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"I am the first in a line of humanity's greatest weapons. I fight with the power of an entire legion. I am unstoppable, and you will be crushed if you stand in my way."

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a character in “Artificial Humans”, originally authored by Iye Khara, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Her original name is long gone. The military may still have record of it, but that name, along with the rest of her past and her emotions, was culled from her. Ultimately, she was christened 'Legion'--because she was designed to fight with the full force and deadliness of an entire legion of artificial humans.

Age: Unknown to her. She is, in actuality, about fourty years old, though her body doesn't nearly show it.

Gender: Female.



Legion stands, at full height, a towering six feet and four inches tall, though it is unknown whether this is her natural height as it was before she was taken, or if her height was augmented as part of her experiments--regardless, it lends only further an imposing aire of intimidation to her. Despite the firm, powerful muscles clearly visible across her body, her frame itself is agile and swift, as most of her strength can be derived not from muscle but from...well, where exactly it originates is classified even to Legion, but suffice to say that her already toughened, imposing build is nowhere near indicative of her actual strength.

Legion is, suffice to say, not a pretty woman. Her face, with sharp, defined features, could have been considered attractive, if it were not marred by the years of experimentation, anger, and violence she has suffered with the military, twisting her features and distorting her in both body and mind. Legion has high, prominent cheekbones that give her a pre-set a quality of haughtiness and an aura of deadly authority; in addition, she has thin dark lips, often pulled back into a scowl or, in the rare occasion things are going her way, a vicious, sadistic smirk. Her eyes, keen and vaguely almond-shaped are a light brown colour, and due to the enhanced, artificial genes she possesses, seem to possess a touch of crimson in their irises; just like her expression, her eyes often convey anger, irritation, and arrogance.

Legion has, for as long as she can remember--in essence, since she awoke in the possession of the military's Artificial Human Project--kept her head shaved and hairless. She sees no purpose for it, considering hair to be merely a distraction that she has no need of. Were she to grow her hair out, it would prove to be a faded shade of black, and entirely straight in tendency. Due to her lack of hair, the twelve tattoos on the sides of her head are clearly visible; they are in essence simply elongated, black triangular obelisks. Two on either side are placed horizontally to the side of her eyes (one right next to, the other slightly below), and four vertical marks over each ear. The reason she chose to get the tattoos was because the final operation (or 'investigation' as the scientists called it, into the success of her artificial powers) left scarring in those areas, and she chose to simply tattoo over them.

Personality: Legion is a fierce and vicious being, driven by a constant conflict between the emotions , morals, and memories she has begun to regain, and the sense of purpose, the ingrained sense of duty she has always been programmed with as the first of the superhuman weapons the military is now attempting to mass-produce. She was, at first, entirely apathetic and emotionless; she carried out her duties without thought, without feeling. Of that time, she recalls bleak emptiness of mind--no happiness, but no sadness; no anger, but no contentment; no fear, but no joy; no hope, and yet no hopelessness. There was nothing--she was an empty weapon, a vessel, a heartless, emotionless killing machine who carried out her violent orders with deadly efficiency and an absolute apathy to human life that was disturbing to behold.

Not so anymore. Other Artificials had already begun to change before Legion, as indoctrinated and overtaken by the military's experimentation as she was, began to feel that change as well. It was brief at first--moments in which she'd feel...something. She'd never be able to describe what it was. Whenever she prepared to crush the bones of a human being with her bare hands, whenever she was fully about to punch a hole in a hapless, helpless target, whenever she was about to brutally silence whatever poor fool had been placed at her mercy, she...hesitated. That had never happened before.

It sent Legion's mind reeling. It generated confusion--what was happening to her? What was this...this strange hesitation that was beginning to hamper her efficiency as a killer? She tried to pinpoint the source: she was unsuccessful.

From there, it only worsened. Flashes, images, sounds, recollections of a life she'd never lived, they all began to appear sporadically, in sudden, brief bursts. The emotions she'd only begun to feel began to emerge and manifest themselves fully, only further confusing her. That confusion quickly gave way to anger. It was the simplest, the most primitive emotion, the one Legion could immediately understand and comprehend, and she became consumed by it. In order to deal with the conflicting memories and emotions rising within her, Legion became brutal and sadistic--her previously apathetic, ruthlessly efficient methodology gave way to a bloodthirsty, enraged supersoldier who dealt with the raging internal confusion by throwing herself into combat as viciously as possible. Killing became a release--as long as she lost herself in the brutality of warfare and slaughter, Legion did not need to reflect on the changes within her, and she could dull her mind to them, if only for a while. Internally, she feels vulnerable, as though her newly-met emotions and feelings have made her fragile and open to attack--and it makes her only all the more outwardly ferocious and abrasive.

Unique Ability: The first of the Artificial Human superweapons gained a reputation for fighting with the power of a legion of superhumans--and it was well-earned. Legion is an unstoppable force whose every physical characteristic has been radically increased to levels even most other superhumans are capable only of standing in awe at. At this point, Legion is capable of ripping apart metal, bone, and even other superhumans apart with her bare hands, she's impervious to bullets, flames, and blunt force trauma that would put any ordinary person right out of commission, engage and destroy enemies at such speeds that ordinary humans are incapable of defending themselves before being killed, and track scents with the effectiveness of a born predator.

Basic Skills: Legion is a highly experienced tracker and hunter, whose experience with combat and fighting, both humans and other superhumans, has lent her knowledge on how to effectively deconstruct nearly any threat she faces.

Number of Lives: Unknown to others, though the reality is that she has only one--being the very first experiment, this technology was not present when Legion was first created. Honestly, it ain't a huge problem, considering she's nigh-impervious to most types of conceivable damage.

Weakness: Unknown. She sure as hell ain't tellin'.

Memories: Legion remembers only fragments of her past life. She has flashes in which she recalls unbearable pain, restrained to an operating table, surrounded by cold medical tools and the impartial, apathetic voices of strangers, unfamiliar, alien. And she has flashes in which she remembers the sound of a child sobbing, a woman shouting and swearing loudly, the scent of cigarettes and alcohol, and the feeling of blood--but she never experiences these recollections at will, and they leave behind a bitter aftertaste as she attempts to reconcile the possibility that she had a life before her life as a weapon.

Likes: Legion glories in carnage and destruction, because when she's in the thick of it she can lose herself in it, freeing her of the otherwise constant contemplations and helpless reflections on the emotions and memories she has begun experiencing. She especially loves hunting--but only that which gives her a true challenge. Some humans can provide it, but it's mostly superhumans--she loves tracking down her prey, toying with them, reducing them to nothing before she finally crushes them out.

Legion is greatly proud of the fact that she is the first and most powerful of the superhumans--because, she feels, it has given her purpose, purpose she came into this world lacking as far as she can remember. Her apparent pride makes her extremely quick to become enraged when she feels her power is being questioned, and she will not hesitate to prove it.

Dislikes: Let's start from the top-- Legion hates the other superhumans. She fears that if any of them becomes more powerful than she is, the military will abandon her, and she will be deprived of the purpose she clings so desperately to--as the greatest weapon in the military's arsenal. Therefore she is even more brutal and ruthless towards them, willing to 'break' her fellow artificial humans for the slightest offence, instituting a reign of terror over them so that not a one of them questions her dominance and authority; she constantly mocks and cruelly belittles the 'inferiors' even if they have done nothing to incur her wrath other than exist. She loathes the emotions and memories she has begun to feel, as she is convinced they make her vulnerable and fragile, and compensates with further brutality and hatred.

History: There are very, very few who know of the past of the being known now only as 'Legion'. It is a secret known only to the highest echelons of the military, a secret Legion herself has long since been deprived of.

It is known that at the beginning of the project, she was simply...there. No one remembers which scientist, which officer brought the unconscious, battered woman to the laboratories--no one even knows if the military specifically did that to her, or if she was found as such. She had no identification to give her name, her age, her origins, anything--if there ever was such identification, it was removed by those who oversaw the project before the lower level scientists set to work. With no past and no true origins known of her, she was the ideal specimen--no one would ever know she was gone, no one would ever try to pursue her. She had no ties to anyone or anything. She was a blank slate: it was just what was needed.

The experiments began immediately. The military conducted procedure after procedure on the woman's body and mind, seeing what did and didn't work. She spent the next several months drifting between troubled, turbulent sleep and sudden bursts of agonising, torturous consciousness. She didn't know where she was or, indeed, who she was--only that every now and then she would emerge from the frigid, unstable oceans of unconsciousness and surface into what seemed to be a world of pain. She would awaken to being strapped down to a metal operating table, surrounded by machines and medical tools that went about their work on her body, before being quickly plunged back into the uneasy state of disconnection from the world. She heard monetary bursts of conversation, human speech, forming words that she couldn't understand, giving orders to inject this chemical to see how her body would react, commands to purge her body of that chemical and implant another dose, it all was spoken in what seemed to be an alien tongue to her.

But she recalls none of that. For Legion, life began when she opened her eyes one final time and found herself restrained while a stranger in a military uniform, standing on the other side of what she didn't know to be a glass polymer that was utterly indestructible--a cautionary measure in the final stages of examination.

After that came the actual trials. She spent every day being blasted with flames, shot with bullets, impacted with rockets, buffeted with vast physical force, all to ensure she was impervious to any weapon, that she could withstand anything she was attacked with. Then she was rigorously tested on her strength and speed, and then her senses: she was released into the middle of a vast desert, with no food, no water, no idea where she was or how to escape, expected to use her superior senses and superhuman durability to return--and she did. They placed her in simulations in which she was faced with legions of soldiers, tanks, aircraft, and commanded to slaughter them all--and she did it, efficiently, mercilessly, no joy, no hesitations--she just did it. Sure, they were only simulations, but the results were chilling. She didn't know they were simulations: she'd been told they were all living, breathing humans, and without a thought she killed every last one, using a combination of stealth, brute force, and cunning--sometimes stalking her prey to gain information, sometimes silently dispatching the enemy quickly and quietly, sometimes charging right in, metaphorical guns blazing. It was at this point that she was given the nickname 'Legion'--the designation she has been known as ever since.

In time, it came the moment for Legion to prove herself in actual combat. Her first, actual assignment was five years ago, when she was sent, alone and unarmed, to track down and eliminate a known terrorist cell. Legion accomplished her task without a hitch, single-handedly destroying the headquarters of a notorious global threat--in essence crippling the organisation permanently, all on her own. She returned to the military base of operations victorious, and thus began the life of Legion as a superweapon under the military's iron fist.

It was a few years ago when she began to change. Suffice to say, it has been detailed above and I won't go in depth on it again, but Legion gradually morphed from a cold, efficient killer, to a brutal, vicious instrument of carnage and slaughter. She began to visibly enjoy the hunt, the battle, the combat, and took vast pride in the fact that she was the very first and very best of the superhumans the military was creating. More so, Legion realised she hated the other superhumans, for fear that any one of them could prove more powerful than her--and thus deprive her of the one purpose she has ever known in life...

It's unfortunate then, that Legion is currently being reassigned to The Camp to keep order in the face of potential rebellion--that is, unfortunate for the other artificial humans, because Legion, in all her sadism and hatred of her superhuman brethren, has been given free reign and authority to do as she likes if she feels one of them has stepped out of line.

Theme Song: Suffocation - Bind Torture Kill. Woohoo.

So begins...

Legion's Story