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Nadya Irne

Ruler Divine of Ophiuchus

0 · 1,052 views · located in Asteria

a character in “Astrologia Eclipse”, as played by Cloud




waterfalls two of us on the run mother and father
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Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Azura ❘ Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ Cloud
Pᴏᴛᴇɴᴛɪᴀʟ Iɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ ◆ N/A
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #B2C9C7 ❘ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇#hexCode


⌊ Nadya Irne ⌉
⌊ Na • de • ya • | hope ⌉
⌊ Ear • ney | peace ⌉

⌊ Ruler Divine • of • Ophiuchus ⌉

⌊ Female & Twenty-five⌉

⌊ Ophian & Ruler of Ophiuchus⌉

⌊ Ophiuchus ⌉

⌊ Bisexual ⌉

Don't go chasing waterfalls

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      ✦ competent ✧ quick tempered ✦ determined ✧ impatient ✦ decisive

      Historically, the Ruler Divine of Ophiuchus is expected to personify several qualities; charity, patience, and selflessness. In reality, those traits are an idealist's fancy and to Nadya, they hold no bearing on what makes an effective leader. Raised to the throne as a child, Nadya's personality has been formed while ruling her kingdom. She has learned that charity does not fund development, and patience does not garner results. To rule, one must be decisive and unapologetic in their choices. Certainly, the stubbornness that has dictated her family's governance has not escaped the most recent queen. Nadya claims it as determination though; a driving desire to push her kingdom forward.

      Fifteen years as ruler has formed Nadya into the competent leader and woman she is today. Resolute, determined, and intelligent, she chases her goals with all her energy. A large curiosity and thirst for knowledge sees Nadya constantly seeking to further her understanding of her own kingdom and the world around her. She's gained skill as a negotiator, and learned much of politics in her time as Divine. In her personal life Nadya can be captivating and friendly, or flirtatious and humorous as she wishes to be. She may not always have the patience of a saint, but Nadya knows how to wield power and make herself heard. When you're used to having your orders followed, impatience is less of an issue.

      With that being said, at times Nadya still feels like the scared child who was first raised to the throne far too young. With no parents to guide her, Nadya relied on the advise of her council, who effectively ruled through her until she was old enough to fully understand their manipulations. Not all her advisers spread their venom in the palace, but those that did created a deep-seated distrust in Nadya. Though outwardly extroverted, she holds people back from getting truly close; weary of friendly smiles hiding ulterior motives. Truthfully, she's also slow to open up to others due to the conflicting guilt which weighs on her shoulders. Though Nadya would never admit this to anyone, she doubts many of the decisions she made which led to war and Chamaeleon's destruction. Nadya doesn't regret defending her nation, but still she has sleepless nights coming to terms with all the lives lost at her command.

      To others, Nadya does not easily admit her mistakes, instead she becomes defensive of her past actions. Nor does the ruler take well to being patronised, or having her ideas dismissed. Push her too far and no coercing or negotiating will shift Nadya from her position. She's obstinate, headstrong, and believes in the accuracy of her own opinions. She hates being told what to do, with the phrase 'cut off the nose to spite the face' readily applied to the young woman in more than a few circumstances. A quick temper has ruled Nadya since childhood. She's never been one to quietly tend her wounds, rather, when angered she'll address the problem directly. This occurs in both her personal life and in dealings with other kingdoms. Perhaps, she can be too sensitive at times, seeing insults in poorly phrased, innocent comments. In such cases apologies may come, but reluctantly.

please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to

Hot springs - There's nothing better than slipping into a steaming pool of natural warmth when it's snowing outside. Nadya would spend hours in the glowing waters beneath her palace. ✧Ice skating - It's her favourite hobby, there's no denying she's good at it too. ✦Drinking - downing glasses of whatever she can get her hands on may be unladylike, but Nadya likes the taste and the way the alcohol numbs her guilt. ✧Auroras - they shimmer over Ophiuchus' mountains, and sometimes seem to shift into almost recognisable shapes. Nadya loves watching them in the heart of winter. ✦Gem snakes - they're precious to Ophiuchus and to Nadya. She loves to watch their jewel-scales glint in the sunlight.

Being told what to do - Nadya spent long enough bowing to the commands of her advisers. She's grown a distaste for being told what to do, especially if done in a condescending manner. ✧Long ceremonies - Ophian ceremonies can drag on for days, literally. One ceremony is one too many. ✦Bats - Least favourite flying mammal. They can stay away, thanks. ✧Marriage proposals - No, no, no. Nadya grows more irritated each time some smarmy noble attempts to sway her into marriage. ✦Airships - She's afraid of heights and therefore thinks of airships as her worst nightmare. No thanks, she'll pass.

Snakes, - All Ophiuchus rulers and a few citizens have special bonds with serpents. Nadya is no different, and understands snakes better than most.
Medical knowledge, - understanding the human body is a definite advantage when using her ability. She has an advanced knowledge of how wounds and other ailments can affect a person, as well as non-magical treatments for them.
Dancing and singing, - light on her feet and possessing a sweet voice, she's enjoys them in her spare time.
Quick study, - she picks up new knowledge relatively quickly, either from books, experience, or learning from tutors. Rarely does she have to ask more than once to understand a new idea.
Alcohol consumption, - some claim it's Nadya's second power. She's been known to drink men triple her size under the table.

Stubborn - Nadya doesn't bend easily. She's bull-headed and won't back down. Convincing her of an opinion counter to her own is often very difficult.
Lack of combat, - it was never even suggested that the Ruler Divine pick up a blade or learn to defend herself. As a result, Nadya knows next to nothing with regards to physical fighting.
Pampered, - royal since birth, ruler since childhood. Nadya has never known poverty, nor how to fend for herself.
Envious, - jealousy can appear frequently and sour not just Nadya's mood, but her interactions with others too
Physical strength, - she skips arms and leg day frequently

I know that you’re gonna have it your way or nothing at all,

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      ✦ Nadya's power allows her to transfer physical wounds or sicknesses from one person to another. This allows her to transfer injuries that she has personally suffered, or the wounds of another person to a recipient. A slight regenerative healing factor means Nadya also heals faster than others. As a result she will sometimes take up other injuries herself, healing the target and then making use of her passive regeneration.

      Limitations and weaknesses: Currently, physical contact between both parties (injured and the recipient of the wound) must be made while the transfer is underway. Loss of contact with the injured will mean that the wound is not completely healed, while loss of contact with the recipient will mean Nadya will suffer from the injury until she can heal from it or find someone else to take it. The wounds move through Nadya, so she feels the pain and temporarily physically suffers. This can put a large strain on her body and often is a limiting factor for how many she can perform at a time.

      Nadya cannot bring back the dead. A dying individual may be saved if she can transfer their injuries to someone in time, but if they die while she is working, the magnitude of the 'healing' could kill Nadya too. The larger the wound, the more time and energy needed. Though Nadya has had years to train, dismemberment of limbs is still just beyond her skill. A hand or fingers may be regenerated slowly with a willing participant, but thus far she tires before being able to finish whole arms and legs. Similarly, she hasn't the skill to transfer mental illnesses yet, and some diseases are limited to healing the symptoms rather than the causes. The destruction of Chamaeloen's gem strengthened her powers, even as it makes it more unstable.

but I think you're moving too fast


      Nadya was six when her mother died, nine when her aunt was killed and on the verge of ten when she became Ruler Divine of Ophiuchus. Young, naive, with no close family left as support, Nadya followed the whims of her advisers; a puppet to the strong and cunning. Independence came several years later when, still a child, one of her trusted aides attempted to marry her for the throne. She slipped from that trap and learned to be wary of even the friendliest smiles, started to expand her knowledge and think for herself. Nadya's own opinions were forming, her own style of leadership developing as she stopped letting others dictate her decisions.

      War had been brewing for years, but always tensions had been calmed and battles averted. Not this time. The insult stung too sharply and the apology was not forthcoming. Ophiuchus declared war on Chamaeleon. Armies marched and clashed on their borders, straining the land and its people. Nadya bore the consequences of taking her kingdom to war; shouldered the guilt and responsibility. The number of injured visiting her increased, the Divinus day lengthening each week. She never minded the long hours, even when her body would ache and scream in pain. It was the least she could do.

      Then opportunity presented a way to stop the war entirely. Nadya would sacrifice another land for the lives of her people. She gave the order to strike, her word was what saw Chamaeleon's new ruler and gem destroyed. Ophiuchus won the war, the cost Chamaeleon's very life. The guilt is still present, unable to be transferred like the superficial wounds she deals with. She lives with it, still holding her head high, as if daring anyone to question her authority and decisions. History cannot be rewritten, what was done was done, and now she must face the consequences of her actions.

So begins...

Nadya Irne's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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Dialogue color: #2855A9
Thought color: #faae2a

No man's land, once known as Chamaeleon was now nothing but ashes. The buildings were ruins, nothing grew on the cursed land. The orchids that used to cover the hills had turned into forests of dead, black trees. Even grass was gone and instead of it the ground was covered in hard, dry land as long as the eye could see. It was death silent, not even crows dared to live in the cursed Kingdom. The rivers once streaming were now empty and dry. It was like the land hadn’t seen a rain in centuries, only scorching Sun and wind that howled through the empty cities. All life had left this once blooming Kingdom. All life was left as the Gem was destroyed two years prior.

In middle of the Kingdom there was something that didn't belong there. Something one could call magical. A small patch of green grass growing in a perfect circle around a round table, with a small pond at one side. Table filled with food: fruits, bread, meat, water, wine and 14 seats around it. Behind each chair stood something that was only told in stories; the guardians of each zodiac had joined this rare but important meeting. They had one job: to make sure no one would kill each other during the meeting. Any decisions would be made by the rulers as the Guardians would silently watch over them.

From northern chair and clockwise it was as followed:

Behind Aries stood a Faun.

Behind Taurus was a Minotaur.Image

Behind Gemini were elven twins.

Behind Cancer waited an old man with lower body of a crab.

Behind Leo stood a woman with hair like a lion mane.

Behind Virgo stood a winged woman.

Behind Libra was a blind woman holding scales.

Behind Scorpio waited a Serket.

Behind Sagittarius stood a Centaur.

Behind Capricorn a man with deer antlers.

Behind Aquarius in a pond stood an old man with Trident.

Behind Pisces in the same pond swam a Mermaid.

Behind Ophiuchus stood a woman with serpents slithering around her.

But the space behind Chamaeleon was empty expect for a small apple tree sprout, a reminder of the once fertile land.

Around the table was walking yet another person, The King of Asteria. The man had stayed in his role as observer from beginning of times, however his Constellations were in the brink of destruction. He had had to step up, thus sending each ruler following letter:

“Dear friend
To my sadness I must call each of Zodiac rulers to a very important meeting. To avoid destruction of this world and keep the balance between Constellations, you must join. The meeting will take place a week from arrival of this letter, at noon on old Chamaeleon’s land, at center of the Kingdom. Prepare well for your journey as the land won't offer you any shelter, food or water. Let this serve as a warning what might become the destiny of your beautiful land.

May the Stars guide you.
-King of Asteria”

And so, the King waited. Once the travellers would reach the border of Chamaeleon, they only had to follow a star, a magical star glowing bright with orange light, even in the sunlight. His heart was heavy as he watched the horizon waiting to see the first airships or horse caravans. “Stay safe my children.” he whispered, the winds carrying his words to the Zodiac rulers - if they were willing to listen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Nadya Irne
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#, as written by Cloud

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #8aa5a5

Nadya Irne, Ruler Divine of Ophia, turned her face from the assault of death. The curtain of her carriage swung back across the window, shutting the young woman in the swaying wooden compartment and blocking out the picture of destruction outside. Nevertheless, the image of the once green-covered, rolling hills, now reduced to desolate waste, haunted her visions and piqued her guilt, as it had since Chamaeleon's destruction. Alone, she sat with her thoughts while the armed men accompanying her carriage rode either side. Thought allies had offered their companionship on the ride to the King's meeting, Nadya had refused. She did not want to deal with others as she was forced to face the results on her kingdom's war. Best to take the trip alone, and give the ruler adequate time to compose herself.

Outside the protective walls of the carriage, Nadya clearly heard the sounds of her men coming to a stop before, moments later, the carriage halted. For a breath of time, everything was eerily quiet. She hadn't realised how loud life could be until it was taken away.

"Divine, we have arrived." Came the dulled voice of her guard captain, his words muted as if he were scared speaking too loudly might disturb the dead enemies of this land. Nadya did not blame him, she felt her hand shake as it wrapped delicate fingers around the door knob. She held steady for a second, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She would not show this weakness to the other rulers, nor to her men. She was not weak, nor would the guilt she felt compel her to back down from her goals.

"I did what was necessary. It was them or us." She told herself, as she squared her shoulders and held herself high. The door was pushed open, and a guard stepped up to help his queen down. Nadya's foot touched Chamaeleon soil, the once fertile ground now only good for burying the past. No hint of her previous anxieties remained on her face as Nadya stepped out. Guilt was pushed aside, replaced with a confidence taught to her through years as ruler.

Amber eyes cast across the landscape, taking in the desolation, but this time also searching for her destination. She found it to the front of her procession; a scene of life amongst the barren kingdom. Green grass pulled the eye, no doubt a thankful reprieve from grey horizons. Beside the green was a pond, clear and fresh. Yet, more surprising than the patch of life, were the beings looming around a decadent table of food. They ranged in appearance, from a fearsome Minotaur to a trident wielding man, but they all gave off the same impression, of being other , as if of this world, and yet transcending it.

With her head held high, Nadya waved her men aside and made the final part of the journey herself. She knew she stood shorter than those already gathered at the table, but physical stature had never stopped Nadya from standing as if she towered over the tallest. She would not back down in the face of her enemies. Feet moving from doomed grass to the green, Nadya dipped respectfully to the king, her greeting formal, and as required for individuals of their position, before nodding curtly at those against her; Scorpio's ruler, Einosuke, and Leo's Akai. Then, with a warmer welcome, Nadya turned towards Taurus' king.

"Lacero, a pleasure." As she greeted her ally, Nadya's eyes flicked up behind him to the Minotaur situated behind him. She wondered whether these zodiac guardians - for each clearly linked back to each kingdom's zodiac - were designed to intimidate, protect, or both. Taurus sat only two seats from her own designated place, and Nadya found her gaze first drawn to the sprouting tree in the place of Chamaeleon's guardian, to the woman clutching snakes in her grasp. Their eyes met, and Nadya was not sure what she read in the fathomless express on her guardian's face.

Respectfully, Nadya bowed to the guardian as she drew closer, one hand clutched across her heart, the other pressed against her lips, palm outwards, in a show of respect. The guardian inclined her head, and only then did Nadya turn to the final mtake her seat, ready for whatever would come next.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Nadya Irne
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#, as written by Cloud

Dialogue Colour ◆ #c2af75

If personal choice had been taken into account, Kaveh would be far from where he now stood. Dark dust would not be in his eyes and in his hair, his back would not ache from several days of uncomfortable riding, and the twisting of his stomach would no doubt be lessened by the escape from what was no doubt going to be an intense meeting. Yet, for the relatively new ruler of Sahjare, personal choice was not an option when it came to important summons such as these. One could ignore the odd request from an advisor, but not the King.

"Make a note, Aahd, that when I return to Ptai, I will commission the construction of any large travelling device that will make journeys such as this more enjoyable." Kaveh Mehrzan said idly to his companion, who didn't make a move to write any idea down, knowing that his charge would no doubt lose interest in pursuing such a thing in no short amount of time. Instead Aahd merely gave a brief bow and took the reins from Kaveh's horse into his own hands.

"I will wait here for you, Mirza." Aahd announced, even if his gaze had been pulled curiously to the gathering of guardians and rulers alike in the near distance. Aahd, a man of thirty-something, was not Kaveh's ideal type of companion. For one thing Aahd was soft spoken, quiet, and much too serious for the liking of the younger man. Yet, Kaveh had requested him to accompany him to the King's meeting specifically. He might not talk as much as Kaveh, or enjoy relaxing as much as the young ruler, but Aahd had a steadiness that Kaveh appreciated, and a maturity that Kaveh admired. Even if Kaveh himself made little attempt to learn from it.

"I believe I see some from Scorpio over there, feel free to relax while you wait. Let your hair down even." Kaveh attempted to joke, referring to Aahd's refusal to remove his hair from the knot atop his hair and let it down, not to mention the older man's stubbornness when it came to constantly being on duty. Yet, as Aahd would clearly not be welcomed onto the island of life with the other rulers, Kaveh hoped that his guard and friend might be able to relax slightly since things were out of his control.

"Don't have too much fun without me, Aahd." Kaveh added with a grin before turning on the spot, gazing towards spectacle before him. He was yanked back a step by a hand clutching his cape, the pull of the material producing an embarrassing squeak from the younger man as he was tugged back.

"Don't forget your swords, Mirza." Aahd advised, letting go of his master and offering the curved blades with his other hand. Kaveh rubbed his neck slightly, and nodded, hooking the blades onto his belt as he thanked the man. Only then did he truly set out to the meeting table. Though he wore an easy smile on his tanned face, Kaveh's mind was no so pacified. He felt nervous, and certainly like he didn't belong. What could he offer to the table of proven rulers? He, Kaveh Mehrzan, who could barely use his Gem-given gift, and who had missed more official meetings for the ruling of Libra than anyone else on council. He wished he'd taken his role more seriously now. But it was too late for wishes... he could just have to do the best he could, and hope that his friends at the table might support him where he lacked.

It was just such a friend who drew Kaveh's eye first; Einosuke Saitou, the ruler of Libra's neighbour, and Kaveh's personal friend. Kaveh felt relieved to see the other ruler already at the table, as if a companion sitting beside him would boost Kaveh's own confidence and strength. Similarly, as he saw and waved to Akai, seated just beyond Eino, he felt that same flood of relief. It was tempered only slightly by the figures of Taurus and Ophiuchus' rulers. Neither he had met in person, but both were well known, and he didn't need to have met them before to automatically know who they were - the guardians behind them made it obvious

With a bow in greeting to the king, Kaveh skirted around the table to take his seat. He found his gaze and body stalled as he came close to the Libran guardian, standing ominously behind his chair with scales in her hand, as if she were here specifically to weigh his soul and find him wanting. Across Libra there were many temples and alters dedicated to Eszter, the Libran goddess of balance and justice, and standing before the guardian, Kaveh felt as if he were standing in front of the divinity herself. He bowed low, a quick, whispered prayer on his lips - to honour or placate her, he wasn't sure - before he took his seat.

When Kaveh's nerves had calmed down adequately, and his normal smile had returned, Kaveh leaned in to the friend seated beside him, "Eino, I'm glad to have you beside me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Nadya Irne
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A n e m o n e
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #186700 ❘ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇#720d5e

"Lucian, how fares the preparations for my journey?" Anemone spoke firmly with her retainer, one whom she had chosen from amongst her most loyal and capable officers, a blue-haired man dressed in a similar uniform to her own. She held the rim of her hat down between her thumb and index, the breeze of her almost treeless landscape of a country blowing her two long tails of hair behind her.

"They have just been completed, Sovereign." The man referred to as Lucian responded with a straightened back and a crisp salute, clutching the reins of a horse in his other hand. He inspected the gear affixed and fastened to the mount once more, going over a mental checklist of necessities before handing the leash to Anemone."We have loaded your steed with provisions for your journey to the former Chamaeleon country, as well as enough for the journey back. However, I must ask again, are you certain going without escort to be a wise decision? Just as you will find allies amongst the other rulers present, surely there will be enemies amongst them as well. At the very least, as your retai-"

Anemone silenced him with a smile and a shake of her head. She deftly mounted her steed and returned his salute before the both of them relaxed once more. "Lucian, how many times have I told you that I am to be called by my name, not my title? But I digress. I have told you already that I wish not to bring arms where they need not be necessary. This is a peaceful gathering under the name of the true King. Besides, I am more than capable of handling my own. My strength may not be quite as honed as yours, but I do have the blessing of the gem to aid me. And if you were to accompany me, my most capable confidant and soldier, who would be left for me to entrust the protection of our walls?" She spoke with a chipper tune, looking back at the city she would momentarily be leaving behind. Looking at it from the outskirts, one would never have been able to guess that it was once a place where its citizenry lived in fear and depravity. She closed her eyes and let the clean breeze rolling over the plains of Sacae create an ease in her soul.

"Sover-... Anemone. At the very least, take these for your journey." Lucian hands her a pair of tinted goggles, placing it firmly in her hand. "Though the winds may not blow in those gem-less wastes, the sun is still shines brightly off of the desert sands."

Anemone gratefully accepts the goggles and wears them before bidding a farewell. With a final exchange of salutes, she rides off into the distance, the lush green grass of the plains soon enough changing into the pale and dull color of sands.

As far as journey's go, Anemone wasn't that fazed by this ride through the sands of a country she helped destroy. With the longer parts of her uniform whipping behind her as she and her horse rode through the dunes, she soon arrived at a rather peculiar patch of greenery amidst the dead wastelands. It was, undoubtedly, something magical and sublime; and she knew that she had arrived. In the center of the patch of green lay a table of offerings, several other rulers from the looks of it, as well as some other unknown entities.

Stopping close to the table, Anemone dismounted her horse and looked around the table. As Lucian had told her, some allies and some enemies were already here, though several still had yet to show. Anemone spotted a good friend amongst the crowd and immediately walked over and slung her arms around the seated being from behind screaming, "Nadyaaaaa! It's so good to see you again!" Resting her chin on the blue-haired girl's head, she glanced around at the other leaders present. Flashing each and every one of them with a bright smile, though her inner thoughts may betray her outward appearance.

"Well, it is a pleasure to see everyone here! Though some of the ones, rather most of the ones, that are present at this present time I've not had the luxury to meet in person, but a pleasure all the same!" Anemone announced to the crowd, making her way around the table over to her own seat, watched over by the centaur guardian. Before sitting she stopped to look at the guardian of Sagittarius, crossing her arms in thought. "Say... how fast can you go, dear centaur? Mind if I ride on your back sometime?" She asked innocently, though the guardian let out a seemingly disappointed sigh and turned its head away. "I'll take that as a maybe, haha!" She laughed, patting it on its side. The guardian looked at her with eyes as though to say 'Who is this goggle wearing child? Is this really the leader of Sagittarius?' Though Anemone had already taken her seat and had not witnessed such a look.

"Alright, so I guess now we wait for the rest of the leaders to arrive, huh?" Anemone said, resting her elbows on the table and her chin in the hands. Whether it be on purpose or simply because she had not realized it herself, she still donned the goggles that she wore on her journey, making her attire as a whole, complimented by the looming figure of the guardian entity behind her, into quite a laughable scene.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Nadya Irne
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DAUPHINA // pisces

《 dialogue 》xx #a5b9d4 xxxx《 thought 》 xx#fff0f5

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Though Dauphina did not enjoy flaunting affluence all that often, her cousin, and one true confidant, took it upon himself to convince her into indulging for travel. She had originally hoped to travel on a horse herself as an exciting excursion but ultimately decided on a rather luxurious wooden carriage. It had potential to sit six, though it only sat four on this day. Her cousin Reko sat beside her favorite and most trained guard, Koráki. She was one of the only people in her life who did not utter a word, and she could appreciate that. Facing the two on the other side of the carriage was Dauphina, arms intertwined with one of her lover's. Dauphina would admit that he wasn't just any lover, he was Touma, her first pick. They had been together a good time now, and no one could deny their exquisite chemistry.

The pink haired girl nuzzled up to Touma's ear and whispered,
"If only we were in privacy." He looked down at her, his lips curling into a smile, "You cannot say such things to me, my love."

Reko grimaced in disgust,
"Are you two quite finished? We have urgent matters to discuss as far as I am concerned. You are about to meet with enemies, in a capital you supported the destruction of." Dauphina's head rose from Touma's shoulder with a smile. "Cousin, they are all my friends 'as far as I am concerned'. If you are so worried, please express your dearest concerns. I will take any and all advice." She exchanged a look with Touma, as if they were laughing together but within their heads.

From then on, Reko's voice nearly droned out into a hum as horses trotted their way through the barren lands. The warm sun beamed down through the thin veil of curtain covering the openings of the carriage, nearly causing Dauphina to doze off. What were surely hours, felt like minutes to her.

"Empress, we have arrived." A handsome male voice called out from the front of the carriage. She perked up immediately, thrilled to be finished with the tedious journey it had been. Touma ran a hand through her hair, suddenly saddened to know she would have to leave him for the time being.
"Daydream of me, sweet songbird." Dauphina grabbed the hand of the carriage driver as he had begun to usher her out. Before leaving completely, she looked back at Touma, "I would daydream of nothing else." The words poured out of her mouth lovingly, as if it was second nature. Afterall, this was the same exchange they had everytime they departed from one another.

The carriage driver hoisted her out into the dry air, cradling her in his large arms as if he loved her. This was common of everyone who served Dauphina, as one of her main rules was to show love throughout the palace no matter gender or commitments. "May I escort you to the meeting place?" Dauphina placed a kiss on his cheek and shook her head with a smile,
"That will not be necessary Haniko. I will see you shortly."


The table for the gathering was quite a sight to see. Among all the death the lands emitted, there was a glimmer of hope in the form of a grassy knoll and a delicacy filled table. A visible look of awe was on Dauphina's face as her lips parted slightly and her pupils dilated. For anyone who knew her, they wouldn't be surprised as she was easily impressed. Her eyes then traveled to the faces currently sat around the table.
All such beautiful people, lucky me. The guardians didn't seem to faze her much. She wasn't much of a spiritual person and saw them on an equal playing field as herself and the rest of the world. She couldn't be bothered with that imaginative business. What interested her was real life people, normal beings.

She entered from where her close friend sat. Her hand made its way onto the girls head, caressing one of her cute cat ears. The first person she devoured with her eyes was Taurus. He was quite handsome, a man she could very much see herself spending a night with. She nodded her head at him and moved on to Libra.
These men are all blessed with divine bodies, it must be the ruler affect. She sent him a wink as she left Akai and traveled to her guardian. With a smile towards her friend Anemone and a cordial bow to Eino, she took her seat. "My sweet Nadya, how I have missed you." She spoke softly towards her friend and teacher while caressing the girl's shoulder in a quick physical acknowledgement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou Character Portrait: Dante Aquarius
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0.00 INK








                    This was beyond stupid. There was nothing more that Dante wanted to do then just... not be here. Ever. He didn't care about meeting the other rulers, or why they even had to. If it wasn't for the fact that maybe he could learn something about invading them, he wouldn't even consider this.

                    If it wasn't for the amount of complaining behind him, then maybe he wouldn't care. But here everyone was - being annoying behind him as he and Dog made powerful strides in the desert. "Uri, be silent." Dante called, voice cutting through the sound of his childhood 'friends'. All of them being blatantly ignored unless for whatever reason trying to touch Dante.

                    "Aw, come one, Dante!" Uricut in, an arm wrapping around Dante's neck as the said male began with a quirked an eyebrow and stared at Uri from the corner of his eye. Uri wasn't like the rest of them. He didn't live the life Dante, Erica, Hanako, and the few others that were left alive. Uri grew up in the laps of luxury - and ran away from home when things didn't work out the way he wanted it too. Couldn't be ruler of Virgo, so the spoiled brat ran off to live with his birth father down in Aquarius without telling them. This was going to cause one hell of a stir, and Dante knew it. He thrived on it. "Couldn't we have taken a carriage ride? Why bring the carriage but not let anyone actually ride in it?!" He whined.

                    Truth be told, Dante just forbid it to annoy them. "Because, it's for Dog."

                    "Dog?! He's a mutt! He doesn't need a whole carriage to himself! He's not even using it for himself!" Another voice piped up, Dante's eyes now rolling as his face remained in the state of neutral death.

                    "Get over it, Kids." He shrugged, Dog still looking almost smug as he trotted along side Dante. "We're almost there, Uri. Get ready to meet your sister again." Dante's voice rubbed against Uri like sandpaper.

                    "Of course. You ready to see your long lost love?" He prodded back, Dante finally shrugging off the annoying male. This entire group would be dead before they even made their way to this damned meeting. And if they weren't? It would be an absolute fucking miracle.
                    And a miracle it was. No one died, lost an arm, or an eye. It seemed like a trip so far without causalities as they began to see the sight of misfortune ahead of them. Lushful life, in an otherwise dead and horrible place. Sitting back in his carriage, he hummed quietly to himself as he scratched his much cooler and comfortable companion behind it's ear. Dog seemed to be appreciative of such scritches, tag wagging as it pushed up close to it's manservant.

                    It was beginning to seem he might of been the true ruler of Aquarius, yet if only he could talk.

                    "What the absolute.. fuck-"

                    "Uri, will you shut up-" Dante's words fell as his eyes seemed to zoom in on the obscene horrors before him. Hideous women, and then... the creatures standing around the table. Disgusting... Disgusting creatures. Was that an old man? That... was an old man. Disgust was now evident on his face. Pathetic. "..Never mind. Can we turn around and just leave?" He muttered, the Dog already bursting from the carriage as it waited for Dante to sit first, tail wagging and ignoring all others.

                    Sliding on his shirt that he had taken off earlier that morning and taking off his scarf in the safety of the carriage, he made himself presentable like always. The scarf soon retook it's original place.

                    Slowly, as the rest of his posse seemed to get comfortable and handle themselves, Uri in front and center attention and making the most noise, Dante made his way to the group and sat in his seat without acknowledging anyone. His disgust in his seat became apparently when he caught sight of pink hair. An old man behind him, and a harlot for a ruler to his right. Dog jumped up, resting on his lap as the Husky-like breed glanced around, almost disappointed. It slunk on Dante's lap.

                    Softly, he rubbed his dog's head and mumbled a faint: "There, there." Other rulers be damned, he just wanted this stupid and Gods forsaken meeting to be over and done with swiftly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Nadya Irne Character Portrait: Cellica Lazurin Character Portrait: Cedric Lazurin
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0.00 INK


Cellica #CD13FF | Speech
-------- #D552F9 | Thought

Cedric #982BFF | Speech
--------#AB51FF | Thought

:// Other Colours used:
Fenris Lazurin #C9081B
Lilyana Veslos #0077FF
Toumas Ildren #FF9000


With the meeting just a few days away, the kingdom of Cysegr Awyr rather, celebrated once more, as the day in which the Rhyfeloedd Gwaed (Blood War) had ended, with Ikarii's success in defeating the Zephia at the time, bringing about a peace which had spanned for many centuries to come. Each time, the celebration takes place into two parts, one, being somber, where the Pulifa flowers are left at many memorials around the kingdom, as the Pulifa flower is supposedly that which guides lost souls to the afterlife in Cysegt Awyr. The second part, filled with song and dance, with the Troubadour of Gemini as she's called, to sing once more. As she stepped foot upon the stage, dressed within a faint white dress, which flowed with each breeze that came from the winds that swept through the city, the young girl readied herself, before beginning her song, starting, with the song that resonated and rang for centuries, her wings spread, the girl known as Cellica Lazurin, with her twin, Cedric watching from afar, standing atop the stage's cover, with six Arial Shock Troopers flanking him, holding the Golau Gobaith, the banner of Gemini, which stood tall within the cascading light of the World Tree, which towered over the city of Valentia, shielding the city under it's branches. Shortly after the songs were finished, Cellica took her leave, with Cedric and the soldiers following. With the twin rulers on a small time frame, they quickly boarded one of the many airships that the country hosted.

The Advent of the airship opened Gemini's borders, as the ships soared the sky, use of regular ships were slowly fazed out, allowing for better support to the people via other countries. As the ship slowly rose, it's bow slowly turned towards their destination, Chameleon. As the ship swayed and rocked with the grasp of the winds, all the two could do is wait, gazing out to the change of scenery, as their land went from glades, and forests, to sharp, craggy mountains. Before setting out over the ocean, where, the airship had soon went to it's full speed. While still slow, it got the Royals where they needed to be. Inside, were many cabins, mostly for the crew, and one larger cabin, housing the Guests of Honour as they were often jokingly called, decorated with some ornateness, it was meant just to keep things rather interesting. Inside, Cellica and Cedric were milling about, with Cedric, reading through a large book, which upon a swift glance at the cover, was some sort of history book, as he leaned back against his chair. Meanwhile, Cellica, with Quill in hand, did what was normal for her, with grace in her words, the girl wrote a simple poem.

As the scenery changed, now from the swells of blue under the lumbering ship, as a coastline was soon visible, as a woman looked to the twins, "Sir Cedric, Lady Cellica, we have entered Ophian Airspace." Her words were swift, as she soon turned to Cellica, whom spoke first, before her brother could reply,

"Right, Mind sending Nadya a Message? Offering to travel together to Chameleon?" Without a second thought, the woman nodded, with a polite response, before turning, "Thanks, Lily~!" As those words echoed through the small passageways, the ship kept forth. With the next day, there was a response, from Nadya, whom had been friends for quite some time with Cellica and Cedric, a polite refusal, as, Nadya wished to travel alone. While, a let-down to the twins, as, the more the merrier, they understood what had happened two years ago, as the toll remained over the horizon, a lifeless area.... Chameleon.

Once, the skies of Chameleon were blue, with fertile ground to spare, as the once prosperous kingdom, filled with orchards and farms, now, reduced into nothing but dried dirt, and silence. It was a void, without the crystal's light, and, a reminder, to the twins, what could have happened should the Rhyfeloedd Gwaed continued unchecked. As Cellica looked out, she could feel the emotion within her slowly shake, from a mix of sadness and anger. A terrible toll was left in the wake of a war, that was threatening to tear apart the Heavens itself. Cedric knew what was to happen to Chameleon, as he watched the wasteland pass by, "It had to be done, Cellica, to stop the fighting-"

"Did it really, Cedric? This land once used to house millions! Countless fauna and flora, and now look at it! The country is gone, the people, dead, and the land desecrated. The blood that caused is on our hands too, not just Nadya's-"

"The war would have seen all of us dead, you twit. Do not forget, what happened in our home, during the wars we had. It was a necessary sacrifice, to at least hold the world together in the best way possible.-"

"So the murder of millions, and destruction of an entire country is a sacrifice for the world?! You are beyond inane--" With those words, Cellica was cut off, as a scarlet-haired man walked in, his face showed his age, as grey had slowly come into his hair, as he looked at the two, speaking over Cellica,

"That is enough out of both of you. You're rulers, bickering in front of your people, that, is how our problems began, and where they could easily begin again." He was stern, as the two had stopped in their tracks, mumbling a simple reply;

"Y-yes Father."

"Now, I don't want to hear another word of this. What's done is done, atonement is up to the sinner. Cellica, you are right, the countrymen didn't deserve this. And Cedric, you are also correct, it is unknown how long that war could have lasted, and what atonement you choose is yours, and yours alone. I cannot, though, make that choice for you, nor can you, Cellica, make Cedric's, and vice versa. You two are young, and thrown into a screwed up situation, but, remember, what you may choose, both I, and your fellow countrymen, will gladly follow you." He laughed to himself for a moment, "I never thought I'd have to lecture two young rulers. We're almost there. Please, Cellica, don't do anything rash..."

As those words echoed, the airship slowly descended from it's high altitude, stirring up dust over a large area, as the twins readied themselves, and with their royal vestments on, and flanked by their father, and two retainers, they soon dropped from the airship, which only positioned itself about ten feet from the ground. As the five stood there, they felt the pressure from the Airship soon drift away, as it slowly lifted off, "The Helmsman will wait for our signal." The brown-haired man spoke, with a gruff voice. As they began walking the short distance between their dust-off point and the seemingly verdant field that lay in front of them, a small sign of life. However, an unnerving feeling came over the twins, as they felt the magic they had resonate with something there... At this point, their retainers remained at the edge of the grass.

As the twins looked around, they smiled, seeing several allies with them, greeting them formally, and rather quickly, "Oh! Nadya! Are you well?" Cellica asked quickly, knowing that she turned down the offer of the twins and her passing together, as Cedric came to another, "'Tis nice to see you again, Akai. The same goes with you, Nadya, I apologize for my sister's last-second request." His words were more formal to the others, in contrast to Cellica. Soon, they gazed around, before bowing their heads to each guardian, before setting their eyes on two, A set of twins.

As they approached, they took a great bow to their Guardians, lowering their wings, with the Guardians doing the same, soon after, they took their seats, with Cedric ready to speak when the need arises. All they could do, was wait for the other rulers...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou
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0.00 INK








                    Sanctuary hummed softly, running her fingers through her lover's hair within the ship's private cabins. A look of discomfort crossing her face as she realized she'd need to go soon. She'd need to leave Mila to his own, and it wasn't like he couldn't handle it himself. He would just be staying within allied territory for a few days, and Aery would be back quicker then he could blink. Not that he cared, she was sure... but... She still swirled within her own thought as she got out of bed. Buttoning up a plain white dress shirt and slipping a black skirt on, she sat on the edge of the bed as she stared at her suitcase already packed the night before docking.

                    She really wasn't going to enjoy this trip with just her swords trainer as well as others to camp and travel like a caravan. They had plenty of stock for the travel, but it still wasn't something she thought about as fun. "... Are you sure you wish to stay on the boat? Or at least in Cancer territory?" Sanctuary asked softly, looking back at her lover as she brushed her hair back. "You can always tell them to sail back if you don't want to wait. Do not feel like you just have to wait a century for me to come back. Just so you know." She rambled, not expecting an actual response. Even if she did, it fell on deaf ears until the man reached out and pulled her closer and to lay close enough for him to press a soft kiss on her hand.

                    Intertwining their fingers, Aery's worries melted away. "..I'll see you when I get back. I love you, Milanovan." She mumbled gently, moving her spare hand to caress his cheek. "..Do not get into trouble without me."


                    Sanctuary rubbed her eyes as she glanced up towards the burning sun. Chameleon was a wasteland, and the sun was brutal. Still, she could feel herself being tugged along by Goliath as if this was nothing but a simple walk in the meadow. Damn brute. "Are we there yet?!" Sanctuary called out, only to receive a glare.

                    "No! Stop asking, Maiden Princess." He snapped back, eyes burning into her much like the sun. Truthfully, she hadn't even needed to ask that as she looked in the horizon. Signs of life, plush green. Relief began to overtake Sanctuary and her body at the sight of how this would all most likely be over and done with the moment she and others reached the site... and judging by the carriages and groups of people around the location, most were already arriving on the same date. "See? It is right up ahead. Next time you say that, however, training when we get back home will no longer be so easy for you." He warned, only causing Aery to roll her eyes and brush pitch black hair behind her.

                    "Of course. Like it was easy already." She muttered, waving her hand as if to wave him off. A more minutes of travel, and she heard her people stop a decent distance away as she looked around at the retainers and groups of people brought along by fellow rulers. Blood going cold, her eyes narrowed harshly as she held her tone. She held the gaze of her brother Uri for more then a moment, her hands smoothing into her silk and airy dress, almost see through. Not saying a word, but the look of evident betrayal lingering, she moved to take her seat between Kaveh and Akai. Smiling side to side, she held her ground as she noticed the faint smirk on Aquarius's face.

                    "Good day, everyone." Sanctuary confidently greeted, despite the fair amount of enemies and allies. "I hope everyone had a safe journey." She glanced at the King, then those who had these strange beings around them... Before choking on her water.

                    "Holy Mother of the Stars, what is that?" Her eyes widened at the sight of Cancer's Guardian, hand over her mouth as she glanced back at her Guardian. The angel merely stared at her, but there seemed to be a soft wave of understanding, Aery thought. It was good to see where Virian's most likely got the rare genetic trait for wings from, however. Slinking back in her seat, she looked to Akai and Kaveh and whispered quietly:

                    "I'm glad we aren't Cancer. Look at that thing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK


Faust Capricorn
Ruler of Capricorn | dialogue : #E82E55 | thought : #8D757A


"Isn't it a beautiful piece of work?"

Faust was roused from her nap from both the sound of Iuliana's voice, and the rocking of the carriage as it crossed from the plains of Sagittarius onto the dead sands that were the remains of Chamaeleon. They had been travelling for the better part of a week to make it to the meeting on time, yet they were still running behind schedule. If Aurora was here, she'd be berating them for taking so many unnecessary stops along the way, but since it was only Iuliana, Faust, and her brother, Laurenz, none of them cared. It was a peaceful journey, so peaceful in fact that Faust still wore the same nightgown from when they had first departed the palace. The carriage was spacious, with enough room to seat possibly seven other people along with the three that currently occupied it.

Sitting upright, Faust could see their destination clearly within the cold sky. Shining brighter than the sun itself was a single, orange tinged star. It would still take them a while to reach the center of Chamaeleon. Perhaps she could manage to get another nap in.

"I would have to agree, my dear Iuliana. There is nothing more beautiful than how all are made equal when standing face to face with death." Laurenz spoke as he flitted a deck of playing cards between his hands. He had only come along in hopes that he'd be able to see some old faces from his travels across the kingdom. That, and perhaps pick up some useful information.

It wasn't simply the grogginess in her eyes from her slumber; Faust seemed as disinterested as ever in the current state of Chamaeleon. The wheels of their carriage kicked up a fine dust in the air as they traveled closer and closer to their destination. Closer to whatever it was that the King wanted to tell them so desperately. Whether or not this meeting would be a waste of time had yet to be written, but Faust was sure that no matter the outcome, it would certainly be interesting with so many allies and enemies gathered in one place, surrounded by ashes. The only sound was the trotting of the horses as they pulled the carriage along.

"Pray tell my dear sister, what do you make of all this, since you did supported such destruction in the first place? Do you still think it a necessary evil, or perhaps has your standing changed through all of this?" He looked at her with a gleam to his red eyes. Faust wasn't sure whether he was attempting to get a rise out of her so early in day, or if he was genuinely curious to know what was on her mind. Knowing him as well as Faust did, it was probably a mix of the two.

She only scoffed in response. "There was a war between Ophiuchus and Chamaeleon. Chamaeleon had the job of protecting their own gem. They failed, and thus they got destroyed. There is nothing more, nor is there anything less to it. History has been written and dwelling on it is pointless. A better question to ask would be whether I would do the same to the enemies we still face today."

A moment of silence filled the carriage as both Iuliana and Laurenz starred at Faust, awaiting an answer to the question she proposed herself. Faust raised a brow at both of them, "What?"

"You can't simply end abruptly like that without giving a definite answer."

"I thought it was implied that my answer would clearly be yes."

Laurenz let out an exasperated sigh, while Iuliana failed to stifle her laughter. "Always so brusque with your words, aren't you Faust? Anyhow, we still have a ways to go before we reach the meeting place, so feel free to take another nap if you'd like."


And with that, Faust drifted away to the sounds of Iuliana and Laurenz conversing about whatever came to mind. They were two out of the small group of people she would consider herself close to, but she'd be lying if she said that they weren't crazy.


The second time Faust woke up they were at their destination. A clear patch of green lay in front of them, and she could clearly see the figures of the other thirteen rulers...and other creatures that were seemingly there.

"Aww, we're the last ones here. Maybe we shouldn't have stopped for liquor while we were travelling through Sagittarius."

"On the contrary, I think it was absolutely necessary to stop the several times that we did. But I'll be taking my leave now until the meeting is over, I have a little bit of espionage that I need to take care of. Plus, I think our ruler needs a little time to make herself presentable, unless she's fine with attending the meeting wearing her nightwear." He left the carriage, giving a small wave to the both of them. Faust gave an anticipating look towards Iuliana, expecting her to leave as well, but she shook her head in response.

"I'd prefer to watch."

Faust rolled her eyes, but a small smirk made its way to her mouth none the less as she stripped. The suit she wore next was much more fitting of an occasion such as this, but it was nothing as regal as the outfits she'd wear for the regular ceremonies that occurred in Aigókeros. As she finished dressing herself, she took one quick swig of some of the alcohol they had gathered during their travel. "Hmph. Still too sober to be dealing with this right now." Hopefully, she looked like she didn't just wake up from a nap, though she wasn't really trying hard to hide it.

Faust left the carriage with Iuliana following suit. Faust continued toward the round table where everyone else was gathered, while Iuliana hoped on top of the carriage, trying to get a good vantage point in case anything exciting started to happen.

It was an understatement to say that such a lively patch of green was out of place in desolate wasteland that surrounded it; an oasis that offered a reprieve from the barren world. She ignored those who had taken the side of Chamaeleon, while giving a warm smile and nod towards her allies, and discretely passing a flask towards Nadya as she walked by her. Paying no mind to the antlered guardian behind her chair, she took her place in the circle, crossing her legs and relaxing into her seat; not a single word left her mouth.


Iuliana Ardelean : #8B7C9F | Laurenz Capricorn : #BA6866


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK


Dialogue color: #2855A9
Thought color: #faae2a

The King watched as the rulers arrived one by one. Horses, airship, even an ox were gathered around the land. The air was tense, he could feel some of them feeling hostile towards others; some that didn’t want to be here in first place, but some seemed to be just fine. Polite and friendly greetings were exchanged by those of the same side, a few hushed whispers were shared around the table. He could only pray the stars and hope no violence would take place. He waited patiently, every now and then glancing at the Sun. Once it was noon, one seat was still empty, the seat of Capricorn. However, he knew she was coming as the earth felt the wheels of her carriage closing in. But more importantly, everyone had arrived. Everyone who still had a Kingdom to rule.

As the last one to arrive, Faust, was seated, the King cleared his throat. His voice didn’t sound as a one of old man, but was booming strong. “Dear friends may I get your attention”, he started, “First of all thank you for coming. Please enjoy the food provided for you as you all have had an long journey. The situation in our hands is indeed a grim one. You all have seen what has happened to once blooming Chamaeleon,” He walked slowly around the table watching each and one of them as he passed. Momentarily he stopped behind Dante his voice more stern as he spoke,“And I'm certain we all wish to stop that from happening to other Kingdoms, your Kingdoms.” The words hung heavy in the air as the King continued his walk his robe lifting up some dust from the ground.

“There is however a way to save this situation before this war destroys more lives. A ritual exists that is able to strengthen the Gems’ power. However, this Ritual of Astrologia Eclipse requires two rulers to perform it. And not just any rulers, but your counterparts.” The King paused letting everyone to understand the meaning of those words before continuing. “Yes, each Gem has its counterpart. And these two Gems should always be in balance. You might wonder who your counterpart is but worry not, I will get to it soon.” He slowly started to walk once again watching the rulers. His next stop was by Nuocolo.

“This magical ritual has to be performed twice, once for each Gem." The King put emphasis on the word magical knowing very well that people of Cancer and Nuocolo especially didn't believe magic. Even loathed it. "It's a simple ritual really. You first draw the spell circle as pictured in the scroll. You need a couple of ordinary items: water, soil, air and fire from both Kingdoms. The Gem's ruler reads the lead part while offering the items to the Gem. The counterpart reads their part while sitting on the side of the Gem in which direction your Kingdom is located. So if your Kingdom is southwest from the Gem, you're seated to southwest.” As he spoke the Zodiac Guardians started handing the scrolls with the spell to each ruler. Each expect for Nadya. The scrolls looked ancient; corners missing, a rip on the side, their ink faded away and written over again many times. Even the language was old and complicated.

The King moved by the Gemini twins. "And just as you performed the Ritual of Magica together, you must perform this together as well. Read the spell together, give the offering to the Gem one by one." He gave a soft smile to them. The Gemini rulers were meant to stay together at all times. "I am also certain with the knowledge of your Kingdom, you're more than qualified to find Cancer's lost Gem."

Next the King stopped next to Nadya. “Then, ruler Divine of Ophiuchus, Nadya Irne, for you I have another task. I have seen your regret and thus wish to give you a chance to correct the wrong.” He waved at the snake Guardian and she placed a locked wooden box with carved decorations of tree branches and leaves on the table. One of the snakes slithered towards Nadya, holding a chain with a key in it's mouth, and placing the chain around her neck. “This box contains the last piece of this land's Gem as well as the scroll for the spell. You, my child, must travel to as many Gems as possible and by performing the Ritual of Nubes Pilas you will be able to loan the magic we need to rebuild this land. The only thing you need is something alive to sacrifice to the Gem and its Guardian. Pick wisely as you don't want to anger them.” The last sentence made some of the Guardians nod in agreement.

The King raised his voice for everyone to hear. “Two months. Two months and I expect to see you all again in this very place as to fully recover Chamaeleon, the last part of the Ritual requires you each. This has never been done before, so it is most important to have you all gathered in here once more.”

The King gazed over the rulers. “Now I'm sure you have many questions still left unanswered and I am here to answer them but before that the most important matter. Guardians if you'd please.” Slowly the Guardians reached their hands towards the one that was their counterpart, the companion that they and had their whole life. As they did the table started glowing dimly, and strings like rivers reached from one ruler to another. Once again the Guardian of Ophiuchus differed. She simply landed on her knees next to the tiny sprout of a tree, one of her snakes gently wrapping around it branches like protecting it.


The Kings voice was loud and clear as he announced:

“Ruler of Aries, Aries your counterpart is Mirza of Libra, Kaveh Mehrzan.

Ruler of Taurus, Jamerreon Lacero your counterpart is Ruler of Virgo, Sanctuary Virgo.

Zephia and Tempestarii of Gemini, Cellica and Cedric Lazurin, your counterpart is Race of Slata, Nuocolo Gracia.

Jonin of Leos, Shizukana Kaen your counterpart is Monarkhes of Aigókeros, Faust Capricorn.

Sovereign of Scorpio, Einosuke Saitou, your counterpart is Sovereign of Sagittarius, Anemone Sagittarius.

Dante Aquarius, your counterpart is Empress of Pisces, Dauphina Melusine.”

The King’s expression didn’t change, but it wasn’t a mistake that he didn’t call Dante a ruler. If the Gem of Aquarius hadn’t accepted him as the rightful ruler, neither would him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou
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0.00 INK




                    Anger began to bubble and boil inside Dante's chest the more this stupid, foolish man spoke. King? What king was he if he watched his people die. If he watched rulers tear each other apart and their countries unravel only to be solved with bloodshed? What kind of man was he to sit there, and call himself a king? They'd all be better off with him dead.

                    In his hand, the goblet full of water began to ripple as he tried to still the trembling of pure and undying rage and disgust. They needed to fix their gems? It made him feel sick. No one here deserved to rule a country, let alone people. No one here was fit to live, including himself.

                    The gems should just break and they should let nature take it's course and destroy them all. It was a shame it hadn't yet. He waited in silence as Dog abandoned his lap quickly, almost sensing the unusual disturbance in the icy heart of it's servant. Instead, Dog moved to go sit next to Aries with a soft whine, a paw on the man's lap as if to ask as if it could come up. The husky like creature glanced back at Dante as the man himself finally snapped once the 'stupid old fuck of a king' shut up.

                    "It seems Pisces will be doomed to destruction and murder, then. I won't participate or do anything with a whore like her, let alone someone as weak and disgusting as the 'Empress' over here." He spat, venom in his words as his eyes seem to be narrow with pure hate and vile thoughts. "And her hair is an atrocious color." His face remained neutral, despite the tone of his voice and the true emotions behind his eyes.

                    Noting the glare in Virgo's eyes, he paid her no mind. Her words, if she said any, would go ignored as he turned his look to the blundering idiot of a King. He refrained from speaking his own truth, the only way things should be. Everyone should be dead, and he could care less about another's Kingdom. To rid the world of filth, one must be completely without a person remaining in the world. Humans were selfish beings, full of errors, and all too capable of feeling the same feelings Dante himself currently felt.

                    Still, the fact they assumed he would willingly work together with a woman like her was a riot. The only man who knew the true ritual for the Gem was dead, the true 'ruler' was disposed of as his son fell to a coma. There was nothing these people could say to him, nothing they could do that would ever truly save Aquarius or Pisces from inevitable destruction.

                    He hoped each one of these Kingdoms would fall, long before the two months were ever truly even up and over. If it was true and he was needed for the last portion of the ritual, then he'd not show. He'll break his own gem and doom them if needed. But he would not be a willing assistant to any of this. The look in his eyes currently, suggested that no matter what they said, this would be a futile attempt to get cooperation. Of any sort.

                    He had to resist throwing his goblet of water at someone's head as he set it down far enough back on the table it'd be out of easy reach for himself unless he leaned forward.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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Nuocolo and Giovio had remained mostly silent when arriving and during the King’s speech. A few nods with allies were exchanged along with cold stares with enemies. Some lf the rulers Nuocolo had never seen before; and he followed their moves and behaviour, for he was an observant man and wished to create a picture of his peers before speaking with them more.

As the King spoke Nuocolo grew more and more restless and angry. The King mentioned nor acknowledged the fact that Cancer’s gem was either destroyed or stolen. And those guilty of that preposterous act were likely sitting in this very chamber. Although not showing it, Nuocolo tried to notice any sign of any ruler which would tell him they were to blame. Only Jamarreon of Taurus was excluded, for Nuocolo knew they would not do such things. They were proud slavers and did go to war indeed, but unlike the others, they were honestly themselves, they did not have double standards like everyone else, claiming they fought for peace and wanted only prosperity for everyone. Next Nuocolo’s eyes were nailed at Nadya of Ophiuchus. She did not look back at him. They were allies back in the day when the Cancri gem was removed from the history of the kingdom; now they were enemies. Ophiuchus was the very reason Chamaelon was made into mere ashes and ruin. Perhaps they also stole the gem of old, kept it for themselves while pretending to be allies. ”I blame Gemini; they most certainly did it”, whispered Giovio, with stark gaze toward the twins. ”I get a feeling they have something to hide.”

Nuocolo frowned and shook his head ever so slightly and replied: ”I should not think so. They are too hostile toward us. I do think they hide something, yes, but the gem. Not so likely. Nevertheless, keep your eyes open. We are here with only few friends and only one person we can trust.” Giovio nodded.

When the King was done speaking Nuocolo could remain silent no longer; he stood up and directed his words both towards the King along with other rulers. ”Good King, fellow rulers, as you all call yourselves, I have remained silent here, but as things have progressed I have gotten gravely concerned of the ignorance and hostile atmosphere which is about us all. I used to have respect for you, oh King, but should you act out of such poor understanding, I know not why anyone would heed your warning and request. I believe not in magic, but I do believe in higher powers, as seen in the letter I received a fortnight ago. But those powers are borne of the gems, gems every other kingdom, so I have heard, has but Litoria. For the gem was stolen from us 700 years ago, never to be seen again. It was a tumultous time, the mighty empire our anceators built was destroyed in a bloodshed and civil war. Their enemies used that in their advantage and invaded the land, raping, burning and pillaging everything. But we rose, we rose without any so called magic or powers, we Men and Women of Litoria, we rose from the ashes like a Phoenix. And now, it is brought before us that without a magic spell nonsense we should be doomed! I require proof of this. And should it be so, then we must find our gem. Those who are guilty are in this chamber. One of your ancestor committed this sin, you have inherited this sin from them. I, Nuocolo Gracia, am a man of his word. I hereby swear that should you return us the gem you stole, we shall do everything we can to aid you be it magic nonsense or not. It is a sensible request, is it not?”

Giovio stood up by his leader, saying: ”You have everything in my disposal to aid you, too, should you fulfill my Race’s reasonable request. I have seen it when Chamaelon was destroyed. I certainly will not see such events bego again.”

Both men sat again, waiting for response. Both had grim faces with little joy in their eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK

Dialogue color: #6A0888
Thought color: #404040

Akai sat waiting for others to arrive. One by one she greeted politely those who greeted her as well. “Greetings, sir Taurus.” she replied back to Jamarreon and next was a respectful nod to Nadya. As Kaveh arrived Akai let a small relieved sigh. Finally someone she was close with was attending the meeting. It made her feel a bit better. She replied to Kaveh’s wave with a warm smile and wave of her hand but there was nervousness in her expression. Almost as if saying “we’re screwed aren’t we?”

As Anemone arrived, Akai replied with “It’s nice to meet you too.” She tried to keep her voice calm, masking her real feelings. “Blend in Akai. Blend in.” she thought in her mind. She couldn’t help but think that the ruler of Sagittarius was more eccentric than she had expected. Next one to arrive was Dauphina, and the pet on her head got Akai sigh. “Really Dauphina? Even here?” She had long time found out that Dauphina would each and every time greet her that way. At first Akai had resist against it but as years passed Dauphina had won that battle. It still made Akai feel embarrassed in public. But it didn’t take long as the man she feared made his way to the table. Dante Aquarius, one of the reasons she was in this mess. Without even realizing it her right hand had curled into fist. He didn’t even bother to look at her, and why would he? Akai knew that Dante expected her to agree with him no matter what would happen during the meeting. And most likely she would. “It’s to protect my Kingdom.” she told herself. “I have to keep my people safe.”

So once the Gemini twins arrived to greet her Akai’s mind was everywhere else but the moment in hand. “Hmm? Oh Cedric. And Cellica. Yes, nice to meet again.” she replied barely even looking at them as in the corner of her eye she couldn’t stop looking at Dante across the table. “Is even Dog mocking me?” She barely realized the arrival of Aries or Sanctuary either until Sanctuary were whispering to her and Kaveh. “Oh, you, you must be Virgo? Pleasure to meet. Cancer?” she turned to look at the Guardian, “I guess we are lucky,” but in her mind, her own Guardian was just as scary.

As the King started his speech Akai listened closely. “Another Ritual? With another ruler?” her eyes travelled along the other rulers on the table. “Please, please let it be a friend.” But she was already certain her pray wouldn’t happen. With her luck it would be Dante. “Jonin of Leos, Shizukana Kaen your counterpart is Monarkhes of Aigókeros, Faust Capricorn.” Akai looked up at the King not able to hide her surprise. First being the King calling her by her ninja name instead of name given at birth. And secondly… Faust? She turned her head to look at Faust. So not Dante but still an enemy. She knew very well Capricorn had once attacked Leo in the pass. It hadn’t end well for them that time but this would be perfect chance for them to try again. But it hadn't been Faust attacking them, would she be different? Akai cursed her luck.Which ever it was, it would certainly not end well. But the surprises didn’t end there as she heard her best friend was paired with her worst enemy. And speaking of him, Dante was first one to speak.

Akai did her best to stay calm but inside she was furious. Dauphina sure loved flirting but calling her best friend a whore was too much. Her ear twiched from the irritation and feeling helpless as she couldn't scold him that very second - not if she wanted to stay alive. Akai gave an quick apologetic look at Dauphina but she had still expected Dantes outburst. She knew far too well that Dante wasn't going to help anyone. Quite the opposite in fact. She herself was only alive for following his madness. “I….” Her voice sounded weak even to her own ears. She cleared her throat and started again. “I won't work with an enemy.” Her voice sounded like a stranger's as it was a complete lie. She would love to save her Kingdom, that what was she was expected to do. Following Dante was to doom them sooner or later. If just she could make him see that despite his past not everyone deserved to die. That there were people who understood. But no matter what she said he wouldn't listen. He probably never would. Her face didn't show any change in her emotions but she couldn't even look anyone in the eyes. She could feel the piercing gaze of the Guardian behind her back. “It's wonder if I'm still alive once this meeting is over.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK


Cellica #CD13FF | Speech
-------- #D552F9 | Thought

Cedric #982BFF | Speech
--------#AB51FF | Thought

:// Other Colours used:
Fenris Lazurin #C9081B
Lilyana Veslos #0077FF
Toumas Ildren #FF9000

As the twins sat there, sharing glances with the other royals, Cedric leaned to his sister, "Be wary, Cellica. We do not know of what is to come of this." He mentioned, quietly, as Cellica just turned to him, feeling the same way, and nodded, without a word. With Faust coming in, Cellica waved politely, 'How is that woman so casually late?' She thought, watching the woman, 'She's casually late, but still so pretty.... How does she do it?' Cellica's thoughts had gone off the rails, in terms of seriousness, as she admired the beauty of her fellow girls. Meanwhile, Cedric gave a simple greeting to Faust, he didn't know the woman well, but, would be willing to make more friends and greater allies. The more the merrier, as Elaine taught him at least.

With the final ruler taking her seat, the King began to speak, his words were wise and caring. With his words, came a scroll, handed by the twins of Gemini. As Cellica gently took the old parchment, she slowly unrolled it, just glancing at the words and phrases written within, it was plain to tell, someone had gone over this scroll many times, just re-writing the spell time and time again through the years. Next, came the King addressing the twins together;

"And just as you performed the Ritual of Magica together, you must perform this together as well. Read the spell together, give the offering to the Gem one by one...... I am also certain with the knowledge of your Kingdom, you're more than qualified to find Cancer's lost Gem."

Finding Cancer's gem... Gemini was tasked with aiding... Cellica slammed her hands on the table as she quickly rose, "You can't be serious?! After what he did to Nadya and us?!" She exclaimed, looking at both the King and Nuocolo, "That man only thinks of himself and his damned league over his own people!" Cellica's words were filled with venom towards the man, that is, until Cedric looked to his sister,

"That is enough, Cellica." His words were stern, "You are in the presence of both the King, and the Guardians. As such, at least act like something more than a brainless oaf." With Cedric's words, Cellica looked at him, obviously still angered, his gaze kept to hers, he knew how betrayed she felt during the war, when Nuocolo withdrew and joined the side of Chameleon, but those were years of the past. Now, their jobs were to fix the damages they did to the world they knew, less they become like Chameleon. Gemini's crystal was already weak, as their Blood War had greatly damaged both the country and Crystal, the last thing they needed, was more wars to be brought upon their land.

As the King went about his speech, two notions kept pressing in Cedric's head, for starters, as he looked to his sister, he saw the Guardian of Cancer, 'What. The hell. Is that.' Cedric kept glancing at the abomination of both man and crab, as it stood there, before taking "hands" with the twin guardians of Gemini. Of course, it was not hands, it was hands meeting Big. Meaty. Claws. However, the second matter pressed Cedric, as he looked to the king, "Your Highness, I thought I'd mention to you that Gemini's Crystal is still rather weak. Up until my mother's time we were mostly in a civil war between the Tempestarii and Zephia of old. Will this spell harm our crystal?" Cedric couldn't shake the feeling that this ritual may harm the gems in the process.

However, Cellica spoke again, this time, without as much venom in her words, as she felt a kind hand on her shoulder from the Guardian that represented the Zephia of Gemini calmed her, "So, we preform the ritual, how do we know if it was preformed correctly? Would there be something that would tell us?" She asked, before looking at Nuocolo as he rambled and then accused the other rulers of stealing his country's gem, Cellica rose with him, turning her gaze at him, "So you would rather see the world burn for your own stupid beliefs? How inane are you? You have the perfect opportunity to find your crystal and restore your country, but instead, you stubbornly stay your hand. And would rather see not only your country fall to ruin, but others as well, for what, your own beliefs?" Cellica paused, shaking her head, trying to not assault the man, "Your Crystal likely was not stolen, it may have been moved by your guardian in an attempt to protect the crystal. Believe it or not, we've gone through the same thing, a massive Civil War. While our Crystal was not moved per se, it was, and still is, weakened by that war." Cellica paused again, laughing to herself, the irony of the situation that ended up on her and Cedric's lap, "Of course, if you decide not to help. And test your hand against what the Gods have in store for us.... Go ahead. But. Don't bring your bitch ass to Cedric and I when you've been bitten. Not without admitting your failure as a ruler, along with an admission of you being obscenely pig-headded about this. Then, we will gladly help you." With those words lingering within the air, Cellica turned to Nadya, "And Nadya, if you so desire, Cedric and I can help you get to the other crystals. That is, if you don't mind flying on Airships."

Cellica knew that was a fat chance, as, Nadya hated flying. Though Cedric looked to everyone, "Of course, we're willing to aid anyone in either finding their gem, or preforming the ritual. We may be young, but Gemini knows full well of the Crystals, and what may happen with them. Maybe, we could discuss our relations once the peace finally settles during this time." Cedric laughed a little at the thought, all the kingdoms working together as one, but, that was something he wanted to see. And he would not let anyone stand in his way of that dream. Except for, of course, Cellica, whom turned to Dante next, 'This girl... Is bound to start a war....' He thought as his twin began her assault on Dante,

"Oh, and Dante, I understand that you have issues talking to people without berating them, but please, do it to someone whom will fight back. It's okay, you've been lonely for your entire life, and probably have daddy issues, but that's okay. At least you live." She remarked, with her words as sarcastic and venomous as ever, [color=#cd13ff]"But, just because someone else is happy, and you're miserable, doesn't mean you can take that from them. Furthermore, you of all people cannot comment on someone else's hair, when yours makes you just a few wrinkles short of an old perverted man." With those words, Cellica smirked, ready for any fights that may come her way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK


Faust Capricorn
Ruler of Capricorn | dialogue : #E82E55 | thought : #8D757A


Faust was as attentive as she could be as she concentrated on the King's words, perhaps missing a word here and there. When the scroll was handed to her by whatever Capricorn's guardian was, she took a quick glance at its contents. The worn parchment seemed to just be barely holding itself together and the words were seemingly layered over each other due to being rewritten again and again over time. The fact that it was written in an older language didn't make it any easier to understand, and soon enough she decided that she would go over it later and averted her attention back to the King circling the table.

As she listened to the King explain the ritual, Faust wasn't sure what he was expecting to come of this. Seated here were thirteen other people who, for the most part, were willing to destroy each other in a war, even if it meant destroying themselves. Faust did feel sympathy for Nadya though, as she essentially bore the most responsibility out of all of them. Which was expected, but Nadya didn't do anything that Faust wouldn't do herself if put in the same position.

She let out an audible groan as soon as the King had announced who their gem's counterparts were, and immediately knew that there would be little chance of them cooperating for something like this. Knowing of Aquarius's "ruler" from her brother's travels and the significant amount of time he spent in the kingdom, she expected nothing less from Dante when he was the first one to speak. Vulgar and seemingly lacking self preservation. Exactly as described.

Of course, Faust's earlier suspicions were confirmed. She only shrugged in response. There was little she could do if Akai was refusing to do the ritual, and instead of protesting Akai's refusal she kept herself quiet and listened to the other rulers speak. Maybe she was just a little bit buzzed, but as she listened to some of the rulers voice their grievances with the ritual or outright refuse to participate in it, there was no foreseeable way that they would ever agree to work together.

Cancer and Gemini were engaged in a heated argument, and ultimately it looked like they would all be fated for destruction since the final part of the ritual required everyone to be a willing participant. Everything was going quite swimmingly all things considered, as no one had tried to attack anyone yet. Although, Cellica looked like she was about ready to do so. Faust didn't blame the girl though, being forced to work with such a traitor was less than desirable.

Many of the questions raised were ones that she had herself. In fact there were numerous questions to be asked; What happens if the ritual is done incorrectly? What if the ritual is never fully completed? What effect would the ritual have on the gem? There was a lot to be considered before the rituals could even be attempted, and she wondered how the King would manage to explain the rituals in a way that would convince everyone to agree to do it.

Faust felt a headache coming on, and all the noise surely wasn't helping. Once there was actually a moment of silence and she could finally begin to hear her own thoughts again, Faust finally spoke. "Well, my hands are tied. I am willing to work with an enemy to save my own kingdom unlike other deranged people, but if Leo won't cooperate then there's nothing I can really do about that."



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cloud

Dialogue Colour ◆ #c2af75

Kaveh felt like a child sitting at the table of rulers, as if he were playing a game in his father's seat. He felt out of his depth, and dearly wished he had paid more attention to the political mechanics his advisers had so hastily tried to teach him before his departure. Though many of the rulers were close in age to himself, most had years of experience at the helm of their kingdoms. His gaze drifted around the table as the last rulers arrived, taking in the familiar faces and those he had only heard rumours about. It always surprised him how young Ophia's ruler, Nadya Irne, was, when she had been ruler of her kingdom since Kaveh had been old enough to fully understand his own father's role. He did not approve of her actions in the past years, but he felt pity more than anger towards his enemy. He would have hated living under such strict rules since childhood. His own mother had let him race across the desert dunes with his cousins in handmade sand ships, so long as he'd written his regular letter to the man sitting beside him.

As the king's words resounded around he table, Kaveh felt his mind start to ache. This was both an opportunity to fix the mess they had all created; to balance the world once more, but also a chance for Kaveh to prove that he was a worthy ruler... either that or a chance to fail spectacularly and force his kingdom to kick him off the throne. While the freedom of life before he had become Libra's ruler still made Kaveh ache with longing, he knew his pride - and that of his family - would never stop hurting if he allowed himself to be the last Mehrzan on Libra's throne. So, he listened attentively as the King described the ritual. Nodding his thanks to his guardian, Kaveh took the scroll and gazed over it, as if attempting to absorb the information.

'Fuck... this looks... what even is that word?' Kaveh's thoughts turned to confusion and alarm as he slowly tried to read the scroll in his hands. The language was old, the ink faded, and one portion had been crossed out and rewritten several times. It made his head pound and his feeling of inadequacy deepen. How could he ever hope to help his kingdom if something as simple as reading a scroll was too hard for him? Frowning, Kaveh rolled it up and returned his focus to the King's words, hoping that another look at the scroll later - when he was less distracted by everything else going on - might help illuminate the message better.

Kaveh was just in time to hear the first paired counterparts and, as the names were announced, he felt his heart sink. Golden eyes gazed across the table to the white haired man sitting under the looming figure of the fawn guardian. Aries would not have been Kaveh's first choice, regardless how many pretty birds the man sent him. The fate of his late brother always surfaced at some point when conversation turned towards the man.

Yet, before Kaveh could even think to protest, if he thought he could, other voices rose in dissent. Dante of Aquarius threw insults at the pretty pink-haired ruler of Pisces, the harsh words shocking to hear in such a formal setting. His voice was joined by the stern and accusatory words of Cancer's ruler, who seemed to believe everyone else was somehow complicit in the lose of Cancer's gem centuries ago. Akai's voice seemed almost to be lost in the noise, but Kaveh heard it. He felt sad for his friend, wishing she was not forced into such a situation either. Perhaps he too should voice his honest opinion, but then... he knew he had a lot to learn when it came to ruling a kingdom, and while his hesitation - and laziness - had thus far limited his rule, he thought that perhaps if he did this, it might make up for the months of inaction.

It was, in part, the voice of his closest friend at the table that swayed him. Eino spoke to his counterpart, Anemone of Sagittarius, in agreement. Kaveh glanced at his friend, thinking that Kaveh too should put his kingdom before himself for once in his life. Even as more voices gained strength around the table - the Gemini rulers clearly stating their opinion, and then the calmer tones of Capricorn's Faust speaking a moment later into the silence - Kaveh came to his decision. Taking the chance after Faust had finished speaking, Kaveh directed his gaze at Aries and spoke,

"For the sake of our kingdoms, I will work with you Aries."

To his own ears Kaveh sounded stately and regal, but then doubt set in slightly and he added in a more uncertain tone, "Though I do not fully understand the spell..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero
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0.00 INK



        - - -






        Jamarreon was picking at the rubies of his pomegranate as the King invited them to eat. He watched silently as the king was acting as if they were all children. He chided, then offered a solution. Even Dante Aquarius seemed sick of it, or he was just sick of everything. He was not surprised by his angry outburst.

        Jamarreon would be personally annoyed if the king didn't acknowledge he was the ruler regardless of gem acceptance or not- after all he was a ruler of something otherwise he would not be seated. Anger seemed primarily directed at Pisces even though she looked completely innocent. With pink hair and accused of whoring.

        The twins spoke up in defense of Pisces, which surprised Jamar a bit, as Virgo looked ready to say something especially nasty. He understood their premise, yet he also understood Dante. He couldn't imagine if his counterpart was Aries, because he knew then it would be a disaster. He imagined Dragan would let the world burn before working with Jamar, but he might be wrong.

        I could be wrong about quite a lot of things, he mused. All the other rulers in spite of Dante were perfectly willing to work together as Faust put it, with tied hands.

        Jamarreon swallowed a gulp of wine and looked around the table as he finally spoke, "I understand that I must work together with the Ruler of Virgo, and that I am willing to do despite her being an enemy. I do not wish to see my kingdom in ruins and I would hope neither does she," he briefly indicated the lady sitting across from him, he turned to the king "but you of all people must know after all of us strengthen our gems, we will all return to warring. I have unfinished business warring with Dragan. This ritual will never take away my will to fight for justice for my people. Even if both sides stop, I will not."

        He popped more pomegranate rubies into his mouth, and reached for the poultry that could be chicken. Eating cow was against his people's religion, and he may as well have forgotten the taste. His appetite had returned and he was damned if he wasn't going to take advantage of the tremendous amounts of expensive food in front of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Cloud

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #8aa5a5

Nadya Irne heard the king's words. She felt them sink into her soul and grasp at the guilt which weighed her down.

'I have seen your regret and thus wish to give you a chance to correct the wrong.'

Regret. Yes, she felt that, but at the same time her mind - stubbornness - rebelled against the claim. She was firm in her belief that, had Ophia not struck the final blow, the war would have continued for indefinite violent years. She sacrificed a slice of her humanity to destroy Chamaeleon, but to have the chance to restore her enemy... to make amends for her wrongs? She had not thought the possibility existed, but clearly it did. Yet... Nadya was hesitant. To complete such a ritual would surely be admitting she was wrong. How was she to explain this step to her people? Or stay strong in the face of her enemies when the king so openly exposed her hidden thoughts?

Nadya sat in silence as the voices around the table rose, mulling over her options wordlessly. She would have to work with the other rulers, both allies and enemies alike. It was possible that such a close relationship and access to their inner kingdoms would offer both dangers and opportunities she might not otherwise have. Not to mention the chance to be there as Chamaeleon's gem was restored. What would happen on such an occasion? Surely, the un-peopled land would be easier to claim in such a situation, even if it were only to claim back Ophia's rightful grounds that had previously been stolen from them.

The woman's thoughts were disrupted by the inane insults of an enemy, his words directed at the pink-haired ruler sitting to her side. Nadya's eyes narrowed as she took in Dante Aquarius, contempt clear in Nadya's hard eyes. She would not let the impostor speak badly of her friend.

"Clearly the King made no mistake when not addressing you as a ruler," Nadya said scathingly, "Such uncouth language does not befit a ruler of a kingdom. You have outed yourself as a brute."

Next, Nadya's gaze turned towards the eldest - save the king - at the table, and took in the appearance of the man who had once been an ally to her. His henchman stood beside him, and to both the men Nadya now spoke, "As for your gem, Lord Cancer, believe me when I say, if Ophiuchus had been responsible for its theft, your kingdom would look similar to the landscape around us after your betrayal. As it does not, I would prefer that you keep your accusations to yourself."

Her tone took on a softer note as she turned to the Gemini twins, their familiar faces a relief against the figures of her enemies. "Thank you for your offer, Cedric and Cellica. There may come a time when I ask for assistance, but for now I believe I should attempt this on my own." Their offer was kind, and had it not included the use of air ships, perhaps Nadya might have accepted. She thought, however, that she might ask them to accompany her to Cancer's land when it came time to visit Nuccolo's kingdom for Nadya's ritual. Surely allied support would be needed in such a hostile land.

Turning to the King, Nadya stood up, regal in the draping whites of her dress with her head held high. "I will perform your 'Ritual of Nubes Pilas'" She told the King, "But, is there a way to ensure my safety and that of my companions should I enter an enemy's kingdom?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Kaveh Mehrzan Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine
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                    Sanctuary listened to each word the king spoke, soaking in each and every word as she leaned back in her seat, sipping her wine as she scanned the faces of rulers and friends alike. Some, more or less ex-friends then others. She had no gripes, no problems with how this all would happen. Truthfully, the only actual issue she had was the idea of war continuing. Once they preformed this ritual, once they did everything they were suppose to, who was to say no one would attack another?

                    Her eyes glanced towards her brother, who in the shade of Dante's carriage and continued to make direct eye contact with her. She looked away in silence, shaking her head. If Uri wanted to side and fall in line with a tyrant, then who was she to judge? The massive, yet silent search for her brother could now stop. "Ruler of Taurus, Jamerreon Lacero your counterpart is Ruler of Virgo, Sanctuary Virgo." Spoke the King, as her eyes laid on the decrepit old man before her with vague amusement. She was about to speak, say how she would gladly work with Jamerreon, before her face contorted in anger when she heard the man from Aquarius speak. Still, things began to spiral out of control quicker then she could even imagine.

                    From Dante of Aquarius calling Dauphina a whore, and saying he hated the color pink, she wanted to hit him in the head with half the objects on the table. But she did note how this was clearly an attempt to not be completely vulgar, as she heard from him before. Next, was Nucculo and his outburst of some stolen gem. The gems were huge, and could not be stolen like that. She physically face palmed at that, pouring herself quite a bit more wine for herself as she felt something boil in her stomach.

                    Then the twins spoke, she felt that black hole open under her feet. She couldn't believe this vomit of words spewing from Cellica's mouth. First to Cancer, then Aquarius... Sanctuary was downing her wine, taking swigs at a time despite the foul taste. It got to the point where she moved to grab the next nearest bottle. And the fact the Akai was just going to deny Faust a chance to save her own kingdom... Gah.

                    But then, it just seemed to get worse. As others began to get along, and seemed to be offering their hand to the enemy, Nadya of course spoke up. Her tongue and ability to hold it was no better then this small child of Gemini, unfortunately. It kept getting from bad, to worse, to the Maiden's Hell.

                    The only saving grace was when Taurus spoke, a relieved look on her face as she actively nodded. "Thank the Angels, I will gladly work with you, Ruler of Taurus. To preserve our kingdoms, as neither of our people deserve to suffer for the grievance we may have. Enemy or not, I have no qualms with you. But, I have a love for a man from Aries, as well as elsewhere. I would prefer to not continue warring after this, but if I must help protect the country my lover comes from, let alone another's country, I'll have to do what I can." She paused. "But, even if we strengthen our gems, if not everyone agrees to this, then we will all suffer, as will all of the innocent." She looked at Anemone, then Dante. "Children, orphans, everyone who would have a chance to be great people and make a difference will die if we cannot come to an agreement of some sort. Dante, hold your tongue. Dauphina may not be the things you value in a person, or someone who is a bad reminder of whatever past you may represent, but think of the children that would die long before they were ever able to make it to adulthood, at least."

                    She held up a finger, sipping her wine again to get a breather. There was a lot to actually unpack here. "Akai, you need to grown a spine, dear. Don't let him change who you are, or endanger your people. Her voice was softer, but still firm as she put a hand on her shoulder. "Faust is willing to work with you, as are many on enemy and ally side alike." Sanctuary nodded, black waves cascading down her shoulder as she propped herself up on the table with her elbows as she locked in her fingers together and under her chin for a moment, gathering the correct thoughts to carry on to Cancer and the children.

                    "Ruler of Cancer," As formal as possible, she frowned. "I'm going to be honest, I don't believe absolutely anyone can steal another's gems. They are relatively hard to miss, and... well.. clustered. They're fairly large. As for you, Sister of the Gemini twins. You need to know when to hold your tongue, and when your words are so immature such as," The woman cleared her throat. The words next words rolled off her tongue with disdain. As if that wasn't fit to be said in such a formal and important meeting. "Bitch ass.." No one will ever take you seriously. I know I certainly do not. If you value your peoples life, traitor or not, your gem most of all requires this sort of ritual. Insults do not further resolution, and if we all don't do this, then I'm sure our worlds will end sooner, rather then later. In fact, calling Dante 'a few wrinkles short of a perverted old man', is basically saying the same as your own ally. And honestly, I'm not sure your correlation to perversion. That just seems to be as rude as Dante's crude behavior. And as unwise. Dauphina can defend herself, and she can hold her own. She's a ruler like the rest of us, after all. I shouldn't need to speak for her, and I do apologize Dauphina, but this is just... Incredibly unintelligent of the others. But I suppose I should expect such from you, at this point, Gemini."

                    Aery took a breath, running her fingers through perfect locks as she watched Dante's face alight in new coloration, one of pure anger. The twins seemed to catch his anger in ways she's never seen, personally. The twins triggered something, she was afraid to see the reaction to. Still, she spoke quietly, more carefully now to hopefully bring her rant to a halt to see what happened next.

                    "Also, if anyone here has daddy issues, it'd be me. My lovers have a tendency to be older then me, by quite a bit. Besides," She smiled as she leaned back. "If he had daddy issues, I think he'd be chasing every man's tail that even walked in here, or would pose some sort of threat to the women and their husbands. I suppose I don't understand you're faulty attempts... But I will acknowledge your attempt, none the less." Her legs crossed as Sanctuary folded her hands on her lap.

                    She almost wanted to say something to Nadya. Apologize, maybe! But, part of her couldn't find the proper words to do so. Perhaps she used all her ability to speak in such a manner with all the wine and the comments she gave. "Virgo will escort you solely to the Gem, and guide you safely through the Memento Mori. We have no qualms with you trying to do what is right, and right for the rest of the Kingdoms who here by want to save their kingdoms. I hope the rest of you will reconsider your stances."

                    A little winded, Aery seemed quite satisfied with what she had to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shio Akai Character Portrait: Dragan Úna Aries Character Portrait: Faust Capricorn Character Portrait: Jamarreon Lacero Character Portrait: Dauphina Melusine Character Portrait: Einosuke Saitou
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DAUPHINA // pisces

《 dialogue 》xx #a5b9d4 xxxx《 thought 》 xx#d69aae

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As chaos ensued, Dauphina's eyes glazed over. She was unsure of what to expect in this meeting full of rulers, but she surely had not predicted the events unfolding before her. Following the king's speech, there was an immediate outburst from her supposed counterpart Dante. His words stung as deeply as they were intended. She expected the word "whore" from the people that passed her by on Anapos' streets, but from a ruler she had imagined respect from, it broke her morale.

The rest of the words spoken were overtaken by the malicious thoughts in her head.
What have you done to build such a representation of yourself? Perhaps you truly are a harlot. A woman who cannot keep what was built between her legs to herself. A dirty prostitute that calls herself an empress. What a joke you are you unlovable sk━.

"━Dante, I understand that you have issues talking to people without berating them, but please, do it to someone whom will fight back━"

The words were drowned out once again as her friend and allies comment pierced her through the heart. She muttered a wince, but the onslaught of noise overpowered its noise.
How could she think of me so weak? I would rather be called a whore... After all the time she spent being lectured by Reko to remain strong in the face of the hell she grew up in, she had believed that she had trained herself to portray a more resilient character. Now, she supposed not.

Dauphina could not care less about the rest of the ruler's exchanges besides Nadya and Sanctuary's. Nadya had spit burning judgment in Dante's way, an act in which Dauphina appreciated. Though what surprised her most was Virgo's long retort to all those who were uncooperative. Her and Sanctuary had never been very close, especially as they were not allies, but the way she defended Dauphina's ability to stand her own ground was music to her ears. She suddenly had a new found respect towards the woman. A respect that would surely spiral into an overwhelming desire to woo her. Afterall, she was gorgeous.

After everyone had said their piece, she finally stood. Her height met Nadya's, a perfect representation of their similarities and chemistry.
"I am sorry to interrupt all of the unanswered questions and so forth," she spoke as she looked towards Nadya and Cellica with a pause, "however, I can no longer sit in silence. I am disappointed in the way I have been represented to a few who are present here." Her eyes remained on Cellica, a person she thought was her dear friend.

"I believe that I have shown more than enough that I am able to stand my own ground. I quite bluntly would be deep within the scummy grounds of the streets I lived on if it were not for my ability to fight back." Somehow, her voice remained steady and passionate. A voice that she was not so sure she could muster given the circumstances she was faced with. "I am deeply embarrassed by how you portray me Cellica."

She sighed and moved her gaze to the man next to her.
"Dante, I am unsure of what I have done to deserve such distaste from you. I offer my dearest condolences if you will let your kingdom suffer over something unforgivable that I have done. I, on the other hand, will gladly accept your partnership in restoring peace and prosperity as long as I will not be betraying my allies in doing so." At this point in time, it had felt that those hours within the carriage were not wasted. Reko's words had reached her subconscious in some way to make her speak the way she had. She did not lack maturity, but she certainly was not able to produce such elegant statements a majority of the time.

You did not screw up this time. Commendable job, tramp. She sighed in relief as the words finally were able to come out. Though, she could not forget that she had to show great gratitude as well. "Sanctuary, I am very much in your debt. I thank you for your kind words. Nadya, the same." With that, her butt planted itself back within her seat. Her typical giddy eyes seemed as distant as ever.