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Lucas Ellisor

You don't need to know everything, just enough to stay alive.

0 · 512 views · located in Avolair Academy

a character in “Avolair Academy: For Better or Worse”, as played by whscorbin


Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Type: Wizard A
Orientation: straight
Grade: College Freshman

Personality: Quick witted and easygoing, Lucas has always been a very calm and relaxed guy. Very little ever truly startles him. Always believing that less is more he devotes his attention to learning one thing at a time instead of learning everything. Though both strong willed and smart Lucas doesn't have a large amount of pride. Commonly thought of as a slacker his layed back style clashes with his protective nature. He is always willing and able to help and rush to someone's aid.
Excitement without reason
Pompous people
Shadow magic
Enclosed spaces
Strengths: adaptive, strong willed, smart, capable, dedicated and protective.
Weaknesses: Often gets into trouble, terrible luck, very little money, lazy
Best character trait: Adaptability

Weapon: Five foot oak staff with six metal bands on each side to allow for additional abilities. Small ruby in the center of the staff that stores energy.
Flame magic-mastered (Flames leap from the tip of the staff to be bent to the users will. The longer the flames remain the more energy it uses.)
Force blast-average (the metal bands charge up with kinetic energy as the staff moves. When used the kinetic energy lashes out.)
Mental magic-exceptional (ability to guard mind from attacks and also used to influence people)
Shield magic-average (creates a shield in front of the user to block attacks.)
Healing magic-weak (only able to heal minor cuts and scratches)

Inclosed spaces
Distance combat

Signature ability:Flame magic
Race characteristics: Adaptable and easygoing

Monday-Wendesday-Friday morning: Magic Mastery
Tuesday-Thursday morning: survival training
Tuesday-Thursday night: Defensive Techniques
Saturday: Power amplification
Extra curricular: Martial Arts, Basketball
Group: Teach
Label: The slacker
Academic achievements:None
Tournament awards: None

Relationship status: Single
Friends: Lacey Holt
Foes: TBA
Enemies and rivals: TBA

Appearance: Image

So begins...

Lucas Ellisor's Story


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Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
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Lucas gave a yawn and a little laugh as he watched the succubi and incubus fly away. Lucas stretched out a little more as he sat on the courtyard bench, his head down turned as though he was asleep. For a moment he head was thinking about the correct conjugation of succubus and incubus, he quickly refocused though. He looked over the blood on the wall with a sad smile on his face, it was kinda funny to him. Someone had been murdered in the place they all thought they were safest at and all anyone was talking about was how much of a publicity stunt it was. Lucas moved his staff into a better position against his shoulder as he thought, the school year was just getting started and it was already looking like there was gonna be way more excitement than he had planned for.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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The BLOODS strikes again. Lacey had on a thin smile as the crowd closed in, while she hung back with one of her friends from the Covenant, a gnarly Type A zombie named Paul. He let out an unsettled laugh, earning a nervous glance from the Dark Magician. Three winged beings took to the air- it's the Golden Boy, revered by everyone, and two of those succubi that attach to his ass. It was most likely some sort of stunt, and she could hardly make herself feel interested in it. Just a filthy human dying. Lacey crosses her arms with a little smirk, and wrapped her arms around her zombie friend's shoulders, leading him away from the scene.

"We gotta get to the shade!" Lacey says cheerfully. "C'mon, Zompaul, let's go!"

He grunts, slightly disconcerted at his unfortunate nickname, but allows the energetic girl to lead him under a balcony, one that leads to the Math and Science wing. Then a tall boy caught Lacey's eye. Her complete opposite. Lucas. A fire wizard. A dark mischievous smirk plays across Lacey's face and she runs up to him without a backwards glance at her friend. He's standing right there, with a rueful expression, as if thinking about the irony of the blood on the wall. His staff lay across the cleft in his shoulder.

"It's you!" Lacey says, grinning widely at the tall boy. She's panting now, and a little tired out from running; her small fragile body obviously can't take too much physical exertion. "Ellisor! You're... an idiot, that's what I think!"

As boldly as she can manage, Lacey wryly grins at her self-appointed rival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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Lucas gives a small laugh at Lacey a little as he shakes his head. Lucas glanced behind Lacey and at the zombie for a moment, when he didn't fallow Lucas scooted over on the bench and patted the seat next to him.

"Why don't you take a seat before a breeze knocks you over, that might be a little embarrassing for the evil pie princess" Lucas smirked as the sarcasm was plain in his voice.

She was always a fun one to joke around with but he just didn't understand why she got so worked up about everything, it seemed as though she was always bounding around and working herself into a bit of a huff over nothing. Thinking about it he said before she had time to either take the seat or reply "So you raced over here and all you could come up with was You're an idiot?"

After there fight at the end of last year Lacey had gotten this weird idea that he was some sort of rival for her, he couldn't understand it since more often than not she was being more friendly than evil towards him. Lucas had always thought that the girl was nice and a good soul at heart, she just let the idea of her mystical practices get the best of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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"You're not a wind mage." Lacey scowls, but she reluctantly sits down beside him. "A.. a normal wind can't do that."

The crowd starts to disperse now, mostly losing interest of the BLOOD's little stunt. Lacey raises an eyebrow at Lucas and gives a small giggle. A strange sort of pressure- strange but familiar- settles in on her head, her brain. Extreme fatigue from running around, is the obvious cause. Lucas then made a sarcastic quip about her insult. She's itching for another fight with Lucas. A battle of ice and fire. But right now, Lacey knows that she simply doesn't have the energy.

"You're a... really big idiot." Lacey lightly pokes him in the ear. "I'm... more awesome. Than you. And... and stuff."

She grins up at him, with an excited fury in her eyes, despite her worn out body. Her face, teasing and yeet slightly spiteful, seems to gleam towards him. Lacey stands up on the bench, with shaky legs and touches Lucas's staff. Hoping that it annoys him, she does it again.

"And... plus. I'm... not as lame as you. Ice is cooler than fire."

She giggles softly.

"Get it? Cooler? I'm... I'm pretty awesome."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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"Sure you are. You can be the cool one, I guess that makes me the hot one" Lucas smiled and gave another small chuckle. It was funny watching her trying to work him up into a fuss, if he didn't know better he'd say it was her that was the flame mage and he the ice.

Lucas reached out and gave you a playful poke in the middle of her forehead as he said with a worried smile. "If that little message over there tells you anything it should be that there might not be many normal things left, even the wind. I'd keep a tight hold on that little rock of yours. There is no telling what's going to happen in the days to come. Well......other than you losing to me of course" He gave her a little wink at the end of his words.

He didn't see the point in fighting when it wasn't needed but he had to admit, there last little round had been interesting. A shadow feel across his face as he looked back towards the dispersing crowd. All signs of what had happened there were being removed and yet Lucas couldn't help but think of it as an omen that things were going to change. The shadow left as quickly as it appeared though as he looked back at Lacey and gave a smile, at least somethings never change.

The setting changes from Avolair Academy to Academy's Campus

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos Character Portrait: Heather Parker Character Portrait: Darius Grimlocke Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Rei Lic'tre
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0.00 INK

#, as written by darkune
"Jason, It seems you have a visitor. Uh your hand." Sam took out some bandages out of her pocket and wrapped them around Jason's hand which strangely enough had dried blood on it. The succubi eyed the new girl who didn't even bother to learn Jason's name beforehand. "Dok wve nek tos spose tos hur?" Sam asked Jason in anchient Incubi while finishing the wrapping.

Jason hadn't opened his good eye to see this new person and upon hearing Sam's question his left eye couldn't help but open, but floating before them was a young succubi who he knew only as BookWorm. This name was most likely ment as an insult to her but looked to be an accurate discription of her. He placed two fingers over his right eye and whispered, "Doji." With this he opened his right eye an scanned over this new girl again.

"Did you need something BookW- I mean Heather. By the way my name's Jason, not Golden Boy." He turned his attention away from the girl an toward the crowed. "So sad, someone writes something in blood and everyone assumes that it was BLOOD. Now Heather, what does a pretty succubi like you want with an Incubi like me?" Jason asked while hearing the scoffs of his two minions and while being handed list of dormmates.

Jason drifted down to the alumni wall and put the dorm rooms over the dried blood. "Okay everyone... Everyone!... Shut Up! The dorms are as following, well these are the only ones I'm gonna read-
Room 100: Heather Paker and Rei Lic'tre
Room 101: Lacey Holt and Mikala Dutch

Room 200: Myself and Lucas Ellisor
Room 201: Darius Grimlocke and Kiran Nevaidos
Room 202: Kilian Lutz and Atryom Bravinski

The setting changes from Academy's Campus to Avolair Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
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0.00 INK

"You're the melted one!" Lacey exclaims, feebly hitting him across the shoulder with her hand. Obviously, it left no mark whatsoever. Lacey let out a faint whine of despair and started focusing ice magic in her hand, before realizing it and stopping. She gazes blankly, slightly openmouthed at Lucas, her friendly adversary, her mind literally going blank with exhaustion. She swoons a little forwards, but stops herself from falling off the bench, sighing dramatically.

"My magic... it's so much stronger than yours!" She cries indignantly, as loud as her frail body will allow her, sulking away from what she assumes is going to be another sarcastic remark from Lucas. The fiery ice mage gives an angry glare at the cool fire mage. remembering their battle at the end of last year. It was a tie, of course, as Lacey's devastating magic both completely wore her out and weakened Lucas to the point where neither of them could continue fighting. They were sent to the infirmary shortly after, of course, and Lucas was given the 'official' win due to not wiping himself out.

That was when the voice starting reciting dorms for the new year. Lacey vaguely picks up on her own name, Lacey Holt, and found herself paired with a girl named Mi.. something. Mikayla? Mika? She honestly couldn't catch much of it at all. She blinks and rubs her eyes blearily with the palms of her hands, each movement feeling as if it weighs a hundred tons, and underwater. Slow and sluggish.

"Hey... Lucas?" Lacey stammers pathetically. "You gotta... you carry me to... my dorm. M'kay?"

Before allowing him a chance to answer, she gives him a small gentle smile of friendship and leans her face into his ear, asking him if she could borrow some of his life energy. Just enough to give her enough energy to stay awake and greet her roommate, but not enough to impair Lucas in any way. She quickly adds a promise to return it to him the next morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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0.00 INK

Lucas gave a bit of a sigh as she leaned against him. Lacey was always using up all her energy. Before he even answered her he stood and lifted her easily into his arms. She was such a small girl that he didn't even have any difficulty with it. He grabbed his staff and bag as he started towards the dormitory. He said as he walked. "Take what you need. Remember though, just because your magic hits harder doesn't mean you'll be the one winning."

As he looked down at her his voice softened a little as he continued. "Please try and take it easier, if I keep carrying you like this people are gonna start getting the wrong idea."

After there match last year Lacey hadn't been able to move, her magic took far too great a toll on her. For lucas it only took a little while for him to get back on his feet. From that moment onwards Lacey had been borrowing a little bit of energy here and there to keep herself moving. Part of Luacs couldn't help but think that's why she kept him around, he was her portable battery. With a smile he walked as steadily as he could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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0.00 INK

"Please try and take it easier, if I keep carrying you like this people are gonna start getting the wrong idea."

Those words seem to echo in her mind. She feels nauseous; the terrible urge to vomit is steadily rising. With a wan smile and a small word of thanks, she focuses on synchronizing her life energy with Lucas's. For a split second, both of them are linked in an inexplicable bond, and in that moment, a small amount of life energy transfers over the bridge between beings. As he carries her towards the dorms, Lacey smiles contently and snuggles herself up closer to him, wondering what kind of reaction it would make, how Lucas the calm would react to such a move. Of course, Lacey obviously doesn't feel any special kind of emotion towards him, other than friendship and reliance on both his entertaining arguments and his life energy always available.

"But I like being carried, Lucas!" Lacey purrs softly, silkily, but somehow still managing to make her voice sound thin and washed out. "You... and you like carrying, right?"

Mika. Mika. Lacey wonders who she is. She peers up at Lucas with a pondering face. She sees the room ahead of her, not too far ahead. Room 101.

"Do you know a Mika... Mika something? My roommate?"

The setting changes from Avolair Academy to Academy's Campus

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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0.00 INK

Lucas smiled down at Lacey as she snuggled up to him, he liked the feeling of her holding onto him. As she began to try some life energy from him he felt the chill and tingle go down his spine as his energy was drained out of him. It didn't bother him that much, he actually liked seeing Lacey get so full of energy from pulling it out of him. He said as he thought over her words and the situation.

" I like carrying you and helping you out. It feels good spending time with you and having you rely on me. Don't start to think I"m your taxi though."

Lucas couldn't help but like her voice, it seemed to be the perfect pitch and volume. The thinness of it always worried him though, he hated how her magic seemed to drain the life out of her so quickly. He was more than a little aware of the fact that the arts she dabbled in could easily backlash against her. If that happened the best case scenario would probably be a fractured mind, worst case scenario would be death of course. Or perhaps something worse. He shook his head at the thought though and said to her.

"I've seen her around a little. Vampire with a knack of mind control. One of the few people around here that might be able to control me, though I doubt it would last for a few seconds. There have been some rumors that she's mentally unstable, I can't say the truth about that though. I've never really had any large interaction with her."

The setting changes from Academy's Campus to Avolair Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
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0.00 INK

Okay, a bad sign. Lucas doesn't seem put off at all. She felt the familiar edge of panic; possibly of some ulterior motive from him. Lucas! They're supposed to be rivals! She still clearly remembers the words of her brother, before he enrolled her into the academy. Never trust a guy, sis. They'll just take advantage of you. Keep to yourself and we'll meet again. From this, Lacey assumes that if she gets involved with a guy, her own brother would be disappointed and leave her. Although washed out, Lacey still noticed the slight twinge of worry cross Lucas's face when she spoke. He then answered her question about Mika... someone who Lacey is unsure of befriending. She then suddenly felt some sort of connection with Lucas and without thinking, she pushed against him, crying out, and then landed with a thump on the ground.

"I-Idiot!" Lacey moans from the ground up. "You weren't supposed to enjoy it!"

White hot anger lashes through her as, unconsciously, a sphere of dark energy forms in her left palm. She cries out and puts it out and ends up glaring fitfully at Lucas.

"You're such... such an idiot!" She cries out, feeling a sudden dizziness overcome her for a brief moment. Feeling furious and confused, she opens the door to the dorm and walks into what is an extremely bland room. She staggers towards one of the beds and plops herself down, groaning in obvious distress. However, this time the pain is from hitting her head on the ground, rather than her natural frailty. That was when, of course, she notices a thin blonde girl on the right side of the room, with an umbrella near her. Something about the girl seemed unsettling to Lacey.

"You're.. M-Mika? My roommate?" Lacey asks, hating how weak her voice sounds. On the other hand, she really was curious about the alleged unstable girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
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0.00 INK

Lucas was startled by Lacey shoving him away. He blinked a few times as he was called an idiot again, with a sigh he shook his head and walked towards her door. He couldn't understand why it was that she changed moods so quickly, maybe it wasn't her roommate that was the crazy one. Lucas was worried about her, he couldn't help but think that perhaps her mood swings were somehow the result of the energies she was playing with. He's seen her on the verge of attacking him and he couldn't help but smile at it, she'd pulled back from the very edge. That had to mean something.

Lucas reached towards her doorknob to follow after her but stopped short before he touched it. His eyes scanned over the knob, there were red lines inscribed along it. It was enchanted only to allow the people into the room with permission; the ones who lived there and the faculty. Lucas could force the door open but that seemed like the wrong way to go about it. He turned his head slightly and thought he heard some talking on the other side. With another sigh he reached into his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper and a small piece of charcoal he kept handy in case he needed to inscribe a rune or something.

He wrote on the note a simple message. Dinner tonight? Come by my room at 7 He couldn't help but want to spend some time with her, and he also wanted to make sure she was okay. He slipped the note under the door and gave the room a quick rap with his staff before turning and heading towards his own room on the floor above.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
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0.00 INK

Lucas stood in the center of his room looking over his handy work. People would probably be surprised by just how much work he could do when he needed too, and the mural of blood had made certain preparations a necessity. As a mage he didn't have the strength or super natural abilities that the other races had, he had to rely on his brains more than anything else and that meant being prepared for as much as possible. He closed his eyes as he looked at his finished work.

He'd unpacked his bag onto the table pretty quickly. Four flasks sat on side, each a different color and ready to be filled with any concoction he might need. Alchemy wasn't his strongest point but he could do some stuff in a pinch, more importantly thought he knew a few good alchemist who could make the stuff he needed. A few books, pieces of charcoal and chalk, and paper were the mundane objects he placed. Of the magical variety he stored away a small tracking pendant that he'd broken last year and needed to fix, an inscribing tool, some soul stones and other magical gems.

He turned towards the single window and stepped forward, extending his staff he carefully checked over the three wards he had put in place. The first was a repulsion ward, it would send anything aimed for the window away as long as there wasn't to much force behind it. The second ward was an alarm spell, it would tell him if anyone except him and his roommate came through the window. The final ward was the subtlest of them all, it was barely noticeable to those with magical abilities such as him, and it would leech a little bit of it's power onto anyone who broke through the window or tampered with the ward at all. It would basically place a magical X mark on the perpetrator.

He smiled as he made sure they were all correct. He had done the same too the door to make sure it was safe. Some would call him paranoid for what he was doing but he couldn't help it. The only way he'd be able to survive an attack would be if he knew it was coming. With a sigh Lucas sat down on the ground and pulled the four soul stones out of his desk. He'd bought them ages ago for some forgotten purpose but they were pretty useful since what they did was draw magical energy out of the air and store it. He placed them on equal sides of him and close his eyes. Touching each with his staff he muttered as quietly and quickly as he could. "extraho substantia quod adeo mihi. restituo vita inside mei" With that he drew the power from each of them to restore what Lacey had taken from him. They would be useless for a day or two after this but it was a quick fix for his problem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
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0.00 INK

Lucas walked slowly, his head down a little. He was surprised by how few people were walking around campus right now, it seemed like almost everyone had gone to there rooms or something of that sort. That of course wasn't always a good thing with groups such as the BLOODs running around an the chance of hunters showing up. Lucas had to admit that he was a little on edge from it all. He stood just in side the Academy doors, looking at one of the large plaques next to it. He reached out and set his finger on one of the many names on it. Sadly even here people died, some killed in accidents but a few were killed in fights. This plaque was here to remember them. The name he was touching was an old friend, a senior here when he was just starting out. Now all that was left of him was a name. With a sigh Lucas leaned against the academy doors and closed his eyes thinking.

The setting changes from Avolair Academy to Academy's Campus

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos Character Portrait: Heather Parker Character Portrait: Darius Grimlocke Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by darkune
"Really? Its not like I don't think you go on dates, its just that this is going to be my first real date." Jason was astonished that it would be that easy to win her over, when suddenly Jason bumped into Professor Bernhard. "Hey mister Bernhard, sorry about earlier." Jason brushed past the man before he could make a comment to Jason or Heather. "So Monday we all start classes, that will be exciting. But probably don't have to tell you that, do I?" Jason joked with his newest friend as they made there way back to the dormitory, which was only a few minutes away.

Upon arriving Jason left her at her dorm and proceeded to his own. "Hey I'll see you tomorrow, but try to get some sleep okay?" Jason laughed as he walked away and down to the male levels of the dorms. "Who was it that was suppose to be my dorm mate?" Jason asked himself as he went into the dorm marked 200. "Oh yeah, Lucas Ellisor or something." Jason laughed at the idea of having a dorm mate and moving the BLOOD rituals to his parents house in the Louisiana bayou. "This gonna suck." He muttered as his key turned in the lock and he saw the familiar paint style and bed frames.

On Jason's bed was a note that was addressed from the dean. Jason, as my nephew you are bound by certain obligations to this school. I require you to take care of some problems with two dorm mates named Kiran Nevaidos and Darius Grimlocke. Jason read and could only sigh, thinking about what his father would say if he refused this assignment. Jason left his room and went to the game room to see a guy sitting there playing on his computer. Out of no where Darius just started wailing on the other kid screaming 'You didn't see anything'. "What are you doing?" Jason laughed whilst hovering in the doorway, he looked at a game that was being played.

Love me until dawn... It said causing Jason to burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh, you guys really do need peer-mediation if your beating each other up over this. I'm just going to shut this down before something else bad happens." Jason hit the Ctrl-Alt-Del command keys to pause everything on screen. "Now do you guys have a problem with how my uncle assigned you your rooms?" Jason sat down in one of the chairs in the room.

The setting changes from Academy's Campus to Avolair Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
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0.00 INK

Lucas walked back to his room slowly. His legs sluggish and tired. He couldn't understand why but he was worn out from the day. Classes would start soon and he needed rest. He walked slowly back to his room and opened the door. It was already dark inside and he was almost certain that his roommate was already asleep. He didn't bother with lights or anything of the sort as he slowly walked to his bed and collapsed. His last thought was to throw a small ward around himself with a quick incantation. Never can take too many chances after all. He didn't know much about his roommate other than his name, Jason, and the fact that he was an incubus. He wasn't going to take any chances though as he drifted off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leanne Crow Character Portrait: Heather Parker Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton Character Portrait: Alina Valent Character Portrait: June Arett
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0.00 INK

#, as written by darkune
Jason awoke to see that Charin and Sam were still sleeping on his chest and that his new roommate was still sleeping soundly. "Oh damn." Jason got out of the bed without waking the two sleeping succubi and walked over to Lucas. "Hey wake up. Breakfast is in twenty minutes, and if you don't get there on time you don't eat." Jason shook the boy awake and took his clothes out of his dresser. "Come on you two, chow time." Jason pulled the two out of the bed and the floated into the air.

"Jeez, you drill sergeant! All you need is a bugle!" Sam yelled but her mouth was covered by Carin who was also pointing at Lucas. By the time the two settled down Jason was dressed in a new plaid shirt and blue jeans. "He always was a fast." Carin pouted and the three left the dorm room for the cafeteria where every student got their breakfast, Lunch and Dinner were to be gotten either off campus or also in the cafeteria.

"Hey, you gonna tell her?" Sam whispered in her friends ear while discreetly pointing at Carin. "Ugh fine. Hey Carin I forgot to tell you last night, I have a date today. Isn't that awesome?" Jason laughed thinking about Heather warmly in anticipation of the two's date. Speaking of the date, where do I take her? I can't believe I didn't think of that! Somewhere that she can remember. Perfect! Jason thought of the perfect place to take Heather on their first date.


After a night of taking care of the little werewolf girl and feeding her a memory altering drug that he created himself, Victor had crashed from some exhaustion. Before he joined the hunter's he was the most gifted student/assistant of a neural and biological technician. Until he found out that he was a man who was using alchemy instead of science. Upon learning this Victor murdered the alchemist and was adopted by the hunters, taking his vast scientific knowledge with him. Now he uses his ability's to make poisons and conducts experiments on monsters for the hunters

Victor was jolted awake when someone knocked on his door for a change, so he climbed out of his experiment chair and answered the door to see his neighbor Alina. "Hey you brought the clothes, thank you! Its been getting weird treating her without clothes on." Victor woke the dazed girl up and had her dress herself. "You never have shown an interest in my experiments before Alina, what's so special about this one." Victor studied the girl as she ate the food that his neighbor brought her.

"Well the other hunters and I are going to use this girl in some way to break into a school and kill a bunch of supernaturals, but their the plan maker's I'm just the mad scientist that turns poor little girls into traitors. Sometimes I hate what I do to these little creatures." Victor never did like hurting children or small creatures, something his mother and father taught him as a child.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
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0.00 INK

The moment Jason reached for him Lucas's wards triggered. He hadn't put anything dangerous but he woke up almost instantly. It wasn't a very good awakening though. He looked up groggily as he heart more than one voice. His eyes were closed as he listened and when he finally opened them they confirmed what he though. In addition to his roommate there stood two girls in his room also. Lucas sat up and wiped the smut from his eyes before heading towards the bathroom. He said as he tried to beat back a yawn. " never got the chance to say hello. Names, it's pretty good to be an incubus I see." He gave a small laugh at that as he changed. This was a very interesting way to meet someone's roommate. He turned around to say something else but then blinked. Jason and the other two were already gone. Cursing silently Lucas grabbed his staff and headed out of the room.