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Lily Evans

I shouldn't be here, I was saving people...

0 · 691 views · located in Ashgate Asylum

a character in “Ashgate Asylum for criminally insane youth”, as played by Blaire Rosewood



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Lily Evans
(Her real name is Emma Stevenson)


School shooting murdering 12 students.

Paranoid Schizophrenia and hallucinations

Face Claim:
Emily Rudd


Quiet places

Being accused of murder
Her hallucinations
Food at the asylum because she thinks it might be poisoned
Going outside in case spies from the 'organisation' see her
Being at the asylum
Taking her medication
People using her real name Emma Stevenson

Being caught by the 'organisation'
Going outside where the 'organisation' might find her
Making a lot of noise incase the 'organisation' find her


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Lily is underweight due to her often being to scared to eat the food at the asylum in case the cook is part of the 'organisation' and is trying to starve her. Lily rarely bothers with her appearance and wears clothes that she thinks will make her less noticeable. Lily refuses to go outside into the courtyard without wearing sunglasses to her disguise herself however quite often wears them inside when her paranoia is exceptionally bad.

Lily is quite an introverted person but does talk to people. Due to her condition she can sometimes talk or argue with people who aren't there which used to disturb a lot of people making them avoid her at school. Her conditions made it difficult for her to make friends as a child and has learnt that it's safest for her to keep to herself to avoid people trying to pick on her. Due to this Lily tries to avoid letting people get to close in case they use their friendship against her. Dispite her quirks Lily is very caring and feels that the crimes she committed were to save people.

Due to her condition Lily can behave very oddly, some of which the guards over look to avoid her causing a scene. These behaviours can be things like barricading herself in her wardrobe so she can sleep without being taken by the organisation whilst she sleeps.

Growing up Lily found it easier to differentiate from her hallucinations and reality however when her mum was shot in a back ally the paranoid side of her schizophrenia worsened. Her dad wasn't very good at understanding Lily's condition unlike her mum who helped to rationalise her beliefs, causing her problems to escalate. Lily began to believe that it was an evil organisation who killed her mother and that they were after herself and the rest of her family. Since the death of her mother her father had also turned to drinking and was often away in the evenings meaning she had to look after her little brother, this was when she was 12. Lily used to get incredibly paranoid when she heard people outside their apartment at night and would lock herself and her six year old brother in a cupboard to protect them. This behaviour was probably quite traumatic for her brother. When Lily turned 15 her father decided he was unable to look after her and her brother any more and they were put into care separately. Lily was convinced her little brother had been kidnapped and therefore didn't trust her foster careers. She stopped telling anyone about her worries thinking she was being spied on, isolating herself she began to think some of the students at her school were part of the organisation that killed her mother who were planning to kill everyone in the world. A few weeks ago Lily's paranoia got so bad she stole the shot gun in her foster dad's shed and took it to school. At lunch Lily had a hallucination that the students she thought were spies started attacking the other teenagers with guns. Thinking she was protecting people Lily shot 23 pupils 12 of them dying from fatal injury. Lily is still under the impression that she was saving the other students from the evil organisation. Since the event was on national news a lot of the patients probably know what happened.
Lily isn't her birth name, she changed her name to Lily Evans when being placed at the asylum so the organisation is less likely to find her. She refuses to answer to Emma and will get aggressive with the person out of fear.

So begins...

Lily Evans's Story


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Verse Castellan Character Portrait: Quinn Layton
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Quinn Layton


Quinn climbed out of bed at 8am when his alarm rang, light streaming in from the barred window. It is a nice spring morning and for once the weather is sunny rather than the usual rain. Like always he got little to no sleep because of his insomnia. Quinn changed into a pair of black jeans and a loose fitting black t shirt before walking into the cafeteria. Grabbing a bowl of cereal and a coffee before sitting at a table near a window. Fiddling with a black and purple friendship bracelet on his wrist Quinn started reading a comic book he had borrowed from the living room whilst sipping his coffee.

Lily Evans:


Lily woke up startled by the horrible ringing noise of her alarm. Climbing out of her wardrobe she got changed into a pair of ripped black skinny jeans a grey band t shirt with the 'Guns N Roses' logo on it and a cream colour oversized knit jumper which helps to hide her small figure. Lily walks to the cafeteria and reluctantly collects a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. She takes her usual seat as far away from windows and the door to the courtyard. A guard walks over to her handing her some bright pink pills. ''Emma here's your medication.'' Lily scowls at him taking the pills and discreetly spitting the pills in her orange juice without the guard noticing. ''My names Lily Evans not Emma... the evil people are looking for Emma so I've changed my name to Lily to trick them...'' She rambles quietly as the guard walks away. Lily takes out her notebook and starts to doodle, ignoring her breakfast, occasionally glancing at the chef in the kitchen suspicious of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi Character Portrait: Quinn Layton
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Rowan's faded jeans and grey hoodie did little to distinguish him as he fell into line at the cafeteria. He put a few slices of greasy bacon on a napkin and picked up a bowl of what might have been oatmeal for his own breakfast. He carefully counts the pills offered for his morning routine in his palm before obediently popping the handful in front of his mouth, palming the pills deftly before swallowing and showing the guard his empty mouth. Sliding into a seat near Lily, he reaches over, dropping his pills in her juice as well. "So who's after Emma?" he asked casually, dumping packet after packet of sugar into his bowl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi
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Lily smiles slightly looking up from her notebook. ''I'm not sure who they are but there's an organisation after me.. well Emma. Last time I saw them they broke into my high school and started attacking people. The doctors here don't believe me... people think I killed students but I was saving them from the evil people...'' She'd stir her cereal with her spoon before pushing it aside still watching the cook. ''How come you're stuck in here?'' She asks looking back at him fiddling with a pen in her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi
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"Wrong place at the wrong time?" He shrugged casually, stirring the heaps of sugar into his oatmeal. "You know how it is." When she pushed her cereal aside, he noticed her glance towards the cook. "Problems with the food?" He didn't seem to share her concerns, though, considering the way he followed the question with a good sized spoonful of oatmeal. Though he was eating, he still seemed as if he might be watching a little too closely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi
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Lily looked back at him before whispering ''I don't trust the cook... He might be with the organisation. He could be poisoning my food, it's they kinda thing they'd do.'' She noticed he was very fixated on something but couldn't work out what. Feeling a little uncomfortable she looked away from him doodling trees again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi
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Considering, Rowan pulled out another packet of sugar and held it up in front of Lily's face. "Have you tried the antitoxin? I have a supplier on the outside. It'll neutralize anything." He seemed sincere in his offer, no sign of skepticism or mockery in his expression. As he let Lily consider the option, he picked up the slices of bacon from his napkin and set them on her tray. "And I'm sure these are fine. They can't poison me, they need me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi
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Lily smiled eating the food ''Thanks. I'm not sure, sounds like a lot of trouble if caught...'' She finished the bacon he had given her and watched as the guards began letting people go out into the courtyard and gardens since the weather was nice. ''How do you manage to sneak them in anyway, I herd they were really strict during the visits...'' She asked quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi
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He leaned in, whispering like a conspirator, "You're better off not knowing..."

And with that, he was up again, stuffing the greasy napkin in his pocket and draining his own juice (uncontaminated by stashed drugs) before dropping off his finished breakfast tray. Once out in the courtyard, he ambled around along a casual route, looking along the fences especially for anything that might have blown in. He kept his distance so as not to arouse suspicion, but he kept a keen eye out for anything out of place, including anything interesting his fellow inmates might be up to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Rowan Santi Character Portrait: Quinn Layton
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Lily Evans:
Lily went back to doodling in her notebook. The guards had given up trying to convince her to go outside shortly after she arrived.


Quinn Layton:

Quinn finished reading his comic book, leaving it on the table before returning his tray and coffee cup. He walked outside looking around at what everyone was doing. Not being in the mood to play football with some of the other inmates, he climbed up one of the trees near the edge of the garden. He had already worked out the tree wasn't close enough to jump over the fence, he learnt that the hard way cracking his head open in the process. That was almost a year ago now. He spotted someone walking round the fence and started watching him interested in what he was doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natalya Volkova Character Portrait: Lily Evans Character Portrait: Orianna Nowell Character Portrait: Verse Castellan Character Portrait: Rowan Santi Character Portrait: Quinn Layton
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 “ Ouch! I banged my head on the car. Here I am. Great. Just great. I do not want to be here. I don't belong. This is so stupid. The fact that I ended up here in this highly guarded block is absolutely, positively ridiculous. ”
