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Don't Wish On A Black-Bird...I'll Give You Bad Luck.

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a character in “Avengers: Life After Loki”, as played by ArielKJ


Name: Crow

Age: 26

Appearance: (Picture please) His avatar

Personality: He's always the troublemaker, always pulling pranks, always up to something mischievous-but when he gets scolded, usually he goes somewhere to pout before someone makes it up to him. A bit childish, but in the battlefield, Crow becomes a real monster.

History: Crow was an orphan growing up-his mother dead and father gone, only having his grandmother to tell him when he began to experience changes that weren't normal...At the age of 10, Crow was growing black wings on his back and talons instead of fingernails. Only then did he find out that before his mother's death-she had gave him a curse. The curse of being half crow, half human. Crow's grandmother told him that his mother was a witch of some sort, who casted spells regularly to change into a raven and back, and that his father was unknown. So now, Crow joins the Avengers in part time to look for his sire while helping out.

Love Interest: Katherine Wallace. He thinks she's cute.

So begins...

Crow's Story


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Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Silver
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#, as written by ArielKJ
It was a tad bit too lively for Silver, the more newer member of the Avengers. Here she was, looking outside at the horizon, a small silver laptop on her blue jean clothed legs. Silver, some could say she was a loner; others could say she was antisocial and both were lies obviously. But only she herself, knew that truth. Long silver hair down to her chest adorned her athletic figure, snow white skin that was flawless and fair, but her eyes...Oh yes.

Silver's eyes were always icy cold. They were cyan close to the edges of her iris, and slowly turned a shade lighter before turning a fine color of turquoise at the rim. Appearances were deceiving of course about this youngster, she might have looked no more stocky physically than the average young woman; but she had that power of being stronger than she looked. Way stronger.

In a cold compliment, her long sleeved shirt, a dark shade of navy blue had a scooped neck which gave a nice glance at her collar bone-the right side of her chest had the symbol of Aeropostle. One of her many favorite brands. Along of course with some nice goth thrown into the mix of the popular. Boot cut, stone washed jeans completed the look of comfort along with the fact she had bare feet at the moment-toenails painted black.


She glanced at the monitor.

"Another dud." Silver murmured, sighing-her slim white fingers flying over the keyboard to crack yet another code by hand.


Crow was having THE time of his life. He was tall, had the muscles and had that forbidden air to him. Of course he was having fun. Crow got to prank everyone in one way or another. One time, he glued Steve's hands to his shield. Another time was when he put magnets on the Hulk's clothes and when he was around Thor-the poor guy would be 'attached' to him. A sinister grin lit up his whiter than white face.

Crow had elegant black hair, his porcelain colored skin gave to severe contrast to the insomia marks of black under his eyes. He wore a black torn shirt that exposed his nice six pack underneath the underlying fishnet layer. Black leather necklace with spikes on it and black boots completed his look. Of course, we cannot forget the one reason he is called Crow for.

Large black wings, tucked neatly along his spine through the slit of the torn shirt...Like a crow's. Black feathers if one looked closely were here and there on his bare skin and instead of fingernails...Crow had talons. Sharp, sharp talons which were always concealed with his black leather gloves. Black eyes that always looked a bit evil watched here and there.

But today...Crow's black eyes were set on Kat. The red haired lady was flirting with some other weirdo and he wanted to prank them but the sad problem was how to do so? An evil grin appeared on his lips as he opened the window and jumped out.

The thrill of adrenaline hit the half human, half crow as he snapped open his wings and made a U turn to fly to the roof, making sure that he was hidden neatly behind a part of the building to prevent anyone seeing him. But what to do? What to do? So many pranking ideas but so little time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Richards Twins Character Portrait: Katherine Wallace Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Sam
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Cy wasn't too happy with the sudden pick up of wind. But, that was something he could get over. Watching the two talk, he took it as his time to leave. Giving Kat a small wave goodbye he made his way back downstairs. His sister was probably getting antsy. It was then he noticed something out the window. It seemed like flash of black, but it didn't make much difference. Probably just a bird or something.


Aedan smiled, her cheeks holding a light pink hue.

"Dinner sounds lovely." She laughed, watching every one of Tony's movements.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Silver
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#, as written by ArielKJ
Silver smelled blood and the commotion outside had the girl up and about to find out exactly what was going on. Everyone seemed to be everywhere so there appeared to be perhaps two options. One, follow Kat and Stark to his room...And that was very highly unlikely...At least knowing the chance of knowing what they were doing.

So, the other option was to head to the roof and see where the majority of everyone were when it hit. Her head began to spin and her eyes began to act up-seeing so much cyan colored blue. So much energy!

Silver growled as she tried to keep undercontrol her eyes and throbbing head ache. "Is anyone up here?!" She yelled.


Crow's jaw had dropped when the boy kissed Kat, and bless Kat's heart...She told him that people didn't kiss her. She kissed people. Well. He'd be damned.

He shrugged, going in the way he came out-wondering what the Iron Maiden was up to and sauntered off to his room.

"Sure they do." He heard as he pressed his ear to the door. The voice was very faint-but Crow had the super sonic hearing of a crow, so it was a bit easier to listen in. This was Kat's voice...What was she doing here?

"News flash babe, most girls just like money. It's just an bonus that you've got a pretty face." He grinned. Was Tony up to his no good ways on trying to woo Kat? Damn, he thought...Kat was something else.

"Then there's people like me, who don't have money or a pretty face, and have to actually work to get people to like them." Hmm...That was a bit true. Sad, but it was a fact.

"If I was a fashion designer, everyone would walk around in rainbow uni-tards."
Crow choked on his own tongue, snickering loudly. Oh yeaaaaah....Everyone would look real good in rainbow uni-tards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Silver
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#, as written by ArielKJ
Silver, hearing no answer went back where her computer was and decided it was time to visit her old friend, Steve. Or known as Captain America. She growled, finding no one who was in the supposed mood to talk to her! She wanted, for the very rare time, to talk to someone. But...

Her footsteps faltered when she heard Steve's voice, and even...Clint's coming from the door of Kat's room. Oh great...She rolled her icy eyes and stormed in front of the two men.

"Oh hey, Clint. Sorry, it's just you know how much I care about Kat... I hate to see her so upset."

"Then why not just tell her?" Silver said outloud, hands on her hips.

Meanwhile, all this commotion had caught Crow's attention immediately-especially since he had been eavesdropping in the first place. But no, hearing that Kat was angry and upset made him pissed at the so called 'Iron Maiden' who's formal name was Iron Man. Pft, more like Iron Maiden. And of course, like always did the black knight get a deviant idea....

He escaped out a window and made careful sure to fly with his wings slightly tucked in, some of his black feathers flew away like black tears in the blue sky around him. His shirt flew up around his armpits, the wind rushing around his face with glee.

His own mental directions led him true, Crow's heavy leather boots landing on the windowsill outside Kat's room. The male crouched there, his black jeans rustling gently, black hair flowing in the breeze that carcessed his pale white skin as Crow's black eyes looked in.

Kat looked very, very angry....

He tried to smile gently and knocked on her window, hoping she wouldn't try to kill him.