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Thern' Vederun

You can't see da eyes o' da demon... till him come callin'.

0 · 1,289 views · located in Baltroid Prime (Aliens Vs Predator)

a character in “AVP: Embers Of Fate”, as played by Endgame




-Yaujta Name: Thern’ Vederun

-Human Nickname: Blackout

Species: Predator

Age: 158 solar cycles

Rank: Veteran

Height: 8'1

Weight: 680 lbs.





Thern's appearance is mostly some what different from others, while he is young he has touches of a darker green coloration to him and has splotches of red on his skull. His skull is tampered down into a snout like formation. He skull is a little more even to his body than other predators. His mandibles are usually shut completely but when angered or enraged quickly flare to fully spread. While most preds have normal dreadlocks Therns are a mix of black and red with some red rings on them. Thern is mostly broad shouldered with a large body that is built like a tank with broad shoulders and toned for the hunt.

Therns coloration is mostly the same as other predators but with a little more darker green thrown in the image. Therns body has a few scars here and there showing his many hunts off to others, the most noticeable is a long ropy gash across his chest a scar he revived on his trail of manhood. Thern has a very distinctive armor, his armor is custom made forged when he became an elite.

This armor is made out of a alloy instead of the usual metal making it lighter and stronger than normal armors. This armor gives of an eerie shine when placed under light making him almost feel demonic. It also has a unusual shoulder pack like leather pack on the back of it that comes around to the front with a high grade leather and rubbed in xeno inter enzymes making it resistant to acid. His mask is the one defining feature of the mix, tamped alloy, with a falconer desing with markings running up the sides and the back blades.





Thern personality is a very straight forward one, one that says "I will get the job done, no matter the cost to me". He has personality is really a mixed bag. At times it may seem like all he cares about is following the code of honor and getting his trophy and at times he take a more gentle approach to things, thinking and planing them out. Sometimes Thern might be lead astray by a small touch arrogance (such as gloating an enemy into attack), and there are times when he will spare a life for alternative reasons making him weak against those who appear to be weak. For he will spare them and turn his back to them allowing an ambush attempt.

Thern is a follower of the belief of death before dishonor and will stay and fight to the death if engaged. This belief shapes some of his personality making him into a warrior to the end. Always one to believe to gain respect you must earn it, he is while not one to complain to question those he finds unworthy or lacking honor. He seems to to have a no gruff approach to things and is always playing for keeps because he knows this isn't just a game.




Bio Mask


His bio mask is a highly durable acid resistant alien alloy casting making one hell of a challenge to destroy his mask. It has an advanced lay out on the inside of his mask. It has multiple vision modes, such as, Thermal, Electronic, EM, Xeno vision and many other underlying vision modes. It features a heartbeat monitor for tracking and medical status, he also holds man other systems for internal function including something that resembles smelling salts. His helmet can also track pheromone trails over long distances, also he can seemingly track footprints and other samples across extremely long distances maybe even across planets, it is currently unknown how he does this. He unlike most predator has two laser targeting systems on both sides of his helmet and can track swarms of targets at once.

Plate armor

Thern has acid resistant plate armor somewhat like those seen in AVP. It has a heavy chest plate with a durable stomach and back pieces running down his lower abdomen and lower back allowing free movement as well as some protection. It also makes use of side upper arm guards as well a shoulder plates, along with lower body protection as metal lower body wrap around. He also wears acid resistant graves was well as a belt that comes across with some extra weapons hanging at his side

Wrist Gauntlets

Thern’s wrist gauntlets are acid resistant forged for the hunt, with many failsafe’s to prevent shut down. They have an advanced system as well as the hunters cloaking device enabled from here as well as manual systems, they also contain his dual wrist blades as well as his self-destruct device and remote detonation system as well as many other functions. The wrist gauntlets come down into a glove with spike like ends on the knuckles

Leather Shoulder Pack

Thern owns a leather shoulder pack to carry smaller items and trophy's in as well as some of his weapons , while the back part has armored plating over it to prevent detonation of explosive goods, the strap is the leather though the leather has been rubbed in the xenomorphs enzymes keeping it from being affected by acid.

Thern’s Medi-Comp

Therns medi-comp is basically just a simple medi-comp with more stuff shoved inside and while though it isn’t state of the art it can patch just about any wound except for the lethal ones.


-Two Mark 2.0 Plasma Casters (as seen in Predators, used by tracker and berserker)
-Clan combi-stick
-Remote detonators(basically the version of predator mini nuke bombs)
-14' inch Predator Wrist Blades (acid treated)
-Two mauls
-One ceremonial dagger
-Smart Disk
-Plasma Bolt Gauntlet projector
-Plasma Pistol
-Spear Gun
-Predator Whip




Thern was born on Yaujta Prime and like most was raised to be a hunter, except no one knew how fast he would rise through the ranks. He was raised by the mother as most are and soon reached the age were he would be allowed to hunt made quick work of his first prey. After that he proceed to quickly climb up the latter of honor until he was ready to take on the challenge of the blooded, or his right to man hood. He was sent to another planet were there was a xenomorph outbreak with two others and told to kill his first serpent and then kill the others until the ship arrives.

Thern and his two brothers in arms marched their way into the caves were the hive had taken refuge only to truly awaited them. The hive had at first swarmed the predators, and ended up killing one. Thern and the other predator managed to kill a few and after brother in arms death pushed the two predators to victory over the xenomorphs and earned them their hard fought man hood. After this Thern continued to rise up the ranks earning many of his greatest trophy's that put him up for his trail into elite hood.

Thern battle against the xenos became a heated conflict as the elite observers watched on as Thern made trophy's of them all. He was then awarded the rank of the elite, he then continued to rise until he reached his current rank before getting the distress call from Baltroid Prime.

RPG Sample

The area was quiet as Thern's mother ship passed silently through the open space undisturbed by the outside world. The yaujta eyes watched it out of the large view port in bored sort of fashion, for it had been long since they had found a good hunt. This tiresome boredom drew closer to Thern before he matched away from the window and into were the clan ate. Most Predators cleaned there plates quickly but some chose to stay behind, rather out of boredom or looking for a challenge he did not know. Then something caught his attention, the sound of running behind him and turned to find a blooded predator staring up at him "Yur'ark requires you." Thern nodded and moved away to his elder, who happened to be his father. Thern paused outside the main clan room before moving inside. The room was filled with trophy's from hunts past and smelled of the hunt. His father sat in a throne at the back of the room before motioning him over and playing Baltroid Primes distress signal. Thern clicked listening to it and watching the video feed before turning to his father and kneeling on one knee and bowing his head "I know what to do father...." He father nodded approvingly, before he spoke "a hunting party is being gathered on an Elder assigned mother ship go there, and cut down these foul serpents" Thern nodded before disappearing to prepare, it was time to hunt.


So begins...

Thern' Vederun's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thern' Vederun Character Portrait: Eversor Character Portrait: Matthew "Pete" Peterson
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#, as written by Endgame

The sky seemed to split as his pod rocketed downwards towards the ground as sense of calmness fell over the hunter inside. This feeling was not knew to Thern for it was better to step out of your pod calm and poised then a bat shit kill the world mood. The pelting rain tore and the pod as it finally slipped through the first cloud layer. The pod crashed into the ground with ear cracking boom as Thern check the area around him with scanners inside the ship, nothing but a few foxes trying to find cover.

The pods top rolled back slowly as Thern stepped out into the pouring rain. The sky had darkened but the rain would let up soon and then the hunt would begin. He closed his cock pit lid and waited for the others to arrive. He took this time to ready his weapons for the coming hunt. He unsheathed his wrist blades running his finger across their cold steel surface be retracting them and moving on to his other weapons, soon they would taste blood


The predalien roared as the hive made its way out into the rain. The cold hive would be safer but if anyone stayed Eversor would personally see to their death. The predalien made its way to the wall before it started scaling the wall quickly and threw away any xeno unfortunate to get in its way. The creature pulled its way up the wall until it reached solid ground above inside the old labs. To this the creature bowled his way though other xenos before coming upon the entrance to the labs and moving out into the rain. The hive swarming around him, they needed hosts and he was going to get them.

Sgt. Matthew Peterson

The drop ship engine hummed slowly as the ship proceeded to make a landing on the pad. It had been a long ride, 3 mouths in cryo-sleep and the this long ride down made it just a bit longer than planed. Pete sat up slowly before making his way over to a transit window of the ship and watched the W-Y landing crew scurrying around trying to get the drop ship locked down so it wouldn't blow over with all these gale force winds. He stood with the rest of his unit and made his way over to the door.

"Now, were here to figure out what happened to some men and protect the colony, the bug hunt comes as a second objective if we find any, but keep frosty marines were dealing with W-Y and history with them says things can get dicey quickly with them." His men responded with a quick yes sir, before the door opened and they stepped into the storm and moved quickly inside to meet up with the other squads.