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Furi Huo

"Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."

0 · 1,172 views · located in The World of Avatar the Last Airbender

a character in “Avatar: The New Legend”, as played by .euphoria.



{โ€œSelf-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.โ€ โ€• Thucydides }
{Do I Wanna Know?: Arctic Monkeys | Walking: Ash Grunwald | Don't Let Me Go: Raign || Everyone Wants To Rule The World: Lorde | Save Yourself: My Darkest Days }

|Full Name|

[Natsumi Milliani Haiku] Furi {Pronouced fury} Huo

Nickname and Aliases |

Nat {Not common}, Natsumi {Hates, refuses to go by}, Sumi, Furi {Name everyone knows her by}


Seventeen {17} years old




Asexual | She rarely has an attraction to anyone, man or woman


Companion 2

{โ€œYesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.โ€ โ€• Bil Keane }

|Height and Weight|

5'7 and 120 lbs


Hourglass and athletic

|Skin Tone|


|Hair Color|

Naturally black with three streaks of red that she had gotten in rebellion against her 2nd foster family before running away.

|Eye Color|

Bright green with two dot of blue in her right eyes

|Scars? Markings? Tattoos? Piercings?|

Asked for scars she does have one running along the base of her neck from an incident doing with her 1st foster family. She does have several burns along her body from when she was training herself to become a close to perfect firebender. The most asked ones being the ones wrapped around her arms, sometimes looking like tattoos. They go from her shoulder blades to the tips of her finger on her right arm and her wrist on her left arm. She doesn't have any piercings, being against the idea and thinking of earrings as useless and idiotic. she does have one tattoo on her right should blade of the phrase, "Never forget" to remind her to never forget what how cruel people can be.

{โ€œLife can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.โ€ โ€• Sรธren Kierkegaard }

|{Quirks || Habits}|

โ–ช When she gets irritated she has to take herself away from what ever is setting her off and go to her secret area to meditate until she calms down... or the ground around her catches on fire from the candles she has around her โ–ชBefore the end of everyday, she likes to write something down about that day, something she has done for a little over 10 years. โ–ช Before making an attack, she takes a step back, breaths out, and then attacks โ–ช Only keeps her hair in a ponytail when she alone or training alone with just Asha โ–ช Walks around with great posture no matter what โ–ช Whenever she is angry, she will lose control of her powers โ–ช She is only able to bend lightning when she is furious and beyond hurt โ–ชRefuses to curse whatsoever. โ–ช Wakes up early every morning to get some private training time to herself โ–ช Refuses to go into details about her past, her siblings, parents, anything. โ–ช Always has photos of her family with even after all these years and all they put her through but, the corner is burned from when she tried to burn it but couldn't bring herself to do it. โ–ช

|{Talents | Strengths | Skills}|

โ–ช Gymnastics โ–ช Persuading people โ–ช Spotting lies โ–ช Flexible โ–ช Firebending โ–ช Great discipline and order {with herself and others} โ–ช Manners โ–ช Staying focused โ–ช Agility โ–ช Charming โ–ช Emotional Control {She's able to 'turn off' all her emotions} โ–ช Professional โ–ช Tracking people down โ–ช Leadership โ–ช Sharp shooting โ–ช Driving {In her opinion} โ–ช


โ–ช Too merciless and revengeful at times โ–ช Talking about her past without getting upset or angry โ–ช When she 'turns off' her emotions, its hard for her to turn them back on and begin caring again โ–ช Jumps to conclusions most times โ–ช Refuses to back down or give up no matter what the odds are โ–ช Small children โ–ช Very particular, bossy, and demanding โ–ช Defensive โ–ช Talking to people of the opposite gender who she may have feelings for โ–ช Anxiety โ–ช Ill tempered โ–ช Many pent up emotions โ–ช Too sarcastic for her own good โ–ช Her jealousy โ–ช Refuses to ask for help โ–ช Gaining control over her powers after getting angry โ–ช People think she's just a pretty face โ–ช Rarely shows 'good' emotions like affection, happiness, etc. โ–ช


โ–ช Training โ–ช Taking long jogs to clear her mind โ–ช Smirking and sarcasm โ–ช Firebending {Her number one hobby} โ–ช Pai Sho โ–ช Fighting โ–ช Meditation {She does it everyday} โ–ช Cooking โ–ช


โ–ช Falling in love โ–ช Fear of confined spaces โ–ช Fear of dying {Secretly} โ–ช Imperfection and flaws โ–ช{Kakorrhaphiophobia} Fear of failure โ–ช Losing control of her powers and killing someone accidentally โ–ช The avatar {secretly} โ–ช


โœค She's a virgin โœค She killed her foster family when she was 7 โœค Sometimes sees herself as a monster โœค She envies the avatar and fears her at the same time because she is so powerful โœค She has only been in 'love' once in her life โœค


โ–ช Start a firebending family far in the future โ–ช To travel โ–ช To learn as much about her real family as possible and mostly how they all died โ–ช Become a master firebender โ–ช To find her last living sisterโ–ช

{โ€œThe thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it. โ€ โ€• Roseanne Barr }

{Blocking fire}: A skilled firebender can defuse and extinguish an oncoming fire blast from another firebender by using a swift kick, jab, or any other defensive maneuver, allowing them to stop attacks.

{Fire blade}: As a more advanced version of a blazing arc, firebenders can create thin blades of fire by narrowing their flame projections, which can subsequently be launched at opponents.

{Blazing rings and arcs}: Spinning kicks or sweeping arm movements create rings and arcs to slice larger, more widely spaced, or evasive targets.

{Fire bomb}: Considered a short range attack, a firebender can create a flame at the end of a limb and thrust the flame down in an explosive burst.

{Fire circle}: A technique to create a circle of fire and suspended it in the air for an extended period of time.

{Flame redirection}: In a similar fashion to waterbending, firebenders are capable of changing the course of an incoming fire blast and redirecting it back at the attacker using fluid motion. This move exemplifies the use of firebending as an extension of the body and is used infrequently in modern combat in favor of more offensive maneuvers.

{Fire daggers}: Blowtorch-like jets which are created from the fist or fingertips to use as close range sword-like attacks. However, they lack the ability to actually block physical objects.

{Fire streams}: Another basic firebending ability, firebenders can shoot continuous streams of fire from their fingertips, fists, palms, or legs. These streams can be widened to create flame-thrower like techniques.

{Fire whip}: An extension of a fire stream, this continuous stream of flame can be utilized as a whip.

{Fire lashes}: An even further extension of the fire whip/stream, firebenders can create a long lash of fire and bring them down on their enemies, or create smaller, multiple lashes and envelop an area with fire.

{Fireballs or "Fire-jabs"}: A basic ability, jabs and punches produce miniature fireballs and missiles of flame. These can be charged up (refer to charged attacks) to create larger, slower bursts, or swiftly and repetitively fired to keep opponents off balance.

{Shield of fire}: This creates a protective fire shield around the front of, or the whole body of, a firebender that can deflect attacks and explosions.

More Advanced Abilities

{Fire augmentation}: Firebenders can also control the size and intensity of any nearby flames and can draw them in to manipulate them at will.

{Fire missiles}: A more advanced form of the fire stream, powerful firebenders can shoot long streams of fire that follow the target as they move.

{Jet propulsion}: Skilled firebending masters are able to conjure huge amounts of flame to propel themselves at high speeds on the ground or through the air; however, it has only ever been for short periods of time due to the short lasting strength of firebenders.

{Wall of flames}: One of firebending's few defensive techniques, either a situated explosion or controlled inferno, this wall of concentrated flames acts as a barrier to incoming attacks. It may be a more powerful version of a fire shield. It not only protects against attacks, but when used right, can be used to stealthily escape from foes.

{Charged attacks}: Certain firebenders have been shown charging their attacks before releasing them, allowing them to create enormous blasts of fire.

{Breath of fire}: The breath of fire involves the user firebending out of his or her mouth, mixing air from the lungs with the flame, creating a wider, hotter blast.

{Energy reading}: In a similar way to healing, firebenders are capable of using fire to sense chi paths and interpret spiritual energy.

{โ€œI was always an unusual girl. My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.โ€ โ€• Lana Del Rey }


A Dreamer, Determined, and Driven: Always
Opinionated: Often
Proud: Often
Broken: Sometimes {Secretly}
Affectionate: Rarely
Risk-Taking: Always
Ambitious: Often
Curious: Often
Self-Controlled: Sometimes
Modest and Simple: Often
Calm and Level headed: Sometimes
Defensive: Always
Sarcastic: Often
Charming and Manipulative:Always
Emotional and Petty: Rarely to Never
Persuasive and Stubborn: Often
Calculating and Clever: Always
Insecure and doubtful: Sometimes {Secretly}
Spiteful: Often
Prim: Often
Secretive: Always
Honest: Often
Loyal: Often
Serious: Often to Always
Romantic: Rarely to Seldom
Flirty: Rarely to Never
Sympathetic: Never
Cold: Always
Optimistic: Sometimes
Observant: Often
Logical: Sometimes
Hyperactive: Never
Sweet, Kind, and Caring: Occasionally
Jealous: Sometimes {Tries not to show it}
Nurturing: Rarely
Childish: Never
Particular, Argumentative, Passionate, and Demanding: Often to Always
Cynical: Often to Always
Protective and Possessive: Often to Always
Social: Somewhat isolated
Emotions: Somewhat controlled

{โ€œThat which does not kill us makes us stronger.โ€ โ€• Friedrich Nietzsche }


โ–ฒ Firebending โ–ฒ Training โ–ฒ Tea โ–ฒ Meditation โ–ฒ Learning about her family โ–ฒ The night โ–ฒ Charming people โ–ฒ Smirking and sarcasm โ–ฒ Candles โ–ฒ Fighting โ–ฒ Jewelry โ–ฒ Romantic gestures, not towards her โ–ฒ Traveling โ–ฒ Independence, structure, and discipline โ–ฒ Getting her way โ–ฒ Winning โ–ฒ Being in charge โ–ฒ The Fire nation โ–ฒ Other benders โ–ฒ Being left alone โ–ฒ Her burns and tattoo โ–ฒ Sneak attacks on others โ–ฒ Her flexibility โ–ฒ Jogging โ–ฒ Having her hair up โ–ฒ Sharp shooting โ–ฒPassionate people โ–ฒ Masquerades โ–ฒ Seeing people get better โ–ฒ Food and Eating healthy โ–ฒ Calm people โ–ฒ Showing off โ–ฒ Her weapons โ–ฒ The photo of her family โ–ฒ The heat โ–ฒ Chi โ–ฒ The summer โ–ฒ Morning runs and workouts โ–ฒ Storms โ–ฒ Other firebenders โ–ฒ Running off โ–ฒ Stealing and conning people to get what she wants/needs

{โ€œBeing deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.โ€ โ€• Lao Tzu }


โ–ผ Water {Swimming included} โ–ผ The winter, the snow, and the cold โ–ผ Overly happy people โ–ผ People who try to anger or upset her โ–ผ When people try to change or charm her โ–ผ People think she's a monster โ–ผ Being seen as just another pretty face โ–ผ Loud bangs and pops โ–ผ Fattening foods of any type โ–ผ Losing or not being in charge โ–ผ Her foster families โ–ผ Losing control of her emotions โ–ผ Jealousy {Hers included} โ–ผ Cheesy jokes and the people who tell them โ–ผ Spoiled brats with no sense of discipline, structure, or independence โ–ผ Games and taking it easy

{โ€œScars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.โ€โ€• Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses }

|Family Tree|Important People|
Asami Sato | Ancestor | Deceased
Biological father | Katzu Huo | Age:Unknown | Status:Deceased
Biological mother | Haruko Huo | Age:Unknown | Status:Unknown
Biological older brother | Ryuu Huo | Age: Unknown {20-23} | Status:Deceased
Biological older sister | Hoshi Huo | Age: Unknown {19-22} | Status:Deceased
Twin sister | Rei Huo | Eighteen {18} | Status:Living, location unknown
Biological younger sister | Mai Huo | Age:Unknown {4-8} | Deceased
Foster father {1st} | Hideki Haiku | Deceased {Killed by Furi, age 10}
Foster mother {1st} | Mai Haiku | Deceased {killed by Furi, age 10}
Foster father {2nd} | Lee Ryuu | Imprisoned
Foster mother {2nd} | Hoshi Ryuu | Deceased {Killed by Lee}
Foster sister | Rei Ryuu | Seven {7 at death} | Deceased {Killed by Lee}
Ex-lover | Maki | Eighteen {18} | Deceased

{โ€œOur wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.โ€ โ€• David Richo }



{โ€œNobody can hurt me without my permission.โ€ โ€• Mahatma Gandhi }


โฃRoleplayed by BleedingLover {Call me Jinny ^_^}โฃ

โฃFace Claim: Asami Satoโฃ


So begins...

Furi Huo's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: The Leader Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Fire Lord Ianzok Character Portrait: Aonani Character Portrait: Neige
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#, as written by Felilla
Book One: Hidden

Legend tells of a time long ago, when Benders were in a majority and technology fell short of prehistoric. Some of these legends start with the simple musings of a person who would soon become one of those legendary heroes. Perhaps these are stories you have heard? One simply word is a key to these tales. This word is simply the "Avatar".

So, you have heard the stories? Good. This will make everything much more simple for all of us. The legend I am going to begin is about journeys of a young Avatar, still ignorant to the ways of the world. However, this story is much different. How? It is very simple, actually. This story is different from the others because it takes place in a world where the Avatar has been nothing more than the whispering of folklore and where bending is a scarce as flying lemurs.

I guess it would be best to start this legend off like the others, wouldn't it? Then, I shall.

Long ago, the Avatar was a symbol of hope and prosperity. That all changed when Avatar Hotaru passed away. The cycle was expected to begin again as it always had, but when no Avatar was born for several decades, the Order of the White Lotus decided that the time of the Avatar had come and passed. The world fell into disarray for many years until all four Nations banded together. They brought peace and prosperity to the dying world.

That was centuries ago. The world has long since become comfortable with the idea of no Avatar as the "bridge between the spirit world and the human world" was severed and drifted into myth. Benders eventually became scarce as well, the art of element control slowly fading into the distance. It was no one's fault and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. However, the ancient Order of the White Lotus made a prophecy that the Avatar would be reborn into a new life when a time of war came to the world.

Sixteen years ago, that prophecy became a reality when a small baby named Asha Jin was born. She was taken to the White Lotus not long after being found bending water, earth, and air around her nursery. The members of the Order were overjoyed, but also very distressed. If the Avatar was alive and well, then that could only mean a terrible evil was brewing below the surface of the seemingly perfect world. After more than a decade and a half, that evil still has yet to manifest, until now...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: The Leader Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael
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#, as written by Felilla

She woke up to the smell of smoke. She dismissed it as a fire signal sent out to the cargo ships that always came on Friday. With little concern, she fell back asleep. Then, she vaguely remembers someone shaking her, yelling her name. In the distance is the sounds of roaring flames, metal clashing with metal, the occasional gunshot, and the screams. How perfectly she remembers the screams. She was stumbling out of bed, one hand wrapped around an emergency pack Miki had prepared for her months ago. the other around her glider. With a quick pace, she followed Miki out of the small house and into the facility's main courtyard. That was when Asha actually woke up.

She saw flames beyond the control of the Firebenders and devastation around every corner. Without a word, Miki gripped her wrist and led her to one of the other buildings. In her confused and terrified state, Asha could barely make out that it was the stables. Something light and feathery landed on her right shoulder and she glanced at it. Hotaru. It was nothing more than her dove. Miki started speaking rapidly. "You have to get to the Fire Nation. Fire Lord Ianzok will protect you."

Her words slowly sunk in and Asha suddenly stopped, blinking rapidly. "Protect me? From what?"

Miki glanced back at the young girl and smiled softly, "You are so young, Asha. You deserve a happy life, but the destiny of an Avatar is a grave one. You do understand that, don't you?"

Asha nodded, "Of course I do, but what's going on?"

The older woman started dragging Asha towards the stables once again. "They're calling themselves the Tsumi Ribasu. They are here to kill you, Asha. That's why you must leave."

Leave? Asha stared at her surrogate mother in disbelief. How could she leave the Facility? Miki? Daruka? Everything she had ever known? It wasn't long until they reached Asha's flying bison, Yun. The poor animal was obviously terrified. Asha let her instincts take over and started cooing to Yun, soothing her nerves. That was when she noticed the five people staring at her from the other side of Yun's pen. She stared back at them, but had to break her gaze when a loud explosion went off and she had to cover her face.

The stables began to fill with smoke, smothering Asha and the others. "Go!" Miki shouted over the roar of flames. "Hurry!"

Asha scrambled onto Yun, glancing back at Miki to see the old woman taking a defensive stance. She looked over at Asha and smiled softly, "Be careful, Asha! The others will protect you!"

A man stepped into the stables and Asha's eyes widened when she saw his mask. He walked calmly, as if nothing was happening in that moment. "Go!" Miki yelled.

The young girl nodded, "Yun, iku!"

The flying bison took off and out of the roofless stable, Asha's dove also taking flight. Asha looked down briefly to see Miki putting a relatively good fight. She was about to smile when there was a sudden flash of blue electricity. The old woman dropped to the ground as the man in the mask looked up. "Miki!" she screamed, leaning forward

She almost fell off Yun, but someone yanked her back, whispering something into her ear softly. She didn't hear them over the ringing ears while the Facility slowly faded into nothing but a plume of smoke. Asha blinked the years away from her eyes, curling into a ball on Yun's saddle. It was gone. Everything she loved was gone...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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Sudhir was one of the first awake. He usually was, but this time there was a specific reason. He could be here a thousand years, and he'd never get used to the smell of burning. He got dressed, he'd never been able to go back to sleep once he was awake, even as a child. Then he remembered why he wasn't used to the scent of smoke, the smell didn't usually reach the Avatar's companions. He got to his now booted feet and opened his door slightly, to see through the window that flames were beginning to lick at the next building. He walked towards the window to yell at whatever firebender thought it was a good idea to practice this close to buildings, but he was stopped by the sight of masked faces and an unidentifiable ball of flame being tossed through the window. The Facility was under attack?!

He turned around and ran back down the hallway, thumping his fist against each door he passed.
"Hey! Get up! The Facility's under attack!" He yelled. Job one was getting the other companions up and moving as fast as possible, then finding the Avatar and getting out of here. He waited only long enough that he was certain they were all up, before he started running out of the building. It briefly occurred to him that he wasn't actually sure where Avatar Asha usually slept, but he spotted some familiar shapes out of the corner of his eye. Other White Lotus members fighting, and Avatar Asha being led across the courtyard towards the stables.

He ran to reach the stables as well, and hopped over the fence of the Flying Bison's pen. That was the first time he got a good look at the Avatar. Somehow, she struck him as shorter than he expected, but the thought was interrupted by the sharp crack of an explosion, and Miki telling the Avatar to hurry. The stable was filling with smoke, and Sudhir understood that if they wanted to make it, they had to leave now. However, he stopped before he got on the Bison, and cupped his hands to give a boost to those who needed it. He also counted out who was getting on ahead of him while doing this, making sure they were all there. He was the last to get on.

He followed the Avatar's gaze and watched Miki fall. He gritted his teeth on a curse, especially at the Avatar's anguished scream. For a moment, he was frightened the dark-haired girl would fall from the Bison, and he grabbed the back of her shirt and tugged her into a less precarious position. However, he didn't say anything, just pulled her back and handed her off to someone, anyone else, someone who was better at comforting people than he was. Once he had done another headcount, he sighed and looked over at the Bison's head.
"I hope you know which way to go." He said to the creature.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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#, as written by Keen

'Ugh, what a racket...' With an annoyed grunt the girl rolled over on her side, she was an early riser but -this- was a little ridiculous. As the distinct smell of smoke met her nose however she slowly sat up with a yawn and scratched her head. "Ugh... Who in the world is playing with fire at this hour?..." Her monologue was promptly interrupted as her ears twitched at the sound of footfalls down the hallway outside her door, someone was running by and as they reached her door knocked with some respectable force, shouting "Hey! Get up! The Facility's under attack!" before moving on and repeating this at the other doors.

What she heard took a moment to set in. She blinked, 'Attack?...' And with a sudden burst of energy and adrenaline the covers of her bed were tossed aside as she leapt to her feet and quickly got dressed and burst out from her door just in time to catch the back of whoever had knocked's head. Like a rocket she took off down the hall in a sprint to try and catch up, or at the very least keep her eye on him to follow.

Apparently their destination was the stables. Her eyes wandered as she ran, taking in the destruction and chaos all around her. It was surreal to see this place she had been for so long transform so suddenly and terribly right before her eyes. 'How many innocent and good people died here tonight already?' Teeth gritting and fists clenching, Aki tried to push aside the anger that welled up inside her, she didn't know who had done this but it was certain that she was now determined to make them pay. But that was for another time, right now, the Avatar was priority number one.

As she finally arrived at the stables and quickly glanced around, she gave a brief flinch at the sight of the large flying bison, she was never comfortable around these things. With a quick shake of her head Aki refocused herself at the matter at hand, her gaze now shifting over to who she could only assume to be the Avatar. A pretty and scared looking girl, a very real looking person, not the thing that fits the mental image most have of a legendary 'Avatar', but then again reality rarely measures up to legend. Her frivolous line of thought was promptly interrupted by an ear splitting explosion followed by the woman Miki shouting to them to leave.

With only a silent nod Aki approached the bison after the Avatar had gotten on herself, the boy she was following knelt down to offer some assistance up. Giving a small wave of her hand to perhaps say 'thanks but I got it' she took a quick breath and mounted up on the beast, grimacing slightly but shaking it off. It wasn't long after that the four others had arrived and everyone was ready to go, and as the beast took off into the air Aki's grip tightened, she wasn't bad with heights or anything but she simply couldn't trust the creature not to fall.

The Avatar screamed, Aki didn't want to look back, she knew all too well what she would find and it was nothing good. The boy she had been following early pulled the Avatar back to a more seated position before passing her off in Aki's direction. Looking more than a little uncertain she gently placed a hand on the crying girl's shoulder and closed her eyes, speaking softly in her direction, "It's... Gonna be alright. We're all here for you..." She wasn't sure if what she said was heard, and in the end maybe she said just as much for herself as she had said it for the Avatar's sake, but nonetheless, Aki leaned back and simply let the girl curl up and cry before her.

With her gaze turning skyward she wondered just what was in store for them... This was the beginning of something big. This was the day that all of Aki's efforts had been for, and she was certain of only one thing, nothing in her life from this point on would be the same.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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Neige woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door to his bedroom, and the putrid smell of smoke in the air. He coughed as he sat up, and heard someone shouting through the door. "Hey! Get up! The Facility's under attack!". 'Wait.. Under attack!? How could that be!?' He immediately threw the covers off of him and leaped out of his bed. He quickly got dressed and reached into his wardrobe to grab his water flask, his blue long coat and his map, as they were the only things worth saving and rushed out of the room. Neige heard the sadly familiar sounds of screams and the ringing sound of bullets being fired off. As he was running through the hallways of The White Lotus.

He didn't see any of the others leave their room, and he assumed that they were already awake. There were either injured or dead bodies littering the hallways and he did his best to avoid stepping on them. It wasn't the easiest thing to do considering all the smoke that was burning his eyes and making him cough. He tried not to breathe it in but there was so much of it in the air that it wasn't almost impossible not to.

He hoped that at least the Avatar was safe from all of this chaos, and considering her importance she would probably be the one that the The Order would try to get to safety first. He heard, the ear splitting sound of the wooden supports snapping in half like twigs and crashing onto the floor. The fires began to spread faster as the foundations of the building began to fall and forced Neige to pick up his speed. He thought about just how many people had died before he woke up and curse himself for not noticing earlier.

While trying to make his way to the Bison stables he also tried to help put out the flames licking at the wooden floors and walls of the building with the water from his flask. Neige tried his best to help those who were being attacked by the invaders while also quickly making his way to the stables, even then he couldn't do much. He had froze one of the invaders to the ground getting one of the children to safety, then quickly running off again towards the stables. He hopped on the Bison as the other men came into the stables. As he watched as Miki get struck down by lighting in the stables, he cursed silently under his breath and pulled out his map.

This was the first time that he had actually gotten a decent look at the Avatar, and he was surprised that she looks rather normal for an Avatar. He was always taught that the Avatar was the bridge between the his world and the spiritual world so it had lead him to think of the Avatar as some kind of god to be honest. It wasn't that he was disappointed, just extremely surprised at how casual she looked. This was also the first time that Neige had actually rode a Bison and he was quite scared of being this high up in the air.

"I suppose that we do know where we're heading yes? We should try to get as far as possible before we stop to rest. It wouldn't be safe to stay in one place for too long." He said as he looked at his map. "Also, is anyone wounded or injured in any way?" He asked as he continued to gaze as his map. Trying to see what would be the best place for them to go. "It wouldn't be ideal to continue flying if one of us were injured...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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"In and out. In and out. Peace and... serenity."

The young girl softly told herself as she could feel the heat of the candles around her go up and down all at once. The candles being the only light she had in her otherwise pitch dark room. Unlike most people in the faculty, Furi never slept more than a couple of hours. If she slept anymore she would get a pounding headache that did nothing to help her control. She continued to breath in and out softly as Furi stood completely still with her legs crossed and her arms held up in the regular meditation pose. She peeked through one of her eyes to see the photo of her family still leaning against on of the candle holders. She smirked a bit before closing her eye again and return to her usual concentration.

That is... until there was a loud banging on her door. She didn't even hear what the person had said as the flames went up a little too high before being completely put out without Furi having to touch them. She huffed as as reached for the photo and tucked it away in the pocket of her jacket. She didn't hear what the person banging against her door said before running off but, she was able to smell the smoke coming through the bottom of her door. "What the?" She said softly as she rushed to see what was going on. And once she opened the door she finally registered what was happening. She rushed for her bag that held all the information on her family and skills and attacks she was in the middle of learning before rushing out of the door. She didn't pay attention on all of the dead and injured bodies scattered around the halls as she rushed to make sure the other companions were all awake and protecting the Avatar.

She had one of her daggers out as she clutched on to it just in case she was having to use it. Sure, she could use her bending but, she liked a challenge. Even if using her daggers against a real opponent wasn't a challenge it was much more fun than just burning them to a crisp. She followed the mysterious person as they turned. With every turn, it became more obvious where they wanted the avatar and companions to go in order to escape.

"The stables." She picked up the pace just to have one of the beams break under the pressure, making the slender girl having to jump in order to prevent herself from being buried under the burning debris as she hurried towards the stables just to see all of the other companions and the avatar. She could see the bison about to take off, so she ran towards and grabbed the back of the bison and held on with a tight grip. She tossed her bag up before pulling herself up to the others and looking towards the other.

They all seemed a bit shaken up about what was happening around them. She turned towards where everyone else was looking and watched as lightning struck down hitting Miki. She closed her eyes just as the blue lightning hit her and cleared her throat as she opened her eyes. And when she opened her eyes she watched as a small girl almost fell off of the flying animal. She put her arm over where she was about to fall, making it easier for someone to pull her back into the seat.

She looked towards the avatar and she seemed like a little girl, this... this was the person Furi had envied and feared. Sure, she respected her and would protect her if need be but, she didn't seem like she was even close to knowing the first thing about being the Avatar. She turned her cold green eyes towards Neige who was wondering if they knew where they were going. Furi had a few ideas but, she just shrugged before crossing her legs and closed her eyes in order to calm herself down. She may have seemed calm on the outside but on the inside, her heart was pounding, her anxiety was acting up and all of the fire and lightning reminded her of the night she brought harm to her foster family. A day she hated to remember.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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"I suppose that we do know where we're heading yes? We should try to get as far as possible before we stop to rest. It wouldn't be safe to stay in one place for too long." Said one of the other boys among the companions, Neige, if Sudhir remembered his name correctly, as he produced a map. The dark haired Earthbender turned his eyes skyward, trying to remember what he'd learned about navigating by the stars from his mother. It was a useful skill to have in rural countryside filled with mostly identical fields.
"We're currently heading... West, I think." He offered, but he had to admit, he didn't actually know where their final destination was. He assumed it was to the leader of one of the Four Nations, but which one? He glanced back over his shoulder at the others, but refrained from saying anything more.

"Also, is anyone wounded or injured in any way? It wouldn't be ideal to continue flying if one of us were injured..." Neige said. Sudhir thought for a moment, before shaking his head. He'd been pretty single minded in finding Avatar Asha, if he'd sustained any injury, it was minor, and lost in the shock and adrenaline. He sighed, resting one of his arms on his knee. He started absently carding through the fur on the bisons head. It occurred to him that, with his, as normal, ripped shirt, it could look like he was injured. Especially when he noticed his scar was just barely visible, and could look like a burn in the low light. He surreptitiously adjusted his shirt, so that the tear no longer showed any of his scar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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#, as written by Felilla

Asha was far from okay, but she had to get a hold of herself. She was the Avatar for Spirit's sake. Instead of crying, she should have been leading them. And that's what she planned to do. She sat up, taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from her eyes. The smell of smoke still lingered in her senses, but she forced it out of her mind. Her mind drifted back to her last conversation with Miki. Where did she say they needed to go? "We need to go to the Fire Nation," she whispered to herself before repeating her sentence more loudly so everyone could hear her. "For now, we should get as far as we can from the Facility, then worry about getting there."

She nodded as if to reassure herself that it was the right course of action. The people that attacked them would most likely check closer compounds used by the Order of the White Lotus. Asha crawled forward to look at the Waterbender boy's map. "We should travel to Kyoshi Island. They'll protect us for a short time and it didn't seem as though the intruders had flying bison or planes, so I would assume they came by boat or submarine," Asha rubbed her eyes tiredly. She had barely gotten a few hours of sleep before she was woken up. She had to stay awake though. "Once we have enough supplies, we'll backtrack to the Fire Nation... Am I forgetting anything?"

She looked up from the map and at her five companions, a questioning gaze in her bright blue eyes.

Map of the Avatar World
The Facility is on the small island North East of of #25.
Kyoshi Island is #39.
The Fire Nation Royal Palace is #57.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asha Jin Character Portrait: Furi Huo Character Portrait: Neige Character Portrait: Akiko Iida Character Portrait: Garkan Anael Character Portrait: Bipin Sudhir
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#, as written by Keen

As Aki sat atop the flying beast and gazed up at the passing sky and silently listened to the conversation that went around her she heaved a heavy sigh and closed her eyes. She couldn't shake the discomfort she felt sitting atop this large, flying beast but with a shake of her head she tried to push that away to the back of her mind as she refocused herself on the Avatar and her fellow companions around her.

Though she tried her best to hide it, she still looked uneasy as she nodded her head in the Avatar's direction and spoke the first time that night, "I think the Avatar's right. We should get as far as we can for now... We'll need supplies soon enough and after that we should head straight for the Fire Nation."

With that she crossed her arms and scanned her gaze over everyone who was present, "And uh... Maybe some proper introductions are in order?... I'm Akiko Iida... But you can all just call me Aki. I'm uh, not a bender but I'll do my best to support and protect you all."

She cleared her throat a bit awkwardly and dipped her head in a small bow towards the group as she waited for their replies.