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Annemarie Antionette

"My world revolves around me."

0 · 257 views · located in Lasird Academy

a character in “Augustin of the Midnight”, as played by Arietta


Name (Nickname): Annemarie Sue Antoinette
Age: 22
Grade: Junior
Gender: Female
Race: Werewolf (Transforms into a vampire Butterfly)
Archetype: Mary Sue
Position: Second in Command


A liar and narcissist who spins wild stories of her history and achievements at every possible opportunity, Annemarie molds herself much in the same way as a writer might create a character. One day, she might present herself as a poor abandoned orphan - the next, a wealthy heir struggling under the burden of her family's pride. Under these ever-changing faces, she isn't nearly so interesting - and maybe just the slightest bit insecure, in a way outside of the "poor little girl" image she puts up for show. Her unnatural intelligence? She might not have the money that she sometimes claims, but she certainly has enough to buy test answers from the upperclassmen. Her good lucks? Well, she does wear make-up, after all (though she'd never admit to it). The thousands of boys (and girls) who have fallen hopelessly in love with her? A few are made up - but she wouldn't know the exact number, anyways. And surely there'll be someone out there who truly loves her.

She is easily made jealous by anything which she doesn't have or hasn't done, and takes quick action to incorporate it into her "stories." At times she wants to give up and admit that she is a pretender - though there are probably plenty who have already figured it out - but is to prideful to ever seriously consider it.

She tends to have very good "luck." I mean, she wouldn't really be much of a Mary Sue without it...


Annemarie is an only child with parents who have an "on-and-off" sort of relationship (though it has never got to the point of divorce, or even separation). Her strange stories began at a young age, but were at first no different from those told by other children around her. Among her first was the story of her name - rather than admitting in front of her class that her parents named her for the fun of it, she wrote about her grandmother Annamaria, who died tragically in a war. However, her parents never really had the heart to shut her up, and so she continued to tell tall tales into adolescence and beyond.

Eventually, this came to the point of her telling stories about her parents - sometimes in front of them. Frustrated with their daughter, they tried sending her off to various boarding schools, but saw no improvement. Rather, Annemarie finally found an audience for her tales and a fountain of inspiration in their student bodies. She had average grades in school at first, though by making a series of deals managed to bring them up to the top (through genuine tutoring at first, though she later began cheating).

The tragic and heartrending story of her first love... Despite Annemarie's descriptions of her perfect life, her first love was a boy who was...imperfect, to say the least. She had imagined herself falling for a charming prince who would sweep her away to a place where she'd never have to work a day (though of course she would do volunteer work), realizing the dream that she had built around herself for years. Instead, she developed a crush on a boy who was just the slightest bit chubby, not athletic at all, and barely any smarter than she was. Obviously, this didn't work out.

Image References: See side

So begins...

Annemarie Antionette's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
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"Would you - Would you mind if I joined you in the Were section?" The slightly terrified-looking girl glanced quickly down, embarassed somehow. "Or - or we could sit in the Human section, if you'd like."

The way Zoe had looked at Laysie a moment ago touched her. Laysie knew that she had a tendency to be a bit irritable around others - something about people just put her on edge. She was most likely being incredibly rude, and the girl probably thought Laysie hated her.

What's wrong with you? she scowled at herself mentally. This is why people think you're such a weirdo; try being a bit nicer.

Though she hadn't quite liked the human at first, it was hard for Laysie to truly hate her. After all, Zoe had never done anything to deliberately hurt her. It just seemed as if she attracted danger. The way she held herself matched her face with the image of a little lost puppy in Alaysa's brain. Zoe's emerald-green eyes were always wide, and her expression looked as if she was constantly on the verge of tears. As much of a pain that Laysie knew the girl would become, she couldn't ignore her.

Damn these motherly instincts. . .

Turning back toward the girl, she smiled gently at her, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

"I think that it would be better to sit in the were section," she murmered softly to the two girls. "Less risk of confrontation. Bringing one human to sit with a group of weres is a lot less dangerous than bring two weres to sit with a group of humans." She shifted to look at Annemarie. Looking up from beneath her bangs, one side of her mouth pulled up slightly into a playful smirk. "Besides, we have the second in command of the weres with us." She laughed lightly, a soft tinkling sound, like ringing bells. "And I'd like to think that I'm a bit higher regarded than some weres in our gang."

Glancing upward at the headmaster speaking on the stage, still glaring pointedly at them, Laysie touched the two girls lightly on the shoulder, beckoning with a smooth crook of her finger. She began walking quietly toward the were section, noticing the stares of almost every student in the bleachers - and even a few teachers.

Looking back to see if the girls had followed, she sighed inwardly. As she approached the seats, she walked up 4 steps and swung her bag lightly over her shoulder. Scooting in toward the middle of the row, Laysie gracefully sat down and folded her legs beneath her. She took one last look at Annemarie and Zoe, then gently shook out her hair, inconspicuously sliding in a pair of earbuds. She reached in her bag and lightly caressed her iPod; music immediately began playing. Leaning back an inch, Laysie closed her eyes and smiled lightly.


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Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette
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#, as written by Arietta
"Shall - shall we go?"

The timid-looking girl - Zoe - jerked back visibly at the boom of the loudspeaker, again forcing Annemarie to swallow down a feeling somewhere between pity and annoyance. Really, what had happened to this girl? But it wasn't in Annemarie's place to ask. She deliberately avoided the headmaster’s glower, inclining her head slightly towards Laysie as she gave the verdict. The other were seemed as cool as Zoe was flustered, and Annemarie could only hope that she seemed a happy median between the two.

"I think that it would be better to sit in the were section. Less risk of confrontation." Annemarie raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised. For all the rumors flying around about Laysie, there were few that mentioned any sort of diplomatic skills. One would have thought that she was nothing but a brainless fighting machine - but she was quite the opposite, it seemed. Those vampires had greatly exaggerated their accounts of her violence. "Bringing one human to sit with a group of weres is a lot less dangerous than bring two weres to sit with a group of humans."

"Sure. They won't touch you." Annemarie nodded, smirking along. And it was true, even if her reputation had to be sacrificed for it. If Annemarie Sue Antoinette believed herself a saint, she didn’t really care what the others thought. “And yes. Laysie is quite remarkable.”

Though she doesn't get involved much, she added silently, but said nothing. After all, Laysie had been defying all her preconceptions this entire time. And it was dangerous to judge too quickly - or she might judge wrong.

So she followed Laysie quietly - a rare act, really, but one than showed humility - up towards the middle of the fourth row. A few of the weres glanced up, instantly suspicious. Annemarie glanced at Zoe - would she cry? As a preemptive measure, she gave a secret, hard look to two of the gang members, who fell silent for a few moments before quickly changing their topic of discussion. Smiling lightly again, Annemarie sat down just to Laysie's left, leaving a small (safe?) space between them for the human to sit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
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#, as written by Esana
Between who's stronger... Zoe wondered. It was something that normally didn't occur to her. Yes of course, some people were stronger than others, but really, was that something to fight about? After all in school... Memories began to flash in Zoe's mind and she flinched. Of course - power plays. She'd gotten caught up in the middle of one of them - and it had hurt her so much when she'd finally gotten out. Would that same thing happen here? She looked at Annemarie - at Laysie. If they were caught in the wars -

"I do believe that we're cooler, however," Laysie finished with a light smile.

It seemed like a joke, so Zoe smiled back, although her expression was a bit more uncertain. She could feel herself warming to the girl though - she seemed honest - she'd freely admitted that she sometimes judged the other races - but she'd still been nice to her, a human, and most of all, Laysie seemed nice - a little standoffish maybe, but nice. Zoe blinked at Laysie as she turned her attention to her bag, pulling out a pocketwatch and looking at the screen. Her expression lightened slightly - or so it seemed to Zoe - and then she looked back at Zoe.

She seemed to have become a lot more serious now, warning Zoe off the other races - to 'be wary of anyone of another race that talks to you'. Zoe nodded her head slowly, although she did feel a bit of a bitter prick at the words. It was just another cycle - impossible to trust anyone -

No, Zoe thought. I can trust Laysie. And I can trust Annemarie. Zoe glanced at the other girl, who looked flawless and perfectly positioned and then at Laysie, who was more relaxed, but still gave off an aura of confidence and strength that Zoe felt that she could lean into if need be.

"Alright," She said softly as Laysie looked around at the people around them. "Thank you for the warning."

She turned back now and addressed Zoe again. "And about the second-in-command...If each group didn't have a leader, and a second-in-command to fill in, there would be chaos ensuing in the school. People would be constantly attack each other. Our leaders just...keep order."

At the words, Zoe lightened a bit. Despite her feelings that Annemarie was trustworthy, there was a niggling thought at the back of her mind that Annemarie might not be - trustworthy that is. If she was one of the leaders of the gangs - didn't that mean that she was the one who instigated the violence and the prejudice?

But apparently, that wasn't it. Zoe felt relief flood into her. She opened her mouth to ask Alaysa another question - why was it like this, who'd started this 'tradition' of fighting - but the girl's expression had closed a bit and she turned away from Zoe.

The sudden change caused Zoe's eyes to widen and for to wonder, almost panicked, what she'd done wrong. Had she asked too many questions? She stared at Laysie for a moment, but then slowly turned to face the front again. There was a closing demonstration and speech going on - the words and the music washed past her.

"And lastly," the principal said, ignoring the fact that half the student audience - more than half - was no longer paying attention. "I wish to welcome you to our school again, and I hope that you all have a magnificent time here." He bowed and then began to dismiss the students by section - left first, then center and then right.

Zoe jumped up startled and looked around wondering where she was supposed to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaysa Thane Character Portrait: Annemarie Antionette Character Portrait: Zoe Voltaire
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As the people around her began to shuffle in their seats, Alaysa pulled the ear buds out of her ears and let them fall into her bag. She stood up carefully, as not to hit Zoe, and pulled her hair back into a ponytail; her bangs fell casually into her eyes. Lifting her bag onto her shoulder, Laysie looked back at Zoe, who had stood up and was looking a bit puzzled beside her. Pulling her hair lightly out of habit, Laysie gently touched the girl's arm and looked her in the eye.

"Be careful," she murmured. "But know this: not everyone here wants a part of this fight." Looking over at Annemarie, she said," You can trust Annemarie - and me. She seems to have taken a liking to you, and I understand why you're nervous. But once you become used to the feel of things here, you'll be fine." A small smile flitted across her face.

Scooting past the girl toward the door, Laysie glanced back over her shoulder at Zoe. "Go to your dorm. If you need anything, just call. " Pausing, she smiled slyly, her eyes glinting playfully. "Perhaps I'll pass through the garden later; I'm sure everyone would love to see me. . ." She laughed quietly under her breath and turned, padding down the bleacher stairs and disappearing into the crowd.

Laysie quickly wove her way through the mass of students and pushed through the doorway. She breathed in the earthy-smelling air, closing her eyes happily. A drop of rain fell from the sky and dripped down the side of her face.

Good thing I wore my contacts today. . .

Leaning against the side of the building, she took a sweatshirt out of her bag and pulled it over heard head. She let her hair spill out the side of the hood as she lifted it over her ponytail. Slipping her moccasins off of her feet, she threw them into her bag while tucking the satchel hanging from her neck into the hoodie.

"Be prepared, be prepared –" She sang softly to herself, smiling slightly and looking up at the darkening sky.

As the rain began to fall harder, Laysie walked toward her dorm, her feet stepping lightly through the wet grass.