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Atherea, Age of Peace.

The 5 Holds.


a part of Atherea, Age of Peace., by Mathew Littlepaw.

A huge land mass witch houses the 5 Holds of Atherea. Mora, Evercrest, Ravenlight, Dragon Mouth, and Morning Star.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over The 5 Holds., giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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This huge mass of land houses not only the 5 Holds, but also a huge desert called the Red Sands. Call so because of the red sands that pile like mountains. Some stories say that the sand was once as white as the sun, but they were turned red after all of the blood shed in the early part of the 2nd Reckoning.

The majority the land is the desert itself, but around the outside at 5 different corners there lie large oases, Mora and Ravenlight, a huge mountain, called Dragons Mouth, the base of witch the down is located, a swamp, Morning star, and even a small rain forest, Evercrest.
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The 5 Holds.

A huge land mass witch houses the 5 Holds of Atherea. Mora, Evercrest, Ravenlight, Dragon Mouth, and Morning Star.


The 5 Holds. is a part of Atherea.

2 Places in The 5 Holds.:


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Character Portrait: Arktorius Malakath Character Portrait: Azazel
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The God of Death and Lord of the Void watched with pride as his radiant brother soared into the sky. His golden scales gleaming in his Goddly light as his massive wings flew on the winds of Atherea once again. His power swelled and the land felt the repercussions of it. Lightning stabbed the earth with its rage filled fury while gale force winds tore at it relentlessly. The seas rose and fell in response as the winds created masses of typhoons and hurricanes. The spectacle put a grim grin on the face of Malakath for of all of his heavenly kin Azazel's talent for death on a continental if not global scale was well known. It was he who once wiped the world nearly clean with a great flood. It was he who cast it into an ice age. The latter was Arktorius' personal favorite. Then the lightning of the God of Storms struck the ground with a force not felt since his imprisonment. In the crater created stood his beautiful brother. Pristine features unmarred by scars of even cloth. Azazal had always been a thing of pure terrifying beauty be that in dragon or human form. Arktorius watched on without a word from his demonic tongue as his brother formed his nameless weapon and the sky's crackled in response. The foreboding dark clouds growled with the fury of the storm as the God of Rage stood once again on the home he had been banished from.

" Arktorius, I suggest you contain yourself as well, less all be destroyed before we are given the chance to reclaim it "

He said, his eyes cautiously eyeing the fissures that had opened in the ground upon Arktorius' return. With these gates to the underworld open all manner of demon, ghoul and woeful soul could pour out and seek vengeance on the those who still possessed the life they so craved. Arktorius allowed a ghostly smile to etch his way onto his haunting face.

"Perhaps you are right brother... It appears the souls of the dead have not fed on the blood of the living in so long they forget their place."

With a wave of his gauntleted hand the earth trembled as the fissures closed themselves. The shrieks of the damned echoed out into Athera as the Death God refused their request for slaughter... at least for now. This done He who was the murderous intent in the hearts of men stepped forward to stand beside his brother.

"Lilith foolishly sends one of her beasts in hopes to halt our ascension. It failed in it's attempt to stop the blade bearer but still it draws nears..."

The haunting words of the God of the Underworld was not lost on his acolyte who was still standing a few yards away. Inglip shivered in fear as his mind grappled with what it could mean. If Lilith's monster sought to stop him it obviously had failed yet why would it continue? Was it soaring to it's death? For what purpose could there be in throwing it's life away in a battle it had no hope of winning. Not even the strongest of Lilith's children could think to stand against but one of the first three bothers let alone two of them. Even in their weakened states no creature but a God could stand against them yet still it flew. Inglip feared for what reason their could be in this. What dark plan had Lilith concocted to further dig the knife into the back of his master.


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Character Portrait: Arktorius Malakath
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The naked body of the Mother Moon lay glistening with sweat atop the bed of Malakath. The oval resting chamber of the God of Darkness in his Icy Tower. It was here he called home. Here at the top of the tower where his Frozen Throne sat awaiting it's masters return. Arktorius fitted the last of his armor on but took his helm in his hands, enjoying the cold wind in his hair. Luna sat up, the bed sheets clinging to her seductive body ever so perfectly.

"How I've missed your touch My King."

Arktorius turned with a cold stare.

"Have you now?.... Then you'll be pleased to know you won't have to suffer being apart from me ever again."

Her head cocked in confusion.

"My Lord?"

"Here you will remain, in the Underworld until such a time that I see fit to release you. You will serve as my personal mistress as long as I desire you to be so."

Luna pushed herself from the bed in an instant as she clung to the sheets around her body.

"But my great King, how am I to preform my lunar duties from here?!"

A dark grin formed on Malakath's face as he leaned in and held her chin is his hand.

"Fret not my flower, your celestial duties will not be hampered. The lunar cycles will go on unhindered, the tides will come in on schedule but YOU will remain. Your body, your consciousness, the whole of your being will be trapped in my realm unless I decide to release you. You will not be able to speak to any outside of the Underworld, your connection to your daughter has been severed. She may gaze at your image in the sky but you will be powerless to answer her pleas yet you will hear them all. Your punishment for your betrayal."

Luna's eyes shimmered with sorrow at his words yet his dark influence so overtook her she slowly nodded in understanding and acceptance.

"It is for the better Mighty God of the Void. For now I can better serve to please you without distraction."

Arktorius smirked and nodded as he released his hold on her chin.

"My sentiments exactly."

Turning from his imprisoned concubine Arktorius made his way out of his dark palace to stand before his throne outside in the winds of the Underworld. His wicked mind turned his brothers, still standing at the Grim Forge. They also drifted, even if for just a moment, to his servant Inglip who was dutifully awaiting his reward at the temple.

"Now... to which to attend to first?..."


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Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Aron Character Portrait: Alexy
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Character Portrait: Lord Inglip, Head of the Church of Arktorius Character Portrait: Arktorius Malakath Character Portrait: Athos Lorio
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In his small room in the Temple of Malakath Inglip knelt beside the altar that once held Frostmourne. Without the Runeblade cooling the room with it's unnatural power it had gotten considerably warmer. Sweat beaded down the nape of the elf's neck as he muttered his prayers to the Dark Lord in the darkness of his room. While his prayers were meaningful his mind was elsewhere. Still at the Grim Forge replaying the events of the destruction of Banatrix. He could still feel the blade in his hands. Still smell the scent of sulfur from the molten lava in his nostrils. Then the return of his Master. The majesty and pure power of Arktorius' return filled him with pride. He felt so honored to have been able to serve his Lord in this great feat. Though he had been promised a reward the only gift he would have asked had already been granted. The privilege to serve The God of Death. It was then that the room took on a deathly chill and Inglips blood seem to slow to a crawl in his veins as the fear gripped his heart. The light from the candles dimmed as the room was invaded with darkness. Inglip took in a shuttering breath of excitement as his mind made the connection. His master had come.



Meanwhile on the road an assassin sat in the dirt, his hand running through his jet black hair in frustration. They had failed, they had failed before they had even begun. So distracted by false dangers put before them by the Old Gods they were unable to stop the advancing sword. Banatrix had been shattered and their foes released. Atherea had already trembled in their wake. Now hope was all but gone for how can a group of mortals hope to stand against the will of the Gods. How can any of them hope to survive what was to come? They had all already distinguished themselves as enemies of the Old Gods, hoping to hide from them or stay out of the conflict was not an option open to any of them anymore. His icy gaze flicked up to Caylim who was still standing nearby. Contempt seethed in his glare. "She brought me into this. Her and her blessed family. Damn the Gods, damn all of them! The Old and the New. They brought this upon us. Their war yet we are the ones that have to pay the price. We are the ones who have to suffer while our world crumbles around us. This is all because of them..." He brooded within the confines of his mind. He looked away from her sullenly and hung his head in disgust.


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From beside Athos, Rolaf stood up and started walking. The rest of the group all sitting, brooding over there defeat. Where was he going? Everyone thought.

(Again. sorry for the short post xDDD Im trying hard to write without autoing people!!!)


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio
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Athos slowly rose his gaze at the sound of the clinking armor. Rolaf had gotten to his feet and began walking off, alone without a word to the rest of the group. None said a word to the solitary knight walking off. Perhaps uncertainty held their tongues in thrall, perhaps their own insecurities. Athos found himself drawn to speak up. Almost needing to call after the fabled knight of old. Athos pushed himself to his feet but didn't chase after him.

"Is this it?... Do we accept our defeat here and now?... Is this how it ends?"

He asked, honestly looking for answers. Some direction. It wasn't like Athos to look to others for help but recent events had shaken his confidence. His confidence may stand on unsteady ground but another emotion began to invade the space left by it. Anger, anger at the Gods. Both factions of them for what they've done. Anger at the Old Gods for forcing their curelty on Atherea. Anger at the New Gods for the arrogance in which they call the mortal men and women to fight their battles. His fists clenched as he spoke again.

"Do we lay down our lives and accept our fates are not ours to choose? Should we just commend our souls to Malakath's door for we are too weak to fight for them?... I say nay... Not anymore. Too long have we mortals suffered under the lash of the Gods, the Old and the New. Too long have we had to bear the weight of their lofty rule. Too long have we paid the price for their childish disputes. There must come a time where someone is going to have to take a stand. There must come a day where someone will have to say enough!"

Athos took a bold step forward, his heart beating with the rage of a man abused by forces beyond his comprehension. His blood burned with an anger of pure contempt for his so called heavanly masters.

"I say that day has come. I say that time is now."

His words were passionate and filled with raw emotion. His stirring speech reached out and touched the hearts and minds of all those in attendance. The spark ahd been lit and the time for mortal men and women to choose their fates for themselves had begun.


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"... Angels Landing..." Rolaf stated as he resumed walking, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Thats where i am headed... Those of you who think they can fight back, then we walk to Dragons Mouth..." With that, Rolaf walked east, his sword in hand and fire in his heart.

Others followed Rolaf, while others stood behind in defeat.

(Wow o_o There is just.... Wow.. i am haveing writers block SO BAD =_=)


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Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Aron Character Portrait: Alexy
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Aron appeared before the group just before Rolaf could stray too far. He appeared just in time to hear Athos saying "I say that day has come. I say that time is now." no one had noticed Aron yet.

Aron placed his hand on Caylim's shoulder. She looked up to see it was Aron. Caylim was stunned for three whole seconds and suddenly hugs him "Aron!"

The group was drawn by Caylim's voice and saw their lord of peace, Aron. Some went down on one knees and bowed down while some just stood there watching.

Time was of the essence. He couldn't afford to waste time. He needed to hurry and warn Angles Landing right after gaining information about the moon. He slowly placed his hand on Caylim's head and showed her images of the moon turning from shining bright white to dark and black.

Caylim understood those images "the moon... mother..." she was silent for a while and continued "mother was effected by one of the old gods powers... which one, I cannot say. I am uncertain"

Aron had questions but with no voice to ask, it was hard. Showing images too another sometimes may be misunderstood. Aron decided to show Caylim another set of images of Angles Landing. Images of her saying complex words that would turn off the barrier that is protecting Baron Praxus lethal axe "Eternity's End" and taking it back to Mora. Caylim locked eyes with Aron said "I understand, brother"

Aron smiled at Caylim and took a step back and suddenly disappearing.


When Alexy saw his lord Aron, he bowed to him. When Aron dissappeared, Alexy rose up to see Rolaf, a knight he always admired from when he was a kid until today, walking away. He decided to run to Rolaf "sir!" He caught on to Rolaf and started walking beside him.

"what is wrong sir..? ... where are you going...?" asking confused and curious.

"... Angels Landing..." Rolaf stated as he resumed walking, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Thats where i am headed... Those of you who think they can fight back, then we walk to Dragons Mouth..." With that, Rolaf walked east, his sword in hand and fire in his heart.


Barromier heard Athos saying "I say that day has come. I say that time is now". A while later he heard Caylim calling "Aron!". He saw his lord Aron and bowed down. When his lord dissappeared, he rose...

Barromier turned to Athos and asked "time for what?" confused...

Before Athos could say anything, Rolaf loud voice is heard saying that he wanted to "walk" to Dragon's Mouth. That statement Barromier eyes almost popped out.

"We have a completely functional Airship and he wants to walk.... walk...? ... WALK???!!!" Barromier then goes berserk with a complete rage "WAAARRGHH!!"

Barromier took his wrench that was enchanted by Mora Ven and started bashing the Airship furiously. The airship broke and the engine exploded "KaBOOM!!" Barromier finally calmed down. Everyone was staring at Barromier thinking how are they going to go home now....


Aron suddenly appeared at Angles Landing, outside of the shrine which kept Eternity's End. He stood there in the heavy snow for a while, examining the shrine. The shrine was protected by great barriers and wards meant to keep evil beings and their dark wave from getting through. The ward was very strong that it would take days for a god to break the wards and barriers down. But Aron was one of the New gods, he is one of the good god and were able to get in without any problem. Aron started levitating himself through the entrance where a dozen of Royal Paladins disguised as monks was standing guard. Two of the Paladins saw Aron and quickly bowed down. Aron waved his hand signaling them to get up. He continued walking toward the inner part of the shrine where more paladins stood saw him and bowed down to him. Again he waved his hands signaling them to get up.

He finally reached the deepest part of the shrine where the halls was decorated and a large golden statue of Mora Ven was placed in the middle. There were no axe in sight. Aron knows the Axe is hidden and decided to keep it where it was. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't take the axe because he had no voice to say the complex words to break the stronger ward that is protecting the Axe.

Aron stood before Mora Ven's golden statue. He closed his eyes, rose both his arm beside him and the wind started to circle him inside the shrine. Every paladin was still guarding their designated post, standing still. The wind got stronger and stronger and stronger. Aron's hair waving with the wind. Aron's body started to shine brightly while the wind kept getting stronger. Some of the paladins got shaken a little bit but they stood their ground, not moving. Suddenly white hibiscus flowers appeared and bloom around Mora Ven's golden statue. Flowers to increase the strength of the shrines wards and barriers. Then Aron started showing images in all the paladin's mind. Images of the old gods rising and trying to get their hands on the axe... Aron opened his eyes, his body stopped glowing... Every paladin in the shrine now got the information that the old gods has escaped... Aron then dissappeared and appeared beside Mora Ven in Mora's hall, The Inner Sanctuary.


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Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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Athos eyed the newcomer with suspicion. The massive, moon blade she carried was unlike any he'd ever seen. Her dark armor clung to her as if was a second skin and she carried herself like she was considerately more comfortable in it then in casual cloth. The way she spoke tipped off the brilliant killer of her dark motives. Whatever she had planned death would surely follow. He had a mind to wash his hands of all of this foolishness but there was still enough of him left that was willing to fight to try and save this world. He clenched his fist but stepped forward to follow Caylim and Luna. He had no intention of joining the others to save the moon or protect Caylim. As far as he was concerned if you weren't mortal you weren't worth worrying about but he followed regaurdless. Willing to see at the very least how this all played out. With luck he may find some way to help rid himself of this trouble with the Gods entirely.


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PS! Rolaf is an NCP. Anyone can be him/use him .w.


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Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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The group had journey for a few days. During those few days, some of them grew close. Alexy and Barromier had introduced themselves to Luna Duskstalker. They told her some stories about their history and how and why the came to join the group. Alexy just wanted to help and try and know more about his idol, Rolaf, while Barromier was asked to help by Mora, not directly, to manage their machinery that he destroyed furiously.

They came to camp beside a road in the forest of tall trees, Wildlands of the Kitsune.

Caylim was feeling calm for that moment. Nothing has gone wrong for the few days. Rolaf has recovered fully and so have the others. There only flaw were only some negative energies that can be felt released by Athos. Caylim turned looked beside her to see Luna Duskstalker.

"I'm sorry that I have been cold to you, Luna Duskstalker" Caylim said

Caylim poked the campfire with a stick "you are right" and smiled "if we wish to survive we have to think positive.. there is still hope..."

A wolf came out from the darkness of the forest, dropped a bow on the ground. Barking and howling, he leapt all around it and started to grab Alexy's cloths on the wrist. Caylim turned to the wolf and recognize it as Taie, one of Takira's wolf. She examined the bow on the ground and was shocked "Takira's bow!" She ran to the wolf and pulled it by both cheeks "where is she, Taie?"


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Character Portrait: Barromier Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Luna Duskstalker Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Alexy
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Luna followed her new-made companions,even if she liked to stay alone,little further than them.
She now knows the dwarf,Barromier,an engineer and Alexy,volounteer to the war.She often focused on the silent Rolaf,the knight.
The only interesting thing he found was that he was silent...maybe more than her.
Another figure that attracted her was the mysterious cloacked man: She thinks he is....imprevedible,unknown...maybe because they just met.
Few times she talked during the journey: she started to speak more during the camping.

"I'm sorry that I have been cold to you, Luna Duskstalker,you are right.if we wish to survive we have to think positive.. there is still hope..."

She turned to Caylim and looked at her with mercy.

"Hope is immortal,unlike us....however it seems that sometimes it leaves us....I should say sor-" Luna was interrupted by a barking wolf,that dropped a bow.
She followed Caylim and observed the bow,suprised....a mastercrafted oak bow,surely indistructible and probably enchanted.

"Takira's bow!" Caylim said,looking at the wolf.Luna had the time to think..."Takira....the Goddess of Nature?"
She thought,while Caylim asked to the wolf,Taie,where was the goddess.
Luna looked at her back; Barromier,Alexy and Athos,then she grabbed her Moonsilver blade,following the wolf in the deeps of the wildlands.


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"Takira!" Caylim rushed towards her and searching for any injuries
"how did you get here?" she continued "what happened at Mora's?


Barromier had trouble following the groups speed and skills of evading obstacles and was left behind. He stopped, tired. He just watched as they all disappear in the darkness of forest.

Alexy turned around and noticed that Barromier was gone. He stops "Barromier?". Alexy turned ahead and the group had also left him. It was to late for him to catch up to them. He ran back to find Barromier, resting on the ground.

"got left behind?" Alexy asked

"yep" Barromier answer as he drank his bottle of water. He wiped his mouth and offered the drink to Alexy "want some?"

Alexy drank, gave the bottle back to Barromier, and looked around. The place was like a maze.

"You know the way back?" Alexy asked

Barromier looked around, the forest was confusing him. He turned to Alexy and stared "nope"

They were both lost.