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Mr. Cade

"It's always the same. People start going on about ghosts or demons, and suddenly everyone loses sight of the real monsters...."

0 · 358 views · located in Baltroid Prime (Aliens Vs Predator)

a character in “AVP: Embers Of Fate”, as played by Raidose


Birth Name: Alexander Praxton Cade
Nickname: Mr. Cade

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 225 lbs

Occupation: Financial Adviser, Executive Manager, and Head Proprietor of Elysium City.

Rank: Retired Staff Sergeant

Weapons and Tech:

-Kevlar weave lined shirt.

-Light weight Kevlar vest tucked underneath the shirt.

-Dual M4A4 semi-auto .45 cal pistols loaded with Anti-Personnel "Dum Dum" rounds.

A fairly average man at first glance, in his mid 40's and usually sporting a black suit, Mr. Cade is not one to be easily forgotten. His piercing eyes and Devil's smile only add to the coldness that emanates from him. He has a way of making people agree with him, whether through means of simple logic or persuasion, and always holds a very collected business man demeanor. If Weyland asks for it, then it's done. If it's for the good of the Corporation, then it's done. If it's in his way, then it's done. Mr. Cade is a bad element and worse yet...... he's very good at hiding it.

The past of Mr. Cade is completely erased, in fact it's not even known if that's his real name. Even the great Karl Bishop Weyland isn't quite sure of everything, but what is known is that he was a soldier. Specialized in counter-ops and infiltration. Mr. Cade had a record that was fraught with violence, espionage, and personal transgressions against his own squad, even with the questionable elimination of three of his team. However, it's always fraught with unquestioning discipline and flawless skill. He has received extensive training in all fields of conventional weapons, computer security, infiltration tactics, hand to hand CQB, and even Combat Exo-Suit Piloting. Though perhaps the most dangerous attribute of his is his meticulous planning, his remorseless determination, and his incredibly clever mind. It was these unique traits that led to his early retirement and allowed him to sell a few secrets he'd picked up over the years for a substantial amount. Weyland-Yutani offered him a chance at management, to which he excelled. In a world literally dubbed as "cut-throat", should anyone really be surprised? Now approaching 40 years old, Elysium City is his crowning jewel, his kingdom, his key to immortality. This is his city, and nothing will make him leave.

RP Sample:
Still air filled the dimly lit office, carrying a density that simply couldn't be measured. It could be felt by any who entered. It was like walking into the Devil's den. Along the walls, monitors flashed with Weyland-Yutani's logo. Screens played out various little people living out their various little lives. Reports coming and going, all contributing to the greater control of this, a mad man's dream. The City of Perfection, and Corruption. Elysium City. The large, ornately decorated room acted almost as one giant trophy case. Countless items of luxury and value occupied it's space, protected well behind sheets of reinforced glass.

This lair was devoid of all souls, save one. Though it's quite likely the previous statement was true regardless. Mr. Cade, the God of this little utopia, the hand that pulled the strings and made the puppets dance. This planet didn't function without his say-so, and any who trifled with that power were quickly silenced. He sat behind is large, ominously black desk, tending to one of the many hobbies that occupied his time. Giving a gentle misting to his prized 180-year-old bonsai tree, his attention soon turned to his private channel. It readily blinked and chirped, signaling the end of a slight annoyance. Or at least it better be. With the press of a button the monitor within his desk bore the image of a straight-faced gentlemen dressed in a similar, albeit less expensive suit.

"Mr. Cade, the incident that was troubling you? It's taken care of, sir. He's currently being held in containment. We're awaiting you."

"Good..... I'll be there in a moment, I need to hear what our friend has to say. Make him comfortable. And...... talkative....."

In the span of only a few short minutes, the dark figure of Mr. Cade was striding through the halls of this little known holding area. He liked to bring special guests here, those with something he wanted to hear. This place was always good for promoting conversation. A man, beaten, bruised, bloody, and strapped to a chair sat in the center of the sound-proofed room. A hired thug at each side of him. Through two blackened eyes he looked up at Mr. Cade's smile, knowing he wasn't there to help. Cade, being the gentlemen, casually strolled over to the poor fellow, leaning in close so that his words were clear.

"I would like to apologize for this, I really would. But you see, when you go around my city screaming about monsters, well...... I simply can't have that, can I?"

He walked over to the far wall, grabbing a chair and moving it in front of the man. Sitting down with his hands crossed under his chin, he began the polite part of his interview.

"This really doesn't have to be that bad for you. I'll make it easy, tell me exactly what you saw and we'll get you to a hospital. Clean those cuts and what not. I'll even throw in citizenship to Elysium, you could stay here in these walls. How does that sound?"

After several moments of silence, the man finally looked up. In his eyes were both fear and hate. The hate was for Cade, he could pick up on that much, but the fear...... That was different. Mr. Cade was no stranger to seeing fear in another man's eyes, but this wasn't just fear of life. This felt..... primal, the fear of being hunted. This was the kind of terror a normal human being couldn't inflict on another, this took something else.

"...... You know, you'd find me a whole lot more gracious if you'd be more cooperative. I'm offering you safety here, and all I'm asking for is a few answers. It could all be alright for you. Let's start with your name. What may I call you?"

"Kevin...... My name is Kevin...... And your lying..... I'm going to die here....."

A dark, cold smile spread over Alexander's face, as he leaned in closer to the boy. His eyes abandoned all of their humanity, being overshadowed by his own brow. What were once the eyes of a man became deep, hollow voids of remorseless black and uncaring.

"There are a lot of ways to die, Kevin. This planet is filled with plants and animals that are quite toxic, their poisons and venoms causing hours of painful seizures and debilitating muscle spasms. The hallucinations could explain your sightings of invisible monsters in the jungles beyond these walls. Or, they could simply put you into a gentle coma, as cardiac failure let's you peacefully die in your sleep. No one would know. No one would care. So these are you choices, Kevin."

A doctor, clad in a trademark white coat, approached with a case containing two syringes. It was obvious what was in them. Cade's hand slowly drifted over each of them, as he looked back towards Kevin.

"I do enjoy our conversation, Kevin, but I'm a very busy individual. So if you'd be kind enough to make a decision, we could have all of these matters...... taken care of."

So begins...

Mr. Cade's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Louis "Caveman" Riggs Character Portrait: William "Bill" Alexander Character Portrait: Mark Daniels Character Portrait: Mr. Cade
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#, as written by Raidose
Mr. Cade

The rolling thunder and biting rain muted out all sounds within his beautiful city. It's gray misery blotting the perfection it cascaded upon. It poured from roofs and ran down drains, running down the windows of Mr. Cades office like a water fall. Inside bickered two devils of a different sort.

"Mr. Weyland, there isn't any need for alarm, I assure you. The instance occurred in the Southern hemisphere of the planet, miles away from here. All Synthetic recon teams report that the old hive was destroyed. There is no need for the marines."

"The old hive, yes. But the xenomorphs thrive on the threat of extinction. They will rebuild, and that's not a risk I'm willing to take. The marines stay as a precaution."

"There are none left to rebuild, Mr. Weyland. Please, your being paranoid."

"Paranoia is a powerful tool, it can keep you alive, Mr. Cade. As a soldier, you should know. It's how we survivors persist. And that's why I want you to close this down."

"Mr. Weyland, you know that you can't afford that. All you and Weyland-Yutani have lost over the years in your pursuit to study these creatures, these xenomorphs....... It's cost you billions. This world is a prime for exotic plant life, more potent than any that use to flourish in Earth's rain forests. The local wildlife has an amazing amount of longevity and youth, which we attribute to the high mineral concentrate in the majority of the water sources. This city, My city, will be the focal point for a new breakthrough in health and cosmetics. This is your chance to make a gain, Mr. Weyland, and we both know you can't risk losing it."

"Can you really delude yourself into believing that? That this city of yours is safe? I thought you'd be the voice of reason, but it seams this project has become your Modern Prometheus. It's time to end this."

"With all due respect, Mr. Weyland, I will not end this. This is my fucking city. I will not see it be lost on some childish fear of monsters in the jungle. I will Not let you end it!"

"Fine. Enjoy your little playground. Burn with it. But the marines are going to stay, and that is final. Good bye, Mr. Cade."

The transmission cut out, as did the last ounce of Mr. Cade's restraint. In a fit of rage, his arm smacked the monitor off his desk. Pain shot through his forehead, causing him to grasp at his eye, trying to ease the throbbing aches. He gazed out his window at those eye sores that loitered on his landing pads. In large, white letters, U.S.C.M. was scrolled on each of their sides. Mr. Cade could feel a slight trickle of blood inch it's way from his nose, but was able to catch it before any droplets stained his shirt. The voice from his front desk chimed in over his comms.

"Sir? I have a Major William Alexander here. He wishes to speak with you, Sir."

"....... Yes. Yes, send him in."

Wiping the last traces of the blood from his nose, Mr. Cade turned to see his guest. He was by no means grateful for their presence, and did little to hide his contempt. He motioned for the Major to take a seat, sitting down himself with his hands crossed behind his desk.

"Before you speak, let me make something abundantly clear. I did not ask you here, and I do not want you here. Your presence is merely a formality to put my superiors at ease. I do not want you grunts littering my streets and scaring my citizens. You are to patrol around my city, investigate the colonies surrounding us, and then report back that you have found nothing. Am I undertsood?"

Louis "Caveman" Riggs

The drop ship finally touched down on solid ground, all it's occupants happy the ride was over. The high turbulence from the storm had made the trip down harsh.

"Jesus, is it me or is that ride getting longer and rougher?"

"Heheh, just like ridin' yer mamma, Miguel!"

"Hey, fuck you, Riggs!"

"Both of you lock that shit down! The man's about to make his speech."

The marines turned to their leader, hell, their role model, Master Sergeant Banks, as he gave his orders.

"Your orders are to sweep the northern part of this jungle until you arrive at the colony. From there you are going to make sure the civilian zone is clear of all threats, and then you will report in to me. Is That Clear!?"

"Yes Sir!"

There voices resonated throughout the jungle. Their moral was high. They were all anxious for some action. Bug hunts were the single most dangerous detail a marine could be assigned to, but for those proud veterans of xeno battles, this was the rite of passage. Banks cracked his neck, before giving his last words of encouragement.

"We are talking this very seriously, and after what happened at the Garring Colony, are making sure we have the manpower to keep any more incidents from occurring again. You all know what route you are taking, Now Move Out Marines!"

"Man brings a tear to my eye every time."

Caveman had nothing but respect for that man, having to wipe an actual tear from his eye.

"Yeah, that's not homo at all."

"You'd know, Miguel."

"Fuck you, Riggs."

"I'm sure you'd like to try."

Carlson strode behind the two bickering marines, giving both of them a firm smack on the shoulder pads.

"Alright, love birds, knock the shit off and save it for the xenos. You can have the make-up sex on the ride home."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: William "Bill" Alexander Character Portrait: Mr. Cade
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William acknowledged his host's obvious contempt with an expression of tired apathy. Taking a seat he noticed a monitor on the floor. A joke about Windows ran through his head, but he thought it better not to mention it.

"Before you speak, let me make something abundantly clear. I did not ask you here, and I do not want you here. Your presence is merely a formality to put my superiors at ease. I do not want you grunts littering my streets and scaring my citizens. You are to patrol around my city, investigate the colonies surrounding us, and then report back that you have found nothing. Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir, you are." Bill answered dryly. "However, I must correct you on a few points: an entire battalion of marines has gone missing, at 05:00 we lost contact with the Baltroid Prime colony, and the last transmission sent from the colony contained a SOS message, none of which equates to our presence being a formality. It also makes the possibility of us finding nothing extremely unlikely. Now, with all due respect sir, would you like to put your ego aside for a moment so that we can discuss this matter like adults?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eversor Character Portrait: Louis "Caveman" Riggs Character Portrait: William "Bill" Alexander Character Portrait: Mark Daniels Character Portrait: Mr. Cade Character Portrait: Matthew "Pete" Peterson
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#, as written by Endgame
Ire (predalien, just changed the name)

Time: 5/21/2083,10:53 am
Location: Outer Colony of Baltroid Prime, 14 miles from from the City
Weather Pattern: Storming, estimated 45.8 minutes until cloud break through

The monster of a creature moved through the rain like a snake, its xenomorphs harvesting like a well oiled machine. Many thoughts raced through the hive mind mostly just the queen was getting tired of waiting. The predalien hissed hurrying the xenomoprhs along before sensing the pheromones of Klaw and his hunting party. Ire's head twisted before grunting at two drones to drag away the hosts, he had other things to do. His pheromones were going crazy to an area just north of here

He growled circling up to the to the area were he had sensed the pheromones and found Mr. Cade's scout team.

"Yes, Mr.Cade we've found nothing.... no sir there is nothing in hell out here that even resembles a xenomorph." Oh how wrong they were.

Ire slithered down behind the first two, they were easy, the predalien rammed its razor like claws through the to synthetics chests allowing their blood to spill out onto the ground. The other turned to see what was happening, another mistake. The predalien was on the others in a flash, one pulled up his gun to shoot but the monster grabbed the end of the barrel pushing it upwards towards the sky allowing the burst of the bullets to travel harmlessly into the sky. Ire then rammed its tail through the synthetic snarling as the next synthetic pulled its gun to fire another burst the bullets tearing through the air barely missing Ire. The creature turned to this new opponent and grabbed both of the small creatures arms and tore the synthetic in half as the thing screamed.

The next target fired the bullets tearing into the predaliens back, Ire roared in pain before turning to synthetic. The poor humanoid tried to get of another shot but the beast was upon him quickly, its acid tearing through its body. Ire watched the synthetic quivering to death as the acid tore through its vitals.

Ire seemed to sit gloating in its victory before leaving to go to regroup with Klaw's group, they had much to do and the Queen would not wait much longer without information on what was going on. The abomination crawled its way down into the mines after Klaws pheromone trail.

Sgt. Matthew "Pete" Peterson

Time: 5/21/2083,10:56 am Zulu Time
Squad: Kessler 1-3
Location: Outer Colony of Baltroid Prime outlet district, 14 miles from the City
Weather Pattern: Storming, estimated 43.6 minutes until cloud breakthrough

Pete passed by the cold shopping centers as his squad moved slowly through the outlet mall. It would have been crowed with people, but now it was barren and void of life. The rain kept falling in sheets of wet ice as it ran down the gutters of the facility and pooled on the ground. "Check your corners boys...." He muttered over the comm link before looking inside an abandoned shop. Pete turned his head outside the shop before making his way to the regrouping point, it had gone well so far, nothing notable. Pete looked around silently before the rest of his squad grouped up.

"Anybody have anything to share....?" Pete asked quietly but only received a shake of heads, then it happened.

The sky broke lose with sounds of gun fire "to point men, get eyes on with the target before you fire..." Pete growled charging through the dense brush towards the noise, and there he found the carnage....

"my god..... what the fuck could have done this?" He muttered as his men circled around the dead synthetics, he quickly press the link on all coms including Mr.Cades "This is Sgt.Peterson..... I've found some casualties outside the outlet mall... they look like Cade's scout team... they're torn to shreds and I'm having trouble even making out which body part is which, whatever the hell did this... its not human...." he grunted before seeing something strange. "Holy shit..... is this...." the com went silent before Pete answered through. "Cade.... you better start praying to every god in existence, because we have some kind of infestation of bugs on are hands.... and the thing that killed your androids.... it an't a normal bug... no warrior could have ripped a synthetic in half. I'll swing the bodies by base camp see if we can't figure out what the hell did this.... Pete out." Peterson looked around silently and he had a sickening feeling on what happened to the marines.

(still waiting for the other preds to post....)
