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Regeira L??man

Ready to observe and to learn.

0 · 221 views · located in Star-Ship Leviathon

a character in “At The Edge of the World”, as played by Layton Round


Regeira LƦman

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 59 Ā½ Kilograms (~132 lbs)
Race: Teela
Eye Colour: Light Green
ā€¢ Colour: Pale Blonde
ā€¢ Length: Shoulder Length
ā€¢ Style: Lightly wavy; pulled straight
ā€¢ Worn: In a tight, high ponytail or in a taut clasp on the back of her head. (Pulled up, the tail only comes out about 6 cm)
Skin colour: Rather Pale, not quite ā€˜Ivoryā€™. Regeira darkens a smidge in the warmer seasons.
Shape of Face: Egg-shaped, but with an angular jaw.
Teela Markings: Curling patterns on the shoulders and hip area-- down her back and a single thick line on her skull as well, running from in-between her eyebrows to the nape of her neck (Most of the one on her head is covered by her hair; only the tip on her neck and forehead can it be seen). They are a deep maroon.
Other distinguishing features: Regeira has bad circulation, which means her nose, fingers, and toes tend to be pinkish. This is more prominent in the cold. She also has two front teeth that are a little bit longer than the rest; i.e.: nearing buck-tooth-ish, but not quite there.
How does he/she dress? Boyish, but not extremely. Most commonly found wearing: Sleeveless alchemistā€™s robes (the kind with the rather large pockets), tunics with Ā¾ Edwardian sleeves, thin palm-cut gloves, warm full-length pants, her mid-calf high buckled boots (4 cm High), her motherā€™s hair clip, and her grandfatherā€™s sash around her waist to tie everything together. She favors earthy tones like faded greens and dusty browns.
Health: Generally healthy, but has been warned by her doctor to not stay outside for more than a few hours in cold weather, due to her bad circulation.
Disabilities: None that she knows of.


She speaks sometimes before she thinks.

Relationship skills: She attempts to be friendly and sociable, but her blunt comments can sometimes come off as rude.
Smoothing her hair back from her forehead
Cracking her knuckles
Rubbing her fingers together
Tapping her pencil/pen on a surface (she has many a time ruined a work-in-progress by splattering ink while tapping)
Improving and expanding older maps/restoring faded markings
Objectively describing strangers thoroughly in her notebook
Reading books about exploration
Dabbling in her grandfatherā€™s advanced alchemy texts (while heā€™s out of town, of course)
Styling her sistersā€™ hair
Favorite Sayings: ā€œWho in the world invented rhetorical questions? They get me into trouble.ā€
ā€œArenā€™t you cold?ā€
ā€œPlease do not talk to me while I am inking.ā€
Speech patterns: Friendly, but to the point. She has a light tone of voice, most days.
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): In her beginning years as an unofficial cartographer, her writing and mapping styles of movement were quirky and awkward, but over the years she has begun to drive towards a more elegant and smooth strokes and sentence structures. Thereā€™s still very much room for improvement.
Educational Background: Due to her initial interest in her father and grandfatherā€™s profession as a alchemists, she went to the Academy for training. But halfway through the first-year course, she decided that she wanted to follow in her motherā€™s footsteps and become a professional map maker. She saw the year through, but afterwards applied for a class in cartography.

Intelligence Level: Fairly High
Any Mental Illnesses? None
Character's short-term goals in life: To complete her grandfatherā€™s lists.
Character's long-term goals in life:To be known as the best map maker on Indri'Eni; and depending on whatā€™s to come on her voyage, the best in the solar system or universe.
How does Character see himself/herself? A student through and through, Truthful, Kind
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Rude, overly-optimistic map enthusiast.
How self-confident is the character? Regeira has confidence in her work, but when it comes to people itā€™s hard for her to understand how others react to her. (So fairly low in the company of strangers)
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? With most subjects she tends to be running by a more logical standpoint the importance of understanding the world around you is something she is very passionate about, and may get worked up if someone rejects the idea completely.
What would most embarrass this character? Finding out sheā€™s led someone astray with incorrect information.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Regeira is very good at describing new objects or ideas to others in simple and easily understandable ways. She is also quick to understand or figure out explanations that are perhaps a bit discombobulated or jumbled.
Manual labor is most definitely not her area of expertise. She has no lack of willpower to work, but her body has never been exposed to much endurance exercise. Sheā€™s got and aristocratic buildā€”not one for lifting heavy objects.
Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert
How does the character deal with anger? She usually recognizes the signs before her anger shows outwardly and mentally goes through the pros and cons of becoming visually upset. Usually the cons win, and she attempts to leave the altercation or its subject. Regeira is slow to anger.
With sadness? She tends to withdrawal from others, but welcomes comfort if she is pursued. Intense sadness is usually accompanied by tears.
With conflict? She usually attempts to view the conflict from a logical standpoint, working out any possible solutions if she has time. If the conflict is of great importance and cannot be worked out, she may possibly go into a shaky, finicky state of anticipation. She will usually brush off small matters.
With change? Change of scenery is something that Regeira enjoys very much.
With loss? Her practical thoughts and her emotional thoughts become jumbled when she loses someone or something close to her. She will be more irritable, and nervous. When Regeira lost her father, she went into a state of having bipolar dispositions for months. She is pained fiercely but recovers quickly.
What does the character want out of life? To learn as much as she can about what goes on in her world (and her universe).
What would the character like to change in his/her life? Being grounded to one place. Her home with her family and the academy are the only places sheā€™s ever lived.
What motivates this character? The need to understand what causes everything that happens around her.
What frightens this character? Not having enough time in her life to satiate her need to know.
What makes this character happy? New places, people that donā€™t mind her straightforward way of talking, working or learning new things.
Is the character judgmental of others? She firmly believes that anyone that doesnā€™t care about whatā€™s going on around them is not worth their weight in pennies. But otherwise, not so much. A person is a person, no matter their background.
Is the character generous or stingy? Regeira is conflicted when it comes to money. She was born into a rich, aristocratic family, and so was born into wealth. She feels the urge to give when someone asks, but her parents taught her that many people want to take advantage of wealthy people with kind hearts, so she usually restrains herself and declines to strangers.
Is the character generally polite or rude? She stopped actively trying to be polite a while back. She is courteous to her elders and knows to hold her tongue in their presence (after so many, many months of etiquette lessons, at least that much has paid off), but otherwise her quick mouth and stark logic with disregard for feelings may make her come off as rude. Whenever she feels she has offended someone, she usually feels bad about it later once she re-plays the conversation in her head, and will go apologize.

What are the character's spiritual beliefs? Neither of Regeiraā€™s parents were extremely religious, so she has a very open mind about what different spiritual beliefs and their groups of followers practice. She presently sees herself in the ā€˜questioningā€™ category.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?Not particularly; like most ā€˜kind ofā€™ religious people, she only pleads to gods when she feel she needs some sort of miracle. Which is not often.
If so, what role does it play? Not much of a role, more of a scapegoat for bad things.


ā€¢ Several constellation almanacs
ā€¢ Scrolls of her grandfatherā€™s ā€œlistsā€
ā€¢ Notebooks upon notebooks of blank parchment
ā€¢ Two large crates of ink, pens, and pigments.
ā€¢ Mapping equipment (compass, 90Ā° ruler, etc.)
She carries with her:
ā€¢ One of the empty notebooks
ā€¢ Thin charcoal sticks tightly wrapped in cloth to write with.
ā€¢ A small guide; Quick and Easy Healing Solutions: Beginner Level


Socioeconomic Level (child): Wealthy
Socioeconomic Level (adult): Wealthy
Occupation: Cartographer-in-training (Part-time space observer)
Income: High (Regeiraā€™s grandfather is currently employing her)
Talents/Skills: Mapping, Sketching, Writing, Explaining, Fast learner
Birth order: Romula, Regeira (second oldest), Nerani, Fedole
Parents: Romudandrus and Lelitha LƦman
Siblings: (All sisters) Romula, Nerani, Fedole
Spouse: None
Children: None
Significant Others (describe relationship): None
Biography [to present]: Regeira was the second born daughter of a wealthy aristocratic family. It was not completely typical, in the sense that her mother was an explorer, rather than a housewife. Regeiraā€™s father was an Alchemist that worked as a professor at the Academy for beginnersā€™ courses in basic alchemy. Her grandmother took care of Regeira and her older sister, Romula. Their grandfather was a world-renowned Alchemist and book writer on all things perplexing, and Regeira enjoyed spending her time in his study while he worked.
When Regeira was young, her mother came home from another lengthy trip with a new goal for the next flight: this time, she would be mapping out the area herself, not handing over the descriptions to some other third-rate cartographer. This worried her husband greatly, for it meant that she would be gone for prolonged amounts of time.
Lelitha reassured him that she would be home more often. Her employer would send her out into the uncharted areas, have her sketch out roughs of the birds-eye view, and then bring them home to create the actual map, which would take months. She would be making even more money than before, and she would stay home as well.
As the years passed, and Regeira gained her second sister, Lelitha began to grow weary. Everyone in the family could sense the change, and Romudandrus pleaded to his wife not to leave on her next expedition. She let him know how silly it was to be worried for her, and took off anyway. Romudandrus waited fearfully for his wife to return. After three weeks and no sign of her return, Regeiraā€™s father called leave off work and went out on his own.
ā€œIā€™ll be back. I just need to pick up your mother.ā€ The last words Regeira ever heard her father speak.
Lelitha appeared a month later, sketches tucked under her arm. The next day officials brought a large box to the front door and asked her if she recognized the person inside.
Romudandrusā€™ funeral was held in a field that his father owned. He was buried there, along with his ancestors. Regeira was fourteen, with her sister Romula nearing seventeen and little Nerani just barely six. They had no idea that another sister was already well along the way.
After recovering from the loss of her husband, Lelitha decided to keep mapping as a hobby rather than an occupation. She stayed at home with her mother and father-in-law, raising her children.
Regeira was a born academic. It was for this reason her grandfather allowed her into his study to watch him work, and eventually to assist him when he needed it. At the age of 78 he still had not retired, and worked by commission, selling a potion here or an expensive ore there. He wrote books on ritualistic magic and weather phenomenons, when suddenly he heard of a ship. A ship that would sail to the heavens.
Regeiraā€™s granddad had traveled many places when he was a young strapping lad. But at 83 years old and in frail health, he knew a voyage into space was a bad idea. At first his eyes turned to Romula, who was currently studying the geological history of their planet. But Romula was not suited for the task, he deemed, for she was too timid and afraid of stepping out of her comfort zone.
The two youngest daughters of his son were not yet old enough to strike out on their own. That only left one option. Regeira. Everyone knew that she was his favorite grandchild, even though he tried not to seem so. In the end he threw away any doubts anyone would present on his choice, on the grounds that Regeira was an intelligent, motivated worker and top-class observer.
He called her to his office.
ā€œI want you to do something for me. Will you or will you not?ā€ He asked her. To which she replied, ā€œWas that another rhetorical question? Because if not I believe the answer would be obvious.ā€
He handed her his maps of constellations and an assortment of scrolls tied with satin ribbons. She was then instructed to put her studies on hold, board the Leviathan, and answer every question on the lists within the time of the trip.
ā€œIā€™m writing another book.ā€ He laughed and winked. ā€œDonā€™t open the lists until youā€™re on board. Make me and least four maps of the surrounding stars. I will pay you for your work.ā€
Elated, Regeira leaped upon the old man and thanked him, already dreading being so far away from him.

So begins...

Regeira L??man's Story