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Daisuke Li Kara

"One for sorrow, two for joy... And so on."

0 · 1,485 views · located in Azuline Academy

a character in “Azuline Academy: The Beta Test”, as played by Fable




"A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow." - Ovid.

Image|| Given Name ||
Daisuke Li Kara.

|| Preferred Name ||
Dai or Blue.

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||
Bisexual (in the closet).

|| Nationality ||

|| Part-time Occupation ||
Dai has never really had a proper job, but his father owned a market stall in their home town and he would often be asked to help out.

|| Grade ||

|| Sophomore Pair ||

|| Face Claim ||
Gareki (Karneval).

|| Theme Song ||
Arctic Monkeys - "R U Mine?"


Image|| Attributes ||
Intelligence: 7
Trustworthiness: 4
Popularity: 3
Charisma: 5
Responsibility: 3
Sporting Ability: 3

|| Attribute I strive for ||

|| Most attractive attribute ||

|| Likes ||
βœ“ Fruit.
βœ“ The outdoors.
βœ“ Video games.
βœ“ Arctic Monkeys.
βœ“ Anime.
βœ“ Fantasy/Adventure books.
βœ“ Cold weather (rain).
βœ“ English (subject).
βœ“ Tight-fitting clothes.
βœ“ Alone time.

|| Dislikes ||
βœ— Reality TV.
βœ— Zombies (literature, movies and TV programmes alike).
βœ— Children/babies.
βœ— Heavy breathing.
βœ— Unnecessary noise.
βœ— Waiting.
βœ— Wet hair/clothes.
βœ— Animals (save for dogs) and insects.
βœ— Maths & Science (subjects).
βœ— Being called "Li" or "Kara".

|| Personality Traits ||
{ Distant | Friendly | Cool-headed | Passive | Blunt | Furtive }

|| Skills ||
β€’ Dai has beyond exceptional skills when it comes to sketches and paintings; he is also occasionally known to sculpt things out of clay, should it suit him.
β€’ He is very observant of people/events and all things in general, and notes even the finest of details (for his own purposes).
β€’ He writes a lot, mainly stories that he has created himself, though he rarely sticks with one story long enough to finish it.

|| Flaws ||
β€’ Dai is rather blunt and, as such, often says things without stopping to think about whether or not he's hurting someone's feelings.
β€’ While he is somewhat strong physically, he is slow and his reflexes aren't too great in general.
β€’ Dai is friendly at times but will keep his distance from other people, though not in a rude way, and he is not known to have many friends.

|| Secrets ||
β€’ Dai would never readily admit it, but he has a tendency to believe in some (not all) superstitions; mainly magpies.
β€’ He hates animals and insects alike, and will visible shudder if approached by all but dogs; even then, he is only tolerant of them.
β€’ Often times, whenever he is offered the opportunity, Dai will consume alcoholic beverages, as they calm him. He prefers not to talk about it though.

|| Family ||
Mother - Unknown.

Father - Alive.

Older sister - Alive.

Younger brother - Alive.


Image || Hair Colour ||
Black, with an ocean-blue tint under direct light.

|| Eye Colour ||

|| Complexion ||
Naturally pale.

|| Height ||

|| Weight ||
8st 5lb.

|| Body Build ||
Slender yet healthy and toned.

|| Distinct Markings/Tattoos ||
β€’ He has a tattoo of the Uzumaki clan symbol (Naruto) on his upper-left arm.
β€’ Two small magpies on his right hip; for good luck.

|| Accessories/Piercings ||
β€’ Dai had his ears pierced as a child, but the holes have long since healed up.
β€’ Snake-bite piercings on his lower lip (not visible in images or on FC).

|| Clothing Style ||
Dai is often known to wear tight-fitting clothes, with no real preference as to a specific style. When not wearing his uniform, he can be seen wearing either a sleeveless hoody or a simple black (or blue) jacket over a plain t-shirt. He prefers to wear shorts that stop just above his knee but will willingly wear skinny jeans if it's a bit chilly outside.


So begins...

Daisuke Li Kara's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Li Kara Character Portrait: Himeko Kitogawa
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#, as written by Fable


Daisuke listened intently as Himeko continued on about her father and the little cat purse. At first he was somewhat relieved to know that he wasn't the only one struggling to keep a decent relationship with a father, but that didn't stop him from feeling at least a little bit sorry. His eyes scanned her facial features as she talked and he nodded without saying anything. He only smiled when she explained that it made her father happy. She must care a lot about him, he thought, to carry around such an item just to make him smile... Daisuke wished he could do stuff like that for his family, but they were an intolerable bunch. It wasn't even like they tried to annoy him, he just couldn't find a way to get along with them. He turned his head away from Himeko to focus on the path of their tour, even though they weren't exactly walking any longer, and decided not to push the conversation any further between them. We should set out soon, he continued, or I'll be late for lunch.

When Himeko began talking once more, he turned his head back towards her and listened. His expression went slack as she explained that he would have to pick a second club. He practically growled an exclamation of anger. Pinching his nose, he let out a sigh and let his entire weight fall back against the wall. He fought with every fibre in his body to keep himself standing as the irritation from choosing club activities had robbed him of all effort and energy. Of course, Himeko didn't give him enough time to think it all through before she gestured for him to follow and practically sped out of building B. He pushed his body away from the wall and jogged to catch up with her for a few seconds before he settled by her side and kept her quick pace down the path.

A thick heat formed at his cheeks as he felt her nimble fingers curling around his wrist and the light tugging as she tried to quicken the pace even further. It was something he was certainly not used to, at least not from anyone other than his little brother. His eyes were unable to move from his wrist, up until he realised that he needed to pay attention to where he was going. They'd already passed through a set of double doors into a building with classrooms on either side. She didn't bother to talk him through anything, so his eyes quickly scanned all of the signs above the doors before he was dragged back out of the building once more. My God, he thought, why is she going so fast? He understood that she wanted to get the tour completed before lunch, but he was quickly running out of stamina. They might as well be jogging around the campus with the speed they were walking at. He had noticed the change in her breathing patterns so he knew she was also getting tired, yet she kept going... He admired that, at least. She's determined, I'll give her that. He almost smiled.

When they finally reached the building, they began to scale the flights of stairs, albeit a little slowly. Upon reaching the top, Himeko read the names of the guys who were meant to be sharing a dorm room with him. An inaudible sigh escaped his lips as she read the names of Kaoru Inoue and Daniel Trist. He hadn't met them before, which meant more uncomfortable introductions and a whole new set of 'agreements' to be made. If he was lucky, he could lock himself in his private bedroom and shut them out completely, then they'd get the message and leave him be. As he imagined all the possible outcomes of having to share a dorm with some others of his own gender, he scarcely even noticed that Himeko had practically collapsed onto the floor. Concerned at first, Daisuke fought the urge to rush forward, but she seemed to relax after a little while. Not only that, but the bell rang to signal their lunch hour. His eyes fell to Himeko as she told him that his obligation to speak to her was as good as dead. He nodded, but something prevented him from walking away immediately.

She continued speaking shortly after. Daisuke almost felt a little awkward about leaving her sat in the hallway. "Well, Himeko Kitogawa, I very much enjoyed meeting you," he said with a faint smile on his lips. He was trying his best to be polite. "At least, I'm glad I had such a dedicated tour guide for my first year." He knelt down in front of her for a brief moment. "I have no doubt that you'll go far; your work ethic is incredible." When he stood back up, he went straight for the doors of his dorm room, though he paused briefly and turned only his head to her. "I know we have this agreement and all, but... If you need someone to sit with sometime, or you just need to talk, I'm here." Saying little else to her, he made his way inside and closed the door behind himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daisuke Li Kara Character Portrait: Hikari Ushino Character Portrait: Akira Miyuu Character Portrait: Ryou Giou Character Portrait: Himeko Kitogawa
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"I'm having lunch. Excuse me."

She was a bit surprised by how he responded to the fans, only giggling a bit. Perhaps it was a good thing he wasn't a model? The paparazzi would eat him alive, even though he was civil they could turn a frown into assault. They proved that words were dangerous, the word of the paparazzi was more dangerous to an idol than any weapon known to man. She blinked as she noticed his wrath was about to turn on her, but thankfully his attitude changed before she got to be on the receiving end of his wrath. T-Too close!! Almost mistook for one of the bloodsuckers...

"Want to eat with me?"

His tone was entirely different than the one he displayed to his fans, which was a pleasant relief. At least she knew that Ryou didn't find her as annoying as them, "Sure." Her tone was simple and without ulterior motive, she didn't overthink the extended offer, because unlike the girls flocking around him and the boys that approached her, she wasn't looking for a relationship, at least not a serious one and Ryou was off limits, he was her chosen partner in the school program so she couldn't flirt with him, it would only make matters complicated. So Hikaru chose to put no thought into it at all. All Hikari knew was that she didn't know anyone else in the room, eating alone would be pathetic, and being around Ryou was simple. Hikari liked the simplicity of his company so she nodded her head with cheerful smile. She didn't have to worry about her words nor did she have to worry about him hitting on her, it was an ideal partnership...considering they both were constantly being stalked and approached by strangers.

She went through the line and chose the tray that had the healthiest choice. Most of the contents of her choice was salad, but she also picked up a decent piece of cake to reward herself. She knew it would make her parents mad if they found out, but she would go crazy if she didn't reward herself sometimes.. Just because she had to stay fit to be a pop idol didn't mean she had to swear off from sweet foods entirely..

She grabbed a milk carton and turned to see if Ryou was ready before finding an empty table. She found one by the windows so they could see the cherry blossoms as they ate, "This table has an awesome view!" She sat down immediately with a childish grin. She opened her milk and parted her chopsticks, but she had something else on her mind other than her rumbling stomach, "I wonder if we'll meet anyone friendly who isn't interested in an autograph or slipping you a love potion before class starts..." She wasn't sure if that was what Ryou wanted, but she did want to have a lot of friends.. She never got to make friends like a normal kid before, this was her second chance.. Then she decided to stop talking as much, she'd give herself a reason to shut up for a bit, "What brought you here, Ryou-San? If that isn't to bold to ask. If it's too personal I don't expect an answer.. It's just me trying to make conversation and.. I don't want to drive you crazy...Mom always says that I talk too much..." she confessed, finally staring down at her food. It wasn't an ideal choice, but she had grown used to the bland healthy choices she was forced to make. At least she could eat a lot of it?

"Itadakimasu!" she exclaimed excitedly, ready to let him take the reigns of the conversation for a while, she was too busy digging in. Although she was eating fast it wasn't sloppy, it had to be a miracle but she didn't get food on her face at all


"Well, Himeko Kitogawa, I very much enjoyed meeting you,"

Enjoyed meeting her? That was a first. Usually people tolerated her because her father was well known and rich, but no one actually said they enjoyed meeting her before.. She was more than a little shocked by his words. She said nothing, because if she would have spoke to him more than her eyes would have given away her surprise. Thus far she was doing quite well to keep the rest of her face emotionless. If she showed the emotions on her face she would be vulnerable... but if she didn't then this whole event was in vain. Could she really depend on Kazuhiko for the rest of her life? She was so lonely and mentally envied those around her... Yet here she sat doing nothing to fix the problem? She was barely trying... Touching his wrist was the bravest thing she'd ever done in her entire life, yet that was ultimately pathetic as far as 'normal' socialization goes..

"At least, I'm glad I had such a dedicated tour guide for my first year."

She felt her entire body tense up as Daisuke knelt down as well. T-Too close!! I-I wasn't paying attention when I grabbed his wrist... I was too focused on making the deadline.. N-now everything is embarrassing again... She wanted to avoid his fgaze, seeing as her eyes would give away the façade her face was trying to sell to him. Everything about other people getting too close made her nervous.. Sure, it was worse with guys because she was attracted to boys... but girls made her feel fairly uneasy as well.. She was not used to other people being so close.. It was scary.

"I have no doubt that you'll go far; your work ethic is incredible."

The compliment finally broke the mask and her face erupted into a dark blush. Someone appreciated her hard work? Someone noticed she was working hard in the first place? Even her teachers typically got upset with her antisocial behavior.. This program was all it took to break the silent barrier between herself and others? Arigato...Riyumiya-Sensei... she thought to herself and even allowed a small smile to cross her lips. Perhaps being without Kazuhiko would be a good thing..?

"I know we have this agreement and all, but... If you need someone to sit with sometime, or you just need to talk, I'm here."

Finally Himeko turned from where she sat to face him, completely baffled by his offer. Guys on TV... They always said they hated listening to girls talk and complain.. Why was he so willing to let her do so? What was the motive behind this behavior? She didn't understand him at all, "I'll keep that in mind..." She replied in a dumbfounded tone. It wasn't until about five minutes after Daisuke left her alone that she forced herself up to her feet and went to get cleaned up in her dorm room. She felt some energy return to her and she simply devoured an entire bottle of water to avoid dehydration. Once she felt she was presentable again she returned to the hall and made her way down the steps and into the lunchroom. She got in line, completely intimidated by the massive amount of students inside the cafeteria. She kept to herself, an arrogant and unapproachable look on her face as she practically strutted the entire line and to a table by a orange dirty blond haired boy (Akira). She remained quiet, not even sitting across or next to the 'boy' instead she was sitting diagonally from the feminine boy, the spot furthest from him at the table. Nope, silent and invisible barrier was still there... She couldn't force a single word out...

"Itadakimasu..." she knew that it was far too quiet for the other student to hear, especially in the noisy cafeteria, but she began eating and ignored Akira entirely.