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El demonio que hace que los trofeos de los hombres.....

0 · 625 views · located in Baltroid Prime (Aliens Vs Predator)

a character in “AVP: Embers Of Fate”, as played by Raidose


Theme Song: ::Ozzy Osborn- Let Me Hear You Scream


Birth Name: Ni'Charak
Human Nickname: Red, Cuchillas CarmesΓ­
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Naat-Ji
Age: 174
Height: 7'4"
Weight: 460lbs in armor and gear.


-His father's acid proof mask, which has been repaired and modified. The mask is advanced well beyond his Cast in the Yautja hierarchy, featuring a multitude of vision modes as well as a micro-tracking dart shooter. The mask can process a massive amount of information and can paint multiple targets for his Caster and maintain the lock without maintaining line of sight. The mask is much like the Dark mask from AVP for the consoles (image right) with the following exceptions: it's a darker metal color, it has two piercings on the chin with dangling ornamental spikes, a concave and rigid mouth-piece, a small serrated blade running vertical on where the mouth would be, and a vertical row of three tiny hook-like blades above each eyebrow ridge.

-Basic light armor which protects the left half of his upper torso, his thighs, knees, and shins. All of which have been treated to be impervious to Xenomorph acid. This can be assumed on any piece of armor.

-Leather bandolier going over the left shoulder, adorned with small non-terrestrial skulls, meant for carry any small bits and bobs, such as his mini-shurikens, his mines, and a vile of highly concentrated dissolvant.

-Lightly armored right shoulder guard with a defensive blade curving outward to deter attackers.

-Moderately armored left shoulder guard with multi-layered plates overlapping to allow better durability. Is capable of holding his bio-mask when not in use, allowing him to safely keep the mask with him at all times.

-Full Medi-comp set.

-Right wrist bracer contains a expandable protective shield to repel projectiles.

-Wrist console holds a back-up targeting laser capable of aiming and firing the Plasma Caster without need of the bio-mask.

-Gold human locket containing a family portrait.


-Dual Naat-Ji unique 16-inch plasma edged wristblades that have been treated and acid-proofed. Plasma edging allows almost instantaneous cauterization of wounds, making them extremely effective against Xenomorphs.

-Twelve disposable mini-shurikens, each containing a vile of concentrated dissolvant that can be released remotely. Twelve may sound like a lot, but three are small enough to fit in your hand. (In bandolier)

-One programmable multi-targeting Smart-Disc.

-A spool of reinforced dlex thread. I wouldn't count this as a "weapon" per say. (In bandolier)

-Light plasma caster. Unable to charge it's shots, but instead fires higher velocity blasts of super-heated plasma. Lighter weight allows the servos to move faster, allowing for faster target-lock and greater accuracy against moving targets.

-Three laser grid mines and two plasma mines. (In bandolier)

-Five tracker darts, which are loaded in the mask. Carries two extra reloads in bandolier.

-Disposable Combi-stick containing a vile of concentrated dissolvant that can be released remotely.

Despite being alive for two human lifetimes, this Yautja is still rather youthful of body, though mature of mind and soul. Because of his youth, he lacks brow-spikes and has an undeveloped crown. A large scar on his face going at an angle from under his upper left mandible, past his left eye and through his brow marks his most notable feature. He can also completely enclose his mandibles like the Predator from the first movie. His body is very athletic, which compliments his powerful lean muscles and lithe swiftness. Despite some Yautja having rather large heads (or at least in some movies they do), his is far more proportionate with his shoulders (like those in the comics). His skin is a light pale greenish color.

His armor is fairly average, only being a dark silverish metal tone. His gear is hardly personalized, save for his wrist blades which he had shaded into a dark metallic red. On each of his fingers is a ring with a small spike on it, meant to aid in hand-to-hand conflicts. He still wears his trophy necklace from his Kainde Amedha Chiva, along with his belt which has a small, humanoid skull as the buckle, complete with the clan loin cloth. The loin cloth is dark blue, squared, and long in both the front and back, with the back being about 4 inches longer, and is very worn and torn on the ends. It drapes ethereally light, gracefully following his each movement.

A vertical, curved blade going up his right arm makes up his right shoulder plate, with overlapping plates with torn pieces of the same dark blue fabric poking out from underneath making up his left shoulder plate. He recently added a hand-made leather bandolier going across his right shoulder, which is adorned with a few small alienoid skulls.

Personality: ImageNi'Charak's personality is like that of a storm cloud or a dying fire, cold and black on the outside, but once stirred the sudden blast of heat could melt your face off. He's very cynical and calculating when not consumed by battle, but once he is it all gives way to the fangs and claws of a berserk warrior. His fiery spirit and carefully planned manipulation of enemies makes him an exceptionally deadly hunter.

His fighting style, the Khuasa Paya Huus't (Storm God's Wrath), also sometimes known as the "Dance of the Mad God" or the "Vengeful Haze", is a dual wristblade style, taught to him by both his father and an Elder named Yeyinde, that focuses on channeling the user's rage into momentum, strength, speed, and an energy source. If done properly this can allow the user can enter a fiery state of Zazin to take on entire groups of equal sized enemies with utter ease in a display of confusing, furious, and dance-like acrobatic strikes and counters that blend seamlessly from one to the next (capoeira for preds).

Their are two practices of this style, which Ni'Charak has almost mastered. The Calm Before The Storm, which entails stealthily eliminating hazardous foes and using fear tactics to herd the rest of the prey as one desires, and the Tempest, which is the trademark of the style and involves diving into the middle of said cluster of victims to swiftly slay them all.

This style is usually only taught to those Predators who have suffered great loss, as that hatred in their hearts is what this form tempers into a fearsome weapon. Though one thing is for certain, surrounding a Khuasa Paya Huus't user is a very bad idea. It was made around the old saying "Dtai'Kai-dte sa-de nau'gkon dtain'aun bpi-de", "The fight begun would not end until the end".

Using this style, the more Ni'Charak fights, the more likely he is to whip himself into a bloody frenzy of gore that is very difficult to exit. This means he must either ensure his fights are short and quiet, or that he must wait for all his foes to group before making his ambush. For once he starts berserking, stealth becomes very very hard to go back to.

He prefers to hunt humans, as he has much greater respect for them. In fact, it is how he earned his hunting name. And while he believes that the serpents are indeed worthy, they should be exterminated rather than hunted. He can become quickly enraged by the mere presence of a xenomorph, entering into his Tempest form instantaneously if provoked.

He always upholds his father's beliefs. Respect your prey, defend your brothers, and of course his Clan's Creed: Life Before Honor, Death Before Dishonor.

The planet this all started on was a distant one, colonized by hunters for it's fertile forests and challenging game. A world perfect for expanse. A world that was claimed by the yautja nearly four centuries ago. A world home of the Naat-Ji clan. A world where Ni'Charak was born. A world that was home. But most interesting, a world harboring serpents. And a legend.

"Red", as he may be called for short, came from a long and proud line of hunters and warriors, and was the youngest of his three brothers to earn his hunt name. His father, Naral-Gii or "Black Scythe", was of noble blood, and thus was greatly influential to the yautja hierarchy. He always aspired to be in his father's image and uphold his families honor and legacy. Out of all his brothers, he strove the hardest to earn his father's eye. Red followed every teaching he had received, and had prepared with his father for his day to adulthood. Upon the day of his Kainde Amedha Chiva (Hard meat trial, A.K.A. rite of passage), he had lost two of his brothers, one to a hunt, the other to the trial itself. He emerged victorious over the serpents, however, and held his head high. Though the sorrows of this young yautja were not over, and the serpents had not claimed there fill. Returning home with honor, he and his kin celebrated and honored those lost, only to be interrupted.

The sentries patrolling around the settlement were sending unreasonable, no, unbelievable reports. That which had not been seen since the hunters first claimed this world, the legendary Ras'dte Kau-noch, "The Great Scourge" had returned. An enormous albino Ravager. Though the Naat-Ji were renowned serpent slayers, they were wiped out in a single night. Ni'Charak was scarred forever by his family dying before him. The beast was finally driven away by a visiting shuttle's plasma cannons. They searched the camp for survivors, finding only one. Red had survived. Bleeding, beaten, broken, unconscious, and cursing the God's for not allowing him to be with his kin. He had bestowed upon himself a great dishonor. He had lived.

Being accused as a thief of the mask of Naral-Gii, it was only by the intervention of Yeyinde, the Elder who aided in his training, that proof of his rite of heritage was shown. However, this bore it's own punishment. He had shamed his clan by not fighting to the end, and this time Yeyinde could not aid him. The planet he was marooned on was colonized by humans, and, while he had hunted them before with his father, it was here he developed a respect for them. And gained a great many trophies of them as well.......

He forever carries his father's mask, along with his hatred of the xenomorphs. A fire burned within his soul. One he would have burn the serpents from their dark lairs, even if it were to consume him in the end. But he would not have others know of this. For it was his alone to bare. And so, dreaming of his revenge on the nightmare things that stole his life and of reviving the Naat-Ji to reclaim his legacy, he has bounced from hunting party to hunting party.

Having no past and no proof of his nobility.......

Image Image

The image on the left is Naral-Gii, with the exception of the mask, of course. The image on the right is a depiction N'Kcha-Guaysu, Ni'Charak's great ancestor and founder of the Naat-Ji clan. He is the Elder of which his family draws it's fame and nobility. Those two swords on his back are his Naginata, and were passed down the family for thousands of years. And now they're embedded in a giant Xenomorph's back.

So begins...

Ni'Charak's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amelia Turner Character Portrait: Ni'Charak
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As thunder clapped and lightning roared,
Metal owned the sky.
Darkness swept across the lands below,
the metal belly had made its cry.
Seven shards piercing,
each of Death's design.

The soft skin of the earth cried,
as the flesh of hunter appeared.
Water poured from the sky-wound,
darkness burning as death soon neared.

The hour of the Hunt was heard by all,
but only a few had made the call.
Each a hunter, in their own right,
Each a fearsome sight.

But as their prey dies,
They will soon take their prize...

Amelia had watched from above as the seven pods sliced downwards towards the planet surface from a descending scout ship, but she had other plans. She never did like the use of pods, as they were often a one-way trip, and there was little to do when a resupply was needed. Her mentor, the elder known as Nracha-dte, had set her up for her first hunt without his guidance, but she was not nervous.

Even though she is known by the Yautja as "Sister Watcher", she was not one of them. She was still mostly human. She had just finished equipping her armor when another hunter appeared in the hallway of their shuttle, one with a particularly pale green skin tone. Ni'Charak

Normally, other Yautja would challenge her due to her human blood, but this hunter was a trusted ally of her mentor, and thus, regarded as a friend. A simple nod was given, her own gesture for an aknowledged greeting, and she had moved on towards the armament chamber.

This was the duo's personal scout ship, as it was oftentimes just Amelia and her mentor. As her eyes moved from trophy to trophy, she realized that if this excursion works out in their favor, despite being outnumbered 758-to-1, this would be their fifth trophy from a queen.