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Keria Celticanos

The Mage Royal Heir

0 · 217 views · located in Riasha

a character in “Attempted Renewal”, as played by Kiyasama


Keria is 5'7" with red hair that she tend to dye either black or brown most of the time. She has green eyes, and is relatively pale. Her clothing is usually consistent of that of a goth or a punk. Rarely seen without her guitar and has an earring cuff on her right ear.


Keria is brash, standoffish, bitchy, and spoiled however, she is a person who thinks of others before herself. Often a person to rush head first without thinking if someone is in danger.


Keria has a guitar, and a spell book commonly with her.


Most about Keria is a mystery, as she was very young when her parents were killed. After that her uncle became her guardian and shielded her from the eyes of others. She is the heir to the royal mage throne, however couldn't take over due to her age. Currently, being the youngest and only person that was considered viable for the gathering she was thrown into this whole thing to which she really has no interest in.

So begins...

Keria Celticanos's Story


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Keria stepped out of her uncle's car noticing that she was not the first to arrive in fact. This didn't matter to her at all, it was just something she noticed. Glancing around, she noted that she really didn't know any of these people by face being as she was kept tucked away in her own family manor most of the time. Honestly, she didn't give a damn for being here in the first place. If it was up to her she'd rather be back home in her family's manor, or better away from all of this garbage. She never really got a lot of this political garbage, mostly because she was kept from it by her dear uncle. If she had a choice though, she probably would just stay the hell away from it anyway. However, she figured that eventually it would catch up on her and at this point it seemed it did. Though, it was surprisingly her uncle that pushed her into it. Perhaps it was because they wanted younger blood to give a different perspective.

Her green hues locked onto that of a tall man whom she assumed to be Theo, considering his clothing choice. It made him seem older, and if that wasn't the thing that told her it was the fact he was greeting the people whom arrived. It took a moment for herself to analyze him, in her biased eyes, but she automatically pegged him as some guy she'd rather not talk to. What she wanted and what actually happened however never really worked out for her. She wished sometimes things were just less complicated, so she wouldn't really have to bother with any of it all. After all, just things about herself were more complicating and she still had to have that worry in the back of her head. It was a question whether or not she'd be able to handle it in the first place without her little secret getting out.

Going to the back of the car, she grabbed her bag and guitar throwing them over her shoulder and headed to the mansion. Sucking up her thoughts about Theo, she approached him and with a disgruntled tone said," Where am I suppose to keep my stuff..." She did her best to keep her green eyes from making too much contact with his. He was just some loser non-mage of no interest and importance to her. The only thing she had to keep in mind was that she'd have to try and keep her mouth shut more then she really wanted to. Sucking on her fang for a second, she kept silent half listening to what he would say to her.


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Character Portrait: Keria Celticanos Character Portrait: Desmond Celticanos
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Keria couldn't really be sure how many people really knew whom she was, nor did she really care. Even if they knew whom she was, it didn't make a difference considering them not knowing what type of person she was. After all, Keria never really made too many appearances due to her uncle. He thought it was best for her to kind of be shielded away from things, and if it was up to either of them she wouldn't be here in the first place. Desmond always seemed over protective when it came to her, to which she could assume because of the secrets that she had were the reasons. However, that was one thing that Desmond could not fight against putting her through. He was the one that convinced people that they should group the younger nobles together. Keria was a more viable option then himself, therefore she was forced to go.

Desmond parked the car, keeping his eye on his little niece. He noted that for a moment she spoke to Theo, but that didn't last too long at all. He gritted his teeth slightly as he walked up to the elder vampire with almost as much dismay as Keria. However, unlike Keria, he hide his feeling a bit better then her. Instead he greeted him with respect, but kept from that awkward handshake that neither of them wanted to do. The two of them were commonly known to butt heads within the council, due to their obvious difference in beliefs. The problem was, unlike the council, he couldn't really sit there and influence this younger generation. "It's a shame I won't be able to keep an eye on things as well...." he lied.

Heading up the way Theo informed her to go her eyes caught the sight of a red haired female, to which she dubbed as the bottle red. Perhaps it was because she dyed her hair so often that she could tell that her hair was dyed, but it was just an observation. It was funny, because her natural hair color was red and she had black hair at the time. She couldn't help but ponder if her natural hair was black, but wouldn't that be rather ironic. It was rather obvious that she stuck out in comparison to most of the people that were here, her outfit wasn't particular what they would call 'noble attire'. To anyone who paid much attention to the humans, she dressed almost like how they would dress if they were into a darker type of music. However, looking at her would probably be the most interaction this girl was going to see from her, unless she got in her face that was.