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"Nothing will stand in my way, not even you."

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a character in “Avatar: The Story Untold”, as played by Sacred Wolf





- Nickname: Roko, Hiro
- Age: 25
- Gender: Female
- Role: Main Bender
- Main Element: Fire
- Second Element: Lightning


- Hair and Eyes: If one were to describe Hiroko’s eyes, they would compare them to honey gold and amber in color, common to one born in the fire nation. They say a person’s eyes are the windows to their soul, and for Hiroko, that is true. They are expressive yet remain with a type of noble air about them, giving them an alluring passive expression. Her eyes are usually highlighted and accented with brown shades of eye shadow along with pale reds and golds. Her eyes are accompanied by defined eyebrows that appear a dark auburn brown, just a bit darker than her hair color, and are arched. A deep red colors most of Hiroko’s bonce. Occasionally it will look a light orange color, but that is due to the lighter streaks that course through her hair. It is long, resting against her hips and thighs. Most of the time, she will pull it into a loose braid from the bottom half of her hair. The top half is split to the left side and fluffed out a bit. Other times she will leave it loose and let it rest to its full length. She usually has some type of gold band with a jewel in the middle across her forehead and in her hair.

- Complexion: Being born to the fire nation often leaves one with pale skin. Hiroko does have pale skin, but it is an olive color in complexion due to being in the sun as a child to practice her bending techniques. Her skin appears smooth and unblemished, however; she has a scar on her collar bone that reaches to the tip of her shoulder. It is the result of carelessness and poor judgment. Her lips are somewhat full, mainly medium in size, and are usually painted a natural color to a light brown color. She has a strong jaw-line and high cheekbones that are usually colored a light brown or pink color. She prefers it to be natural colors so that it does not clash with her complexion or eyes.

- Height and Weight: 5’5 | 125lbs.

- Body Type: Hiroko has a slim frame with noticeable curves around her hips and thighs. She has a wide waist which is desired by most who wish to be able to birth children without complications. Her bosom isn’t as large as most, which she is grateful for, and can be considered average. She is firm in stomach and in arms with thick legs. She works more with her legs than she does with her arms and has very little upper body strength, however; it is still there somewhat as she usually hovers with her firebending in the air with her arms more so her legs. In all, Hiroko’s body could be considered hour-glass had she a bigger bosom.


- Quote: ”It all comes down to serving the ones who are fighting alongside you, watching your back, putting a weapon in your hand when you need it most.” – James Luceno
- Theme song: [ Lost in the Darkness - Nox Arcana ]
- Potential Interest: An Airbender Eventually
- Other: Like her future great-neice, her flames are blue. She also owns a dragon named Fei Long, who is currently missing.
- Personality: One born as a Fire Nation princess would have to be elegant, calm, beautiful, and unnerving. Hiroko is calm, and elegant, but she is not beautiful nor unnerving. From a young age, Hiroko learned that she could manipulate people through her status and charm as a child. She had people waiting on her hand and foot, and she takes pleasure from this. Like her father, she is hungry for power and will stop at nothing to acheive it. During certain situations, Hiroko remains calm and has a stoic expression on her face. She studies the way a situation goes before making a decision to act upon and is very cunning.

If she is ever calm on her own, Hiroko can be very deadly as that is when she is at her most intuitive. Hiroko is the type to do almost anything to get what she wants or have her way. She will never take no for an answer and usually can be very persuasive. Due to lack of a mother figure, Hiroko isn't exactly a feminine figure. She acts much like her father and shares the same vision as he does. Do not make Hiroko angry or she will lash out with a fury known to firebenders tenfold. It is relatively hard to anger Hiroko, however; if provoked or given good reason, Hiroko will become angered. Especially if things do not go her way.

- Brief History: Hiroko was born to Fire Lord Sozin and his wife, when he and Avatar Roku were not on speaking terms. As a child, Hiroko showed progress of a prodigy and began to train rigorously to master it. As the only child to Sozin at the time, Hiroko learned much from her father in military strategies and combat. Also, being a Princess to the fire nation, Hiroko learned that she could manipulate people into doing what she wanted them to do. Hiroko did not spend much time with her mother, instead opting to spend it with her father so that she could learn what she needed to become the next Fire Lord. She was thirteen years old when she mastered her firebending and had an advanced level to where her flames became blue.

It was also around this time that her father left in the middle of the night after the rumbling of an erupting volcano woke him, and her, from their slumber. She watched as her father flew off to help his friend, but when he returned, he spoke of the demise of Avatar Roku. Hiroko did not know Avatar Roku, so she was unaffected by his death. During the course of twelve years, she spent her time with her father, building military strength to invade the Air Nomads. Her father shared a dream that Hiroko wanted to help him achieve. It was also during this time that her younger brother, Prince Azulon, was born. She is currently leading the assault on the Air Temples.

So begins...

Hiroko's Story


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Zuko walked, arms folded into the robes of the Fire Lord, towards the archives. It has been one hundred years since his great-grandfather started the hundred-year war, and it’s been three years since his friend, Avatar Aang, defeated his father: Fire Lord Ozai. Strange how it felt to have his father and his sister locked up, but it was for the best. He locked the memories back as he approached his destination. As the messenger had mentioned, there was a large hole in the wall. It looked like an earth bender had collapsed the wall to enter, but there was no sign of actual entry. He walked into the hole and spotted a peculiar post. There were four stands in front of him; all had a particular engraving on them that he recognized as the symbols of the four nations. He was intrigued by the golden scrolls that lay on top of these posts and walked towards them. He grabbed the first one, which was on the stand for the Fire Nation and opened it.

“To whoever reads this, know that we tried,” he read out loud. Zuko quirked an eyebrow at the first sentence and pondered on what the message meant. Tried what? Who tried what? “Fire Lord Sozin must be stopped, at any cost. His daughter,” that sentence caught his eye. Sozin had a daughter? Zuko only knew his grandfather, Azulon, to be Sozin’s only child. Surely this was a joke? He placed the scroll back onto the altar and reached for the scroll with the symbol for the Air Nomads. He opened it and began to read it.

“It all started during the Air Nomad Genocide.”

Fire, it was everywhere. The temples were burning and the choir of those burning inside echoed in Hiroko’s ears. A smile lit her face as she continued to watch from the comfort of her seat. She was adorned in a typical fire nation suit; the only difference was the blood stained that coated it. It wasn’t her blood, oh no it wasn’t. It was their blood, the ones who call themselves the Air Nomads. She couldn’t keep count of the Air benders who fell to her flames, and honestly it wasn’t a game. Although she enjoyed what she was doing, for her father at least, she was growing tired. With a flick of her wrist, a fire nation soldier was at her side.

“Inform the General to finish this. I grow tired of this little game and I have other matters to attend to,” she spoke with authority. The soldier bowed, muttered an excuse and left. She stood from her seat and smiled. She would aid in this final assault to end it faster. The more soldiers that fought, the faster the Air Nomads could die. Then she would oversee the siege of Ba Sing Se so that the Earth Kingdom would know the might of the Fire Nation. She cracked her knuckles and walked out of the temple. She could hear the shouts of Captain’s and Generals giving orders to their subordinates as fire balls flew overhead. It was utter chaos. Hiroko walked around a corner only to side-step to avoid a gust of air that flew at her. A young airbender stood before her, panting heavily.

If this had been any other day, perhaps the young airbender could have been her friend. But it was the day her father ordered the attack on the Air Temples, and she would fulfill his orders regardless. She took a defensive stance as the young airbender prepared to attack her again. He sent another wave of air at her, but she dodged, twirling with the wind as she sent her flames at him. He deflected the blue flames with his staff and pushed a ball of air towards her. It caught her off guard and caused her to slam into a nearby tree. Hiroko growled as she pushed her legs underneath her body and pushed herself up. She charged at the airbender, using her flames for extra speed and slammed into him. A sharp pain filled her shoulder but she ignored it and summoned a small sphere of fire, pushing it into the airbenders face and watched as he squirmed.

“Such a waste for a promising bender,” she stated as the air bender moved no more. “But if this is what father wants, the annihilation of a nation, then it shall be done,” she spoke as the blue flame in her hand burned intensely.


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Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Kazuko panted, for an air bender she always seemed to be out of breath. Her face was blank, her eyes even more so, she looked like a living doll. This was the most effective mode of operation in such a hectic situation. With everyone running around screaming making simple and lethal mistakes, it would serve the population better if someone weren’t. Not that there was much of a population left. Fire rained down upon her home, she could hear screams of those around her, many of them the peaceful non-benders who chose to live with the monks or children too young to learn anything useful.

It was a slaughter; they took no consideration, no compassion. They weren’t people; she could name flying bison with more humanity then they. If nothing else, it gave her due reason to treat them no different. The monks taught for peace among all people, but this served no contradiction with violence among them.

She turned a corner, rounding into another corridor with bodies lying strewn about. A room that emptied into the corridor housed a small battle; fire troops were advancing with only about five air benders to fend them off. They were only able to hold their own by using all their energy to manipulate the oxygen levels around the fire benders, disabling their bending. However, bending wasn’t the only weapon they had, and the air benders couldn’t defend against both. It took less than a few seconds for her to see them reach the same end as the bodies on the floor. With no one left in the room but them, she reversed the oxygen level around them to be higher rather than lower and slammed the door. Not long after, the ground beneath her shook and she could feel the heat burst open the door. The walls were in shambles, the ground cracking, her still doll-like expression broke for a wince.

Her palms were burned, her ears still ringing from the explosion. She pushed through the remains of the door and looked at the remains of the room, there was a hole that blew straight out to the outside of the mountain. All she could see was sky and smoke. She wasn’t helping any one by staying here. If she could find someone, anyone, maybe she could get them out. That would be enough for her. But this, this was nothing. From her perch, she could see what looked like the fire princess. At least she assumed it was from the gaudy decorative dress and entourage. It was disgusting, not that she deserved even a single thought. Kazuko sighed and slid onto her haunches, getting out was only ideal in theory.


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Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Hiroko Character Portrait: Mizuko Eiko Hwang
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Maizhen rolled over in her sleep. The warmth of the air and soft grass was a wonderful bed compared to her boat. It was decent sized, being able to fit at least 10 people in it. Though there was only her, her small stash of supplies and Bohai her buffalo yak. It was a very awkward fit, and Bohai was never comfortable. He often would get out and swim. Maizhen didn't row, she just bent the water so her boat would move.

They first arrived in the Fire Nation. Maizhen hadn't liked that very much. The people were too stressed and uptight. The fire bending boys were very attractive in her opinion, though. She and Bo left the Fire Nation and made their way to the Earth Kingdom. She stayed there for a while, the people were great. They were all so kind to her. Finally she had made it to the Air Temple, well right outside of it at least. After many years of traveling and going back and forth between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom, she had set out for what she had always wanted to see. the airbenders.

She was awoken by the smell of smoke and the sound of explosions. She quickly got up and gathered her things. She filled a small canister with water and mounted Bohai, who was already getting antsy to go somewhere. He could sense danger. They started riding in the opposite direction from where the smoke and sound was coming from, then a thought hit Maizhen. That was the direction of the Air temples. She yanked on bo's reins and he let out an angry grunt at her. "Come on! We have to turn around. He listened to her and they sped off in the right direction. Maizhen was shocked to see the firebenders attacking the Temple. Bohai skirted around the edge, still staying hidden from everyone. She slid off his saddle. "You go run for help." she said and scribbled a quick note and attached it to his horn. He grunted again, refusing to leave her. She sighed and skillfully hopped back up onto his back. "Fine then, but if we die because you're easily seen, I'll kill you." He let out a happy sound, mixed between a horse's neigh and a squeal and they ran around the edge, looking for a good place to come in.

Bohai decided to come right into the middle, where all the action was. Maizhen smiled, he was just like here always dramatic and needing to be in the center of everyone's attention. That wasn't hard for him though, no buffalo yak had ever been outside of the northern water tribe before, at least not the Maizhen knew of. Mai bent the water out of her container and whipped it at several fire benders, knocking them off balance. Bo continued to run while Mai dropped water onto the burning people. Mai saw an earth bender fighting off a few fire soldiers, and was distracted by her incredible bending skills. Bo neighed at her, but it was too late, she was hit on her side with a fire ball and she flew a good 10 feet then landed on her back. Before shit hit the ground she was able to bend her water to put on the fire on her side. The wind was knocked out of her, and she couldn't breath. She tried to sit up, but she could feel that a few ribs were broken. Bo stood over her, but she kept screaming at him that she'd be fine. He finally listened and ran off, trampling the firebender who had hit her.

Mai dragged herself to cover with the help of an airbender who was doing a marvelous job at fighting back. He protected her while she healed herself. She felt weak after exerting that power, but she was healed and ready to fight again. Just as soon as she was going to thank the boy, he was engulfed with terrible red flames and burned before her eyes. She tried to put the fire out, but it was no good. With a new found rage she, shot shards of ice water at the firebender and she died on sight. Mai's nostrils were flared as she ran out from her hiding place and ran off towards the fight again. She saw a pretty girl up high in one of the towers, She seemed to be stuck or just contmplate her option. She was looking down to the center of the battle. Mai followed her gaze and saw a fierce-looking girl with a blue flame in her hand. She was dressed in fancy clothing. Must be royalty. She sneered at her and dropped a huge amount of water on her. Hopefully putting out the flame, and even better, probably pissing her off.

Maizhen knew it probably wasn't the smartest idea to piss someone off that had a blue flame, so she chickened out from the fight she had started and returned to her hiding spot. She was far away from the girl, and behind her, so it was very unlikely that the blue-firebender had seen the waterbender. Mai snuck out of her secret place once again and made her way to the tower that the girl she had seen was in. She guessed her way down corridors, not running into many firebenders and eventually found a large room that wasn't even much of a room anymore. She quickly made her way through the rubble and towards the girl. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, a large orb of water was floating and changing shape just above her left hand.

Bo was still trampling firebenders. For it size, he was very quick. He was smart too, killing then hiding, and sneaking up behind to kill again.


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Character Portrait: Tochi Shiguro Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Tochi Shiguro

Travel; the single greatest part of being free. Tochi had freedom and used it well, or so he thought. The one regret he bore was not reaching Ba Sing Se or getting a chance to explore the southern regions of the world. No, instead of continuing his travels further, he was found and recruited by the Fire Nation Military. Tochi had returned to his home for a short week only to be forcefully drafted. He wasn't sure to make good or bad of his current situation; he never had the opportunity to explore the Northern Air Temple before, but these pretenses weren't exactly... ideal.

Tochi stood looking down on a recently charred corpse. "This isn't right..." His ever spirited eyes were losing their glimmer, his gusto slowly fading. As a relatively fresh recruit, Tochi's orders were to eliminate any and all Air Nomads. Princess Hiroko was leading the charge head on, her fire bending was top notch to boot. If anyone could ensure the Air Nomads' extinction, it'd be her. Tochi's group was in charge of clearing out any stragglers roaming the vacant chambers and corridors. "Stragglers..." Doubt was slowly flooding his thoughts. His group charged full speed down the halls, incinerating anyone and anything. "How can we call this strategic warfare when we're just killing the dead..."

Screaming, crying. "The pain these air benders must be feeling is insurmountable." Tochi couldn't exactly think straight as he sluggishly trekked the halls dragging behind his energetic group. A extraneous fist broke Tochi's daze. "Hey, you, Soldier! Quit lagging behind, we're almost done clearing this sector! We've found a jammed door!" The soldier's voice was quite blunt, but Tochi had to follow his orders. "Aye sir!" He followed behind the soldier as an explosion opened a new corridor.

The new corridor had various halls branching out in different directions and large chamber across from their stand point. "Alright, divide an clear the halls." Tochi took the nearby passage which led to a hallway that received heavy fire. He scanned the premise to find two girls over by some debris. The darker skinned girl, she definitely wasn't an Air Nomad, unfortunately she was most likely a Water Bender... and the girl with the white hair, who was being helped by the Water Bender, was most definitely an Air Nomad. "Oye..." Tochi couldn't do much of anything beside stand, frozen.


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Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Hiroko Character Portrait: Shan To Kor
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It seemed as if time stopped. She felt cold, wet, and angry. The flame in her hand grew in intensity as she dried herself off and glanced in the direction of a tower. She caught a faint tail end of a person’s clothing and glared. Before she could go after the person responsible for spilling water on her, a sound of twisting wind caught her attention. She pushed herself towards the edge of the tower she was on and glanced down. There was an air bender making his way towards her. A smirk covered her face as she jumped from the top, descending downwards towards the bender. She propelled herself with her flames and smiled. She was ready for another fight as most of these benders did little to fight back.

This air bender, however, had a strange spark in his eye. Something she had seen in others that had abandoned everything they were taught and was ready to fight. It sent chills down her spine as she increased her speed. When she was in distance, she opened her mouth, spewing a large wave of fire towards the air bender as it surrounded the area, burning any nearby trees and anything else that was caught in its way. She was pissed at the fact that she had been drenched by a water bender, and she was excited to be back in battle. The two emotions were shown evidently in her eyes and through her bending.


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Character Portrait: Tochi Shiguro Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Tochi Shiguro

Even as a man who excelled in bending; Tochi didn't the conviction of a military man, let alone a killer. It was a pathetic site; such an open free spirit, forced to do the impossible. The plague of being a part of this, catastrophe, gnawed at his heart piece by piece.

“Watch it!” The voice cracked his trance. The spine tingling chill that arose from Tochi’s innermost conflict was suddenly ruptured, his control was back. A raging gust of wind was hurled towards him, forcing his back against the wall. Without pause, a chilling strike smashed his chest, pounding with irrefutable hate. “So this is the pain we are causing
” His uttered words were buried under the roaring twister that the Air Bender summoned. Tochi couldn’t help but attempt and understand the predicament.

As the attacks halted for a short moment, his entire body ached of numbing pain that was probably well deserved. Tochi could once again feel the ground. "Kazuko." ‘The name of an Air Bender
 how elegant.’ His thoughts weren’t exactly on topic but it was the least he could do to crack a smile. Even through the pain, Tochi stood up, listening to the Water Bender speak. "Don't force me to get involved anymore," Even after the threat, Tochi continued his attempt to stand and recompose himself. “You paused, as will I. Take a moment to think about why you deserve this, huh?” It seemed the situation wasn’t as bad as it could be; they were rather respectful considering the circumstances.

The ice surrounding the Water Bender caused Tochi some unease, he took a quick sigh. “Phew, thanks for that.” Tochi began to brush himself off a bit, avoiding his bruised torso. “I’m not sure what was worse; my body shutting down or your attacks.” That was the usual Tochi, speaking his mind and trying to crack a joke in a terrible situation. ‘How stupid of me, they won’t hesitate to send me to my grave.’ He sighed rather heavily, taking a stance and immediately launching six rapid-fire shots towards the six levitating ice spheres. “Sorry, I had to break the ice somehow.” Tochi revealed a light smirk at his own witty remark. ‘This isn’t the time to be messing around, though. I gotta get serious.’ He definitely wasn’t at peak condition; the chilled air, the aching body, today wasn’t a great day.

The silence, if you could call it that, was disturbed by a rather loud howling of sorts. "Bohai!" Tochi was completely lost, but it was apparent that the Water Bender was now in distress; if there was a time to attack, it’d be now. The girls muttered a few short words as Tochi stood awaiting their strategy. "Either you let us by, or you'll regret it," There was something different about this threat, it struck Tochi oddly, it was backed with real emotion this time. “I’m not here to fight you, to hell I don’t even know why we’re here!” The tension seemed to rise significantly, bothering Tochi. “I’ll let you go to your
 hound, or whatever
 but I’m coming with. You won’t survive down there with Princess Hiroko leading the charge. I know you don’t have much to go on, but just trust me.” Tochi’s composure had finally begun its return, the pain didn’t seem to subside though, but that wasn’t an issue. He kept his posture; awaiting their response, inter locking his eyes with theirs.


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Character Portrait: Tochi Shiguro Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Kazuko Mori

Kazuko starred at the fire bender drinking his tea, her hands moving to keep the orbs afloat, but the rest of her body motionless. He made no attempt to attack; he seemed to be calculating instead. Thinking, plotting, and Kazuko was worried. Fortunately, Mai and the other soldier made it down before anything started, not that it made Kazuko breathe any easier. She had barely been able to exhale since this whole thing started.

Mai was the first one down, addressing the tea drinker with a curt “This isn’t the time.” She went of the offensive, freezing his tea, not that aggravating him further would make things easier. The soldier came down next and Kazuko was finally able to move. At least she wasn’t defenseless anymore, not that she was moving any more than she was before. She felt still, the way he was so calm about everything was eery. But then again, it wasn't as if the fire nation was in any situation to lose at this point. The surrounding area was charred, there seemed to be little air bender resistance anymore. The air was hot and dry, the currents still. The outcome seemed bleak, but Bo still had a chance. Another groan was heard, Mai uttered a soft "Kazu, I need to find him. We half to make this quick." She was right, they needed to move. Now.

The soldier placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to scowl. The idea of a fire nation soldier making contact with her still didn’t sit well, no matter how much he claimed to be on her side. She knew him for only a few minutes and he was already touching her, her displeasure showed on her face.

Before she had time to move it, he stepped up, challenging the other fire bender to an Agni Kai, something she was familiar with, but had never seen. “Air Bender, leave. Go help your friend find her pet, I’ve got this. Be sure to keep your eyes open, I don’t know how long this will take. I probably won’t be able to rescue you two anytime soon,“ he directed towards her. Kazuko knew he was joking, but she knew how serious this was. For a moment she almost felt gratitude, almost.

For now, she was going with Mai to find Bo. ”Fine,” she said to the soldier and then turned to Ma, ”Let’s go.” Kazuko turned around, scanning the surrounding area for Bo. Taking a deep breath in, Kazuko closed her eyes. ”Mai, Im going to listen for Bo’s cries and try to amplify the particle frequency by accelerating the sound wave patterns in the air. It should help you hear it loud enough to follow it to where Bo is. Got it? Here goes.”

All of these techniques required a lot of concentration and left Kazuko uncomfortably bare, but she had to do it. All of the monk’s training was meant for peace, not this. She was so under-prepared. Clearing her mind, Kazuko listened for Bo, channeling and enhancing currents until she could hear him. ”It sounds
.southwest. But there seems to be a lot mo-“ Kazuko stopped, noticing a large company of fire nation soldiers in that direction, including Hiroko. She could feel the heat coming off of their flames from where she stood on the air currents and despite its warmth, it gave Kazuko chills.

Kazuko sighed, looking at Mai. ”You hear it? Hes back there.” The soldier they met may have taken on that one, but this was about to get a lot harder than just one.


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Character Portrait: Tochi Shiguro Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Hiroko was launched a few feet away and managed to grab hold of a tree branch. This bender was obviously powerful and she did not want to under estimate him again. Quickly regaining her composure, she stood, watching and studying the Airbender. She needed to evaluate her foe before recklessly charging into him again. He was using his twister to keep himself propelled and in order for her to have an advantage, she would need to disarm his twister and force him to the ground. The only way to do that was to dive straight into the middle and use a burst of flames to suck out the oxygen from the twister. After all, oxygen only fuels the fire. Before she could follow through with her plan, a commotion caught her attention. She spotted an Airbender, a Waterbender, two of her Firebenders, and an Earthbender. One of the Firebenders, it seemed, was fighting another. A scowl marred her face as she directed her attention towards the traitor. This Airbender could wait; he wasn't the Avatar. He was much too old to be the twelve year old kid her father spoke of.

"Good news airbender, you get to live today," she spoke with disdain. She twisted her body towards the area she had spotted the fight and with a powerful flame thrust, forced herself back towards the tower.


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Hiroko landed on the middle platform of the tower and walked towards the entrance to said tower. She was furious with one of her subordinates; he had basically just spat in her face by fighting with one of his own to protect an airbender. Even if it wasn’t the airbender he was defending. She didn’t know for sure, but she didn’t care. She was literally fuming with rage, blue flames spewing from her nostrils and radiating off of her hands. When I find out who that insolent fool is, I will have his head, she thought as she began to destroy the temple, burning the banners and breaking everything that she could get hands on. Once she was satisfied, she left and began her accession towards a particular airship. She ran off the side of the temple and thrust her hands forward, propelling herself with her flames as she glided towards the ship. As she landed, she was greeted by the low bows of the soldiers who still lingered upon the ships. She dismissed them with a wave of her hand and headed straight for the control room.

“Princess Hiroko,” a voice called out to her as she turned to face the owner. Amber eyes clashed with amber as Hiroko resisted the urge to frown. The man in front of her merely smiled, his eyes shining with a jubilant gleam. “I assume that the raid was a success?” he questioned as he walked towards her. Before Hiroko could respond, a flash of brown hair and a girl being led to a different room captured her attention. Rokuro followed Hiroko’s gaze and gently pushed Hiroko towards another room. “That is an Earthbender we captured during the raid. We are keeping her as prisoner. She might have valuable intel about Ba Sing Se and
” before he could finish Hiroko interrupted him.

“I don’t care if she’s the King’s daughter. Orders were to not take any prisoners. Execute her immediately,” Hiroko lashed out as she jerked her arm away from Rokuro. “And General, I suggest you do not touch me again in such a manner less you want to keep that arm,” she spat. Rokuro merely smiled and muttered an apology. Hiroko had caught the sight of the young girl’s facial expression. She seemed empty and dull, almost as if she were a soulless husk just walking around. Something seemed a bit off with the girl, but Hiroko did not particularly care. She was a prisoner of war, and as such she would be executed. “General,” she spoke, stopping Rokuro before he could enter the room to where the young earth girl awaited. “Leave her be for now,” and with that she left, jumping off the side of the ship once again to find the group of benders she had seen. More particularly she wanted to find the waterbender that had managed to soak her. She was ready to give the bender a lesson in messing with fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Hiroko landed gently on the platform of the temple. As she landed, she immediately began a fast-paced walk towards the direction she had last seen the group of benders head towards. Her eyes glanced
surveyed the area around her, searching for any survivors. Her father made it clear that all Airbenders and anyone in the way were to be exterminated. And she would do just that. Any one left in the temple would do well to be long gone or out of her sight. She walked a good distance before coming to an entrance to a cavern and stared at it. She glanced down at the ground and spotted a few tracks. Must have come this way, she thought as she touched the ground and rubbed it with her palm.

“H-help,” a mumbled voice called out as Hiroko snapped her neck in the direction it came from. From the tone, it sounded as if it belonged to a male, around his late twenties. Hiroko walked and kneeled down to peer into the face of a firebender. He seemed to have been crushed by a boulder. Half of his body was underneath the boulder, undoubtedly crushed and probably missing, while the other half remained full and intact. The man’s face had dirt and blood, probably his blood, covering a mass of it and he seemed dazed. Hiroko’s face remained stoic as she placed a hand on the firebender’s shoulder. He glanced up into her eyes and immediately all color drained from his face.

“Where does this tunnel lead?” she asked, not sparing a single glance towards his injuries. She needed to find out where this cavern led so that she may finish her task at hand. Even with the comet still high in the air, she wanted to end this as quickly as possible. There were other matters to attend to and this had dragged on far too long.

“I-I don’t know m’lady,” he responded, fear dripping from every word. He was afraid; she could smell it on him. Hiroko gently laid her hand on his head and placed the other on his shoulder. “P-P-Please,” he stuttered out, blood still spilling from his mouth as tears welled up in his amber eyes. Hiroko merely shushed him and pulled him against her.

“I believe you,” she spoke, and before another word could be uttered, the sound of something snapping echoed through as the limp body of the firebender fell to the floor. Hiroko stood up, dusted her hands off, and stole another glance at the cavern before coming to a conclusion. She needed to get to the other side. The question now was, how? From the looks of it, the cavern was collapsed, recently it seems. There did not seem any other way around it except to go over it. With that thought in mind, Hiroko pushed herself up towards the cavern and gave a large whistle out. When there was no response, Hiroko frowned.

Fei Long where are you? she thought as she scowled. She’d have to make the cross by foot. That was until a sound captured her attention. A komodo rhino, without its rider, appeared shuffling through the foliage. He stared at Hiroko who merely walked over to it and grabbed its horn. She stared him in the eyes before grabbing the reigns and throwing herself onto his back. With a final glance towards the sky, she ushered the Komodo Rhino to climb.

After what seemed like hours, Hiroko finally managed to reach the other side. She jumped off the Komodo Rhino and landed gracefully on the floor. She heard noise and silently approached the source. Peering over a bush, she spotted the group she had been looking for. Only there were people missing. She dismissed it and began to formulate a plan. She knew with the comet’s presence, her own firebending had increased tenfold. With that in mind, she rushed the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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#, as written by Zentose
Before the man could answer, Aoi felt footsteps not far from the camp. The feet making the noise had metal boots on, which meant Fire Nation most likely, meaning they had been discovered. Aoi dropped Tetsip's face on the ground and got up, ready to kill whoever it was so they could move on before he realized... There was no way he could get information out of Tetsip, he was blindly devoted... or just insane... Aoi looked down at him before thinking that he needed a weaker prey in order to find Izumi, even if he cut out everything this man held dear inside his body, he wouldn't tell Aoi what he wanted... Aoi looked towards the noise and saw a female, beautiful with luscious red hair, not like that of a commoner(being born a Noble, Aoi could tell when one was a noble or a commoner by the slightest things, one of those things being the hair), rush towards the group ready to attack. Sadly for her, she had metal armor, so she didn't get to far before Aoi bended the metal in her wrist guards, snapping them back and dislocating her shoulders before rushing towards her and bending her feet into the ground, it was futile to avoid because he bended both the metal and the earth, so it would have been impossible to avoid unless she removed her boots in that few seconds.

Aoi moved quickly towards her and said, "What's a noble doing without a unit?" Aoi could feel no other metal footsteps around the camp for half a kilometer. It was odd to see a noble in lowly Fire Nation soldier garb, Aoi would typically expect them to stand out so they would never go out on the front lines... She seemed different, angry obviously, but different. He felt a nostalgic sense when he looked at her, almost as if he had heard of her before... Or of someone similar to her... it was long ago, so Aoi couldn't remember.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Kazuko Mori

A sudden noise startled Kazuko, she had been in her own little world all this time and hadn’t been aware of her surroundings like she usually was. She looked down, it was the fire bender princess, the one she saw battling it out with Shan until she disappeared. Kazuko would no doubt pay for her oblivious mishap. Now they were all in danger, and it might have been avoided if she hadn’t let her emotions get the best of her for a few moments.

Aoi was facing off with the princess, Tetsip now laying face down behind them. It looked as if Aoi had slammed him face down after hearing the princess, it looked as if he was unconscious. Bo had rushed over to where Kazuko had laid Mai down, and she couldn’t see the other girl, but she assumed she was with Mai, that’s the only other place she could be.

Kazuko jumped down, letting the air cushion her fall. She stood by the two water benders, ready to defend Mai, who looked still unconscious, at all costs. Besides, Aoi looked as if he was handling the situation. It wasn’t too far for Kazuko to step in, though, if she really needed to.

A thousand thoughts spun through her head. She wondered how the princess had found her, whether she could effectively carry off Mai if she needed to abandon the rest of the group, if others were coming this way, whether the princess had finished off Shan and Tochi before coming. It was getting dark; she could see the sun setting behind them. Soon it would be dark and cold, and they would still be fighting. The feeling of safety she felt earlier was an illusion.

Bo by this time had managed to get into the shelter with the two girls; he seemed to want to be near Mai just as Kazuko did. It seemed as though everyone had made a front for her, if nothing else she was cared for. Which is Kazuko had to pick between herself and Mai, she was glad Mai was the one cared for, and not just because Mai was injured. Kazuko sighed, it was going to be a long night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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#, as written by Xiiver
Her eyelids felt heavy and she started to nod off. All of a sudden there as aloud noice sounding similar to earthbending or atleast stone crumbling and moving around and Captain was standing beside her looking towards something with quite the worried expression. Masami quickly got on her feet and looked in the same direction and she immediately recognized the red head. Being born in a wealthy family she had to learn about all the kings, queens, princesses etc, aswell as many people in high up positions of all the nations. This was Princess Hiroko and the eartbender had seemed to have her under control by having her being bent stuck in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. Masami let out a frustrated sigh before looking back to Mai. She looked back at the princess and whispered a very low "Damn it.." as she stood up and walked out of the shelter, but she didn't approach the eartbender and princess.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Hiroko was caught by surprise when the earthbender bended the metal of her armour, dislocating her shoulders in the process. This pain was nothing compared what she had to endure with the training she received from her father. That did not mean, however, she was immune to the pain. It stung like a buzzard wasp leaking it’s needle deep within her skin and she wanted to scream. But to scream would mean that this earthbender would win and she, being who she was, would not allow that to happen.

“You think of me as a lowly peasant noble? A filthy beast?!” Hiroko snarled as she breathed out a breath of fire, trying to get the bender away from her. “I am Hiroko, daughter of Fire Lord Sozin. You would do well to remember that!” she responded as she stayed put to the ground. She knew there was nothing she could do but that did not mean she had to stay chained like some rabid beast. She glared up into the eyes of the earthbender, noticing a veil that covered one.

“I do not need a unit accompanying me,” she continued as she continued to glare at the earthbender. Oh what she would give to be able to move and burn that pretty little face of his off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: Hiroko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
The Fire Nation girl roared at Aoi, "You think of me as a lowly peasant noble? A filthy beast?!” She breathed fire, which Aoi avoided. He knew who she was before he even stated, peasant noble, that was clearly royalty, so he wasn't taken aback when she yelled, “I am Hiroko, daughter of Fire Lord Sozin. You would do well to remember that!” She was angry, glaring at him with eyes fitting that of royalty, the anger and hate was clear in those eyes, she wanted him dead...

Aoi laughed before saying. "You're not that smart, are you bitch? Announcing your royal blood to an enemy that just captured you like you were a pathetic, weak, little bug... What part of that sounds like a good idea to you?" Aoi moved behind her and charged up to her, grabbing the back of her hair with his right hand, and placing his left right below her chin, keeping her head pointed upwards, and away from him. She was attractive, that was definite, her skin was darker than what one would expect of a Fire Nation royal, but Aoi had no time to contemplate her beauty... He moved his face right next to her own, resting his cheek in her hair, his mouth centimeters from her ear, before saying, in a soft, quite, yet forceful tone, "I am looking for someone... an Earth Kingdom girl... where would she be held... or would she already be dead?" He positioned himself so close to mock her royal bearings, a lowly peasant, because she didn't know he was actually a noble, gripping and feeling the princess, it was practically torture in and of itself for the common royalty. Aoi knew this, being a noble, and wanted to avoid hurting her if at all possible...

She was evil at heart... or at least that's what Aoi thought, but Izumi wouldn't want him torturing anyone just to find her... He already lost sight of that when he tortured the Fire Nation soldier... He wanted to avoid it at all costs, but he wasn't above irritating her injuries, or doing non-painful torturous methods, such as what he was doing at the moment with the closeness...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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Mai became so much more comfortable when she was moved to the shelter. Even through her exhaustion, she was having a fitful sleep full of fire, water, and death. "Kazuko.. " She murmured and turned over. Her face scrunched up as she reached out, grabbing a hand full of rocks, dirt and grass. "Stop!" She said, and made a painful noise. Her actual pain was causing her dreams to revolve around it. "Father!" She yelled and sat up, gasping. A sharp pain racked her body and she fought the urge to scream. Partly because she didn't want to call attention to herself, and partly because she heard shouting voices. She crawled to the opening of the shelter she was in, and saw the red-headed woman and Aoi. When she saw her, she inwardly cursed, remembering the stunt she had pulled when she first got to the temple. Aoi was leaning in close to her face, and was whispering in her ear. "What is going on?" She asked herself and put her hand on her side. It was extremely painful, yet she couldn't fight the urge to peel the bandage from the wound and inspect what had been done. It was stitched up, and Aoi did a pretty good job as far as she was concerned. She'd never had stitches before, but it looks good enough. Bohai sniffed her, then nudged her head, blowing hot air from his nostrils into her hair. He stamped the ground a few times, pleading with her to get up. Maizhen placed her hand on his jaw line and rubbed his soft fur. Her hands, no her whole body was still covered in blood, and Bohai had red hand prints all over him. she sighed and turned her attention back to Aoi and Hiroko, even though she couldn't hear them.

"Kazuko?" She said, looking to the white haired girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: Hiroko
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If Hiroko wasn’t disabled at the moment, she would have burned this insolent bender slowly and painfully. How dare he attack her in such a manner?! She struggled a bit and – if she could, she would have bit his hand when he grabbed her face and pulled her head back by her hair. She would have spit in his face if she could (even if it wasn’t what would have been expected of her). When he called her a bitch, something snapped in Hiroko. Her eyes darkened and they narrowed dangerously at the Earthbender in front of her.

”I am looking for someone
an Earth Kingdom girl
where would she be held
or would she already be dead?” he dared to ask. Hiroko shifted her head in a way to where she could move her mouth a bit better.

“We do not take prisoners. Orders were to execute anyone who was in the way. If this girl you are speaking of interfered or was captured, she is dead,” she replied. An image crossed her mind as she thought back a few hours ago. Rokuro mentioned an Earthbender girl had been taken hostage and Hiroko herself spared her life. Could this be the same girl this man was speaking of? “However it seems that one Earthbender girl was spared,” she continued. Why she was telling him this, Hiroko did not know.

Maybe he was looking for her? Or perhaps he was her lover? At the moment, Hiroko did not care; she just wanted this peasant as far away from her as possible. She was seething at the closeness of his face to hers and she wanted nothing more than to get it away. She did not like her personal space being invaded by someone else, especially a bender who had managed to get her off guard as she was. And if telling him this information would make him back off, then she would do it. Hiroko was selfish and wanted to preserve her life, not end it quickly before she could take over her fathers throne.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
Aoi could feel her animosity towards his hands on her royal body, he knew that given the chance, she would burn him to death and enjoy it. He felt his heart sink and his world begin to crumble and she said, "We do not take prisoners. Orders were to execute anyone who was in the way. If this girl you are speaking of interfered or was captured, she is dead," She was dead, if the princess was telling him these orders, then she was dead... Tears came to his eyes as he contemplated the thought... His spirit, however, was elated when she followed up her statement with, "However it seems that one Earthbender girl was spared," A ray of hope shined on him, there was no way it could have been anyone else, Izumi wasn't a bender, but there was no reason another Earth Kingdom girl would be there... He had to get her... but the question was, how?

He moved his head from her face and said, "See what happens when you cooperate? Now, you're going to keep this helpful attitude as I let go of you, one spark from that pretty mouth of yours and I send a spike from this armor right through your royal heart... got it?" Without waiting for an answer, he slowly moved his hand from her neck, moving it along the skin of her neck before moving it away, then he let go of her hair and stood up. He wiped the tears from his face, which had stopped falling a good time before. Moving away from the princess he went to the "camp" that Kazuko had set up. He saw the injured water tribe girl beginning to regain consciousness, the uninjured one staying near her. Aoi's gaze moved to Kazuko, his eyes hid any hope he had, he wasn't sure why, but he could tell what he was about to do with the esteemed princess was a bad idea... He looked at Kazuko for a moment before saying, "The princess has seen Izumi, I have a plan... but I need to go with her alone... The Fire Nation will find this place soon... You should take the group... you should probably kill that Fire Nation guy. He weirds me out, you'll probably be putting him out of his misery... but I'll let you decide what to do with him..."

Aoi didn't mention anything about a meet up spot after he rescued Izumi, but that was mainly because he had no idea what to do, but wherever the group was headed, he was a fugitive and would be unable to protect Izumi. Unless they were heading to one of the Water Tribes, which, seeing as Kazuko was homeless and the other two were water tribe, that was quite likely. Aoi didn't think of this however, he just knew he needed to find Izumi and continue protecting her...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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0.00 INK

,, Bravo. Amazing performance. " Tetsip says in his hollow and monotone voice, trying to face the direction of the princess. ,, Even with the Comet you are a failure and a disgrace to the uniform. " He continues, disregarding the earthbender coming close. ,, Talking to you, sissy girl. " Tetsip hisses in a primal, nearly animal like manner, his voice full of hatred and disgust.
"The princess has seen Izumi, I have a plan... but I need to go with her alone... The Fire Nation will find this place soon... You should take the group... you should probably kill that Fire Nation guy. He weirds me out, you'll probably be putting him out of his misery... but I'll let you decide what to do with him..."
,, Look at the earthbender go. Not man enough to do the dirty job. Figures. Probably noble himself. " Tetsip fakes laugh, making it sound more like a maniac cackling. ,, You aren't man enough to kill yourself. Not man enough to save your sister. Not man enough to kill me..." Tetsip laughs again in a short, unmotivated way. ,, Not man enough to face me... " He shakes his head in disgust; realizing what chance he was granted right now - he can get rid of the earthbender; can get his hands on the airbender. ,, Internment ship. Huge. Accompanied by four small vessels. Patroling the sea between two most eastern fire nation islands. Their banner's a wolfbat. If she's alive, she's there. "

Tetsip contemplates; one of the few things he's good at. So many possibilities to resolve this situation. The pain of choosing. It is as if it happened just yesterday; him leaving home, naively searching for adventures. The nice recruiting officer and the promise of exciting new lands, comradeship, loyalty. The smell of burning flesh. The earthbender reminds him of a few fire nation non benders he met, but not in a good way. They called themselves " The enclave ", an anti war movement. Ironically, a very violent anti-war movement. In all his life, he never met an enemy fiercer and more devoted then them. The moment Tetsip's unit got into the proximity of their headquarters, the Enclave threw everything they had at the 23rd. When they ran out of catapults they used bows, when they ran out of bows they used knives, sticks, bare hands. Bare hands against the bending elite. That earthbender in front of him reminds Tetsip of himself as he faced the enclave - the most hopeless and torn he ever was, while facing the weakest enemy he ever faced.

,, We're the same, Earthbender. You just don't know it yet. I won this round. You'll understand the next time you look into a mirror and wont bear the reflection. Welcome to the soldier side. " Tetsip sighs but quickly dismisses all this emotional mumbo jumbo. This is a one time opportunity. ,, Take the sissy girl. She's keeping some things to herself. She's fragile; you'll get quite a few information if you're persuasive enough. Start with her face. Will yield results soon. " Getting the earthbender away from the ground and getting rid of someone that does not deserve to give orders; one might think Tetsip was actually in a good sitatution.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuko Mori Character Portrait: Masami Kumiko Character Portrait: Aoi Ren Character Portrait: MaiZhen Nuo Character Portrait: Tetsip Taduo Character Portrait: Hiroko
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0.00 INK

Kazuko Mori

She could hear Mai moving behind her, finally stirring. Kazuko didn’t take her eyes off the princess and Aoi, though, but her ears were on Mai. “Kazuko?” she heard Mai say in a low voice. Without a sound, Kazuko looked back to acknowledge her, to reassure her that she was there, but then turned back to the two she was previously watching. She had been careless before, but she wouldn’t be caught off guard again.

Aoi was leaning in close to her, feeling her body, and it showed on her face that she was immensely uncomfortable with it. Maybe that’s why she was beginning to talk. Kazuko’s brow furled, she didn’t like the situation. Although she had no tangible reason why, she simply did not like it. Not that she was really in a position to protest, or had any grounds to do so.

Their interrogation of sorts came to a close; Kazuko had chosen not to listen in on it. Aoi proceeded to return to the group, his face looking empty and practically unreadable to Kazuko. However, his next words filled whatever gaps she had in her mind. "The princess has seen Izumi, I have a plan... but I need to go with her alone... The Fire Nation will find this place soon... You should take the group... you should probably kill that Fire Nation guy. He weirds me out, you'll probably be putting him out of his misery... but I'll let you decide what to do with him..."

Kazuko’s eyes narrowed, she had a bad taste in her mouth after that comment. First his intimate interrogation with an enemy, then making secret plans and telling them to leave. ”You aren’t the only one who cares about Izumi, but if you don’t want us around, I’ll leave.” she said the last article as ‘I’ instead of ‘we’ subconsciously, not noticing the implication she gave. Kazuko turned away from Aoi, her mentality growing harder and more bitter. She bit her tongue as usual, hiding her thoughts to herself, venting only in her head. Does he not remember who brought him here? Who practically gift-wrapped Tetsip for his interrogation? He would just cast us out like this, as if none of us cared.

Her mind was venting, her face furrowed in her own thoughts, but deep down she knew what this was about. There were two people in the whole world left that she could call friends, if only loosely, and that she was sure were alive. Three, if they could get Izumi. But for now, it was two. And in the split seconds Aoi made to tell her he was leaving, that number was cut in half. Now there would be Mai, and only Mai. We were never close, anyway. Just in this situation, my mind is exaggerating our relationship because there are no others. That’s all. She tried justifying it to herself, to little avail. It was what it was, and Aoi was leaving.

Taking a deep breath in, Kazuko calmed herself. The initial spark of anger was gone, but the feelings were not. This day had become far too involved in her psyche for her taste. She passed over to Tetsip, lying wounded on the ground. He was sputtering something to Aoi, but Kazuko was deaf to everything but her own thoughts. ”You, up. We’re leaving.” her voice was stern, oozing her inner cacophony of screaming thoughts. Her arms made a small tornado, flat and wide like a stretcher. Its purpose was to keep the restraints Aoi had made for him in place while still making him move. However it made her comment almost completely pointless, its not like he was going to be moving on his own.

For a few moments, Kazuko looked to Aoi, her eyes flashing a silent plea. But almost immediately went back to Tetsip, there was no point in showing weakness towards someone who does not care. She was disgusted with herself.
