an apathetic sigh after looking in the mirror. The uniform was snug, crisp, and sharp as it was fitted to his frame in perfect fashion. He noticed an envelope in his pocket with a circular pin wit a D inside of it. A note beside it said "Alpha Company, Third Platoon, First Squad, D Class." Azyr looked at the not and thought,"Damn, D-Class, I was hoping for E. D just means I will end up having to do more work." He threw the pin in his pocket and left the dorm.

Azyr headed toward the courtyard to await for the ceremony to start. He gazed at many of his fellow classmates being greeted by their families, getting chewed out by superiors, and performing various other tasks. He began to mentally analyze the rest of his platoon when he noticed a young woman being held in a submission hold by an older blonde woman. A moment of exitement overcame him when he noticed how attractive the older woman was. "Maybe this wont be so bad he thought." That moment quickly faded when he noticed here uniform and realized she was not a classmate but just a family member watching the introduction ceremony. He let out a sigh of relief that his sisters were on missions on opposide sides of the world. If they were here they would probably berate him for not making a higher rank class. Azyr layed out under the shade of a nearby tree and decided to take a quick nap before the festivities began.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Caspian Polaris Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw
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#, as written by Karu
Staring at the ceiling as the night just seemingly flies by closing his eyes trying to go to sleep, but for some odd reason, he isn't able to do so. Staring at the ceiling as he pulls out the small cylinder out of his pocket, he grips is tight as he sighs and puts it back into his pocket. As his view diverts away from the ceiling and looks around his empty and dark room.

As the sun arises and the light slowly makes it's way into the room Karu is still staring at the light in the same position he has been for the past 6 hours. Looking at the clock, he gets up and grooms himself. His hair disheveled with his bang down his right eye yet again, he dresses himself in uniform making everything is in check and sighs to himself as he stares at the necklace that's blatantly showing in front of the uniform. "I promise." Karu speaking to himself as he speaks to the reflection with resolute eyes. He leaves the dorm room head strong with the words in his head, "Alpha Company, Third Platoon, First Squad, D Class." These words kept ringing in his head as engravings so that he never forgets where he first began, the start of it all.

Walking towards the courtyard as his eyes stare into the sea of people, he feels sick to the stomach as unable to handle wide amounts of people, taking a considerable distance until the very last moment he was allowed. Analyzing the people who enter the courtyard getting thicker and thicker, he feels like he wants to leave the area, but at the same time feels obligated to not doing so; as such Karu swallows his uneasiness and tries to hold it in, just long enough for everything to be over with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Caspian Polaris Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw
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Lucy instantly got up rubbing her eyes at the noise, her roommate was standing there next to her bed fully dressed in her uniform jumping up and down, screaming with...Joy? Once Lucys eyes had adjusted abit she could see her mother and father standing at the door, "Your father and I decided to come and get you dear," Her mother had said laughing quietly. "Wait, how did they let you guys into the dorms?" Lucy rubbed her hair confusingly.

"I went here to dear, I just simply asked that we could just get our daughter. Now get dressed, we have a ceremony to get to," Her father laughed with her mother.

"Alright I will meet you down there now GO your embarrasing me infront of my roommate," She shoo'd her parents out and closed the door looking over to her roommate. "YOUR THE DAUGHTER OF THE GREAT CHARLIE MARETTA?!" Her roommate excited-ily asked.

"Yes," Lucy replied while smiliing happily, her hair messed up and her beddress still on.

"We have to get you ready! Oh by the way my name is Jana Faye," Jana was going into Lucy's dresser getting her uniform and some of her accesories like her blue bow and placing them neatly on the bed for when they come back. "Lets Go!" Jana grabbed Lucys hand and they were out the door heading towards the showers. Once there Jana turned her back on Lucy and stood their like a personal bodyguard. "Have a shower and be quick!" She quickly said.

Lucy was flustered as she quickly had a shower making sure to wash her hair, she got dry and put a towel on, once again Jana grabbed her hand and now they were headed back towards their room on the third floor. Lucy ran in quickly and Jana closed the door, pressing her face against it. "QUICK GET DRESSED!" She hastily spoke. Lucy got dressed quickly into her uniform which was surprisingly comfortable she felt something in the pocket she reached in and pulled out a envelope with a pin with a 'D' on it. I guess im in Class D then... she pinnded it to her uniform and noticed a note in the envelope aswell getting it out, it said. "Cadet, Second Platoon, Third Squad" She turned to Jana and spoke quietly, "You can turn around now Jana," Jana sat her infront of the mirror while grabbing a brush, stroking Lucys long blue hair, then placing a bow in it.

Lucy stood up infront of the mirror and twirled while nodding, "I like what you did with my hair Jana...Jana?" Lucy had turned around and noticed that Jana was frozen with excitement. "It is true...You are beautiful like your mother" Jana had praised Lucy. 'Thank you Jana," Lucy had smiled at her as Jana suddenly grabbed her hand again running out the door onto Courtyard while asking a few Higher-Ups they were able to find Lucys parents. "Well See you Lucy!" Jana gave a wave and went to find her own parents. Lucy turned to her parents and hugged them both tightly. "Dear you look as beautiful as your mother!" Said her father astonished at Lucy. "Always the hint of suprise father?" Lucy and her father laughed then went on talking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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#, as written by Karu
Karu at attention at his spot, seated and at stand and seated back on his chair. Looks around as he tries to see if he can recognize anyone, but to no avail no one except for Medical General Kayle, he looks for a moment until his eyes become diverted to full attention at the battalion commander just listening to his speech as it impacted Karu. Thinking to himself briefly,

"(Wow, is this going to happen the my in the future? Most likely not, but it's great to dream; it looks glorious and yet, at the same time nerve wrecking to stand up onto the podium as such and talk in great lengths of this school, yet as well must not be from wars and uprisings and falls that time has slowly whittled down, corroding my very soul. I don't think i could handle this, so I shouldn't try to get my hopes up and aim for such a high role, I just have to get through my first battle. As my father used to say when I was young, at the time I didn't know what it meant, but I do now... 'You're only strong when you decide to spare a life, not take it away.' I learned from that greatly, although in my mind I feel the inkling of morbidness from this as well, 'when taking someone's life, the choice is yours yet the possibility is going to be high. Will you be able to sleep at night, or not at all?' As this other comment struck into my mind. I don't understand both of them, yet individually they make sense. Why?...)"

Karu goes through several and more thoughts in his mind thinking deeply as he further proves himself wrong again and again with counter arguments going throughout his mind. His eyes as slowly shifting color at a rapid, but consistent rate:red, green, and yellow; as his hair is long enough his face is staring to the ground with his hands to his head as the neighbor cadets look at him with worry and try to shake him back to reality. Karu wakes up from such conversation with himself and his hair covering his eyes just enough that no one is able to see them where Karu just barely arrived back into the ending of the loud thunderous and deafening cheers as it quickly died down. Looking back to the others he shifts his hair to the right and his eyes are normal again as he looks at the commander once more upon looking at the headmaster whispering to the Battalion Commander, Karu looking in confusing where he has been the last few moments almost forgot to tell his neighbors that he was fine, letting them know to ease their worry and look at him with a uneasy smile still, makes them feel better but not that much.

The last words Karu listens to, “I regret to inform you all that our beloved Emperor Augustus VI has passed away as of 0617 this morning of apparent heart failure…” Looking at the headmaster with shock and surprise leaving himself speechless with no words to convey as he just stares on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Caspian Polaris Character Portrait: Daniel Williams Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw
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she had fallen asleep during the generals speech as she already knew what he was going to say.she still slept while the vertilift landed nearby and the headmaster walked up to the podium, only when he mentioned the death of their current emporeor did her eyes snap open. Suna wasnt bothered by it all all, hell she never even cared for the old man, her expression never changing. some of the cadets noticed this and whispered about it behind her back but she ignored it {'let them think what they want, is that why mother left'}thinking back to earlier.

Suna scanned the crowd before and behind her, watching everyones reaction to this "sad and shocking" news. looking back at the headmaster she already had a guess of what he would say next; the Rite of the Challenge to Succession. personaly Suna didnt approve of this being as she honestly didnt care for it, all it meant was that she was going to be forced into fighting opponets for something she didnt care enough to want nor didn she care for the cadets who were weak compared to her yet they always tried to fight her thinking they could beat a seeminly weak girl, Suna never understood this. to her those kind of battles were pointless, and she will only acknowledge the truly strong opponents who would actually put up a fight.

but unlike the others she wasnt the kind of person to initiate a fight only going for those who were left was more her style. Suna was so deep in thought she didnt realize that it was time to salute the headmaster and she missed her cue {'not that it matters, to hell with them all,let them think what they want'} a low growl escaped her lips as she waited for further orders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi Character Portrait: Azyrion St. Croix
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Ethelyn played her part in mobilizing her platoon with an unrivaled perfection, every movement, call, and correction was spot on. She was more than ready for her new leadership role and it was no wonder that she was a lieutenant this year. Although her uniform was lacking many of the medals and honors of other lieutenants her aura spoke for her as it fed on the exhaustion of the many nearby students and shined with a certain earthly energy.

As inspections began she was ruthless, pointing out the smallest of wrinkles. "Cadet, unless you have a reason for your unruly hair blocking your eyes I suggest you tie it up next time, you're lucky I don't make an example of you right here and cut it off with my sword, it would be a pity if my hand slipped." She taunted Karu, let her aura bite at his and left him speechless. "Watch your pants on the grass Cadet, their too big for you and grass stains may not appear obvious on the navy uniform but I can clearly see them, be sure to take care of that immediately following today's training." She shot at another Cadet by the name of Azyrion. She continued down the line until they were each completely searched for flaws, there would be none of that non-sense in her platoon.

When Desmond stepped up to the platform she was ready as ever and admired him from afar. It was unfortunate the Commander was taken, he was attractive with a quirky manner and had a way with words. While she prefered the strict command of a harsh leader she couldn't help but fawn over his way of tripping over his words before he began one of his riveting speeches. She hung onto every word, and was disappointed when the headmaster arrived to pick up the speech.

Ethelyn was shocked when the conversation turned dark as the headmaster made the announcements. She did her best to keep her men at attention but she could barely contain her own composure at this news. As the Rites to Succession were stated she went pale, the rites had not been called on for decades, centuries even, usually it was plain and simple. Why now? Her shock and fear subsided as a glimmer of an idea popped into her head. With the rites enacted anyone at the school could be the next successor to the throne. With that a smile came across her face.

"May glory forever shine on our Empire.” She hissed with venom in her voice and a maniacal grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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#, as written by Karu
Being encased of a circle of fire, looking around scared as a child without knowing where he is, worried. As he finally gets up and begins to walk, his mouth opened as if on it's own and starts shouting a foreign word that was muted by the roaring flames around him as far as the eye can see; only a sea of flames as he traverses further in one direction the fire only remains standing strong as he begins to become more confused as he finally sees a silhouette he stops shouting and look straight at it as he gets closer. As he gets closer to finally see who the person is, the figure seems to be a little girl about the age of 12 and another figure holding her up by the neck with a blade in another hand. Shouting again, "_____" more nothingness comes from his mouth she looks at him with such eyes that he couldn't describe, as if she already ascended and preparing for the final judgement, she opens her mouth with a faint sound, and yet he could hear it, "Brother..." The armored knight holds her up higher and with the other blade he impales her right through the chest with the greatsword in his hand. His eye's widen in shock and dismay upon hearing that word looking in his hands as he falls down to his knees. The emptiness in his hands brings him into a despair as he picks himself blinded by rage he charges in.

Karu jumps off his bed early in the morning about 2 hours before training as he wakes up in a cold sweat with a battle-ready stance, he opens his eyes and sees his sword in his hand, a kendo sword that has been modified for his style of swordplay.

"Ugh... The same dream." Karu puts the sword down gently flat, so that it doesn't break anything around if it ever drops. "It's early..." He gets into the shower with his toothbrush in this mouth as he's half awake in the shower still a bit sluggish until the water suddenly gets cold making Karu spit his toothbrush out and jump out of the shower. "Holy shit!" Fully awake Karu goes in and finishes his shower, getting dressed ready for training yet again with an bandage over his eye with the higher-ups getting annoyed with his hair over his left eye and his hair pinned up to the left. Running in autopilot with his morning training, the daily routine was getting too easy even with 5 kg weights applied to each limb and was thinking about adding some more weights to ensure he doesn't fall asleep.

Finishing the morning routine, Karu goes into the cafeteria ordering a set and a slop of food just slowly glomps down to the tray splattering over the plate lightly barely from touching Karu's uniform. Looking around not knowing where to sit, until he finds an empty table and a voice rings in his head, "At least try to make some friends."

"..." Karu reluctantly agrees with this voice in his head and looks at the table with his squad leader Suna and slowly approaches her, "Uhm..." Shyly speaks in a moderate volume but slow, "Do... you mind... If... I... Sit... Here...?" Karu looks at her and looks away, "I-I mean, you don't need to pity me or anything... If you want me to leave or something, I can... It's not a big deal..." Looking back at that table with no one sitting there, it catches her view as Suna looks at the table he's staring at.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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once more she peeked from the crook of her elbow at Karu one of the freshmen in her squad. her eyes slowly took him in proccesing everything about him so to sum it all up he was like her with people but he was actually unsociable were she simply didnt see a reason why she should, talking always made her tired for some reason. Suna looked at the table that Karu was looking back at with a silent longing on his face then back at him. she was already tired enough from talking with Rallen even responding to Reys inquiry on her day so for an answer she simply scooted over to indicate he could sit next to her and watched as he sat down before turning her head so she wasnt looking at them anymore {'too much talking is making me sleepy i do hope he doesnt ask questions as well'} Suna let out a sigh before closing her eyes and thought of the adurous task ahead of her; talking with her squad members and answering her lieutanat she honestly did feel like being sociable but then she never did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Kai Cavelier Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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Another morning began the same, routine dictating that Kai wake up early and begin simple exercises to warm up. Followed by specific exercise depending on the day.One armed push ups a few reps of those would be his shoulder and triceps exercise for the day. The fact he struck lucky and did not have a roommate was a big bonus meant more space for his exercise and himself in general. Though he did need to speak to the officers about one thing in his room, his bed. It was a standard size bed that most dorms had. Problem was Kai still managed not to fit on it properly. Still sleeping rough was nothing new.

Going through the rest of the routine of hitting the showers down the hall, and getting dressed into his training uniform. He made his way down to the last part of the routine, breakfast. He'd always catch breakfast with what seemed the major crowd for it. Walking through the doors into the cafeteria he took his place within the line and waited to be served.

Allowing his eyes to scan the room, he noted people of interest such as his squad leader, his platoon leader and so forth just as points of reference then him planning anything. Though his eyes did scan to see if anyone might be plotting something. The Rite had meant Kai had to fend one or two challenges off. But then again quite a few people have had to deal with those so it was nothing major. But as far as the morning was concern there was only one problem awaiting Kai. Where was he going to sit for breakfast. Normally he did not take long to eat breakfast so he rarely allowing himself to sit in the larger groups of students, since it was much sit down, eat quicker than most, straight off again. Still no matter where he sat, he would make a note to go over a greet his squad mates, that is of course if he managed to get served.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Ethelyn Drake Character Portrait: Kai Cavelier Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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#, as written by Karu
Karu smiles softly, yet warmly as he takes the seat next to Suna. Placing his tray down on the table he looks at the tray as he speaks to her, "T-thank you." Shyly, he pokes the pile of slop just mindlessly focusing on it, it twitches and Karu over-reacts and throws the fork into the slop, "T-that thing just moved!" Giving him a mini heart attack he slowly pushes the tray away. "I wasn't hungry anyways..." Looking over to Suna, "S-Sorry... I just... don't... know what... to do in... these... situations..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Elphida RA. Dynami Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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Rallen smiled at his squad sergeant and stood up to great him with a grin quickly throwing his right hand over the man’s shoulder. Sure it would be considered disrespectful to most people of higher ranking but the way Rallen saw it they were both on the same team and both equal in class “Hey there Leader man! Do anything fun today?” He said with a grin and laugh. He let go of him right after and sat back down to the group they seemed to have formed. He turned his attention to the next fellow to appear and rose a brow at first glance which quickly went away when her realized he was in the same squad as Suna. Friendly, more or less in his opinion. He watched Suna move over and nodded at the fellow. “Go ahead we got the room for anyone in the Company.” He said with a smile at the man. “So what’s your name then?” he asked the seemingly shy man.

Before he could answer Rallen noticed another member of his squad taking a seat on their own as short way away. He raised a brow at her avoidance but it didn’t take him long to put two and two together. If he remembered correctly she was E class or in a better word easy prey for anyone looking. Poor girl to be thrown into this chaos on her own. What kind of squad mate would he be to just abandon her on her own like that? Rallen quickly stood back up to his feet and wrapped his hands around his lips to amplify his voice. “Oi Elphida over here!” he quickly waved over to her not really caring if any one gave him a strange look for yelling. Rallen had made it a rule to learn his squad’s names before actually talking to them as to avoid that awkward moment where there talking and he doesn’t know what to call them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Elphida RA. Dynami Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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#, as written by Karu
Karu looks over at Rallen and stays silent for a while as he thinks over his own response and gives a decent enough one, "My name's Karu..." As he looks at he, he looks... quite odd, but didn't mind Karu. Hearing Rallen shout a name at the general direction caught Karu's eye to have him look over there and sees a young girl with with white hair looking back at him yet again thinking that he's some "Casanova" looking back at his tray pondering about many possibilities the filled his mind with mixed emotions, but mostly disgust or something of that regard of judgemental standards, but didn't pay mind to it and just analyzed the area yet again for another time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suna Alkard Character Portrait: Caspian Polaris Character Portrait: Rey Vandelion Character Portrait: Rallen Ironclaw Character Portrait: Elphida RA. Dynami Character Portrait: Karu Takahashi
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nearly attacking Rallen for yelling she raised her head a sleepy expression on her face. 'why so loud' shaking her head she was sad that Rallen had woken her up from her 5 minute nap since she loved taking naps.

turning back to Rallen "shhh" before resting her head on her shoulders and going back to sleep.