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Avolair Academy: School for the Supernatural

Avolair Academy: School for the Supernatural


Avolair Academy houses students from age fourteen to twenty one, but they aren't your normal school. They house the supernatural, but little known to them, they are housing them from dangers that lurk too close to home. Chaos becomes catastrophe.

1,379 readers have visited Avolair Academy: School for the Supernatural since Fallen created it.


Avolair Academy

Avolair Academy appears to be your everyday, average boarding school. It looks as if the rich are housed here, pampered, and given the best treatment and education around. Okay, so perhaps some of that is true, however, Avolair Academy is a school for the supernatural. Not only the supernatural but anyone who possesses magic goes here. They are not allowed to apply, they are invited - there are some exceptions however. Here they are taught how to use their abilities, given the best education around, from teachers who have been around forever, and are able to participate in tournaments to test their abilities. The school can seem chaotic due to the mass amount of different types of students, and often times there are fights among different races, but now and then there are those moments where they co - exist peacefully. Outside of the academy, there are those known as hunters, whom the students have not been informed about. They are like bounty hunters whom are supposed to bring back the dead bodies (or body parts) of the supernatural for money. Though there are some that insist on purely torturing and toying with them. The school tries its best to keep said people away, but their number grows by the day.

While at the academy students do not hear from or see their loved ones, unless they are in the academy themselves. They are stripped of all personal electronics (though the school has its own electronics such as computers, lounge televisions) but things like cellphones and ipods and dvd players or game consoles are forbidden (with the exception of the game club - no one knows how that's there, everyone believes a teacher is behind it.) There is a large amount of land surrounding the academy, and students live in dorms having one or two dormmates. They do not choose their dorm mates and see them on the first day.

Many secrets lurk about this academy, but no one knows if they are true...


Type A: Type A vampires are your basic sensitive to sunlight, garlic, die by the stake vampires. The need to drink blood every so often to even stay alive, and they are pale in complexion. They often have a great sense of smell and are very agile and quick on their feet.

Type B: Type B vampires are like type A vampires but have went so often without blood, that they have become emotionally unstable. They are violent when hungry, even if it is not in their nature, and they are stronger in physical strength when hungry than normal vampires. The downside is they are hungry way more often, and their bite is extremely painful. It is rumored that when on the brink of death, the males can poison with their fangs when they bite - regardless of if that was their intention.

Type C: Type C vampires are like backwards vampires. They are extremely rare as well. They are not sensitive to sun, they don't dislike garlic, and a stake is not their natural enemy. They are like that of humans except one thing. They need to bite - to give blood. They need to get rid of excess blood every so often or they fall ill and throw up blood or get extreme bloody noses. These vampires are able to read emotions of those they bite and their bite is said to feel nothing but amazing.


Type A: These werewolves are like shape shifters, they change at will into their werewolf or dog like form, and at will they change back. They have a great amount of endurance, stamina, are quick on their feet, and are always warm.

Type B: These werewolves only change during the full moon, however they are much stronger than type A when in their wolf form. They are natural lovers of the night, and also heal quickly in their wolf form.


Type A: The only type of demon, they do not have wings like some people think. They have a good amount of strength and heightened senses. They are good fighters when it comes to darkness and shadows. The night is often their friend. Most of the time they are cunning or deceitful.


Type A: Type A is your stereotypical female (or male) that attracts the opposite sex and is often times able to get them to do things just by talking to them. They are alluring to anyone of the opposite sex, even if they don't want to be. They are always attractive, and they have heightened senses, voices like silk, and their touch is always warm.

Type B: It is extremely rare, but type b is somewhat like that of type A, except they attract the same sex, and REPEL the opposite sex.


Type A: Type A zombies look like normal humans, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. They were people once human, who died and were brought back to life by a necromancer. Zombies are the walking dead and thus cannot die - ever. They never appear to age. They are physically strong though a little fragile. They do fail pain when injured, though the heal themselves over time even if decapitated.

Type B: Type B zombies are like zombies you see in horror movies. They ARE the dead, scary, creepy, slow and slow talkers as well. Hard to understand, not easy on the eyes.


Type A: Type A ghosts look like humans, humans that cannot be touched and cannot touch anything. They do not age, they are already dead, and have no special traits.

Type B: Type B ghosts cannot be seen, they are like spirits, you hear them, maybe you feel them, but you never see them.


Type A: Type A wizards need some sort of item like a wand, pendant, or etc to use magic. Without it they are rendered useless. They know certain types of spells in which they must recite to cast - they are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B wizards do not need anything to cast their magic, but do recite spells just like type A wizards - they are otherwise human.

Type C: Type C wizards do not need to recite anything, nor do they need an item, their magic ranges from many things, but they are known to lose energy quickly due to their amount of power. They are your massive damagers, but constant fighting is not their forte.


Type A: Alchemists are your everyday humans who tamper with items, potions, your general alchemy to create misc magical like creatures or objects. They are otherwise human.


Type A: Type A necromancers are able to ressurect the dead. They are able to bring someone back to life thus making them a zombie, kill a zombie which they have ressurected (the only way to kill them.) Or, give a ghost a body. If someone has been long dead, they can temporarily control them. They are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B necromancers are able to kill any undead, and bring them back as their eternal slave. These are extremely rare.

Dark Magicians

Type A: Type A uses dark and forbidden magic which is often dangerous to not others but its caster. They work with magic regarding shadows, darkness, blood, and poison. It is not rare for them to die due to their magic.

Type B: Type B uses lost magic, overpowered single shot spells, some which have the power to even kill someone. Every time they cast one of these spells, their life span shortens and they become more and more emotionally and physically fragile.


Perfectly human, hunters are haters of supernatural beings and humans who use and possess magic. Their sole purpose is to hunt and kill them, and often bring them back for an award. Depending on if they work alone, or for an organization, their rules and morals vary.

Extra Curricular/clubs/sports:

Water Polo
Dance (basic)
Dance Team (competitive)

Music Club: Sasha [Lead]
Art Club
Photography Club
Dance Club
For the World (volunteering club)
Fashion Club
Home Economics Club
Video Game Club
Martial Arts Club
Wrestling Club

Student Body:

Vice President:
Financial Manager:


Naturally within the school walls, groups have been formed amongst the students. Most of them without staff or teachers knowing about it. Some are perfectly innocent while others are dangerous.

RAW: RAW is for people that believe those with natural given superior power should rule the school. They have a desire to over throw the head of the school and take over making it their own.

Misfits: The trouble makers of the school, though most of what they do involves petty crimes, bullying, and your everyday fight - they have the potential to be dangerous , though nothing compared to RAW.

Guardians: This grouped formed after hearing about RAW and Misfits. They make it their duty to protect anyone in harms way, and try to make sure the school stays unharmed. They don't have a good reputation, as many people think them stupid and childish.

The Covenant: A group formed by creatures of the night, they pose no threat, and are just looking for acceptance and comfort amongst their kind. Some people - usually humans, get the wrong impression.

Teach: A small group dedicated to teaching people how to better use their powers.

BLOOD: No one knows, but everyone wants to. Wherever these people go, they leave words written in HUMAN blood.

Rankings (do not apply to humans):

Pureblood: People born within a family of pure (insert creature) blood - does not apply to human types. They are often powerful, and usually feared. They posses the most money, usually have followers, and always a protector.
Nobles: Second after purebloods. They are strong as well but not as much so, they come from money but not as much as a pure blood.
Basic: Your everyday, average (insert creature here.)
Misfit: The bottom of the line, weakest, often tossed aside. Their kind usually hates them, as their blood is 'dirty.'


Every pureblood needs a guardian, often times nobles are their guardians, or very skilled humans. Guardians usually protect that of their own race - again, unless they are human or the person they guard is a hybrid.


You are only allowed to hybrid two races together, they may not be overpowered. I will only allow three hybrids, and they must have good character sheets and information.

High School

Earth Science
US History
Social Studies
Physical Education

Self Control
Defensive Techniques
Power Amplification
Survival Training
Weapon Mastery
Potion Creation
Study of Magic Creatures
Metal & Woodshop: The creation of weapons
Magic Mastery
Adaptation: Controlling powers and your characteristics in different environments



College schedules are more lenient, and since you choose more major, you are going to get to make up your classes. Your schedule is not the same as high school students, and you pick the times and days you want to go to school.


There are different types of tournaments that take place different times of the year, every student is required to attend the tournaments even if they aren't in them, as guests. However, some tourneys are mandatory to test progress of students. As prizes students receive trophies and it is considered a high honor amongst the school.

Types of tournaments:


Tourney A: Your basic by elimination singles tournament [Mandatory]
Tourney B: Survival, everyone against everyone, last man standing wins. [By choice (though must be in ONCE within their whole stay at the school.)]
Tourney C: Target practice- the students must hit targets that go further and further. Highest score wins. [By choice]
Tourney D: Usually the smallest tourney - Spotlight- students with magic appealing to the eye compete in a non violent way, showcasing their magic. Most skilled and attractive wins. [By Choice]
Tourney E: Obstacle course of sorts - changes every time. Can be physical obstacles, as well as monsters, creatures, or people in your way. Considered dangerous.[By selection of school committee.]


Tourney A: Your basic elimination match, but in teams. Sometimes chosen at random, sometimes chosen by students. [Mandatory]
Tourney B: This is a teachers vs students match. An often favorite. [By choice]



100. Analea [Ai] Ismene & Voix de Rêves (Re`)
101. Jezebell Knox & Amelia Opal Triste


200. Nyx Narrus & Viktor Akunin
201. Kishin Okurimoro, Sasha Okurimoro, and Samuel Kolwalski

Profile Sheet
Student and teacher (tweak for teacher, tell me what you teach)

Age: (14-21/student) (23+ teacher)
Grade: (Highschool freshman to college senior)
Weapon: (One only, used only for tourneys, though not required - think about your race, can they even handle a weapon?)
Abilities: (Also, rank your abilities with mastered, exceptional, great, good, average, below average, poor, and weak.)
Weaknesses: (Give me a couple, it's required.)
Signature ability:
Race characteristics:

Best character trait:

Extra curricular:
Label: (What do people know you as?)
Academic achievements:
Tournament awards: (I don't want everyone to have awards, I will decline if neccessary.)

Guardian: (Purebloods only)
Relationship status:
Enemies and rivals:

Appearance: Anime only, picture and description please.

Hunter Sheet:



Misc pack items:

Relationship status:
Enemies and rivals:

Years as a hunter:
Organization: (If any)

Appearance: Anime only, picture and description please.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Viktor glanced at Sasha, and then nodded. "It's right this way," he grunted, nodding his head in a direction and taking the lead. He knew quite well where the infirmary was, unfortunately--more than once he had to take himself there, and a couple of times he had been the reason others had been taken there, though he had never exactly appreciated that was something he regretted. It was a double-edged sword--he hated feeding due to the pain it caused his victim, but if he didn't feed he ultimately ended up still hurting others.

Thankfully, he had little time to brood over this oft-faced fact, as they had by now reached the infirmary, where a nurse strode out to see them. She hardly seemed to react to the girl covered in blood and unconscious held in Sasha's arms--then again, you rather had to get used to that working at an infirmary in Avaloir Academy. "Take her to one of the emergency rooms," she stated calmly to Sasha, before turning to Viktor. "What exactly happened?"

"I'm not exactly sure. She just started spouting blood all over the place. Seems like a typical type C vampire sort of reaction." The nurse nodded. "We'll handle it from here, then. If it was a type c vampire reaction, she should wake up soon without any problems, but we'll check just to be sure."


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#, as written by BlueBox
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
-William Shakespeare

"You're lucky you know." Syke's attention was suddenly drawn back from her inner thoughts to the man—creature—thing that she was supposed to be paying attention to. "I'd hate to see what would've happened if we hadn't found you."

Syke continued to give him a blank stare in reply. She didn't need him to tell her the obvious; that she'd be dead or, even worse, alive and wild. Images threatened to take over her vision, but she blinked and pushed them away. She could hold on a bit longer.

"So you have any interests? Sports maybe?" The creature looked like a normal human, save for the pointed ears, sharpened teeth, red eyes, and the pale, slightly greenish tinted skin tone. The demon was built tall and thin, with angular features that gave him a look of nobility.

Syke adjusted the backpack slung across her shoulder. "Track. I like... Track." She muttered, looking down at floor.

"Eh, I don't believe we have that here. Had to disband the team after an incident involving lightning, four fish, and a lizard." Syke replied with yet another blank stare. "Eh.... Long story."

Syke returned her gaze to the path they were taking through the halls. Her running shoes echoed in the quiet halls as she attempted to memorize the location of her classes. She had a map tucked in her back pocket, but she knew using it would attract unwanted attention.

"Well here you are, first class of the day!" Syke looked down at her schedule she held. Self-Control.

The man looked at his pocket watch and made a face. "Hm, I'm supposed to be meeting the Dean in a few minutes. You'll have to introduce yourself. Mr. Fox is rather kind, and I think you'll like him." Stuffing the watch back into his pocket, he held out his hand to Syke. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to come find me in my office."

Syke stared at the demon's outstretched hand and watched as he awkwardly withdrew it. "Um... Thanks," she said as he turned to go, leaving her standing at the door to her classroom. Syke peered into the window on the door. The class was full of students watching some sort of a slideshow; students she didn't want to bother or draw the attention of by entering. She sighed and took out the map, scanning the surrounding area for anything interesting. Finding a destination, she put it back in her pocket and continued down the hallway towards the infirmary. Perhaps she'd be able to find an empty bed and lie down for the rest of the hour.

A women greeted her as she entered. "Well hello there. Come to get a blood transfusion?" Syke raised an eyebrow in question. "Haha, I'm jus' teasing you! Figured you were one of the new students. Haven't seen you here before, and everyone turns up here at some point or another." A women dressed in dark colors was bent over the sink and washing her hands.

"Are you.... The nurse?"

"Sure am, sweetheart. And a Necromancer too! So if I kill ya, It's no big deal." She laughed and dried her hands off. "And you? Vampire right?"

Syke shook her head. "Were....wolf" Her low voice wavered slightly at the word and she took a deep breath. Even though she had finally admitted what she was, it was still just as hard to say it as it was the first time.

"With that complexion? Well then you're the palest wolf I've ever seen." The nurse grinned, and Syke found herself beginning to like her. Her accent had a hint of Texas in it, and the sound of it made here feel at home. "So, whatcha in here for?"

"Just a little tired..... Could I maybe rest here?"

"Ha, been spending all night howlin' at the moon now haven't ya? You can go take a nap on one of the cots over there." She pointed to the back of the room.

Syke smiled. "Thanks." She slipped her bag off her shoulder, placed it on the floor, and stretched out on the cot. She wasn't exactly tired, but her head was too busy to focus on anything at the moment. Not but five minutes after she shut her eyes, Syke heard the nurse outside the infirmary.

"Take her to one of the emergency rooms. What exactly happened."

Another voice sounded from beyond the doorway, this time male. "I'm not exactly sure. She just started spouting blood all over the place. Seems like a typical Type C vampire sort of reaction."

"We'll handle it from here, then. If it was a Type C vampire reaction, she should wake up soon without any problems, but we'll check just to be sure."

Syke rolled over in her cot to face the newcomers. She brushed her short and messy brown hair over her eyes, hoping to give the impression she was still sleeping.


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#, as written by Nyxeth
Nyx gave a restrained smile as Amelia returned in a more humanoid form and quipped a reply, a smile that promptly vanished as the sound of the air being displaced filled his ears as Kishin unceremoniously fell to the ground from the tree tops above. As Kishin collected himself, Nyx's gaze shifted from the girl to him as he folded his arms and spoke bluntly, "I was wondering where you had flown off to, I thought I'd make myself useful and haul you back to the class seeing as your friend did quite a number on you". Glancing up at where Kishin had descended from, he wondered how long the demon had been up in the tree before he himself had arrived - he also amusedly thought to himself that he was on the money with his earlier guess as to where he might end up.

Moving his eyes down from the tree tops, they began to idly glance about the clearing in the trees before gesturing with his thumb over his shoulder in the direction Kishin had flown. "I don't know about your hat, but I hear someone singing in the direction you flew so maybe they have seen it". Nyx's perceptive abilities were highly acute, he could see in the dark as well as he could in the light, he could detect smells most could not and equally his hearing was surpassing of most. What might merely be whispering in the mind for the others was like having the singer right next to him. The downside of this however was that certain frequencies of sound or even simply things too loud could throw him off considerably. A reason he always kept a pair of ear plugs in his pocket.

With that said, Nyx opted rather than impose himself further on the pair who no doubt had their own plans - hat and moon chasing respective - he would rather return to campus. Spinning on his feet, he idly waved over his shoulder to Amelia as he glanced back and spoke, "See you around sometime" before trotting off out of sight back to the classroom block. After some moments of walking - or running - the lad found himself back by the broken window and the majority of the class had dispersed at the behest of the teacher. Hopping through the gap from the outside, he idly waved at Joseph and quipped, "I found Kishin, he looked ok in case you were worried" before promptly crossing the class and using the actual door to leave with his bag in tow, stopping at the door only to catch a few muffled words Joseph exclaimed.

his next destination was that of the nurse's office, if only to check up on how Ai had faired, Nyx had a relatively benign outlook towards others, even if he didn't particularly know people personally, he made it his business in some regards to make sure those people were alright, emotionally or physically. Partly from his want to be accepted and partly from his want to hold onto the vestiges of humanity in himself lest his demon blood run its course. Upon reaching the nurse's office, Nyx was greeted by the sight of his classmates - known to him or not - and the nurse who crowded at Ai's side.

From what conversation he heard, it seemed the occurrence was relatively harmless and common to her type as he moved around the trio - Sasha, Viktor and the nurse - to the next bed over and without paying much heed - or not noticing full stop - to the person using it that he nearly sat on only to stop a fraction of a second before he did so. Glancing down as he did, Nyx blanched slightly before straightening himself up and coughing politely, "Ahem, sorry".


Having ushered most of the class out of the room and collecting their papers, Joseph had a few minutes silence as he rubbed at his temples in thought. "At least it wasn't as bad as last year" he openly thought before glancing to the stack of papers and then to the window as Nyx promptly hopped in and proclaimed Kishin's 'relative' safety. "Well thats good to hear, now if you'd-" he started only to watch the demon-boy grab his bag and stride out the room. "-fill in this paper". Sighing and rubbing his temples again, Joseph wondered sometimes about people here. Well some were from prestigious families who understood the need to acclimatise to the wordly changes, others were casteless cases, the ones who didn't know their true heritage until signs began to show, the same signs that could reveal them to the world.

Glancing at his register of attendance, Joseph idly began ticking off the students who had shown up, usually Self-Control was a High School field of study, as were most training wheel style supernatural classes, however some - those who joined the academy late, special cases or simply those who didn't attend - were put into it at the college level. Nyx was one such person, whilst in control for the most part he was one of the special cases who couldn't hold a firm leash on his occult side, especially as a half breed which generally diluted the supernatural blood in the worst ways.

Tapping the register with his pen, he made a 'hmm' sound before scratching his cheek, "Must be a new student, I haven't seen or heard of them before... and they didn't show up". Circling the name 'Syke', Joseph made a note to himself to find out where she was later.


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#, as written by psyduck
Amelia turned her attention from the original boy to the new one, whom she has seemingly missed just hanging in the tree. Hmm, she thought to herself, I was probably distracted to not have noticed. Lost in her own thoughts she hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation, but when Nyx, she thought his name was, speak again she noted the disappeared smile. She pushed her lips together, and gave a quick reply to Kishin, "I haven't seen you hat either."

As Nyx left Amelia sighed a goodbye and managed a small wave. She looked to Kishin again, "I hope you find your hat, But I've got to dry up and get ready for my afternoon class. " She headed in the same direction from the clearing that Nyx had gone in, but hung a right of the trail towards the dorm rooms. The rain had drenched her, well, everything.

Upon returning to her room, Amelia stripped herself of the cold,wet clothing and dried her self. Deciding on a navy blue skit, a peach shirt with a design of a flower in a matching navy blue of the skirt. Amelia searched for her blow drier, as she ran her slender fingers through her tangled hair. After several minutes of panic, she finaly found the purple hair drier. Bending over she flipped her hair so it dangled inches above the floor. After drying her hair it was a messy, butt dry cluster of hair. She shrugged, she didn't like being so wet and cold.

Ugh, the first class of the year. What a drag. I mean, the final sign that summer was over was like hitting a brick wall really hard with your unprotected head, Amelia thought as she took the trip outside to her next class, this time not unprepared for the weather. Umbrella in hand, brown boots on her feet. She still had a little time before class started so she decided to flip a few pennies and make a few wishes at the fountain.

She had always thought that rain increased magic, and the power of wishing in some mystical way any way.


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#, as written by X64

"I don't know about your hat, but I heard someone singing in the direction you flew so maybe they have seen it"[b] Kishin just nodded, and watched him as he ran off. He looked over at the werewolf girl. [b]"I hope you find your hat, but I've got to dry up and get ready for my afternoon class." He heard her say, then watched as she went off, too. Kishin scoffed at them, as if he had expected them to know where his hat was. Gingerly, Kishin felt his side. Oh yeah...I've definately got a few broken ribs. But... He looked over to where he had flown from. I have to get it back. Holding his side, he limped off in the direction Nyx had pointed out. Luckily for me, Kishin thought, my wounds are all internal. This should give me a little more time before I pass out....I have to get it back by then. He continued on, stopping occasionally to cough up blood. Soon enough, he started getting dizzy. He could hear singing...was he becoming delirious? He had to find it! He followed the music, until he saw a girl wearing his hat, who seemed to be singing and dancing.

"Hey." He huffed. He was pretty sure the girl might not of heard him, so he forced himself to yell, "Hey!" Why did she have his hat, anyway? His vision got blurry for a moment as he looked at her. I don't have much time.
"Hey! That's mine. Give it back."

Sasha handed over Ai to the nurse, letting them take her over to the cot. Sasha was glad she was going to be okay. Sasha turned to the others. "Well, I'm off." He said happily, leaving the nurses office. To be honest, he was a little worried about Kishin. He was usually back by now. Maybe he didn't hold back as much as he thought he did...
In any case, the teacher had asked to see him once Ai was safely at the nurses office. Sasha made his way back to the classroom. It seemed like the other students were gone, transitioning to thier next class. "Mr. Fox?" Sasha called. "You said you wanted to see me?"


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Re` could have danced, well maybe not danced but definately, sung forever. She loved music with a passion beyond all passions and she was throroughly enjoying the hat so there wasn't any reason to stop. Well, the rain probably was a good reason but she was past the point of being bothered by it, after all she was soaked from the very minute she stepped outside, what else was it going to do to her. It was amazing how quickly her thoughts on things changed when she was singing, pretty fast, faster that a raging bullet. Of course, her performance was rather rudely interupted by a yelling demon, "Hey! That's mine. Give it back.." She jumped out of her skin and her heart literally skipped a beat thus proceeding with a short palpiation, "Holy crap."

She turned around to face the guy ready to snap his head off, "What is your problem! Are you yelling at me because you think I stole it?" Her tone was threatening, and she slowly aproached the guy in an offensive manner, her hands rested on her hips, one all the while clutched the stupid hat. "Well I'll have you know, you're lucky I didn't rip it to peices after it hit me in the face."

Re` being the girl she is couldn't help but continue, "You really think this thing would be worth stealing? Worth the time required to take it from you? Well, think again." She looked at the demon measuring his reaction, really analyzing him, she was going to continue but stopped for a moment to analyze the boy even closer, he looked sick. In an instant her whole demeanor changed, the boy would probably clasify her as bipolar. Her tensed muscles loosened and her face and tone went from threatening to worried, "Hey, you don't look so good. Are you allright?"

(sorry my post is so short, I'll make it longer next time.)


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#, as written by Fallen
Ai could hear talking around her, however, she could not really comprehend the words. It was like mumbling or a foreign language, thought some part of her mind that was functioning properly told her there were familiar voices speaking. Viktor, whom was easily pointed out, and the person from earlier...the person from earlier....what was his name? There were new voices, in addition, but she was unable to figure out whom they belonged to. Ai opened her eyes, her vision slightly blurred as she did so. She blinked a few times, the room slowly getting sharper as she did so. She lay still for a moment, unable to remember what happened and not knowing where she was. She was looking straight up at the ceiling, that was until she turned her head ever so slightly, to see none other than Viktor next to her. She opened her mouth to say something, his name, but as she did so it came out in a whisper. Frustrated at this, she tried again, being more audible this time. "Where am I?" she asked. Behined Viktor, she saw someone else she had seen from class earlier, and a girl - unmistakeably a werewolf in which she had never laid eyes on. She didn't look injured, some part of her wondered why she was there. It then occur to her where she was, she had been in this room once before, however without the nurse actually being here.

Ai felt a bit tired, but not as bad as earlier, she remembered what happened and flushed a scarlet red color. At least, she had a decent amount of blood in her body if she was able to do so. However, she didn't want to have to face that class again, someone had even laughed at her, it made her feel horrible. When she looked down, she saw she was still covered in blood, she felt like some sort of monster, she hoped people wouldn't see her that way. It reminded her though, of the boy in which helped her up, she had gotten blood on him, she wanted to apologize. When she looked around for him however, he was nowhere in sight. She frowned a bit, "how long have I been here? I..I have work to do..and the tournament!" She now completely sat up and rather abruptly, her work, that paper. She didn't want to start off the school year so horribly. She had to go back, back and get that paper, and fill it out as the teacher requested. Ai was not known to miss work, skip class, or anything of the sort. She was a student who usually excelled. This, could not happen.

For a moment though, she was sort of happy she was accompanied like she was. She felt like people actually cared. Naturally, she would assume Viktor to help her, but the other person, she would have not assumed to help her. She looked at the other person by the werewolf girl. "Hello." she said sweetly. She wanted to speak to the girl as well but she wasn't entirely sure what to say. She didn't want to be rude and ask her why she was here. That would be a bit nosey of her. If the girl spoke to her however, she would of course speak back. Ai looked down at her clothes and frowned, she needed to change, though she was quite sad she ruined this dress. It wasn't normal for her to get so much blood all over herself. Self control was going to be hard, and she had failed so far. The teacher didn't seem to mind her excusing herself, but then didn't that defeat the purpose of self control? Or was it wrong of her to take the whole self control thing into her own hands? Ai stood up, or tried to. She stumbled a bit at first, but then was able to stablize herself. She flushed again, should she be paired up with anyone in this room, they would probably immediately think her useless just based on what had happened. "Thanks for accompanying me here." she said to Viktor. She wasn't sure whether to say the same to the other boy, perhaps he was here to see the girl? Ai looked around the room for a clock, what was the time?


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#, as written by X64

"You really think this thing would be worth stealing? Worth the time required to take it from you? Well, think again."

And why...I hate people.... He thought this as he glared at her, standing his ground when she approached him. Her yelling was annoying, not to mention her misunderstanding. Her offensive manner annoyed him so much that he actually almost forgot about the pain. Almost. Snarling, he growled, "And what would you know about what that hat is worth?" Suddenly, his whole expression changed to a mixture of surprise and confusion when the girl's entire demeanor changed.
"Hey, you don't look so good. Are you all right?"
"I..." This girl caught Kishin entirely off guard. First she's threatening him, and now she's worried about his well-being? What kind of person was she, anyway? Kishin had always had some kind of witty comeback or taunt, but right now he found himself at a loss for words. After a long, akward moment, Kishin snorted.
"Of course...I'll be fine," Kishin panted, lying his butt off. He knew that if he didn't get to an infirmary soon then he would pass out. "I just hat. I don' you got it....just...give it." Kishin's vision got blurry once more. Even though he was a demon, he was lucky to not have had passed out from the internal bleeding by now.


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Re` was not convinced, the long pause before his answer was enough to prove that he wasn't ok. It is always a given that if they pause they are lying, or at least it was as far as she was concerned. Even more so when the guy finally spoke he was panting. The amount of time it took for him to make a...somewhat coherent sentence was rediculous. Quite honestly, it got to the point where she didn't think he would finish it. She put her hands on her hips again, however this time it looked like something you would see a mom do. "Don't you dare lie to me," she waddled her finger at him before giving him a wide, "well guess what, I'm not giving you the hat back until I get you to the medical ward." This worked good for her, surely he could find the way back and she knew how to get just about everywhere from the nurses station.

It worked good for him too. Believe it or not but Re` was genuinely worried about him, he seriously looked like he was about to pass out. She knew what that was like, internally she felt a sweat drop. Even worse, wasn't there supposed to be a battle today, he was most definately not in any shape to be fighting with anyone. She couldn't help but wonder what happened to the guy, it looked like someone made him their own personal punching bag. He must be a nerd she decided. After all that was what usually what got beat up at just about every school. Or maybe that was just who she happened to beat up on the rare occasions that she did.

She walked over to the guy and offered her hand, "I'll help you. However, you can't tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold." She smiled at the guy it was a mix between pleading and threatening. She held the hat just out of reach so he couldn't just steal it, she would be sure of that. "Well come on. You haven't got all day. We need to get there before you pass out cuz I don't think I can carry you there all by myself." Her hand reached out further. If he didn't take it in a second she wasn't going to wait any longer. She wasn't kidding when she said he didn't have all day, jeez he was paler than she was by far, which of course meant that somewhere either externally or internally he was bleeding.

Though she didn't plan on carrying him all the way to the nurses station she he pass out first that didn't mean she wan't going to help him afterwards. As awkward as it was to search him for his injury she would do it in order to heal the guy and then leave, she would of course take the hat with her. After all it would simply blow away with the wind so that would be pointless and a waste.


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#, as written by X64

"Don't you dare lie to me. Well guess what, I'm not giving you the hat back until I get you to the medical ward."

Kishin could only glare his disbelief, although how that was possible one could only guess. It blew his mind that this girl seemed to care. Most people would have thrown the hat on the ground and walked away. But not her. She was trying to help him in her own threatening way. Maybe there was more to this girl than what meets the eye....maybe.

Kishin, still glaring, smiled at her. His smile showed canines that were larger than an average humans but not as large as a vampire's. It made him look downright insane, as if he was thinking of killing her right then and there. Of course, he hadn't been thinking of such a thing at all, but how would she know that?

"I'll help you. However, you can't tell anyone, I have a reputation to uphold." She smiled at the guy it was a mix between pleading and threatening. She held the hat just out of reach so he couldn't just steal it, she would be sure of that. "Well come on. You haven't got all day. We need to get there before you pass out cuz I don't think I can carry you there all by myself."

His vision unblurred a little bit, just enough so that he could see a hand outstretched before him. Then, he started to giggle, coughing up blood in the process. "A...reputation....pfft..." He had no idea why he found that funny, but he had to hold his side even tighter from laughing. After a few seconds or so, Kishin grabbed the girl's hand. Even with his injuries, he managed to have a tight grip. He looked her in the eyes, still smiling. He was probably becoming delusional, but he didn't care. "I Let's...go."


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#, as written by BlueBox
Syke watched as the nurse helped a guy with blond hair, an incubus perhaps, lay a girl onto the cot next to her. Another person, this one unmistakably a vampire, judging from the abnormally large canines, followed behind them. As they shuffled themselves around the cot, Syke got her first good look at the wounded girl.

Syke was briefly shocked by the sight of the girl. Her beautiful white dressed was stained with a lot of blood, yet there wasn't any evidence of injury. Her skin looked soft, but the tone was so pale one could mistake her as dead if it wasn't for the steady rise and fall of her chest. Her silky white hair fell about her, and her beauty showed even in this state. The sight of this pure white creature stained with crimson possessed the shocking contrast of blood upon snow.

Sykes attention was diverted at the sound of footsteps. A slightly sinister-looking male walked toward the girl's cot. He circled around so that his back was towards Syke, and began to lean back. Syke raised her hand and placed it on his back, stopping him from finishing his descent. She felt his body stiffen slightly and met his gaze as he looked down at her, seeing her for the first time. He quickly stood up and coughed. "Ahem.... Sorry."

Skye sat up and pushed her hair out of her face. "'It's a'ight." She kept their mutual gaze for a few seconds more before turning to the girl in the bed.

The girl stirred and opened her eyes. "Where am I?" She whispered before repeating it a little louder. She turned her gaze towards Syke. The girl blushed, looked around, and frowned. "How long have I been here? I..I have work to do..and the tournament!" She sat up with startling speed. She looked at Syke again and smiled. "Hello."

Syke nodded. "Howdy," she said, letting a sliver of one of her accents out. The girl looked down at her dress, and the smile vanished. Syke bent down and unzipped her backpack, taking out rolls of clothes before pulling out a pair of white shorts and a yellow blouse. The shirt had too many frills for Syke's taste, with a lace collar and flower embroidery. It was a set of clothes provided by the school for her, but she'd knew she'd never wear them.

Syke held out the clothes to the girl. “It's not white... but it matches your eyes.” If she could get the vampire out of her bloody dress, Syke would be able to save it from being ruined.


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Re` quite literally had another palpitation at the guys last comment of 'I like you.' That simply would not do, ever since her diagnoses she had been pushing everyone away and keeping them away, now was not the time to be making friends all over again. The process was too long and painful to have to push someone away again. On the same note however, she missed it. She missed the joy having someone to talk to gave her, having someone to be with gave her. Though, the one thing she wanted to talk to someone about she wasn't allowed to so what was the point. And more so, how could she die knowing she completely destroyed the emotional being of a friend. She would die, it was a given, there was no cure, she already had been given little more than a year of life left if she continued down this road. Why put someone through this when it was all so close to ending?

She didn't want it to end. She didn't want to push him away.

But it was going to. And she is going to.

However, that would be after she healed him and got him to the medical ward for a transfusion which he obviously needed since he obviously was internally injured. For goodness sakes, he was laughing up blood. Re` could tell where he was injure from where he was clutching his side, so after he took her hand she gently escorted his arm to rest on her shoulders and held him there while her other hand went to rest lightly on his hand. Even through his hand she could tell his ribs were broken, that had to hurt.

Slowly she turned towards the direction he came from assuming the school would be in the general direction and started walking, even slower than she turned. There was no way they were going to get to the school before he passed out unless she stopped his internal bleeding, and if she was going to bother with that than she might as well heal his bones too. As they walked she began to cast her selfless regeneration spell on the demon. It would be unnoticable to him since he would still be light headed due to loss of blood but by the time the reached the nurses office his side should be mostly healed except for maybe a bruise or two.

Re` opted to remain quiet for a couple of reasons, she needed to concentrate on the spell she was casting and on trying to hold the guy's weight all at the same time. Not to mention make sure she was going in the right direction. Straight. After quite a bit of time she was finally able to make out the school building through the forestry. "Ha, ha! Just in time too...thought I...would...lose you...but you're...still alive." Re` managed to pant. She wasn't built for labor in general, and she had just got out of the medical ward herself, and she had cast an energy zapping spell on the guy, which was, except for the bruises and lack of blood complete.

Making her way inside the building she made it far enough to see the double doors which contained all the medical workers and equipment inside before falling to a knee. "Jeez, you're pretty heavy...perhaps you...should...consider losing some...pounds." After another moment she called out again, "err, excuse me but I could use some assistance with this half dead guy." Afterwards she stopped and breathed in deep and heavy, then she saw a nurse run out grab to demon and whisper something about being busy.

Re` might have followed but it was high time she broke off connection with the demon so instead she turned and walked away silently.


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#, as written by X64

Kishin let her help him. He didn't like it, but he didn't have a choice. However, he did his best to carry as much of his own wieght as he could.

"Ha, ha! Just in time too...thought I...would...lose you...but you're...still alive."

As he saw the school, he thought, There's no way in hell I'd die without Sasha... Suddenly, he realised that he wasn't in as much pain as before. He was dizzy and extremely lightheaded, but he wasn't in pain. He wondered if it was that girl's doing....if so, he wanted her to stop. If anything, Kishin was fair. He never bothered to help anyone, so it didn't make any sense for anyone to help him, either.

He thought about this as they entered the school.

"Jeez, you're pretty heavy...perhaps you...should...consider losing some...pounds." After another moment Re called out again, "err, excuse me but I could use some assistance with this half dead guy."

He managed to delusionally reply, "Jeez, way to make a guy feel pretty...." as the nurse picked him up and headed into the Infirmary. Suddenly, Kishin's eyes grew wide. As if in slow motion he watched her turn and walk away....with his hat.
With the last of his strength, he held out his arm and reached his hand out to her, trying to get her to come back. Unfortunately, however, the doors to the Infirmary closed, blocking her from his sight. As the nurse took him to a cot and began the preparations for a transfusion, he had to resist the insane urge to yell out, "STELLAAAAAAAA!!!"

(lol, thumbs up if you get the reference. xD)


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Viktor glanced down towards Ai as he heard a faint sound, something like a whisper, barely audible, and saw Ai, her eyes blinking, starting to become conscious again. Her eyes turned towards him, and she spoke again, this time her words more audible and clear. "Where am I? "You're in the infirmary wing," he replied, though she seemed to have figured that out by the time he had said it. She seemed quite out of it--of course, very understandable, given what had just happened.

"Thanks for accompanying me here." Ai said to Viktor, who nodded sheepishly and waved his hand, as if to say 'no, no'. "It's no problem, really." He glanced around, realising the infirmary was beginning to get rather packed, and looked back to Ai. "'ere, I can leave if you want...give you some space 'n such."

((Sorry it's short and sucks...been sick the past couple of days and not feeling altogether well -_-))

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Character Portrait: Kishin Okurimono
0 sightings Kishin Okurimono played by RolePlayGateway
"I'm bored. Where are the teachers when you need entertainment?"
Character Portrait: Sasha Okurimono
0 sightings Sasha Okurimono played by RolePlayGateway
Guardian of Kishin Okurimono

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Character Portrait: Analea Ismene [Ai]
Character Portrait: Voix de R??ves (Re`)
Character Portrait: Jacob Vyre
Character Portrait: Syke Monroe


Character Portrait: Jacob Vyre
Jacob Vyre

For ye beings are sin in eternity and shall fall to thy righteous blade, amen

Character Portrait: Voix de R??ves (Re`)
Voix de R??ves (Re`)

Small but packs a big personality


Character Portrait: Voix de R??ves (Re`)
Voix de R??ves (Re`)

Small but packs a big personality

Character Portrait: Jacob Vyre
Jacob Vyre

For ye beings are sin in eternity and shall fall to thy righteous blade, amen

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Character Portrait: Jacob Vyre
Jacob Vyre

For ye beings are sin in eternity and shall fall to thy righteous blade, amen

Character Portrait: Voix de R??ves (Re`)
Voix de R??ves (Re`)

Small but packs a big personality

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Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Oh Providence~ Where are you?~

Anywho, I vote we give him the weekend, and if he can't reply, either lightly bunny his char (as in "[character] followed behind me" or something. No real actions, but including them) or gently continue while leaving room for him to jump in.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Yep, zombies, good fun....

I can see someone decapitating Nikol...and his head just sorta rolls around and says, "Hey, anyone wanna reattach me to my body...y'know, so I can kill you all and get done with this? 'cos I got a date with this nice girl, and well, you know how they get when you're late..." XD

Definitely anticipating the tourney though.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Accepted - naturally.
And oh my gosh you made him a zombie XD.
That will be interesting to say the least o_o.
Unstoppable hunter 8D...
Or one you can't kill at least ._. ..

Once providence posts, I'm going to announce the tourney and once everyone gets there, list the pairings.
And yeah, I pushed it up for everyone's amusement.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Created a hunter, seeing as we only have's up to the GM whether it's accepted though XD

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

well, I am trying to wait for someone else to post but it seems that no one is going to...or perhaps my computer is being stupid again-I wouldn't be surprised quite honestly.


Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

>.< Haha, I'm sorry but I had to. I simply couldn't resist the also sets up for Kishin and Re to meet again ;)

Hm, they actually don't have any classes together, but they are both in the music club.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Not that much really has happened though, speaking of your hat, I can honestly say I forgot she was carrying it by the end of the post. Also, nice joke at the end. Took me a moment but then I got it.

Does Re` and Kishin share any classes cuz you could get it back then.


Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Hi Providence! Need a run-down of what's happened so far? I know it's a lot to read.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Same as BlueBox, plus my connection just has not liked loading RPG the past few days, yay!

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope


We need posts from Nagato and Providence now :)

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Sorry guys, had an incredibly busy week, but I'm so glad you didn't zoom off without me :)

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

sorry, I have been really busy and can only find some time during my lunch period in school making my post really slow in development. *cries* I swear I am working on one though.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Will do my next response when the people in the infirmary have all done theirs. (Bluebox & Nagato)

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Thank you. I left her abilities and powers pretty blank because she hasn't been a werewolf for long. so she has yet to exhibit any other form of power. I think that as the roleplay goes on and she learns her limits and her strengths, her abilities will become more apparent. =)

Edit: Posted. As you can see, I'm a NPC hound. Hope the school faculty is up to our own imagination :3

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Oh your character was fine,
So is the whole biting scenario. I hadn't really mentioned anything about that because I wanted the writers to make some things up for themselves.
But yes your character is fine. You did limit her a bit on abilities but if you did that on purpose that is okay, and actually pretty decent due to age. You could throw a non - racial power in there as to what you listed is something that comes natural. Just thought I would say that XP.

Feel free to post :).
I'll stick you in a dorm soon as well.
Either you can be by yourself at the moment, or get put with two other people.
Tell me which you prefer.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Charrie submitted~ Hoping the whole werewolf bite thing still works, otherwise I have a lot to rewrite. I was kinda thinking along the lines of Vampire Knight, like how if a pureblood bites a human, the human slowly transforms into a vampire? Sorta like that and all.

Meh, I shoulda asked first, but I knew I had to get it in today or I wouldn't be able to until next week. If the bio fails and I crossed to many lines, please accept the character and I'll fix it later. That way I can still post.

Re: [OOC] Avolair Academy [School for the Supernatural] [Ope

Sorry for not posting over the weekend, was in a rut with Easter family affairs.

Will post up later today.