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Georgiana Courtenay-Hale

'We do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory.'

0 · 551 views · located in Astley Park

a character in “Astley Park”, originally authored by Calvazara, as played by RolePlayGateway




Oh the leaves are falling from the trees
And the snow is coming, don't you know?
But I'll still remember which way to go
I'm on the road, the road to home

Oh the sound is fading in my ears
And I can't believe I've lasted all these years
But I'll still remember which way to go
I'm on the road, the road to home

Oh the light is fading all the time
And this life I'm in it seems to pass me by
But I'll still remember which way to go
I'm on the road, the road to home.

Amy MacDonald- Road to home.

Image Image] Full Name: Georgiana Mary Courtenay-Hale

Nicknames: Most commonly Georgie, or Little G, by family and friends.

Gender: Female.

Age: Nineteen.

Birthday: 27th December

Occupation: Formerly a Red Cross nurse, during the Great War.

Nationality: British.

Image ImageHeight: 5'7"


Build: Slender

Hair Colour: Raven Black

Eye Colour: Emerald Green

Scars?: A few very minor ones, nothing that really stands out.

Brief written description: Georgiana is considered a pretty girl, she is tall, standing at 5ft 7inches, her height mainly made up from her long legs and slender at a light 120lbs, a medium bust and rounded hips, giving her womanly features, a vast change from the lanky teen she use to be. Coming from a upper-class, Georgie had the importance of posture drilled into her from a young age, she holds herself well and with confidence which surrounds her with an aura of elegance and grace. Georgie's skin is a creamy pale, so much so that as a child people often though her sickly due to it, in the sun however it does change slightly to a golden tone, but there isn't a vast change; she hold no moles nor freckles on her face making it relatively unblemished..

Her face is softly rounded, there are no sharp features what so ever, her nose is straight and quite normal in standards. Her lips are plump and shapely; her eyebrows are always kept plucked in a arched shaped and are a similar shade to her hair. Georgiana's eyes are quite possibly her best feature, they are almond shape with a emerald green hue; framed with thick, long black lashes, they are her most distinctive features. Her hair is long, velvety raven black, which often tumbles freely in loose curls or is styled in accordance to the styles of that era.

Image Image Image Image ImageSkills:
-Resolving Conflicts
-Horse Riding
-Playing the piano
-Making people smile or laugh
-Making friends

Quirks and Habbits:
-Georgiana tends to wear her heart on her sleeve when it comes to love, she believes it is truly one of life's greatest gifts and will not take it for granted when her time comes.
-She often goes down to the every Sunday afternoon where she receives baking lessons from the cook.

-Walks around the gardens
-Driving at speed around the grounds, much to the dismay of her mother.
-Parlour games
-Tennis, playing and watching, she particularly loves going to Wimbledon.
-Seeing people happy
-Helping people
-Surprising people
-Dogs, she has a Labrador named Tilly, whom is always by her feet.
-Listening to her brothers poetry.

-Seeing her family so unhappy
-Her sisters sorrow
-The suffering she sees in the world
-The restrictions on women.

-Further deterioration of her fathers mental health.

-Georgie considers having a family a great aspiration.
-Too see women gain more rights.
-Too see better facilities for the poor.

Written description:
Georgiana is and has always been quite a mentally strong woman, intelligent and strong willed she is a woman who knows her own mind and is not afraid to show it, a trait which is rather dominant in her family, however she seems to be the most subdued member of her family. Georgiana is a big believer that you should never judge someone on your first meeting and she follows this example, she will always give someone a chance, second and probably third, however this doesn't mean she forgets what you have done and will hold it against you if you cross her. She has always been a keen adventurer, as a child she would disappear for hours on end exploring different parts of the estate and surrounding countryside, she just loves to discover new places, she would rejoice as her sister would tell her about far off land, although, unlike her sister the pull to actually visit these places, isn't as strong. Her fondness of adventure coincides with her spontaneity, she's rather despond of routine, she loves surprises and surprising people. Although quite a adventurous person, Georgie is in no real rush to leave Astley or her family, she is rather homely and often finds herself quite homesick if away for too long, to her Astley Park isn't a prison, it their families splendid history and she finds it quite remarkable that it is still theirs. Georgie has always been strong minded and opinionated, she knows her own mind and likes to speak it no matter what, especially when it comes to women's rights. She doesn't like things to get her down and a lot of the time she doesn't let it, however like everyone Little G has her limits, she just tends to reach hers more often than her siblings or parents.

Little G is a pretty, intelligent, sweet, loving and kind woman, she has an heir of elegance and grace about her but is by no means pompous or arrogant. She is trusting, probably far too so and this does make her slightly naive, she doesn't particularly have a strong back bone, she does not like confrontation, especially with her siblings and will quite often bend to their wills, although when she defends her charities or women's rights, she takes on quite a different persona. She is a stubborn woman and hates it when she's wrong, she would be lying if she said she wasn't; but is not above apologising if she is wrong. She is extremely loyal and protective of her friends, and family; she has a sensitive and loving nature, this shows with her family, whom she does care immensely about. She is the peacemaker of the family, she doesn't usually take sides in arguments, instead opting to try and resolve them.

She is a fun woman, who greatly enjoys the company of her friends and experiencing new things, such as driving, a new thrill she has secretly taken up, she enjoys horse riding and reading and loves nothing more than to listen to her brothers poems. Overall she is a nurturing woman, she is the sibling that people go to for advice or comfort and never turns anyone away who is in need; she wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to love, she doesn't believe in marrying for wealth or status but rather that marriage should only be for those in love.

Image Relationship Status: Single, she wants nothing more than to have a family of her own.

Henry Courtenay-Hale - Father
Clarissa Courtenay-Hale - Mother
Nathaniel Courtenay-Hale - Brother
Josephine Courtenay-Hale - Sister
Theodore Courtenay-Hale - Brother

Magnolia Darling - Cousin

Secret Word: Astley

So begins...

Georgiana Courtenay-Hale's Story


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It could be said that, Lady Georgiana Courtenay-Hale, or Little G to her family, was a 'modern woman' she believed in women's rights, to vote, for workplace equality for greater social freedom, if men were the head then women were the neck, without which a head could not stand, so why was it that some men were still so insistent on keeping women ignorant? Of course a question which was rhetorical, she knew the answer. Men were possessive and dominant creatures and it was easier to control a caged animal than a wild one. Women without opinions were easier to control, a ancient chauvinistic ideal, one that was still very present in today's society, yet times were changing, Georgiana could feel that the 20s would bring much change and development to world, both socially and economically...she was positively giddy for the new era.

Although it could be said that Georgiana didn't have a true grasp on severity of women's struggles, something which she would freely admit, she was the youngest of a incredibly wealthy and aristocratic family, she had been sheltered and spoilt from the day she was born, but she had also been educated, not to the level of her brothers, but still her education suppressed many others in their town. She was an intelligent girl, she knew about the struggles of others, which made her feel somewhat guilty, she was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth whilst others worked day in and day out just to feed their families, it was one of the most cruelest injustice in this world. Yet, that was life and although she couldn't change it, she could help it.

However as generous and kindhearted as her help was, it wasn't received quite as well. Families didn't want the uppity Courtenay-Hale's charity, they could fend for themselves, this upset Georgie but she could also understand it, the poor may have very little but what they didn't have they made up for in pride. She felt the utter fool, she should have paid more attention, of course they would deem her help offensive, people in poor circumstances, didn't want freebies, they wanted better pay, safer work and better benefits, not a few coins and a loaf of bread from a Lady of Astley.

When the war began, Georgiana was only sixteen and in the space of a few weeks, both her father and her elder brother, Nathaniel had left for the war, along with those men young enough in her fathers service. She had cried for days after that, her sister and mother had comforted her, telling her things wouldn't be too different, that they would come home. As much as she wanted to believe this, she read her fathers papers, she understood the gravity of this war and she had read enough History encyclopaedias to know that wars were bloody affairs and young men always paid the ultimate price. It was her honest opinion that she would never see her father and brother again, it had been a long four years of just waiting for that telegram. To keep her mind from wondering into such ghastly thoughts, Georgie helped her mother with her charities, but these did not fill enough hours, when she turned eighteen she marched straight to the hospital, which was serving as a rehabilitation centre for critically injured soldiers and demanded that the Doctor let her volunteer. He had laughed in her face, saying, as gently as he could, that she was far too sheltered to deal with the casualties he saw. Defiantly, Georgie had protested and the Doctor the reluctantly agreed to give her a trail run. True, the first time Georgie has seen some of the injuries she nearly heaved, but that stubborn Courtenay-Hale streak ran through her, she would prove this doctor wrong. Naturally her duties were limited at first, changing bed sheets, serving cups of tea and reading to the wounded were all daily occurrences and after a few months of that, the doctor and other nurses began train her, she learnt everything from rehabilitation to changing bandages, she thrived in such an environment, she felt worthwhile and needed, it was difficult and exhausting work, both mentally and physically but the thought of being to able help jut one person on the road to recovery made it all worth while.

The war ended in the November of 1918, she still recalls fondly the ringing of the church bells, the sound echoed though the town, drawing people from shops and houses, rejoicing gaily about the end of the blood shed, it was a memory that Georgie would take to her grave. After the celebrations had ended, the true cost of the war once again brought a dark cloud over them, it was a bittersweet moment, so many young village boys had lost their lives in France, too many, a constant reminder of their sacrifice now etched on a monument in the town square, just like so many other townships and villages in Britain. Her father returned first, followed by Nathaniel a few months later, although they seemed relatively spared of any physical wounds, it was quite obvious that their emotional wounds ran deep. Georgie continued her work at the hospital, so many soldiers still needed help, it would be a sin to abandon them now.

That's where she was on that cold December morning. Rising before dawn Georgiana had quickly dressed and with the help of Sayuri, pinned her long, raven clack hair into a pretty braid, such a sharp contrast to the paleness of her skin. Wrapping her fur warp around her shoulders and placing the hat delicately over her head, Georgie hurried down stairs to meet her cousin, Magnolia in the foyer. She had caught Little G by surprise by asking if she could accompany her to the hospital that morning, in all honesty she had been slightly apprehensive about the matter, her cousins grief over loosing her fiancΓ©, Roman was still so rife, she feared that seeing the men, lying wounded in the bed would stir more emotions within her, however she had ultimately agreed to it, still she supposed she would have to work through the pain if she wanted to complete her training. Not wanting to disturb Alan, the chauffeur at such an ungodly hour, the girl had opted to take the twenty minute walk to town instead.

Once they arrived, Georgie removed her hat, wrap and jacket hanging them neatly on a peg in the nurses break room before slipping her arms into a white, cotton apron and tied it at the back. She found one for Maggie and directed her towards the doctor she would be shadowing, wishing her a quick good luck before begging with her own duties. Usually, she would spend her mornings chatting and reading to the, she had found that the men treaty enjoyed a chatter over the breakfast and Georgie always did what she could to keep them in good spirits. However this morning, she had promise Doctor Samuels to help with helping a former soldier who had recently had his leg amputated, the story of Private Frank Pepper was one that pulled on her heart strings. The boy was only nineteen, the same age as herself and had enlisted on the day of his eighteenth birthday, he was unknowingly sent to the frontline just a few weeks until victory would be declared, but also when the fighting was at some of its worst points. A day before November the 11th a piece of shrapnel embedded itself within the young privates leg, the regiment doctor pulled it out, bandaged him up and sent him on his way, all seemed well for a while afterwards, until he became violently ill on his way home to England, he was taken to a hospital where it was discovered that an infection had set in, they tried to fight it with antibiotics but it didn't work, so the decision was made to remove his leg. He came to their hospital a few months ago, missing one leg, yet still the boy surprised her at his optimism for life, he had come such a long way and everytime Georgie looked at the boy, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, this man would not give up.

Today was the day he would try and walk for the first time with his wooden limb, with Georgie on one side of him and Dr Samuels on the other, he took his steps one at a time, small and slow ones but it was a start and Georgie beamed with joy, it was still a long road ahead of him but Georgie had every faith in the man. After a little while, she helped him back into bed, removing the wooden limb for his own comfort "you did remarkably well today Frank" she smiled warmly at the man as she poured him a cup of tea.

Frank beamed also "I did, didn't I?" He smirked, once again subtlety hinting his youth.

Georgie chuckled, shaking her head slightly, she had known him long enough to know that this man was a character, cocky and playful, he was a definite favourite amongst the nurses "yes well, don't go getting to far ahead of yourself, you shan't be running by the end of the week. You need to go slowly and gradually build up your strength" she warned, not wanting to quell his spirits but to supply a sense of realism to his situation, she didn't want him to become disillusioned.

"I know, I know" he rolled his eyes in a playful manner.

Georgie shook her head in mock disapproval "I have to go and do my rounds, I'll be back to check n you later" she smiled before leaving the privates bedside. Leaving the ward, Georgie walked back towards where she had left Maggie, seeing her just finishing up with a patient, smiling warmly she walked over to her cousin "how are you finding Doctor Cartwright, dear? Is he being his usual sociable self" she asked chuckling slightly at the reference, Doctor Cartwright was anything but a sociable man, she really felt for Maggie having to put up with that brute this morning.
